Publication: SF: The Best of the Best

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ISO code: USD</span></div> <li> <b>Pages:</b> 438 <li> <b>Format:</b> <div class="tooltip tooltipright">hc<sup class="mouseover">?</sup><span class="tooltiptext tooltipnarrow tooltipright">Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.</span></div> <li> <b>Type:</b> ANTHOLOGY <li> <div class="notes"><b>Notes:</b> <ul><li>On copyright page: "First printing" (as noted by Currey), "Copyright (c) 1967 by Judith Merril" and series LCCN.<li>$6.50 price on front jacket flap. "01167" on back flap indicating published in November.<li><abbr class="template" title="Library of Congress Control Number"><a href="">LCCN 56-8938</a></abbr> </ul></div> <li> <b>External IDs:</b> <ul class="noindent"> <li> <abbr class="template" title="Online Computer Library Center">OCLC/WorldCat</abbr>: <a href="" target="_blank">2581579</a> <li> <abbr class="template" title="R. Reginald. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Checklist, 1700-1974, with Contemporary Science Fiction Authors II. Gale Research Co., 1979, 1141p.">Reginald-1</abbr>: 10042 </ul> </ul> </td> </table> Cover art supplied by <a href="" target="_blank">ISFDB</a> on <a href="" target="_blank">this Web page</a> </div> <div class="ContentBox"> <span class="containertitle">Anthology Title:</span> <a href="" dir="ltr">SF: The Best of the Best</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">The Year's Best S-F</a>] &#8226; anthology by <a href="" dir="ltr">Judith Merril</a> <h2>Contents <a class="listingtext" href="" dir="ltr">(view Concise Listing)</a></h2> <ul> <li>1 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Introduction (SF: The Best of the Best)</a> &#8226; essay by <a href="" dir="ltr">Judith Merril</a> <li>9 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Hoofer</a> &#8226; (1955) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Walter M. Miller, Jr.</a> <li>21 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Bulkhead</a> &#8226; (1955) &#8226; novelette by <a href="" dir="ltr">Theodore Sturgeon</a> <li>56 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Anything Box</a> &#8226; (1956) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Zenna Henderson</a> <li>71 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Prima Belladonna</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">Vermilion Sands</a>] &#8226; (1956) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">J. G. Ballard</a> <li>86 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Casey Agonistes</a> &#8226; (1958) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Richard McKenna</a> [as by <a href="" dir="ltr">R. M. McKenna</a>] <li>98 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">A Death in the House</a> &#8226; (1959) &#8226; novelette by <a href="" dir="ltr">Clifford D. Simak</a> <li>119 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Space-Time for Springers</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">Gummitch the Cat</a>] &#8226; (1958) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Fritz Leiber</a> <li>132 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Pelt</a> &#8226; (1958) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Carol Emshwiller</a> <li>143 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Stranger Station</a> &#8226; (1956) &#8226; novelette by <a href="" dir="ltr">Damon Knight</a> <li>169 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Satellite Passage</a> &#8226; (1958) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Theodore L. Thomas</a> <li>180 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">No, No, Not Rogov!</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">The Instrumentality of Mankind</a>] &#8226; (1959) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Cordwainer Smith</a> <li>199 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Compounded Interest</a> &#8226; (1956) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Mack Reynolds</a> <li>213 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Junior</a> &#8226; (1956) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Robert Abernathy</a> <li>221 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Sense from Thought Divide</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">Ralph Kennedy</a>] &#8226; (1955) &#8226; novelette by <a href="" dir="ltr">Mark Clifton</a> <li>255 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Mariana</a> &#8226; (1960) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Fritz Leiber</a> <li>261 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Plenitude</a> &#8226; (1959) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Will Mohler</a> [as by <a href="" dir="ltr">Will Worthington</a>] <li>274 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Day at the Beach</a> &#8226; (1959) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Carol Emshwiller</a> <li>285 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Let's Be Frank</a> &#8226; (1957) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Brian W. Aldiss</a> <li>295 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Wonder Horse</a> &#8226; (1957) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">George Byram</a> <li>310 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Nobody Bothers Gus</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">Gus</a>] &#8226; (1955) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Algis Budrys</a> [as by <a href="" dir="ltr">Paul Janvier</a>] <li>325 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Prize of Peril</a> &#8226; (1958) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Robert Sheckley</a> <li>344 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Handler</a> &#8226; (1960) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Damon Knight</a> <li>349 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Golem</a> &#8226; (1955) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Avram Davidson</a> <li>355 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Sound Sweep</a> &#8226; (1960) &#8226; novelette by <a href="" dir="ltr">J. G. Ballard</a> (variant of <a class = "italic" href="" dir="ltr">The Sound-Sweep</a>) <li>395 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Hickory, Dickory, Kerouac</a> &#8226; (1958) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Richard Gehman</a> [as by <a href="" dir="ltr">Martin Scott (I)</a>] <li>398 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Dreaming Is a Private Thing</a> &#8226; (1955) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Isaac Asimov</a> <li>415 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">The Public Hating</a> &#8226; (1955) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Steve Allen</a> <li>423 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">You Know Willie</a> &#8226; (1957) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Theodore R. Cogswell</a> <li>428 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts</a> &#8226; non-genre &#8226; (1955) &#8226; short story by <a href="" dir="ltr">Shirley Jackson</a> </ul> </div> <div class="VerificationBox"> <h2>Primary Verifications</h2> <table> <tr class="table1"> <th>Verifier</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Last User Activity Date</th> </tr> <tr class="table2"> <td><a href="">Markwood</a></td> <td class="keep">2016-09-25 16:00:42</td> <td class="keep">Permanent</td> <td>2025-02-24</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="VerificationBox"> <h2>Secondary Verifications</h2> <table> <tr class="table1"> <th>Source</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Verifier</th> <th>Date</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><a href="">Clute/Nicholls</a></td> <td class="keep">Verified</td> <td class="keep"><a href="">Bluesman</a></td> <td class="keep">2013-12-29 15:46:30</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><a href="">Contento1 (anth/coll)</a></td> <td class="keep">Verified</td> <td class="keep"><a href="">Bluesman</a></td> <td class="keep">2009-05-19 21:30:32</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><a href="">Reginald1</a></td> <td class="keep">Verified</td> <td class="keep"><a href="">Bluesman</a></td> <td class="keep">2013-12-29 15:46:30</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><a href="">Tuck</a></td> <td class="keep">Verified</td> <td class="keep"><a href="">Bluesman</a></td> <td class="keep">2013-12-29 15:46:30</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><a href="">Currey</a></td> <td class="keep">Verified</td> <td class="keep"><a href="">Bluesman</a></td> <td class="keep">2009-05-19 21:30:32</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><a href="">OCLC/Worldcat</a></td> <td class="keep">Verified</td> <td class="keep"><a href="">Bluesman</a></td> <td class="keep">2013-12-29 15:46:30</td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div id="bottom"> Copyright &copy; 1995-2025 Al von Ruff and the ISFDB team <br> <b>ISFDB Engine</b> - Version 4.00 (2006-04-24) <br> ISFDB is an Amazon Associate in order to have access to Amazon's product data. 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