Lane Garrison

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Also injured were two 15-year-old girls, also passengers. At time of arrest, Garrison's blood alcohol level was as high as .20 (twice the legal limit) and cocaine was detected in his system. In addition to the DWI and manslaughter charge, he was also booked on a charge of furnishing alcohol to a minor. Why a grown man was spending time with underage drunk high school kids is left as an exercise for the reader. Garrison has been sentenced to forty months in prison.<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; High School: J. J. Pearce High School, Richardson, TX (1998)<br><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/crime/293/000043164/">Driving While Intoxicated</a> 2-Dec-2006 (guilty plea)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/crime/394/000050244/">Vehicular Manslaughter</a> 2-Dec-2006 (guilty plea)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/crime/307/000043178/">Battery</a> Beverly Hills, CA 21-Apr-2012<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/event/700/000172184/">Psychiatric Observation</a> <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Risk Factors: <a href="/lists/353/000083104/">Cocaine</a><br> <p> &nbsp; &nbsp; <font size=-2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">TELEVISION</font><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/tv/095/000103783/">Prison Break</a> David Apolskis ("Tweener", 2005-06)<br><p> &nbsp; &nbsp; <font size=-2 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">FILMOGRAPHY AS ACTOR</font><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/films/651/000384496/">Camp X-Ray (17-Jan-2014)</a> <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/films/911/000386750/">Bonnie & Clyde (8-Dec-2013)</a> <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/films/295/000277461/">Crazy (2-Mar-2008)</a> &middot; Billy Garland<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/films/050/000129660/">Shooter (23-Mar-2007)</a> <br><p> <br> <p> <table> <tr> <td align=right valign=middle style="padding-right: 5px;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 22px; font-style: italic; color: #ff3333;">New!</span><br> <a href="" class="fotmlink" style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #dd0000;">NNDB MAPPER</a></td> <td valign=middle align=right style="border-left: 1px solid #bbb; padding-left: 5px;">Create a map starting with</td> <td valign=middle align=right><a href=""><img src="/man.gif" border=0 style="padding: 2px;"></a></td> <td align=left valign=middle> <a href="">Lane Garrison</a></td> </tr> </table> <font face="Trebuchet MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2">Requires Flash 7+ and Javascript.</font> <br><br><p> <font size=-1>Do you know something we don't?</font><br> <font size=-1><a href="" rel="nofollow">Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile</a></font><br> <p> <br><br><p><font size=-1>Copyright &copy;2019 Soylent Communications</font><p> </td></tr></table> </td></tr> </table> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="top" style="padding: 0px 0px 8px 25px;"></td></tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>

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