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Preservation Day celebrated at Portuguese National Archive Torre do Tombo</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-11-09T11:10:07+00:00">November 9, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 18th, 2024 at 11:23 am Let’s talk about preservation and access! On November 7, 2024, the New Paths to Information Preservation and Access Meeting was held, …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" received the award for Best Central Public Administration Digital Project" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to received the award for Best Central Public Administration Digital Project" rel="bookmark"> received the award for Best Central Public Administration Digital Project</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-10-25T17:52:04+00:00">October 25, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on October 31st, 2024 at 12:42 pm, a digital service of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)-FCCN Unit, was one of the winners of the Navegantes XXI Awards, 2024 …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Save websites before they disappear with the Browsertrix Crawler tool" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Save websites before they disappear with the Browsertrix Crawler tool" rel="bookmark">Save websites before they disappear with the Browsertrix Crawler tool</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-09-13T14:55:07+00:00">September 13, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 14th, 2024 at 10:07 pmThe month of September marks the beginning of a year’s work and also the end of many websites that are hopelessly lost. …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="2024 European and Portuguese elections in special collections" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to 2024 European and Portuguese elections in special collections" rel="bookmark">2024 European and Portuguese elections in special collections</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-08-31T11:54:49+00:00">August 31, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on October 9th, 2024 at 05:48 made special collections on the three elections that took place this year: the Parlamentary elections on 10 March, the elections in …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Portuguese at the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in IIPC’s international collection of websites" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Portuguese at the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in IIPC’s international collection of websites" rel="bookmark">Portuguese at the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in IIPC’s international collection of websites</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-08-23T10:44:01+00:00">August 23, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 11th, 2024 at 04:23 has contributed to the international collection of web pages on the Summer Olympics Games taking place in Paris from 26 July …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa organised a series of webinars with" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa organised a series of webinars with" rel="bookmark">IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa organised a series of webinars with</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-07-15T17:16:33+00:00">July 15, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa, through its Distance Learning Group (EaD@IPL), organised a series of webinars for its community dedicated to and the preservation of content published on the …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Meet the winners of the Award 2024!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Meet the winners of the Award 2024!" rel="bookmark">Meet the winners of the Award 2024!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-06-26T14:49:42+00:00">June 26, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 26th, 2024 at 06:13 pmThe winners of the 2024 Award were announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner for this edition. 27 applications …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Higher education library mobility program brings professionals to" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Higher education library mobility program brings professionals to" rel="bookmark">Higher education library mobility program brings professionals to</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-29T12:23:33+00:00">May 29, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary"> headquarters, operated by FCCN FCT, in Lisbon. On May 24, the FCCN welcomed professionals from Higher Education Libraries (HEL) for the first time as part of the program promoted …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Week job shadowing at the from Prague to Lisbon" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Week job shadowing at the from Prague to Lisbon" rel="bookmark">Week job shadowing at the from Prague to Lisbon</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-27T17:48:10+00:00">May 27, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">By: Marie Haškovcová and Luboš Svoboda, Webarchiv, National Library of the Czech Republic, May 13th to 17th, 2024. A visit within the EU Erasmus+ programme Thanks to the EU Erasmus+ …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Exhibition of old websites to mark International Museum Day" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Exhibition of old websites to mark International Museum Day" rel="bookmark">Exhibition of old websites to mark International Museum Day</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-20T12:08:37+00:00">May 20, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">May 18, International Museum Day, was celebrated all over the country with free admission, guided tours, entertainment and exhibitions related to memory and heritage. contributed with an exhibition of …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" is finalist for the DPC Awards 