Green's Party - Returning to the Cinema

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The last time I went to the movies was in February 2020. Since I began going to the movies at a very young age, this is the longest amount of..."/><link rel="amphtml" href= /><script defer type="application/javascript" id="bilmur" data-provider="" data-service="blognetwork" data-customproperties='{"theme": "theatlantic"}' nonce="Bc0HSwe1YbZTPMJFRpsR0k1Mfw" src="" ></script><script src=""></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><meta name="keywords" content="coolidge corner theatre,blue velvet,movie theaters,film geek,david lynch" /><!-- BEGIN TUMBLR FACEBOOK OPENGRAPH TAGS --><!-- If you'd like to specify your own Open Graph tags, define the og:url and og:title tags in your theme's HTML. --><!-- Read more: --><meta property="fb:app_id" content="48119224995" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Tumblr" /><meta property="og:title" content="Returning to the Cinema" /><meta property="og:description" content="The other night, I returned to the movie theater for the first time in over a year. 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The last time I went to the movies was in February 2020. Since I began going to the movies at a very young age, this is the longest amount of time between movie theater visits for me. Its funny how you just take...","@context":"http:\/\/"}</script><link rel="canonical" href="" /></head> <body> <a href="" class="install"></a> <div id="content"> <div id="header"> <div id="top"> <a href="/" class="title">Green's Party</a> <div class="buttons"> <a href="" class="button">RSS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/archive" class="button">Archive</a> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </div> <div id="bottom"> Pop Culture, etc&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/><br/> <a href="/aboutme">About Me</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="/ask">Got a question</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="/submit">Submit a post</a> </div> </div> <div id="newDay"> <div class="date"> June 5, 2021 </div> <div class="post"> <a href="" class="h2 title">Returning to the Cinema</a> <p><p>The other night, I returned to the movie theater for the first time in over a year. The last time I went to the movies was in February 2020. Since I began going to the movies at a very young age, this is the longest amount of time between movie theater visits for me. Its funny how you just take something like that for granted: wherever I lived, whatever was going on in my life, wherever I worked - I always found time to go to my happy place: the movie theater! Once select cinemas began re-opening in Summer 2020, I didn&rsquo;t feel the risk was worth it for me to go see a movie, so I just watched DVDs and streaming during that time. A few weeks ago after it had been two weeks since my second vaccine shot, I began the process of slowly getting back to normal. One of those things is getting back to the movies. I chose a special movie theater and a special movie for this special occasion.</p><p>The Coolidge Corner Theatre (located in Brookline, MA) is one of the most prominent and respected independently owned and operated indie movie theaters in the U.S. I first went there as a teen around 1991 when my friend brought me to see Spike and Mike&rsquo;s Festival of Animation there. It was such a cool grand cinema and they play older films as well as indie films. Over the years, I&rsquo;ve seen countless films there including the re-release of <i>The Graduate</i>, a midnight showing of <i>12 Monkeys</i>, anniversary screenings of <i><a href="">Texas Chainsaw Massacre</a></i> and <i><a href="">2001</a></i>, and of course Independent Film Festival Boston screenings. But of all the awesome films I&rsquo;ve seen there over the years, my favorite was in 2018 when they did <a href="">a special one-night sold-out screening of my documentary <i>Life on the V: The Story of V66</i></a>! Since the Coolidge&rsquo;s closure in March 2020, I have made donations to them, purchased their concession stand curbside pick-up and I even attended the virtual seminar on Jonathan Demme&rsquo;s classic <i>Something Wild</i> (a class I easily could have taught, but I still had a blast)!