Add-ons - Heroku Elements
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href="/addons/ah-influxdb-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="InfluxDB on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for InfluxDB </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="InfluxDB on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">InfluxDB on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/bucketeer"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Use Amazon S3 from your Heroku application." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Bucketeer </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Use Amazon S3 from your Heroku application." data-toggle="tooltip">Use Amazon S3 from your Heroku application.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/schematogo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Simplifying Heroku's PostgreSQL Integration" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Schema To Go - PostgreSQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Simplifying Heroku's PostgreSQL Integration" data-toggle="tooltip">Simplifying Heroku's PostgreSQL Integration</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-mariadb-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="MariaDB (MySQL) on dedicated instances with very attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for MariaDB </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="MariaDB (MySQL) on dedicated instances with very attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">MariaDB (MySQL) on dedicated instances with very attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/sentineldb"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="A privacy by design, GDPR-compliant database with per-record encryption" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SentinelDB </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="A privacy by design, GDPR-compliant database with per-record encryption" data-toggle="tooltip">A privacy by design, GDPR-compliant database with per-record encryption</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/rediscloud"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="From the creators of Redis®. Enterprise-Class Redis for Developers (w/Free plan)" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Redis® Cloud </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="From the creators of Redis®. Enterprise-Class Redis for Developers (w/Free plan)" data-toggle="tooltip">From the creators of Redis®. Enterprise-Class Redis for Developers (w/Free plan)</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/cloudcube"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Flexible AWS S3 file storage without the hassle." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Cloudcube </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Flexible AWS S3 file storage without the hassle." data-toggle="tooltip">Flexible AWS S3 file storage without the hassle.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/jawsdb-maria"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="MariaDB, the open source drop-in replacement for MySQL now available on Heroku" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> JawsDB Maria </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="MariaDB, the open source drop-in replacement for MySQL now available on Heroku" data-toggle="tooltip">MariaDB, the open source drop-in replacement for MySQL now available on Heroku</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ormongo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="High-Performance MongoDB + Fanatical Support™ |" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> ObjectRocket for MongoDB </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="High-Performance MongoDB + Fanatical Support™ |" data-toggle="tooltip">High-Performance MongoDB + Fanatical Support™ |</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/memetria-redis"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Valkey 7.2, Instrumented and Scaled" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Memetria for Redis®* </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Valkey 7.2, Instrumented and Scaled" data-toggle="tooltip">Valkey 7.2, Instrumented and Scaled</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/keen"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Managed Kafka pipeline to stream, store, analyze, and visualize event data" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Keen </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Managed Kafka pipeline to stream, store, analyze, and visualize event data" data-toggle="tooltip">Managed Kafka pipeline to stream, store, analyze, and visualize event data</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/cachetogo"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Boost Heroku with Cache To Go: Easy Redis caching & support." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Cache To Go </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Boost Heroku with Cache To Go: Easy Redis caching & support." data-toggle="tooltip">Boost Heroku with Cache To Go: Easy Redis caching & support.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/upstash-redis"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Serverless Database for Redis® with durable storage and low latency. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Upstash for Redis®* </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Serverless Database for Redis® with durable storage and low latency. " data-toggle="tooltip">Serverless Database for Redis® with durable storage and low latency. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/jawsdb"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="The database you trust, with the power and reliability you need." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> JawsDB MySQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="The database you trust, with the power and reliability you need." data-toggle="tooltip">The database you trust, with the power and reliability you need.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/line-d"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Simplify file storage and processing for logs, media, and more. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Autofiles by line^d </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Simplify file storage and processing for logs, media, and more. " data-toggle="tooltip">Simplify file storage and processing for logs, media, and more. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/heroku-postgresql"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable and powerful database as a service based on PostgreSQL." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Heroku Postgres </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable and powerful database as a service based on PostgreSQL." data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable and powerful database as a service based on PostgreSQL.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-valkey-stackhero"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Valkey on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Valkey </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Valkey on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">Valkey on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/openredis"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Dependable Redis Hosting." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> openredis </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Dependable Redis Hosting." data-toggle="tooltip">Dependable Redis Hosting.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/heroku-kafka"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable and powerful Apache Kafka as a service." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Apache Kafka on Heroku </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable and powerful Apache Kafka as a service." data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable and powerful Apache Kafka as a service.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/borealis-pg"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="A PostgreSQL database add-on that takes security seriously." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Borealis Isolated Postgres </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="A PostgreSQL database add-on that takes security seriously." data-toggle="tooltip">A PostgreSQL database add-on that takes security seriously.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-mysql-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="MySQL on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for MySQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="MySQL on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">MySQL on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/instaclustr"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Hosted and managed Apache Cassandra NoSQL databases" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Instaclustr Apache Cassandra </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Hosted and managed Apache Cassandra NoSQL databases" data-toggle="tooltip">Hosted and managed Apache Cassandra NoSQL databases</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-s3-object-storage-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Object storage on dedicated instances with unlimited transfers" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero Object Storage (compatible with the Amazon S3 protocol) </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Object storage on dedicated instances with unlimited transfers" data-toggle="tooltip">Object storage on dedicated instances with unlimited transfers</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/sftptogo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Effortlessly store, transfer, and share files via SFTP, FTPS or our web portal." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SFTP To Go - Secure Cloud Storage as a Service </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Effortlessly store, transfer, and share files via SFTP, FTPS or our web portal." data-toggle="tooltip">Effortlessly store, transfer, and share files via SFTP, FTPS or our web portal.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-opensearch-stackhero"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="OpenSearch on dedicated instance, up-to-date version and super attractive prices" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for OpenSearch </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="OpenSearch on dedicated instance, up-to-date version and super attractive prices" data-toggle="tooltip">OpenSearch on dedicated instance, up-to-date version and super attractive prices</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-postgresql-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="PostgreSQL on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for PostgreSQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="PostgreSQL on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">PostgreSQL on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-redis-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Redis® on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Redis® </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Redis® on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">Redis® on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/hdrive"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Create and use Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage and Google Bucket from Heroku App." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> HDrive </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Create and use Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage and Google Bucket from Heroku App." data-toggle="tooltip">Create and use Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage and Google Bucket from Heroku App.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/heroku-redis"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable and powerful key-value store as a service, compatible with Redis®* OSS." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Heroku Key-Value Store </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable and powerful key-value store as a service, compatible with Redis®* OSS." data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable and powerful key-value store as a service, compatible with Redis®* OSS.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mssql"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="The Microsoft SQL database for your heroku applications." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> MSSQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="The Microsoft SQL database for your heroku applications." data-toggle="tooltip">The Microsoft SQL database for your heroku applications.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="data-store-utilities"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Data Store Utilities</h5> <p>Utilities that make it easier to manage your data stores.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/launchpad"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Build Salesforce-Integrated Web & Mobile Applications 2x Faster" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> LaunchPad </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Build Salesforce-Integrated Web & Mobile Applications 2x Faster" data-toggle="tooltip">Build Salesforce-Integrated Web & Mobile Applications 2x Faster</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/dqe-one-server"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Deduplication, Duplicate, Data Quality & Dedupe Management for Salesforce." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> DQE One </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Deduplication, Duplicate, Data Quality & Dedupe Management for Salesforce." data-toggle="tooltip">Deduplication, Duplicate, Data Quality & Dedupe Management for Salesforce.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/grax"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Salesforce Data Lakehouse for Analytics, AI, ML, and more!" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> GRAX </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Salesforce Data Lakehouse for Analytics, AI, ML, and more!" data-toggle="tooltip">Salesforce Data Lakehouse for Analytics, AI, ML, and more!</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/activeprime-cleandata"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Always-on solution that automatically identifies and solves duplicates ." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> ActivePrime CleanData </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Always-on solution that automatically identifies and solves duplicates ." data-toggle="tooltip">Always-on solution that automatically identifies and solves duplicates .</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ramp"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="The Patient Engagement Cloud" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Enlyt Health </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="The Patient Engagement Cloud" data-toggle="tooltip">The Patient Engagement Cloud</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/trevor"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Explore your data, build dashboards and feed live results to Google Sheets." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> for Postgres / MySQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Explore your data, build dashboards and feed live results to Google Sheets." data-toggle="tooltip">Explore your data, build dashboards and feed live results to Google Sheets.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/redismonitor"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Track your Redis server's health and prevent problems before they occur." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Memetria Monitoring for Redis®* </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Track your Redis server's health and prevent problems before they occur." data-toggle="tooltip">Track your Redis server's health and prevent problems before they occur.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/usecsv"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Easy CSV & Excel import for your app." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> UseCSV </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Easy CSV & Excel import for your app." data-toggle="tooltip">Easy CSV & Excel import for your app.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/herokuconnect"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Salesforce Data Synchronization Service" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Heroku Connect </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Salesforce Data Synchronization Service" data-toggle="tooltip">Salesforce Data Synchronization Service</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/eppalock"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Offsite backups for your Postgres database." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Eppalock </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Offsite backups for your Postgres database." data-toggle="tooltip">Offsite backups for your Postgres database.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/xplenty"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Extract, Transform & Load Data to Heroku & Salesforce, Fast." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Extract, Transform & Load Data to Heroku & Salesforce, Fast." data-toggle="tooltip">Extract, Transform & Load Data to Heroku & Salesforce, Fast.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/remora-backup"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Secure Offsite Postgres Backup To Your Server or Our's" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Remora Offsite Backup </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Secure Offsite Postgres Backup To Your Server or Our's" data-toggle="tooltip">Secure Offsite Postgres Backup To Your Server or Our's</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/perfect-sync-tool"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Sync your Salesforce data with relational databases" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Datenator </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Sync your Salesforce data with relational databases" data-toggle="tooltip">Sync your Salesforce data with relational databases</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/cgignite"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="APIs, ETL, Messaging, Workflows, Data Pipelines" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IgniteConnex Editor </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="APIs, ETL, Messaging, Workflows, Data Pipelines" data-toggle="tooltip">APIs, ETL, Messaging, Workflows, Data Pipelines</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mcconnect"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Sync Data Cloud & Marketing Cloud with Postgres, Redshift, BigQuery, Kafka etc." