August 2023 Pass Member News | SeaWorld Orlando
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<div> Private Events </div> </a><a href="/orlando/events" class="site-header__link site-header__link--with-arrow" > <div> All Events <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.95956 11.6262C6.56904 12.0167 6.56904 12.6499 6.95956 13.0404C7.35008 13.4309 7.98325 13.4309 8.37377 13.0404L13.7071 7.70709C14.0976 7.31656 14.0976 6.6834 13.7071 6.29287L8.37378 0.959539C7.98325 0.569015 7.35009 0.569015 6.95956 0.959539C6.56904 1.35006 6.56904 1.98323 6.95956 2.37375L10.5858 5.99998L1 5.99998C0.447714 5.99998 6.0196e-07 6.44769 5.53678e-07 6.99998C5.05395e-07 7.55226 0.447714 7.99998 1 7.99998L10.5858 7.99998L6.95956 11.6262Z" fill="#003C5A" /> </svg> </div> </a></div></div> <div class='dropdown-list'> <div class='dropdown-list__content'> <div class='dropdown-list__title'>Pass Members</div> <span class='dropdown-list__icon'> <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M1.91406 5.00801C2.27774 4.59238 2.90951 4.55026 3.32514 4.91394L7.99997 9.00442L12.6748 4.91394C13.0904 4.55026 13.7222 4.59238 14.0859 5.00801C14.4496 5.42365 14.4074 6.05541 13.9918 6.4191L8.65848 11.0858C8.28145 11.4157 7.71849 11.4157 7.34147 11.0858L2.00813 6.41909C1.5925 6.05541 1.55038 5.42365 1.91406 5.00801Z" /> </svg> </span> </div> <div class='dropdown-list__link-list'> <a href="/orlando/account/sign-in" class="site-header__link" > <div> Pass Member Sign in <div class='site-header__link-sub-heading'>Redeem benefits and manage account</div> </div> </a><a href="" class="site-header__link" > <div> Pass Member News <div class='site-header__link-sub-heading'>December 2024</div> </div> </a><a href="/orlando/annual-pass/benefits" class="site-header__link" > <div> Pass Member Benefits </div> </a><a href="/orlando/annual-pass/monthly-offers" class="site-header__link" > <div> Pass Member Monthly Offers </div> </a><a href="/orlando/annual-pass/benefits/unlocking-the-power-of-your-pass" class="site-header__link" > <div> Unlock the Power of My Pass </div> </a><a href="/orlando/faq/current-pass-members" class="site-header__link" > <div> Current Pass Member FAQ </div> </a></div></div> <a href="/orlando/account/sign-in" class="site-header__button" >Sign In</a> </div> </header> <main class="main-padded"> <article class="blog-data site-container"> <a class="blog-data__navigation-link" target="_self" href=""> <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M1.91406 5.00801C2.27774 4.59238 2.90951 4.55026 3.32514 4.91394L7.99997 9.00442L12.6748 4.91394C13.0904 4.55026 13.7222 4.59238 14.0859 5.00801C14.4496 5.42365 14.4074 6.05541 13.9918 6.4191L8.65848 11.0858C8.28145 11.4157 7.71849 11.4157 7.34147 11.0858L2.00813 6.41909C1.5925 6.05541 1.55038 5.42365 1.91406 5.00801Z" /> </svg> Back to Blog Home </a> <h1 class="blog-data__headline">August 2023 SeaWorld Pass Member News</h1> <div class="blog-data__publish-info"> <span class="blog-data__date"> July 31, 2023 </span> </div> <div class="blog-data__teaser">Pass Members, don鈥檛 forget to redeem your exclusive rewards this August at SeaWorld Orlando.</div> <div class="blog-data__main-content"><style> strong{font-weight: 600;}</style>Join us at SeaWorld Orlando this August for amazing rewards and awesome thrills! Receive discounted guest tickets, a FREE reusable straw, and much more.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Pass Member Howl-O-Scream Orlando Redeem and Scream<br /></strong>SeaWorld Orlando Pass Members can visit a self-service kiosk inside the park to print vouchers for various rewards to redeem any one night during Howl-O-Scream Orlando from September 8 - October 31, 2023. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticket event. Event admission is required, but not included. Restrictions apply. Visit a self-service kiosk inside the park at Manta, Flamingo Gift Shop, Ice Breaker, Infinity Falls, Journey to Atlantis, Kraken and or the Pass Member Lounge to print your voucher.<br /><span style="margin-left: 15px;">• August 21 – 27: $10 Howl-O-Scream Bucks<br /></span><span style="margin-left: 15px;">• August 28 – September 3: FREE Drink (one fountain drink OR draft beer)</span><br /><br /><br /><strong>ADDED: 2 FREE Bonus Guest Tickets<br /></strong>SeaWorld Orlando Pass Members can enjoy two FREE bonus guest tickets valid at any Florida park of Pass membership (SeaWorld Orlando, Aquatica Orlando, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, or Adventure Island) now through August 20, 2023. Visit by August 20th with your guests. <a href="">Login</a> to redeem.<br /><br /><br /><strong>ADDED: $15 SeaWorld Bucks<br /></strong>August 10 - 20<br />Treat yourself to a special snack, souvenir, or park experience with $15 in SeaWorld Bucks. Need ideas on how to use your bucks? Check out this <a href="">blog</a> with top 6 ways to use your bucks.