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Preamble</h2> <p>1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “User Agreement”) regulates the relationship between STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED (registration number: ΗΕ387553, address of record: 7 Florinis Street, Greg Tower, 2nd Floor PC 1065 Nicosia, Cyprus) a legal entity incorporated and acting in accordance with the law of the Republic of Cyprus (hereinafter referred to as “STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED” or “Company”) and an unlimited number of individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as “Users”).</p> <h2>2. General provisions</h2> <p>2.1. This User Agreement regulates the procedure and terms of use by Users of the Resources:,, mobile applications "Meteoprog" and other resources containing a hyperlink to this Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Resources”), as well as the procedure and terms of use by Users of weather forecast data expressed in any form, posted and/or obtained using (through) the Resources (hereinafter referred to as “Weather forecast data”).</p> <p>2.2. The valid edition of this User Agreement is available <a href="/uagreement/">here</a>. The User Agreement is made in English. Other language versions are translations of the User Agreement. In case of conflict between the terms of the English language version of the User Agreement and another language version, the English version of the User Agreement prevails.</p> <p>2.3. The User's personal data defined by the Privacy Policy is stored and processed by STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED in accordance with the terms of the <a href="/privacypolicy/">Privacy and Cookie Policy</a>.</p> <h2>3. Alteration</h2> <p>This User Agreement may be changed by the Company after prior notification of the Users on such change. The User is to be notified of such a change by a special pop-up information window (pop-up) when opening one of the Resources. The new edition of the User Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted in a special section of one of the Resources specified in cl. 2. of the User Agreement, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the User Agreement. The user is solely responsible for familiarizing himself with the new editions of the User Agreement.</p> <h2>4. Acceptance of the User Agreement terms</h2> <p>The User's interaction with the sections of the Website and/or any use of Weather forecast data in full or in part means the User agrees in full with all the terms of this User Agreement and is regarded as the fact of the User’s acceptance of this User Agreement. The User confirms that he accepts this User Agreement having a full understanding of the language in which this User Agreement is set out, with a full understanding of the content of the User Agreement, as well as the terminology used in the User Agreement.</p> <h2>5. Limitations of use in case of disagreement</h2> <p>If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of this User Agreement, the User is not entitled to use the services of the Resources or Weather forecast data in any way.</p> <h2>6. Procedure and terms of using the Weather forecast data</h2> <p>6.1. The User agrees to the following terms of use for the sections of the Resources, as well as the terms of use of Weather forecast data.</p> <p>6.2. The use of the Website services and Weather forecast data is intended solely for User’s personal, non-commercial use for informational purposes only.</p> <p>6.3. Websites and Weather forecast data are publicly available and accessible to all Internet users.</p> <p>6.4. the Resources are available to Users to review the Weather forecast data posted on such Websites and to use other services available on the Resources.</p> <p>6.5. Weather forecast data is generated (created) using a special software system - automatic weather forecasting technology, which is managed by STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED. Despite advancements in meteorology and weather forecasting, there is always a margin of error in predictions that can result in deviations from actual observed values. Therefore, visitors should keep in mind the likelihood of inaccurate forecasts.</p> <p>6.6. With consideration of the specifics of the above technology, the Company cannot guarantee the correctness, accuracy, and reliability of the Weather forecast data. The specified Weather forecast data is generated automatically, using forecast and other data obtained from sources outside the control of the Company. Such Weather forecast data are not subjected to additional control by experts in the field of meteorology.</p> <p>6.7.Weather forecast data are for advisory purposes only and cannot be used as an official source of weather data when planning events involving the risk of material damage or loss of life, nor can they be used in court when considering any kind of disputes, cases, and/or issuance of certificates, opinions, and other documents for legal entities or individuals, in particular, but not limited to insurance companies, government authorities regarding any kind of events, accidents, insurance claims, and others.</p> <p>6.8. Considering the above, neither STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED, nor the copyright holder of the rights to the Resources and weather forecasting technology in automatic mode, as well as officials, staff of the Company, and the copyright holder are under no circumstances liable to Users and each User individually, as well as to any third parties, for the correctness, accuracy, and reliability of the Weather forecast data, in particular for the inconsistency of the Weather forecast data with the actual meteorological situation, as well as any possible damage, loss of property, or health incurred by legal entities and/or individuals as a result of using the provided Weather forecast data.</p> <p>6.9. The Website might also feature astrological information and horoscopes that are intended solely for entertainment purposes. STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED makes no warranty, statement, or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, availability, completeness, or usefulness of any content or information related to astrological information, horoscopes, or other similar content based on forecasts or predictions contained on the Website, and in so far as permitted by law, will not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information.