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type="text/javascript"></script><!--/minitv.cms?version=2&pagetype=newpotime:1--><div class="left-part1"><h1 style="display: inline-block;" class="headerTitle"> Videos</h1></div><div class="right-part1 right-side"></div><div class="left-part2"><div class="galleryLHS"><div class="videoList clearfix"><ul class="featuredUl main"><li class="featuredLi main"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Jun 12, 2024, 02.25PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Jun 12, 2024, 02.25PM IST" data-cap="Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga asanas for summer wellness" data-desc="Beat the summer heat with cooling yoga asanas designed to enhance your wellness. These poses help regulate body temperature, reduce stress, and promote relaxation, making them perfect for hot weather. Incorporate these refreshing yoga practices by Karuna Ahuja, Yoga expert, founder, into your routine to stay cool, calm, and energized all summer long." href="/videos/lifestyle/beat-the-heat-cooling-yoga-asanas-for-summer-wellness/videoshow/110935615.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/110935615.cms" alt="beat-the-heat-cooling-yoga-asanas-for-summer-wellness"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Jun 12, 2024, 02.25PM IST" data-cap="Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga asanas for summer wellness" data-desc="Beat the summer heat with cooling yoga asanas designed to enhance your wellness. These poses help regulate body temperature, reduce stress, and promote relaxation, making them perfect for hot weather. Incorporate these refreshing yoga practices by Karuna Ahuja, Yoga expert, founder, into your routine to stay cool, calm, and energized all summer long." href="/videos/lifestyle/beat-the-heat-cooling-yoga-asanas-for-summer-wellness/videoshow/110935615.cms">Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga ...</a><span class="clipDuration">04:09</span></li></ul><ul class="featuredUl related"><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Nov 5, 2023, 02.53PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Nov 5, 2023, 02.53PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" data-desc="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news28-oct-3-nov/videoshow/104985288.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/104985288.cms" alt="weekly-health-news28-oct-3-nov"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Nov 5, 2023, 02.53PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" data-desc="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news28-oct-3-nov/videoshow/104985288.cms">Weekly Health News(28 Oct - ...</a><span class="clipDuration">03:15</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Aug 24, 2023, 03.00PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Aug 24, 2023, 03.00PM IST" data-cap="Insomnia 101: Understanding the basics of sleep trouble and tips for a better night's sleep&quot;" data-desc="Your emotions, health, and cognitive function all improve with adequate sleep. Lack of regular, good-quality sleep increases the chance of developing a variety of illnesses and disorders. Dr. Prashant N. Chhajed, MD DNB DETRD, Consultant Chest Physician, Director, Lung Care and Sleep Centre, Mumbai gives an insight on how sleep is as necessary as diet and workout." href="/videos/lifestyle/insomnia-101-understanding-the-basics-of-sleep-trouble-and-tips-for-a-better-nights-sleep/videoshow/103019374.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/103019374.cms" alt="insomnia-101-understanding-the-basics-of-sleep-trouble-and-tips-for-a-better-nights-sleep"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Aug 24, 2023, 03.00PM IST" data-cap="Insomnia 101: Understanding the basics of sleep trouble and tips for a better night's sleep&quot;" data-desc="Your emotions, health, and cognitive function all improve with adequate sleep. Lack of regular, good-quality sleep increases the chance of developing a variety of illnesses and disorders. Dr. Prashant N. Chhajed, MD DNB DETRD, Consultant Chest Physician, Director, Lung Care and Sleep Centre, Mumbai gives an insight on how sleep is as necessary as diet and workout." href="/videos/lifestyle/insomnia-101-understanding-the-basics-of-sleep-trouble-and-tips-for-a-better-nights-sleep/videoshow/103019374.cms">Insomnia 101: Understanding ...</a><span class="clipDuration">05:03</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--3812890--><!--mediadate###Aug 20, 2023, 12.10PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Aug 20, 2023, 12.10PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News (August 11-18)" data-desc="Here's another episode of Weekly Health News! Here's a quick recap of the top health news of the week that went by&hellip;" href="/videos/weekly-health-news-august-11-18/videoshow/102871037.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/102871037.cms" alt="weekly-health-news-august-11-18"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Aug 20, 2023, 12.10PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News (August 11-18)" data-desc="Here's another episode of Weekly Health News! Here's a quick recap of the top health news of the week that went by&hellip;" href="/videos/weekly-health-news-august-11-18/videoshow/102871037.cms">Weekly Health News (August 1...</a><span class="clipDuration">03:01</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Jul 28, 2023, 03.20PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Jul 28, 2023, 03.20PM IST" data-cap="Weekly health news (21 -28 July)" data-desc="To know all the advancements in the field of health and fitness and new health studies, here's your dose of weekly health news." href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news-21-28-july/videoshow/102201164.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/102201164.cms" alt="weekly-health-news-21-28-july"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Jul 28, 2023, 03.20PM IST" data-cap="Weekly health news (21 -28 July)" data-desc="To know all the advancements in the field of health and fitness and new health studies, here's your dose of weekly health news." href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news-21-28-july/videoshow/102201164.cms">Weekly health news (21 -28 J...</a><span class="clipDuration">02:14</span></li></ul> <div class="videoListRem clearfix"> <ul class="featuredUl related"><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 27, 2023, 03.06PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 27, 2023, 03.06PM IST" data-cap="'Shubh Yatra' makers reveal the motion poster of film" data-desc="Everyone is excited to see Malhar Thakar's upcoming film 'Shubh Yatra' on the big screen. Following the release of the first look, the filmmakers have now unveiled the film's motion poster, which has garnered widespread interest. The motion poster opens up with the tag line 'Saachvine Jajo' and has also reveals the names of the star cast, that includes Hitu Kanodia, Darshan Jariwala, Archan Trivedi, Chetan Daiya, and many others.According to the director mentioned in an interview with ETimes, tthe film will have a captivating storyline of self-discovery, love, and adventure. It is a full-fledged entertaining film that will leave the audience with positive and healthy feedback." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/shubh-yatra-makers-reveal-the-motion-poster-of-film/videoshow/99031940.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/99031940.cms" alt="shubh-yatra-makers-reveal-the-motion-poster-of-film"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 27, 2023, 03.06PM IST" data-cap="'Shubh Yatra' makers reveal the motion poster of film" data-desc="Everyone is excited to see Malhar Thakar's upcoming film 'Shubh Yatra' on the big screen. Following the release of the first look, the filmmakers have now unveiled the film's motion poster, which has garnered widespread interest. The motion poster opens up with the tag line 'Saachvine Jajo' and has also reveals the names of the star cast, that includes Hitu Kanodia, Darshan Jariwala, Archan Trivedi, Chetan Daiya, and many others.According to the director mentioned in an interview with ETimes, tthe film will have a captivating storyline of self-discovery, love, and adventure. It is a full-fledged entertaining film that will leave the audience with positive and healthy feedback." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/shubh-yatra-makers-reveal-the-motion-poster-of-film/videoshow/99031940.cms">'Shubh Yatra' makers reveal ...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:11</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 23, 2023, 12.20AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 23, 2023, 12.20AM IST" data-cap="Manish Saini on 'Shubh Yatra': The film promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure- Exclusive!" data-desc="Gujarati cinema fans buckle up as the highly-anticipated film &ldquo;Shubh Yatra&rdquo; is all set to hit the theatres on April 28, 2023. The movie promises to take audiences on a thrilling ride with a star-studded cast, including Malhar Thakkar and Monal Gajjar in the lead roles. Directed by the National award-winning Manish Saini, says in an exclusive interview with ETimes, &ldquo;Shubh Yatra' is being produced by Nayantara and Vignesh Sivan, along with Satyam Movies. The film is expected to be a treat for audiences who are seeking an engaging cinematic experience.&quot; Further, he adds,, 'Shubh Yatra' promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure. With a star-studded cast and an experienced director at the helm, audiences are in for a rollercoaster ride that they won't forget anytime soon.