Peter van Straaten - Lambiek Comiclopedia
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class="currentletter roundbottom shadow hide-for-medium">s </div> </div> <div class="large-pull-2 large-8 columns artistprofile roundbottom shadow"> <div class="artistinfo" xmlns:v="" typeof="v:Person"> <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style right"> <!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox"></div> </div> <span style="display:none" property="v:title" itemprop="description"> Comic Creator Peter van Straaten </span> <h1 property="v:name" itemprop="headline">Peter van Straaten</h1> <h2 property="v:nickname" itemprop="alternativeHeadline"> </h2> <p> (25 March 1935 - 8 December 2016, The Netherlands) <span rel="v:address"> <span typeof="v:Address"> <span property="v:region"> <img class="noshadow" width="20" height="12" alt="Netherlands" src="/share/images/flags/iso/NL.png" /> </span> </span> </span> </p> </div> <img style="display:none" itemprop="image" alt="Peter van Straaten" src="/artists/img/1021-78640-999-n8r.jpg"/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-offset-2 large-8 columns artisttext"> <div class="content" itemprop="articleBody"> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_cartoon3.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="Cartoon by Peter van Straaten" height="660" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_cartoon3.jpg" width="622" /></a><br /> <em>Translation: "She's not your type, dear." </em></p> <p class="bodytext"> The Dutch cartoonist Peter van Straaten was especially known for his merciless, tragicomic depictions of the common man and woman in his 'Het Dagelijkse Leven' ("Everyday Life") cartoons, and for his daily strip 'Vader en Zoon' ("Father and Son", 1968-1987), both published in Het Parool. Beloved by generations of Dutch readers for his spontaneous line drawings and meticulous shading, Van Straaten could capture entire personalities and recognizably awkward situations with only a few well-placed pen scratches. As one of the Netherlands' most prominent satirists, admired by both intellectuals and general audiences, he excelled in political cartoons and subtle slice-of-life observations, but also erotic illustrations.While mostly known as a one-panel gag cartoonist, the father and son in his signature comic 'Vader en Zoon' were his most recognizable characters. The continous arguments between a right-wing conservative man and his left-wing progressive son perfectly captured the generation gap in the 1960s-1970s Netherlands. Apart from Het Parool, Van Straaten's "daily life" cartoons have appeared in newspapers and magazines like Algemeen Dagblad, De Volkskrant, ZIN and MUG Magazine, while his political cartoons and depictions of literary life appeared in Vrij Nederland from 1968 until 2014. In addition, Van Straaten's cartoons were collected in books and annual tear-off calendars.</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_p_vaderzoon.jpg" rel="highslide"><img height="284" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_p_vaderzoon.jpg" width="642" /></a><br /> <em>'Vader en Zoon' . Translation: "Right. So you DON'T want to make a career, DON'T want to mary, build a family and make a living..."<br /> "But son... what DO you want?" </em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Early life and career</strong><br /> Peter van Straaten was born in 1935 in Arnhem, in the central-eastern Dutch province Gelderland, as the youngest of five boys. His father was an architect, and drawing was an important part of his childhood. Young Peter often wandered through the woods with his brother Jan, making meticulous illustrations for his birds' logbook. In adulthood, Van Straaten released two sketch books, 'Uit M'n Hoofd' (Van Gennep, 1976) and 'Arnhem - Beeld & Verbeelding' (scripted by Jan Siebelink, Helmond, 1983), where he tried to draw the places from his childhood from memory, without using any documentation whatsoever. He challenged readers to compare the real-life locations with his sketches, since he "didn't dare to do the same."