2024" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to is finalist for the DPC Awards 2024" rel="bookmark"> is finalist for the DPC Awards 2024</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-13T19:04:43+00:00">May 13, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 11:50 amThe Digital Preservation Coalition Awards The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is dedicated to promoting digital preservation and associated best practices. The DPC …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Analysis of the query dataset" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Analysis of the query dataset" rel="bookmark">Analysis of the query dataset</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-06T10:30:06+00:00">May 6, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on October 1st, 2024 at 10:34 query logs are unique resources for research provides a “Google-like” service that enables searching pages and images collected from the …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of April 25 – the Portuguese revolution of 1974" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of April 25 – the Portuguese revolution of 1974" rel="bookmark">Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of April 25 – the Portuguese revolution of 1974</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-03T16:21:38+00:00">May 3, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary"> joined the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of April 25, the Portuguese Revolution of 1974, as part of the initiatives promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" in Paris for international event" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to in Paris for international event" rel="bookmark"> in Paris for international event</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-02T14:56:59+00:00">May 2, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 21st, 2024 at 11:28 amThe team took part in the Web Archiving Conference e na Assembleia Geral do International Internet Preservation Consortium (GA&WAC 2024), an …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Training about web archiving in Madeira island" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Training about web archiving in Madeira island" rel="bookmark">Training about web archiving in Madeira island</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-05-02T14:30:24+00:00">May 2, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 27th, 2024 at 01:43 pmThe team was in Funchal between April 15 and 19, 2024, and presented two different sessions on web preservation. The first …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Artificial Intelligence processes data from" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Artificial Intelligence processes data from" rel="bookmark">Artificial Intelligence processes data from</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-03-01T16:35:11+00:00">March 1, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on July 16th, 2024 at 08:33 amArtificial Intelligence (AI), covers various areas of knowledge, such as linguistics and computing, and is present in the new technologies used by …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" in the top 3 of government services in Portugal" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to in the top 3 of government services in Portugal" rel="bookmark"> in the top 3 of government services in Portugal</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2024-01-15T11:42:55+00:00">January 15, 2024</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:32, Portugal’s national web preservation service, has earned a prominent position by being named one of the top 3 government services in …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" reaches 1 PetaByte of preserved information!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to reaches 1 PetaByte of preserved information!" rel="bookmark"> reaches 1 PetaByte of preserved information!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-11-22T21:54:11+00:00">November 22, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">The collection of 1 PetaByte of content predominantly in Portuguese, accessible to both researchers and ordinary citizens, is a milestone that deserves to be celebrated, in the month of its …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Arquivo404 more powerful!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Arquivo404 more powerful!" rel="bookmark">Arquivo404 more powerful!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-11-20T19:24:51+00:00">November 20, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 9th, 2024 at 12:59 has been launching innovative complementary services useful for organizations to optimize their functioning. The new release of named Helios was launched …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="World Digital Preservation Day dedicated to Justice" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to World Digital Preservation Day dedicated to Justice" rel="bookmark">World Digital Preservation Day dedicated to Justice</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-11-07T17:54:10+00:00">November 7, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 13th, 2023 at 08:59 amThe Instituto de Gestão Financeira e Equipamentos da Justiça (IGFEJ) and Secretaria Geral do Ministério da Justiça (SGMJ), in collaboration with BAD, …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Prepare a work for the Award 2024!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Prepare a work for the Award 2024!" rel="bookmark">Prepare a work for the Award 2024!