</p> <p>6.10. Weather forecast data, horoscopes, or other similar content are provided by the Company to an unlimited number of Users solely for informational and entertainment purposes. The information is presented on an “as it is” basis and may consist of personal opinions and views of separate advisors and, as such, STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED, the copyright holder of the rights to the Resources, as well as officials and staff of the Company take no liability for the recommendations, accuracy, validity, reliability, completeness, legality, quality, or applicability of any such information.</p> <p>6.11. It is prohibited to use Weather forecast data for any commercial purposes, particularly in any media, on television, radio, Internet, information electronic displays, scoreboards, boards, etc., except as expressly provided for in this User Agreement.</p> <p>6.12. The air quality data are based on the forecasts of concentrations of the main pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2) of global and regional (European) air quality models presented on the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (<a href="" target="_blank">CAMS</a>) online resource of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (<a href="" target="_blank">ECMWF</a>).</p> <h2>7. Procedure and terms of use of Weather informers by the Users</h2> <p>7.1. Users are entitled to use the Weather informers by placing the program code of a specific Weather informer on the Internet website controlled by the User.</p> <p>7.2. Weather informer is a program code that, when installed and executed, generates a graphic file on the corresponding website. The file contains Weather forecast data updated in accordance with the established algorithm of such a Weather informer (hereinafter referred to as the “Weather informer”). Such Weather informer can be added by hyperlink to one of the Resources.</p> <p>7.3. The Weather informers used by Users, in particular, the Weather forecast data obtained through such Weather informers, are subject to all terms of use of such Weather forecast data provided for in cl. 6 of this User Agreement.</p> <p>7.4. STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED holds all the exclusive rights to Weather informers provided for in this User Agreement. </p> <p>7.5. Users are prohibited from altering, upgrading, decompiling, decrypting, or performing any other actions with the program code of a certain Weather informer and/or Weather forecast data obtained through such a Weather informer in any way.</p> <p>7.6. Users are prohibited from distributing, selling, or providing Weather informers and Weather forecast data obtained through such Weather informers, except in the form of posting a specific Weather informer on the User's website.</p> <p>7.7. The User agrees that the Weather informer can be used by the User on a specific website only in the form in which such a Weather informer was downloaded by the User from the Website.</p> <p>7.8. The User agrees that the installation by the User of the Weather informer on a specific website is a confirmation that the User has all the necessary rights and permissions to place the Weather informer on such a website.</p> <p>7.9. The User agrees that STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED, at any time, without prior notice to the User, is entitled to terminate the provision of Weather forecast data for a specific Weather informer, as well as to require the User to remove the Weather informer installed on the respective website without any compensation to the User.</p> <p>7.10. The User agrees that the Weather informer is used by the User on an "AS IS" basis in accordance with generally accepted rules in international practice. That means that the Company is not responsible for problems arising during the posting of the Weather informer on the Resources, including as follows: compatibility problems with other software products (packages, drivers, etc.), inconsistencies in the results of using the Weather informer by the User, etc.</p> <p>7.11. The User is prohibited from installing Weather informers on websites containing information that violates the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus, the European Union, and/or websites that mislead the Internet network users or download viruses and other malicious programs to users' devices.</p> <h2>8. Procedure and terms of use of Weather forecast data provided in the form of XML files</h2> <p>8.1. The Users are entitled to use the Weather forecast data in the form of XML-files downloaded by the User according to the access individually provided by the representative of STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED.</p> <p>8.2. XML files represent a certain form of providing Weather forecast data, automatically updated in accordance with the established algorithm. They can be used by the User for filling and functioning of their own programs, websites, and services, for realizing the possibility of familiarization through such programs, services, and websites with the provided Weather forecast data (hereinafter referred to as "XML files").</p> <p>8.3. The User undertakes, when displaying (familiarization) Weather forecast data through programs, websites, and services using XML files, to ensure that a notice is posted, as follows: “Based on the data,” as well as to post a hyperlink to the website</p> <p>8.4. The XML files used by the Users, in particular the Weather forecast data obtained through XML files, are subject to all terms of use of such Weather forecast data provided for in cl. 6 of this User Agreement.</p> <p>8.5. Users are prohibited from altering or supplementing in any way the Weather forecast data received in the form of XML files.</p> <p>8.6. Users are prohibited from distributing, or selling the Weather forecast data received in the form of XML files, except in the form of using XML files in programs, websites, and services of Users.