Anniina's Alice Walker Page

<html> <head> <meta name="description" content="Alice Walker, one of the foremost contemporary American writers. This page includes a biography, a list of works, and numerous links to Web resources, essays, criticism, and reviews."> <meta name="keywords" content="Alice Walker, African-American, Black, Woman, Author, Writer, Poet, Novels, Books, Color Purple, Female, Poetry, Hurston, South, Southern, literature, American, Women, poems, Contemporary, Activism, Black History, Everyday Use, Contemporary, Women Writers"> <title>Anniina's Alice Walker Page</title> </head> <body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-image: url(brown2.jpg);" link="#5c372e" vlink="#000000"> <table width=100%><tr><td valign=top> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top"><img src="manwoman.gif"><br><img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"></td> <td colspan="3" valign="top"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6715033876432389"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel ="6729155110"; google_color_border = "000000"; google_color_link = "663333"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "663333"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <p><img src="alicetit.gif" alt="Anniina's Alice Walker Page" border="0"></p> </center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <img src="hut.gif"><br> <img src="rhino.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="warrior.gif" vspace="5"><br> </td> <td valign="top" colspan=3 width=600><img src="alicemw.jpg" hspace="20" align=right>Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, the eighth and last child of Willie Lee and Minnie Lou Grant Walker, who were sharecroppers. When Alice Walker was eight years old, she lost sight of one eye when one of her older brothers shot her with a BB gun by accident. In high school, Alice Walker was valedictorian of her class, and that achievement, coupled with a "rehabilitation scholarship" made it possible for her to go to Spelman, a college for black women in Atlanta, Georgia. After spending two years at Spelman, she transferred to Sarah Lawrence College in New York, and during her junior year traveled to Africa as an exchange student. She received her bachelor of arts degree from Sarah Lawrence College in 1965.<br><br> After finishing college, Walker lived for a short time in New York, then from the mid 1960s to the mid 1970s, she lived in Tougaloo, Mississippi, during which time she had a daughter, Rebecca, in 1969. Alice Walker was active in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's, and in the 1990's she is still an involved activist. She has spoken for the women's movement, the anti-apartheid movement, for the anti-nuclear movement, and against female genital mutilation. Alice Walker started her own publishing company, Wild Trees Press, in 1984. She currently resides in Northern California with her dog, Marley. <p>She received the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 for <u><em>The Color Purple</em></u>. Among her numerous awards and honors are the Lillian Smith Award from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts &amp; Letters, a nomination for the National Book Award, a Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, a Merrill Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Front Page Award for Best Magazine Criticism from the Newswoman's Club of New York. She also has received the Townsend Prize and a Lyndhurst Prize. <br> <br> </p> </td></tr><tr> <td valign=top><img src="elephant.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="manwoman.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="hut.gif"><br> <img src="rhino.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="warrior.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="elephant.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="manwoman.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="hut.gif"><br> <img src="rhino.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="warrior.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="elephant.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="manwoman.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="hut.gif"><br> <img src="rhino.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="warrior.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="elephant.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="manwoman.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="hut.gif"><br> <img src="rhino.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="warrior.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="elephant.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="manwoman.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="hut.gif"><br> <img src="rhino.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="warrior.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="elephant.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="manwoman.gif" vspace="10"><br> <img src="monkey.gif" vspace="5"><br> <img src="hut.gif"> </td><td width=25>&nbsp;</td> <td valign=top> <ul> <ul> <ul> <img src="new.gif"> </ul> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Interview: "Inner Light in a Time of Darkness"</a> (Nov, 2006) - Democracy Now!<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Biography</a> - Literary Encyclopedia<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Biography</a> - New Georgia Encyclopedia<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><A HREF="">Biography</a> - Laura M. Wiseman<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">'The Color Purple' in restrospect: 20 years after the debut, the film's beauty never fades</a> - B. A. Davis<br> <br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">"Looking at the Back of Your Head": Mirroring Scenes in Alice Walker's</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""><i>The Color Purple</i> and <i>Possessing the Secret of Joy</i></a> - Tricia Slusser<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Compose Yourself: Writing & Identity in Douglas, Williams & Walker</a> - Glen Scott Allen<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Self: Plunging into the Other Side of the Mirror</a> - Laura Samuelsson<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">A Glimpse in the Mirror</a> - Sirena Baer<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">The Effects of Culture in <i>Everyday Use, A&P</i>, and <i>Blue Winds Dancing</i></a> - Adrian