Phonology software downloads
<html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Phonology software downloads</title> </head> <body> <p style="color:gold; font-size:36"><b>November 2023 update: Please note that a new and thoroughly revised Windows version of the Dekereke software tool is <a href="">now available</a>. A preliminary Mac version can be accessed at the same link. Although the original Windows version of Dekereke is still available (see download link further below), use of the newer version is strongly recommended.</b></p> <h1 style="text-align:center">Phonology Software Downloads</h1> <p>The programs listed below are being developed by Rod Casali at the Canada Institute of Linguistics. Please address questions, suggestions and bug reports to me at</p> <h2 style="color:red">IMPORTANT: Please note that all of these phonology programs are <b>Windows</b> programs. There are no Mac or Linux versions available.</h2> <h2 style="color:red">A detailed demonstration of the steps involved in downloading and installing the software programs is found in a short video clip at the very bottom of this page.</h2> <h2>Random Sound Inventory teaching demo software</h2> <p>Random Sound Inventory is a program that generates consonant and vowel sound inventories consisting, respectively, of random sets of IPA symbols. It also generates sets of hypothetical words that consist of random sequences of these symbols, with no constraints on their combinatory possibilities. It is intended as a teaching device to introduce the subject matter of phonology by illustrating how real language sound systems differ from simple collections of sounds with unrestricted patterning. For comparison purposes, the program can display phonemic inventories from four real languages: English, Korean, (modern) Hebrew, and Thai.</p> <p><a href="">Download Random Sound Inventory as zip file</a></p> <h2>FPlot formant plotting software</h2> <p><a href="">Download FPlot as zip file</a></p> <h2><s>VForm vowel formant analysis software</s> (updated April 14, 2022)</h2> <h2 style="color:red"> Please note that VForm has been superseded by a newer program called <a href="">QuickVPlot</a>! While VForm can still be downloaded at the link below, use of QuickVPlot is recommended instead.</h2> <p><a href="">Download VForm as zip file</a></p> <!-- <h2>PhonWrite phonology description authoring software (preliminary version)</h2> <p><a href="">Download PhonWrite as zip file</a></p> --> <h2>Sound Splitter wordlist recording and sound-file extraction tool (program version updated December 5, 2024)</h2> <p><a href="">Download Sound Splitter as zip file</a></p> <h2>Sound splitter demo video</h2> <p>The demo below is based on part of a recorded wordlist in the Asante Twi dialect of Akan--many thanks to Michael Asamoah for making the original recording.</p> <video width="1000" height="640" controls=""> <source src="SoundSplitterDemoSept2021.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> <h2>Dekereke phonology software tool</h2> <p style="color:red">IMPORTANT: Please be aware that Dekereke is a <b>Windows</b> programs. There is no Mac or Linux version available.</p> <p>Current Dekereke build is 1_0_0_313, modified March 13, 2023. <a href="">View summary of version changes.</a></p> <p><a href="">View notes on exporting data to Dekereke from FLEX</a></p> <p><a href="">Download Dekereke as zip file</a></p> <p><a href="">Download optional tone font for Dekereke as zip file</a></p> <p><a href="">Dekereke tutorials and help materials (new, and under construction)</a></p> <h2>Tone/pitch fonts & keyboards created by Keith Snider & John Alsop </h2> <p><a href="">Download Snider-Alsop pitch fonts & keyboards as zip file</a></p> <p><b>(Note that these tone fonts are not Unicode fonts, and are not intended for use with Dekereke. See the file <i>Pitch Contours keyboarding using PL.docx</i> found within the zip file for more information on using the tone fonts and keyboards.)</b></p> <h2>Software installation demo video</h2> <p>Watch the video below, or download it here:</p> <p><a href="">Download installation demo video clip</a></p> <video width="1000" height="640" controls=""> <source src="PhonSoftwareInstallationTutorial.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> </body></html>