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Pure Base 501 DX and LX</span> CDRInfo </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Headphones</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106869" href=""> <span>Beats Powerbeats Pro 2</span> HotHardware </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106871" href=""> <span>Razer Kraken V4</span> Basic Tutorials </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Monitors</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106865" href=""> <span>Lenovo Legion R34W-30</span> </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Mouse</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106866" href=""> <span>Cherry Xtrfy M50 Wireless White</span> Madshrimps </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Notebooks</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106868" href=""> <span>ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16</span> Tweaktown </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Processors</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106873" href=""> <span>AMD Ryzen AI 9 365</span> Guru3D </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Sound Cards</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106870" href=""> <span>Fosi Audio ZD3</span> Cowcotland </a> <i>(fr)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Speakers</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106872" href=""> <span>Tribit StormBox 2</span> Think Computers </a> </li> </ul> </div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333154"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Shuttle" /> <h1><a href="/333154/shuttle-unveils-new-xpc-nano-barebone-na10h7-pc-with-amd-ryzen-7-8845hs-apu" class="newslink">Shuttle Unveils New XPC nano Barebone NA10H7 PC With AMD Ryzen 7-8845HS APU</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T08:03:00+00:00"> Today, 16:03 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333154/shuttle-unveils-new-xpc-nano-barebone-na10h7-pc-with-amd-ryzen-7-8845hs-apu#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">In today's fast-paced office environment, efficiency and productivity are key. Shuttle's latest innovation, the XPC nano Barebone NA10H7, is a compact yet powerful AI-PC that enhances everyday office operations with intelligent computing and seamless multitasking.<br /> <br /> <b>Smart Performance in a Compact Form</b><br /> Measuring just 1 liter in volume, the NA10H7 is powered by the AMD Ryzen 7-8845HS APU with Zen 4 microarchitecture. With 8 cores, 16 threads, and integrated AMD Radeon 780M graphics, this AI-enhanced system accelerates workloads and optimizes daily office tasks. Additionally, it features an integrated Neural Processing Unit (NPU) that delivers 16 TOPS AI performance, contributing to a total AI acceleration of 39 TOPS (NPU+CPU+GPU combined). This makes the NA10H7 particularly adept at handling AI-driven workloads such as intelligent automation and predictive analytics.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333154"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1433" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333154"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="194" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1435" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333154"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="194" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333154"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333153"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Western Digital" /> <h1><a href="/333153/western-digital-completes-planned-company-separation" class="newslink">Western Digital Completes Planned Company Separation</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T07:54:57+00:00"> Today, 15:54 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333153/western-digital-completes-planned-company-separation#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Western Digital (Nasdaq: WDC) announced the successful completion of the planned separation of the company's Flash business. Earlier this month, Western Digital held its Investor Day event where the company shared its vision, strategy and plan to enable its customers to unleash the power and value of data. Looking ahead, Western Digital Chief Executive Officer Irving Tan shares how the future of HDDs begins now <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">here</a> in his latest blog post.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="758" data-fancybox="g333153"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="247" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333077"> <h1><a href="/333077/quit-struggling-with-functions-on-excel-with-this-training-bundle" class="newslink">Quit Struggling With Functions on Excel With This Training Bundle</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag sponsored">Deal</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T07:52:43+00:00"> Today, 15:52 </time> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Anyone who's ever worked an office job has probably used or encountered Microsoft's Excel app. The spreadsheet tool is handy, but it's not necessarily easy to navigate—in fact, you may have even nearly pulled your hair out trying to figure out how to manipulate Excel functions.<br /> <br /> Instead of struggling with using spreadsheets and wasting precious time, <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">learn how to use Excel</a> with these e-learning courses. You could just become an Excel master—and Google Sheets, too—once you learn these tips and tricks. Grab lifetime access while it's available for only $34.99 (reg. $140).<br /> <br /> Want to become proficient in Excel? Grab this <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">seven course Excel training bundle</a> for just $34.99 while supplies last.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333077"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333152"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="EK Waterblocks" /> <h1><a href="/333152/ek-unveils-new-ek-quantum-vector-fe-rtx-5090-plexi-water-block" class="newslink">EK Unveils New EK-Quantum Vector³ FE RTX 5090 - Plexi Water Block</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T07:50:28+00:00"> Today, 15:50 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333152/ek-unveils-new-ek-quantum-vector-fe-rtx-5090-plexi-water-block#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">EK, the premium liquid cooling gear manufacturer, is proud to introduce the EK-Quantum Vector³ FE RTX 5090 - Plexi, our high-performance water block designed exclusively for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Founders Edition. The EK-Quantum Vector³ FE RTX 5090 is the first water block to support the NVIDIA RTX 5090 Founders Edition three-part PCB design, providing a high-performance, fully enclosed liquid-cooling solution for NVIDIA's most powerful gaming GPU yet. This stunning EK-Quantum Vector³ FE RTX 5090 water block is fully EK-Matrix7 compatible, featuring a signature CNC-machined backplate with a sleek, ribbed design, a custom acrylic top and backlit EK logo. Founders Edition never looked this good.<br /> <br /> <b>Unmatched Performance and Cooling Efficiency</b><br /> The EK-Quantum Vector³ FE RTX 5090 water block delivers high-performance liquid cooling, premium aesthetics, and precision engineering for NVIDIA's flagship RTX 5090 Founders Edition. Inside, you'll find an expanded cooling system, improved pre-cut thermal pads, alongside a precision-engineered gasket system, ensuring optimal heat dissipation for the GPU core, VRAM, and power stages.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333152"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333152"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333152"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333150"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="MSI - Micro-Star International" /> <h1><a href="/333150/msi-unveils-rtx-50-series-laptops-inspired-by-norse-mythology-at-msiology" class="newslink">MSI Unveils RTX 50 Series Laptops Inspired by Norse Mythology at MSIology</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T07:44:19+00:00"> Today, 15:44 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333150/msi-unveils-rtx-50-series-laptops-inspired-by-norse-mythology-at-msiology#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MSI, the world-leading gaming & creator laptop brand, today announced its groundbreaking RTX 50 Series laptops at MSIology: Dragonforged Dominance Launch Event - a new lineup inspired by the ancient Norse myth of Yggdrasil. Embracing the themes of renewal and resilience, MSI's innovative devices integrate three core principles: innovative technology, luxurious aesthetics, and extreme performance.<br /> <br /> <b>Dragonforged Dominance Launch Event</b><br /> "Much like the mythic World Tree that connects the nine realms, our new laptops are designed to meet diverse user expectations—from immersive gaming to high-end professional work" said Steven Yang, MSI Notebook Regional Sales & Marketing Manager.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="540" data-fancybox="g333150"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333146"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Corsair" /> <h1><a href="/333146/elgato-and-obs-are-streamlining-creator-workflows" class="newslink">Elgato and OBS Are Streamlining Creator Workflows</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T05:36:37+00:00"> Today, 13:36 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333146/elgato-and-obs-are-streamlining-creator-workflows#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Elgato, a Corsair brand, today announced it's sponsoring the OBS Project, developers of Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). With the sponsorship, Elgato will help fund new innovations on the free, open-source platform for streamers and video creators. Additionally, Elgato revealed a brand-new plugin, making it easier for users to add and share OBS Studio setups. <br /> <br /> "This partnership builds on a long history of collaboration," says Taylor Ward, Director of Ecosystem at Elgato. "Elgato tools and OBS Studio have always gone hand in hand—now we're taking that connection to the next level. Together, we're excited to bring creators new ways to enhance and streamline their workflows."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333146"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1714" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333146"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="232" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1439" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333146"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333145"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="IBM" /> <h1><a href="/333145/ibm-to-acquire-datastax-deepening-watsonx-capabilities-and-addressing-generative-ai-data-needs-for-the-enterprise" class="newslink">IBM to Acquire DataStax, Deepening watsonx Capabilities and Addressing Generative AI Data Needs for the Enterprise</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T05:30:31+00:00"> Today, 13:30 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333145/ibm-to-acquire-datastax-deepening-watsonx-capabilities-and-addressing-generative-ai-data-needs-for-the-enterprise#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">IBM today is announcing its intent to acquire DataStax, an AI and data solution provider. DataStax's technology will enhance IBM's watsonx portfolio of products accelerating the use of generative AI, helping companies unlock value from vast amounts of unstructured data. The acquisition also builds on IBM's commitment to open-source AI. DataStax is the creator of AstraDB and DataStax Enterprise, NoSQL and vector database capabilities powered by Apache Cassandra; and Langflow, the open-source tool and community for low-code AI application development.<br /> <br /> IBM will continue to support, engage, and innovate with the open-source Apache Cassandra, Langflow, Apache Pulsar, and OpenSearch communities in which DataStax participates. IBM's long-standing commitment to open-source AI includes the open-source IBM Granite foundation models and Instruct Lab, a revolutionary approach to advancing true open-source innovation around LLMs.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333145"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333144"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Cisco Systems" /> <h1><a href="/333144/cisco-expands-partnership-with-nvidia-to-accelerate-ai-adoption-in-the-enterprise" class="newslink">Cisco Expands Partnership with NVIDIA to Accelerate AI Adoption in the Enterprise</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T05:27:04+00:00"> Today, 13:27 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333144/cisco-expands-partnership-with-nvidia-to-accelerate-ai-adoption-in-the-enterprise#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Cisco today announced plans for an expanded partnership with NVIDIA to provide AI technology solutions to enterprises. Enterprises recognize that AI is essential to growth but remain early in their adoption as they navigate the unique technical complexity and security demands of operating AI-ready data centers. The expanded partnership aims to give organizations flexibility and choice as they look to meet the demand of AI workloads for high-performance, low-latency, highly power-efficient connectivity within - and between - data centers, clouds, and users.<br /> <br /> "A robust and scalable AI ecosystem is key to driving the transformative power of AI," said Hans Vestberg, Chairman and CEO of Verizon. "This expanded partnership between Cisco and NVIDIA, just like our Verizon AI Connect strategy and solutions, builds towards accelerating and enabling resource-intensive AI workloads at the Edge of the network."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="675" data-fancybox="g333144"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333143"> <h1><a href="/333143/silicon-labs-redefines-smart-home-connectivity-with-new-concurrent-multiprotocol-soc" class="newslink">Silicon Labs Redefines Smart Home Connectivity with New Concurrent Multiprotocol SoC</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-26T05:25:22+00:00"> Today, 13:25 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333143/silicon-labs-redefines-smart-home-connectivity-with-new-concurrent-multiprotocol-soc#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Silicon Labs, a leader in secure, intelligent wireless technology for a more connected world, today announced that its MG26 family of wireless SoCs is now generally available through Silicon Labs and its distribution partners. As the industry's most advanced, high-performance Matter and concurrent multiprotocol solution to date, the MG26 SoC features double the Flash and RAM of other Silicon Labs multiprotocol devices, advanced AI/ML processing, and best-in-class security to empower developers to design future-proof Matter applications.<br /> <br /> "With MG26, we're not just setting a new standard in multiprotocol wireless performance for battery-based, low-power smart home applications—we're redefining what's possible for the future of IoT connectivity with Matter," said Jacob Alamat, Senior Vice President for the Home and Life business unit at Silicon Labs. "This device empowers developers to create smarter, safer, and more powerful solutions in an increasingly connected world."