Jones<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Black America and Double Consciousness: W.E.B. Dubois and Walker's "Everyday Use"</a> - T. Sexton<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">The Women in Alice Walker's <i>Everyday Use</i></a> - Nicole Mohr<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Possessing the Voice of the Other: African Women and the 'Crisis of Representation' in</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Alice Walker's <i>Possessing the Secret of Joy</i></a> - Nontsasa Nako<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Stripping Bark &#8212; Alice Walker's Poetry on Confronting the Taboo</a> - Dorothy Harris<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Who Touches This Touches a Woman: The Naked Self in Alice Walker</a> - Ruth D. Weston<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Revisiting "What's in a Name?": Exploring the Contours of</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Africana Womanist Thought</a> - N. G. Alexander-Floyd and E. Simien<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Remembering mama: images of mothers, good, bad, real or fictive</a> - B. A. Davis<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice in Motherland: Reading Alice Walker on Africa</a> - Oyeronke Oyewumi<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Womanist theology, epistemology, and a new anthropological paradigm</a> - Linda E. Thomas<br> <br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Study Guide for <i>Everyday Use</i></a> - Lyman A. Baker<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Poem: "Thousands of Feet Below You"</a><br> <br><br> </ul> <center><A HREF=""><img src="atwoodad.jpg" border=0 vspace=5></a><br> <A HREF=""><font size=1 face="arial">Visit the new Margaret Atwood page</font></a><br clear=all><br clear=all></center> </ul> <a name="biography"></a> <strong>Biographical</strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Biography</a> - Encyclopedia Britannica<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Biography</a> - Michael E. Muellero<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Biography</a> - Bedford/St. Martin's<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Biography</a> - at GeoCities<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Living by Grace: The Life and Times of Alice Walker</a> - Chris Danielle<br> <br> <a name="interview"></a> <strong>Interviews</strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker Interview (2003)</a> - Monikka Stallworth<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker Interview (2002)</a> - Esther Iverem<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href=",6000,442539,00.html">Alice Walker Interview (2001)</a> - Duncan Campbell<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker Interview (1998)</a> - Miles O'Brien<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker Interview (1996)</a> - Ellen Kanner<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker Audio Interviews (1985, 1998)</a> - BBC4<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">LitChat with Alice Walker</a> - at Salon<br> <br> <a name="excerpts"></a> <strong>Poetry, Short Stories, and Excerpts</strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Short Story: <i>Everyday Use</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Excerpts from <i>The Color Purple</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Excerpt from <i>By the Light of My Father's Smile</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Excerpt from <i>The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Excerpt from <i>Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Excerpt from <i>Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker Quotations</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">FRANK's Creative Quotations from Alice Walker</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Excerpt from <i>The Way Forward Is With a Broken Heart</i>: Finding Langston</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">An Excerpt from <i>Possessing the Secret of Joy</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Another Excerpt from <i>Possessing the Secret of Joy</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">An Excerpt from <i>The Color Purple</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">An Excerpt from <i>The Temple of My Familiar</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">An excerpt from <i>In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens</i></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href=""><em>A South Without Myths</em></a> - by Alice Walker<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">3 poems by Alice Walker</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Essay: Reflections on Working Toward Peace</a><br> <br> <a name="essays"></a> <strong>Essays, Articles, and Criticism </strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Philomela Speaks: Alice Walker's Revisioning of Rape Archetypes in <i>The Color Purple</i></a> - Martha J. Cutter<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Race and Domesticity in <i>The Color Purple</i></a> - Linda Selzer<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="davidwhite.htm">&#8220;Everyday Use&#8221;: Defining African-American Heritage</a> - David White<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">In Spite of It All: A Reading of Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"</a> - Sam Whitsitt<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Fight vs. Flight: a re-evaluation of Dee in Alice Walker's "Everyday Use"</a> - Susan Farrell<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Heritage and deracination in Walker's "Everyday Use"</a> - David Cowart<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Personal Names and Heritage in <i>Everyday Use</i></a> - Helga Hoel<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Quilts and Art in <em>Everyday Use</em></a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">The Black Woman's Selfhood in Alice Walker's <i>Possessing the Secret of Joy</i></a> - L&acirc;le Demirt&uuml;rk<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Postcolonial Sensibilities in 'Possessing the Secret of Joy'</a> - Angeletta KM Gourdine<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Dancing out of form, dancing into self</a> - Barbara Frey Waxman<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker, <i>Meridian</i> and the Civil Rights Movement</a> - Roberta