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-10-27T13:48:49+00:00">October 27, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:15 pm Until May 6, 2024, is launching the challenge of creating a work based on historical information preserved from the Web. …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="University of Lisbon preserved over 100 historical websites in the Memorial" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to University of Lisbon preserved over 100 historical websites in the Memorial" rel="bookmark">University of Lisbon preserved over 100 historical websites in the Memorial</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-10-24T17:16:58+00:00">October 24, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on March 27th, 2024 at 11:17 am More than 100 historical websites from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) are now accessible through the Memorial …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Completing webpages from the past: it is possible!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Completing webpages from the past: it is possible!" rel="bookmark">Completing webpages from the past: it is possible!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-10-12T17:48:41+00:00">October 12, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on October 16th, 2023 at 06:59 pmSome web-archived pages are reproduced incompletely due to problems occurred during the archiving process (e.g. deformatted or missing embedded images). Complete page …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Cross-lingual research datasets on 2019 European Parliamentary Elections" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Cross-lingual research datasets on 2019 European Parliamentary Elections" rel="bookmark">Cross-lingual research datasets on 2019 European Parliamentary Elections</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-09-18T14:49:21+00:00">September 18, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:49 preserved online documents in several languages about the 2019 European Parliamentary Elections The 2019 European Parliamentary Elections were an event of …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" preserves Wikipedia citations" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to preserves Wikipedia citations" rel="bookmark"> preserves Wikipedia citations</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-08-18T12:12:19+00:00">August 18, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 01:49 pmWikipedia is an educational resource degraded by broken links preserves information published online so that it can be used later for …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Meet the winners of the Award 2023!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Meet the winners of the Award 2023!" rel="bookmark">Meet the winners of the Award 2023!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-06-26T21:54:57+00:00">June 26, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pmThe winners of the Award 2023 were announced by the Público newspaper, the official communication partner of this edition, on 26 …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" presentations at IIPC GA/WAC, RESAW 2023 and CLEOPATRA" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to presentations at IIPC GA/WAC, RESAW 2023 and CLEOPATRA" rel="bookmark"> presentations at IIPC GA/WAC, RESAW 2023 and CLEOPATRA</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-06-16T13:18:41+00:00">June 16, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on March 10th, 2024 at 05:23 pmMeeting the Web Archive Community The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" at Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023. Register now!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to at Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023. Register now!" rel="bookmark"> at Jornadas de Computação Científica 2023. Register now!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-05-08T16:25:33+00:00">May 8, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 04:03 pmJornadas de Computação Científica 2023 was held at the Naval School in Almada from 27 to 29 June 2023. This event is …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Virtual Museum of Tourism MUVITUR created a collection of preserved Websites" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Virtual Museum of Tourism MUVITUR created a collection of preserved Websites" rel="bookmark">Virtual Museum of Tourism MUVITUR created a collection of preserved Websites</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-04-22T16:48:28+00:00">April 22, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on February 26th, 2024 at 09:07 amMUVITUR – Virtual Museum of Turism is a portal that aggregates digital content about Tourism in Portugal. The platform is maintained by …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="CDXJ index files are available to support bulk access" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to CDXJ index files are available to support bulk access" rel="bookmark">CDXJ index files are available to support bulk access</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-04-18T16:35:58+00:00">April 18, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 22nd, 2024 at 10:48 amThe research and education community has been requesting the bulk download of web-archived data and index files (CDXJ), for instance, to feed …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="CitationSaver preserves citations to web resources" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to CitationSaver preserves citations to web resources" rel="bookmark">CitationSaver preserves citations to web resources</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-04-07T21:38:32+00:00">April 7, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on April 20th, 2023 at 09:37 pmDocuments cite web content by referencing their URLs so that readers can later access them. In the case of scientific articles, the …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Project “Renascer” brings back old websites" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Project “Renascer” brings back old websites" rel="bookmark">Project “Renascer” brings back old websites</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-04-04T17:46:41+00:00">April 4, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on April 17th, 2023 at 06:32 pmOrganizations keep domains that referenced websites which are no longer used, to prevent them from being bought or because they were just …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Free training on digital media – webinars" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Free training on digital media – webinars" rel="bookmark">Free training on digital media – webinars</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-03-24T12:21:59+00:00">March 24, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:10 pmThe Aveiro Media Competence Center (AMCC) is a platform to support and promote the European Union (EU) Local News Media sector in …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Prepare a work for the Award 2023!