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="2000" data-height="800" data-fancybox="g333143"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="325" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333138"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD" /> <h1><a href="/333138/amd-capcom-reveal-monster-hunter-wilds-game-bundle" class="newslink">AMD & Capcom Reveal Monster Hunter Wilds Game Bundle</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T20:56:13+00:00"> Today, 04:56 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333138/amd-capcom-reveal-monster-hunter-wilds-game-bundle#comments">Discuss (11 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Earlier today, the AMD Rewards website was updated with a new marketing promotion—standard edition digital copies of Capcom's <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Monster Hunter Wilds</a> (due on February 28) will be bundled with qualifying purchases of select Ryzen processors, Radeon graphics card, as well as Team Red-powered gaming laptops. AMD's previous "Game Bundle Promotion" campaign rolled out last autumn—at the time, participating customers were gifted digital copies of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 and Unknown 9: Awakening. Unfortunately, the latest iteration grants access to a single AAA title. Multiple hardware and gaming news outlets have advised prospective buyers to make use of the <a href="" target="_blank">Monster Hunter Wilds PC performance benchmark utility</a>; in preparation for the game's full release. Preview builds have reportedly brought fairly potent test systems to their knees.<br /> <br /> Curiously, AMD's list of eligible products does not include any desktop (AM5) 3D V-Cache models—a glaring omission, given the nature of this promotion. Instead, various standard SKUs are listed; at the top we spotted their <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 9 9950X</a> CPU. The cheapest options seem to be the <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 5 9600X</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 7 7700</a> (non-X) models. Qualifying graphics card options are restricted to the Radeon RX 7000 series; there is no mention of next-gen candidates—terms could be amended later this week; AMD will be presenting its new <a href="" target="_blank">Radeon RX 9070 series on February 28</a>. Team Red board partners are expected to reveal their respective participations with this Monster Hunter Wilds promo campaign; Sapphire—a well regarded AIB—<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">announced its involvement</a>, as of this afternoon. Interestingly, ASUS has introduced a <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">similar marketing initiative</a>, also involving Capcom and its popular Monster Hunter franchise.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="675" data-fancybox="g333138"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333138"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="347" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1024" data-height="576" data-fancybox="g333138"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a><br /> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333139"> <h1><a href="/333139/framework-announces-new-gaming-mini-desktop" class="newslink">Framework Announces New Gaming Mini Desktop</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T20:49:04+00:00"> Today, 04:49 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333139/framework-announces-new-gaming-mini-desktop#comments">Discuss (23 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Today, we introduced the Framework Desktop, a tiny 4.5L Mini-ITX desktop powered by AMD's massive new Ryzen AI Max processors. Pre-orders are open now, with first shipments in early Q3 2025. When AMD shared the Ryzen AI Max with us, we immediately knew we had to use it. It has up to 16 CPU cores at 5.1 GHz boost clock, discrete-level Radeon 8060S graphics, and support for up to an insane 128 GB of unified LPDDR5x. That enables 1440p or higher gaming on the heaviest titles, big creative and workstation workloads, and true local AI use cases. This is an absolute monster of a processor, and we shifted our roadmap a year ago to make space for it. In a desktop form factor, we get to unlock every bit of its performance with 120 W sustained power and 140 W boost while staying quiet and cool.<br /> <br /> You may still be wondering, why does Framework need to build a desktop? Aren't desktops already modular and upgradeable? They are. In fact, the desktop PC ethos is part of what inspired the Framework Laptop to begin with. The desktop world is amazing. There is a broad, long-lived, interoperable ecosystem with hundreds of brands and hundreds of millions of consumers participating. You can build, upgrade, repair, and personalize to the limits of your imagination (and budget, and desk space), and share your amazing creations with all of the other true believers. We want to make this space as accessible as we possibly can by building a desktop that is simultaneously small and simple and incredibly powerful and customizable. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the culture around PCs and PC gaming first-hand.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1439" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333139"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="786" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333139"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="106" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="786" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333139"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="106" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="786" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333139"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="106" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="964" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333139"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="131" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333137"> <h1><a href="/333137/roadcraft-demo-available-now-in-celebration-of-steam-next-fest-2025" class="newslink">RoadCraft Demo Available Now, in Celebration of Steam Next Fest 2025</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T19:58:39+00:00"> Today, 03:58 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333137/roadcraft-demo-available-now-in-celebration-of-steam-next-fest-2025#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Hello Builders, time to roll up your sleeves! The <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">RoadCraft</a> demo is now live for Steam Next Fest. Whether solo or with up to 4 friends, clear debris, restore roads, and bring industries back to life! Focus Entertainment and <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Saber Interactive</a> have shared an announcement trailer for RoadCraft's first playable demo (see below), available until March 3. Players can finally get hands-on with the next-gen heavy-machinery simulation and sandbox game where they will reshape the Aftermath. Fans of Saber's simulation expertise as well as construction and heavy-machinery lovers can dig into this demo before <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">pre-ordering</a>. Coming May 20 to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, the Standard and Rebuild Editions are already available for pre-order on Steam, PlayStation Store, and Microsoft Store.<br /> <br /> <b>A comprehensive RoadCraft co-op warm-up</b><br /> In RoadCraft, you take on a challenging enterprise as a front-line rebuilder, reviving shattered industries in a range of disaster-stricken environments across the globe. Your mission is to deploy an impressive fleet of construction vehicles to clear debris, reactivate dormant factories, and rebuild crucial infrastructure like roads and bridges to revive local production. During <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Steam Next Fest</a>, players get to test three maps with unique environments and sets of missions. Specifically designed for the demo, they provide a substantial taste of the full game experience, showcasing the immersive, seamless blend of driving, operating construction machinery, and managing reconstruction resources, all powered by a cutting-edge visual and physics simulation. This co-op build lets up to four players join forces ahead of many more team endeavors in the final game.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="686" data-height="386" data-fancybox="g333137"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333137"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333137"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333137"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333136"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD" /> <h1><a href="/333136/amd-lists-six-new-ryzen-5000g-skus-zen-3s-lifespan-extended-again" class="newslink">AMD Lists Six "New" Ryzen 5000G SKUs, Zen 3's Lifespan Extended Again</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T19:44:54+00:00"> Today, 03:44 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333136/amd-lists-six-new-ryzen-5000g-skus-zen-3s-lifespan-extended-again#comments">Discuss (25 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">AMD has quietly updated its web presences with six new processor SKUs—as spotted by <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Everest</a> (aka Olrak29), and a <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">member</a> of Team Red's subreddit. Community detective work indicates official CPU support lists being updated at some point after February 11. Model names and product identifiers were highlighted; AMD is likely introducing additional Zen 3 "<a href="" target="_blank">Cezanne</a>" options for OEM partners. The Ryzen 5000G lineup of Zen 3 and Vega iGPU-powered APUs was already well populated, going back to 2021. The "newly" listed AM4 models are: Ryzen 7 5705GE, Ryzen 7 5705G, Ryzen 5 5605GE, Ryzen 5 5605G, Ryzen 3 5305GE and Ryzen 3 5305G.<br /> <br /> The familiar "G" tag indicates the presence of an integrated graphics solution; a <a href="'s%20Cezanne%20GPU%20uses%20the,12%20(Feature%20Level%2012_1)." target="_blank">Cezanne GPU</a> that utilizes GCN 5.1 architecture. A "GE" designation denotes lower power variants; with 35 W TDPs. A small selection of Zen 3-based Ryzen PRO models are available in GE form, including the <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 5 PRO 5650GE</a> SKU. Three of the recently discovered models seem to share identical specifications with Team Red's well established roster of <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 7 5700G</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 5 5600G</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 3 5300G</a> options. Currently, dedicated product pages are not populated with information; instead you are greeted with a "404: Page Not Found" warning. AMD is well known for keeping its older technologies alive for long periods; its RDNA 3+ graphics architecture is <a href="" target="_blank">expected to last until 2027</a> (or beyond).<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="578" data-height="369" data-fancybox="g333136"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="204" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1375" data-height="811" data-fancybox="g333136"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="220" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="959" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333136"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="676" data-height="704" data-fancybox="g333136"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="125" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333135"> <h1><a href="/333135/team-17-announces-rockbeasts-an-upcoming-narrative-band-management-rpg" class="newslink">Team 17 Announces Rockbeasts, an Upcoming Narrative Band Management RPG</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T18:51:17+00:00"> Today, 02:51 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333135/team-17-announces-rockbeasts-an-upcoming-narrative-band-management-rpg#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Get ready to add <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Rockbeasts</a>, the narrative band-management RPG, to your most anticipated albums of 2025. Welcome to a world that puts you in the shoes of a manager in the age of MTV, rock anthems, and bad haircuts. Featuring the iconic <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Iggy Pop</a>, with a story written by <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Jakub Szamałek</a> (senior writer of The Witcher 3, Principal Writer of Cyberpunk 2077, and upcoming The Blood of Dawnwalker), prepare for a tragicomic tale of the highs and lows of an up-and-coming band in the 90s.<br /> <br /> As the manager of "one of the most controversial bands" of the era, you'll help a group of rising stars as they navigate the highs and lows of the music industry in pursuit of fame and fortune. Along the way, you'll meet a colorful cast of anthropomorphic animals, some inspired by real world rock legends. Pick the venue, prep the set and make sure it all goes according to plan. Pull it off and the band might just finally take those first steps to fame and glory. Sure, this one was in a grimy basement, but even the rock legends had to start somewhere, right?<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333135"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333135"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333135"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333135"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333131"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="NVIDIA" /> <h1><a href="/333131/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5070-reviews-reportedly-due-for-publication-on-march-4" class="newslink">NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Reviews Reportedly Due for Publication on March 4</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T18:40:46+00:00"> Today, 02:40 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333131/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5070-reviews-reportedly-due-for-publication-on-march-4#comments">Discuss (29 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">NVIDIA's upcoming mid-range <a href="" target="_blank">GeForce RTX 5070</a> 12 GB model is almost ready for launch, according to recent reports. Industry moles reckon that GB205 GPU-based specimens are already in the clutches of press and influencer outlets; review embargoes are due to be lifted on March 4, for $549 MSRP conformant SKUs (as disclosed by a <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">VideoCardz source</a>). Last week, we heard whispers about Team Green's (allegedly) <a href="" target="_blank">troubled production</a> cycle for incoming GeForce RTX 5070 and RTX 5060 models. <br /> <br /> Insiders insist that these issues have caused a delay; many believed that NVIDIA had (prior) plans for a <a href="" target="_blank">February GeForce RTX 5070 launch</a>. A revised schedule was leaked to VideoCardz; the publication posits that GeForce RTX 5070 cards will launch at retail on March 5, with non-MSRP ($549+) reviews projected to go live on the same day. Based on various leaks, NVIDIA and AMD will likely clash with their respective new offerings. Right now, reviewers could be dealing with sizable piles of competing Team Green and Team Red hardware. Graphics card enthusiasts will be looking forward to incoming comparisons—GeForce RTX 5070 and its <a href="" target="_blank">Ti sibling</a> versus Radeon <a href="" target="_blank">RX 9070 XT</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">RX 9070</a> (non-XT).