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Howl-O-Scream Open-Dated Ticket Offer<br /></strong>August 19 - 30<br />Visit SeaWorld Orlando August 19 through 30 to purchase a ticket to Howl-O-Scream for only $31.99 for any night. Limit of one ticket per Pass Member. Stop by the Pass Member Lounge (located by Waterway Bar) to purchase from August 19 – 30, 2023. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticketed event.<br /><br /><br /><strong>FREE Craft Beer Beverage Sample Per Visit</strong><br /><img style="width: 800px; height: 472px;" alt="Craft beer from the Craft Beer Festival at SeaWorld Orlando." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_craft_beer_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=0AC8C04DADD0D553A36B53E7DA1B36AAB1FE5776&version=1_202307283735&h=472&w=800" /><br />Cheers to our Pass Members! Join us the last 2 weekends in August (8/18-8/20 & 8/25-8/27) for a <strong>FREE Craft Beer Beverage Sample per visit.</strong> Print your voucher at the self-service kiosk once daily on the last two festival weekends and then redeem at any Craft Beer Festival locations throughout the park. <br /><br /><a href="/orlando/annual-pass/monthly-offers/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">See All Rewards</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>Discounted Guest Tickets</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Pass Members brining a friend with Discounted tickets to SeaWorld Orlando. " src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_discount_guest_tickets_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=0D510BD3AAE37C0685355B0BA76E71C015F3586D&version=1_202307283735" /><br /><strong>Now through August 30th</strong> treat your friends and family to an unforgettable experience for only $46.99 a ticket, making every visit a memorable one. Don't miss out on this limited time offer to create lasting memories together! Each Pass Member can purchase up to 4 discounted guest tickets. <br /><br /><a href="/orlando/account/sign-in/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Log In To Buy</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>FREE Pass Member Exclusive Button Series</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="August SeaWorld Orlando exclusive Pass Member Button." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_button_full_width.jpg?hash=8B350F62B4FBDD9827AA5E50D7C7439B00BECC3C&version=1_202307283735" /><br />August’s exclusive button series is here! Pass Members be sure to come in and get this month’s <strong>NEW Shark Button.</strong> Stop by SeaWorld’s Rescue Store when you visit and pick up your button, only available <strong>August 14th through the 31st,</strong> while supplies last.<br /><br /><a href="/orlando/park-info/theme-park-hours/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Plan My Visit</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>FREE Pipeline Lanyard and Pouch</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Pass Member exclusive Pipeline Lanyard. " src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_pipeline_lanyard_full_width.jpg?hash=17C4D80020A1CBBD837E877006F4B365EA99C801&version=1_202307283736" /><br />Ride the wave to SeaWorld Orlando August 16th through the 31st (while supplies last) and get a <strong>FREE Pipeline lanyard and pouch!</strong> Available only for Pass Members at the Pipeline High Surf store. Hang loose!<br /><br /><a href="/orlando/park-info/theme-park-hours/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Plan My Visit</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>FREE National Roller Coaster Day Tour</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Pass Members enjoying the Mako Rollercoaster at SeaWorld Orlando. " src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_mako_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=0F2CD5883D4E75ADBEDC3F65403063335662A40D&version=1_202307283736" /><br />Mark your calendars! National Roller Coaster Day is <strong>Wednesday, August 16th.</strong> SeaWorld will be holding 2 tours exclusively for Pass Members for an inside look of Orlando’s tallest hyper coaster, Mako. Mako has been voted <strong>Best Roller Coaster</strong> by USA Today's 10Best Readers' Choice Awards, 2023. Tours will be held at 10AM & 1PM with limited availability. Make your reservation when you visit at the SkyTower Tour Desk.<br /><br /><a href="/orlando/roller-coasters/mako/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mako</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>FREE One-time House or Ride Howl-O-Scream Priority Access </strong><img width="800" height="472" alt="Quick Queue Options at SeaWorld Orlando Howl-O-Scream." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_hos_qq_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=E0DC58C661DAE18F30D4CE8AA469276BC3FB1B4C&version=1_202307283735" /><br />Prepare for the scare! Visit SeaWorld Orlando August 18th through the 31st to get one <strong>FREE One-time House or Ride Howl-O-Scream Priority Access.</strong> Stop by the Pass Member Lounge (located by Waterway Bar) during your visit to receive your reward and keep it until you come to Howl-O-Scream. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticketed event. <br />P.S. This one-time Quick Queue is good for either a house or a ride!<br /><br /><a href="/orlando/events/howl-o-scream/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Howl-O-Scream</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>Exclusive Howl-O-Scream Orlando Discounted Ticket</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Howl-O-Scream at SeaWorld Orlando." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_hos_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=0FA26999C518CBB13036CB0AFC6A2CC27F611A6F&version=1_202307283735" /><br />Voted #1 Best Theme Park Halloween Event in Florida by USA Today's 10Best Readers' Choice Awards Howl-O-Scream at SeaWorld Orlando returns September 8. Buy now with this limited-time Pass Member offer - a single night ticket, as low as <strong>$32.99.</strong> Pass Members can also save on unlimited visit tickets. Log in to the Pass Member portal to <strong>save up to 70%</strong> on single night tickets to Howl-O-Scream!<br /><br /><br /><a href="/orlando/account/sign-in/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Log In To Save</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>Craft Beer Festival Exclusive Lanyard</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Pass Members enjoying craft beer from the Craft Beer Festival at SeaWorld Orlando." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_craft_beer_lanyard_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=FBE3F72DA335FC88DB3C389326B6F8BAE5D2D332&version=1_202307283735" /><br />Sample your way around the Craft Beer Festival with more than 100 crafts brews, wines, seltzers, and cocktails. The Craft Beer Festival is select dates July 28th – September 4th. Purchase your exclusive Pass Member lanyard to get <strong>15 samples for the price of 12</strong> (that's 3 BONUS samples). That’s 15 samples for only $75. Gather your friends and save at SeaWorld Orlando. You won’t want to miss this.<br /><br /><br /><a href="/orlando/account/sign-in/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Log In To Save</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>This Month’s Pass Member Exclusive Plate & Pin</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Pass Member exclusive Plate and Pin." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_plate_and_pin_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=A84471087D97D2A423C4F9146F36FB7626434197&version=1_202307283736" /><br />Come into SeaWorld Orlando and get the exclusive plate and trading pin for August! This month includes the <strong>stingray</strong> exclusive Pass Member plate and <strong>flamingo</strong> trading pin. Pass Members can purchase these at most retail locations inside the park. <br /><br /><br /><a href="/orlando/park-info/theme-park-hours/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Plan My Visit</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>Exclusive Pass Member Donut</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Donut" src="/orlando/-/media/migrated-media/seaworld-orlando/blogs/featured-images/2023/july/800x472-swo-blog-donut.jpg?hash=5CC4827821F796E75223B76C6095463DE4607353&version=1_202306210536" /><br />Make sure you stop by Coaster Coffee Company during your visit to purchase the exclusive Pass Member donut! The delicious <strong>birthday cake doughnut</strong> is a vanilla glaze topped with vanilla cake and vanilla buttercream with sprinkles. Treat yourself!<br /><br /><br /><a href="/orlando/dining/coaster-coffee-company/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">See Full Menu</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>SeaWorld Rescue Team Assist in a Dolphin Mom & Calf Relocation</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="SeaWorld Rescue boat carrying out a mission." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_rescue_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=C9C29B49079F9A120B94750DEEEFF61BADE021C0&version=1_202307283736" /><br />The SeaWorld Rescue Team assisted partners in the Southeast Region Stranding Network in the rescue of a mom and calf bottlenose dolphin pair on June 17, 2023. The pair were trapped in a saltwater marsh pond near Grand Isle, LA for more than a year due to storm surge and flooding associated with Hurricane Ida in September 2021. Although they were feeding well, they were unable to escape the pond to return to their natural environment. Thanks to the help of the SeaWorld Rescue Team and partners in the Southeast Region Stranding Network, including NOAA, Audubon Nature Institute’s Coastal Wildlife Network, the National Marine Mammal Foundation, the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Mississippi State University, the South Carolina Aquarium, and the Grand Isle Police Department, the dolphin pair was safely relocated and released into the Gulf of Mexico! The rescue was conducted under Marine Mammal Protection Act/Endangered Species Act Permit No. 24359. This marks another successful rescue for our amazing team here at SeaWorld!<br /><br /><br /><a href="/orlando/commitment/animal-rescue-rehabilitation/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Learn more</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>FREE Reusable Straw - <span style="color: #ff0000;">SOLD OUT</span></strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="SeaWorld Orlando exclusive pass member straw. " src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_straw_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=E3D9C832DFD91B35245257566720EECB246EE4E1&version=1_202307283736" /><br />Visit one the first weekend in August (8/4-8/6) to get a FREE reusable straw! Enjoy your favorite beverages guilt-free while making a positive impact at SeaWorld Orlando. Pick up your reusable straw at the SeaWorld Rescue Store, only available for Pass Members while supplies last. <br /><br /><a href="/orlando/annual-pass/monthly-offers/" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">See All Rewards</a><br /><br /><br /><strong>$10 SeaWorld Bucks</strong><br /><img width="800" height="472" alt="Pass members enjoying $10 in SeaWorld Bucks." src="/orlando/-/media/media-migration/seaworld-orlando/images/blogs/pass-member-news/2023/august/800x472_swo_pass_member_august_bucks_blog_full_width.jpg?hash=82D0D8BDEE36A7E0F9BEFB93B813F7E8CF458329&version=1_202307283735" /><br />Come in and redeem your $10 SeaWorld Bucks available <strong>July 5th- August 6th!</strong> Use one of our in-park kiosks to print out your reward and enjoy $10 off select in-park purchases. $10 SeaWorld Bucks can be used on merchandise, VIP Tours, food and much more!<br /><br /><a href="" class="blue-button--small" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ways to use your Bucks</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><span style="font-size: 10px;">Available for active SeaWorld® Orlando Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Florida Platinum Pass Members unless noted. Not valid for Fun Card, Florida Teacher Card, Preschool Card, Friends & Family Pass, or Transferable Pass. All offers have limited availability and are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice. See website for full offer details, park hours, and show schedule before arrival. Pass discount varies by tier.<br /><br /><strong>$10 Howl-O-Scream Bucks:</strong> SeaWorld Orlando Pass Members can visit a self-service kiosk inside the park August 21 - 27, 2023 to print a voucher for $10 in Howl-O-Scream Orlando Bucks that can be redeemed during Howl-O-Scream Orlando. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticket event. Event admission is required, but not included. Voucher for the $10 Howl-O-Scream Orlando Bucks is valid for any one night during Howl-O Scream from September 8 - October 31, 2023. Restrictions apply.<br /><br /><strong>Free Howl-O-Scream Drink:</strong> SeaWorld Orlando Pass Members can visit a self-service kiosk inside the park August 28 - September 3, 2023 to print a voucher for a free drink that can be redeemed during Howl-O-Scream Orlando. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticket event. Event admission is required, but not included. Voucher for the free drink (one fountain drink OR draft beer) is valid for any one night during Howl-O Scream from September 8 - October 31, 2023.<br /><br /><strong>Howl-O-Scream Open-Dated Ticket Offer:</strong> Offer only available August 19 – August 30, 2023 via the Pass Member Lounge self-service ticket kiosks. Available for purchase for active SeaWorld Orlando Pass Members. Limit one ticket per Pass Member. Ticket valid for one event night during Howl-O-Scream 2023. This ticket does NOT include daytime admission to SeaWorld Orlando. Howl-O-Scream starts at 7 p.m. each event night. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticketed night event. Tickets are valid for one event night only. Prices are per person, and do not include parking, taxes, or service fees. Discount only available at the SeaWorld Orlando Pass Member Lounge. Fun Cards and Annual Passes are not valid for entry. Howl-O-Scream 2023 tickets are subject to availability. Howl-O-Scream 2023 ticket is not valid for general day admission, tours, or dining. Not valid with any other discounts or offers. Operating hours are subject to change without notice. No guests in costumes admitted. No rain checks or readmits. Tickets are non-refundable. Howl-O-Scream is intended for a mature audience. This event contains intense adult content such as violence, gore, and blood.<br /><br /><strong>Two Free Guest Tickets:</strong> Offer available only via Pass Member online portal or self-service ticket kiosks August 15 – 20, 2023. Pass Member must be present at the park for the guest ticket holder to gain admittance. Tickets are valid at any Florida park of Pass membership (SeaWorld Orlando, Aquatica Orlando, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, or Adventure Island. Tickets are nontransferable, nonrefundable, not for resale, void if altered, will not be replaced if lost or stolen, and may be confiscated without restitution for misuse. Not valid with any other offers. Not valid on previous purchases, multi-day tickets, Annual Passes, or amenities. Parking not included. Each Pass Member may redeem (2) free guest tickets and use them any operating day until August 20th, 2023.<br /><br /><strong>$15 SeaWorld Bucks: </strong>Limit one $15 voucher per active SeaWorld Orlando Pass Member. Offer voucher must be redeemed at self-service ticketing kiosks at SeaWorld Orlando for SeaWorld Bucks voucher. Voucher will be valid only on the date on which offer voucher is redeemed from a kiosk at the park. Valid for one-time use on select in-park purchases. Additional exclusions may apply. Not redeemable for cash. No cash value. No change or credit given. Not valid towards the purchase of admission products. Voucher is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Guest must present their own active SeaWorld Orlando Annual Pass upon redemption. One $15 voucher per transaction. Lost, damaged, or stolen SeaWorld Bucks will not be replaced. Offer valid August 10 -20, 2023.<br /><br /><strong>Reusable Straw:</strong> Available 8/4-8/6, while supplies last. Limit 1 per visiting Pass Member.<br /><br /><strong>Pass Member–Exclusive Merchandise Offer: </strong> No additional discounts apply.<br /><br /><strong>$10 in SeaWorld Bucks:</strong> Limit one $10 voucher per active SeaWorld Orlando Pass Member. Offer voucher must be redeemed at self-service ticketing kiosks at SeaWorld Orlando for SeaWorld Bucks voucher. Voucher will be valid only on the date on which offer voucher is redeemed from a kiosk at the park. Valid for one-time use on select in-park purchases. Additional exclusions may apply. Not redeemable for cash. No cash value. No change or credit given. Not valid towards the purchase of admission products. Voucher is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Guest must present their own active SeaWorld Orlando Annual Pass upon redemption. One $10 voucher per transaction. Lost, damaged, or stolen SeaWorld Bucks will not be replaced. Offer valid July 5 – Aug. 6, 2023.<br /><br /><strong>Craft Beer Festival Free Beverage Sample per Visit: </strong>Limit one valid redemption per Pass Member per event day 8/18-8/20 & 8/25-8/27, 2023. Valid for 1 complimentary beverage sample at any Craft Beer Festival location. Not valid for food items. Not valid on previous purchases. Not redeemable for cash. Park admission is required, but not included. Must be 21 and up with a valid photo ID to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages. SeaWorld Orlando reserves the right to refuse service of any alcoholic beverage to any guest who is unable to provide proper identification or appears to be intoxicated. Offering is subject to change without notice.<br /><br /><strong>Discounted Guest Tickets:</strong> Offer available only via Pass Member online portal or self-service ticket kiosks July 31 – August 30, 2023. Pass Member must be present at the park for the guest ticket holder to gain admittance. Tickets are nontransferable, nonrefundable, not for resale, void if altered, will not be replaced if lost or stolen, and may be confiscated without restitution for misuse. Not valid with any other offers. Not valid on previous purchases, multi-day tickets, Annual Passes, or amenities. Parking not included. Each Pass Member may purchase up to four (4) guest tickets and use them any operating day until August 30<sup>th</sup>, 2023. Service fees and taxes may apply.