CivicPlus | THE Modern Civic Experience Platform

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Our wide range of government software solutions are designed to be flexible, scalable, and customizable, ensuring a frictionless experience for residents and staff.</p> <div class="cards-row splide js-cards-slider" role="group" aria-label="CivicPlus® Provides Award-Winning Technology Solutions for Government"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="card"> <img width="261" height="250" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Man looking at his phone and smiling" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="bottom"> <h3 class="title">One-Stop</h3> <p class="subtitle"> Full Suite of Products </p> <p> Easy-to-use, integrated government technology solutions built to enable one-stop, personalized digital experiences. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="card"> <img width="261" height="250" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Woman at a podium smiling" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="bottom"> <h3 class="title">Trusted</h3> <p class="subtitle"> Leader in Compliance </p> <p> World-class protection designed to safeguard systems and infrastructure, including the personal privacy of individuals. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="card"> <img width="261" height="250" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="A customer service representative with her headphones" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="bottom"> <h3 class="title">Always-On</h3> <p class="subtitle"> Award-Winning Support </p> <p> Industry-leading retention rates and the highest level of service with 24/7/365 support and knowledge management team. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="card"> <img width="261" height="250" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="A woman wearing glasses holding a laptop and smiling" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="bottom"> <h3 class="title">Data-Driven</h3> <p class="subtitle"> Measured Satisfaction </p> <p> Uniquely leveraging custom community-level data and best practices to optimize unmet needs and improve the civic experience. </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section><!-- civicplus®-provides-award-winning-technology-solutions-for-government --> <section id="explore-our-software-for-government" class="products-section" data-title="Explore Our Software for Government"> <div class="container"> <h2 id="products-section">Explore Our Software for Government</h2> <p>CivicPlus helps to transform the way municipalities operate and interact with their residents. With our broad offering of local government software and services, we meet all the complex needs of the public sector, whether it&#8217;s improving communication with the public or streamlining back-office workflows. With CivicPlus, agencies can automate manual workflows, enhance civic engagement, and reduce costs.</p> <div class="tabs-box js-tab-box"> <div class="tabs-nav"> <div class="left manual" role="tablist" aria-labelledby="products-section"> <button class="tab-nav-item active js-products-nav" title="All" data-product="all" data-number="0" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-explore-our-software-for-government-0" aria-selected="true" id="tab-explore-our-software-for-government-0">All</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-products-nav" tabindex="-1" title="Serving" data-product="product-0" data-number="1" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-explore-our-software-for-government-1" aria-selected="false" id="tab-explore-our-software-for-government-1">Serving</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-products-nav" tabindex="-1" title="Operating" data-product="product-1" data-number="2" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-explore-our-software-for-government-2" aria-selected="false" id="tab-explore-our-software-for-government-2">Operating</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-products-nav" tabindex="-1" title="Governing" data-product="product-2" data-number="3" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-explore-our-software-for-government-3" aria-selected="false" id="tab-explore-our-software-for-government-3">Governing</button> </div> <div class="right"> <a href="" class="learn-more" title="Solutions overview" tabindex=" tabindex="-1"">Solutions overview</a> </div> </div> <div id="panel-explore-our-software-for-government-0" class="tabs-content" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tab-explore-our-software-for-government-0"> <a href="" target="" title="Municipal Websites" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Municipal Websites</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Build a custom-branded municipal website to provide your residents with positive civic experiences and build trust.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Web Accessibility" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Web Accessibility icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Web Accessibility</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Improve your website performance and ensure it's accessible, compliant, and error-free with our optimization solutions.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="/recreation-management-software/" target="" title="Recreation Management" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Parks and Recreation icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Recreation Management</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Manage community activity programming, facility maintenance, and resident self-service registrations. </p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Mass Notification Software" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Mass Notification System icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Mass Notification Software</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Reach your residents and staff with emergency and routine alerts through as many channels as possible.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Social Media Archiving" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Social Media Archiving icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Social Media Archiving</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Automate the process to capture and archive your social media records to ensure compliance with regulations.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="311 CRM System" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="311 CRM icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">311 CRM System</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Accept and track service requests, promptly respond to resident inquiries, and improve engagement.