<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1004" data-height="898" data-fancybox="g333131"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="145" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="903" data-height="539" data-fancybox="g333131"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="218" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="594" data-fancybox="g333131"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="263" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333134"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Samsung" /> <h1><a href="/333134/samsung-announces-the-9100-pro-series-ssds-with-breakthrough-pcie-5-0-performance" class="newslink">Samsung Announces the 9100 PRO Series SSDs, with Breakthrough PCIe 5.0 Performance</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T18:38:39+00:00"> Today, 02:38 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333134/samsung-announces-the-9100-pro-series-ssds-with-breakthrough-pcie-5-0-performance#comments">Discuss (9 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Samsung Electronics America, a world leader in advanced memory technology, today announced the 9100 PRO series solid state drives (SSDs), the newest addition to its consumer SSD lineup. Featuring blazing fast speeds and even more storage capacities, the 9100 PRO and 9100 PRO with Heatsink SSDs are designed to deliver next-gen performance - offering the ultimate storage solution for your digital life.<br /> <br /> "From AI-driven creators shaping the future to gamers pushing the limits, we saw a clear need for innovation to support users who need more forward-thinking memory technology as they push the bounds of what's possible in their work," said Jim Kiczek, Vice President of Memory Product Marketing at Samsung Electronics America. "The 9100 PRO SSD establishes a new era of performance to help them achieve exactly that. With more storage, even better speeds, improved power efficiency and seamless reliability, the lineup empowers users to continue innovating without storage limitations."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="929" data-height="947" data-fancybox="g333134"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="128" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="2300" data-height="882" data-fancybox="g333134"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="339" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1394" data-height="756" data-fancybox="g333134"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="240" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333132"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Microsoft Xbox" /> <h1><a href="/333132/fable-reboot-delayed-to-2026-xbox-confirms" class="newslink">Fable Reboot Delayed to 2026, Xbox Confirms</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T18:24:03+00:00"> Today, 02:24 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333132/fable-reboot-delayed-to-2026-xbox-confirms#comments">Discuss (5 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Xbox has pushed back the launch of its awaited Fable remake, instead of coming out in 2025, it's now set to hit shelves in 2026. Craig Duncan, who took charge of Xbox Game Studios, broke this news on the latest episode of the Official Xbox Podcast. Playground Games, the team behind Forza Horizon, has the job of making the new Fable game as they told us about it back in 2020. <br /> <br /> "We previously announced the date for Fable as 2025. We are actually going to give Fable more time, and it's going to ship in 2026 now," Duncan explained. "While I know that's not maybe the news people want to hear, what I want to assure people of is that it's definitely worth the wait." On the podcast, Duncan showed us some early game footage. He said it's "the prettiest version of Albion you've ever laid eyes on". Even though it's taking longer for Fable to be released, Microsoft's game branch looks strong with big games coming soon such as South of Midnight Doom: The Dark Ages (out in May), The Outer Worlds 2, and Ninja Gaiden 4.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1557" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333132"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="211" height="130" alt="" /></a><br /> </div>Xbox podcast follows:<div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333133"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/333133/intels-high-na-euv-machines-already-processed-30-000-wafers-more-to-come-with-14a-node" class="newslink">Intel's High-NA EUV Machines Already Processed 30,000 Wafers, More to Come with 14A Node</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T18:22:13+00:00"> Today, 02:22 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333133/intels-high-na-euv-machines-already-processed-30-000-wafers-more-to-come-with-14a-node#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Intel has successfully deployed two advanced ASML High-NA Twinscan EXE:5000 EUV lithography systems at its D1 development facility near Hillsboro, Oregon, processing approximately 30,000 wafers in a single quarter. The High-NA EUV systems, each reportedly <a href="" target="_blank">valued at $380 million</a>, represent a substantial improvement over previous lithography tools, achieving resolution down to 8 nm with a single exposure compared to the 13.5 nm resolution of current Low-NA systems. Early operational data indicates these machines are approximately twice as reliable as previous EUV generations, addressing reliability challenges that previously hampered Intel's manufacturing progress. The ability to accomplish with a single exposure what previously required three exposures and approximately 40 processing steps has been reduced to just "single digit" processing steps.<br /> <br /> Intel has historically been an early adopter of high-NA EUV lithography, a much more aggressive strategy than its competitors like TSMC, which manufactures its advanced silicon using low-NA EUV tools. The company plans to utilize these systems for its upcoming 14A chip manufacturing process, though no specific mass production date has been announced. While ASML classifies these Twinscan EXE:5000 systems as pre-production tools not designed for high-volume manufacturing, Intel's extensive wafer processing is more of a test bed. The early adoption provides Intel with valuable development opportunities across various High-NA EUV manufacturing aspects, including photomask glass, pellicles, and specialized chemicals that could establish future industry standards. Intel's current 18A node is utilizing Low-NA lithography tools, where Intel is only exploring High-NA with it for testing, before moving on to 14A high-volume manufacturing with High-NA EUV.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="800" data-fancybox="g333133"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333130"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Ubisoft" /> <h1><a href="/333130/ubisoft-playstack-reveal-assassins-creed-balatro-collaboration" class="newslink">Ubisoft & Playstack Reveal Assassin's Creed & Balatro Collaboration</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T18:02:20+00:00"> Today, 02:02 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333130/ubisoft-playstack-reveal-assassins-creed-balatro-collaboration#comments">Discuss (1 Comment)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p"><a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Assassin's Creed</a> joins <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Balatro</a> as part of the rogue-like poker game's free Friends of Jimbo 4 collaboration pack. As part of the update, players can swap out the traditional King, Queen, Jack of Spades with Assassin's Creed protagonists throughout the ages: Ezio Auditore; Jacob Frye; and , a stealthy shinobi and one of Assassin's Creed Shadows two playable characters.<br /> <br /> Play as Naoe in <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Assassin's Creed Shadows</a> when it releases on March 20 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Amazon Luna, Mac, and PC through the Ubisoft Store, Ubisoft+ Premium, Steam, and the Epic Games Store. Pre-order the game today to receive the Claws of Awaji expansion and Thrown to the Dogs bonus quest for free.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="540" data-fancybox="g333130"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1366" data-height="768" data-fancybox="g333130"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333130"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333122"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD Radeon Graphics" /> <h1><a href="/333122/amd-mentions-sub-usd-700-pricing-for-radeon-rx-9070-gpu-series-looks-like-nv-minus-usd-50-again" class="newslink">AMD Mentions Sub-$700 Pricing for Radeon RX 9070 GPU Series, Looks Like NV Minus $50 Again</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T17:49:57+00:00"> Today, 01:49 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333122/amd-mentions-sub-usd-700-pricing-for-radeon-rx-9070-gpu-series-looks-like-nv-minus-usd-50-again#comments">Discuss (164 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Late last week, AMD posted a helpful reminder; a <a href="" target="_blank">special RDNA 4 Friday (February 28) event</a> is on the calendar. Additionally, they quietly confirmed that the upcoming launch of Radeon RX 9070 series graphics cards will <a href="" target="_blank">not include reference/MBA models</a>. Team Red enthusiasts and other interested parties are anticipating an official unveiling of performance data, technical specifications, and decisive pricing. Recent leaks have produced speculative figures for various board partner options, but industry whispers suggest that AMD's guide MSRP has fluctuated over the past couple of weeks. An almost definitive answer has arrived online, courtesy of another <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">VideoCardz</a> investigative piece.<br /> <br /> The article does not class the latest pre-release disclosure as a true "leak," VideoCardz believes that their sharing of AMD press briefing slides serves as an intriguing teaser. The report dismisses yet another case of pre-launch retail spillage: "there are many rumors about relatively high prices for the RX 9070 series. For instance, a Reddit thread allegedly shows prices from <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Best Buy's internal system</a>, with prices starting at $739 (see screenshot below)... From what we have been told and shared during the media briefing, AMD showed one slide that may confirm where the prices will be. The Radeon RX 9070 series is focusing on a sub-$700 price point, and AMD wants their cards to be 'more accessible.' AMD says that 85% of gamers buy cards below $700, and this is what the RDNA 4 series will focus on." Another leaked presentation slide indicates that Team Red is targeting higher resolutions (1440p and 4K), better performance; especially with "ray tracing games," as well as "easy upgrades." The last point emphasizes drop-in 8-pin power connector options. <a href="" target="_blank">ASRock</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Sapphire</a> appear to be breaking away from this traditional connection mold with their upcoming premium-tier designs, but the majority of AIB cards are expected to stick with a tried and trusted solution.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333122"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1536" data-height="799" data-fancybox="g333122"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="250" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="850" data-height="464" data-fancybox="g333122"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="238" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="855" data-height="618" data-fancybox="g333122"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="180" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333112"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Razer" /> <h1><a href="/333112/razer-introduces-blade-18-with-geforce-rtx-50-series-gpus-available-for-pre-order" class="newslink">Razer Introduces Blade 18 with GeForce RTX 50-series GPUs, Available for Pre-order</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T16:56:19+00:00"> Today, 00:56 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333112/razer-introduces-blade-18-with-geforce-rtx-50-series-gpus-available-for-pre-order#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Razer, the leading global lifestyle brand for gamers, today unveiled the <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Razer Blade 18</a> (2025)—the most powerful Razer Blade ever. The Blade 18 embodies Razer's ability to bring a premium desktop experience that delivers superior gaming performance and empowers intensive creative workflows, while on the go. Additionally, the Blade 16, showcased at CES 2025, along with the newly announced Blade 18 are now available for pre-order today at and RazerStores.<br /> <br /> <b>The Blade 16 (2025) Now Available for Pre-order</b><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Announced at CES 2025</a>, and now available for pre-order, the newly redesigned Blade 16 is Razer's thinnest gaming laptop. Packed with features, it offers an exceptional balance of portability and performance, making it ideal for any gamer to experience top-tier performance on-the-go.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1255" data-height="706" data-fancybox="g333112"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1024" data-height="682" data-fancybox="g333112"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333111"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Micron" /> <h1><a href="/333111/micron-announces-shipment-of-1g-1-gamma-dram-companys-first-euv-memory-node" class="newslink">Micron Announces Shipment of 1γ (1-gamma) DRAM: Company's First EUV Memory Node</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T16:45:04+00:00"> Today, 00:45 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333111/micron-announces-shipment-of-1g-1-gamma-dram-companys-first-euv-memory-node#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Micron Technology, Inc., today announced it is the first in the industry to ship samples of its 1γ (1-gamma), sixth-generation (10 nm-class) DRAM node-based DDR5 memory designed for next-generation CPUs to ecosystem partners and select customers. This 1γ DRAM milestone builds on Micron's previous 1α (1-alpha) and 1β (1-beta) DRAM node leadership to deliver innovations that will power future computing platforms from the cloud to industrial and consumer applications to Edge AI devices like AI PCs, smartphones and automobiles. The Micron 1γ DRAM node will first be leveraged in its 16 Gb DDR5 DRAM and over time will be integrated across Micron's memory portfolio to meet the industry's accelerating demand for high-performance, energy-efficient memory solutions for AI. Designed to offer speed capabilities of up to 9200 MT/s, the 16 Gb DDR5 product provides up to a 15% speed increase and over 20% power reduction compared to its predecessor.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1431" data-height="797" data-fancybox="g333111"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="233" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1600" data-height="900" data-fancybox="g333111"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333108"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="SK hynix" /> <h1><a href="/333108/reports-suggest-sk-hynix-finalizing-acquisition-of-intel-nand-business" class="newslink">Reports Suggest SK hynix Finalizing Acquisition of Intel NAND Business</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T16:34:28+00:00"> Today, 00:34 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333108/reports-suggest-sk-hynix-finalizing-acquisition-of-intel-nand-business#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Almost five years ago, <a href="" target="_blank">SK hynix announced</a> a planned $9 billion acquisition of Intel's NAND flash memory and storage business. The semiconductor giant's takeover process has been a gradual affair; the <a href="" target="_blank">first phase</a> was complete by the end of 2021, with Asian governing bodies—just before Christmas—<a href="" target="_blank">giving clearance</a> to absorb Chinese facilities. Within this time frame, the South Korean giant pulled in Team Blue's SSD NAND design and R&D departments—thus establishing the "<a href="" target="_blank">Solidigm</a>" entity. According to a new Businesskorea report, SK hynix is about to pay off a final installment; allegedly $2.235 billion.