<br /><br /><strong>National Roller Coaster Day Tour: </strong> Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis for Pass Members only on Aug. 16, 2023. No guests.<br /><br /><strong>Free One-Time HOS Quick Queue: </strong>Available for pickup Aug. 18 - 31, 2023, from the SeaWorld Orlando Pass Member Lounge. One (1) one-time Quick Queue available per active Pass Member. Pass Member must be present to receive offer. One-time Quick Queue valid for one-time priority access to one haunted house or thrill ride at Howl-O-Scream. Not valid for show seating. One redemption per Pass Member only on event nights Sept. 8 – Oct. 31, 2023. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticketed event. Event admission is required but not included.<br /><br /><strong>Free Shark Button:</strong> Available Aug. 14 – 31, 2023 while supplies last. Limit 1 per visiting Pass Member. Pass Member must be present to pick up. Limited quantities.<br /><br /><strong>Pipeline Lanyard and Pouch: </strong>Available Aug. 16 – 31, 2023 while supplies last. Limit 1 per visiting Pass Member. Pass Member must be present to pick up. Limited quantities.<br /><br /><strong>HOS Discounted Ticket: </strong>Offer only available July 31 – August 13, 2023 via Pass Member online portal or self-service ticket kiosks. Available for purchase for active SeaWorld Orlando Pass Members online. Ticket valid for one event night for one guest during Howl-O-Scream 2023. This ticket does NOT include daytime admission to SeaWorld Orlando. Howl-O-Scream starts at 7 p.m. each event night. Howl-O-Scream is a separately ticketed night event. Tickets are valid for one event night only. Prices are per person, and do not include parking, taxes, or service fees. Discount only available online at the SeaWorld Orlando Pass Member Portal. Fun Cards and Annual Passes are not valid for entry. Howl-O-Scream 2023 tickets are subject to availability. Howl-O-Scream 2023 ticket is not valid for general day admission, tours, or dining. Not valid with any other discounts or offers. Operating hours are subject to change without notice. No guests in costumes admitted. No rain checks or readmits. Tickets are non-refundable. Howl-O-Scream is intended for a mature audience. This event contains intense adult content such as violence, gore, and blood.<br /><br /><strong>Exclusive Craft Beer Festival Lanyard: </strong>The lanyard is only available for the number of sample items purchased, which may be redeemed only at Craft Beer Festival locations. Must be 21 years of age or older to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages, which require a valid photo ID for each redemption. SeaWorld reserves the right to deny service for any reason. Please see lanyard for other restrictions. Please see the Craft Beer Festival tasting locations for further questions. Event dates, offerings, and hours subject to change or cancellation without notice. This product is nonrefundable and nontransferable, not valid for resale, and has no cash value. Will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Eligible menu items for this sampling program are marked on the menus at participating locations. No other discounts apply to promotional lanyard. Valid on Craft Beer Festival event days only, Jul. 28 – Sept. 4, 2023.<br /><br /><strong>Events:</strong> Event dates, times, offerings, and schedules are subject to change without notice.<br /><br /><strong>Pass Member Lounge:</strong> Hours and availability subject to change without notice.<br /><br />Must be 21 years of age or older to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages, which requires a valid photo ID. SeaWorld reserves the right to deny service for any reason.<br /><br />Park hours and operating schedule subject to change without prior notice.</span></div> </article> </main> <div class="breadcrumb site-container"> <input type="checkbox" class="breadcrumb-trail__is-expanded" id="breadcrumb-trail__is-expanded" /> <ol class="breadcrumb-trail"> <li class="crumb"> <a href="">SeaWorld Orlando</a> </li> <li class="crumb"> <a href="">Blog</a> </li> <li class="crumb"> <a>2023 august seaworld pass member news</a> </li> </ol> </div> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class='site-footer__container'> <div class='site-footer__top'> <div class='site-footer__links'> <div class='dropdown-list site-footer__dropdown-list'> <span class='dropdown-list__content'> Park Info <span class='dropdown-list__icon'> <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M1.91406 5.00801C2.27774 4.59238 2.90951 4.55026 3.32514 4.91394L7.99997 9.00442L12.6748 4.91394C13.0904 4.55026 13.7222 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