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Read poem and quotes from most popular poets.</h2> </div> <!-- JOIN --> <div class="phRow phJoinBox" style="height:50px;"> </div> <!-- PUBLISH DATE --> <div class="phRow phPublishDate"> <span class="date">26 Feb, 2025</span> <span class="day">Today</span> </div> <!-- POEM OF THE DAY --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">Words</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> Out of us all <br/>That make rhymes <br/>Will you choose <br/>Sometimes - <br/>As the winds use <br/>A crack in a wall <br/>Or a drain, <br/>Their joy or their pain <br/>To whistle through - <br/>Choose me, <br/>You English words? <br/> <br/>I know you: <br/>You are light as dreams, <br/>Tough as oak, <br/>Precious as gold, <br/>As poppies and corn, <br/>Or an old cloak: <br/>Sweet as our birds <br/>To the ear, <br/>As the burnet rose <br/>In the heat <br/>Of Midsummer: <br/>Strange as the races <br/>Of dead and unborn: <br/>Strange and sweet <br/>Equally, <br/>And familiar, <br/>To the eye, <br/>As the dearest faces <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/edward-thomas/" title="Poem Of The Day - Words">by Edward Thomas</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/words-2/" title="Poem Of The Day - Words">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY - MODERN POEM</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">Summons</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> Keep me from going to sleep too soon <br/>Or if I go to sleep too soon <br/>Come wake me up. Come any hour <br/>Of night. Come whistling up the road. <br/>Stomp on the porch. Bang on the door. <br/>Make me get out of bed and come <br/>And let you in and light a light. <br/>Tell me the northern lights are on <br/>And make me look. Or tell me clouds <br/>Are doing something to the moon <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/robert-francis/" title="Poem Of The Day - Summons">by Robert Francis</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/summons/" title="Poem Of The Day - Summons">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY - MEMBER POEM</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">Esperado</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> Deep in mine heart, a steadfast hope doth stay, <br/>A fire unquenched, though time may chide and test. <br/>Mine eyes deceive, yet still I seek the way, <br/>For fate's cruel hand oft turns truth to jest. <br/> <br/>A song unsung doth call me from afar, <br/>Its melody doth stir my soul to weep. <br/>Beneath yon pine, where whispered falsehoods are, <br/>Doth lie the dreams that men have failed to keep. <br/> <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/felicity-ojochogwu-ogbe/" title="Poem Of The Day - Esperado">by Felicity Ojochogwu Ogbe</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/esperado-1/" title="Poem Of The Day - Esperado">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- QUOTE OF THE DAY --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle light-red"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">QUOTE OF THE DAY</span> </div> <p class="phContent phcText"> Hate is a creation by your mind, use love to overcome it. </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/gerry-legister/" title="Gerry Legister">by Gerry Legister</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/gerry-legister/quotations/hate-is-a-creation-by-your-mind-use-love-to-141239/" title="Quote Of The Day">See All Quotations<span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- TODAY'S NEW POEMS --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle dark-blue"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">TODAY'S NEW POEMS</span> </div> <div class="phLinks"> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/god-is-king/" title="Gerry Legister - God Is King"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">God Is King</span> <span class="phlDesc">Gerry Legister</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/the-mystery-of-gravity/" title="Paul Hartal - The Mystery Of Gravity"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">The Mystery Of Gravity</span> <span class="phlDesc">Paul Hartal</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/i-dream-69/" title="Kevin J. Muricio - I Dream"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">I Dream</span> <span class="phlDesc">Kevin J. Muricio</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/for-all-ages-1/" title="ANJANDEV ROY - For All Ages"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">For All Ages</span> <span class="phlDesc">ANJANDEV ROY</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/rivers-and-streams/" title="Brown mbadiwe - Rivers And Streams"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">Rivers And Streams</span> <span class="phlDesc">Brown mbadiwe</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- PUBLISH DATE --> <div class="phRow phPublishDate"> <span class="date">25 Feb, 2025</span> <span class="day">Tuesday</span> </div> <!-- POEM OF THE DAY --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">In Memory Of Jane Fraser</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> When snow like sheep lay in the fold <br/>And wind went begging at each door, <br/>And the far hills were blue with cold, <br/>And a cloud shroud lay on the moor, <br/> <br/>She kept the siege. And every day <br/>We watched her brooding over death <br/>Like a strong bird above its prey. <br/>The room filled with the kettle's breath. <br/> <br/>Damp curtains glued against the pane <br/>Sealed time away. Her body froze <br/>As if to freeze us all, and chain <br/>Creation to a stunned repose. <br/> <br/>She died before the world could stir. <br/>In March the ice unloosed the brook <br/>And water ruffled the sun's hair. <br/>Dead cones upon the alder shook. <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/geoffrey-hill/" title="Poem Of The Day - In Memory