<br /> <br /> Industry insiders believe that SK hynix's takeover of Intel NAND and storage properties will be completed by next month. This (rumored) March time fortification will place SK hynix in direct competition with a nearby rival: Samsung. Businesskorea believes that recent expansions signal a "competitive edge"—targeting increased demand for enterprise SSD products. Google and Meta are reportedly engaged in widespread upgrading of data center facilities. The local publication reckons that: "SK Hynix plans to capitalize on this trend by strengthening its position in the market and leveraging AI to drive innovation and growth." The aforementioned absorption of Intel intellectual property (IP) plus R&D resources is viewed as a crucial move in reinforcing an already solid foundation.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333108"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1000" data-height="750" data-fancybox="g333108"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1404" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333108"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="190" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333107"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/333107/asrock-addresses-amd-ryzen-7-9800x3d-boot-issues-with-a-bios-update" class="newslink">ASRock Addresses AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D Boot Issues With a BIOS Update</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T16:13:46+00:00"> Today, 00:13 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333107/asrock-addresses-amd-ryzen-7-9800x3d-boot-issues-with-a-bios-update#comments">Discuss (6 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p"><a href="" target="_blank">ASRock</a> has deployed beta <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">BIOS version 3.20</a> today for its AM5 motherboard lineup to address persistent boot failures and <a href="" target="_blank">burns affecting AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processors</a>. ASRock Japan refuted claims of permanent CPU damage, characterizing circulating reports as "misinformation" and identifying memory compatibility as the underlying cause rather than processor defects. The firmware patch targets a specific interaction between memory configurations and the 9800X3D's architecture that manifests as boot failures across what ASRock describes as a "minority proportion" of affected systems. A <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">community-aggregated database on Reddit</a> documented 40 failure incidents, with ASRock boards accounting for 32 cases. The failure pattern appears inconsistent—some systems fail immediately while others operate normally for weeks before exhibiting symptoms. BIOS flashback procedures have successfully restored functionality in multiple instances.<br /> <br /> "The CPUs themselves are not broken. This is specifically a memory compatibility issue affecting system initialization," ASRock Japan explained via social media. Prior to releasing version 3.20, the company had recommended affected users downgrade to BIOS 3.10 as a temporary workaround. Notably, customers who RMA'd their processors and received replacements found their systems suddenly operational—suggesting the issue stems from complex firmware-hardware interactions rather than manufacturing defects. The problem appears isolated to the 9800X3D model and does not affect other processors in AMD's Ryzen 9000 series lineup. ASRock noted that the company will provide comprehensive technical documentation explaining the underlying mechanisms. AMD has yet to issue an official statement regarding the compatibility issues affecting their premium gaming processor.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="881" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333107"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="119" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <div class="datesep">Tuesday, February 25th 2025</div> <article class="todayslist todaysfiles"> <h1>Today's Files</h1> <ul> <li> <a href="/download/nvidia-nvflash/"><span>NVIDIA NVFlash 5.867</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="/download/amd-ryzen-chipset-drivers/"><span>AMD Ryzen Chipset Drivers</span></a> </li> </ul> </article> <article class="todayslist todaysreviews"> <h1>Today's Reviews</h1> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Cooling</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106861" href=""> <span>Thermalright Ultra 120EX Rev 4 Fan</span> itndaily </a> <i>(ru)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Gaming PC</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106858" href=""> <span>PCSpecialist Cortex Pro</span> KitGuru </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Graphics Cards</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106859" href=""> <span>Colorful iGame RTX 5070 Ti Ultra W OC</span> ThePCEnthusiast </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106860" href=""> <span>MSI RTX 5070 Ti Gaming Trio</span> Tweaktown </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Memory</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106856" href=""> <span>Anacomda G5 Python DDR5-8000 32GB</span> NikkTech </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Motherboards</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106864" href=""> <span>Gigabyte X870 Aorus Elite WiFi 7</span> TechPowerUp </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Mouse</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106862" href=""> <span>Razer Basilisk V3 Pro 35K</span> Cowcotland </a> <i>(fr)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>PSUs</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106857" href=""> <span>Corsair RM750e (2024)</span> Cowcotland </a> <i>(fr)</i> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106855" href=""> <span>FSP Mega Ti 1650W</span> FunkyKit </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106863" href=""> <span>Montech TITAN PLA 1000 W</span> TechPowerUp </a> </li> </ul> </div> </article> <article class="newspost review"> <a href="/review/gigabyte-x870-aorus-elite-wifi-7/"> <img class="review-icon" alt="Gigabyte X870 Aorus Elite WiFi 7 Review" width="100" height="100" loading="lazy" src="/review/gigabyte-x870-aorus-elite-wifi-7/images/small@1x.png" srcset="/review/gigabyte-x870-aorus-elite-wifi-7/images/small@1x.png 100w, /review/gigabyte-x870-aorus-elite-wifi-7/images/small.png 256w" sizes="125px" /> </a> <h1><a href="/review/gigabyte-x870-aorus-elite-wifi-7/" class="newslink">Gigabyte X870 Aorus Elite WiFi 7 Review</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="review"> Review </span> <span style="background-color:#a86428" >Motherboards</span> </span> </div> <div class="text p"> If you're looking for a home for that shiny new Ryzen 7 9800X3D could this be the best sub $300 board for you? It looks fantastic, but what do you lose by dropping down to X870 from X870E and has Gigabyte had to cut any other corners to get here? <div class="readmore"> <a href="/review/gigabyte-x870-aorus-elite-wifi-7/">Read Review</a> </div> </div> </article> <article class="newspost review"> <a href="/review/montech-titan-pla-1000-w/"> <img class="review-icon" alt="Montech TITAN PLA 1000 W Review" width="100" height="100" loading="lazy" src="/review/montech-titan-pla-1000-w/images/small@1x.png" srcset="/review/montech-titan-pla-1000-w/images/small@1x.png 100w, /review/montech-titan-pla-1000-w/images/small.png 256w" sizes="125px" /> </a> <h1><a href="/review/montech-titan-pla-1000-w/" class="newslink">Montech TITAN PLA 1000 W Review</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="review"> Review </span> <span >Power Supplies</span> </span> </div> <div class="text p"> Montech's Titan PLA 1000 W is an impressive 80 Plus Platinum PSU. It comes with enough juice to power even the most demanding graphics cards and its high efficiency keeps it cool. In our noise testing, it ran passively at up to 40%, and remained whisper-quiet until over 1000 W power draw. <div class="readmore"> <a href="/review/montech-titan-pla-1000-w/">Read Review</a> </div> </div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333106"> <h1><a href="/333106/the-lonesome-guild-unveiled-at-id-xbox-february-event" class="newslink">The Lonesome Guild Unveiled at ID@Xbox February Event</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T15:42:58+00:00"> Yesterday, 23:42 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333106/the-lonesome-guild-unveiled-at-id-xbox-february-event#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">At <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Tiny Bull Studios</a>, we wanted to create a game that reflects the deep human need for connection, which emphasizes the power of friendship and collaboration in overcoming adversity. While combat and exploration are key elements of <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">The Lonesome Guild</a>, the game places relationships at the heart of its experience. Making a game about friendship and connection is very important to us. The Lonesome Guild was conceived in 2020, which was a period of isolation for a lot of us. It highlighted how much loneliness can affect mental health, relationships, and even self-identity. We saw an opportunity to create a game that doesn't just entertain but inspires people to reflect on the importance of reaching out, supporting others, and ultimately finding strength in companionship.<br /> <br /> We believe that what truly sets our game apart from other ARPGs is its unique relationship system, which directly impacts gameplay. Instead of characters being mechanically interchangeable, the bond between them shapes their abilities, interactions, and progression—so you won't just assemble your party for their skills, but you'll nurture them and unlock new powers and quests based on their emotional growth.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333106"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333106"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333106"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333104"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD" /> <h1><a href="/333104/amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-leaked-3dmark-cinebench-results-indicate-9950x-esque-performance" class="newslink">AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D Leaked 3DMark & Cinebench Results Indicate 9950X-esque Performance</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T15:35:01+00:00"> Yesterday, 23:35 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333104/amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-leaked-3dmark-cinebench-results-indicate-9950x-esque-performance#comments">Discuss (1 Comment)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">The AMD <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 9 9950X3D</a> processor will head to retail next month—a <a href="" target="_blank">March 12 launch</a> day is rumored—but a handful of folks seem to have early samples in their possession. Reviewers and online influencers have been tasked with evaluating pre-launch silicon, albeit under strict conditions; i.e. no leaking. Inevitably, NDA-shredding material has seeped out—yesterday, we reported on an <a href="" target="_blank">alleged sample's ASUS Silicon Prediction rating</a>. Following that, a Bulgarian system integrator/hardware retailer decided to upload Cinebench R23 and PCMark Time Spy results to Facebook. Evidence of this latest leak was scrubbed at the source, but <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">VideoCardz preserved crucial details</a>.<br /> <br /> The publication noticed distinguishable QR and serial codes in's social media post; so tracing activities could sniff out points of origin. As expected, the leaked benchmark data points were compared to Ryzen 9 <a href="" target="_blank">9950X</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">7950X3D</a> scores. The Ryzen 9 9950X3D sample recorded a score of 17,324 points in 3DMark Time Spy, as well as 2279 points (single-core) and 42,423 points (multi-core) in Cinebench R23. Notebookcheck observed that the pre-launch candidate came: "out ahead of the <a href="" target="_blank">Ryzen 9 7950X3D</a> in both counts, even if the gaming win is less than significant. Comparing the images of the benchmark results to our in-house testing and benchmark database shows the 9950X3D beating the 7950X3D by nearly 17% in Cinebench multicore." When compared to its non-3D V-Cache equivalent, the Ryzen 9 9950X3D leverages a slight performance advantage. A blurry shot of's HWiNFO session shows the leaked processor's core clock speeds; going up to 5.7 GHz (turbo) on a single CCD (non-X3D). The X3D-equipped portion seems capable of going up to 5.54 GHz.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333104"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="931" data-height="516" data-fancybox="g333104"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="235" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1254" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333104"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="170" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1160" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333104"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="157" height="130" alt="" /></a><br /> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333105"> <h1><a href="/333105/ncomputing-launches-rx540-thin-client-powered-by-raspberry-pi-compute-module-5-platform" class="newslink">NComputing Launches RX540 Thin Client Powered by Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 Platform</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T15:12:31+00:00"> Yesterday, 23:12 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333105/ncomputing-launches-rx540-thin-client-powered-by-raspberry-pi-compute-module-5-platform#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">NComputing, a global leader in thin client computing solutions, announces the launch of its RX540 thin client, powered by the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 platform. This state-of-the-art device offers a substantial leap in CPU performance, memory bandwidth, and local GPU performance.<br /> <br /> Optimized for a wide range of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solutions, the RX540 provides an exceptional blend of functionality, performance, and affordability. By optimizing LEAF OS on the CM5 platform, NComputing has built a thin client that delivers performance on par with traditional x86-64 endpoints while maintaining cost-effectiveness, enhancing multitasking capabilities and boosting productivity across the board.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1424" data-height="918" data-fancybox="g333105"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="202" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1148" data-height="625" data-fancybox="g333105"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="239" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333102"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="NVIDIA" /> <h1><a href="/333102/nvidia-opens-up-pre-orders-for-geforce-rtx-5090-5080-5070-ti-laptops" class="newslink">NVIDIA Opens Up Pre-orders for GeForce RTX 5090, 5080 & 5070 Ti Laptops</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T14:31:05+00:00"> Yesterday, 22:31 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333102/nvidia-opens-up-pre-orders-for-geforce-rtx-5090-5080-5070-ti-laptops#comments">Discuss (7 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Starting now, you can pre-order GeForce RTX 5090, GeForce RTX 5080, and GeForce RTX 5070 Ti laptops ahead of their release in the coming months. Models will be available from top OEM partners including ASUS, GIGABYTE, HP, Lenovo, MECHREVO, MSI and Razer are available for pre-order now, with more coming soon. Availability will vary by country for each OEM partner and model. Powered by NVIDIA Blackwell, <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">GeForce RTX 50 Series laptops</a> bring game-changing capabilities to gamers and creators. Packed with incredible AI and neural rendering capabilities, GeForce RTX 50 Series Laptop GPUs enable new experiences and deliver unprecedented levels of detail in the latest, greatest games.