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Prepare a work for the Award 2023!" rel="bookmark">Prepare a work for the Award 2023!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2023-01-23T17:21:10+00:00">January 23, 2023</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pmUntil May 4th, launches the challenge of creating a work based on historical information preserved from the Web. In this 6th …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" was considered the best Digital Service of 2022" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to was considered the best Digital Service of 2022" rel="bookmark"> was considered the best Digital Service of 2022</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-12-02T11:33:00+00:00">December 2, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:22 pmExame Informática, the oldest Portuguese magazine on Information and Communication Technology, distinguished with the award for the Best Digital Service of …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="15 years of celebrated in a event promoted by Wikimedia" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to 15 years of celebrated in a event promoted by Wikimedia" rel="bookmark">15 years of celebrated in a event promoted by Wikimedia</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-10-31T17:34:08+00:00">October 31, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 18th, 2023 at 03:29 pm On November 8, 2007, the Portuguese Web Archive was officially created and later named To celebrate this date, Wikimedia Portugal …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Afghanistan Websites and the fall of the regime in August 2021" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Afghanistan Websites and the fall of the regime in August 2021" rel="bookmark">Afghanistan Websites and the fall of the regime in August 2021</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-09-11T11:48:19+00:00">September 11, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 26th, 2022 at 03:57 pm Afghanistan Ministry of Economy website with Karima Faryabi (recorded August 17, 2021) On August 15, 2021 the presidential palace in Kabul …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Tutorial: how to explore using Python" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Tutorial: how to explore using Python" rel="bookmark">Tutorial: how to explore using Python</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-07-29T15:12:40+00:00">July 29, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:50 pm The Programming Historian aims to develop digital skills among the Humanities researchers through the publication of practical lessons in several languages. The …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Open dataset about cryptocurrency" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Open dataset about cryptocurrency" rel="bookmark">Open dataset about cryptocurrency</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-07-26T15:31:02+00:00">July 26, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 17th, 2022 at 09:19 am (Photo: QuoteInspector) Since 2008 the cryptocurrency market has revolutionised the world by innovating and expanding into other areas (e.g., finance and …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Meet the winners of the Award 2022!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Meet the winners of the Award 2022!" rel="bookmark">Meet the winners of the Award 2022!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-07-22T15:28:46+00:00">July 22, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:16 pm The winners of the Award 2022 were announced by the Público newspaper on 22th July 2022, the official communication partner …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Participation of in the meetings of the International Internet Preservation Consortium" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Participation of in the meetings of the International Internet Preservation Consortium" rel="bookmark">Participation of in the meetings of the International Internet Preservation Consortium</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-07-13T19:21:49+00:00">July 13, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 1st, 2023 at 05:37 pmIIPC Web Archiving Conference The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), a consortium that brings together Web preservation initiatives from around the world, …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Cultural heritage on the Web: the online presence of museums" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Cultural heritage on the Web: the online presence of museums" rel="bookmark">Cultural heritage on the Web: the online presence of museums</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-06-24T21:47:14+00:00">June 24, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:16 pm The Portuguese Museums Network was the community invited to participate in the cycle of three webinars entitled “Cultural Heritage on the …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Municipality of Sines and together on the International Archives Day" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Municipality of Sines and together on the International Archives Day" rel="bookmark">Municipality of Sines and together on the International Archives Day</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-06-24T19:10:12+00:00">June 24, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on June 27th, 2022 at 08:40 amThe Municipal Archive of the Municipality of Sines and celebrated the International Archives Day, June 9, at the Salão Nobre dos …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Cryptocurrencies and web curation on the 15th anniversary in Viseu" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Cryptocurrencies and web curation on the 15th anniversary in Viseu" rel="bookmark">Cryptocurrencies and web curation on the 15th anniversary in Viseu</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-06-07T19:16:56+00:00">June 7, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:22 pmSession of at the Jornadas 2022 was at the annual meeting Jornadas de Computação Científica 2022, held from May 31st …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Arquivo404 presents web-archived pages instead of “pages not found”" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Arquivo404 presents web-archived pages instead of “pages not found”" rel="bookmark">Arquivo404 presents web-archived pages instead of “pages not found”</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-04-21T10:35:32+00:00">April 21, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 14th, 2023 at 02:46 pmDoes your website presents “Error 404 – Page not found” messages to your users? offers a solution for this problem through …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="SavePageNow to record webpages immediately on" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to SavePageNow to record webpages immediately on" rel="bookmark">SavePageNow to record webpages immediately on</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-03-22T12:12:04+00:00">March 22, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 23rd, 2022 at 11:51 launched a new version, called Francisco, on the 19th of January 2022. The SavePageNow function stands out, allowing anyone to save …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="How to preserve Web references from Wikipedia?" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to How to preserve Web references from Wikipedia?" rel="bookmark">How to preserve Web references from Wikipedia?</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-02-25T15:49:58+00:00">February 25, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on May 19th, 2022 at 07:05 pmWikimedia Portugal has started a collaboration with that aims at raising the community’s attention to the preservation of contents published on …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="On line Cafe with continues" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to On line Cafe with continues" rel="bookmark">On line Cafe with continues</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2022-01-04T12:18:10+00:00">January 4, 2022</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 02:11 pm Share this page: Welcome to the third season of the Online Cafe with Talk directly to the team …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Portuguese municipal elections 2021 preserved by" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Portuguese municipal elections 2021 preserved by" rel="bookmark">Portuguese municipal elections 2021 preserved by</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-12-16T18:38:43+00:00">December 16, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 05:09 pmThousands of pages about the elections to preserve before they disappear On 26 September 2021 the local elections were held in Portugal, …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Memory of events and festivals of art: PARA SEMPRE" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Memory of events and festivals of art: PARA SEMPRE" rel="bookmark">Memory of events and festivals of art: PARA SEMPRE</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-12-16T18:05:09+00:00">December 16, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on February 8th, 2022 at 10:57 amThe exhibition Memória de festivais e eventos de arte proposes a look at the Portuguese art scene present on the Web and …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Training in colaboration with the City Council of Lisboa" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Training in colaboration with the City Council of Lisboa" rel="bookmark">Training in colaboration with the City Council of Lisboa</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-12-10T12:13:51+00:00">December 10, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on December 13th, 2021 at 12:02 pm A cycle of webinars was held between October and December 2021, organised by the Department of Development and Training of the …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="H2020 projects preserved by" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to H2020 projects preserved by" rel="bookmark">H2020 projects preserved by</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-11-29T15:56:35+00:00">November 29, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:50 pmThe main objective of is to preserve online information for research and education purposes. Previously, identified and preserved Research & …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="“Major Minors” on World Digital Preservation Day 2021" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to “Major Minors” on World Digital Preservation Day 2021" rel="bookmark">“Major Minors” on World Digital Preservation Day 2021</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-10-26T16:24:43+00:00">October 26, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 12:37 pmThe winners of the Award 2021 were the guests of the online session on World Digital Preservation Day 2021. As …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Create automatic narratives about any topic!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Create automatic narratives about any topic!" rel="bookmark">Create automatic narratives about any topic!