PIN(s) sperren –

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11.4964C20.8642 11.4968 20.8643 11.4971 20 12M4 12C3.13565 12.5029 3.13585 12.5032 3.13606 12.5036L3.13654 12.5044L3.13769 12.5064L3.14082 12.5117L3.15034 12.5277C3.15814 12.5408 3.16883 12.5584 3.1824 12.5805C3.20953 12.6245 3.2482 12.686 3.29824 12.7625C3.39826 12.9153 3.54416 13.1285 3.73467 13.382C4.11459 13.8876 4.67789 14.5613 5.41518 15.2372C6.88065 16.5805 9.11123 18 12 18C14.8888 18 17.1194 16.5805 18.5848 15.2372C19.3221 14.5613 19.8854 13.8876 20.2653 13.382C20.4558 13.1285 20.6017 12.9153 20.7018 12.7625C20.7518 12.686 20.7905 12.6245 20.8176 12.5805C20.8312 12.5584 20.8419 12.5408 20.8497 12.5277L20.8592 12.5117L20.8623 12.5064L20.8635 12.5044L20.8639 12.5036C20.8642 12.5032 20.8643 12.5029 20 12M20 12L20.8643 11.4971C21.0452 11.808 21.0452 12.192 20.8643 12.5029L20 12Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M12 14C13.1046 14 14 13.1046 14 12C14 10.8954 13.1046 10 12 10C10.8954 10 10 10.8954 10 12C10 13.1046 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26.4878 33.904 26.1918 34.032C25.8958 34.16 25.6318 34.304 25.3998 34.464L25.0158 33.78C25.2878 33.604 25.6198 33.436 26.0118 33.276C26.4118 33.108 26.8438 33.024 27.3078 33.024C28.0198 33.024 28.5358 33.244 28.8558 33.684C29.1758 34.116 29.3358 34.696 29.3358 35.424V39H28.5198L28.4358 38.304H28.3998C28.1278 38.528 27.8278 38.724 27.4998 38.892C27.1798 39.06 26.8358 39.144 26.4678 39.144ZM26.7558 38.352C27.0358 38.352 27.2998 38.284 27.5478 38.148C27.7958 38.012 28.0598 37.82 28.3398 37.572V35.952C27.3718 36.072 26.6918 36.252 26.2998 36.492C25.9158 36.732 25.7238 37.04 25.7238 37.416C25.7238 37.744 25.8238 37.984 26.0238 38.136C26.2238 38.28 26.4678 38.352 26.7558 38.352ZM31.5387 39V33.972H30.7467V33.228L31.5387 33.168V32.244C31.5387 31.652 31.6747 31.184 31.9467 30.84C32.2267 30.488 32.6587 30.312 33.2427 30.312C33.4267 30.312 33.6027 30.332 33.7707 30.372C33.9387 30.404 34.0867 30.448 34.2147 30.504L33.9987 31.26C33.7827 31.164 33.5627 31.116 33.3387 31.116C32.7947 31.116 32.5227 31.492 32.5227 32.244V33.168H33.7587V33.972H32.5227V39H31.5387ZM37.3214 39.144C36.8014 39.144 36.3294 39.024 35.9054 38.784C35.4814 38.536 35.1454 38.184 34.8974 37.728C34.6494 37.272 34.5254 36.728 34.5254 36.096C34.5254 35.456 34.6494 34.908 34.8974 34.452C35.1534 33.996 35.4814 33.644 35.8814 33.396C36.2814 33.148 36.7014 33.024 37.1414 33.024C37.8854 33.024 38.4574 33.272 38.8574 33.768C39.2654 34.264 39.4694 34.928 39.4694 35.76C39.4694 35.864 39.4654 35.968 39.4574 36.072C39.4574 36.168 39.4494 36.252 39.4334 36.324H35.4974C35.5374 36.94 35.7294 37.432 36.0734 37.8C36.4254 38.168 36.8814 38.352 37.4414 38.352C37.7214 38.352 37.9774 38.312 38.2094 38.232C38.4494 38.144 38.6774 38.032 38.8934 37.896L39.2414 38.544C38.9934 38.704 38.7094 38.844 