<br /> <br /> Multiply performance using <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">DLSS 4 with Multi Frame Generation</a>, generate AI content at incredible speeds, and unleash your creativity with <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">NVIDIA Studio apps</a> and enhancements. All in the thinnest and longest lasting RTX laptops, optimized by new Max-Q technologies. The NVIDIA Blackwell architecture, and partners' design innovations, have enabled the creation of the thinnest, most performant, and most efficient GeForce RTX laptops ever made. In laptop designs as thin as 14.9 mm, you can run AI models twice as large in half the time, encode videos 40% faster, and play the most advanced games at superfast framerates, using half the power of previous-gen laptop GPUs. And with our latest Blackwell Max-Q advancements, battery life is boosted by up to 40%, enabling you to get more done between charges.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="2223" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333102"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="301" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1812" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333102"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="245" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1829" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333102"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333098"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="be quiet!" /> <h1><a href="/333098/be-quiet-also-announces-pure-rock-3-series-cpu-coolers" class="newslink">be quiet! Also Announces Pure Rock 3 Series CPU Coolers</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T13:29:28+00:00"> Yesterday, 21:29 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333098/be-quiet-also-announces-pure-rock-3-series-cpu-coolers#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">be quiet!, the German manufacturer for premium PC components, is renewing its popular Pure Rock series with no less than five unique models: Pure Rock 3 Black, Pure Rock 3 LX, Pure Rock Pro 3 Silver, Pure Rock Pro 3 Black, and Pure Rock Pro 3 LX. The Pro models are the first be quiet! double-tower air coolers for entry-level systems, with an offset design and support for liquid metal thermal grease. All five models come with optimized versions of be quiet!'s award-winning fans: Pure Wings 3 fans result in outstanding performance on non-LX models, while the LX models come with pre-installed Light Wings LX fans for spectacular performance and lighting. All Pure Rock 3 coolers come with a 3-year manufacturer's warranty.<br /> <br /> "The Pure Rock 3 series embodies our commitment to delivering high-quality cooling solutions for all users. With its impressive performance, quiet operation, and user-friendly design, these coolers ensure reliable and efficient cooling for any system. We're proud to expand the Pure Rock lineup with even more choices to suit different needs and preferences," says Aaron Licht, CEO of be quiet!.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="884" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g333098"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="115" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="900" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g333098"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="117" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1161" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g333098"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="151" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1014" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g333098"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="132" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1008" data-height="1000" data-fancybox="g333098"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="131" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333097"> <h1><a href="/333097/imaginations-new-dxtp-gpu-for-mobile-and-laptop-20-more-power-efficient" class="newslink">Imagination's New DXTP GPU for Mobile and Laptop: 20% More Power Efficient</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T13:12:52+00:00"> Yesterday, 21:12 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333097/imaginations-new-dxtp-gpu-for-mobile-and-laptop-20-more-power-efficient#comments">Discuss (23 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Today Imagination Technologies announces its latest GPU IP, Imagination DXTP, which sets a new standard for the efficient acceleration of graphics and compute workloads on smartphones and other power-constrained devices. Thanks to an array of micro-architectural improvements, DXTP delivers up to 20% improved power efficiency (FPS/W) on popular graphics workloads when compared to its DXT equivalent. <br /> <br /> "The global smartphone market is experiencing a resurgence, propelled by cutting-edge AI features such as personal agents and enhanced photography," says Peter Richardson, Partner & VP at Counterpoint Research. "However, the success of this AI-driven revolution hinges on maintaining the high standards users expect: smooth interfaces, sleek designs, and all-day battery life. As the market matures, consumers are gravitating towards premium devices that seamlessly integrate these advanced AI capabilities without compromising on essential smartphone qualities."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1592" data-height="667" data-fancybox="g333097"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="310" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1615" data-height="796" data-fancybox="g333097"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="264" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1600" data-height="900" data-fancybox="g333097"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333096"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="be quiet!" /> <h1><a href="/333096/be-quiet-announces-pure-base-501-lx-dx-impressive-lighting-and-airflow" class="newslink">be quiet! Announces Pure Base 501 LX & DX: Impressive Lighting and Airflow</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T13:02:07+00:00"> Yesterday, 21:02 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333096/be-quiet-announces-pure-base-501-lx-dx-impressive-lighting-and-airflow#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">be quiet!, the German manufacturer for premium PC components, is introducing two new models in the Pure Base 501 series: Pure Base 501 LX and Pure Base 501 DX. Pure Base 501 proves that simplicity can be exciting: useful features and a compact size make this case series perfect for any gaming or office PC. The new models cater to users who prefer ARGB lighting in their computer hardware: Pure Base 501 LX elevates the existing design of the Pure Base 501 Airflow Window by adding four pre-installed Light Wings LX fans to the case and adding an ARGB/fan hub, while Pure Base 501 DX features a brand-new front panel with ARGB lighting. Both models are available in black and white.<br /> <br /> "With the Pure Base 501 LX and DX, we continue our commitment to combining sleek design with high performance. These cases offer stunning ARGB lighting, superior airflow, and versatile features that meet the needs of gamers and PC enthusiasts alike. We're excited to bring even more style and functionality to our customers' setups," says Aaron Licht, CEO of be quiet!.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="668" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333096"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="90" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="670" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333096"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="91" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="680" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333096"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="92" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1342" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333096"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="182" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1309" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333096"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="177" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333094"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASRock" /> <h1><a href="/333094/asrock-releases-the-latest-am5-motherboard-bios-to-improve-ryzen-9000-series-cpu-boot-issues" class="newslink">ASRock Releases the Latest AM5 Motherboard BIOS to Improve Ryzen 9000 Series CPU Boot Issues</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T11:32:11+00:00"> Yesterday, 19:32 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333094/asrock-releases-the-latest-am5-motherboard-bios-to-improve-ryzen-9000-series-cpu-boot-issues#comments">Discuss (8 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASRock, a global leader in motherboards, graphics cards, mini PCs, power supplies, and gaming monitors, has observed reports on Reddit from users experiencing unexpected boot issues and error codes when using ASRock AM5 motherboards paired with minority proportion of AMD Ryzen 9000 series processors. To enhance user experience, ASRock promptly released the latest 3.20 Beta BIOS for its AM5 series motherboards, further improving AMD Ryzen 9000 series processors boot issues.<br /> <br /> Users can download and install the BIOS from the official ASRock website or use the BIOS Flashback function on their motherboard for a quick update. ASRock also promises to continue enhancing the compatibility of its products.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="600" data-fancybox="g333094"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="260" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333093"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Samsung" /> <h1><a href="/333093/samsungs-9100-pro-pcie-5-0-nvme-ssd-leaks-ahead-of-official-launch" class="newslink">Samsung's 9100 Pro PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSD Leaks Ahead of Official Launch</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T11:26:12+00:00"> Yesterday, 19:26 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333093/samsungs-9100-pro-pcie-5-0-nvme-ssd-leaks-ahead-of-official-launch#comments">Discuss (28 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Although we've been aware of Samsung's 9100 Pro SSD <a href="" target="_blank">since June last year</a>, it appears that Samsung India got ahead of things and released a press release early about what we can only expect is a soon to launch product. The 9100 Pro is, as you'd expect, a PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSD and it will be available in capacities of 1, 2 and 4 TB initially, but it appears that Samsung is also planning to release an 8 TB SKU, which would be a first for its Pro series of SSDs. Samsung will offer all SKUs with or without a heatsink and the 1 to 4 TB versions will come with an 8.8 mm thick heatsink, whereas the 8 TB model will come with an 11.25 mm thick heatsink. <br /> <br /> Sadly, Samsung India only shared the sequential performance figures, and we're looking at read speeds of up to 14,800 MB/s and write speeds of up 13,400 MB/s, neither is sticking out from the competition already available in the market. The pulled press release also mentioned random read performance of 2,200K IOPS and random write performance of 2,600K IOPS. As the press release was intended for the Indian market, we only have pricing in Indian rupees and the 1 TB SKU will sell for 14,999 INR or around US$172, including 18 percent VAT, followed by the 2 TB SKU at 25,499 INR or US$293 and finally 49,999 INR or US$573 for the 4 TB SKU. No pricing was revealed for the upcoming 8 TB SKU.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="998" data-height="563" data-fancybox="g333093"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="230" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333092"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASUS" /> <h1><a href="/333092/asus-unveils-all-new-intel-xeon-6-server-lineup" class="newslink">ASUS Unveils All-New Intel Xeon 6 Server Lineup</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T11:24:54+00:00"> Yesterday, 19:24 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333092/asus-unveils-all-new-intel-xeon-6-server-lineup#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASUS today announced an all-new series of servers powered by the latest Intel Xeon 6 processors, including the Xeon 6900-series, 6500P/6700P-series and 6300-series processors. These powerhouse processors deliver exceptional performance, efficiency and scalability, featuring up to 128 Performance-cores (P-cores) or 288 Efficient-cores (E-cores) per socket, along with native support for PCI Express (PCIe 5.0) and DDR5 6400 MT/s memory speeds. The latest ASUS server solutions also incorporate the updated BMC module within the ASPEED 2600 chipset, providing improved manageability, security and compatibility with a wide range of remote management software - and coincide with the unveiling of the latest Intel Xeon 6 processors. <br /> <br /> <b>Redefining efficiency and scalability </b><br /> Intel Xeon 6 processors are engineered to meet the needs of modern data centers, AI-driven workloads and enterprise computing. Offering a choice between P-core and E-core architectures, these processors provide flexibility for businesses to optimize performance and energy efficiency based on specific workloads.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="628" data-fancybox="g333092"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332884"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="NVIDIA" /> <h1><a href="/332884/nvidia-geforce-rtx-50-cards-spotted-with-missing-rops-nvidia-confirms-the-issue-multiple-vendors-affected" class="newslink">NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Cards Spotted with Missing ROPs, NVIDIA Confirms the Issue, Multiple Vendors Affected</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag featured">Exclusive</span> <span class="flag updated">Update 6</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-21T10:42:09+00:00"> Friday, 18:42 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> Updated: <time datetime="2025-02-25T09:34:01+00:00"> Yesterday, 17:34 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/332884/nvidia-geforce-rtx-50-cards-spotted-with-missing-rops-nvidia-confirms-the-issue-multiple-vendors-affected#comments">Discuss (495 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">TechPowerUp has discovered that there are NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 graphics cards in retail circulation that come with too few render units, which lowers performance. Zotac's GeForce RTX 5090 Solid comes with fewer ROPs than it should—168 are enabled, instead of the 176 that are part of the <a href="" target="_blank">RTX 5090 specifications</a>. This loss of 8 ROPs has a small, but noticeable impact on performance. During recent testing, we noticed our Zotac RTX 5090 Solid sample underperformed slightly, falling behind even the NVIDIA RTX 5090 Founders Edition card. At the time we didn't pay attention to the ROP count that TechPowerUp GPU-Z was reporting, and instead spent time looking for other reasons, like clocks, power, cooling, etc.