Of Jane Fraser">by Geoffrey Hill</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/in-memory-of-jane-fraser/" title="Poem Of The Day - In Memory Of Jane Fraser">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY - MODERN POEM</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">The Bold Buccaneer</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> One very rough day on the Pride of the Fray <br/>In the scuppers a poor little cabin-boy lay, <br/>When the Bosun drew nigh with wrath in his eye <br/>And gave him a kick to remember him by, <br/>As he cried with a sneer: “What good are you here? <br/>Go home to your mammy, my bold buccaneer.” <br/> <br/>Now the Captain beheld, and his pity upwelled: <br/>With a plug in the peeper the Bosun he felled. <br/>With humility grand he extended his hand <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/john-le-gay-brereton/" title="Poem Of The Day - The Bold Buccaneer">by John Le Gay Brereton</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/the-bold-buccaneer/" title="Poem Of The Day - The Bold Buccaneer">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY - MEMBER POEM</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">The Age Of Screens And Silent Screams</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> I see humans—oh, so many! <br/>Scrolling, posting, grinning plenty. <br/>But where's the heart? Where's the soul? <br/>Lost within a black-screen scroll. <br/> <br/>A man lies bleeding on the street, <br/>A thousand phones, not one heartbeat. <br/>'OMG, so tragic! Look at this! ' <br/>Click. Upload. Another miss. <br/> <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/divyanshu-mangariya/" title="Poem Of The Day - The Age Of Screens And Silent Screams">by Divyanshu Mangariya</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/the-age-of-screens-and-silent-screams/" title="Poem Of The Day - The Age Of Screens And Silent Screams">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- QUOTE OF THE DAY --> <!-- YESTERDAY'S NEW POEMS --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle dark-blue"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">TODAY'S NEW POEMS</span> </div> <div class="phLinks"> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/six-years-of-darkness/" title="benny barnuevo - Six Years Of Darkness"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">Six Years Of Darkness</span> <span class="phlDesc">benny barnuevo</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/so-this-is-love-revisited/" title="Kevin Hulme - So This Is Love Revisited."> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">So This Is Love Revisited.</span> <span class="phlDesc">Kevin Hulme</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/the-ode-for-twin-star/" title="Kinsley Lee - The Ode For Twin Star"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">The Ode For Twin Star</span> <span class="phlDesc">Kinsley Lee</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/jewel-in-the-sky/" title="Narender Singh Bansal - Jewel In The Sky"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">Jewel In The Sky</span> <span class="phlDesc">Narender Singh Bansal</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/love-is-the-seed/" title="Ayomikun Akinwunmi - Love Is The Seed"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">Love Is The Seed</span> <span class="phlDesc">Ayomikun Akinwunmi</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- PUBLISH DATE --> <div class="phRow phPublishDate"> <span class="date">24 Feb, 2025</span> <span class="day">Monday</span> </div> <!-- POEM OF THE DAY --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">Sea Fever</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, <br/>And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by, <br/>And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, <br/>And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking. <br/> <br/>I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide <br/>Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; <br/>And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, <br/>And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying. <br/> <br/>I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, <br/>To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife; <br/>And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, <br/>And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over. <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/john-masefield/" title="Poem Of The Day - Sea Fever">by John Masefield</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/sea-fever/" title="Poem Of The Day - Sea Fever">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY - MODERN POEM</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">Slough</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! <br/>It isn't fit for humans now, <br/>There isn't grass to graze a cow. <br/>Swarm over, Death! <br/> <br/>Come, bombs and blow to smithereens <br/>Those air -conditioned, bright canteens, <br/>Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans, <br/>Tinned minds, tinned breath. <br/> <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/john-betjeman/" title="Poem Of The Day - Slough">by John Betjeman</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/slough/" title="Poem Of The Day - Slough">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle moderate-pink"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">POEM OF THE DAY - MEMBER POEM</span> </div> <div class="phTitle">Porridge-Spilled Paradox Pantomime</div> <p class="phContent phcText"> Brickle-brack barrels are buttering sparrows, <br/>gargling marrows through cinnamon arrows! <br/>Hickory thickory, tickle the trickery, <br/>pockets are docking in raspberry licorice! <br/> <br/>Zebra-stripe lightning is dining on timing, <br/>cranking the banking while tanking the chiming! <br/>Ladders are bladdering, clocks are unshattering, <br/>mirrors keep sneezing and ceilings are scattering! <br/> <br/> <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/avery-koplin/" title="Poem Of The Day - Porridge-Spilled Paradox Pantomime">by Avery Koplin</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/poem/porridgespilled-paradox-pantomime/" title="Poem Of The Day - Porridge-Spilled Paradox Pantomime">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- QUOTE OF THE DAY --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle light-red"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">QUOTE OF THE DAY</span> </div> <p class="phContent phcText"> 'I didn't have children so they could love me, 