</p> <p class="bodytext"> Among his early influences were the British illustrators <a href="/artists/s/searle_ronald.htm">Ronald Searle</a> and Charles Dana Gibson, as well as Dutch illustrator <a href="/artists/s/spier_j.htm">Jo Spier</a>. He also ranked Rembrandt Van Rijn, <a href="/artists/v/vos_peter.htm">Peter Vos</a>, <a href="/artists/b/blake_quentin.htm">Quentin Blake</a>, <a href="/artists/f/flagg_jm.htm">James Montgomery Flagg</a>, <a href="/artists/f/foster_hal.htm">Harold Foster</a>, <a href="/artists/m/mccay.htm">Winsor McCay</a>, Piet van der Hem, <a href="/artists/d/doeve_eppo.htm">Eppo Doeve</a>, <a href="/artists/h/hahn_albert_sr.htm">Albert Hahn</a>, <a href="/artists/j/jordaan.htm">Leendert Jordaan</a>, Sjoerd Kuperus, <a href="/artists/d/dicke_otto.htm">Otto Dicke</a>, <a href="/artists/s/sanders_jan.htm">Jan Sanders</a>, J.H. Isings, <a href="/artists/s/straaten_van_g.htm">Gerard van Straaten</a>, Fougasse, Arthur Rackham, Edmond Dulac and <a href="/artists/d/dore_gustave.htm">Gustave Doré</a> as strong graphic inspirations. Also strongly connected with Van Straaten's later work are Simon Carmiggelt's writings about everyday life. Peter van Straaten made his first published drawings for his school newspaper, before getting his artistic education at the Amsterdam-based Kunstnijverheidsschool, nowadays known as the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. One of his teachers there was <a href="/artists/m/metz_lex.htm">Lex Metz</a>. Around this time, Peter's older brother <a href="/artists/s/straaten_van_g.htm">Gerard van Straaten</a> was already active as a comic artist and illustrator. In 1958, Peter began his professional career at the local Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool, initially as a reporter-artist and later as a political cartoonist.</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_vaderzoon06.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="Vader & Zoon by Peter van Straaten" height="515" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_vaderzoon06.jpg" width="622" /></a><br /> <em>Vader en Zoon - Translation: "Because I say so!" </em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Vader en Zoon</strong><br /> Van Straaten's signature comic, 'Vader en Zoon', debuted in the 12 November 1968 edition of the newspaper Het Parool. Created as a text comic, with the dialogues written beneath the images, the gags revolve around a conservative, right-wing father and his progressive, left-wing teenage son. The characters are rarely referred by name. Readers usually address them as "Vader" ("father") and "Zoon" ("son"), as the comic's title implies. However, in one strip, Vader refers to himself as "Johannes Wilhelmus Reurdam", shortened to "Jo", while in another episode, the son's name is revealed as "Hans". The mother is completely absent and no reason was ever given why. </p> <p class="bodytext"> Much of the comedy in 'Vader en Zoon' revolved around the contrast between the loud and impulsive father and his calm, melancholic son. Van Straaten defined Vader as the feature's most colorful character, with Zoon being basically the straight man. While Vader's naïve and outdated opinions make him the subject of most of the punchlines, his son sometimes makes a fool of himself too. Although the youngster presents himself as open-minded and in favor of change, he still lives at home and can appear socially awkward. 'Vader en Zoon' is a striking satire of the generation gap that divided Western society during the 1960s and 1970s. Several episodes refer to the Cold War, Vietnam War, Maoism, the African-American civil rights movements and the legalisation of marijuana. However, Van Straaten avoided references to current events that were too specific. As a result, 'Vader en Zoon' is only slightly dated. By the turn of the late 1970s into the 1980s, Van Straaten changed the series' dynamic. Despite his age, Vader suddenly wants to be "trendy", embarrassing his son. As the cartoonist grew older, Vader and Zoon started resembling each other more. They basically became two people who claim to "know" everything, but in reality are lost in an ever-modernizing society. And despite their differences in opinion, the polarized relatives still feel affection towards each other.