&quot; &quot;The first-look poster of the film, which resembles a passport, gives viewers a sneak peek into what they can expect. Malhar Thakkar is seen in the lead role as Mohan, with other prominent actors like Darshan Jariwalla, Hitu Kanodia, Archan Trivedi, Hemin Trivedi, Magan Luhar, Sunil Vishrani, and Jay Bhatt playing pivotal roles, the director shared,&quot; concludes the conversation." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/manish-saini-on-shubh-yatra-the-film-promises-to-be-a-captivating-tale-of-self-discovery-love-and-adventure-exclusive/videoshow/98923737.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98923737.cms" alt="manish-saini-on-shubh-yatra-the-film-promises-to-be-a-captivating-tale-of-self-discovery-love-and-adventure-exclusive"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 23, 2023, 12.20AM IST" data-cap="Manish Saini on 'Shubh Yatra': The film promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure- Exclusive!" data-desc="Gujarati cinema fans buckle up as the highly-anticipated film &ldquo;Shubh Yatra&rdquo; is all set to hit the theatres on April 28, 2023. The movie promises to take audiences on a thrilling ride with a star-studded cast, including Malhar Thakkar and Monal Gajjar in the lead roles. Directed by the National award-winning Manish Saini, says in an exclusive interview with ETimes, &ldquo;Shubh Yatra' is being produced by Nayantara and Vignesh Sivan, along with Satyam Movies. The film is expected to be a treat for audiences who are seeking an engaging cinematic experience.&quot; Further, he adds,, 'Shubh Yatra' promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure. With a star-studded cast and an experienced director at the helm, audiences are in for a rollercoaster ride that they won't forget anytime soon.&quot; &quot;The first-look poster of the film, which resembles a passport, gives viewers a sneak peek into what they can expect. Malhar Thakkar is seen in the lead role as Mohan, with other prominent actors like Darshan Jariwalla, Hitu Kanodia, Archan Trivedi, Hemin Trivedi, Magan Luhar, Sunil Vishrani, and Jay Bhatt playing pivotal roles, the director shared,&quot; concludes the conversation." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/manish-saini-on-shubh-yatra-the-film-promises-to-be-a-captivating-tale-of-self-discovery-love-and-adventure-exclusive/videoshow/98923737.cms">Manish Saini on 'Shubh Yatra...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:26</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 16, 2023, 12.03AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 16, 2023, 12.03AM IST" data-cap="Singer Kinjal Dave called-off her engagement with Pavan Joshi; Deets inside!" data-desc="Kinjal Dave, a Gujarati singer who had been engaged to Pavan Joshi for the past five years, has called off their engagement. Yes, you read that correctly. The singer's relationship breakdown with fiancee Pavan Joshi is making the rounds on social media. According to a media source, Kinjal and his brother called off their engagement as Pavan Joshi's sister, who was engaged to Kinjal's brother, married elsewhere. This breaking news has made Kinjal's fans shattered. On the work front, Kinjal Dave is a renowned singer and has touched the hearts of many overseas. The 'Char Char Bangdi Vali' singer has delivered many hit tracks in Gujarati and every song has huge fandom. Meanwhile, Kinjal Dave has earlier made an exciting announcement as she teamed up with the music composer Salim Merchant and singer Jassi Jasbir for her upcoming music project." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/singer-kinjal-dave-called-off-her-engagement-with-pavan-joshi-deets-inside/videoshow/98674567.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98674567.cms" alt="singer-kinjal-dave-called-off-her-engagement-with-pavan-joshi-deets-inside"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 16, 2023, 12.03AM IST" data-cap="Singer Kinjal Dave called-off her engagement with Pavan Joshi; Deets inside!" data-desc="Kinjal Dave, a Gujarati singer who had been engaged to Pavan Joshi for the past five years, has called off their engagement. Yes, you read that correctly. The singer's relationship breakdown with fiancee Pavan Joshi is making the rounds on social media. According to a media source, Kinjal and his brother called off their engagement as Pavan Joshi's sister, who was engaged to Kinjal's brother, married elsewhere. This breaking news has made Kinjal's fans shattered. On the work front, Kinjal Dave is a renowned singer and has touched the hearts of many overseas. The 'Char Char Bangdi Vali' singer has delivered many hit tracks in Gujarati and every song has huge fandom. Meanwhile, Kinjal Dave has earlier made an exciting announcement as she teamed up with the music composer Salim Merchant and singer Jassi Jasbir for her upcoming music project." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/singer-kinjal-dave-called-off-her-engagement-with-pavan-joshi-deets-inside/videoshow/98674567.cms">Singer Kinjal Dave called-of...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:02</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 11, 2023, 08.03PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 11, 2023, 08.03PM IST" data-cap="Maulik Chauhan teams up with Bhumika Barot for &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo;" data-desc="Gujarati actor Maulik Chauhan is ready for his next film &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; which is directed by Devesh Raval. &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; is helmed by director Devesh Raval and actors Maulik Chauhan and Bhumika Barot will be essaying the lead roles in the film. Major details regarding the project have not been disclosed yet. On the other hand, Maulik Chauhan&rsquo;s previous outing was with the TV series &lsquo;Room No 420&rsquo; and the actor also got much appreciation for his performance in the movie &lsquo;Prem Prakaran&rsquo;. Meanwhile, Bhumika Barot is awaiting the release of her next film &lsquo;Anokhee&rsquo; which will be hitting the big screens on April 28, 2023. The film is touted to be a unique love story that will make you believe in romance again." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/maulik-chauhan-teams-up-with-bhumika-barot-for-dev-bhoomi/videoshow/98568932.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98568932.cms" alt="maulik-chauhan-teams-up-with-bhumika-barot-for-dev-bhoomi"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 11, 2023, 08.03PM IST" data-cap="Maulik Chauhan teams up with Bhumika Barot for &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo;" data-desc="Gujarati actor Maulik Chauhan is ready for his next film &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; which is directed by Devesh Raval. &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; is helmed by director Devesh Raval and actors Maulik Chauhan and Bhumika Barot will be essaying the lead roles in the film. Major details regarding the project have not been disclosed yet. On the other hand, Maulik Chauhan&rsquo;s previous outing was with the TV series &lsquo;Room No 420&rsquo; and the actor also got much appreciation for his performance in the movie &lsquo;Prem Prakaran&rsquo;. Meanwhile, Bhumika Barot is awaiting the release of her next film &lsquo;Anokhee&rsquo; which will be hitting the big screens on April 28, 2023. The film is touted to be a unique love story that will make you believe in romance again." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/maulik-chauhan-teams-up-with-bhumika-barot-for-dev-bhoomi/videoshow/98568932.cms">Maulik Chauhan teams up with...</a><span class="clipDuration">00:48</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Mar 9, 2023, 04.39PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 04.39PM IST" data-cap="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" data-desc="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" href="/videos/lifestyle/throat-cancer-and-its-symptoms/videoshow/98518645.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98518645.cms" alt="throat-cancer-and-its-symptoms"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 04.39PM IST" data-cap="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" data-desc="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" href="/videos/lifestyle/throat-cancer-and-its-symptoms/videoshow/98518645.cms">Throat Cancer and its sympto...</a><span class="clipDuration">06:22</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 9, 2023, 12.20PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 12.20PM IST" data-cap="Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; begins streaming on OTT platform" data-desc="Exciting news for the Gujarati cinephiles as the promising director Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; has started streaming on a popular OTT platform.Actress Puja Joshi took to her official Instagram handle to share the news regarding the OTT release of &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo;. Sharing a poster from the movie, the actress penned a note that read, &ldquo;Our movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; is finally available to watch on OTT app.&rdquo;Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic entertainer &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; hit the big screens on October 7, 2022, and the movie received many praises from movie buffs. The movie revolved around the character Heer who is a small-town girl who has to face taboos in her community to meet her man of dreams.&lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; had a casting coup of sorts. The actors Puja Joshi, Ojas Rawal, Dharmesh Vyas, Sonali Lele Desai, Nisarg Trivedi, and Bharat Chawda in significant lead roles." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/dhwani-gautams-romantic-drama-hoon-tari-heer-begins-streaming-on-ott-platform/videoshow/98511249.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98511249.cms" alt="dhwani-gautams-romantic-drama-hoon-tari-heer-begins-streaming-on-ott-platform"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 12.20PM IST" data-cap="Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; begins streaming on OTT platform" data-desc="Exciting news for the Gujarati cinephiles as the promising director Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; has started streaming on a popular OTT platform.Actress Puja Joshi took to her official Instagram handle to share the news regarding the OTT release of &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo;. Sharing a poster from the movie, the actress penned a note that read, &ldquo;Our movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; is finally available to watch on OTT app.&rdquo;Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic entertainer &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; hit the big screens on October 7, 2022, and the movie received many praises from movie buffs. The movie revolved around the character Heer who is a small-town girl who has to face taboos in her community to meet her man of dreams.&lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; had a casting coup of sorts. The actors Puja Joshi, Ojas Rawal, Dharmesh Vyas, Sonali Lele Desai, Nisarg Trivedi, and Bharat Chawda in significant lead roles." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/dhwani-gautams-romantic-drama-hoon-tari-heer-begins-streaming-on-ott-platform/videoshow/98511249.cms">Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic dra...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:03</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 7, 2023, 12.23AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 7, 2023, 12.23AM IST" data-cap="Bhumika Barot releases a motion poster of her next 'Anokhee'" data-desc="Gujarati actress Bhumika Barot is receiving much love from her ardent fans and followers on social media. Yes the reason is right here! The actress has unveiled the motion poster of her upcoming film titled 'Anokhee' via her social media, on the last day, which is now going viral and getting immense love. The video shows Bhumika in a joyful avatar blowing a soap bubble while sitting on a wheelchair. Further as read on the poster it's mentioned,&quot;I am differently ABLE&quot;. Well, this is something a unique piece of concept can be seen and has made everyone excited to know more about the genre. Sharing the motion poster, Bhumika wrote, &quot;My Upcoming Gujarati Film &ldquo;Anokhee&rdquo; In cinemas near you on April 28th, 2023! A Unique Love story that will not only make you believe in love again but also inspire you.&quot;" href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/bhumika-barot-releases-a-motion-poster-of-her-next-anokhee/videoshow/98460554.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98460554.cms" alt="bhumika-barot-releases-a-motion-poster-of-her-next-anokhee"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 7, 2023, 12.23AM IST" data-cap="Bhumika Barot releases a motion poster of her next 'Anokhee'" data-desc="Gujarati actress Bhumika Barot is receiving much love from her ardent fans and followers on social media. Yes the reason is right here! The actress has unveiled the motion poster of her upcoming film titled 'Anokhee' via her social media, on the last day, which is now going viral and getting immense love. The video shows Bhumika in a joyful avatar blowing a soap bubble while sitting on a wheelchair. Further as read on the poster it's mentioned,&quot;I am differently ABLE&quot;. Well, this is something a unique piece of concept can be seen and has made everyone excited to know more about the genre. Sharing the motion poster, Bhumika wrote, &quot;My Upcoming Gujarati Film &ldquo;Anokhee&rdquo; In cinemas near you on April 28th, 2023! A Unique Love story that will not only make you believe in love again but also inspire you.&quot;" href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/bhumika-barot-releases-a-motion-poster-of-her-next-anokhee/videoshow/98460554.cms">Bhumika Barot releases a mot...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:23</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 2, 2023, 02.51PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 2, 2023, 02.51PM IST" data-cap="Khushi Shah and Umesh Sharma blessed with a baby boy, see pic!" data-desc="Khushi Shah, the diva of Gujarat, has been blessed with a baby boy. The actress took to her Instagram account to share this amusing piece of news with her fans and family, and ever since the announcement is made, the post is flooded with congratulatory comments and warm messages. Khushi shared the newly born picture with dad Umesh Sharma and captioned, &quot;With the infinite grace of Prabhu Shrinathji and Mata Lakshmiji, we have been blessed with a son, May the love and blessings of all our elders and friends continue. Jai Maa Lakshmi.&quot; Moreover, the actress enjoyed most of her pregnancy phase via sharing pictures and videos with a baby bump on Instagram and was adorned by many. Professionally, Khushi Shah received widespread acclaim for her performance in 'Nayikadevi- The Warrior Queen,' directed by Nitin G. Chunky Panday, Mamta Soni, Chirag Jani, and others starred in the first Gujarati historical drama film. Interestingly, the film released in multiple languages." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/khushi-shah-and-umesh-sharma-blessed-with-a-baby-boy-see-pic/videoshow/98360723.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98360723.cms" alt="khushi-shah-and-umesh-sharma-blessed-with-a-baby-boy-see-pic"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 2, 2023, 02.51PM IST" data-cap="Khushi Shah and Umesh Sharma blessed with a baby boy, see pic!" data-desc="Khushi Shah, the diva of Gujarat, has been blessed with a baby boy. The actress took to her Instagram account to share this amusing piece of news with her fans and family, and ever since the announcement is made, the post is flooded with congratulatory comments and warm messages. Khushi shared the newly born picture with dad Umesh Sharma and captioned, &quot;With the infinite grace of Prabhu Shrinathji and Mata Lakshmiji, we have been blessed with a son, May the love and blessings of all our elders and friends continue. Jai Maa Lakshmi.&quot; Moreover, the actress enjoyed most of her pregnancy phase via sharing pictures and videos with a baby bump on Instagram and was adorned by many. Professionally, Khushi Shah received widespread acclaim for her performance in 'Nayikadevi- The Warrior Queen,' directed by Nitin G. Chunky Panday, Mamta Soni, Chirag Jani, and others starred in the first Gujarati historical drama film. Interestingly, the film released in multiple languages." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/khushi-shah-and-umesh-sharma-blessed-with-a-baby-boy-see-pic/videoshow/98360723.cms">Khushi Shah and Umesh Sharma...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:06</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846840--><!--mediadate###Feb 24, 2023, 11.36AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 24, 2023, 11.36AM IST" data-cap="&quot;My mother-in-law never gives my husband and me space&quot;" data-desc="Lost your one true love? Can&rsquo;t handle the tiffs with your partner? Have a troubled relationship with in-laws? Your mind must be whirling with all sorts of problems and queries that you just don't know who to ask for! And to help you figure out, relationship experts will decode the queries that you send to us. Catch our series, Ask the Expert every Friday!" href="/videos/lifestyle/relationships/my-mother-in-law-never-gives-my-husband-and-me-space/videoshow/98200095.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98200095.cms" alt="my-mother-in-law-never-gives-my-husband-and-me-space"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 24, 2023, 11.36AM IST" data-cap="&quot;My mother-in-law never gives my husband and me space&quot;" data-desc="Lost your one true love? Can&rsquo;t handle the tiffs with your partner? Have a troubled relationship with in-laws? Your mind must be whirling with all sorts of problems and queries that you just don't know who to ask for! And to help you figure out, relationship experts will decode the queries that you send to us. Catch our series, Ask the Expert every Friday!" href="/videos/lifestyle/relationships/my-mother-in-law-never-gives-my-husband-and-me-space/videoshow/98200095.cms">"My mother-in-law never give...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:21</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Feb 21, 2023, 12.07AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 21, 2023, 12.07AM IST" data-cap="Watch: Aditya Gadhvi crooning to &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo;" data-desc="Popular Gujarati singer Aditya Gadhvi's latest song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is now making the rounds on social media platforms. Thanks to his soothing voice that quickly connects to the audience. Makers recently released the video of the recording session of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; where Aditya Gadhvi is seen lending his magical voice to the song. Crooned by the talented artist Aditya Gadhvi, the lyrics of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is penned down by Jainam Sanghvi, and the music composition is by Parth Doshi. Flute portions of the song were done by Ninad Kulkarni and the backing vocals are by Himadri Vyas, Mansi Desai, and Isha Vyas. Parasu Maru and Vaibhav Barot cranked the lens for the video song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; and the editing section was handled by Paras Maru. On the other hand, Aditya Gadhvi&rsquo;s previous song &lsquo;Naagar Nandiji Na Laal&rsquo; received much praise from the listeners and the popular singer also has some big ambitious projects in the pipeline." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/watch-aditya-gadhvi-crooning-to-aavo-nar-naar-aaj/videoshow/98103784.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98103784.cms" alt="watch-aditya-gadhvi-crooning-to-aavo-nar-naar-aaj"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 21, 2023, 12.07AM IST" data-cap="Watch: Aditya Gadhvi crooning to &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo;" data-desc="Popular Gujarati singer Aditya Gadhvi's latest song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is now making the rounds on social media platforms. Thanks to his soothing voice that quickly connects to the audience. Makers recently released the video of the recording session of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; where Aditya Gadhvi is seen lending his magical voice to the song. Crooned by the talented artist Aditya Gadhvi, the lyrics of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is penned down by Jainam Sanghvi, and the music composition is by Parth Doshi. Flute portions of the song were done by Ninad Kulkarni and the backing vocals are by Himadri Vyas, Mansi Desai, and Isha Vyas. Parasu Maru and Vaibhav Barot cranked the lens for the video song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; and the editing section was handled by Paras Maru. On the other hand, Aditya Gadhvi&rsquo;s previous song &lsquo;Naagar Nandiji Na Laal&rsquo; received much praise from the listeners and the popular singer also has some big ambitious projects in the pipeline." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/watch-aditya-gadhvi-crooning-to-aavo-nar-naar-aaj/videoshow/98103784.cms">Watch: Aditya Gadhvi croonin...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:11</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Feb 15, 2023, 12.01AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 15, 2023, 12.01AM IST" data-cap="Malhar Thakar and Shraddha Dangar releases a romantic ballad 'Shayarr' on Valentine's Day" data-desc="Gujarati actor Malhar Thakar has now surprised his devoted admirers with his new musical piece 'Shayarr'. On the occassion of Valentine's Day the actor has released this new track. The romantic song stars Shraddha Dangar in the lead role. While Malhar is capturing the actress, the song features Shraddha dancing to the beats. Everyone has been impressed by their on-screen chemistry for the first time. Jay Wadhwani is featured in a key scene in the song as well. Additionally, Smit Jay composed the song, which Salim Merchant, a versatile personality crooned the song. Prem Dave wrote the song's lyrics. Divyesh Limbani is the director of the video. Professionally, Malhar Thakar will be seen next 'Tran Ekka' helmed by Rajesh Sharma. The film will also stars Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi, Hitu Kanodiya, Kinjal Rajpriya, Esha Kansara, Tarjanee Bhadla, Chetan Daiya and Prem Gadhvi in the key roles. On the other hand, Shraddha Dangar has few linedup projects that will be announced soon." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/malhar-thakar-and-shraddha-dangar-releases-a-romantic-ballad-shayarr-on-valentines-day/videoshow/97927223.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/97927223.cms" alt="malhar-thakar-and-shraddha-dangar-releases-a-romantic-ballad-shayarr-on-valentines-day"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 15, 2023, 12.01AM IST" data-cap="Malhar Thakar and Shraddha Dangar releases a romantic ballad 'Shayarr' on Valentine's Day" data-desc="Gujarati actor Malhar Thakar has now surprised his devoted admirers with his new musical piece 'Shayarr'. On the occassion of Valentine's Day the actor has released this new track. The romantic song stars Shraddha Dangar in the lead role. While Malhar is capturing the actress, the song features Shraddha dancing to the beats. Everyone has been impressed by their on-screen chemistry for the first time. Jay Wadhwani is featured in a key scene in the song as well. Additionally, Smit Jay composed the song, which Salim Merchant, a versatile personality crooned the song. Prem Dave wrote the song's lyrics. Divyesh Limbani is the director of the video. Professionally, Malhar Thakar will be seen next 'Tran Ekka' helmed by Rajesh Sharma. The film will also stars Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi, Hitu Kanodiya, Kinjal Rajpriya, Esha Kansara, Tarjanee Bhadla, Chetan Daiya and Prem Gadhvi in the key roles. On the other hand, Shraddha Dangar has few linedup projects that will be announced soon." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/malhar-thakar-and-shraddha-dangar-releases-a-romantic-ballad-shayarr-on-valentines-day/videoshow/97927223.cms">Malhar Thakar and Shraddha D...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:15</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Feb 10, 2023, 02.46PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 10, 2023, 02.46PM IST" data-cap="Pan Nalin shares BTS footage of Shah Rukh Khan from the making of 'Karan Arjun' as &lsquo;Pathaan&rsquo; inches towards Rs 1000 crores - Exclusive!" data-desc="In the year 1996, 100 young filmmakers from 100 countries were invited to celebrate 100 years of the invention of cinema and pay tribute to Auguste Lumi&egrave;re and Louis Jean Lumi&egrave;re, popularly known as The Lumiere brothers. Each filmmaker was asked to choose his favorite star from his own country and make a documentary. Though 'Chello Show' director Pan Nalin was yet to make his first feature film 'Samsara' (2002) his short films and documentaries were already a global success then, The popular director instantly chose his favorite star, Shah Rukh Khan to shoot a documentary.ETimes exclusively brings you that documentary that has never before seen footage of Shah Rukh Khan. The documentary was shot during the filming of 'Karan Arjun'. This video by Pan Nalin is also a homage to Lumiere Brothers. The video starts with the opening shot of Shah Rukh Khan&rsquo;s &lsquo;Karan Arjun&rsquo; and later it shows a few glimpses of the heavy training sessions that the actor went through for the movie. The video digs deep into the lifestyle of SRK which is indeed a treat for any King Khan fans." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/pan-nalin-shares-bts-footage-of-shah-rukh-khan-from-the-making-of-karan-arjun-as-pathaan-inches-towards-rs-1000-crores-exclusive/videoshow/97797686.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/97797686.cms" alt="pan-nalin-shares-bts-footage-of-shah-rukh-khan-from-the-making-of-karan-arjun-as-pathaan-inches-towards-rs-1000-crores-exclusive"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 10, 2023, 02.46PM IST" data-cap="Pan Nalin shares BTS footage of Shah Rukh Khan from the making of 'Karan Arjun' as &lsquo;Pathaan&rsquo; inches towards Rs 1000 crores - Exclusive!" data-desc="In the year 1996, 100 young filmmakers from 100 countries were invited to celebrate 100 years of the invention of cinema and pay tribute to Auguste Lumi&egrave;re and Louis Jean Lumi&egrave;re, popularly known as The Lumiere brothers. Each filmmaker was asked to choose his favorite star from his own country and make a documentary. Though 'Chello Show' director Pan Nalin was yet to make his first feature film 'Samsara' (2002) his short films and documentaries were already a global success then, The popular director instantly chose his favorite star, Shah Rukh Khan to shoot a documentary.ETimes exclusively brings you that documentary that has never before seen footage of Shah Rukh Khan. The documentary was shot during the filming of 'Karan Arjun'. This video by Pan Nalin is also a homage to Lumiere Brothers. The video starts with the opening shot of Shah Rukh Khan&rsquo;s &lsquo;Karan Arjun&rsquo; and later it shows a few glimpses of the heavy training sessions that the actor went through for the movie. The video digs deep into the lifestyle of SRK which is indeed a treat for any King Khan fans." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/pan-nalin-shares-bts-footage-of-shah-rukh-khan-from-the-making-of-karan-arjun-as-pathaan-inches-towards-rs-1000-crores-exclusive/videoshow/97797686.cms">Pan Nalin shares BTS footage...</a><span class="clipDuration">07:04</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Jun 12, 2024, 02.25PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Jun 12, 2024, 02.25PM IST" data-cap="Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga asanas for summer wellness" data-desc="Beat the summer heat with cooling yoga asanas designed to enhance your wellness. These poses help regulate body temperature, reduce stress, and promote relaxation, making them perfect for hot weather. Incorporate these refreshing yoga practices by Karuna Ahuja, Yoga expert, founder, into your routine to stay cool, calm, and energized all summer long." href="/videos/lifestyle/beat-the-heat-cooling-yoga-asanas-for-summer-wellness/videoshow/110935615.