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-10-25T14:44:46+00:00">October 25, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:51 provides a new function that allows you to automatically create temporal narratives on any topic. The “Narrative” functionality, integrated into …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Book “The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives” available in Green Open access!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Book “The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives” available in Green Open access!" rel="bookmark">Book “The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives” available in Green Open access!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-09-28T13:49:28+00:00">September 28, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 23rd, 2024 at 03:09 pm Since 2006, a book has not been published that reflects the state-of-the-art in the area of web preservation and the research …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="2019 websites available and surpasses 10 billion files" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to 2019 websites available and surpasses 10 billion files" rel="bookmark">2019 websites available and surpasses 10 billion files</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-08-04T13:51:50+00:00">August 4, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on December 16th, 2021 at 06:43 pmThe information collected from the Web during 2019 is now avaliable in (in respect to the embargo period of 1 year). …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img width="100" height="100" src="" class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb the-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt=" certified as an open data provider" loading="lazy" srcset=" 100w, 45w" sizes="(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px" /></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to certified as an open data provider" rel="bookmark"> certified as an open data provider</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-08-02T18:59:02+00:00">August 2, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 17th, 2022 at 08:39 has been collaborating with Agência Modernização Administrativa (AMA) with the aim of improving the preservation of Public Administration websites. Collaboration is …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Presentations in the IIPC Web Archiving Conference and RESAW 2021" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Presentations in the IIPC Web Archiving Conference and RESAW 2021" rel="bookmark">Presentations in the IIPC Web Archiving Conference and RESAW 2021</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-08-02T09:22:49+00:00">August 2, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 4th, 2024 at 06:22 pmDuring the week of 14 to 18 June, three international meetings were held by videoconference with the participation of the International …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="2021 Local Elections: We Need Your Help!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to 2021 Local Elections: We Need Your Help!" rel="bookmark">2021 Local Elections: We Need Your Help!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-07-29T18:20:04+00:00">July 29, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2021 at 02:22 pmWe have been emphasizing during our presentations that requires your collaboration to preserve information published on the Web related to Elections. …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Meet the winners of the Award 2021!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Meet the winners of the Award 2021!" rel="bookmark">Meet the winners of the Award 2021!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-06-17T16:44:54+00:00">June 17, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:17 pm The winners of the 2020 Award was announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner of this year’s edition, …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Internet Memory Foundation collection available in" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Internet Memory Foundation collection available in" rel="bookmark">Internet Memory Foundation collection available in</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-05-26T18:58:40+00:00">May 26, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 9th, 2024 at 04:15 pmThe historical collection of web content generated during the Internet Memory Foundation’s (IMF) activity has been donated to and is now …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="“Art Forever on the Web”: Cycle of Webinars" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to “Art Forever on the Web”: Cycle of Webinars" rel="bookmark">“Art Forever on the Web”: Cycle of Webinars</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-04-06T17:54:14+00:00">April 6, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on July 6th, 2021 at 01:23 pm Colectiva de Artistas. 2008.04.19 a 2008.06.07. Galeria Quadrado Azul. Porto. Composition from a Webpage preserved on, 22nd October 2008. …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Millions of images from the past!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Millions of images from the past!" rel="bookmark">Millions of images from the past!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-04-01T11:58:04+00:00">April 1, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 23rd, 2022 at 04:21 launched a new version named Dionisius, on March 24th 2021. 1.8 billion images from the past Web are now searchable on …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="New “query suggestions” on!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to New “query suggestions” on!" rel="bookmark">New “query suggestions” on!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-01-29T12:50:14+00:00">January 29, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary"> launched a new version, named Caronte, on January 19, 2021. In this version we improved the query suggestions feature (Did you mean). Whenever a user enters a query containing …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Open applications to the Award 2021!