PARMA-DITAM 2024 Workshop
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Cardoso, UPorto, PT</a></li> <li><a href="">Stefano Cherubin, NTNU, NO</a></li> <li><a href="">William Fornanciari, POLIMI, IT</a></li> <li><a href="">Michael Hübner, B-TU, DE</a></li> <li><a href="">Cristina Silvano, POLIMI, IT</a></li> <li><a href="">Dimitrios Soudris, NTUA, GR</a></li> </ul> <h2>Program Committee</h2> <ul id="programcommittee"> <li><b>Alessandro Cilardo</b>, University of Naples Federico II, IT</li> <li><b>Damien Couroussé</b>, CEA, FR</li> <li><b>Andrés Goens</b>, University of Edinburgh, UK</li> <li><b>Kim Gruettner</b>, German Aerospace Center, DE</li> <li><b>Frank K. Gürkaynak</b>, ETH Zürich, CH</li> <li><b>Carles Hernandez</b>, Universitat Politècnica de València, ES</li> <li><b>Konstantina Koliogeorgi</b>, National Technical University of Athens, GR</li> <li><b>Francesco Leporati</b>, University of Pavia, IT</li> <li><b>Dimosthenis Masouros</b>, National Technical University of Athens, GR</li> <li><b>Luigi Pomante</b>, University of L'Aquila, IT</li> <li><b>Mario Porrmann</b>, Osnabrueck University, DE</li> <li><b>Marco Procaccini</b>, University of Siena, IT</li> <li><b>Alfonso Rodriguez</b>, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES</li> <li><b>Benjamin Rouxel</b>, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT</li> <li><b>Ruben Salvador</b>, CentraleSupélec – IETR, FR</li> <li><b>Leonel Sousa</b>, Universidade de Lisboa, PT</li> <li><b>Sander Stuijk</b>, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL</li> <li><b>Massimo Torquati</b>, University of Pisa, IT</li> </ul> </div> <div id="main-content"> <!--<h3>Munich, DE, <font color="#f00">NEW DATE: 18/01/2024</font></h3>--> <h3>Munich, DE, 18/01/2024</h3> <!--<h3>Munich, DE, 2024</h3>--> <h3>Co-located with <a href="">HiPEAC </a></h3> <br/> <!-- <h1>Website under construction</h1> --> <!-- <p class="center"> The PARMA Workshop is jointly supported by the<br/> 2PARMA project<br/> funded by the FP7-ICT Programme<br/> under the Objective Computing Systems<br/> <a href=""></a> </p> --> <!-- <p>Best paper award is sponsored by <a href="">NVIDIA</a>.</p> <br/> --> <h2>Scope of the Workshop</a></h2> <p> The current trend towards many-core and heterogeneous accelerator-based architectures requires a global rethinking of software and hardware design, which turn out to be more than ever before strongly entangled. </p> <p> The PARMA-DITAM workshop focuses on many-core architectures, parallel programming models, design space exploration, run-time management techniques, tools and methodologies designed to fully exploit many-core processor architectures (possibly heterogeneous and reconfigurable) and boost their performance, from embedded to high performance computing platforms and cyber-physical systems. </p> <br/> <p>The PARMA-DITAM workshop will have seven main topics:</p> <ul> <li><b>T1</b>: Parallel programming models, languages, and applications for many-core platforms</li> <li><b>T2</b>: Compiler and virtualization techniques for novel computing architectures</li> <li><b>T3</b>: Run-time modeling, monitoring, adaptivity, power and memory management</li> <li><b>T4</b>: Design of heterogeneous and reconfigurable many-core architectures</li> <li><b>T5</b>: Methodologies, design tools, and high-level synthesis for heterogeneous architectures</li> <li><b>T6</b>: Hardware/software co-design and design space exploration</li> <li><b>T7</b>: Case studies, success stories and applications applying T1-T6</li> </ul> <br/> <h2>Important Dates:</h2> <ul style="text-align:left"> <li><strike>17/11/2023 - 23:59 (UTC): Paper Submission Deadline</strike></li><li><font color="#FF0000"><b>03/12/2023 - 23:59 (UTC): NEW EXTENDED Paper Submission Deadline</b></font></li><li><strike>12/12/2023: Acceptance Notification</strike></li><li><b>22/12/2023: (EXTENDED deadline)</b> Acceptance Notification</li><li><strike>31/12/2023 - 23:59 (UTC): Camera ready version of accepted papers for workshop proceedings</strike></li><li><b>08/01/2024 - 23:59 (UTC): (EXTENDED deadline)</b> Camera ready version of accepted papers for workshop proceedings</li> </ul> <br/> <p><h2>Information for Authors:</h2></p> <p><font color="#FF0000">Paper submission:</font> Papers should be submitted electronically through EasyChair in PDF format. The review process will be <b>single-blind</b>. Only <b>full papers</b> are accepted. </p> <p> <b><center><a style="font-size:13pt;" href="">Submission Website</a></center></b> </p> <p> All submissions are required to respect the following guidelines: <ul id="bullet-list" style="padding: 4pt 0 4pt 0;"> <li><b>Length:</b> Up to <b>10 pages single column</b>, excluding title page and references.</li> <li><b>Template:</b> Please use the <a href="">OASIcs template</a> when preparing your manuscript. </ul> Accepted papers will be provided a DOI, and published online in the <b>Dagstuhl OASIcs OpenAccess Series in Informatics</b>. <!-- We are currently in the process of securing the proceeding publication. Publisher will be announced soon. Therefore, camera ready submission template is still subject to change. Accepted papers will be provided a DOI, and published online in a digital library indexed by Scopus. --> </p> <!-- <p> See <a href="./Submission_Guidelines.html">Camera Ready Submission Guidelines</a> for additional details. </p> <br/> <p><font color="#FF0000">Camera Ready preparation instructions:</font> The camera ready version of the accepted papers should be submitted up to <strike><b>31/12/2023</b></strike> <b>08/01/2024</b> and be prepared according to the guidelines summarized in the following link: <a href="./Submission_Guidelines.html">Camera Ready Submission Guidelines</a>. </p> <br/> --> <!-- <p><font color="#FF0000">Poster submission:</font> We invite posters for each of the five workshop topics. Poster submissions should include a 150-200 word abstract and the form of the poster itself in an A4 size format. A workshop digest based upon the one-page abstract and one-page poster will be distributed to all participants of the workshop. Note that the accepted posters will NOT be included in the PARMA-DITAM 2020 proceedings. Posters will be published online at the PARMA-DITAM 2020 web site. </p> <br/> --> <!-- <p><font color="#FF0000">Paper presentation:</font> At least one author per accepted paper should present their work during the workshop. We invite authors of accepted papers to prepare presentations with slides. Each paper presentation is scheduled to last at most 15 minutes. </p> <p> Time slot includes: <b>10 min oral presentation</b> + 3 min Q&A + 2 min technical setup & speaker introduction by Session chair. </p> <p> Presenters should provide a short (no more than 3 lines) biography introduction to be handed to the Session chair at the beginning of the Session. </p> --> <br/> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"> </div> </div> </div> </body>