{"title":"Objectivity, Reliability and Validity of the 90\u00ba\r\nPush-Ups Test Protocol Among Male and\r\nFemale Students of Sports Science Program","authors":"Ahmad Hashim, Mohd Sani Madon","volume":66,"journal":"International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences","pagesStart":1068,"pagesEnd":1072,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/3416","abstract":"This study was conducted to determine the\r\nobjectivity, reliability and validity of the 90\u00ba push-ups test protocol\r\namong male and female students of Sports Science Program, Faculty\r\nof Sports Science and Coaching Sultan Idris University of Education.\r\nSamples (n = 300), consisted of males (n = 168) and females (n =\r\n132) students were randomly selected for this study. Researchers\r\ntested the 90\u00ba push-ups on the sample twice in a single trial, test and\r\nre-test protocol in the bench press test. Pearson-Product Moment\r\nCorrelation method's was used to determine the value of objectivity,\r\nreliability and validity testing. The findings showed that the 900 pushups\r\ntest protocol showed high consistency between the two testers\r\nwith a value of r = .99. Likewise, The reliability value between test\r\nand re-test for the 90\u00ba push-ups test for the male (r=.93) and female\r\n(r=.93) students was also high. The results showed a correlation\r\nbetween 90\u00ba push-ups test and bench press test for boys was r = .64\r\nand girls was r = .28. This finding indicates that the use of the 90\u00ba\r\npush-ups to test muscular strength and endurance in the upper body\r\nof males has a higher validity values than female students.","references":"[1] Baumgartner, T. A., & Chung, H. Confidence limits form intraclass\r\nreliability coefficients. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise\r\nScience, 2000, vol 5, pp. 179-188.\r\n[2] Baumgartner, T. A., Jackson, A. S., Mahar, M. T., & Rowe,D. A.\r\nMeasurement for evaluation in physical education and exercise science\r\n(7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.pp 79-115,\r\n[3] Baumgartner, T. A., Strong, C. H.,&Hensley, L. D. Conducting and\r\nreading research in health and human performance (3rd ed.). New York:\r\nMcGraw-Hill. 2002.\r\n[4] Baumgartner, T. A., Oh, S., Chung, H.,&Hales, D Objectivity,\r\nreliability, and validity for a revised push-up test protocol. Measurement\r\nin Physical Education and Exercise Science. 2002, vol 6, pp. 225-242.\r\n[5] Baumgartner, T. A., & Wood, H.M. Objectivity, reliability, and validity\r\nof the bent-knee push-up for college age women. Measurement in\r\nPhysical Education and Exercise Science, 2004, vol 6, pp. 225-242.\r\n[6] Fitnessgram \/ Activitygram Test Administration Manual (4thed) (2007).\r\nThe Cooper Institute Dallas, Texas.pp 25-56.\r\n[7] Jackson, A. W., Fromme, C., Plitt, H., & Mercer, J Reliability and\r\nvalidity of a 1-minute push-up test for young adults. Research Quarterly\r\nfor Exercise and Sport, .1994. vol 65, A-57 (Abstract).\r\n[8] McManis, B. G., Baumgartner, T. A., & Wuest, D. A. Objetivity and\r\nreliability of the 90\u252c\u2591 push-up test. Measurement in Physical Education\r\nand Exercise Science, 2000, vol 4, pp 57-67.\r\n[9] Pate, R. R., Burgess, M. L.,Woods, J. A., Ross, J. G.,&Baumgartner, T.\r\nValidity of field tests of upper body strength. Research Quarterly for\r\nExercise and Sport, 199, vol 64, pp. 17-24.\r\n[10] Safrit, M J., & Wood, T. M.. Introduction to measurement in physical\r\neducation and exercise science (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.\r\n1995.pp. 297-303.\r\n[11] Tritschler, K.. Barrow & McGee-s practical measurement and\r\nassessment (5th ed.). Baltimore: Lippincott. 2000.\r\n[12] Wood, H. M & Baumgartner, T. A. Objectivity, reliability and validity\r\nof the bent-knee push-up for college-age women. Measurement in\r\nphysical education and exercise science, 2004, vol 8(4), pp 203-212.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 66, 2012"}