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You can also call 2-1-1, a resource helpline for referrals for childcare, affordable housing or shelter, cash assistance, healthcare and more.</p> <h2 id="applying-for-calfresh" class="spacing-above-60">Applying for CalFresh</h2> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">How quickly will I get benefits?</h3> <p>Your county has 30 days to approve or deny your case. Some people with very low income can get expedited services, and their cases should be processed in 3 days. Because of the pandemic, counties are receiving a higher volume of applications than normal. It may take longer than usual to hear back. If it’s been more than two weeks and you haven’t gotten any mail or phone calls from your county, or you want to contact your county office, you can <a class='link--subtle' href='contact'>find their phone number here</a>.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">I just lost my job - how does that affect my application for CalFresh?</h3> <p>You can definitely apply for CalFresh if you just lost your job. If your income recently stopped, your county will only count any final payments you got in the last 30 days to calculate how much CalFresh you will receive in the first month. If you still have any income, your ongoing benefits will be based only on that income, not income that has stopped. You should provide proof of any money you got in the last 30 days if you can.</p> <p>It isn't required, but it can be helpful to provide any proof you have that your income has stopped. This could be a letter, or a screenshot of an email or text from your employer that explains that you are no longer working. If you can’t get proof, write a letter that explains that you aren’t working. Make sure to include the last date you worked, and sign and date it.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">If I still have a job but don’t have hours and am not getting paid, what do I put for my income?</h3> <p>If your income has decreased or stopped, you can upload proof of income for the last 30 days through <a class='link--subtle' href='docs'></a>. If your income went up and you aren’t sure if you need to report changes, you can call your county to get more information. You can find their contact information <a class='link--subtle' href='contact'>here</a>.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">What do I need to know about CalFresh and unemployment benefits?</h3> <p>You can get CalFresh and unemployment benefits at the same time, as long as the amount of money you get from unemployment isn't over the <a class='link--subtle' href=''>CalFresh income limits</a>. You can start a CalFresh application and we’ll help you figure out if you’re over the limit. Getting CalFresh won't affect how much money you get from unemployment.</p> <p>If you applied for unemployment but haven't gotten money from unemployment yet, you don't have to report it on your CalFresh application. If you get CalFresh right now and have started receiving unemployment or the amount you get has changed, we recommend <a class='link--subtle' href='contact'>reaching out to your county CalFresh office</a> to let them know about your income changes. They will give you next steps based on your situation.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">What documents should I submit with my application?</h3> <p>The documents you need to submit depends on your situation. When you apply on, you will be given a list of recommended documents to submit. These documents are usually required to get CalFresh:</p> <ul class="list--bulleted"> <li>A copy of your ID</li> <li>Proof of any income</li> <li>Proof of immigration status (for non-citizens)</li> <li>Proof of student status (for college students)</li> </ul> <p>These documents are optional but can increase your benefit amount:</p> <ul class="list--bulleted"> <li>Proof of housing expenses</li> <li>Proof of child support that you pay</li> <li>Proof of child/dependent care that you pay for</li> <li>If you are 60+ or disabled, proof of medical expenses.</li> </ul> <p>If you can’t get proof, the CalFresh office will generally accept a written statement explaining your situation - make sure it is signed and dated. Submitting all of your documents with the application can help you skip the interview (through March 2023) and get approved more quickly.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">I heard that the county office is closed - what should I expect?</h3> <p>Most county offices are now open, but you don’t have to go in person to the CalFresh office to get benefits. After you apply online, all of your communication with the county can be over the phone or through the mail. You can even have your EBT card mailed to you.</p> <h2 id="info-using-calfresh" class="spacing-above-60 spacing-below-35">Using and Keeping CalFresh</h2> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">Can I use my EBT card online?</h3> <p>Great news! You can use your EBT card to purchase groceries online at Amazon and Walmart. Visit <a class='link--subtle' href=''>Amazon</a> or <a class='link--subtle' href=''>Walmart</a> to learn more about how it works. Unfortunately, you can't use CalFresh to pay for delivery. California is working to expand access to more grocery stores — check back for updates. </p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">Do I need to tell the county if I recently moved?</h3> <p>You don’t need to report a change of address if you have temporarily moved due to the pandemic. If you know you will not return to your old address, you can call your county to let them know you have moved. <a class='link--subtle' href='contact'>You can find their contact information here</a>.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">How do I report changes to my income?</h3> <p>If your income has decreased or stopped, you can upload proof of income for the last 30 days through <a class='link--subtle' href='docs'></a>. Your county will give you more information about when you have to report increases in income. If your income went up and you aren't sure if you need to report changes, you can <a class='link--subtle' href='contact'>call your county to get more information</a>.</p> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">Do I need to submit renewal reports such as the SAR 7?</h3> <p>Yes, Semi-Annual Reports (SAR 7s) for CalFresh must be submitted six months after your application. For example: Your SAR 7 would be due in June if you applied for CalFresh in January (unless everyone in your household is 60+ or disabled). If you have questions about when your SAR 7 is due, <a class='link--subtle' href='contact'>call your county office</a>.</p> <h2 id="info-benefits-replacement" class="spacing-above-60">Replace lost or damaged food</h2> <h3 class="spacing-above-35 spacing-below-15">How do I replace my benefits?</h3> <p><p>You can request replacement benefits for food that</p> <ul class="list--bulleted"> <li>you bought using CalFresh</li> <li>and you lost or had damaged in an emergency (fire, natural disaster, power outages, etc.)</li> </ul> <p>Follow these steps:</p> <ul class="list--numbered"> <li><strong>Download the form: </strong><a href="" target='_blank'>Replacement or Disaster Supplement Affidavit (CF 303)</a> [PDF, 95 KB] <i class="button__icon--left icon-" aria-hidden='true'>open_in_new</i></li> <li><strong>Fill out the form: </strong>You may do this electronically. You may also print it and fill it out.</li> <li><strong>Submit your form: </strong>Go to <a href="" target='_blank'></a> to upload your form. You can also deliver the form to <a href="" target="_blank">your county office address</a> by mail or fax. Or, you may go to your county office in person to fill out and submit a paper form.</li> </ul> </p> </div> </div> </section> </main> </div> <footer class="main-footer"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__item width-two-thirds text--small_light"> <p class="service-msg"> is a service delivered by <a class='link--subtle' href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener' data-track-click='false'>Code for America<span class='screen-reader-only'>(opens in a new tab)</span> <i class='icon-open_new_tab'></i></a> on behalf of the people of California.</p> <div class="navigation-list"> <p><a class="link--subtle link--external" href="/en/faq">Frequently asked questions</a></p> <p><a class="link--subtle link--external" href="/en/privacy">Privacy policy</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="grid__item width-one-third main-footer__gcf-logo"> <a href="/en"> <img alt="" src="/assets/gcf_lockup_monocrhome-47dd633a74c9c94e3ada433b725e63565f90ead80001e4c9e79a7e38ba86fbca.svg" /> </a> </div> </div> </footer> </body> </html>