<br /> <br /> Two days ago, one of our readers who goes by "Wuxi Gamer," posted <a href="" target="_blank">this thread on the TechPowerUp Forums</a>, reporting that his retail Zotac RTX 5090 Solid was showing fewer ROPs in GPU-Z than the RTX 5090 should have. The user tried everything from driver to software re-installs, to switching between the two video BIOSes the card comes with, all to no avail. What a coincidence that we had this card in our labs already, so we then dug out our sample. Lo and behold—our sample is missing ROPs, too! GPU-Z is able to read and report these units counts, in this case through NVIDIA's NVAPI driver interface. The 8 missing ROPs constitute a 4.54% loss in the GPU's raster hardware capability, and to illustrate what this means for performance, we've run a couple of tests.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="784" data-height="538" data-fancybox="g332884"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="189" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="560" data-height="610" data-fancybox="g332884"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="119" height="130" alt="" /></a><br /> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333090"> <h1><a href="/333090/aewin-unveils-high-availability-storage-server-powered-by-intel-xeon-6-processors" class="newslink">AEWIN Unveils High Availability Storage Server Powered by Intel Xeon 6 Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T09:25:14+00:00"> Yesterday, 17:25 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333090/aewin-unveils-high-availability-storage-server-powered-by-intel-xeon-6-processors#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">AEWIN is excited to launch the MIS-5131-2U2, a cutting-edge 2U2N High Availability Storage Server powered by Intel's latest Xeon 6 processors. The horizontal placement enables optimized thermal dissipation to allow CPU running with high TDP of 350 W. Each node is equipped with a single Intel Xeon 6700/6500-series processor with P-cores (R1S), offering up to 80 performance cores, 136 PCIe 5.0 lanes, and 8x high-speed DDR5 RDIMMs with speeds of up to 6400 MT/s. Featuring rich I/O and 24x hot-swap dual port NVMe SSD bays, MIS-5131-2U2 is a high-performance and reliable storage solution for mission-critical applications.<br /> <br /> The dual node architecture within a single chassis allows for seamless failover through with the NTB (Non-Transparent Bridge) interconnectivity, two BMC communication, and dual-port NVMe drives. The two nodes of MIS-5131 are linked via NTB running at PCIe Gen 5 speeds (32 GT/s) to enable high speed, redundant storage failover. With NTB, dual port NVMe drives, and sufficient PCIe lanes of Intel Xeon 6 R1S CPU, the system eliminates the need for an additional switch, delivering an optimized HA server solution with the best TCO for continuous operation.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1536" data-height="804" data-fancybox="g333090"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333089"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASUS" /> <h1><a href="/333089/asus-announces-all-new-expertbook-b5-notebook-models" class="newslink">ASUS Announces All-New ExpertBook B5 Notebook Models</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T09:19:53+00:00"> Yesterday, 17:19 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333089/asus-announces-all-new-expertbook-b5-notebook-models#comments">Discuss (1 Comment)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">ASUS today announced the all-new ExpertBook B5 laptop series (B5405/B5605) - a lightweight, AI-enhanced marvel powered by the latest up to Intel Core Ultra processors (Series 2) with Intel vPro and built-in Intel Arc graphics, ushering in a new era of productivity. Packed with cutting-edge AI capabilities, including a dedicated NPU, ExpertBook B5 is built to streamline complex business tasks and accelerate productivity - especially during video calls, with exclusive ASUS AI ExpertMeet delivering optimized audio, video and real-time transcription for seamless collaboration. <br /> <br /> Engineered for professionals who demand both performance and security, ExpertBook B5 is protected by ASUS ExpertGuardian, an enterprise-grade security suite that safeguards data, user identities and system integrity with multi-layered protection. With an up to 15 hours battery life for all-day performance on the go, this durable, MIL-STD-810H-tested business laptop empowers uninterrupted productivity. ExpertBook B5 also underscores the ASUS commitment to sustainability with the integration of a Digital Product Passport (DPP), providing transparent lifecycle tracking and reinforcing responsible environmental practices.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1309" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333089"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="177" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333089"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333089"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333089"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333089"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333088"> <h1><a href="/333088/aaeon-releases-snow-ridge-powered-fws-7370-for-advanced-networking" class="newslink">AAEON Releases Snow Ridge-Powered FWS-7370 for Advanced Networking</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T09:03:07+00:00"> Yesterday, 17:03 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333088/aaeon-releases-snow-ridge-powered-fws-7370-for-advanced-networking#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Leading network platform provider AAEON this week announced the release of its FWS-7370, a Rackmount Network Appliance powered by Intel Atom P5300 series CPUs (formerly Snow Ridge). Compatible with the higher end models from the series, the FWS-7370 offers up to 24 cores alongside integrated network and security features like Intel QuickAssist Technology for hardware-accelerated encryption, decryption, and compression of large datasets.<br /> <br /> The FWS-7370's standard I/O grants users a total of 12 LAN ports, comprised of four RJ-45 ports for 2.5GbE and four RJ-45 ports for 1GbE—each with one pair LAN bypass, as well as four 10GbE SFP+ ports. AAEON note that the platform's networking capacity can be expanded via NIM slot, which can accommodate either a PoE module for an additional dual 2.5GbE PoE LAN interfaces or extra fiber-based networking ports for extended distances.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="800" data-fancybox="g333088"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="800" data-fancybox="g333088"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333087"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="FSP Fortron Source" /> <h1><a href="/333087/fsp-unveils-high-performance-mega-ti-psu-series" class="newslink">FSP Unveils High-Performance MEGA TI PSU Series</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228790/">GFreeman</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-25T08:58:47+00:00"> Yesterday, 16:58 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333087/fsp-unveils-high-performance-mega-ti-psu-series#comments">Discuss (6 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">FSP, a global leader in power supply solutions, introduces the MEGA TI PSU series, engineered for gamers, content creators, and PC enthusiasts. This new lineup includes the 1350 W and 1650 W models, delivering unmatched power, efficiency, and reliability. Designed to meet the latest Intel ATX 3.1 power design guide, these PSUs support up to 200% power excursion and feature dual PCIe 12V-2x6 connectors, ensuring seamless compatibility with next-generation GPUs.<br /> <br /> <b>Superior Performance and Maximum Efficiency</b><br /> The MEGA TI series is built for uncompromising performance, featuring Interleaved PFC topology and high-performance MOSFETs and SiC diodes from Infineon for exceptional power regulation. With FSP's proprietary Micro Tolerance Load Control (MTLC) technology, voltage regulation is maintained at an ultra-precise ±0.5%, surpassing Intel's ATX 3.1 standards. Certified with 80 Plus Titanium and Cybenetics Titanium ratings, these PSUs ensure minimal power loss, lower heat output, and near-silent operation, making them an optimal choice for high-performance systems.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333087"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333087"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333087"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="623" data-height="555" data-fancybox="g333087"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="146" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1021" data-height="579" data-fancybox="g333087"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="229" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333066"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="TSMC" /> <h1><a href="/333066/tsmc-2-nm-wafer-output-projected-to-reach-80-000-units-per-month-by-end-of-2025" class="newslink">TSMC 2 nm Wafer Output Projected to Reach 80,000 Units Per Month, by End of 2025</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T20:34:20+00:00"> Yesterday, 04:34 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333066/tsmc-2-nm-wafer-output-projected-to-reach-80-000-units-per-month-by-end-of-2025#comments">Discuss (15 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Earlier in the year, we heard about TSMC being <a href="" target="_blank">ahead of the game</a> with its speculated trial production run of cutting-edge 2 nm (N2) silicon. Taiwan's premier foundry company is reportedly prepping its Baoshan and Kaohsiung plants for full-on manufacturing of next-gen chips. The latest insider whispers propose that TSMC is making "rapid" progress on the 2 nm (N2) front, as company engineers have moved onto an "intensive" trial production phase. Taiwan's Economic Daily News has picked up on compelling projections from industry moles; the Hsinchu Baoshan facility's current monthly production capacity is (allegedly) around 5000 to 10,000 2 nm wafers. The other 2 nm-specialist site—Kaohsiung—has reportedly moved into a small-scale appraisal phase.<br /> <br /> TSMC declined to comment on recently leaked data points, but they released a general statement (to UDN), emphasizing that: "(our) 2 nm process technology is progressing well and will go into mass production as scheduled in the second half of this year." The Baoshan plant could ramp up to 25,000 2 nm wafers per month, once it moves into a mass production phase. Combined with the same estimated output from its sister site (Kaohsiung), insiders reckon that the combined total could reach 50,000 units per month. Following a predicted successful "second phase" transition, TSMC's most advanced facilities have a "chance" to pump out 80,000 2 nm parts (combined total). The latest murmurs suggest that this milestone could be achieved by the end of 2025. Industry watchdogs believe that <a href="" target="_blank">Apple will have first access dibs</a> on TSMC's upcoming cutting-edge offerings.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1000" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333066"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="181" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1848" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333066"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="250" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333066"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333065"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASUS" /> <h1><a href="/333065/asus-proposes-that-dual-geforce-rtx-3060-oc-card-offers-incredible-value-in-2025" class="newslink">ASUS Proposes that DUAL GeForce RTX 3060 OC Card Offers "Incredible Value" in 2025</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T19:45:59+00:00"> Yesterday, 03:45 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333065/asus-proposes-that-dual-geforce-rtx-3060-oc-card-offers-incredible-value-in-2025#comments">Discuss (76 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Take a look at the <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Steam Hardware & Software Survey for January 2025</a>, and you'll find no fewer than three graphics cards from the now-venerable <a href="" target="_blank">NVIDIA GeForce GTX 10-Series</a> lineup. We mean no offense to these battle-proven units, but we suspect that if your machine is still rocking one of these cards, you're probably looking for an upgrade. While we won't deter you from leapfrogging into next-gen territory with a GeForce RTX 50 Series card, we understand that not every gamer's budget can cover one of these chart-topping models. <br /> <br /> So here's a wallet-friendly alternative that's still very relevant in 2025: the <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 3060</a>. Available for just about $300 (USD), equipped with 12 GB of VRAM, compatible with the most popular GeForce RTX features, and ready for a wide range of builds with its low wattage requirements and compact design, this is the best budget graphics card we offer in 2025 for gamers who prefer NVIDIA GPUs.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="872" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333065"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="118" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="796" data-fancybox="g333065"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="196" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="784" data-fancybox="g333065"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="199" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333063"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/333063/south-korean-distributors-unveil-intel-core-i5-14600kf-14400f-value-pack-options" class="newslink">South Korean Distributors Unveil Intel Core i5 14600KF & 14400F "Value Pack" Options</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T19:27:26+00:00"> Yesterday, 03:27 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333063/south-korean-distributors-unveil-intel-core-i5-14600kf-14400f-value-pack-options#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Earlier today, three of Intel's South Korean authorized distributors announced the introduction of Raptor Lake-R-based "Value Pack Genuine" buying options—Danawa's news section stated that the involved companies are: PC Direct, Coit, and Intec & Company. The newly revealed "reasonably priced" packages will contain 14th Generation Core <a href="" target="_blank">i5-14600KF</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">i5-14400F</a> processors. A photo preview (see below) showcases very plain blue retail boxes (with no logo), adorned with information-carrying stickers. The freshly unveiled "Value Pack (genuine product)" designs are region exclusive (for the moment); seemingly slotting somewhere in-between Intel's traditional <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">"Boxed" retail and barebones "Tray" processor</a> offerings.<br /> <br /> According to the Danawa report, one of the local distributors stated: "this is a very meaningful moment as it is the first time that an official Intel value pack has been released in Korea. We are pleased to offer a more reasonable price while maintaining the same warranty period and standards as existing genuine products. We hope that this release will allow more consumers to upgrade their PCs without burden." Western news sites have highlighted the Core i5 14600KF Value Pack's cheapest available price point (identified via the Danawa comparison engine); KRW 284,540 (~$199 USD). The traditional "Boxed" retail equivalent goes for KRW 295,700 (~$207 USD), while the barebones "Tray" (OEM-oriented) package is priced at KRW 261,200 (~$183 USD). Tom's Hardware checked out the new offering's Batch # and Serial # codes: "on Intel's warranty information page, (it) said that the ATPO (Batch #) we listed indicated that it was a tray processor...We'd like to believe the numbers on the image were just placeholders that belong to a tray processor, or that Intel RMAs in South Korea are all handled by its distributors." Danawa's news piece repeatedly claims that the two new options offer lower pricing compared to "existing genuine box products," but come with the "same genuine warranty" terms.