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/110935615.cms" alt="beat-the-heat-cooling-yoga-asanas-for-summer-wellness"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Jun 12, 2024, 02.25PM IST" data-cap="Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga asanas for summer wellness" data-desc="Beat the summer heat with cooling yoga asanas designed to enhance your wellness. These poses help regulate body temperature, reduce stress, and promote relaxation, making them perfect for hot weather. Incorporate these refreshing yoga practices by Karuna Ahuja, Yoga expert, founder, into your routine to stay cool, calm, and energized all summer long." href="/videos/lifestyle/beat-the-heat-cooling-yoga-asanas-for-summer-wellness/videoshow/110935615.cms">Beat the Heat: Cooling Yoga ...</a><span class="clipDuration">04:09</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Nov 5, 2023, 02.53PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Nov 5, 2023, 02.53PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" data-desc="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news28-oct-3-nov/videoshow/104985288.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/104985288.cms" alt="weekly-health-news28-oct-3-nov"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Nov 5, 2023, 02.53PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" data-desc="Weekly Health News(28 Oct - 3 Nov)" href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news28-oct-3-nov/videoshow/104985288.cms">Weekly Health News(28 Oct - ...</a><span class="clipDuration">03:15</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Aug 24, 2023, 03.00PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Aug 24, 2023, 03.00PM IST" data-cap="Insomnia 101: Understanding the basics of sleep trouble and tips for a better night's sleep&quot;" data-desc="Your emotions, health, and cognitive function all improve with adequate sleep. Lack of regular, good-quality sleep increases the chance of developing a variety of illnesses and disorders. Dr. Prashant N. Chhajed, MD DNB DETRD, Consultant Chest Physician, Director, Lung Care and Sleep Centre, Mumbai gives an insight on how sleep is as necessary as diet and workout." href="/videos/lifestyle/insomnia-101-understanding-the-basics-of-sleep-trouble-and-tips-for-a-better-nights-sleep/videoshow/103019374.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/103019374.cms" alt="insomnia-101-understanding-the-basics-of-sleep-trouble-and-tips-for-a-better-nights-sleep"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Aug 24, 2023, 03.00PM IST" data-cap="Insomnia 101: Understanding the basics of sleep trouble and tips for a better night's sleep&quot;" data-desc="Your emotions, health, and cognitive function all improve with adequate sleep. Lack of regular, good-quality sleep increases the chance of developing a variety of illnesses and disorders. Dr. Prashant N. Chhajed, MD DNB DETRD, Consultant Chest Physician, Director, Lung Care and Sleep Centre, Mumbai gives an insight on how sleep is as necessary as diet and workout." href="/videos/lifestyle/insomnia-101-understanding-the-basics-of-sleep-trouble-and-tips-for-a-better-nights-sleep/videoshow/103019374.cms">Insomnia 101: Understanding ...</a><span class="clipDuration">05:03</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--3812890--><!--mediadate###Aug 20, 2023, 12.10PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Aug 20, 2023, 12.10PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News (August 11-18)" data-desc="Here's another episode of Weekly Health News! Here's a quick recap of the top health news of the week that went by&hellip;" href="/videos/weekly-health-news-august-11-18/videoshow/102871037.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/102871037.cms" alt="weekly-health-news-august-11-18"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Aug 20, 2023, 12.10PM IST" data-cap="Weekly Health News (August 11-18)" data-desc="Here's another episode of Weekly Health News! Here's a quick recap of the top health news of the week that went by&hellip;" href="/videos/weekly-health-news-august-11-18/videoshow/102871037.cms">Weekly Health News (August 1...</a><span class="clipDuration">03:01</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Jul 28, 2023, 03.20PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Jul 28, 2023, 03.20PM IST" data-cap="Weekly health news (21 -28 July)" data-desc="To know all the advancements in the field of health and fitness and new health studies, here's your dose of weekly health news." href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news-21-28-july/videoshow/102201164.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/102201164.cms" alt="weekly-health-news-21-28-july"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Jul 28, 2023, 03.20PM IST" data-cap="Weekly health news (21 -28 July)" data-desc="To know all the advancements in the field of health and fitness and new health studies, here's your dose of weekly health news." href="/videos/lifestyle/weekly-health-news-21-28-july/videoshow/102201164.cms">Weekly health news (21 -28 J...</a><span class="clipDuration">02:14</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 27, 2023, 03.06PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 27, 2023, 03.06PM IST" data-cap="'Shubh Yatra' makers reveal the motion poster of film" data-desc="Everyone is excited to see Malhar Thakar's upcoming film 'Shubh Yatra' on the big screen. Following the release of the first look, the filmmakers have now unveiled the film's motion poster, which has garnered widespread interest. The motion poster opens up with the tag line 'Saachvine Jajo' and has also reveals the names of the star cast, that includes Hitu Kanodia, Darshan Jariwala, Archan Trivedi, Chetan Daiya, and many others.According to the director mentioned in an interview with ETimes, tthe film will have a captivating storyline of self-discovery, love, and adventure. It is a full-fledged entertaining film that will leave the audience with positive and healthy feedback." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/shubh-yatra-makers-reveal-the-motion-poster-of-film/videoshow/99031940.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/99031940.cms" alt="shubh-yatra-makers-reveal-the-motion-poster-of-film"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 27, 2023, 03.06PM IST" data-cap="'Shubh Yatra' makers reveal the motion poster of film" data-desc="Everyone is excited to see Malhar Thakar's upcoming film 'Shubh Yatra' on the big screen. Following the release of the first look, the filmmakers have now unveiled the film's motion poster, which has garnered widespread interest. The motion poster opens up with the tag line 'Saachvine Jajo' and has also reveals the names of the star cast, that includes Hitu Kanodia, Darshan Jariwala, Archan Trivedi, Chetan Daiya, and many others.According to the director mentioned in an interview with ETimes, tthe film will have a captivating storyline of self-discovery, love, and adventure. It is a full-fledged entertaining film that will leave the audience with positive and healthy feedback." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/shubh-yatra-makers-reveal-the-motion-poster-of-film/videoshow/99031940.cms">'Shubh Yatra' makers reveal ...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:11</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 23, 2023, 12.20AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 23, 2023, 12.20AM IST" data-cap="Manish Saini on 'Shubh Yatra': The film promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure- Exclusive!" data-desc="Gujarati cinema fans buckle up as the highly-anticipated film &ldquo;Shubh Yatra&rdquo; is all set to hit the theatres on April 28, 2023. The movie promises to take audiences on a thrilling ride with a star-studded cast, including Malhar Thakkar and Monal Gajjar in the lead roles. Directed by the National award-winning Manish Saini, says in an exclusive interview with ETimes, &ldquo;Shubh Yatra' is being produced by Nayantara and Vignesh Sivan, along with Satyam Movies. The film is expected to be a treat for audiences who are seeking an engaging cinematic experience.&quot; Further, he adds,, 'Shubh Yatra' promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure. With a star-studded cast and an experienced director at the helm, audiences are in for a rollercoaster ride that they won't forget anytime soon.&quot; &quot;The first-look poster of the film, which resembles a passport, gives viewers a sneak peek into what they can expect. Malhar Thakkar is seen in the lead role as Mohan, with other prominent actors like Darshan Jariwalla, Hitu Kanodia, Archan Trivedi, Hemin Trivedi, Magan Luhar, Sunil Vishrani, and Jay Bhatt playing pivotal roles, the director shared,&quot; concludes the conversation." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/manish-saini-on-shubh-yatra-the-film-promises-to-be-a-captivating-tale-of-self-discovery-love-and-adventure-exclusive/videoshow/98923737.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98923737.cms" alt="manish-saini-on-shubh-yatra-the-film-promises-to-be-a-captivating-tale-of-self-discovery-love-and-adventure-exclusive"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 23, 2023, 12.20AM IST" data-cap="Manish Saini on 'Shubh Yatra': The film promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure- Exclusive!" data-desc="Gujarati cinema fans buckle up as the highly-anticipated film &ldquo;Shubh Yatra&rdquo; is all set to hit the theatres on April 28, 2023. The movie promises to take audiences on a thrilling ride with a star-studded cast, including Malhar Thakkar and Monal Gajjar in the lead roles. Directed by the National award-winning Manish Saini, says in an exclusive interview with ETimes, &ldquo;Shubh Yatra' is being produced by Nayantara and Vignesh Sivan, along with Satyam Movies. The film is expected to be a treat for audiences who are seeking an engaging cinematic experience.