38.3894 38.964C38.0774 39.084 37.7214 39.144 37.3214 39.144ZM35.4854 35.616H38.6054C38.6054 35.024 38.4774 34.576 38.2214 34.272C37.9734 33.96 37.6214 33.804 37.1654 33.804C36.7574 33.804 36.3894 33.964 36.0614 34.284C35.7414 34.596 35.5494 35.04 35.4854 35.616ZM43.4146 39.144C42.9026 39.144 42.4386 39.024 42.0226 38.784C41.6066 38.544 41.2786 38.196 41.0386 37.74C40.7986 37.284 40.6786 36.736 40.6786 36.096C40.6786 35.44 40.8066 34.884 41.0626 34.428C41.3266 33.972 41.6706 33.624 42.0946 33.384C42.5266 33.144 42.9906 33.024 43.4866 33.024C43.8706 33.024 44.1986 33.092 44.4706 33.228C44.7506 33.364 44.9906 33.524 45.1906 33.708L44.6866 34.356C44.5186 34.204 44.3386 34.08 44.1466 33.984C43.9626 33.888 43.7546 33.84 43.5226 33.84C43.1706 33.84 42.8546 33.936 42.5746 34.128C42.3026 34.312 42.0866 34.576 41.9266 34.92C41.7746 35.256 41.6986 35.648 41.6986 36.096C41.6986 36.76 41.8626 37.3 42.1906 37.716C42.5266 38.124 42.9626 38.328 43.4986 38.328C43.7706 38.328 44.0226 38.272 44.2546 38.16C44.4866 38.04 44.6906 37.9 44.8666 37.74L45.2986 38.4C45.0346 38.632 44.7426 38.816 44.4226 38.952C44.1026 39.08 43.7666 39.144 43.4146 39.144ZM48.01 39.144C47.522 39.144 47.114 39 46.786 38.712C46.466 38.416 46.306 38.008 46.306 37.488C46.306 36.848 46.59 36.36 47.158 36.024C47.734 35.68 48.642 35.44 49.882 35.304C49.882 35.056 49.846 34.82 49.774 34.596C49.71 34.372 49.59 34.192 49.414 34.056C49.246 33.912 49.002 33.84 48.682 33.84C48.346 33.84 48.03 33.904 47.734 34.032C47.438 34.16 47.174 34.304 46.942 34.464L46.558 33.78C46.83 33.604 47.162 33.436 47.554 33.276C47.954 33.108 48.386 33.024 48.85 33.024C49.562 33.024 50.078 33.244 50.398 33.684C50.718 34.116 50.878 34.696 50.878 35.424V39H50.062L49.978 38.304H49.942C49.67 38.528 49.37 38.724 49.042 38.892C48.722 39.06 48.378 39.144 48.01 39.144ZM48.298 38.352C48.578 38.352 48.842 38.284 49.09 38.148C49.338 38.012 49.602 37.82 49.882 37.572V35.952C48.914 36.072 48.234 36.252 47.842 36.492C47.458 36.732 47.266 37.04 47.266 37.416C47.266 37.744 47.366 37.984 47.566 38.136C47.766 38.28 48.01 38.352 48.298 38.352ZM52.9129 39V33.168H53.7289L53.8129 34.224H53.8489C54.0489 33.856 54.2929 33.564 54.5809 33.348C54.8689 33.132 55.1769 33.024 55.5049 33.024C55.7369 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36.084C57.7559 36.78 57.8959 37.328 58.1759 37.728C58.4559 38.12 58.8519 38.316 59.3639 38.316Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M37 3H25C23.8954 3 23 3.80589 23 4.8V19.2C23 20.1941 23.8954 21 25 21L28 20.1L31 21L34 20.1L37 21C38.1046 21 39 20.1941 39 19.2V4.8C39 3.80589 38.1046 3 37 3Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M27 8L27 11" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M31 8L31 12" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M35 8L35 10" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </symbol><symbol fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="icon-wireless" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 14C7.68457 12.7077 9.80762 12 12 12C14.1924 12 16.3154 12.7077 18 14" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M3 10C5.48599 7.42226 8.68607 6 12 6C15.3139 6 18.514 7.42226 21 10" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M9 18C9.87643 17.3495 10.9249 17 12 17C13.0751 17 14.1236 17.3495 15 18" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </symbol><symbol id="myPaysafe-logo" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 112 40" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.6773 9.60066L15.5797 7.36463L12.3838 0.189453H14.1239L16.3625 5.5758L18.312 0.189453H19.9872L16.2528 9.60066H14.6773Z" fill="#3200FF"></path> <path d="M10.0764 7.94538V2.5292C10.0764 1.74411 9.63766 1.27206 8.90473 1.27206C8.1419 1.27206 7.17464 1.82858 6.72093 2.15653L6.696 2.17144L6.70099 2.19131C6.71595 2.5292 6.71594 2.86213 6.71594 3.21989V7.94041H5.04568V2.52424C5.04568 1.73914 4.60693 1.26709 3.87401 1.26709C3.15604 1.26709 2.15389 1.78386 1.67026 2.15156L1.65032 2.16647L1.6553 7.93544H0V0.183852H1.5855V1.22733L1.6553 1.17268C2.65746 0.402487 3.5948 0.0149071 4.45237 0.0149071C4.92104 0.0149071 6.06778 0.134162 6.51152 1.24721L6.53147 1.30187L6.57634 1.26709C7.26439 0.7205 8.32139 0 9.51301 0C10.3506 0 11.7517 0.322983 11.7517 2.49442V7.94041H10.0764V7.94538V7.94538Z" fill="#3200FF"></path> <path d="M112 27.6968V26.3602C112 21.3366 108.474 17.6546 103.688 17.6546C98.9016 17.6546 95.1921 21.4509 95.1921 26.7279C95.1921 32.1391 98.6972 35.5975 104.296 35.5975C105.857 35.5975 108.943 35.3192 111.321 33.6745L109.816 30.3453C108.205 31.2546 106.57 31.667 105.104 31.667C103.693 31.7118 102.207 31.1205 101.474 29.8732C101.135 29.3018 100.911 28.5863 100.826 27.7068H112V27.6968ZM103.688 21.4161C105.174 21.4161 106.351 22.5937 106.555 24.8745H100.826C101.026 22.5888 102.202 21.4161 103.688 21.4161ZM56.771 22.8919C56.771 22.0869 57.5787 21.5801 58.9299 21.5801C60.3459 21.5801 61.8267 22.0819 62.9086 22.554L64.4244 19.026C63.0084 18.3204 60.8495 17.6496 58.6607 17.6496C54.6471 17.6496 51.4112 19.4633 51.4112 23.0906C51.4112 28.8 59.5033 27.7614 59.5033 30.2807C59.5033 31.2198 58.561 31.6919 56.9755 31.6919C55.3551 31.6919 53.8045 31.1552 52.5929 30.549L50.8728 34.0074C52.897 35.0807 55.2553 35.5875 57.4441 35.5875C61.3531 35.5875 64.7235 33.5702 64.7235 29.8782C64.7235 24.2384 56.771 25.1776 56.771 22.8919ZM25.6044 17.6496C22.2688 17.6496 19.6363 18.6931 18.0209 19.6968L19.5017 22.7527C20.4789 22.3155 22.5381 21.5453 24.2881 21.5453C25.5346 21.5453 26.6464 21.9825 26.6464 23.2943V24.4372C19.2125 23.9105 17.0736 27.1701 17.0736 30.1813C17.0736 33.1229 19.5715 35.5925 22.8622 35.5925C24.1585 35.5925 25.5695 35.1056 26.6464 