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1250" data-height="750" data-fancybox="g333063"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="217" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="600" data-height="600" data-fancybox="g333063"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333063"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333064"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Gigabyte" /> <h1><a href="/333064/gigabyte-launches-new-servers-using-intel-xeon-6700-6500-series-processors-and-provides-updates-for-servers-using-xeon-6300-series" class="newslink">GIGABYTE Launches New Servers Using Intel Xeon 6700 & 6500-series Processors and Provides Updates for Servers Using Xeon 6300-series</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T19:00:19+00:00"> Yesterday, 03:00 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333064/gigabyte-launches-new-servers-using-intel-xeon-6700-6500-series-processors-and-provides-updates-for-servers-using-xeon-6300-series#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Giga Computing, a subsidiary of GIGABYTE and an industry leader in generative AI servers and advanced cooling technologies, today announced new GIGABYTE rack servers that are optimized for Intel Xeon 6700/6500-series processors with up to 136 PCIe 5.0 lanes. Additionally, GIGABYTE enterprise products support new Intel Xeon 6700/6500-series with P-cores and 6300-series.<br /> <br /> <b>New Servers Supporting Platform with Up to 136 PCIe Lanes</b><br /> The new Intel Xeon 6700 and 6500-series have processor SKUs that are designed to support either up to 136 PCIe 5.0 lanes (referred to as R1S) or 88 PCIe lanes. Optimized for R1S processors, the new GIGABYTE rack servers (R264-SG2, R264-SG3, R264-SG5, R164-SG5, R164-SG6) make use of the additional PCIe lanes for diverse storage options, dual-slot GPUs, and additional expansion slots including support for OCP NIC 3.0. These servers will be deployed in applications such as storage, telecom, edge, and more. The new servers support Intel Xeon 6 processors using LGA 4710; however, they are further optimized to take advantage of the additional PCIe lanes when compared to other Intel Xeon 6 processors. A new server that exemplifies this advantage, the R264-SG5 supports up to twenty-eight E3.S Gen 5 NVMe drives, yet it has support for a dual-slot (Gen 5 x16) GPU.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="630" data-fancybox="g333064"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333062"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Lenovo" /> <h1><a href="/333062/lenovo-delivers-unmatched-flexibility-performance-and-design-with-new-thinksystem-v4-servers-powered-by-intel-xeon-6-processors" class="newslink">Lenovo Delivers Unmatched Flexibility, Performance and Design with New ThinkSystem V4 Servers Powered by Intel Xeon 6 Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T18:44:09+00:00"> Yesterday, 02:44 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333062/lenovo-delivers-unmatched-flexibility-performance-and-design-with-new-thinksystem-v4-servers-powered-by-intel-xeon-6-processors#comments">Discuss (1 Comment)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Today, Lenovo announced three new infrastructure solutions, powered by Intel Xeon 6 processors, designed to modernize and elevate data centers of any size to AI-enabled powerhouses. The solutions include next generation Lenovo ThinkSystem V4 servers that deliver breakthrough performance and exceptional versatility to handle any workload while enabling powerful AI capabilities in compact, high-density designs. Whether deploying at the edge, co-locating or leveraging a hybrid cloud, Lenovo is delivering the right mix of solutions that seamlessly unlock intelligence and bring AI wherever it is needed. <br /> <br /> The new Lenovo ThinkSystem servers are purpose-built to run the widest range of workloads, including the most compute intensive - from algorithmic trading to web serving, astrophysics to email, and CRM to CAE. Organizations can streamline management and boost productivity with the new systems, achieving up to 6.1x higher compute performance than previous generation CPUs with Intel Xeon 6 with P-cores and up to 2x the memory bandwidth when using new MRDIMM technology, to scale and accelerate AI everywhere.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="720" data-height="480" data-fancybox="g333062"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="720" data-height="480" data-fancybox="g333062"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="720" data-height="480" data-fancybox="g333062"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333060"> <h1><a href="/333060/die-in-the-dungeon-launched-into-early-access" class="newslink">"Die in the Dungeon" Launched into Early Access</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T18:35:39+00:00"> Yesterday, 02:35 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333060/die-in-the-dungeon-launched-into-early-access#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Hey folks! The time has come. Die in the Dungeon is now available in Early Access! So grab your dice and jump in! But that's not all! We've also prepared a Supporter Pack featuring the game's soundtrack, a special Cinder armor skin, and an adorable Baby Fly companion. We'd be incredibly grateful for your support if you decide to grab <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">this pack! And there's more</a>! We've put together a series of bundles with additional discounts, offering something for everyone.<br /> <br /> A huge thank you for supporting us throughout this journey! Please report any issues you encounter—we're here for you and are kicking off full game support from day one of release. Your feedback has been the driving force behind many improvements in the game, and it will continue to shape its development. Join us on <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Discord</a> to share your thoughts, or leave your feedback in the Steam forums! Enjoy the game!<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="686" data-height="386" data-fancybox="g333060"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333060"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333060"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333060"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333061"> <h1><a href="/333061/advantech-unveils-new-ai-industrial-and-network-edge-servers-powered-by-intel-xeon-6-processors" class="newslink">Advantech Unveils New AI, Industrial and Network Edge Servers Powered by Intel Xeon 6 Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T18:35:36+00:00"> Yesterday, 02:35 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333061/advantech-unveils-new-ai-industrial-and-network-edge-servers-powered-by-intel-xeon-6-processors#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Advantech, a global leader in industrial and embedded computing, today announced the launch of seven new server platforms built on Intel Xeon 6 processors, optimized for industrial, transportation and communications applications. Designed to meet the increasing demands of complex AI storage and networking workloads, these innovative edge servers and network appliances provide superior performance, reliability, and scalability for system integrators, solutions, and service provider customers. <br /> <br /> <b>Intel Xeon 6 - Exceptional Performance for the Widest Range of Workloads</b><br /> Intel Xeon 6 processors feature advanced performance and efficiency cores, delivering up to 86 cores per CPU, DDR5 memory support with speeds up to 6400 MT/s, and PCIe Gen 5 lanes for high-speed connectivity. Designed to optimize both compute-intensive and scale-out workloads, these processors ensure seamless integration across a wide array of applications.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="628" data-fancybox="g333061"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333057"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD" /> <h1><a href="/333057/amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-samples-sp-rating-leaked-reportedly-superior-to-most-9800x3d-scores" class="newslink">AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D Sample's SP Rating Leaked, Reportedly Superior to most 9800X3D Scores</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T18:23:28+00:00"> Yesterday, 02:23 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333057/amd-ryzen-9-9950x3d-samples-sp-rating-leaked-reportedly-superior-to-most-9800x3d-scores#comments">Discuss (21 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Recent reports indicate that evaluation samples of AMD's Ryzen 9 <a href="" target="_blank">9950X3D</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">9900X3D</a> processors have circulated to global press and influencer outlets. Leaks are expected to trickle out, going all the way up to a <a href="" target="_blank">rumored March 11</a> lifting of review embargoes. Late last week, we reported on a <a href="" target="_blank">double NDA-busting test system</a>; utilizing Team Red's upcoming 16-core 3D V-Cache-equipped flagship gaming CPU, and a <a href="" target="_blank">Radeon RX 9070 XT</a> GPU. HXL (aka 9550pro) unearthed another example—their weekend sleuthing activities pointed to an alleged ASUS Silicon Prediction (SP) rating of 120. This tally was (reportedly) produced by a Ryzen 9 9950X3D sample unit. The predictive rating system sniffs out a candidate processor's quality and overclock potential.<br /> <br /> An off-screen capture of an unidentified tester's UEFI BIOS session was posted to social media—the "MBEC-X870-0130" identifier points to a non-specific X870-based ASUS motherboard model. Leaked diagnostic information clearly shows a "Ryzen 9 9950X3D" processor (base clock 4.3 GHz) powering this particular test build. Its 120 ASUS SP score was cross-referenced with tallies <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">shared by owners of Ryzen 7 9800X3D processors</a>. As observed by VideoCardz, various examples of AMD's <a href="" target="_blank">reigning gaming champion</a> scored within the typical range of 113 to 118. The upcoming 16-core Ryzen 9 9950X3D and 12-core 9900X3D parts are <a href="" target="_blank">predicted to offer only mild benefits</a> (in gaming environs) over their <a href="" target="_blank">8-core sibling</a>; so any sign of superiority will be celebrated as a victory.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="948" data-height="765" data-fancybox="g333057"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="161" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333057"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333057"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="967" data-height="800" data-fancybox="g333057"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="157" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333059"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="MSI - Micro-Star International" /> <h1><a href="/333059/msi-announces-new-server-platforms-supporting-intel-xeon-6-family-of-processors" class="newslink">MSI Announces New Server Platforms Supporting Intel Xeon 6 Family of Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T18:12:44+00:00"> Yesterday, 02:12 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333059/msi-announces-new-server-platforms-supporting-intel-xeon-6-family-of-processors#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MSI introduces new server platforms powered by the latest Intel Xeon 6 family of processors with the Performance Cores (P-Cores). Engineered for high-density performance, seamless scalability, and energy-efficient operations, these servers deliver exceptional throughput, dynamic workload flexibility, and optimized power efficiency. Optimized for AI-driven applications, modern data centers, and cloud-native workloads, MSI's new platforms help lower total cost of ownership (TCO) while maximizing infrastructure efficiency and resource optimization.<br /> <br /> "As data-driven transformation accelerates across industries, businesses require solutions that not only deliver performance but also enable sustainable growth and operational agility," said Danny Hsu, General Manager of MSI's Enterprise Platform Solutions. "Our Intel Xeon 6 processor-based servers are designed to support this shift by offering high-core scalability, energy-efficient performance, and dynamic workload optimization. These capabilities empower organizations to maximize compute density, streamline their digital ecosystems, and respond to evolving market demands with greater speed and efficiency."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="504" data-fancybox="g333059"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333055"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/333055/intel-xeon-6-processors-with-e-core-achieve-ecosystem-adoption-speed-by-industry-leading-5g-core-solution-partners" class="newslink">Intel Xeon 6 Processors With E-Core Achieve Ecosystem Adoption Speed by Industry-Leading 5G Core Solution Partners</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T17:25:52+00:00"> Yesterday, 01:25 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333055/intel-xeon-6-processors-with-e-core-achieve-ecosystem-adoption-speed-by-industry-leading-5g-core-solution-partners#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Intel today showcased how Intel Xeon 6 processors with Efficient-cores (E-cores) have dramatically accelerated time-to-market adoption for the company's solutions in collaboration with the ecosystem. Since product introduction in June 2024, 5G core solution partners have independently validated a 3.2x performance improvement, a 3.8x performance per watt increase and, in collaboration with the Intel Infrastructure Power Manager launched at MWC 2024, a 60% reduction in run-time power consumption.<br /> <br /> "As 5G core networks continue to build out using Intel Xeon processors, which are deployed in the vast majority of 5G networks worldwide, infrastructure efficiency, power savings and uncompromised performance are essential criteria for communication service providers (CoSPs). Intel is pleased to announce that our 5G core solution partners have accelerated the adoption of Intel Xeon 6 with E-cores and are immediately passing along these benefits to their customers. In addition, with Intel Infrastructure Power Manager, our partners have a run-time software solution that is showing tremendous progress in reducing server power in CoSP environments on existing and new infrastructure." -Alex Quach, Intel vice president and general manager of Wireline and Core Network Division<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333055"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333053"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Microsoft Xbox" /> <h1><a href="/333053/baldurs-gate-3-local-co-op-mode-working-on-xbox-series-s-via-patch-8-stress-test" class="newslink">Baldur's Gate 3 Local Co-op Mode Working on Xbox Series S, via Patch 8 Stress Test</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T17:25:41+00:00"> Yesterday, 01:25 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333053/baldurs-gate-3-local-co-op-mode-working-on-xbox-series-s-via-patch-8-stress-test#comments">Discuss (2 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Hello gang! We heard you like <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Baldur's Gate 3</a> and breaking things. Well, we have good news for you: The Patch 8 Stress Test is now live and available to all Xbox Insiders who own the game! Not into breaking things but still want to know what this is all about? Read to the end to find out what's coming in Patch 8. <br /> <br /> <b>Patch 8 Stress Test</b><br /> The final major patch for Baldur's Gate 3 is right around the corner, but with an update so packed full of bug fixes, new features, and additions, we're enlisting your help to go beyond our internal testing and help us catch things before release. Patch 8 is bringing cross-play to Baldur's Gate 3, allowing players on all platforms to join each other in multiplayer sessions! So grab your friends on other platforms and get ready to fight… over who will romance each companion.