I had children because I already loved them.' </p> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxAuthor txtc"><a href="/kitty-bradford/" title="K Marie">by K Marie</a></div> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/kitty-bradford/quotations/i-didn-t-have-children-so-they-could-love-me-i-had-141303/" title="Quote Of The Day">See All Quotations<span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- 2 DAYS AGO NEW POEMS --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle dark-blue"> <span class="top-line bgc"></span> <div class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">TODAY'S NEW POEMS</span> </div> <div class="phLinks"> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/rewoke-to-a-new-lifevision/" title="james watkin - Re-Woke To A New Life-Vision"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">Re-Woke To A New Life-Vision</span> <span class="phlDesc">james watkin</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/fearless-but-with-no-pride/" title="james watkin - Fearless, But With No Pride"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">Fearless, But With No Pride</span> <span class="phlDesc">james watkin</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/to-a-childs-glory-realm/" title="james watkin - To A Child's Glory Realm"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">To A Child's Glory Realm</span> <span class="phlDesc">james watkin</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/a-sofas-and-a-beds/" title="james watkin - A Sofa's And A Bed's"> <div class="phIconMiddle"> <span class="phlTitle">A Sofa's And A Bed's</span> <span class="phlDesc">james watkin</span> <span class="phlIcon brdc"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phLink"> <a href="/poem/you-can-fly-and-follow-the-stars/" title="Mark Heathcote - You Can Fly And Follow The Stars"> <div 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<span class="phTopPoetsInfo">September 25, 1930 – May 10, 1999 </span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phList"> <a href="/pablo-neruda/" title="Pablo Neruda"> <div class="phlRow phTop500New"> <span class="phlImage phTopPoetsImg lazyload" data-original=""></span> <div class="phlText phTopPoetsText"> <span>Pablo Neruda<span class="phCounter">(143 poem)</span></span> <span class="phTopPoetsInfo">12 July 1904 – 23 September 1973 </span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phList"> <a href="/maya-angelou/" title="Maya Angelou"> <div class="phlRow phTop500New"> <span class="phlImage phTopPoetsImg lazyload" data-original=""></span> <div class="phlText phTopPoetsText"> <span>Maya Angelou<span class="phCounter">(52 poem)</span></span> <span class="phTopPoetsInfo">4 April 1928 - 28 May 2014 </span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="phList"> <a href="/william-shakespeare/" title="William Shakespeare"> <div class="phlRow phTop500New"> <span class="phlImage phTopPoetsImg lazyload" 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~ I Choose The Mountain~">~ I Choose The Mountain~</a></div> <div class="phlBottom"> <div class="phlStars" rate="1975"> <div class="starScope"> <span class="star">★</span> <span class="starFill">★</span> </div> <div class="starScope"> <span class="star">★</span> <span class="starFill">★</span> </div> <div class="starScope"> <span class="star">★</span> <span class="starFill">★</span> </div> <div class="starScope"> <span class="star">★</span> <span class="starFill">★</span> </div> <div class="starScope"> <span class="star">★</span> <span class="starFill">★</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContentMainPage"> The low lands call <br/>I am tempted to answer <br/>They are offering me a free dwelling <br/>Without having to conquer <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/i-choose-the-mountain/" title="~ I Choose The Mountain~">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <a href="/chinedu-dike/" title="Chinedu Dike"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">5.</span> <span class="phlImage lazyload" data-original=""></span> <div class="phlText"> <span> Chinedu Dike </span> </div> </div> </a> <div class="phlRow"> <div class="phlTitle"><a href="/poem/mandela-the-immortal-icon/" title="Chinedu Dike - 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The poem is updated with English translation) <br/> <br/> <br/>Noong taong otsenta dekada <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/ay-naku-mahirap-umibig-sa-binibining-taga-albay-with-english-translation/" title="' Ay Naku Mahirap Umibig Sa Binibining Taga Albay ' (With English Translation)">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <script> function AjaxPaginationPoem() { var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("TotalRowCount", 500); formData.append("PercentPageRowCount", 100); formData.append("CurrentPage", 1); $.ajax({ url: '/Ajax/AjaxPostPagination', type: 'POST', data: formData, dataType: 'html', processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (data) { $("#paging").html(data); }, error: function () { } }); } $(window).on("load", function () { var scrl_ajax_AjaxPaginationPoem = true; window.addEventListener("scroll", function () { if (scrl_ajax_AjaxPaginationPoem == true) { scrl_ajax_AjaxPaginationPoem = false; 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