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In misapprehension of the original semantics of biology which meant the science of the living, physicians and even psychiatrists referred to themselves as "Biologists" or "Biological Psychiatrists", even though psychoses were considered as an expression of a deficiency of cerebral transmitter metabolism. By this semantic faux pas "Bios" and therewith all phenomena of the living were eliminated from psychiatry. A minority of psychiatrists became more and more aware that medicine and especially Psychiatry lacked a theoretical foundation. As evidence for that, one may cite demands, according to which psychiatry should be abolished as a discipline of itself and instead being integrated into a widespread integrative neuroscience. The present monograph counteracts such ambitions emphatically and tries to play a modest part in contributing to the badly needed development of a theoretical consciousness in psychiatry.</p><hr /> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tabs-2"> <p class="bookdesc">Gerald Ulrich, Habil. in Psychiatry with university degrees in medicine, was a retired university Professor with residencies in Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychophysiology. He was appointment as Univ-Prof. and Director at the Department of Psychophysiology, Free University of Berlin, Germany, and later at Charit茅 University, Germany. He published 5 Monographs on Behavioral EEG, and around 200 peer-reviewed articles as first author.</p> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tabs-3"> <div class="bookreview"><p class="bookreviewtext">There are currently no reviews for this title. 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