&quot; Further, he adds,, 'Shubh Yatra' promises to be a captivating tale of self-discovery, love, and adventure. With a star-studded cast and an experienced director at the helm, audiences are in for a rollercoaster ride that they won't forget anytime soon.&quot; &quot;The first-look poster of the film, which resembles a passport, gives viewers a sneak peek into what they can expect. Malhar Thakkar is seen in the lead role as Mohan, with other prominent actors like Darshan Jariwalla, Hitu Kanodia, Archan Trivedi, Hemin Trivedi, Magan Luhar, Sunil Vishrani, and Jay Bhatt playing pivotal roles, the director shared,&quot; concludes the conversation." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/manish-saini-on-shubh-yatra-the-film-promises-to-be-a-captivating-tale-of-self-discovery-love-and-adventure-exclusive/videoshow/98923737.cms">Manish Saini on 'Shubh Yatra...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:26</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 16, 2023, 12.03AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 16, 2023, 12.03AM IST" data-cap="Singer Kinjal Dave called-off her engagement with Pavan Joshi; Deets inside!" data-desc="Kinjal Dave, a Gujarati singer who had been engaged to Pavan Joshi for the past five years, has called off their engagement. Yes, you read that correctly. The singer's relationship breakdown with fiancee Pavan Joshi is making the rounds on social media. According to a media source, Kinjal and his brother called off their engagement as Pavan Joshi's sister, who was engaged to Kinjal's brother, married elsewhere. This breaking news has made Kinjal's fans shattered. On the work front, Kinjal Dave is a renowned singer and has touched the hearts of many overseas. The 'Char Char Bangdi Vali' singer has delivered many hit tracks in Gujarati and every song has huge fandom. Meanwhile, Kinjal Dave has earlier made an exciting announcement as she teamed up with the music composer Salim Merchant and singer Jassi Jasbir for her upcoming music project." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/singer-kinjal-dave-called-off-her-engagement-with-pavan-joshi-deets-inside/videoshow/98674567.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98674567.cms" alt="singer-kinjal-dave-called-off-her-engagement-with-pavan-joshi-deets-inside"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 16, 2023, 12.03AM IST" data-cap="Singer Kinjal Dave called-off her engagement with Pavan Joshi; Deets inside!" data-desc="Kinjal Dave, a Gujarati singer who had been engaged to Pavan Joshi for the past five years, has called off their engagement. Yes, you read that correctly. The singer's relationship breakdown with fiancee Pavan Joshi is making the rounds on social media. According to a media source, Kinjal and his brother called off their engagement as Pavan Joshi's sister, who was engaged to Kinjal's brother, married elsewhere. This breaking news has made Kinjal's fans shattered. On the work front, Kinjal Dave is a renowned singer and has touched the hearts of many overseas. The 'Char Char Bangdi Vali' singer has delivered many hit tracks in Gujarati and every song has huge fandom. Meanwhile, Kinjal Dave has earlier made an exciting announcement as she teamed up with the music composer Salim Merchant and singer Jassi Jasbir for her upcoming music project." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/singer-kinjal-dave-called-off-her-engagement-with-pavan-joshi-deets-inside/videoshow/98674567.cms">Singer Kinjal Dave called-of...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:02</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 11, 2023, 08.03PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 11, 2023, 08.03PM IST" data-cap="Maulik Chauhan teams up with Bhumika Barot for &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo;" data-desc="Gujarati actor Maulik Chauhan is ready for his next film &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; which is directed by Devesh Raval. &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; is helmed by director Devesh Raval and actors Maulik Chauhan and Bhumika Barot will be essaying the lead roles in the film. Major details regarding the project have not been disclosed yet. On the other hand, Maulik Chauhan&rsquo;s previous outing was with the TV series &lsquo;Room No 420&rsquo; and the actor also got much appreciation for his performance in the movie &lsquo;Prem Prakaran&rsquo;. Meanwhile, Bhumika Barot is awaiting the release of her next film &lsquo;Anokhee&rsquo; which will be hitting the big screens on April 28, 2023. The film is touted to be a unique love story that will make you believe in romance again." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/maulik-chauhan-teams-up-with-bhumika-barot-for-dev-bhoomi/videoshow/98568932.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98568932.cms" alt="maulik-chauhan-teams-up-with-bhumika-barot-for-dev-bhoomi"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 11, 2023, 08.03PM IST" data-cap="Maulik Chauhan teams up with Bhumika Barot for &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo;" data-desc="Gujarati actor Maulik Chauhan is ready for his next film &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; which is directed by Devesh Raval. &lsquo;Dev Bhoomi&rsquo; is helmed by director Devesh Raval and actors Maulik Chauhan and Bhumika Barot will be essaying the lead roles in the film. Major details regarding the project have not been disclosed yet. On the other hand, Maulik Chauhan&rsquo;s previous outing was with the TV series &lsquo;Room No 420&rsquo; and the actor also got much appreciation for his performance in the movie &lsquo;Prem Prakaran&rsquo;. Meanwhile, Bhumika Barot is awaiting the release of her next film &lsquo;Anokhee&rsquo; which will be hitting the big screens on April 28, 2023. The film is touted to be a unique love story that will make you believe in romance again." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/maulik-chauhan-teams-up-with-bhumika-barot-for-dev-bhoomi/videoshow/98568932.cms">Maulik Chauhan teams up with...</a><span class="clipDuration">00:48</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846717--><!--mediadate###Mar 9, 2023, 04.39PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 04.39PM IST" data-cap="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" data-desc="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" href="/videos/lifestyle/throat-cancer-and-its-symptoms/videoshow/98518645.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98518645.cms" alt="throat-cancer-and-its-symptoms"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 04.39PM IST" data-cap="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" data-desc="Throat Cancer and its symptoms" href="/videos/lifestyle/throat-cancer-and-its-symptoms/videoshow/98518645.cms">Throat Cancer and its sympto...</a><span class="clipDuration">06:22</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 9, 2023, 12.20PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 12.20PM IST" data-cap="Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; begins streaming on OTT platform" data-desc="Exciting news for the Gujarati cinephiles as the promising director Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; has started streaming on a popular OTT platform.Actress Puja Joshi took to her official Instagram handle to share the news regarding the OTT release of &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo;. Sharing a poster from the movie, the actress penned a note that read, &ldquo;Our movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; is finally available to watch on OTT app.&rdquo;Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic entertainer &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; hit the big screens on October 7, 2022, and the movie received many praises from movie buffs. The movie revolved around the character Heer who is a small-town girl who has to face taboos in her community to meet her man of dreams.&lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; had a casting coup of sorts. The actors Puja Joshi, Ojas Rawal, Dharmesh Vyas, Sonali Lele Desai, Nisarg Trivedi, and Bharat Chawda in significant lead roles." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/dhwani-gautams-romantic-drama-hoon-tari-heer-begins-streaming-on-ott-platform/videoshow/98511249.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98511249.cms" alt="dhwani-gautams-romantic-drama-hoon-tari-heer-begins-streaming-on-ott-platform"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 9, 2023, 12.20PM IST" data-cap="Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; begins streaming on OTT platform" data-desc="Exciting news for the Gujarati cinephiles as the promising director Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic drama movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; has started streaming on a popular OTT platform.Actress Puja Joshi took to her official Instagram handle to share the news regarding the OTT release of &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo;. Sharing a poster from the movie, the actress penned a note that read, &ldquo;Our movie &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; is finally available to watch on OTT app.