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Data Cloud & Marketing Connector </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Sync Data Cloud & Marketing Cloud with Postgres, Redshift, BigQuery, Kafka etc." data-toggle="tooltip">Sync Data Cloud & Marketing Cloud with Postgres, Redshift, BigQuery, Kafka etc.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/dedup"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Remove Duplicates & Merge Data " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> DeDup </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Remove Duplicates & Merge Data " data-toggle="tooltip">Remove Duplicates & Merge Data </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/datadna"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Quickly build charts and dashboards across PostgreSQL databases. No ETL needed." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> DataDNA </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Quickly build charts and dashboards across PostgreSQL databases. No ETL needed." data-toggle="tooltip">Quickly build charts and dashboards across PostgreSQL databases. No ETL needed.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/stratisai"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Compose Agentic experiences, Extend Agentforce, deliver Private AI. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stratis AI </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Compose Agentic experiences, Extend Agentforce, deliver Private AI. " data-toggle="tooltip">Compose Agentic experiences, Extend Agentforce, deliver Private AI. </p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="monitoring"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Monitoring</h5> <p>Keep an eye on what's going on with your app.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/pingdom"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Outside-In View of Your Web Applications' Performance" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Pingdom </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Outside-In View of Your Web Applications' Performance" data-toggle="tooltip">Outside-In View of Your Web Applications' Performance</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/deadmanssnitch"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Dead simple monitoring for Heroku Scheduler, cron jobs, or any periodic process" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Dead Man's Snitch </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Dead simple monitoring for Heroku Scheduler, cron jobs, or any periodic process" data-toggle="tooltip">Dead simple monitoring for Heroku Scheduler, cron jobs, or any periodic process</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/appoptics"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Powerful, affordable, and easy to use application performance monitoring." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SolarWinds AppOptics </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Powerful, affordable, and easy to use application performance monitoring." data-toggle="tooltip">Powerful, affordable, and easy to use application performance monitoring.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/librato"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Heroku Monitoring | Application Performance Monitoring | Root Cause Analysis." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Librato </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Heroku Monitoring | Application Performance Monitoring | Root Cause Analysis." data-toggle="tooltip">Heroku Monitoring | Application Performance Monitoring | Root Cause Analysis.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/hostedgraphite"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Application, System, and Infrastructure monitoring via Graphite and Grafana" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Hosted Graphite </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Application, System, and Infrastructure monitoring via Graphite and Grafana" data-toggle="tooltip">Application, System, and Infrastructure monitoring via Graphite and Grafana</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/atatus"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Monitor, identify and fix application performance issues in real time." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Atatus </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Monitor, identify and fix application performance issues in real time." data-toggle="tooltip">Monitor, identify and fix application performance issues in real time.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/betteruptime"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Uptime Monitoring, Incident Management, On-call Scheduling/Alerting, Status Page" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Better Uptime </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Uptime Monitoring, Incident Management, On-call Scheduling/Alerting, Status Page" data-toggle="tooltip">Uptime Monitoring, Incident Management, On-call Scheduling/Alerting, Status Page</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/statuslist"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Uptime Monitoring, Hosted Status Pages and Performance Diagnostics in one place" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Status List Uptime </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Uptime Monitoring, Hosted Status Pages and Performance Diagnostics in one place" data-toggle="tooltip">Uptime Monitoring, Hosted Status Pages and Performance Diagnostics in one place</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/newrelic"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Monitor, troubleshoot, and tune production web applications." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> New Relic APM </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Monitor, troubleshoot, and tune production web applications." data-toggle="tooltip">Monitor, troubleshoot, and tune production web applications.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/scout"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="App monitoring to find memory leaks, N+1s, slow code and more." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Scout APM </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="App monitoring to find memory leaks, N+1s, slow code and more." data-toggle="tooltip">App monitoring to find memory leaks, N+1s, slow code and more.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/raygun-rum"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="User-centric front-end performance monitoring. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Raygun Real User Monitoring </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="User-centric front-end performance monitoring. " data-toggle="tooltip">User-centric front-end performance monitoring. </p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="logging"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Logging</h5> <p>Troubleshoot, monitor and analyze every aspect of your application’s usage.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/logabyss"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Stop IT headaches without breaking the bank! Reliable logging tool for everyone." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> LogAbyss </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Stop IT headaches without breaking the bank! Reliable logging tool for everyone." data-toggle="tooltip">Stop IT headaches without breaking the bank! Reliable logging tool for everyone.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/logdna"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Log management that empowers DevOps teams to control log data and gain insights." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Mezmo </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Log management that empowers DevOps teams to control log data and gain insights." data-toggle="tooltip">Log management that empowers DevOps teams to control log data and gain insights.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/siglens"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Industry's fastest log management, 1025x faster than ElasticSearch" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SigLens </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Industry's fastest log management, 1025x faster than ElasticSearch" data-toggle="tooltip">Industry's fastest log management, 1025x faster than ElasticSearch</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/sumologic"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Log mastery & Metric insights | Real-time analytics & Proactive ops" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Sumo Logic - Monitoring & Troubleshooting </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Log mastery & Metric insights | Real-time analytics & Proactive ops" data-toggle="tooltip">Log mastery & Metric insights | Real-time analytics & Proactive ops</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/logtail"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Query your logs like you query your database." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Logs & Telemetry (formerly Logtail) </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Query your logs like you query your database." data-toggle="tooltip">Query your logs like you query your database.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/papertrail"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Frustration-free log management. Papertrail makes logs fun. Ish." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Papertrail </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Frustration-free log management. Papertrail makes logs fun. Ish." data-toggle="tooltip">Frustration-free log management. Papertrail makes logs fun. Ish.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/coralogix"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Full-stack observability platform powered by in-stream data analytics engine" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Coralogix Observability </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Full-stack observability platform powered by in-stream data analytics engine" data-toggle="tooltip">Full-stack observability platform powered by in-stream data analytics engine</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="email-sms"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Email/SMS</h5> <p>Incorporate and track secure, reliable messaging to users or within your application itself.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/trustifi"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Trustifi gives you complete control of your email communications." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Trustifi </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Trustifi gives you complete control of your email communications." data-toggle="tooltip">Trustifi gives you complete control of your email communications.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/cloudmailin"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Scalable Incoming (and Transactional outbound) Email for your Heroku App" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> CloudMailIn </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Scalable Incoming (and Transactional outbound) Email for your Heroku App" data-toggle="tooltip">Scalable Incoming (and Transactional outbound) Email for your Heroku App</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mailertogo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Send email from your Heroku Apps." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Mailer To Go </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Send email from your Heroku Apps." data-toggle="tooltip">Send email from your Heroku Apps.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/blowerio"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Easy SMS messaging" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SMS </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Easy SMS messaging" data-toggle="tooltip">Easy SMS messaging</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mailgun"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="The email service provider for technologically progressive businesses." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Mailgun </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="The email service provider for technologically progressive businesses." data-toggle="tooltip">The email service provider for technologically progressive businesses.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/sendgrid"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable email delivery, at scale." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Twilio SendGrid </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable email delivery, at scale." data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable email delivery, at scale.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/realemail"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reduce bounced emails and errors by validating emails against MX records." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Real Email </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reduce bounced emails and errors by validating emails against MX records." data-toggle="tooltip">Reduce bounced emails and errors by validating emails against MX records.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mailgun-validations"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Don't waste your budget on email addresses that don’t exist." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Mailgun Email Validation </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Don't waste your budget on email addresses that don’t exist." data-toggle="tooltip">Don't waste your budget on email addresses that don’t exist.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mailtrap"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Just-in-time email delivery." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Mailtrap by Railsware </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Just-in-time email delivery." data-toggle="tooltip">Just-in-time email delivery.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="caching"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Caching</h5> <p>Improve the performance of your application by caching regularly accessed data.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/memcachedcloud"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Enterprise-Class Memcached for Developers" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Memcached Cloud </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Enterprise-Class Memcached for Developers" data-toggle="tooltip">Enterprise-Class Memcached for Developers</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/memcachier"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable and powerful memcache-as-a-service" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> MemCachier </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable and powerful memcache-as-a-service" data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable and powerful memcache-as-a-service</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/expeditedcdn"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Content Delivery Network tuned for Heroku. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Expedited CDN </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Content Delivery Network tuned for Heroku. " data-toggle="tooltip">Content Delivery Network tuned for Heroku. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/edge"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Speed up your app with the AWS CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN)" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Edge </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Speed up your app with the AWS CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN)" data-toggle="tooltip">Speed up your app with the AWS CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN)</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/iron_cache"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Elastic, High Performace, Highly Available, Secure Cloud-Based Key/Value Store." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IronCache Key-Value Store as a Service </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Elastic, High Performace, Highly Available, Secure Cloud-Based Key/Value Store." data-toggle="tooltip">Elastic, High Performace, Highly Available, Secure Cloud-Based Key/Value Store.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-memcached-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Memcached on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Memcached </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Memcached on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices" data-toggle="tooltip">Memcached on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="errors-exceptions"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Errors and Exceptions</h5> <p>Find and stop errors before they become a problem.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/bugsnag"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Focused and powerful error monitoring for web, mobile, and server apps" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Bugsnag </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Focused and powerful error monitoring for web, mobile, and server apps" data-toggle="tooltip">Focused and powerful error monitoring for web, mobile, and server apps</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/raygun"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Quickly diagnose errors and crashes to deliver a flawless user experience. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Raygun Crash Reporting </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Quickly diagnose errors and crashes to deliver a flawless user experience. " data-toggle="tooltip">Quickly diagnose errors and crashes to deliver a flawless user experience. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/sentry"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="See what matters, solve quicker, and learn about your applications. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Sentry </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="See what matters, solve quicker, and learn about your applications. " data-toggle="tooltip">See what matters, solve quicker, and learn about your applications. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/honeybadger"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="The web developer's secret weapon" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Honeybadger </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="The web developer's secret weapon" data-toggle="tooltip">The web developer's secret weapon</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/appsignal"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Five monitoring tools in one. APM for Ruby, Elixir, Node.js and JavaScript." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> AppSignal APM </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Five monitoring tools in one. APM for Ruby, Elixir, Node.js and JavaScript." data-toggle="tooltip">Five monitoring tools in one. APM for Ruby, Elixir, Node.js and JavaScript.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/airbrake"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Powerful error monitoring and APM software captures bugs so you fix them fast " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Airbrake Error Monitoring </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Powerful error monitoring and APM software captures bugs so you fix them fast " data-toggle="tooltip">Powerful error monitoring and APM software captures bugs so you fix them fast </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/rollbar"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Real-time, cross-platform crash reporting and error logging starting at $0/mo" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Rollbar </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Real-time, cross-platform crash reporting and error logging starting at $0/mo" data-toggle="tooltip">Real-time, cross-platform crash reporting and error logging starting at $0/mo</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="cms"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Content Management</h5> <p>Publish and edit content for your website or blog.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/butter"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="ButterCMS is an API-first headless CMS marketers + developers love." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> ButterCMS </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="ButterCMS is an API-first headless CMS marketers + developers love." data-toggle="tooltip">ButterCMS is an API-first headless CMS marketers + developers love.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="search"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Search</h5> <p>Index billions of records in a fraction of a second without implementing, running or maintaining your own search engine.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/flying_sphinx"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Fast and simple Sphinx-driven full-text search" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Flying Sphinx </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Fast and simple Sphinx-driven full-text search" data-toggle="tooltip">Fast and simple Sphinx-driven full-text search</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/websolr"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Index and search with Apache Solr, the most popular open source search engine." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Websolr </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Index and search with Apache Solr, the most popular open source search engine." data-toggle="tooltip">Index and search with Apache Solr, the most popular open source search engine.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/foundelasticsearch"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Elastic Cloud - hosted Elasticsearch, from the creators" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Elasticsearch </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Elastic Cloud - hosted Elasticsearch, from the creators" data-toggle="tooltip">Elastic Cloud - hosted Elasticsearch, from the creators</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/algoliasearch"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="A powerful Search API delivering relevant results from the first keystroke" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Algolia Realtime Search </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="A powerful Search API delivering relevant results from the first keystroke" data-toggle="tooltip">A powerful Search API delivering relevant results from the first keystroke</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/bonsai"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Heroku’s first Elasticsearch and OpenSearch addon, from $0/mo to Private Spaces" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Bonsai Elasticsearch </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Heroku’s first Elasticsearch and OpenSearch addon, from $0/mo to Private Spaces" data-toggle="tooltip">Heroku’s first Elasticsearch and OpenSearch addon, from $0/mo to Private Spaces</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/searchbox"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Search Made Simple." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SearchBox Elasticsearch </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Search Made Simple." data-toggle="tooltip">Search Made Simple.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="metrics-analytics"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Metrics and Analytics</h5> <p>Services to help you record and analyze both application and business data.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/absolutelabs"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Leverage augmented, standardized blockchain data across 5+ chains, using SQL" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Absolute Labs </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Leverage augmented, standardized blockchain data across 5+ chains, using SQL" data-toggle="tooltip">Leverage augmented, standardized blockchain data across 5+ chains, using SQL</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/helloquery"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Ask your database questions. Build and share beautiful dashboards. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Hello Query </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Ask your database questions. Build and share beautiful dashboards. " data-toggle="tooltip">Ask your database questions. Build and share beautiful dashboards. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/duperset"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Analytics and Data Visualisation based on Apache Superset" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Duperset Analytics </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Analytics and Data Visualisation based on Apache Superset" data-toggle="tooltip">Analytics and Data Visualisation based on Apache Superset</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/one-off-metrics"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Natively monitor your Heroku Scheduler jobs and any other detached one-off dyno." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> One-off Dyno Metrics </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Natively monitor your Heroku Scheduler jobs and any other detached one-off dyno." data-toggle="tooltip">Natively monitor your Heroku Scheduler jobs and any other detached one-off dyno.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-matomo-stackhero"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Matomo on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Matomo </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Matomo on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">Matomo on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/popsql"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> PopSQL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team" data-toggle="tooltip">Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-grafana-stackhero"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Grafana on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Grafana </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Grafana on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">Grafana on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/moesif"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Understand and grow API usage with a powerful observability platform" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Moesif API Observability and Monetization </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Understand and grow API usage with a powerful observability platform" data-toggle="tooltip">Understand and grow API usage with a powerful observability platform</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-prometheus-stackhero"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Prometheus on dedicated instance, up-to-date version and super attractive prices" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Prometheus </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Prometheus on dedicated instance, up-to-date version and super attractive prices" data-toggle="tooltip">Prometheus on dedicated instance, up-to-date version and super attractive prices</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/draxlr"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Visualize your data with Dashboards, reports, complex SQL queries with simple UI" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Draxlr | Analytics for SQL Databases </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Visualize your data with Dashboards, reports, complex SQL queries with simple UI" data-toggle="tooltip">Visualize your data with Dashboards, reports, complex SQL queries with simple UI</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="testing"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Testing</h5> <p>Services to help you test performance and quality of your apps.