The Regents of the University of Michigan
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The president of the University serves as an <em>ex officio</em> member of the board.</p> <p>The Regents serve without compensation for overlapping terms of eight years. According to the Michigan Constitution of 1963, the Regents have “general supervision” of the institution and “the control and direction of all expenditures from the institution’s funds.”</p> <p>For historical information about the Regents, visit the <a href="">Bentley Historical Library</a>.</p> <p>For general inquiries or assistance with administrative matters, please <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#a2d7cfd0c7c5c7ccd6d1e2d7cfcbc1ca8cc7c6d7">contact us</a> (<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="22574f504745474c565162574f4b414a0c474657">[email protected]</a>).</p> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap relative"> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/jordan-b-acker/" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/acker.jpg" alt="A portrait of Jordan B. Acker" class="w-full fade lozad relative print:opacity-100" /> <div class="mt-4 text-richi-black group-hover:text-tappan-red "> <h3 class="text-sm mb-0" > Jordan B. Acker </h3> <div>Term expires: January 1, 2027</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/michael-j-behm/" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/michael-j-behm.jpg" alt="A portrait of Michael J. Behm" class="w-full fade lozad relative print:opacity-100" /> <div class="mt-4 text-richi-black group-hover:text-tappan-red "> <h3 class="text-sm mb-0" > Michael J. Behm </h3> <div>Term expires: January 1, 2031</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/mark-j-bernstein/" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/bernstein.jpg" alt="A portrait of Mark J. Bernstein" class="w-full fade lozad relative print:opacity-100" /> <div class="mt-4 text-richi-black group-hover:text-tappan-red "> <h3 class="text-sm mb-0" > Mark J. Bernstein </h3> <div>Term expires: January 1, 2029</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/paul-w-brown/" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/brown.jpg" alt="A portrait of Paul W. Brown" class="w-full fade lozad relative print:opacity-100" /> <div class="mt-4 text-richi-black group-hover:text-tappan-red "> <h3 class="text-sm mb-0" > Paul W. Brown </h3> <div>Term expires: January 1, 2027</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/sarah-hubbard" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/sarah-hubbard.jpg" alt="A portrait of Sarah Hubbard" class="w-full fade lozad relative print:opacity-100" /> <div class="mt-4 text-richi-black group-hover:text-tappan-red "> <h3 class="text-sm mb-0" > Sarah Hubbard </h3> <div>Term expires: January 1, 2029</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/denise-ilitch/" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/illitch-2024.jpg" alt="A portrait of Denise Ilitch" class="w-full fade lozad relative print:opacity-100" /> <div class="mt-4 text-richi-black group-hover:text-tappan-red "> <h3 class="text-sm mb-0" > Denise Ilitch </h3> <div>Term expires: January 1, 2033</div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="w-1/2 mb-8 odd:pr-1 even:pl-1 md:w-1125 md:mr-4 group regents-card"> <a href="/regents/carl-j-meyers" class="block w-full h-full no-underline text-xs" > <img src="/uploads/regent-carl-meyers_web-420x420-at-72dpi_bw.jpg" alt="A portrait of Carl J. 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