&rdquo;Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic entertainer &lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; hit the big screens on October 7, 2022, and the movie received many praises from movie buffs. The movie revolved around the character Heer who is a small-town girl who has to face taboos in her community to meet her man of dreams.&lsquo;Hoon Tari Heer&rsquo; had a casting coup of sorts. The actors Puja Joshi, Ojas Rawal, Dharmesh Vyas, Sonali Lele Desai, Nisarg Trivedi, and Bharat Chawda in significant lead roles." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/dhwani-gautams-romantic-drama-hoon-tari-heer-begins-streaming-on-ott-platform/videoshow/98511249.cms">Dhwani Gautam&rsquo;s romantic dra...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:03</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 7, 2023, 12.23AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 7, 2023, 12.23AM IST" data-cap="Bhumika Barot releases a motion poster of her next 'Anokhee'" data-desc="Gujarati actress Bhumika Barot is receiving much love from her ardent fans and followers on social media. Yes the reason is right here! The actress has unveiled the motion poster of her upcoming film titled 'Anokhee' via her social media, on the last day, which is now going viral and getting immense love. The video shows Bhumika in a joyful avatar blowing a soap bubble while sitting on a wheelchair. Further as read on the poster it's mentioned,&quot;I am differently ABLE&quot;. Well, this is something a unique piece of concept can be seen and has made everyone excited to know more about the genre. Sharing the motion poster, Bhumika wrote, &quot;My Upcoming Gujarati Film &ldquo;Anokhee&rdquo; In cinemas near you on April 28th, 2023! A Unique Love story that will not only make you believe in love again but also inspire you.&quot;" href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/bhumika-barot-releases-a-motion-poster-of-her-next-anokhee/videoshow/98460554.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98460554.cms" alt="bhumika-barot-releases-a-motion-poster-of-her-next-anokhee"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 7, 2023, 12.23AM IST" data-cap="Bhumika Barot releases a motion poster of her next 'Anokhee'" data-desc="Gujarati actress Bhumika Barot is receiving much love from her ardent fans and followers on social media. Yes the reason is right here! The actress has unveiled the motion poster of her upcoming film titled 'Anokhee' via her social media, on the last day, which is now going viral and getting immense love. The video shows Bhumika in a joyful avatar blowing a soap bubble while sitting on a wheelchair. Further as read on the poster it's mentioned,&quot;I am differently ABLE&quot;. Well, this is something a unique piece of concept can be seen and has made everyone excited to know more about the genre. Sharing the motion poster, Bhumika wrote, &quot;My Upcoming Gujarati Film &ldquo;Anokhee&rdquo; In cinemas near you on April 28th, 2023! A Unique Love story that will not only make you believe in love again but also inspire you.&quot;" href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/bhumika-barot-releases-a-motion-poster-of-her-next-anokhee/videoshow/98460554.cms">Bhumika Barot releases a mot...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:23</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Mar 2, 2023, 02.51PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Mar 2, 2023, 02.51PM IST" data-cap="Khushi Shah and Umesh Sharma blessed with a baby boy, see pic!" data-desc="Khushi Shah, the diva of Gujarat, has been blessed with a baby boy. The actress took to her Instagram account to share this amusing piece of news with her fans and family, and ever since the announcement is made, the post is flooded with congratulatory comments and warm messages. Khushi shared the newly born picture with dad Umesh Sharma and captioned, &quot;With the infinite grace of Prabhu Shrinathji and Mata Lakshmiji, we have been blessed with a son, May the love and blessings of all our elders and friends continue. Jai Maa Lakshmi.&quot; Moreover, the actress enjoyed most of her pregnancy phase via sharing pictures and videos with a baby bump on Instagram and was adorned by many. Professionally, Khushi Shah received widespread acclaim for her performance in 'Nayikadevi- The Warrior Queen,' directed by Nitin G. Chunky Panday, Mamta Soni, Chirag Jani, and others starred in the first Gujarati historical drama film. Interestingly, the film released in multiple languages." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/khushi-shah-and-umesh-sharma-blessed-with-a-baby-boy-see-pic/videoshow/98360723.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98360723.cms" alt="khushi-shah-and-umesh-sharma-blessed-with-a-baby-boy-see-pic"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Mar 2, 2023, 02.51PM IST" data-cap="Khushi Shah and Umesh Sharma blessed with a baby boy, see pic!" data-desc="Khushi Shah, the diva of Gujarat, has been blessed with a baby boy. The actress took to her Instagram account to share this amusing piece of news with her fans and family, and ever since the announcement is made, the post is flooded with congratulatory comments and warm messages. Khushi shared the newly born picture with dad Umesh Sharma and captioned, &quot;With the infinite grace of Prabhu Shrinathji and Mata Lakshmiji, we have been blessed with a son, May the love and blessings of all our elders and friends continue. Jai Maa Lakshmi.&quot; Moreover, the actress enjoyed most of her pregnancy phase via sharing pictures and videos with a baby bump on Instagram and was adorned by many. Professionally, Khushi Shah received widespread acclaim for her performance in 'Nayikadevi- The Warrior Queen,' directed by Nitin G. Chunky Panday, Mamta Soni, Chirag Jani, and others starred in the first Gujarati historical drama film. Interestingly, the film released in multiple languages." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/khushi-shah-and-umesh-sharma-blessed-with-a-baby-boy-see-pic/videoshow/98360723.cms">Khushi Shah and Umesh Sharma...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:06</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--67846840--><!--mediadate###Feb 24, 2023, 11.36AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 24, 2023, 11.36AM IST" data-cap="&quot;My mother-in-law never gives my husband and me space&quot;" data-desc="Lost your one true love? Can&rsquo;t handle the tiffs with your partner? Have a troubled relationship with in-laws? Your mind must be whirling with all sorts of problems and queries that you just don't know who to ask for! And to help you figure out, relationship experts will decode the queries that you send to us. Catch our series, Ask the Expert every Friday!" href="/videos/lifestyle/relationships/my-mother-in-law-never-gives-my-husband-and-me-space/videoshow/98200095.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98200095.cms" alt="my-mother-in-law-never-gives-my-husband-and-me-space"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 24, 2023, 11.36AM IST" data-cap="&quot;My mother-in-law never gives my husband and me space&quot;" data-desc="Lost your one true love? Can&rsquo;t handle the tiffs with your partner? Have a troubled relationship with in-laws? Your mind must be whirling with all sorts of problems and queries that you just don't know who to ask for! And to help you figure out, relationship experts will decode the queries that you send to us. Catch our series, Ask the Expert every Friday!" href="/videos/lifestyle/relationships/my-mother-in-law-never-gives-my-husband-and-me-space/videoshow/98200095.cms">"My mother-in-law never give...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:21</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Feb 21, 2023, 12.07AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 21, 2023, 12.07AM IST" data-cap="Watch: Aditya Gadhvi crooning to &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo;" data-desc="Popular Gujarati singer Aditya Gadhvi's latest song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is now making the rounds on social media platforms. Thanks to his soothing voice that quickly connects to the audience. Makers recently released the video of the recording session of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; where Aditya Gadhvi is seen lending his magical voice to the song. Crooned by the talented artist Aditya Gadhvi, the lyrics of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is penned down by Jainam Sanghvi, and the music composition is by Parth Doshi. Flute portions of the song were done by Ninad Kulkarni and the backing vocals are by Himadri Vyas, Mansi Desai, and Isha Vyas. Parasu Maru and Vaibhav Barot cranked the lens for the video song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; and the editing section was handled by Paras Maru. On the other hand, Aditya Gadhvi&rsquo;s previous song &lsquo;Naagar Nandiji Na Laal&rsquo; received much praise from the listeners and the popular singer also has some big ambitious projects in the pipeline." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/watch-aditya-gadhvi-crooning-to-aavo-nar-naar-aaj/videoshow/98103784.