</p> <p class="bodytext"> Originally, 'Vader en Zoon' appeared on a weekly basis, but readers enjoyed the protagonists' dialogues so much that the feature soon became a daily comic. From 1970 on, episodes were collected in pocket books by publishing company Van Gennep. In 1974, the series was turned into a sitcom for VARA television, starring Guus Hermus and Gees Linnebank as the two main characters. The characters also received wax statues at the Amsterdam Madame Tussauds museum. Running for almost two decades until 1987, the series consists of about 7,000 episodes. In 2000, publishing company De Harmonie released a large volume collection, called 'De Dikke Vader & Zoon', which was reissued in 2017. 'Vader en Zoon' cartoons were also used for the educational guide 'Leren Argumenteren met Vader en Zoon' (Contact, 1996) by Frans van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst, in which readers are given insight on how to properly debate. </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_peter-van_fflint.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="Llewelyn Fflint, by Peter van Straaten" height="592" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_peter-van_fflint.jpg" width="650" /></a><br /> <em>'Llewelyn Fflint'.</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Llewelyn Fflint</strong><br /> For the Dutch comic magazine Pep, Van Straaten drew a short-lived mystery comic, 'Llewelyn Fflint' (1972-1973), written by Belgian scriptwriter <a href="/artists/d/delporte.htm">Yvan Delporte</a>. The stories center on a late 19th-century British scientist who solves mysteries through pseudo-scientific explanations. While Van Straaten's artwork evoked the dark and foggy streets of Victorian London masterfully, the format of the classic comic strip didn't suit him, and he called it quits after three stories. In 1997, the entire run of 'Llewelyn Flint' was collected in book format by publisher Stripstift. In 2016, artist <a href="/artists/h/heij_fred_de.htm">Fred de Heij</a> and writer Ger Apeldoorn revived 'Llewelyn Fflint' in the pages of Stripglossy magazine.</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_bijonsinhetdorp.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="Bij Ons In Het Dorp, by Peter van Straaten" height="541" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_bijonsinhetdorp.jpg" width="641" /></a><br /> <em>A naughty Hans Wiegel in 'Bij Ons In Het Dorp'.</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Political cartoons</strong><br /> In addition to his daily strip, Van Straaten became equally well-known as a political cartoonist. While most were one-panel cartoons, he sometimes made use of a comic strip format. Between 13 and 20 April 1971, he made a short-lived satirical comic titled 'De Wibo-Show', serialized in Het Parool and mocking journalist Wibo Van der Linden. In 1971, Van Straaten also published 'De Wibo-Show' independently as a landscape-format book. In November 1976, the artist collaborated with fellow illustrator Waldemar Post on the comic book 'Grenzenloos Werkeloos' (1976), published by the Tropical Museum as a companion to an exhibition about unemployment in Third World countries. </p> <p class="bodytext"> Although he sometimes commented on international politics, he often felt these subjects were too grand and overwhelming. He preferred to focus on his home country, where politics are more on the level of municipal decisions. This village-minded vision was reflected in his politically-themed comic book 'Bij Ons In Het Dorp' (1977), a booklet published on the occasion of the 1977 elections. A small village was used as a metaphorical setting for Dutch society. Depicted as the mayor was Prime Minister Joop den Uyl. The role of the local constable was given to Vice Prime Minister and head of the Christian-Democratic party CDA, Dries van Agt, while head of the conservative-liberal party VVD Hans Wiegel was depicted as an annoying brat. Van Agt was also subject of the satirical feature 'De Kruistocht van Dries de Betonne', which covered his term as Prime Minister (1977-1982) in a medieval setting. The 1981 book publication was dedicated to <a href="/artists/f/foster_hal.htm">Hal Foster</a>, the American creator of 'Prince Valiant'. </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_kruistocht.