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Process Automation and Digital Services" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Process Automation and Digital Services icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Process Automation and Digital Services</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Eliminate paper-based processes, automate manual tasks, and meet modern expectations of service delivery.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="NextRequest" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="NextRequest icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">NextRequest</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Accept, track, and fulfill public record requests all in one place to increase transparency and FOIA compliance.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Community Development" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Community Development icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Community Development</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Create and manage permit and license applications, renewals, inspections, payments, and contractor credentials.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Agenda and Meeting Management" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Agenda and Meeting Management icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Agenda and Meeting Management</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Enhance productivity and save time with an agenda and meeting management system design for clerks.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> <a href="" target="" title="Codification" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Codification Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Codification</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Choose from industry leading codification, supplementation, and online code hosting portal options.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="bottom"> <a href="" class="learn-more" title="Solutions overview" >Solutions overview</a> </div> </div> </div> </section><!-- #explore-our-software-for-government --> <section id="more-government-technology-solutions" class="tools-section" data-title="More Government Technology Solutions"> <div class="container"> <h2 id="more-government-technology-solutions-h">More Government Technology Solutions</h2> <p>Our Modern Civic Experience Platform is strengthened by an additional collection of time-saving integrable technologies to automate internal workflows and provide digital resident self-service capabilities.</p> <div class="tabs-box js-tabs"> <div class="tabs-nav"> <div class="left manual" role="tablist" aria-labelledby="more-government-technology-solutions-h"> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav active " title="Power Products" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-more-government-technology-solutions-0" aria-selected="true" id="tab-more-government-technology-solutions-0">Power Products</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav " title="Features" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-more-government-technology-solutions-1" aria-selected="true" id="tab-more-government-technology-solutions-1">Features</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav " title="Services" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-more-government-technology-solutions-2" aria-selected="true" id="tab-more-government-technology-solutions-2">Services</button> </div> <div class="right"> <a href="" class="learn-more" title="tools overview" tabindex=" tabindex="-1"">tools overview</a> </div> </div> <div class="tabs-content"> <div id="panel-more-government-technology-solutions-0" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tab-more-government-technology-solutions-0" class="tabs-body js-tabs-body js-subtabs active "> <div class="left"> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="CivicPlus Portal ">CivicPlus Portal </button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="CivicPlus Pay">CivicPlus Pay</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="CivicPlus Chatbot*">CivicPlus Chatbot*</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="CivicPlus Media">CivicPlus Media</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="CivicPlus Mobile">CivicPlus Mobile</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="CivicPlus Integration Hub">CivicPlus Integration Hub</button> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="CivicPlus Portal " class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="CivicPlus Portal Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">CivicPlus Portal </h3> <div class="description"> <p>Offer residents a centralized online hub to obtain local information and quickly access the services that they rely on most.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="CivicPlus Pay" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="CivicPlus Pay Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">CivicPlus Pay</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Secure electronic payments for residents made easy.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="CivicPlus Chatbot*" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="CivicPlus Chatbot Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">CivicPlus Chatbot*</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Our AI-powered chatbot simulates helpful and personalized resident service interactions and gathers data to help you optimize your website content.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="CivicPlus Media" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="CivicPlus Media Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">CivicPlus Media</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Live and recorded video with ADA-compliant closed-captioning.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="CivicPlus Mobile" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="CivicPlus Mobile Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">CivicPlus Mobile</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Give residents mobile access to local news, resources, and information when they are out in your community.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="CivicPlus Integration Hub" class="card active product-0 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Integration Hub Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">CivicPlus Integration Hub</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Customize integrations and automations across CivicPlus solutions and third-party software.