Click Heatmap | ExtraWatch
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1.18l-5.6 1.34s2.98-.13 4.6 1.25c-1.8 2.9-5.78 6.53-10.22 8.58-6.45 3-8.3-2.96-5.03-6.84.8-.94 1.62-1.74 2.38-2.4-.5-.5-.8-1.2-.88-2.06 0 0 0 0 0-.02-.46-1.97-.2-4.54 2.6-8.62.54-.86 1.2-1.75 2-2.65.02-.04.04-.07.07-.1.03-.04.07-.08.1-.12.02-.02.04-.04.06-.06.2-.23.42-.45.64-.67 3.34-3.4 8.6-6.96 16.9-10.15C64.4 43.68 67.94 41 67.94 41c1.07-1.1 2.94-2.45 3.63-2.8-5.05-8.77-6.07-21.15-4.75-24.5-.1.2-.2.38-.3.57.5-1.14.83-1.5 1.34-2.1 1.38-1.64 6.06-2.5 1.84 1.06 4.23 1.03 6.02-3.7-.2-7.06 4.04-7.06 4.04s3.07-1.46 6.88-1.5c0 0 1 .9 2.28 2.56-1.7 3.2-4.52 10.02-2.5 17.16.35 1.4.86 2.62 1.5 3.37 5.06 9.54 5.66 9.54 5.66-2.9-1.45-5.27-3.76-6.8-6.56-.82-1.5-1.3-2.77-1.6-3.77-1.64-6.3.77-10 2.14-12.47 3.17-4.9 8.95-7.9 15.15-7.18 8.72 1 14.97 8.86 13.98 17.57-.6 5.32-3.78 9.72-8.15 12.12 1.05 2.84-.07 6.28-.07 6.28 2.64 3.32 2.76 5.23 2.67 7-3.36-.55-6.62 1.7-6.62 1.7s6.48-1.53 10.24 1.82c2.44 2.64 4.08 5 5.05 6.77 1.4 2.5 7.86 2.68 7.12 7.2-.74 4.5-5.68 4.53-13.4-.57M69.56 0C31.15 0 0 31.15 0 69.57c0 38.42 31.15 69.57 69.57 69.57 38.42 0 69.57-31.15 69.57-69.57C139.14 31.15 108 0 69.57 0M73.8 51.7c.8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.82-2.14-.82-2.95 0-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.95 0M66.45 53.15c-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.94 0 .8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.8-2.14-.8-2.95 0"/><path d="M79.23 54.23c-1.27-1.27-3.34-1.27-4.6 0l-2.72 2.7c-1.27 1.3-1.27 3.35 0 4.63l3 2.97c1.26 1.28 3.32 1.28 4.6 0l2.7-2.7c1.28-1.28 1.28-3.35 0-4.62l-2.97-2.97zM95.76 41.44c-2.15-2.57 1.87-7.25 4.4-4.46 4.64 5.15-2.25 7.04-4.4 4.46m9.24 2.7c3.45-6.56-1.42-10.4-4.77-13.53-5.36-5.03-10.7-7.2-16.8-.23-6.1 6.98-2.24 15.07 3.35 19.06 5.58 4 14.78 1.25 18.22-5.3"/></svg></a> </section> <section class="navbar-section desktop-menu"> <nav class="dropmenu animated"> <ul > <li> <a href="/" class=""> Demo </a> </li> <li> <a href="/start" class=""> Start </a> </li> <li> <a href="/features" class="active"> Features </a> <ul> <li> <a href="/features/heatmap" class="active"> Click Heatmap </a> </li> <li> <a 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class="dt-published" datetime="2020-11-17T10:25:57+01:00"> <i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> 17th Nov 2020 </time> </span> </div> <div class="e-content"> <p>Click heat map allows you to see your visitors interactions with your website which of the elements of your website are the most active.</p> <p><a href="/pricing" class="btn btn-success">Get Started</a></p> <p><br/> <br/></p> <p><img alt="" src="/images/d/b/5/0/e/db50e02be3e9f3e211c880118612713dc6f3d537-click-heatmap.png" /></p> <p>It allows you to see for example - menu items popularity as well as popularity of other elements such as form fields or check out forms.</p> <h1>Selecting most popular pages based on clicks</h1> <p>When you select a "Click Heatmap" section in the admin dashboard, you are able to see the list of most popular pages sorted by most of the clicks. By selecting a page from the drop-down menu, website view below refreshes and opens the page with heat map overlay displaying the click heatmap.</p> <h1>Colors</h1> <p>Blue Color represents the least clicked areas, whereas yellow or red elements represent the most active parts.