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="De kruistocht van Dries de Betonne" height="633" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_kruistocht.jpg" width="629" /></a><br /> <em>'De Kruistocht van Dries de Betonne', 1981, depicting Prime Minister Dries van Agt as a knight. </em></p> <p class="bodytext"> Despite a six decade-long career as political cartoonist, Van Straaten didn't consider himself a strong caricaturist. He also felt his opinions were too mild. According to the cartoonist, his most biting cartoon was printed in 2011. Commenting on the child sex abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, Van Straaten depicted a praying altar boy with a crucifix up his ass. Van Straaten's mailbox was flooded with angry letters from offended Catholics. His wife even strongly advised him to remove his name plate from the front door. Yet, the cartoon was also honored with the annual Inktspot Award. </p> <p class="bodytext"> Van Straaten's political cartoons have been collected in 'Het Leuke Lubbers Kleurboek' (Raamgracht, 1983), 'De Janboel' (Van Gennep, 1986) and 'Politieke Baasjes' (Het Persmuseum, 2002). </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_dagelijksleven.jpg" rel="highslide"><img height="820" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_dagelijksleven.jpg" width="629" /></a><br /> <em>Four 'Dagelijks leven' cartoons, which can also be read as a sequence. The man informs her that he committed adultery, but as the woman bursts into tears he tells her: "Did you think I liked it? It wasn't fun at all!" She: "I assume she was younger than me?" </em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Het Dagelijkse Leven</strong><br /> Among the general public, Van Straaten is most famous for his one-panel cartoons, mostly published under the title 'Het Dagelijkse Leven' ("Everyday Life"). In 1988, <a href="/artists/b/bertrams_joep.htm">Joep Bertrams</a> succeeded him as political cartoonist in Het Parool, allowing Van Straaten to focus on slice-of-life humor. His drawings are characterized by timeless observational comedy, depicting everyday people in simple, recognizable situations, down to the point of banality. Van Straaten had a knack for awkward and embarrassing behavior. His cartoons are filled with people who fail to impress their environment and force themselves at small talk. Drunks, people who try to quit smoking, adulterers, office managers hitting on their secretaries, artists with writer's block, seniors acting like teenagers, perplexed visitors in museums... All try to act smart, hip, cool, strong, helpful or attractive, but fail hilariously. </p> <p class="bodytext"> Apart from Het Parool, Van Straaten's "daily life" cartoons have appeared in newspapers and magazines like Algemeen Dagblad, De Volkskrant, ZIN and MUG Magazine. His cartoons have been compiled in many books. Van Gennep published 'Het Blijft Tobben' (1975), 'Moeder, Ik Ben Niet Gelukkig' (1975), 'Over De Tong' (1979), 'Alles Komt Goed' (1983), 't Is Niks Gedaan' (1985), 'Altijd Wat' (1989), 'Wat Geeft Dat Nou?' (1990), 'Lijf en Leed' (1993) and 'Komt Meer Voor' (1993), while 'Lachen Zonder Bril' (2011) and 'Dan Krijg Je Dat Weer' (2019) were published by De Harmonie. De Harmonie also brought out a special series in which each volume more than 1001 cartoons are brought together. Among the titles in this latter series are: 'Het Dagelijks Leven in 1001 Tekeningen' (1997), 'Mensen Onder Elkaar in 1001 Tekeningen' (2001) and 'Het Is Niet Anders' (2009). </p> <p class="bodytext"> Since Van Straaten made cartoons about dozens of different situations, several have also been collected in thematic books. Gags about office life can be read in 'Ken Je Niet 's Met Ze Práte? Schetsen Uit Het Bedrijfsleven' (Van Gennep, 1979), 'Allemaal Ambtenaren' (SDU