RSS (Really Simple Syndication) - ANTARA News

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technology that refers to how to syndicate the content of a website <i>(web syndication)</i>. This service makes it easier for Internet users to always find out a summary of the latest content from a particular site without having to first visit the site. In addition, RSS provided by a site can be used to complement the content of other sites.</p> <p>RSS services are distributed via an XML format file which can be read by the public using an RSS reader program called a <i>news aggregator</i> or <i>feed reader</i>. These various programs can be downloaded for free from the Internet. Programs installed on a PC will automatically check the XML files provided by a particular site periodically. If new information is found, the program will display the title and summary on the user's PC, complete with links that can be clicked to open the web page.</p> <p>ANTARA provides RSS Feed services according to standards set by the <a href="" target="_blank">RSS working group</a>.</p> <p>ANTARA's RSS service can be accessed at the following URLs:</p> <ul> <li><b>ANTARA News Terkini</b><br /> <a href="" title="Berita Terkini ANTARA News" target="_blank"></a> </li> <li><b>Current Issue</b><br /> <a href="" title="Current Issue" target="_blank"></a><ul></ul></li><li><b>World</b><br /> <a href="" title="World" target="_blank"></a><ul></ul></li><li><b>Business & Investment</b><br /> <a href="" title="Business & Investment" target="_blank"></a><ul></ul></li><li><b>Explore Indonesia</b><br /> <a href="" title="Explore Indonesia" target="_blank"></a><ul></ul></li><li><b>Article</b><br /> <a href="" title="Article" target="_blank"></a><ul></ul></li><li><b>Press Release</b><br /> <a href="" title="Press Release" target="_blank"></a><ul></ul></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <aside class="wrapper__list__article"> <h4 class="border_section"><a href="" title="Popular News">Popular News</a></h4> <div class="wrapper__list-number"> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="38 nations join Indonesia for Komodo 2025 naval exercise in Bali"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="38 nations join Indonesia for Komodo 2025 naval exercise in Bali" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="38 nations join Indonesia for Komodo 2025 naval exercise in Bali">38 nations join Indonesia for Komodo 2025 naval exercise in Bali</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">16th February 2025</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Cristiano Ronaldo to visit Indonesia&#039;s NTT Province tomorrow"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Cristiano Ronaldo to visit Indonesia&#039;s NTT Province tomorrow" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="Cristiano Ronaldo to visit Indonesia&#039;s NTT Province tomorrow">Cristiano Ronaldo to visit Indonesia's NTT Province tomorrow</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">yesterday 12:23</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Indonesia to launch &#039;Love Curriculum&#039; in Islamic schools"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Indonesia to launch &#039;Love Curriculum&#039; in Islamic schools" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="Indonesia to launch &#039;Love Curriculum&#039; in Islamic schools">Indonesia to launch 'Love Curriculum' in Islamic schools</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">16th February 2025</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Indonesia&#039;s Megawati, Abu Dhabi Prince discuss BRIN-UAE cooperation"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Indonesia&#039;s Megawati, Abu Dhabi Prince discuss BRIN-UAE cooperation" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="Indonesia&#039;s Megawati, Abu Dhabi Prince discuss BRIN-UAE cooperation">Indonesia's Megawati, Abu Dhabi Prince discuss BRIN-UAE cooperation</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">16th February 2025</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="RI Foreign Minister addresses food, energy security with Russia"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="RI Foreign Minister addresses food, energy security with Russia" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="RI Foreign Minister addresses food, energy security with Russia">RI Foreign Minister addresses food, energy security with Russia</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">yesterday 18:22</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Indonesia urges AI inclusivity for developing nations"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Indonesia urges AI inclusivity for developing nations" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="Indonesia urges AI inclusivity for developing nations">Indonesia urges AI inclusivity for developing nations</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">16th February 2025</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Indonesia to pursue OECD membership after officially joining BRICS"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Indonesia to pursue OECD membership after officially joining BRICS" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title 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up CEPA talks with EU</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">16th February 2025</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Will not hesitate to root out corruption: Prabowo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Will not hesitate to root out corruption: Prabowo" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="Will not hesitate to root out corruption: Prabowo">Will not hesitate to root out corruption: Prabowo</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">16th February 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class="wrapper__list__article"> <h4 class="border_section"><a href="" title="Latest News">Latest News</a></h4> <div class="wrapper__list-number"> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="UAE Launches Next-Gen GPS-Less Navigation and Secure Flight Control to Strengthen Aviation Security"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="UAE Launches Next-Gen GPS-Less Navigation and Secure Flight Control to Strengthen Aviation Security" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="UAE Launches Next-Gen GPS-Less Navigation and Secure Flight Control to Strengthen Aviation Security">UAE Launches Next-Gen GPS-Less Navigation and Secure Flight Control to Strengthen Aviation Security</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">2 hours ago</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="Mastercard Launches Anti-Money Laundering Service &quot;TRACE&quot; to Combat Financial Crime in Asia Pacific"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="Mastercard Launches Anti-Money Laundering Service &quot;TRACE&quot; to Combat Financial Crime in Asia Pacific" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="Mastercard Launches Anti-Money Laundering Service &quot;TRACE&quot; to Combat Financial Crime in Asia Pacific">Mastercard Launches Anti-Money Laundering Service "TRACE" to Combat Financial Crime in Asia Pacific</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">8 hours ago</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="DreamSmart launched new product event in the Philippines, deepening its development in the Southeast Asian market"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="DreamSmart launched new product event in the Philippines, deepening its development in the Southeast Asian market" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="DreamSmart launched new product event in the Philippines, deepening its development in the Southeast Asian market">DreamSmart launched new product event in the Philippines, deepening its development in the Southeast Asian market</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">8 hours ago</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb-3"> <div class="card__post card__post-list"> <div class="image-sm position-relative"> <a href="" title="A Bigger, Bolder, Better D&#039;Marquee"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img class="img-fluid lazyload" data-src="" alt="A Bigger, Bolder, Better D&#039;Marquee" /> </picture> </a> </div> <div class="card__post__body "> <div class="card__post__content"> <div class="card__post__title"> <h3 class="post_title post_title_small"><a href="" title="A Bigger, Bolder, Better D&#039;Marquee">A Bigger, Bolder, Better D'Marquee</a></h3> </div> <div class="card__post__author-info"> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><span class="text-secondary">8 hours 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