</p> <h1>Past Days</h1> <p>Drop down menu allows you to select number of days which will be included in the heat map overlay. when will I graduate all clicks from all those lost vase off days </p> <h1>Use</h1> <p>This functionality is very useful if you are not able to tell if some element you put on your website attracts users or not It allows you to rearrange the elements of your page, so that they receive the most clicks and navigate your user towards your marketing goals</p> <p><a href="/pricing" class="btn btn-success">Get Started</a></p> </div> </div> <p class="prev-next text-center"> <a class="btn" href="/features/location-on-map"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> Previous Post</a> </p> </div> <div id="sidebar" class="column col-3 col-md-12"> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section> </div> <section id="footer" class="section bg-gray"> <section class="container grid-lg"> <p><a href="">Grav</a> was <i class="fa fa-code"></i> with <i class="fa fa-heart-o pulse "></i> by <a href="">Trilby Media</a>.</p> </section> </section> <div class="mobile-container"> <div class="overlay" id="overlay"> <div class="mobile-logo"> <a href="/" class="navbar-brand mr-10"> <svg xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 504 140" clip-rule="evenodd"><path d="M235.83 71.56h-7.98c-1.2 0-2.2 1-2.2 2.2V89.1l-.15.13c-4.7 3.96-10.64 6.14-16.72 6.14-14.36 0-26.04-11.68-26.04-26.04s11.68-26.04 26.04-26.04c5.58 0 10.92 1.76 15.44 2.1.57 2.86-.2l5.7-5.7c.44-.44.67-1.05.63-1.68-.02-.62-.32-1.2-.82-1.6-6.76-5.35-15.2-8.3-23.8-8.3-21.18 0-38.42 17.23-38.42 38.4 0 21.2 17.24 38.42 38.42 38.42 10.93 0 21.4-4.7 28.7-12.9.35-.4.55-.93.55-1.47v-19.6c0-1.22-.98-2.2-2.2-2.2M502.8 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39.9-2.22-1.2-2.64-2.8-2.15-4.45.54-4.13 9.08-13.62 9.08-13.62s.18 2 2.92 6.18c-3.6-11.2 5.96-25.03 8.5-29.73 3.98-1.27 4.27-6.4 4.27-6.4.26-7.9-3.28-13.63-6.7-17.05 2.46 3 3.25 7.54 3.37 11.7v.02c0 .47 0 .93 0 1.4-.12 3.43-1.16 8.18-3.38 8.18v.03c-2.28-.1-5.1.4-7.63 1.18l-5.6 1.34s2.98-.13 4.6 1.25c-1.8 2.9-5.78 6.53-10.22 8.58-6.45 3-8.3-2.96-5.03-6.84.8-.94 1.62-1.74 2.38-2.4-.5-.5-.8-1.2-.88-2.06 0 0 0 0 0-.02-.46-1.97-.2-4.54 2.6-8.62.54-.86 1.2-1.75 2-2.65.02-.04.04-.07.07-.1.03-.04.07-.08.1-.12.02-.02.04-.04.06-.06.2-.23.42-.45.64-.67 3.34-3.4 8.6-6.96 16.9-10.15C64.4 43.68 67.94 41 67.94 41c1.07-1.1 2.94-2.45 3.63-2.8-5.05-8.77-6.07-21.15-4.75-24.5-.1.2-.2.38-.3.57.5-1.14.83-1.5 1.34-2.1 1.38-1.64 6.06-2.5 1.84 1.06 4.23 1.03 6.02-3.7-.2-7.06 4.04-7.06 4.04s3.07-1.46 6.88-1.5c0 0 1 .9 2.28 2.56-1.7 3.2-4.52 10.02-2.5 17.16.35 1.4.86 2.62 1.5 3.37 5.06 9.54 5.66 9.54 5.66-2.9-1.45-5.27-3.76-6.8-6.56-.82-1.5-1.3-2.77-1.6-3.77-1.64-6.3.77-10 2.14-12.47 3.17-4.9 8.95-7.9 15.15-7.18 8.72 1 14.97 8.86 13.98 17.57-.6 5.32-3.78 9.72-8.15 12.12 1.05 2.84-.07 6.28-.07 6.28 2.64 3.32 2.76 5.23 2.67 7-3.36-.55-6.62 1.7-6.62 1.7s6.48-1.53 10.24 1.82c2.44 2.64 4.08 5 5.05 6.77 1.4 2.5 7.86 2.68 7.12 7.2-.74 4.5-5.68 4.53-13.4-.57M69.56 0C31.15 0 0 31.15 0 69.57c0 38.42 31.15 69.57 69.57 69.57 38.42 0 69.57-31.15 69.57-69.57C139.14 31.15 108 0 69.57 0M73.8 51.7c.8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.82-2.14-.82-2.95 0-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.95 0M66.45 53.15c-.82.8-.82 2.13 0 2.13.8 2.94 0 .8-.82.8-2.14 0-2.95-.82-.8-2.14-.8-2.95 0"/><path d="M79.23 54.23c-1.27-1.27-3.34-1.27-4.6 0l-2.72 2.7c-1.27 1.3-1.27 3.35 0 4.63l3 2.97c1.26 1.28 3.32 1.28 4.6 0l2.7-2.7c1.28-1.28 1.28-3.35 0-4.62l-2.97-2.97zM95.76 41.44c-2.15-2.57 1.87-7.25 4.4-4.46 4.64 5.15-2.25 7.04-4.4 4.46m9.24 2.7c3.45-6.56-1.42-10.4-4.77-13.53-5.36-5.03-10.7-7.2-16.8-.23-6.1 6.98-2.24 15.07 3.35 19.06 5.58 4 14.78 1.25 18.22-5.3"/></svg></a> </div> <nav class="overlay-menu"> <ul class="tree"> <li> <a href="/" class=""> 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