Uitgaven, 1988), 'Mens & Bedrijf' (Van Gennep, 1991), 'Zaken & Werk' (Van Gennep, 1994), 'Het Kantoor' (De Harmonie, 2001) and 'Hoe Was Je Dag, Schat?' (De Harmonie, 2009) . The frustrations of (grand)parenthood are subject of 'Ouders & Kinderen' (Van Gennep, 1991), 'Familiebanden' (De Harmonie, 1999), 'Weet Mama Hiervan?' (De Harmonie, 2010) and 'Niet Doen, Opa' (De Harmonie, 2014). In 'Eten, Drinken' (Van Gennep, 1991), 'Drank!' (De Harmonie, 2009), 'Er Kan Wel Wat Zout Uit' (De Harmonie, 2011), 'Heeft Het Gesmaakt' (De Harmonie, 2012) and 'Rondje Voor De Hele Zaak' (De Harmonie, 2015), awkward dinners and embarrassing bar-hoppers liven up the pages, while smokers are targeted in 'Aan De Laatste Roker' (De Harmonie, 2014), a book with a foreword by pop singer Henny Vrienten (of Doe Maar fame). </p> <p class="bodytext"> In 'Kunst en Cultuur' (Van Gennep, 1993), artists and art students are walking punchlines. Dreary travels and miserable vacations form the bulk of 'Zijn We Er Al?' (Maarten Muntinga, 2007), 'Reizen en Trekken' (Van Gennep, 1992), 'Stad en Land' (Van Gennep, 1998), 'Vakantiekiekjes' (De Harmonie, 2000), 'Handbagage' (De Harmonie, 2003) and 'Was Ik Maar Thuis Gebleven' (De Harmonie, 2017) . Aging is the thread throughout 'Hoezo Oud?' (Maarten Muntinga, 2008), while feisty women are centered in 'Pittige Tantes' (De Harmonie, 2002). 'Nog Iets Te Vieren?' (De Harmonie, 2016) pokes fun at parties, while 'Thuis' (De Harmonie, 2022) collects his domestic cartoons. </p> <p class="bodytext"> Since 1994, Peter van Straaten's cartoons also appear in annual tear-off calendars, called 'Peter's Zeurkalender', the title being a pun on the Dutch words "zeuren" ("to nag") and "scheurkalender" ("tear-off calendar").</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <img height="782" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_doe_ik_t_goed.jpg" width="564" /><br /> <em>Translation: "I guess that once again you didn't come?" (From: 'Doe ik 't Goed?').</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Erotic cartoons</strong><br /> Van Straaten's most popular observational comedy cartoons revolve around sex. While some are drawn with an eye for eroticism, the bed partners themselves are hilariously hopeless, either in official relationships, extramarital affairs or visits to prostitutes. Van Straaten's sex cartoons were published under the title 'Doe Ik 't Goed?' ('Am I Doing It Right?') in the Flemish magazine Humo, as well as the Dutch erotic magazine Penthouse. Book compilations were released under titles as 'Doe Ik Het Goed?' (De Harmonie, 1990), 'Trouw en Ontrouw' (Van Gennep, 1991), 'Zo Beter?' (De Harmonie, 1992), 'Vrouwen & Mannen' (Van Gennep, 1992), 'Huwelijk & Relatie' (Van Gennep, 1993), 'Min & Onmin' (Van Gennep, 1994), 'Lukt Het Een Beetje?' (Maarten Muntinga, 1996), 'Slippertjes' (Maarten Muntinga, 2004), 'Roken, Neuken, Drinken' (De Harmonie, 2007), 'Zo Zijn We Niet Getrouwd' (De Harmonie, 2008), 'Mijn Vrouw Begrijpt Me Niet - Mijn Vrouw Heeft Me Door' (De Harmonie, 2016) and 'Moeten We Vaker Doen' (De Harmonie, 2017). In 'Hou Op, Harry!' (De Harmonie, 2018), sexual harrassment is a humorous topic. </p> <p class="bodytext"> In addition, Van Straaten also made purely erotic drawings, without funny captions. These were compiled in the books 'Aanstoot' (1984), 'Nastoot' (1986) by De Arbeiderspers and in 'Seks. Erotiek' (Van Gennep, 1994), 'Lust' (De Harmonie, 2006) and 'Schande' (De Harmonie, 2013). The books were also translated into Danish, Swedish and Norwegian and subject of several exhibitions. </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_peter_aanstoot.jpg" rel="highslide"><img height="591" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_peter_aanstoot.jpg" width="627" /></a><br /> <em>From: 'Aanstoot'.