34.4298V35.19H32.0411V23.2645C32.0411 19.3987 29.5831 17.6496 25.6044 17.6496ZM26.8509 31.4285C26.3473 31.7962 25.5695 32.0993 24.7269 32.0993C23.3807 32.0993 22.4683 31.3242 22.4683 30.0819C22.4683 28.6708 23.5851 27.2894 26.8509 27.831V31.4285ZM74.8548 17.6496C71.5192 17.6496 68.8867 18.6931 67.2713 19.6968L68.7521 22.7527C69.7293 22.3155 71.7885 21.5453 73.5385 21.5453C74.785 21.5453 75.8968 21.9825 75.8968 23.2943V24.4372C68.4629 23.9105 66.324 27.1701 66.324 30.1813C66.324 33.1229 68.8219 35.5925 72.1126 35.5925C73.4089 35.5925 74.8199 35.1056 75.8968 34.4298V35.19H81.2915V23.2645C81.2915 19.3987 78.8285 17.6496 74.8548 17.6496ZM75.8968 31.4285C75.3933 31.7962 74.6155 32.0993 73.7729 32.0993C72.4267 32.0993 71.5143 31.3242 71.5143 30.0819C71.5143 28.6708 72.6311 27.2894 75.8968 27.831V31.4285V31.4285ZM85.704 17.3515V18.0571H82.8372V21.7192H85.704V35.19H91.0638V21.7142H94.7733V18.0521H91.0638V17.1428C91.0638 15.6322 91.6721 14.5539 93.3224 14.5539C93.826 14.5539 94.4692 14.6533 94.9079 14.7875V10.9564C94.1651 10.7527 93.3224 10.6185 92.3452 10.6185C87.9925 10.6285 85.704 13.2819 85.704 17.3515ZM45.862 18.0571L42.1525 28.2931L37.8946 18.0571H32.3702L39.6396 34.3851L37.371 40H42.5015L51.2118 18.0571H45.862ZM8.93663 12.0049H0.00195312V35.1851H5.53128V26.7229H8.93663C13.4189 26.7229 16.7894 23.9353 16.7894 19.195C16.7894 15.1005 14.2615 12.0049 8.93663 12.0049ZM8.32835 22.6881H5.53128V16.0397H8.32835C10.3177 16.0397 11.4296 17.4161 11.4296 19.3987C11.4296 21.5155 10.1831 22.6881 8.32835 22.6881Z" fill="#3200FF"></path> </symbol><symbol id="paysafecard-logo" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 142 21" xmlns=""><path d="M100.3 8.3c0-5.3 3.4-8.1 6.5-8.1h1.1c3.2 0 5.4 2.6 5.7 5.9h-2.7c-.2-2-1.4-3.5-3-3.5h-1.2c-1.9 0-3.7 2.1-3.7 5.7s1.8 5.7 3.7 5.7h1.1c1.6 0 2.9-1.6 3.1-3.5h2.7c-.2 3.4-2.9 5.9-5.7 5.9h-1.1c-3.3 0-6.5-2.8-6.5-8.1Zm27.9 1.5v6.4h-2.6V4.8h2.6v1.6c.4-1 1.2-1.6 2.2-1.6h1.4V7h-1.6c-1.3 0-2 1.5-2 2.8ZM23.7 8.3v.2l-7.6 7.9H16s-.2 0-.2-.2V8.1v.2l-7.5 7.9h-.4L0 8.5v-.4L7.6.2H8l7.5 7.9v.2V.2s0-.2.2-.2h.1l7.6 7.9v.2l.3.2ZM40.6.9C39.9.5 39 .3 38.1.3h-6.3v15.9h2.7v-6.1h3.6c1 0 1.8-.2 2.5-.6.7-.4 1.3-1 1.7-1.7s.6-1.6.6-2.5-.2-1.8-.6-2.5c-.4-.7-.9-1.3-1.7-1.7V.9Zm-.8 5.5c-.2.4-.4.7-.8.9-.3.2-.8.3-1.3.3h-3.3V2.7h3.3c.8 0 1.3.2 1.7.7s.6 1 .6 1.8 0 .9-.2 1.2Zm22.9-1.6L58.1 18c-.3 1-.8 1.7-1.3 2.1-.5.5-1.2.7-2 .7h-1.4v-2.2h1.2c.4 0 .7-.1.9-.4s.7-1.4.8-1.8l-4-11.6h2.6l2.6 8.2c.2-.7 2.6-8.2 2.6-8.2h2.6Zm8 5.7c.5.5.7 1.2.7 2.2s-.2 1.3-.5 1.9c-.4.5-.8 1-1.4 1.3s-1.2.5-1.9.5h-.9c-.7 0-1.4-.1-2-.4s-1.1-.7-1.5-1.2c-.4-.6-.5-1.4-.5-2.1h2.5c0 .5 0 1 .4 1.3s.7.4 1.1.4h.7c.4 0 .7-.1 1-.3.3-.2.4-.5.4-1s0-.7-.3-.9c-.2-.2-.5-.4-1-.4l-2.1-.4c-.9-.2-1.5-.5-2-1.1s-.7-1.3-.7-2.1.2-1.3.5-1.8.8-.9 1.4-1.2c.6-.3 1.2-.4 1.8-.4h.8c.7 0 1.3 0 1.9.4s1 .7 1.4 1.2.5 1.4.6 2.1h-2.4c0-.4 0-1-.4-1.3-.3-.3-.6-.4-1-.4h-.7c-.4 0-.7.1-.9.3-.2.2-.4.5-.4.9s0 .6.3.8c. 1.6.5 2.1 1v-.3Zm10.7 3.2V8.9c0-.8-.2-1.5-.5-2.2s-.8-1.2-1.4-1.5c-.6-.4-1.3-.6-2.2-.6h-.8c-.7 0-1.4.2-2.1.5-.6.3-1.2.8-1.6 1.4s-.6 1.1-.6 1.9h2.5c0-.5.2-.8.5-1.1s.7-.4 1.2-.4h.8c.3 0 .5 0 . 