M. Hendrickson<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">The intertextuality of 'Black Elk Speaks' and Alice Walker's 'Meridian'</a> - Anne M. Downey<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Green lap, brown embrace, blue body: the ecospirituality of Alice Walker</a> - Pamela A. Smith<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Jean Toomer and Okot p'Bitek in Alice Walker's "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens"</a> - Matthew A. Fike<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker's "The Child Who Favored Daughter" as Neo-Slave Narrative</a> - Neal A. Lester<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Covering and Signifyin' in Alice Walker's "Nineteen Fifty-Five"</a> - David J. Mickelsen<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker's "Nineteen Fifty-Five": fiction and fact</a> - Information Access Company<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Essay on <i>Roselily</i></a> - Ragnhild Nyhagen<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">The Evolution of the Title Character in <i>The Third Life of Grange Copeland</i></a> - Dave DuMont<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">"You Just Can't Keep a Good Woman Down": Alice Walker sings the blues</a> - Maria V. Johnson<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker's Colonial Mind</a> - Pierre-Damien Mvuyekure<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Black female writers' perspective on religion</a> - Wirba Ibrahim Mainimo<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Alice Walker's Africa: Globalization and the province of fiction</a> - Olakunle George<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Review of <em>Warrior Marks</em></a><br> <br> <a name="biblio"></a> <strong>Bibliographies</strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><A HREF="">Selected Bibliography</a> - Paul P. Reuben<br> <br> <a name="reviews"></a> <strong>Reviews</strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="fathereview.htm">Review of <i>By The Light Of My Father's Smile</i></a> - Karen Schechner<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Review of "Everyday Use"</a> - Claudia C. Tate<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href=""><em>The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult</em></a> - David Templeton<br> <br> <a name="miscell"></a> <strong>Miscellaneous</strong><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">NY Times Featured Author: Alice Walker</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Voices From the Gaps: Women Writers of Color</a><img src="must.gif" alt="must visit" border="0"><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="fgm.htm">FGM-L Archives discussion on Alice Walker and Genital Mutilation</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">A letter from Alice Walker to President Clinton</a><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">Video: IN BLACK AND WHITE</a><br> <br> <a name="Other"></a> <b>Other Alice Walker Sites</b><br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">New found growth: a web-site on The Color Purple</a> - Matt Kane<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">A page on <i>The Color Purple</i></a> - Catherine Lavender<br> <img src="dot.gif" hspace="4"><a href="">A page on <i>The Color Purple</i></a> - at GeoCities<br> <br> <a name="works"></a> <br> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <img src="panther.gif"> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <p> </p> <h3>The Works of Alice Walker:</h3> <ul> <li>1968 &#8212; <a href="">Once: Poems</a></li> <li>1970 &#8212; <a href="">The Third Life of Grange Copeland</a></li> <li>1973 &#8212; <a href="">Revolutionary Petunias &amp; Other Poems</a></li> <li>1973 &#8212; <a href="">In Love &amp; Trouble: Stories of Black Women</a></li> <li>1974 &#8212; <a href="">Langston Hughes, American Poet</a></li> <li>1976 &#8212; <a href="">Meridian</a></li> <li>1979 &#8212; <a href="">I Love Myself When I Am Laughing...</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">A Zora Neale Hurston Reader</a> (editor)<br> <li>1979 &#8212; <a href="">Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning</a></li> <li>1981 &#8212; <a href="">You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories</a></li> <li>1982 &#8212; <a href="">The Color Purple</a></li> <li>1984 &#8212; <a href="">In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose</a></li> <li>1984 &#8212; <a href="">Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful</a></li> <li>1988 &#8212; <a href="">To Hell With Dying</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Illustrations by Catherine Deeter) <br> <li>1988 &#8212; <a href="">Living by the Word</a></li> <li>1989 &#8212; <a href="">The Temple of My Familiar</a></li> <li>1991 &#8212; <a href="">Her Blue Body Everything We Know:</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete</a><br> <li>1991 &#8212; <a href="">Finding the Green Stone</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Illustrations by Catherine Deeter)<br> <li>1992 &#8212; <a href="">Possessing the Secret of Joy</a></li> <li>1993 &#8212; <a href="">Warrior Marks</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(In collaboration with Pratibha Parmar)<br> <li>1996 &#8212; <a href="">Alice Walker: Banned</a></li> <li>1996 &#8212; <a href="">The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult</a></li> <li>1997 &#8212; <a href="">Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism</a></li> <li>1998 &#8212; <a href="">By the Light of My Father's Smile</a></li> <li>2000 &#8212; <a href="">The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart</i></a></li> <li>2001 &#8212; <a href="">Sent by Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">After the Bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon</a><br> <li>2003 &#8212; <a href="">Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth : New Poems</a></li> <li>2003 &#8212; <a href="">A Poem Traveled Down My Arm : Poems and Drawings</a></li> <li>2004 &#8212; <a href="">Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart</a></li> <li>2005 &#8212; <a href="">Pema Chodron And Alice Walker in Conversation</a> - Audio CD</li> <li>2006 &#8212; <a href="">There Is a Flower at the Tip of My Nose Smelling Me</a></li> <li>2006 &#8212; <a href="">We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For</a></li> <br> </ul><br><br><font face="Arial" size="1">Couldn't find it here? 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