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Open applications to the Award 2021!" rel="bookmark">Open applications to the Award 2021!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-01-22T11:23:14+00:00">January 22, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 05:17 pmOpen applications to the Award 2021! In this 4th edition of the annual Award, € 15,000 will be awarded to …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Special collection of Portuguese Presidential Elections" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Special collection of Portuguese Presidential Elections" rel="bookmark">Special collection of Portuguese Presidential Elections</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-01-05T13:23:32+00:00">January 5, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary"> invites all citizens to suggest web pages related to the 2021 Presidential Elections to be preserved for the future. The Presidential Elections will take place in Portugal on January …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" preserves websites of national scientific projects" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to preserves websites of national scientific projects" rel="bookmark"> preserves websites of national scientific projects</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2021-01-02T15:25:33+00:00">January 2, 2021</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on October 1st, 2021 at 09:11 amPreserving scientific project websites is important The contents of the websites tend to disappear when the scientific projects are finished. The preservation …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Online archives or archives of the online?" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Online archives or archives of the online?" rel="bookmark">Online archives or archives of the online?</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-12-28T18:52:16+00:00">December 28, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">At the end of 2020, we recommend some texts that put the future in perspective. We highlight the theme of preserving online content presented in the ebook “Tendências 2021” (Trends …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Online Cafe with is back" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Online Cafe with is back" rel="bookmark">Online Cafe with is back</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-11-23T17:09:32+00:00">November 23, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 02:01 pm</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="We improved the interface (Basileus release)" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to We improved the interface (Basileus release)" rel="bookmark">We improved the interface (Basileus release)</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-11-13T18:50:58+00:00">November 13, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 17th, 2020 at 07:00 launched a new version, called Basileus, on November 11, 2020. The purpose of this version was to improve the user experience …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="World Digital Preservation Day 2020" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to World Digital Preservation Day 2020" rel="bookmark">World Digital Preservation Day 2020</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-10-28T10:16:13+00:00">October 28, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 23rd, 2020 at 06:20 pm On November 5, World Digital Preservation Day, held an online session open to the community. Registration form (free but required) …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Search the Geocities history!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Search the Geocities history!" rel="bookmark">Search the Geocities history!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-09-29T20:36:54+00:00">September 29, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on September 23rd, 2021 at 03:30 was the first major “social network” which enabled anyone to create their website and publish information on the Web. It was …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Cross-lingual collection about the 2019 European Elections is available" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Cross-lingual collection about the 2019 European Elections is available" rel="bookmark">Cross-lingual collection about the 2019 European Elections is available</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-09-04T15:14:49+00:00">September 4, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 30th, 2022 at 10:46 amThe special collection of web pages about the 2019 European Elections is available for search at To compile this collection, pages …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Collection about Covid-19 in Portugal" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Collection about Covid-19 in Portugal" rel="bookmark">Collection about Covid-19 in Portugal</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-08-19T11:40:07+00:00">August 19, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 08:26 am Suggest web pages about Covid-19 invites everyone to suggest web pages that document the Covid-19 pandemic to be preserved for …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Meet the winners of the Award 2020!" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Meet the winners of the Award 2020!" rel="bookmark">Meet the winners of the Award 2020!