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But he also waded into the fight, declaring during an impromptu White House appearance yesterday that &quot;now is not the time to slow down.&quot; </p> <p> &quot;Those who are betting against this getting done this year are badly mistaken,&quot; he added. </p> <p> The House bill aims to cover 97 percent of Americans by 2015, in part through a sliding surtax on household incomes exceeding $350,000. The proposal also includes a public insurance option, which is strongly opposed by Republicans and major insurers and faces difficult prospects in the Senate. </p> <p> In one sign of the changing political climate, the Democratic National Committee this week began running cable television ads targeting many of the party's wavering senators, declaring that &quot;it's time for health-care reform.&quot; The DNC, acting through its Organizing for America grass-roots project, has also ramped up a nationwide schedule of meetings and rallies drawing on Obama's 13 million-name campaign e-mail list. </p> <p> Another leading liberal group, Health Care for America Now, announced an $800,000 ad campaign yesterday with the American Federation of State, Federal and Municipal Employees that is targeting centrist lawmakers in nine states, including Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana and North Dakota. The group is running a telephone campaign that has prompted as many as 16,000 calls a day from reform supporters to lawmakers on Capitol Hill. </p> <p> Republicans, conservative groups and many business organizations have responded by accelerating efforts to derail the legislation, portraying Democratic proposals as costly and dangerous experiments that will put the country on a path to inefficient, &quot;government-run&quot; health care. Their main goal is to slow down the pace of the legislation in Congress in the hope of fomenting wider opposition. </p> <p> &quot;If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo,&quot; <a href="" target="">Sen. Jim DeMint</a> (R-S.C.) said yesterday during a conference call with conservative activists. &quot;It will break him.&quot; </p> <p> The Republican National Committee launched a Web site this week called, which urges supporters to write their representatives in opposition to Democratic proposals. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Businesses also came out against the House legislation, which gained support from the American Medical Association and AARP. </p> <p> Hundreds of conservatives gathered in congressional districts around the country yesterday for health-care protests organized by Tea Party Patriots, a fledgling group that got its start this year during protests over federal bailouts of Wall Street firms. The group is coordinating with Republican lawmakers and conservative groups that see Democratic reform proposals as a promising target for opposition. </p> <p> Amy Menefee, spokeswoman for Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group that says it has 500,000 members in 50 states, said her organization is spending $2 million on television advertising this month and is planning more than 70 rallies against Democratic health-care plans over the next six weeks. </p> </div> <span id="aptureEndContent"></span> </div> </div> <!-- sphereit end --> <br clear="all"> <div align="right"><table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="pagination_bottom"><tr><td align="right"> <font face="arial,sans-serif" color="#CC0000" size="-1"><b>CONTINUED</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b> <font face="arial,sans-serif" size="3" color="#CC0000">1</font> &nbsp;&nbsp; <font face="arial,sans-serif" size="3"><script>document.write('<a href="'+unescape('" onclick="try{appendSidToAnchor(this);appendPositionToAnchor(this,\'\');}catch(e){}">2</a>')</script><noscript><a href="">2</a></noscript></font> </b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face="arial, ms sans serif, sans-serif" size="3"><b><script>document.write('<a href="'+unescape('" onclick="try{appendSidToAnchor(this);appendPositionToAnchor(this,\'\');}catch(e){}">Next</a>')</script><noscript><a href="">Next</a></noscript> &gt;</b></font> </td></tr></table></div><br> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div align="center" style="padding-bottom:10px"><script src=""></script></div> <div id="saveshare-bottom-wrapper" align="center"> <div id="saveshare-bottom"> <div class="column first" align="center" id="wp-diggthis-bottom"> <span id="wp-diggthis-bottom-placeholder" style="display:none;"></span> </div> <div class="column second" align="center" id="wp-facebook-bottom"> <span id="wp-facebook-bottom-placeholder" style="display:none;"></span> </div> <div class="column third" align="left"><script>document.write('<b>More ways to share this Article...</b>')</script><br/><div id="bookmark-bottom"><span id="bookmark-bottom-placeholder" style="display:none;"></span></div></div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <div id="story-navigation-bottom-ST2009071703624" class="storynav-bar storynav-bar-bottom hide"><span class="nav-kicker">&raquo; 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