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="panel-more-government-technology-solutions-1" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tab-more-government-technology-solutions-1" class="tabs-body js-tabs-body js-subtabs "> <div class="left"> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Secure Single Sign-On Across Solutions">Secure Single Sign-On Across Solutions</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Unified Identity Management">Unified Identity Management</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Pressure-Tested Security Capabilities">Pressure-Tested Security Capabilities</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Robust APIs">Robust APIs</button> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Secure Single Sign-On Across Solutions" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Secure Single Sign-On Across Solutions Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Secure Single Sign-On Across Solutions</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Staff only need to manage one username and password to access their CivicPlus tech stack.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Unified Identity Management" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Unified Identity Management Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Unified Identity Management</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Easy profile management for all your content creators and page managers.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Pressure-Tested Security Capabilities" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Pressure-Tested Security Team Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Pressure-Tested Security Capabilities</h3> <div class="description"> <p>World-class protection designed to safeguard systems and infrastructure, including the personal privacy of individuals.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Robust APIs" class="card active product-1 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Robust APIs Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Robust APIs</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Easily connect the systems you use most frequently to your CivicPlus solution suite.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="panel-more-government-technology-solutions-2" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tab-more-government-technology-solutions-2" class="tabs-body js-tabs-body js-subtabs "> <div class="left"> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Award-Winning Technical Support">Award-Winning Technical Support</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Virtual and On-Site Trainers">Virtual and On-Site Trainers</button> <button class="tab-subnav-item js-subtabs-nav" title="Dedicated Engagement Strategists">Dedicated Engagement Strategists</button> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Award-Winning Technical Support" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Award-Winning Technical Support Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Award-Winning Technical Support</h3> <div class="description"> <p>We offer 24/7 technical support and self-guided software tutorials maintained by our skilled Knowledge Management team.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Virtual and On-Site Trainers" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Virtual and On-Site Trainers Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Virtual and On-Site Trainers</h3> <div class="description"> <p>We offer pre-launch and refresher training sessions with our friendly and knowledgeable specialists virtually or at your location.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> <div class="subtabs-body js-subtabs-body"> <a href="" target="" title="Dedicated Engagement Strategists" class="card active product-2 js-card"> <img width="64" height="64" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="Dedicated Engagement Strategists Icon" decoding="async" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <h3 class="title">Dedicated Engagement Strategists</h3> <div class="description"> <p>Let us act as an extension of your team and help strategize how to maximize your tech stack to create positive civic experiences.</p> </div> <span class="learn-more">Read more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section><!-- #more-government-technology-solutions --> <section id="10,000+-local-governments-inspire-our-technology-" class="cases-section content-section js-cases-section section- " style=" " data-title="10,000+ Local Governments Inspire Our Technology"> <div class="container"> <h2><span>10,000+</span> Customers Inspire Our Technology</h2> <p>From small rural counties to large metropolitan cities, our scalable municipal government software solutions are designed by former government leaders for evolving communities.</p> <div id="logos-carousel-10,000+-local-governments-inspire-our-technology-" class="splide logos-slider js-logos-slider cp-display-" role="group" aria-label="<span>10,000+</span> Customers Inspire Our Technology"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 18w, 60w, 192w, 250w, 215w, 48w, 530w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="City of Lindsay California logo" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 18w, 60w, 191w, 214w, 48w, 224w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="City of Lebanon, New Hampshire logo" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 18w, 60w, 213w, 48w, 216w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="Seal of the city of Key West, Florida" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 18w, 60w, 191w, 214w, 48w, 224w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="Seal of the capital city of Kansas, Topeka" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 18w, 60w, 192w, 250w, 215w, 48w, 512w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="cases-carousel-10,000+-local-governments-inspire-our-technology-" class="splide cases-slider js-cases-slider cp-quote-on- cp-display-" role="group" aria-label="&lt;span&gt;10,000+&lt;/span&gt; Customers Inspire Our Technology"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="left"> <div class="comment-box"> <p>After sitting here for a couple of hours going through some social media posts, trying to get this open records request solved, I [realized] — this is ridiculous, this is taking me too long. I don’t have the time to sit here and do this, so we reached back out and we ended up with a free trial [of CivicPlus Social Media Archiving software]&#8230; the rest is history.