</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-08-03T16:49:27+00:00">August 3, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 22nd, 2024 at 03:22 pm The winners of the 2020 Award were announced by the Público newspaper, the official media partner of this year’s edition, …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Replay with old browser and export results with the new version of" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Replay with old browser and export results with the new version of" rel="bookmark">Replay with old browser and export results with the new version of</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-07-23T13:06:28+00:00">July 23, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 4th, 2024 at 05:53 launched a new version of its service on July 1, 2020 named Responsive. The purpose of this version was to improve …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="New version of (Webapp release)" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to New version of (Webapp release)" rel="bookmark">New version of (Webapp release)</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-04-15T17:28:07+00:00">April 15, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 04:52 launched a new version of its service on April 15, 2020 named WebApp. The purpose of this version was to standardize …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Time travel with Público Newspaper" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Time travel with Público Newspaper" rel="bookmark">Time travel with Público Newspaper</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-04-01T11:02:40+00:00">April 1, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 6th, 2024 at 02:42 pmIn the 30th anniversary of Público Newspaper, we are invited to visit web pages of the electronic version of the newspaper, through …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt="Online Cafe with" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to Online Cafe with" rel="bookmark">Online Cafe with</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-03-23T18:34:31+00:00">March 23, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on November 24th, 2020 at 05:18 pmWellcome to Online Cafe! Talk directly to the team and get answers to all your questions! The team chats …</div></li><li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix"><a class="rpwe-img" href=""><img class="rpwe-alignleft rpwe-thumb" src="" alt=" is back to its origins at FCUL 20 years later" height="150" width="150"></a><h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="" title="Permalink to is back to its origins at FCUL 20 years later" rel="bookmark"> is back to its origins at FCUL 20 years later</a></h3><time class="rpwe-time published" datetime="2020-03-03T17:44:05+00:00">March 3, 2020</time><div class="rpwe-summary">Last updated on August 2nd, 2024 at 02:30 pm The exhibition of is being displayed at the library of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) …</div></li></ul></div><!-- Generated by --></aside></a></p> <p><a href="">See older news</a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .inside-article --> </article><!-- #post-## --> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- #page --> <div class="site-footer footer-bar-active footer-bar-align-right"> <div id="footer-widgets" class="site footer-widgets"> <div class="footer-widgets-container grid-container grid-parent"> <div class="inside-footer-widgets"> <div class="footer-widget-1 grid-parent grid-25 tablet-grid-50 mobile-grid-100"> <aside id="wp_editor_widget-13" class="widget inner-padding WP_Editor_Widget"><h2 class="widget-title">About</h2><ul> <li><a href="">What is</a></li> <li><a href="">Publications</a></li> <li><a href="">Exhibitions</a></li> <li><a href="">Press</a></li> <li><a href="">API & Open-source</a></li> <li><a href="">Open datasets</a></li> <li><a href="">Terms and Conditions</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> </aside> </div> <div class="footer-widget-2 grid-parent grid-25 tablet-grid-50 mobile-grid-100"> <aside id="wp_editor_widget-14" class="widget inner-padding WP_Editor_Widget"><h2 class="widget-title">News</h2><ul> <li><a href="">Subscribe mailing list</a></li> <li><a href="">Latest news</a></li> <li><a href="">Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="">Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="">Videos</a></li> <li><a href="">Dissemination material</a></li> </ul> </aside> </div> <div class="footer-widget-3 grid-parent grid-25 tablet-grid-50 mobile-grid-100"> <aside id="wp_editor_widget-15" class="widget inner-padding WP_Editor_Widget"><h2 class="widget-title">Collaborate</h2><ul> <li><a href=""> Awards</a></li> <li><a href="">Suggest a website</a></li> <li><a href="">Fix broken links</a></li> <li><a href="">Memorial</a></li> <li><a href="">Recommendations</a></li> <li><a href="">Save page now!</a></li> <li><a href="">Preserve citations</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> </aside> </div> <div class="footer-widget-4 grid-parent grid-25 tablet-grid-50 mobile-grid-100"> <aside id="wp_editor_widget-16" class="widget inner-padding WP_Editor_Widget"><h2 class="widget-title">Help</h2><ul> <li><a href="">Page search</a></li> <li><a href="">Image search</a></li> <li><a href="">Crawling</a></li> <li><a href="">Access</a></li> <li><a href="">Training courses</a></li> <li><a href="">Catalog</a></li> <li><a href="">Contact</a></li> </ul> <p> </p> </aside> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="site-info" itemtype="" itemscope> <div class="inside-site-info grid-container grid-parent"> <div class="footer-bar"> <aside id="wp_editor_widget-19" class="widget inner-padding WP_Editor_Widget"><p><a href=""><img class=" wp-image-17493" src="" alt="logo-fccn-fct" width="300" height="67" /></a></p> </aside> </div> <div class="copyright-bar"> <span class="copyright">© 2024</span> • Powered by <a href="" itemprop="url">GeneratePress</a> </div> </div> </footer><!-- .site-info --> </div><!-- .site-footer --> <!--[if lte IE 11]> <script type='text/javascript' src='' id='generate-classlist-js'></script> <![endif]--> <script type='text/javascript' src='' id='generate-menu-js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='' id='generate-a11y-js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' id='generate-navigation-search-js-extra'> /* <![CDATA[ */ var generatepressNavSearch = {"open":"Open Search Bar","close":"Close Search Bar"}; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='' id='generate-navigation-search-js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='' id='__ytprefsfitvids__-js'></script> </body> </html>