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/98103784.cms" alt="watch-aditya-gadhvi-crooning-to-aavo-nar-naar-aaj"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 21, 2023, 12.07AM IST" data-cap="Watch: Aditya Gadhvi crooning to &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo;" data-desc="Popular Gujarati singer Aditya Gadhvi's latest song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is now making the rounds on social media platforms. Thanks to his soothing voice that quickly connects to the audience. Makers recently released the video of the recording session of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; where Aditya Gadhvi is seen lending his magical voice to the song. Crooned by the talented artist Aditya Gadhvi, the lyrics of &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; is penned down by Jainam Sanghvi, and the music composition is by Parth Doshi. Flute portions of the song were done by Ninad Kulkarni and the backing vocals are by Himadri Vyas, Mansi Desai, and Isha Vyas. Parasu Maru and Vaibhav Barot cranked the lens for the video song &lsquo;Aavo Nar Naar Aaj&rsquo; and the editing section was handled by Paras Maru. On the other hand, Aditya Gadhvi&rsquo;s previous song &lsquo;Naagar Nandiji Na Laal&rsquo; received much praise from the listeners and the popular singer also has some big ambitious projects in the pipeline." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/watch-aditya-gadhvi-crooning-to-aavo-nar-naar-aaj/videoshow/98103784.cms">Watch: Aditya Gadhvi croonin...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:11</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Feb 15, 2023, 12.01AM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 15, 2023, 12.01AM IST" data-cap="Malhar Thakar and Shraddha Dangar releases a romantic ballad 'Shayarr' on Valentine's Day" data-desc="Gujarati actor Malhar Thakar has now surprised his devoted admirers with his new musical piece 'Shayarr'. On the occassion of Valentine's Day the actor has released this new track. The romantic song stars Shraddha Dangar in the lead role. While Malhar is capturing the actress, the song features Shraddha dancing to the beats. Everyone has been impressed by their on-screen chemistry for the first time. Jay Wadhwani is featured in a key scene in the song as well. Additionally, Smit Jay composed the song, which Salim Merchant, a versatile personality crooned the song. Prem Dave wrote the song's lyrics. Divyesh Limbani is the director of the video. Professionally, Malhar Thakar will be seen next 'Tran Ekka' helmed by Rajesh Sharma. The film will also stars Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi, Hitu Kanodiya, Kinjal Rajpriya, Esha Kansara, Tarjanee Bhadla, Chetan Daiya and Prem Gadhvi in the key roles. On the other hand, Shraddha Dangar has few linedup projects that will be announced soon." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/malhar-thakar-and-shraddha-dangar-releases-a-romantic-ballad-shayarr-on-valentines-day/videoshow/97927223.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/97927223.cms" alt="malhar-thakar-and-shraddha-dangar-releases-a-romantic-ballad-shayarr-on-valentines-day"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 15, 2023, 12.01AM IST" data-cap="Malhar Thakar and Shraddha Dangar releases a romantic ballad 'Shayarr' on Valentine's Day" data-desc="Gujarati actor Malhar Thakar has now surprised his devoted admirers with his new musical piece 'Shayarr'. On the occassion of Valentine's Day the actor has released this new track. The romantic song stars Shraddha Dangar in the lead role. While Malhar is capturing the actress, the song features Shraddha dancing to the beats. Everyone has been impressed by their on-screen chemistry for the first time. Jay Wadhwani is featured in a key scene in the song as well. Additionally, Smit Jay composed the song, which Salim Merchant, a versatile personality crooned the song. Prem Dave wrote the song's lyrics. Divyesh Limbani is the director of the video. Professionally, Malhar Thakar will be seen next 'Tran Ekka' helmed by Rajesh Sharma. The film will also stars Yash Soni, Mitra Gadhvi, Hitu Kanodiya, Kinjal Rajpriya, Esha Kansara, Tarjanee Bhadla, Chetan Daiya and Prem Gadhvi in the key roles. On the other hand, Shraddha Dangar has few linedup projects that will be announced soon." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/malhar-thakar-and-shraddha-dangar-releases-a-romantic-ballad-shayarr-on-valentines-day/videoshow/97927223.cms">Malhar Thakar and Shraddha D...</a><span class="clipDuration">01:15</span></li><li class="featuredLi related"><!--62556387--><!--mediadate###Feb 10, 2023, 02.46PM IST--><span class="videoThumb"><a data-date="Feb 10, 2023, 02.46PM IST" data-cap="Pan Nalin shares BTS footage of Shah Rukh Khan from the making of 'Karan Arjun' as &lsquo;Pathaan&rsquo; inches towards Rs 1000 crores - Exclusive!" data-desc="In the year 1996, 100 young filmmakers from 100 countries were invited to celebrate 100 years of the invention of cinema and pay tribute to Auguste Lumi&egrave;re and Louis Jean Lumi&egrave;re, popularly known as The Lumiere brothers. Each filmmaker was asked to choose his favorite star from his own country and make a documentary. Though 'Chello Show' director Pan Nalin was yet to make his first feature film 'Samsara' (2002) his short films and documentaries were already a global success then, The popular director instantly chose his favorite star, Shah Rukh Khan to shoot a documentary.ETimes exclusively brings you that documentary that has never before seen footage of Shah Rukh Khan. The documentary was shot during the filming of 'Karan Arjun'. This video by Pan Nalin is also a homage to Lumiere Brothers. The video starts with the opening shot of Shah Rukh Khan&rsquo;s &lsquo;Karan Arjun&rsquo; and later it shows a few glimpses of the heavy training sessions that the actor went through for the movie. The video digs deep into the lifestyle of SRK which is indeed a treat for any King Khan fans." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/pan-nalin-shares-bts-footage-of-shah-rukh-khan-from-the-making-of-karan-arjun-as-pathaan-inches-towards-rs-1000-crores-exclusive/videoshow/97797686.cms"><img src="" height="120" width="160" data-src="/photo/97797686.cms" alt="pan-nalin-shares-bts-footage-of-shah-rukh-khan-from-the-making-of-karan-arjun-as-pathaan-inches-towards-rs-1000-crores-exclusive"><i class="playIcon_new"></i></a></span><a class="caption" data-date="Feb 10, 2023, 02.46PM IST" data-cap="Pan Nalin shares BTS footage of Shah Rukh Khan from the making of 'Karan Arjun' as &lsquo;Pathaan&rsquo; inches towards Rs 1000 crores - Exclusive!" data-desc="In the year 1996, 100 young filmmakers from 100 countries were invited to celebrate 100 years of the invention of cinema and pay tribute to Auguste Lumi&egrave;re and Louis Jean Lumi&egrave;re, popularly known as The Lumiere brothers. Each filmmaker was asked to choose his favorite star from his own country and make a documentary. Though 'Chello Show' director Pan Nalin was yet to make his first feature film 'Samsara' (2002) his short films and documentaries were already a global success then, The popular director instantly chose his favorite star, Shah Rukh Khan to shoot a documentary.ETimes exclusively brings you that documentary that has never before seen footage of Shah Rukh Khan. The documentary was shot during the filming of 'Karan Arjun'. This video by Pan Nalin is also a homage to Lumiere Brothers. The video starts with the opening shot of Shah Rukh Khan&rsquo;s &lsquo;Karan Arjun&rsquo; and later it shows a few glimpses of the heavy training sessions that the actor went through for the movie. The video digs deep into the lifestyle of SRK which is indeed a treat for any King Khan fans." href="/videos/entertainment/regional/gujarati/pan-nalin-shares-bts-footage-of-shah-rukh-khan-from-the-making-of-karan-arjun-as-pathaan-inches-towards-rs-1000-crores-exclusive/videoshow/97797686.cms">Pan Nalin shares BTS footage...</a><span class="clipDuration">07:04</span></li></ul> </div><div style="clear:both" class="videoListRem"><a class="morevideolink" style="float:right;" href="/videos/videolist/3812890.cms?curpg=2&amp;more=1">Next</a></div></div><!--/videos/v_videossectionlist.cms?upcache=2&msid=3812890&toiid=&mirror=&curpg=1&morebotm=1&more=1potime:645--></div></div><div class="right-part1 right-side"><div class="widget centerAds"><script>showDCAdsRight1(0,0);</script></div><div class="widget black"><div class="heading1 nomrg nomrgB"><a class="hp_head">Most Popular</a></div><ul data-place="latestCmmtData" class="tabstrip1 clearfix mostcomment"><li><a data-day="mrtoday" class="active">Most Read</a></li><li><a data-day="mctoday">Most commented</a></li></ul><div class="latestCmmtData" id="commentdata"><div class="mrtoday"><ul class=""><li><a pg="Mread_Pos#1" href="/meet-daniel-weber-a-multifaceted-talent-in-music-film-and-business/articleshow/112365807.cms"><img alt="Meet Daniel Weber: A Multifaceted Talent in Music, Film, and Business" src="" data-src=";height=70"><span>Meet Daniel Weber: A Multifaceted Talen... <span style="display:none;">Meet Daniel Weber: A Multifaceted Talent in Music, Film, and Business</span></span></a></li><li><a pg="Mread_Pos#2" href="/blindwink-india-design-awards-2023-winners-announced/articleshow/102567070.cms"><img alt="Blindwink India Design Awards 2023 Winners Announced" src="" data-src=";height=70"><span>Blindwink India Design Awards 2023 Winn... <span style="display:none;">Blindwink India Design Awards 2023 Winners Announced</span></span></a></li><li><a pg="Mread_Pos#3" href="/sandeep-prajapat-receives-textile-business-award/articleshow/102363722.cms"><img alt="Sandeep Prajapat Receives Textile Business Award!" src="" data-src=";height=70"><span>Sandeep Prajapat Receives Textile Busin... <span style="display:none;">Sandeep Prajapat Receives Textile Business Award!</span></span></a></li><li><a pg="Mread_Pos#4" href="/upgrad-to-launch-10-global-campuses-sets-target-to-hire-1000-phds/articleshow/95859163.cms"><img alt="upGrad to launch 10 Global Campuses; 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