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/trakr"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Automated visual testing/monitoring for all your web-based apps." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Trakr visual testing </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Automated visual testing/monitoring for all your web-based apps." data-toggle="tooltip">Automated visual testing/monitoring for all your web-based apps.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/parrot"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="The easiest way to test your website." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Parrot QA </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="The easiest way to test your website." data-toggle="tooltip">The easiest way to test your website.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/loadmill"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Automated testing built for Heroku. Generate behavior-driven tests." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Loadmill Automated Testing </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Automated testing built for Heroku. Generate behavior-driven tests." data-toggle="tooltip">Automated testing built for Heroku. Generate behavior-driven tests.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="messaging-queueing"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Messaging and Queueing</h5> <p>Pass data between your specialized processes to aid in de-coupling and scaling up your applications.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/cloudamqp"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="LavinMQ and RabbitMQ as a Service" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> CloudAMQP </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="LavinMQ and RabbitMQ as a Service" data-toggle="tooltip">LavinMQ and RabbitMQ as a Service</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-mosquitto-mqtt-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Mosquitto on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for MQTT Mosquitto </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Mosquitto on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">Mosquitto on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/pusher"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Build realtime features your users love. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Pusher Channels </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Build realtime features your users love. " data-toggle="tooltip">Build realtime features your users love. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/iron_mq"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Serverless, High Performance, Lightning Fast Message Queue" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IronMQ Message Queue as a Service </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Serverless, High Performance, Lightning Fast Message Queue" data-toggle="tooltip">Serverless, High Performance, Lightning Fast Message Queue</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-rabbitmq-stackhero"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="RabbitMQ on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for RabbitMQ </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="RabbitMQ on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices" data-toggle="tooltip">RabbitMQ on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and super attractive prices</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/hosted-hooks"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Easy to use Webhooks as a Service" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> HostedHooks </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Easy to use Webhooks as a Service" data-toggle="tooltip">Easy to use Webhooks as a Service</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ably"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Simply better realtime for any enabled device" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Ably </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Simply better realtime for any enabled device" data-toggle="tooltip">Simply better realtime for any enabled device</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ah-mercure-hub-stackhero"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Mercure-Hub on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Stackhero for Mercure-Hub </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Mercure-Hub on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices." data-toggle="tooltip">Mercure-Hub on dedicated instances, up-to-date versions and attractive prices.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="network"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Network Services</h5> <p>Handle DNS, proxies, and other things network-related.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/fixie-socks"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Static IP addresses for database requests and other TCP connections" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Fixie Socks </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Static IP addresses for database requests and other TCP connections" data-toggle="tooltip">Static IP addresses for database requests and other TCP connections</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/quotaguardstatic"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Static IPs with HA+LB for Inbound/Outbound (HTTP/SOCKS5) Encrypted Connections" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> QuotaGuard Static IP's </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Static IPs with HA+LB for Inbound/Outbound (HTTP/SOCKS5) Encrypted Connections" data-toggle="tooltip">Static IPs with HA+LB for Inbound/Outbound (HTTP/SOCKS5) Encrypted Connections</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ipinvestigator"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Check if an IP address is hosting Proxies, Bots or Malware." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IP Investigator </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Check if an IP address is hosting Proxies, Bots or Malware." data-toggle="tooltip">Check if an IP address is hosting Proxies, Bots or Malware.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/quotaguardshield"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Secure Heroku Static IP's for Inbound/Outbound Routing - SSL/ACM for PCI/HIPAA. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> QuotaGuard Shield Static IP's </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Secure Heroku Static IP's for Inbound/Outbound Routing - SSL/ACM for PCI/HIPAA. " data-toggle="tooltip">Secure Heroku Static IP's for Inbound/Outbound Routing - SSL/ACM for PCI/HIPAA. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/pointdns"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Powerful and Easy to Use DNS Management" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> PointDNS </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Powerful and Easy to Use DNS Management" data-toggle="tooltip">Powerful and Easy to Use DNS Management</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/nscriptiod"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable Static Dedicated IP Address for Outbound Traffic" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Nscriptio Static IP </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable Static Dedicated IP Address for Outbound Traffic" data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable Static Dedicated IP Address for Outbound Traffic</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/quotaguard"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Dynamic Heroku IP Proxy to Help Manage IP Quota Limitations" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> QuotaGuard Heroku Dynamic IP's </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Dynamic Heroku IP Proxy to Help Manage IP Quota Limitations" data-toggle="tooltip">Dynamic Heroku IP Proxy to Help Manage IP Quota Limitations</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ipburger"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Static Dedicated IP Address for Secure Outbound Requests via HTTP(S) and SOCKS5" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IPBurger Static IPs </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Static Dedicated IP Address for Secure Outbound Requests via HTTP(S) and SOCKS5" data-toggle="tooltip">Static Dedicated IP Address for Secure Outbound Requests via HTTP(S) and SOCKS5</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/fixie"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Static IP addresses for outbound HTTP and HTTPS requests" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Fixie </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Static IP addresses for outbound HTTP and HTTPS requests" data-toggle="tooltip">Static IP addresses for outbound HTTP and HTTPS requests</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/proximo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Route outbound traffic from your app through a static IP address." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Proximo </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Route outbound traffic from your app through a static IP address." data-toggle="tooltip">Route outbound traffic from your app through a static IP address.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="alerts"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Alerts and Notifications</h5> <p>Get alerted when something important happens.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/activitytogo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Keep your team notified when your Heroku app is deployed, released or updated" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Activity To Go - Deploy Hooks alternative </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Keep your team notified when your Heroku app is deployed, released or updated" data-toggle="tooltip">Keep your team notified when your Heroku app is deployed, released or updated</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="user-management"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">User Management</h5> <p>Manage user authentication, SSO, and more.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/wwwhisper"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Plug and play access control for your app." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> wwwhisper </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Plug and play access control for your app." data-toggle="tooltip">Plug and play access control for your app.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="development"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Development Tools</h5> <p>Make the development phase easier to manage.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/gemfury"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Private Package Repo for your app's dependencies" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Gemfury </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Private Package Repo for your app's dependencies" data-toggle="tooltip">Private Package Repo for your app's dependencies</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/kloude"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Code directly from your browser! Provides a Cloud9 IDE and development server." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Kloude </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Code directly from your browser! Provides a Cloud9 IDE and development server." data-toggle="tooltip">Code directly from your browser! Provides a Cloud9 IDE and development server.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/mobioos"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Intelligent mapping to drive applications." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Mobioos </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Intelligent mapping to drive applications." data-toggle="tooltip">Intelligent mapping to drive applications.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="security"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Security</h5> <p>Keep your data safe.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/sslfasttrack"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="SSL Certs Purchased and Installed Quick and Easy" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> SSL FastTrack </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="SSL Certs Purchased and Installed Quick and Easy" data-toggle="tooltip">SSL Certs Purchased and Installed Quick and Easy</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/expeditedwaf"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Web Application Firewalls tuned for Heroku." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Expedited WAF </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Web Application Firewalls tuned for Heroku." data-toggle="tooltip">Web Application Firewalls tuned for Heroku.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/expeditedssl"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="SSL Certificates As A Service." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Expedited SSL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="SSL Certificates As A Service." data-toggle="tooltip">SSL Certificates As A Service.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/consoleaware"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Infrastructure Change Monitoring: Forward Heroku Webhooks to Slack" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> ConsoleAware </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Infrastructure Change Monitoring: Forward Heroku Webhooks to Slack" data-toggle="tooltip">Infrastructure Change Monitoring: Forward Heroku Webhooks to Slack</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/brandssl"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="On demand SSL Management solution for SaaS" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> BrandSSL </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="On demand SSL Management solution for SaaS" data-toggle="tooltip">On demand SSL Management solution for SaaS</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/probely"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Developer-friendly automated Web Application and API vulnerability scanner" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Probely WebApp and API Vulnerability Scanner </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Developer-friendly automated Web Application and API vulnerability scanner" data-toggle="tooltip">Developer-friendly automated Web Application and API vulnerability scanner</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/attachment-scanner"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Anti-virus for developers. Scan uploads for viruses, malware and more." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Attachment Scanner </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Anti-virus for developers. Scan uploads for viruses, malware and more." data-toggle="tooltip">Anti-virus for developers. Scan uploads for viruses, malware and more.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/heroku-private-spaces"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Your Own Private Heroku" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Heroku Private Spaces </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Your Own Private Heroku" data-toggle="tooltip">Your Own Private Heroku</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="dynos"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Dynos</h5> <p>Schedule, scale, and manage your dyno usage to your app’s needs.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/autoidle"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Save money by automatically putting your staging and review apps to sleep" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> AutoIdle </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Save money by automatically putting your staging and review apps to sleep" data-toggle="tooltip">Save money by automatically putting your staging and review apps to sleep</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/crontogo"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Run scheduled tasks on your Heroku Apps." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Cron To Go Scheduler - Scheduler as a Service </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Run scheduled tasks on your Heroku Apps." data-toggle="tooltip">Run scheduled tasks on your Heroku Apps.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/judoscale"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Queue-based auto scaling for Rails, Sidekiq, Django, Celery, Node, and more." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Judoscale Universal Autoscaler </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Queue-based auto scaling for Rails, Sidekiq, Django, Celery, Node, and more." data-toggle="tooltip">Queue-based auto scaling for Rails, Sidekiq, Django, Celery, Node, and more.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/rails-autoscale"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Advanced autoscaling for your Rails web and worker dynos" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Rails Autoscale </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Advanced autoscaling for your Rails web and worker dynos" data-toggle="tooltip">Advanced autoscaling for your Rails web and worker dynos</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/d123"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Autoscaling and monitoring via CPU, memory, queue, and response times." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> 123 Dyno </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Autoscaling and monitoring via CPU, memory, queue, and response times." data-toggle="tooltip">Autoscaling and monitoring via CPU, memory, queue, and response times.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/iron_worker"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Scalable workers to process your background jobs using Docker containers." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IronWorker Job Workers As A Service </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Scalable workers to process your background jobs using Docker containers." data-toggle="tooltip">Scalable workers to process your background jobs using Docker containers.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/adept-scale"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Automated Scaling of Heroku dynos" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Adept Scale </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Automated Scaling of Heroku dynos" data-toggle="tooltip">Automated Scaling of Heroku dynos</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/scheduler"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Run scheduled tasks every 10 minutes, every hour, or every day." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Heroku Scheduler </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Run scheduled tasks every 10 minutes, every hour, or every day." data-toggle="tooltip">Run scheduled tasks every 10 minutes, every hour, or every day.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/flightformation"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Faster apps & no code changes. Works with Heroku's Web Autoscale." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> FlightFormation Autoscale </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Faster apps & no code changes. Works with Heroku's Web Autoscale." data-toggle="tooltip">Faster apps & no code changes. Works with Heroku's Web Autoscale.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/advanced-scheduler"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Reliable and powerful task scheduling as a service." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Advanced Scheduler </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Reliable and powerful task scheduling as a service." data-toggle="tooltip">Reliable and powerful task scheduling as a service.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/dscale"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Start saving now with smart Auto Scaling for your Web and Worker Heroku Dynos." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Dynoscale </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Start saving now with smart Auto Scaling for your Web and Worker Heroku Dynos." data-toggle="tooltip">Start saving now with smart Auto Scaling for your Web and Worker Heroku Dynos.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="content-related"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Content</h5> <p>Localization, recommendations, and other content-related utilities.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="document"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Document Processing</h5> <p>Easily manage and process your PDFs and documents.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/docraptor"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Simple & Robust HTML-to-PDF Conversion" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> DocRaptor </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Simple & Robust HTML-to-PDF Conversion" data-toggle="tooltip">Simple & Robust HTML-to-PDF Conversion</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/breezypdf"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Generate beautiful PDF documents from the HTML you already have" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> BreezyPDF </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Generate beautiful PDF documents from the HTML you already have" data-toggle="tooltip">Generate beautiful PDF documents from the HTML you already have</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/fileturn"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Convert Files with an API" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> FileTurn </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Convert Files with an API" data-toggle="tooltip">Convert Files with an API</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="image-processing"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Image Processing</h5> <p>Solutions for image uploading, editing, manipulating.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/cloudinary"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Manage, optimize, and deliver high-performance image and video experiences. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Cloudinary - Image and Video Management </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Manage, optimize, and deliver high-performance image and video experiences. " data-toggle="tooltip">Manage, optimize, and deliver high-performance image and video experiences. </p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/simple-file-upload"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Image uploading and resizing with a prebuilt S3 setup. Free cloud storage. " class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Simple File Upload </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Image uploading and resizing with a prebuilt S3 setup. Free cloud storage. " data-toggle="tooltip">Image uploading and resizing with a prebuilt S3 setup. Free cloud storage. </p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="video-processing"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Video Processing</h5> <p>Add powerful video processing features to your application like recording, editing, and streaming.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/easymovie"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="EasyMovie is the enterprise video platform to accelerate your sales efficiency." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> EasyMovie </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="EasyMovie is the enterprise video platform to accelerate your sales efficiency." data-toggle="tooltip">EasyMovie is the enterprise video platform to accelerate your sales efficiency.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="ci-cd"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Continuous Integration and Delivery</h5> <p>Continuous Integration and Delivery made easy.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/knapsack-pro"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Run your 1-hour test suite in 2 minutes with optimal parallelization." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Knapsack Pro </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Run your 1-hour test suite in 2 minutes with optimal parallelization." data-toggle="tooltip">Run your 1-hour test suite in 2 minutes with optimal parallelization.</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> <section class="section category-addon" id="utilities"> <div class="category-label"> <h5 class="text-dark">Utilities</h5> <p>This grab bag of useful tools is sure to make you more productive.</p> </div> <div class="elements cards"> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/ipinfo"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Fast & accurate IP geolocation data with simple and robust API access." class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IPinfo </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Fast & accurate IP geolocation data with simple and robust API access." data-toggle="tooltip">Fast & accurate IP geolocation data with simple and robust API access.</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/iptoearth"> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Find the Country and City of origin for an IP Address" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> IP to Earth </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Find the Country and City of origin for an IP Address" data-toggle="tooltip">Find the Country and City of origin for an IP Address</p> </div> </a></div> <div class="card addon cards-four-x"> <a href="/addons/portfoliomanager"> <div class="badge badge-beta" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add-ons in beta are full products that you can provision to your app, but they are not recommended for production usage.">Beta</div> <div class="brand"> <div class="brand-logo"> <img alt="Categorize, Manage & Share Heroku Applications easily" class="brand-logo" src="" /> </div> <h6 class="brand-title text-dark"> Application Portfolio Manager </h6> <div class="brand-bar addons"></div> <p class="brand-body" title="Categorize, Manage & Share Heroku Applications easily" data-toggle="tooltip">Categorize, Manage & Share Heroku Applications easily</p> </div> </a></div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div id="more" class="wrapper text-center"> <div class="category-label"></div> <h3>Don't see the service you're looking for? 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