</p> <p>8.7. The User agrees that XML files can be used by the User only in the form in which such XML files are provided to the User.</p> <p>8.8. The User agrees that the use of XML files by the User in programs, websites, or services is a confirmation that the User possesses all the necessary rights and permissions to use such programs, websites, or services.</p> <p>8.9. The User agrees that the Company at any time, without prior notice to the User, is entitled to terminate the provision of XML files to the User, as well as to demand the removal of any links to any of the Resources located in the programs, websites, services of the User without any compensation to the User.</p> <p>8.10. The User agrees that XML files are provided to the User on an "AS IS" basis in accordance with generally accepted rules in international practice. This means that STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED is not responsible for problems arising in the process of using XML files by the User, including as follows: compatibility problems with other software products (packages, drivers, etc.), inconsistencies in the results of using XML files by the User, etc.</p> <p>8.11. The User is prohibited from using XML files on websites containing information that violates the valid legislation of the Republic of Cyprus, the European Union, and/or websites that mislead Internet users or download viruses and other malicious programs to users' devices.</p> <h2>9. Prohibition of other use of Weather forecast data and Websites</h2> <p>9.1. Users and each User individually are duly notified and agree that any other use of Weather forecast data not expressly provided for in this User Agreement is prohibited.</p> <p>9.2. When using the Resources, the User is prohibited from:</p> <p>9.2.1. download, send, transmit, or in any other way post and/or distribute the content that is illegal, harmful, detractive, offending morality, demonstrates (or is propaganda) violence and cruelty, violates intellectual property rights, promotes hatred and/or discrimination of people by racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social, contains insults to any person or organization, contains elements (or being propaganda) of pornography, child eroticism, is an advertisement (or propaganda) of sexual services (including masked under a type of other services), explains the procedure for the manufacture, consumption or other use of narcotic substances or analogues, explosives or other weapons;</p> <p>9.2.2. violate the rights of third parties, including minors, and/or harm them in any way;</p> <p>9.2.3. upload, send, transmit, or in any other way post and/or distribute any materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files, or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs for unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers for commercial software products and programs to generate them, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, as well as posting links to the above information;</p> <p>9.2.4. collect and store personal data of others;</p> <p>9.2.5. disrupt the normal operation of the Resources;</p> <p>9.2.6. facilitate actions aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the User Agreement.</p> <h2>10. Intellectual property rights</h2> <p>10.1. All facilities available on the Resources, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, sounds, and other facilities, as well as any content posted on the Resources, are subject to exclusive rights of STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED and other copyright holders.</p> <p>10.2. The use of the content, as well as any other elements of the Resources, is allowed only within the framework of the functionality offered by this or that section of the Website. No elements of the content of the Website are allowed to be used in any other way without the prior permission of STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED. The use means among the others as follows: reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, display in a frame, etc. The exceptions are cases directly provided for by law or the terms of this User Agreement.</p> <p>10.3. The use by the User of elements of the content of the Resources, as well as any content for personal non-commercial use, is allowed provided that all copyright protection marks, related rights, marks for goods and services, other notices of authorship are preserved, the name (or pseudonym) of the author/copyright holder is preserved unchanged, keeping the corresponding subject unchanged.</p> <h2>11. Right to judicial protection</h2> <p>11.1. STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED is entitled to apply to the court to protect its rights and interests in case of violation by the User of the terms of this User Agreement.</p> <h2>12. Liability for non-compliance with this User Agreement</h2> <p>12.1. The User agrees that he is solely responsible to third parties and/or STNL MEDIA INVEST LIMITED for violation and/or non-fulfillment by such User of the terms of this User Agreement.</p> <h2>13. Legal regulation</h2> <p>13.1. This User Agreement and the relations arising from the acceptance of the terms of the User Agreement are regulated in accordance with the norms of the valid legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.</p> </div> </article> </main> <aside class="aside"> <!-- banner_place_name: nd_desc_right_top --> <!--noindex--><div id="mp_banner_661" class="informer promo" > <!-- banner_place:nd_desc_right_top; banner_id: 661; - desktop right premium; banner_order:50;--> <!-- /21804793526/ --> <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <div id='' style='min-width: 300px; min-height: 250px;'> <!-- <script> --> <script> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(''); }); </script> </div> </div> <!-- end banner_place:nd_desc_right_top --> </div><!--/noindex--> <!-- include partials/news-widget.html --> <!-- banner_place_name: nd_desc_right --> <!--noindex--><div id="mp_banner_662" class="informer promo" > <!-- banner_place:nd_desc_right; banner_id: 662; - desktop sidebar; banner_order:50;--> <div class="sticky" style="margin-top: 10px; 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