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Information Collection: Details about the types of information collected from users/customers, such as personal information (name, address, email), device information, usage data, and any other relevant data. Data Usage: An explanation of how the collected data will be used, including providing services, improving products, personalization, analytics, and any other legitimate business purposes. Data Sharing: Information about whether and how the company shares user data with third parties, such as partners, service providers, or affiliates, along with the purposes of such sharing. Data Security: Details about the measures taken to protect user data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse, including encryption, secure protocols, access controls, and data breach notification procedures. User Choices: Information on the choices available to users regarding the collection, use, and sharing of their personal data, including opt-out mechanisms and account settings. Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Explanation of the use of cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies for tracking user activity and collecting information for analytics and advertising purposes. Third-Party Links: Clarification that the companys website or services may contain links to third-party websites or services and that the privacy policy does not extend to those external sites. Data Retention: Details about the retention period for user data and how long it will be stored by the company. Legal Basis and Compliance: Information about the legal basis for processing personal data, compliance with applicable data protection laws, and the rights of users under relevant privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA). Updates to the Privacy Policy: Notification that the privacy policy may be updated from time to time, and how users will be informed of any material changes. Contact Information: How users can contact the company regarding privacy-related concerns or inquiries. </div> <div> <div class="row gy-4"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="bg-primary p-4 rounded"> <div class="row gy-3 align-items-center"> <div class="col-xxl-6 col-lg-6"> <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-sm-row gap-3"> <span class="theme-avtar avtar avtar-xl bg-light-dark rounded-1"> <svg xmlns="" width="36" height="23" viewBox="0 0 36 23" fill="none"> <path d="M12.4728 22.6171H0.770508L10.6797 0.15625H18.2296L12.4728 22.6171ZM29.46 22.6171H17.7577L27.6669 0.15625H35.2168L29.46 22.6171Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> </span> <div> <h2>Tbistone</h2> <p class="mb-0">Very quick customer support, installing this application on my machine locally, within 5 minutes of creating a ticket, the developer was able to fix the issue I had within 10 minutes. EXCELLENT! 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