</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Het Literaire Leven</strong><br /> In 1985, Van Straaten launched his weekly cartoon series 'Het Literaire Leven' ("Literary Life") in the book supplement of Vrij Nederland magazine. Later gags ran in the literary magazine Republiek der Letteren. Much like 'Het Dagelijkse Leven', 'Het Literaire Leven' revolves around tragi-comical situations, however strictly limited to the world of literature. Cartoons poke fun at pretentious literary critics, clueless readers and self-important authors. Van Straaten also addresses the loneliness of the profession. In several cartoons, writers and poets battle lack of inspiration and recognition, seeking refuge in cigarettes and alcohol. Publishers demand that they change certain sentences, accept a smaller wage or "work faster". During book signings, barely anyone is interested in their latest book. The organizers seat them in spots where they barely stand out from the crowd. When the struggling authors appear on television, journalists misunderstand them. Other cartoons poke fun at the average reader. Pupils who are forced to make book reports, intellectuals who read too much in non-existing subtext and plain folks who misunderstand the author's intentions. Real-life authors often complimented Van Straaten for his true to life observations of their profession.</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_literaireleven1.jpg" rel="highslide"><img height="683" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_literaireleven1.jpg" width="646" /></a><br /> <em>"Literary Life". Translation: "Have you been nominated for anything lately?"</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> Van Straaten's literary cartoons have been collected in 'Het Literaire Leed' (De Arbeiderspers, 1988), 'Scènes Uit Het Literaire Leven' (Rainbow Pockets, 2003) and 'Waarom Ligt Mijn Boek Niet Naast De Kassa?' (2006). They have also been translated into English, French and German. Van Straaten was a huge admirer of the columns of Simon Carmiggelt. Carmiggelt was a mainstay in newspaper Het Parool from 1946 until his death in 1987, specializing in tragi-comical observational comedy. Some of Carmiggelt’s literary-themed columns have been collected in 'Dwaasheden' (2012) and 'Het Literaire Leven' (2020), with Van Straaten’s cartoons serving as illustrations. He also illustrated the catalog to a Carmiggelt exhibition in the Zeeuwse Bibliotheek in Middelburg, held between 30 November 1992 and 9 January 1993. </p> <p class="bodytext"> On 31 January 2008 and 29 May 2013, Van Straaten donated 800 of his 'Literaire Leven' cartoons to the Museum of Literature in The Hague.</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_literaireleven2.jpg" rel="highslide"><img height="641" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_literaireleven2.jpg" width="646" /></a><br /> <em>"Literary Life". Translation: "Do you dare?"</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Style</strong><br /> Both text and image are equally important in Van Straaten's cartoons. The comedy is subtle and usually involves one character making a remark, from which the reader can construct what has (or hasn't) happened earlier. In his book 'Leve het Welwezen' (2015), Dutch writer and satirist Kees van Kooten (half of the comedy duo Van Kooten & <a href="/artists/b/bie_wim_de.htm">De Bie</a>) labeled this type of humor as "reversed laughter". Apart from the punchlines, Van Straaten's characters and their expressions alone were also a major source of hilarity. With only a few lines, he managed to change them into instantly recognizable human archetypes. Some are plain ordinary, others eccentric, but they never feel like caricatures. All of them look and act like believable individuals. In interviews, Van Straaten commented that he worked in a scribbly style, with no preliminary sketches, to give his drawings a loose feel. But whenever he felt a face or pose didn't look quite good, he started the entire drawing over again, sometimes up to 30 times before it looked right to him. </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <img alt="Literary life by Peter van Straaten" height="609" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_literarylife1.jpg" width="635" /><br /> <em>'Literary Life'.