</p> </div> <div class="author-box"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 18w, 60w, 192w, 250w, 215w, 48w, 530w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="info"> <p class="name">Jeff Caponera</p> <p class="position">Police Chief of Grafton, WI</p> </div> </div> <a href="" title="Read the Case Study" target="" class="learn-more"> Read the Case Study </a> </div> <div class="right"> <img width="800" height="450" src="" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 800w, 300w, 768w, 32w, 60w, 350w, 48w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="left"> <div class="comment-box"> <p>Adding Agenda and Meeting Management functionality with Self-Publishing increased transparency as minutes, agendas, and the City’s code of ordinances are readily available in an intuitive interface.</p> </div> <div class="author-box"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="City of Lindsay California logo" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 18w, 60w, 191w, 214w, 48w, 224w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="info"> <p class="name"></p> <p class="position"></p> </div> </div> <a href="" title="Read the Case Study" target="" class="learn-more"> Read the Case Study </a> </div> <div class="right"> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 32w, 60w, 350w, 48w, 1920w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="left"> <div class="comment-box"> <p>Our staff and the public are so tired of having to sign in to different systems. With CivicPlus, we have a platform that offers a single log-in whether you’re signing up for alerts or watching a board meeting, and people really like that. It’s the same for staff. They log into CivicPlus through one interface and can navigate to the different tools.</p> </div> <div class="author-box"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="City of Lebanon, New Hampshire logo" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 18w, 60w, 213w, 48w, 216w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="info"> <p class="name">Melanie McDonough</p> <p class="position">Lebanon, NH Chief Innovation Officer</p> </div> </div> <a href="" title="Read the Case Study" target="" class="learn-more"> Read the Case Study </a> </div> <div class="right"> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 32w, 60w, 350w, 48w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="left"> <div class="comment-box"> <p>CivicPlus has done a fantastic job of engaging customers, soliciting feedback, and using that feedback to enhance its products.</p> </div> <div class="author-box"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="Seal of the city of Key West, Florida" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 18w, 60w, 191w, 214w, 48w, 224w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="info"> <p class="name"></p> <p class="position">City of Key West Web Specialist</p> </div> </div> <a href="" title="Read the Case Study" target="" class="learn-more"> Read the Case Study </a> </div> <div class="right"> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 32w, 60w, 350w, 48w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </div> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <div class="left"> <div class="comment-box"> <p>With limited resources, we’re trying to get the most value from our staff and available funds. The combination of maps, data, service requests and work orders offers us the foundation to make the best decision.</p> </div> <div class="author-box"> <img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail" alt="Seal of the capital city of Kansas, Topeka" decoding="async" srcset=" 150w, 300w, 18w, 60w, 192w, 250w, 215w, 48w, 512w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> <div class="info"> <p class="name">Jaci Vogel</p> <p class="position">Deputy Director of Public Works Operations for the City of Topeka</p> </div> </div> <a href="" title="Read the Case Study" target="" class="learn-more"> Read the Case Study </a> </div> <div class="right"> <img width="1024" height="512" src="" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="Three security men talking around a tow truck" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 36w, 60w, 350w, 48w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" fetchpriority="low" loading="lazy" /> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section><!-- 10,000+-local-governments-inspire-our-technology- --> <section id="digital-government-resources" class="tabs-resources-section" data-title="Digital Government Resources"> <div class="container"> <h2 id="digital-government-resources-h">Digital Government Resources</h2> <div class="tabs-box js-tabs"> <div class="tabs-nav"> <div class="left manual" role="tablist" aria-labelledby="digital-government-resources-h"> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav" title="Latest Updates" aria-expanded="true" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-digital-government-resources-0" aria-selected="true" id="tab-digital-government-resources-0">Latest Updates</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav" title="White Paper" aria-expanded="true" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-digital-government-resources-1" aria-selected="true" id="tab-digital-government-resources-1">White Paper</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav" title="Blog" aria-expanded="true" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-digital-government-resources-2" aria-selected="true" id="tab-digital-government-resources-2">Blog</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav" title="Ebook" aria-expanded="true" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-digital-government-resources-3" aria-selected="true" id="tab-digital-government-resources-3">Ebook</button> <button class="tab-nav-item js-tabs-nav" title="Webinar" aria-expanded="true" role="tab" aria-controls="panel-digital-government-resources-4" aria-selected="true" id="tab-digital-government-resources-4">Webinar</button> </div> <div class="right"> <a href="" class="learn-more" title="go to resource center" tabindex=" tabindex="-1"">go to resource center</a> </div> </div> <div class="tabs-content"> <div id="panel-digital-government-resources-0" class="tabs-body js-tabs-body" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tab-digital-government-resources-0"> <div class="top"> <a href="" title="[UPDATED] State Online Permitting Laws: How It Impacts Local Governments and Your Community" class="post-card"> <div class="picture"> <img width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="Planning Permitting Licensing Blog Assembly Bill 1145" loading="lazy" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 32w, 60w, 350w, 1920w" sizes="auto, (max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" fetchpriority="low" /> </div> <div class="bottom"> <span>Blog</span> <h3>[UPDATED] State Online Permitting Laws: How It Impacts Local Governments and Your Community</h3> </div> </a> </div> <div class="bottom resources-slider splide js-resources-slider" role="group" aria-label="Digital Government Resources - 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