</p><figure data-orig-width="1024" data-orig-height="768" class="tmblr-full"><img src="" alt="image" data-orig-width="1024" data-orig-height="768" width="500" height="375" /></figure><p><i>Coolidge Corner Theatre marquee</i></p><p>Last month, the Coolidge re-opened while maintaining COVID protocol (limited capacity, masks required, etc). They began showing some classics and they are continuing their programming this month. For my reunion with the movie theater experience, I chose just the right Coolidge screening: David Lynch&rsquo;s 1986 masterpiece <i><a href="">Blue Velvet</a></i>! This is one of my 15 favorite films of all time. As special as this film is to me, I&rsquo;m embarrassed to say I&rsquo;ve never actually seen it on the big screen before, which is why this was the perfect movie for me to see on the big screen. I believe they were showing the Criterion 4K restored version. Even though I own the movie and can watch it anytime, it was important for me to see this on the big screen with an audience.&nbsp;</p><p>As I sat in the limited capacity theater (there was probably about 25-30% occupancy in the big movie house, people and groups sitting apart from each other) with my beer and popcorn (this wasn&rsquo;t just any old trip to the movies, so you might as well enjoy it!) and I marveled at Lynch&rsquo;s surreal film noir mystery in spectacular projection and sound, it was a form of escapism I hadn&rsquo;t had in so long. <i>Blue Velvet</i> really is an audience movie: like a lot of Lynch&rsquo;s films there&rsquo;s a ton of moments of pure weirdness and bizarre acting, which lends itself to the communal experience of movie-going. There were tons of parts where the audience was laughing (&rdquo;you know the chicken walk?&rdquo;) and there was applause at the end credits. After the film ended, I caught up with some friends who were also in the audience and we chatted for a few minutes about some of the recent IFFBoston films. More than any social interaction in the last year+ it took me back to the days of going to see a movie and talking film with friends afterwards in the lobby, outside the cinema or in the cinema itself!&nbsp;</p><p>With the Brattle re-opening next month and more Hollywood theatrical releases on the way, there&rsquo;s signs of a return to normalcy, especially for film geeks like myself!&nbsp;</p><p>For info on Coolidge Corner Theatre:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p></p> <div class="bottom"> <a href="" class="time">8:26pm</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; URL: <a href=""></a><br /> <div class="notes">(<a href="">Notes: 1</a>)</div>&nbsp;&nbsp; <div class="tags"><span style="text-transform:uppercase;">Filed under</span>: <a href="">coolidge corner theatre</a>&nbsp;<a href="">blue velvet</a>&nbsp;<a href="">movie theaters</a>&nbsp;<a href="">film geek</a>&nbsp;<a href="">david lynch</a>&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <ol class="notes"><!-- START NOTES --><li class="note like tumblelog_jondambacher without_commentary"><a rel="nofollow" class="avatar_frame" target="_blank" href="" title="Jon Dambacher " rel="nofollow"><img src="" class="avatar " alt="" /></a><span class="action"><a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Jon Dambacher" rel="nofollow">jondambacher</a> liked this </span><div class="clear"></div></li><li class="note reblog tumblelog_greensparty original_post without_commentary"><a rel="nofollow" class="avatar_frame" target="_blank" href="" title="Green&#039;s Party"><img src="" class="avatar " alt="" /></a><span class="action" data-post-url=""><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="tumblelog" title="Green&#039;s Party">greensparty</a> posted this </span><div class="clear"></div></li><!-- END NOTES --></ol></div> <div id="pagination"> <div class="rss">RSS feed: <a href=""></a></div> <a href="" class="button">Previous post</a> <a href="" class="button">Next post</a> </div> <div id="footer"> <form action="/search" method="get"> <input type="text" class="text" name="q" value=""/> <input type="submit" value="Search"/> </form> Theme is <a href="">The Atlantic</a> by <a href="">Peter Vidani</a> for <a href="">Tumblr</a>. </div> <iframe scrolling="no" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" style="background-color:transparent; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:9999;" id="ga_target"></iframe><script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var analytics_frame = document.getElementById('ga_target'); var analytics_iframe_loaded; var user_logged_in; var blog_is_nsfw = 'No'; var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? 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