</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Graphic and written contributions</strong><br /> In 1982, Van Straaten contributed to the collective book 'Tekenend Voor Amnesty', supporting Amnesty International. He made a comic about the character Fred Leeflang for the comic information magazine Striprofiel issue #48, published in book format as 'Lang Leve Fred Leeflang' (De Meulder, September 1983). In 1985, Van Straaten was one of several cartoonists who made a graphic contribution to the book 'Tegenaanval' (De Lijn, 1985), an anti-military book advocating the liberation of cartoonist <a href="/artists/s/stevenhagen_wim.htm">Wim Stevenhagen</a>, who was sentenced for refusing to fulfill his military service for reasons of principle. Van Straaten made a graphic contribution to the collective comic book 'Strips voor Mozambique' (Van Bavel, 1987), intended to support the impoverished population of Mozambique. </p> <p class="bodytext"> In 1987-1988, the publishing company Brain Factory International released a four-volume comic book series in which Franco-Belgian comic authors visualized songs by singer Jacques Brel in comic strip form. The third volume, 'Ces Gens-là' (1988), featured a contribution by Van Straaten. The artist also made exclusive cartoons for 'En Wanneer Zijn We Dan Rijk?', a book released to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the bank Verenigde Spaarbank. He paid homage to <a href="/artists/v/vegter.htm">Jaap Vegter</a> in 'Mag 't Even...!! De Wereld van Jaap Vegter in Strips en Cartoons' (De Nieuwe Haagsche, 2001) and <a href="/artists/t/toonder.htm">Marten Toonder</a> in the collective book 'Was Tom Poes Maar Hier' (De Bezige Bij, 2006). </p> <p class="bodytext"> Van Straaten additionally provided a foreword to the reprints of <a href="/artists/h/hartog_vanbanda.htm">Lo Hartog van Banda</a> and <a href="/artists/t/tjong_khing.htm">Thé Tjong-Khing</a>'s classic comic series 'Arman & Ilva', by publishing company Sherpa. </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_agnes.jpg" rel="highslide"><img height="780" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_agnes.jpg" width="489" /></a><br /> <em>Book cover of 'Agnes Agnes'.</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Agnes</strong><br /> Apart from being a talent artist, Peter van Straaten was also a gifted writer. On 11 August 1984, he launched the weekly column 'Agnes' in Het Parool. Between 1986 and 1995, and again from February 1997 until August 2000, the feature had a new home in the weekly Vrij Nederland. Agnes is a a single mother with one son, Daniël. She has a "messy" life, enjoying a good drink and smoke, while trying to find a suitable partner. However, her impulsiveness and lack of self-awareness often lead to hilarious, sometimes pitiful situations. Many readers felt Agnes was a very realistically-portrayed, three-dimensional character in whom they either recognized themselves or middle-aged women they knew. 'Agnes' has been collected by De Harmonie in the books 'Agnes - Scènes Uit Een Slordig Leven' (1987), 'Agnes Moet Verder' (1988), 'Lukt het, Agnes?' (1989), 'Agnes en Daniël' (1991), 'Agnes Redt Het Wel' (1993), 'Agnes Agnes' (1998) and 'Ciao Agnes' (2002).</p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Recognition</strong><br /> In 1983, Peter van Straaten was awarded the annual Stripschap Prize by Dutch comic appreciation society Het Stripschap for his comic 'Vader en Zoon'. On 23 September 1988, the comic also won him the Joop Klepzeiker Award, a prize initiated by publisher Ger van Wulften and named after the comic by <a href="/artists/s/schreurs_eric.htm">Eric Schreurs</a>. On 28 October 1994, The Amsterdam Council of the Arts handed Van Straaten the Professor Pi Award for the overall quality of his artwork. In 2006, he received the literary prize De Gouden Ganzenveer, and a year later, the Jacobus van Looyprijs for both his artistic and literary qualities. Additionally , Van Straaten won the annual Inktspotprijs for "Best Political Cartoon" a record-holding five times: in 1994, 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2016. On 27 April 1996, Van Straaten was also knighted in the Order of the Dutch Lion. In 2010, 48 of Van Straaten's cartoons were donated to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. On 19 November of that same year, he received a honorary doctorate from the University of Leiden. </p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_inktspot2016.