0 . 1v.2l-2.9.5c-1.2.2-2.1.6-2.8 1.2-.7.6-1 1.4-1 2.4s.2 1.2.4 1.7c. 1.3 1.2.4 1.9.4s1.5-.2 2-.5c.6-.3 1-.8 1.3-1.3 0 .6.2 1 .5 1.3.4h1.7v-2.2h-.7c-.2 0-.3-.1-.4-.2v-.2Zm-2.6-2.3c0 .6 0 1.1-.3 1.5-.2.4-.5.8-.9 1-.4.2-.9.4-1.4.4s-.8-.1-1.1-.4c-.3-.2-.4-.6-.4-1s.2-.9.5-1.1c.3-.2.8-.4 1.5-.5l2.2-.4v.6Zm-25.3 2.5h-.7c-.2 0-.3-.1-.4-.2V8.9c0-.8-.2-1.5-.5-2.2s-.8-1.2-1.4-1.5c-.6-.4-1.3-.6-2.2-.6h-.8c-.7 0-1.4.2-2.1.5-.6.3-1.2.8-1.6 1.4-.4.6-.6 1.1-.6 1.9h2.5c0-.5.2-.8.5-1.1s.7-.4 1.2-.4h.8c.3 0 .5 0 . 0 . 1v.2l-2.9.5c-1.2.2-2.1.6-2.8 1.2-.7.6-1 1.4-1 2.4s.2 1.2.4 1.7c. 1.3 1.2.4 1.9.4s1.5-.2 2-.5c.6-.3 1-.8 1.3-1.3 0 .6.2 1 .5 1.3.4h1.7v-2.4Zm-3.7-2.5c0 .6 0 1.1-.3 1.5s-.5.8-.9 1c-.4.2-.9.4-1.4.4s-.8-.1-1.1-.4c-.3-.2-.4-.6-.4-1s.2-.9.5-1.1c.3-.2.8-.4 1.5-.5l2.2-.4v.6ZM89.5 7h-3v9.2H84V7h-2.1V4.8H84V3.7c0-1.1.3-1.9.8-2.5S86.1.3 87 .3h2.5v2.2h-1.7c-.4 0-.7 0-.9.3-.2.2-.3.6-.3 1.1v.8h3v2.2Zm7.8-1.7c-.7-.5-1.4-.7-2.3-.7h-.8c-.8 0-1.6.2-2.3.7-.7.5-1.3 1.2-1.8 2.1-.4.9-.7 1.9-.7 3.1s.2 2.2.6 3.1c.4.9 1 1.6 1.7 2.1s1.5.8 2.4.8h.8c.8 0 1.5-.2 2.1-.5s1.2-.8 1.6-1.4.7-1.3.7-2h-2.4c0 .5-.3.9-.7 1.3-.4.3-.8.5-1.3.5h-.8c-.4 0-.8-.2-1.1-.5-.3-.3-.6-.7-.8-1.3 0-.4-.2-.8-.3-1.3h7.5v-1c0-1-.2-1.9-.6-2.8-.4-.8-.9-1.5-1.6-2v-.2Zm-5.2 3.8c0-.2 0-.5.2-.7.2-.6.5-1 .9-1.3s.7-.4 1.1-.4h.8c.3 0 .7.1 1 .3s. 1.2h-5Zm31.9 4.8c-.2 0-.3-.1-.4-.2V8.9c0-.8-.2-1.5-.5-2.2s-.8-1.2-1.4-1.5c-.6-.4-1.3-.6-2.2-.6h-.8c-.7 0-1.4.2-2.1.5-.6.3-1.2.8-1.6 1.4s-.6 1.1-.6 1.9h2.5c0-.5.2-.8.5-1.1s.7-.4 1.2-.4h.8c.3 0 .5 0 . 0 . 1v.2l-2.9.5c-1.2.2-2.1.6-2.8 1.2-.7.6-1 1.4-1 2.4s.2 1.2.4 1.7c. 1.3 1.2.4 1.9.4s1.5-.2 2-.5 1-.8 1.3-1.3c0 .6.2 1 .5 1.3.4h1.7v-2.2h-.7v-.2Zm-3-2.5c0 .6 0 1.1-.3 1.5s-.5.8-.9 1c-.4.2-.9.4-1.4.4s-.8-.1-1.1-.4c-.3-.2-.4-.6-.4-1s.2-.9.5-1.1c.3-.2.8-.4 1.5-.5l2.2-.4v.6Zm15.6 2.7h.7c1.3 0 2.4-1.5 2.4-3.6s-1.1-3.6-2.4-3.6h-.7c-1.2 0-2.4 1.5-2.4 3.6s1.1 3.6 2.4 3.6Zm-5-3.7c0-3.3 1.8-5.9 4.6-5.9h.7c1 0 2.1.7 2.6 1.5V.3h2.5v15.9h-2.5v-1.3c-.6.9-1.8 1.5-2.7 1.5h-.6c-2.7 0-4.6-2.7-4.6-5.9Z" style="fill:#3200ff"></path></symbol> </div> <header id="header" class="larger header-plain"> <div class="main-bar"> <div class="container-extended container-upper"> <a id="brand" href=""> <span class="icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 142 21" class="icon--svg icon--logo"> <use 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Daher bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit an, im Falle eines Betrugsversuches, Ihre paysafecard PINs rund um die Uhr zu sperren.</p><h3>Wie sperre ich meine paysafecard PIN(s)?</h3><p>Mithilfe des unten stehenden Formulars können Sie Ihre PIN(s) mit sofortiger Wirkung sperren. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, das Formular nur im Notfall zu verwenden. Bitte füllen Sie alle erforderlichen Felder sorgfältig und vollständig aus.</p> </div> <p class="lock-warning"><strong>BITTE BEACHTEN:</strong> Nachdem Sie Ihre PIN(s) gesperrt haben, können diese für Zahlungen nicht mehr verwendet werden! Sie können jedoch eine Rückerstattung Ihres bestehenden PIN-Guthabens beantragen.</p> </div> </div> </div> <form id="plockForm" name="plockForm" method="post" action="/plock/plock.xhtml?cid=1" class="cct-form form-module" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="plockForm" value="plockForm" /> <div class="container"> <fieldset> <legend>Grund für die Sperre *</legend> <div class="col-md-12 margin-top-20"> <p>Bitte wählen Sie einen Grund für die Sperre Ihrer PIN(s) aus</p> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> </div> <ul class="option-list col-md-12"> <li class="col-md-12" style="display: none"><input type="radio" checked="checked" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:lockReason" value="plockForm:lockReason:NOT_SELECTED" /><label for="plockForm:lockReason"> -- Select some reason --</label> </li> <li class="col-md-12"><input type="radio" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:REASON_TROJANER" value="plockForm:REASON_TROJANER:TROJANER" /><label for="plockForm:REASON_TROJANER"> Ich habe einen Virus auf meinem PC.</label> </li> <li class="col-md-12"><input type="radio" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:REASON_PHISHING_CALL" value="plockForm:REASON_PHISHING_CALL:PHISHING_CALL" /><label for="plockForm:REASON_PHISHING_CALL"> Ich arbeite bei einer Verkaufsstelle und habe paysafecard PIN(s) über das Telefon weitergegeben.</label> </li> <li class="col-md-12"><input type="radio" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:REASON_PHISHING_WEBSITE" value="plockForm:REASON_PHISHING_WEBSITE:PHISHING_WEBSITE" /><label for="plockForm:REASON_PHISHING_WEBSITE"> Ich habe PIN(s) bei einer betrügerischen Webseite angegeben.</label> </li> <li class="col-md-12"><input type="radio" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:REASON_PROFIT_PROMISE" value="plockForm:REASON_PROFIT_PROMISE:PROFIT_PROMISE" /><label for="plockForm:REASON_PROFIT_PROMISE"> Ich habe PIN(s) über das Telefon an Betrüger (z. B. Schuldenerlass, Gewinnversprechen etc.) weitergegeben.</label> </li> <li class="col-md-12"><input type="radio" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:REASON_NON_RECEIPT_OF_GOODS" value="plockForm:REASON_NON_RECEIPT_OF_GOODS:NON_RECEIPT_OF_GOODS" /><label for="plockForm:REASON_NON_RECEIPT_OF_GOODS"> Ich habe bei einem nicht von paysafecard autorisierten Webshop bezahlt und habe das Produkt bzw. die Dienstleistung nicht erhalten.