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="Cartoon by Peter van Straaten" height="631" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_inktspot2016.jpg" width="470" /></a><br /> <em>Translation: "No, I'm not a refugee. I have been living next to you for twenty years"<br /> Peter van Straaten's winning cartoon for the Inktspotprijs 2016, published in De Volkskrant on 3 November 2015.</em></p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Final years and death</strong><br /> With probably tens of thousands drawings to his name, Peter van Straaten announced his retirement from his daily cartoon for Het Parool in February 2012, after 58 years of loyal service. In July 2014, he also canceled his weekly cartoon in Vrij Nederland. He continued to draw for De Volkskrant until in 2016, health problems forced him to retire completely. Peter van Straaten's final cartoon was published on 2 August 2016 and dealt with the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. As a final tribute the cartoon won a Inktspotprijs award - his sixth in total - but the cartoonist was already too ill to attend the ceremony. In response to this final prize, he officially ended his career in a written testimonial, stating: "Pleasantly surprised. The fifth Inktspotprijs, what an honor! I thank the jury and salute all my colleagues, whom I can promise: this was the very last time for me. I am unfortunately done working." A few months later, Peter van Straaten passed away on 8 December 2016 at the age of 81. </p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Legacy and influence</strong><br /> Peter van Straaten was admired by many colleagues in the graphic world, among them <a href="/artists/k/koch.htm">Peter Koch</a>, <a href="/artists/k/kamagurka.htm">Kamagurka</a>, <a href="/artists/i/ilah.htm">Ilah</a>, <a href="/artists/p/pontiac1.htm">Peter Pontiac</a>, <a href="/artists/m/michiels_steve.htm">Steve (Steve Michiels)</a>, <a href="/artists/v/verwey.htm">Stefan Verwey</a> and <a href="/artists/g/gal2.htm">Gal (Gerard Alsteens)</a>. In 1975, <a href="/artists/g/gijsbers_henk.htm">Henk Gijsbers</a> drew an untitled comic strip for The Haagsche Courant, inspired by 'Vader en Zoon'. In the Dutch city Almere, the Peter van Straaten court was named after Van Straaten, as part of the "Comic Heroes" district.</p> <p class="bodytext"> <strong>Books about Peter van Straaten</strong><br /> For those interested in Peter van Straaten's life and career, the book 'Peter van Straaten' (Waanders, 1997) is highly recommended.</p> <p class="cmc-img"> <a href="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_self.jpg" rel="highslide"><img alt="Peter van Straaten himself" height="664" class="lazy" data-original="/artists/image/s/straaten_van_p/straaten_self.jpg" width="523" /></a><br /> <em>Self-portrait. Translation: "Thank goodness, there's my little Peter."</em></p> </div> <div class="large-12 columns copyright info"> <p class="credits"> Entry by Bas Schuddeboom, with additions by Kjell Knudde </p> Artwork 漏 2016 Peter van Straaten <p> Website © 1994-2024 Lambiek <p class="update info" > Last updated: 2024-09-23</p> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="1970-01-01T01:33:44+01:00"/> </div> </div> <div class="large-12 columns" id="prevnext"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 medium-10 large-8 medium-centered large-centered columns "> <div class="leuk" style="top:auto;margin-right: 112px"> <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style "> <!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <div class="addthis_native_toolbox"></div> </div> <!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <script src="//"></script> </div> <div class="fb-comments" colorscheme="light" data-href="" data-num-posts="2" data-width="604" ></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="artistuitro navbottom 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