</label> </li> <li class="col-md-12"><input type="radio" name="plockForm:lockReason" id="plockForm:REASON_OTHER" value="plockForm:REASON_OTHER:OTHER" /><label for="plockForm:REASON_OTHER"> Sonstiges (max. 200 Zeichen)</label> </li> </ul> <div class="col-md-12" style="clear: both"> <div class="other-reason-wrapper"><input id="plockForm:otherLockReason" type="text" name="plockForm:otherLockReason" class="form-control" maxlength="200" /> </div> </div> </fieldset><div id="plockForm:pinsForm"> <fieldset class="row row-centered"> <legend>Ihre PIN(s) *</legend><div id="plockForm:pinsTable"></div> <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 pin-input-wrapper "> <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12 slim pin-input"> <label for="newPin">PIN 1</label><input id="plockForm:newPin" type="text" name="plockForm:newPin" class="form-control text-center input-pin" /> </div> <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-12 slim-left-xs slim-left-sm pin-button"> <label class="col-md-12 hidden-xs hidden-sm"> </label><input id="plockForm:addPin" type="submit" name="plockForm:addPin" value="Hinzufügen" class="form-button btn-default" onclick="mojarra.ab(this,event,'action','plockForm:newPin','plockForm:pinsForm');return false" /> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </fieldset></div> <fieldset> <legend>Ihre persönlichen Daten</legend> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <div class="form-field-wrapper "><label for="plockForm:email">E-Mail-Adresse *</label> <div class="full-width "><input id="plockForm:email" type="text" name="plockForm:email" class="form-control" onkeydown="return disableCopyAndPaste(event);" onkeypress="return disableCopyAndPaste(event);" /> </div> </div> <div class="form-field-wrapper "><label for="plockForm:emailRepeat">E-Mail-Adresse (Wiederholung) *</label> <div class="full-width "><input id="plockForm:emailRepeat" type="text" name="plockForm:emailRepeat" class="form-control" onkeydown="return disableCopyAndPaste(event);" onkeypress="return disableCopyAndPaste(event);" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 email-explanation-wrapper"> <p class="email-explanation">Nach der erfolgreichen Übermittlung erhalten Sie eine E-Mail mit den Ergebnissen der Sperre.</p> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <div class="col-xs-12 margin-top-10 "><input id="plockForm:confirmTerms" type="checkbox" name="plockForm:confirmTerms" class="ui-checkbox" /><label for="plockForm:confirmTerms" class="confirm-checkbox">Mit der Absendung des Formulars erkläre ich unwiderruflich, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten und Informationen korrekt und vollständig sind. Ich stimme der Verwendung dieser Daten zum Zwecke der Sperre meiner PIN(s) zu. 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