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333053"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333053"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333053"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="889" data-height="609" data-fancybox="g333053"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="190" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333054"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/333054/intel-unveils-high-performance-power-efficient-ethernet-solutions" class="newslink">Intel Unveils High-Performance, Power-Efficient Ethernet Solutions</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T17:18:46+00:00"> Yesterday, 01:18 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333054/intel-unveils-high-performance-power-efficient-ethernet-solutions#comments">Discuss (4 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Intel today launched two new Ethernet product lines - the Intel Ethernet E830 Controllers and Network Adapters, and the Intel Ethernet E610 Controllers and Network Adapters - designed to meet the growing demands of enterprise, telecommunications, cloud, edge, high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. These next-generation solutions provide robust, high-performance connectivity while enhancing energy efficiency and security, and lowering total cost of ownership (TCO).<br /> <br /> "In today's interconnected world, networking is essential to the success of business and technology transformation. With the launch of the Intel Ethernet E830 and E610 products, we are helping customers meet the growing demand for high-performance, energy-efficient solutions that optimize network infrastructures, lower operational costs and enhance TCO." -Bob Ghaffari, Intel vice president, Network and Edge Group<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333054"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333054"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333054"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333054"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333052"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Intel" /> <h1><a href="/333052/intel-unveils-leadership-ai-and-networking-solutions-with-xeon-6-processors" class="newslink">Intel Unveils Leadership AI and Networking Solutions with Xeon 6 Processors</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T17:13:48+00:00"> Yesterday, 01:13 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333052/intel-unveils-leadership-ai-and-networking-solutions-with-xeon-6-processors#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">As enterprises modernize infrastructure to meet the demands of next-gen workloads like AI, high-performing and efficient compute is essential across the full spectrum - from data centers to networks, edge and even the PC. To address these challenges, Intel today launched its Xeon 6 processors with Performance-cores (P-cores), providing industry-leading performance for the broadest set of data center and network infrastructure workloads and best-in-class efficiency to create an unmatched server consolidation opportunity.<br /> <br /> "We are intensely focused on bringing cutting-edge leadership products to market that solve our customers' greatest challenges and help drive the growth of their business," said Michelle Johnston Holthaus, interim co-CEO of Intel and CEO of Intel Products. "The Xeon 6 family delivers the industry's best CPU for AI and groundbreaking features for networking, while simultaneously driving efficiency and bringing down the total cost of ownership."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1665" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333052"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="225" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333052"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333051"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD Radeon Graphics" /> <h1><a href="/333051/amd-radeon-rx-9070-series-launches-without-amd-built-reference-designs" class="newslink">AMD Radeon RX 9070 Series Launches without AMD-Built Reference Designs</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T17:11:07+00:00"> Yesterday, 01:11 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333051/amd-radeon-rx-9070-series-launches-without-amd-built-reference-designs#comments">Discuss (33 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Last Friday, the AMD Radeon social media account sent out a friendly reminder to its audience: "it's almost time. Meet the next gen AMD Radeon RX 9000 series on February 28th at 8am ET/7am CT/5am PT." <a href="" target="_blank">Later this week</a>, Team Red and its board partners are expected to present the first wave of <a href="" target="_blank">RDNA 4</a>-based graphics cards with an in-depth/detailed presentation. TechPowerUp and other PC hardware press outlets have—so far—covered plenty of custom Radeon RX 9070 XT and RX 9070 (non-XT) designs, but MBA (made-by-AMD) reference models have only emerged online through <a href="" target="_blank">official marketing channels</a>. Previously released promotional product renders indicate that Team Red has dual and triple-fan next-gen solutions lined up, but last week's social media post implies that first-party options will not be available on day one.<br /> <br /> A small disclaimer—stating: "artistic render: not available for purchase"—was placed below AMD's render of a triple-fan cooled reference card. VideoCardz has interpreted this stealthy disclosure; they believe that Team Red will not be releasing any Radeon <a href="" target="_blank">RX 9070 XT</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">RX 9070</a> MBA models. Since a muted introduction at CES 2025, TechPowerUp's GPU database maintainer has adorned these entries with placeholder imagery (see example below). The lack of reference "Navi 48-based" designs could be a boon for involved AIBs. Based on historical events, VideoCardz reckons that AMD has often "prioritized" its own offerings—to the detriment of board partner shipments; insiders have allegedly complained or expressed dissatisfaction about this (past) arrangement.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="626" data-fancybox="g333051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="249" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="808" data-height="696" data-fancybox="g333051"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="151" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333045"> <h1><a href="/333045/mitac-computing-announces-intel-xeon-6-cpu-powered-next-gen-ai-hpc-server-series" class="newslink">MITAC Computing Announces Intel Xeon 6 CPU-powered Next-gen AI & HPC Server Series</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T16:25:10+00:00"> Yesterday, 00:25 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333045/mitac-computing-announces-intel-xeon-6-cpu-powered-next-gen-ai-hpc-server-series#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation, a leading server platform design manufacturer and a subsidiary of MiTAC Holdings Corporation, today announced the launch of its latest server systems and motherboards powered by the latest Intel Xeon 6 with P-core processors. These industry-leading processors are designed for compute-intensive workloads, providing up to twice the performance for the widest range of workloads including AI and HPC.<br /> <br /> <b>Driving Innovation in AI and High-Performance Computing</b><br /> "For over a decade, MiTAC Computing has collaborated with Intel to push the boundaries of server technology, delivering cutting-edge solutions optimized for AI and high-performance computing (HPC)," said Rick Hwang, President of MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation. "With the integration of the latest Intel Xeon 6 P-core processors our servers now unlock groundbreaking AI acceleration, boost computational efficiency, and scale cloud operations to new heights. These innovations provide our customers with a competitive edge, empowering them to tackle demanding workloads with superior empower our customers with a competitive edge through superior performance and an optimized total cost of ownership."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333045"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333045"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333045"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333045"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333043"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="ASUS" /> <h1><a href="/333043/unlucky-owner-of-asus-rog-astral-geforce-rtx-5090-oc-reports-caught-on-fire-incident" class="newslink">Unlucky Owner of ASUS ROG Astral GeForce RTX 5090 OC Reports "Caught on Fire" Incident</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T16:13:34+00:00"> Yesterday, 00:13 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333043/unlucky-owner-of-asus-rog-astral-geforce-rtx-5090-oc-reports-caught-on-fire-incident#comments">Discuss (38 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">The new ASUS ROG Astral graphics card design debuted last month, with the rollout of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 and 5080 "Blackwell" GPUs. The flagship model—in <a href="" target="_blank">overclocked form</a>—is not a wallet-friendly prospect; as highlighted by W1zzard's <a href="" target="_blank">in-depth evaluation</a>. The "astronomically-priced" premium-tier quad-fan model is a hot property; in more ways than one—late last week, an unfortunate ownership experience was shared online. NVIDIA subreddit member—Impossible-Weight485—uploaded photo evidence, accompanied by a short story: "I was playing PC games this afternoon, and when I was done with the games, my PC suddenly shut down while I was browsing websites. When I restarted the PC, the GPU caught on fire, and smoke started coming out. When I took out the GPU, I saw burn marks on both the GPU and the motherboard." Post-absorption, initial community and press feedback posited that the problem originated with a Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC), located not far from the card's PCI-E interface.<br /> <br /> High-profile figures soon swooped in, with different theories and offers. A Team Green subreddit moderator weighed in: "not adding this one to our GeForce RTX <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">50 Series 12VHPWR Megathread</a>. This looks to be a blown power phase, and not melting power connector. The original poster provided additional photos of the cable, in addition to the GPU connector photo in the post. Both looks pristine...Yes, I watched Buildzoid's video (see below), hence updating this comment...Thanks to Buildzoid for the education!" The owner uploaded another interior shot, seemingly showing burn damage on their <a href="" target="_blank">ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR X870E HERO</a> motherboard. The severity of this incident attracted the attention of Gamers Nexus—Lelldorianx (aka Stephen Burke) reached out to the damaged card's owner: "messaging you. We'd buy the board and GPU from you if you want to just take the cash and buy something else (or) skip the RMA process." Burke and his colleagues are actively investigating various GeForce RTX 50-series "pratfalls"—earlier this month, reports indicated that the team was already <a href="" target="_blank">engaged in the sourcing of problematic units</a>.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333043"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1753" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333043"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="237" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333043"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333043"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a><br /> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <div class="datesep">Monday, February 24th 2025</div> <article class="todayslist todaysreviews"> <h1>Today's Reviews</h1> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Cases</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106852" href=""> <span>Chieftec Apex Lumo</span> itndaily </a> <i>(ru)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>CPU Coolers</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106837" href=""> <span>Id-Cooling FX360 INF</span> PCinq </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106839" href=""> <span>MSI MAG CORELIQUID I360</span> </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>Gaming PC</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106845" href=""> <span>CyberPowerPC Ultra 5090</span> KitGuru </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Graphics Cards</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106847" href=""> <span>GIGABYTE RTX 5070 Ti AERO OC</span> Cowcotland </a> <i>(fr)</i> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106850" href=""> <span>INNO3D RTX 5080 X3 OC</span> Hardware-Mag </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Headphones</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106853" href=""> <span>Corsair Virtuoso MAX Wireless</span> TechPowerUp </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106849" href=""> <span>Edifier W830NB</span> Basic Tutorials </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Keyboards</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106836" href=""> <span>Monsgeek M1 V5</span> ComputerBase </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106840" href=""> <span>NZXT Function Elite MiniTK</span> </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Monitors</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106854" href=""> <span>Corsair Xeneon 34WQHD240-C</span> TechPowerUp </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106843" href=""> <span>Dell UltraSharp U4025QW</span> HotHardware </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Motherboards</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106838" href=""> <span>ASRock Phantom Gaming B860M Lightning WiFi</span> </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106842" href=""> <span>ASRock Z890 Pro-A</span> HW Legend </a> <i>(it)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>Notebooks</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106851" href=""> <span>MSI Prestige 16 AI EVO U9-285H</span> </a> <i>(fr)</i> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106841" href=""> <span>Razer Blade 14" (2021)</span> Madshrimps </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style="display:inline-block"> <b>PSUs</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106848" href=""> <span>FSP MEGA TI 1650 W</span> Cowcotland </a> <i>(fr)</i> </li> </ul> </div> <div > <b>SSD</b> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106844" href=""> <span>Micron 4600 2TB</span> Tweaktown </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-id="106846" href=""> <span>Seagate FireCuda 530R</span> ComputerBase </a> <i>(de)</i> </li> </ul> </div> </article> <article class="newspost review"> <a href="/review/corsair-xeneon-34wqhd240-c/"> <img class="review-icon" alt="Corsair Xeneon 34WQHD240-C Review - Pretty In White" width="100" height="100" loading="lazy" src="/review/corsair-xeneon-34wqhd240-c/images/small@1x.png" srcset="/review/corsair-xeneon-34wqhd240-c/images/small@1x.png 100w, /review/corsair-xeneon-34wqhd240-c/images/small.png 256w" sizes="125px" /> </a> <h1><a href="/review/corsair-xeneon-34wqhd240-c/" class="newslink">Corsair Xeneon 34WQHD240-C Review - Pretty In White</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="review"> Review </span> <span >Monitors</span> </span> </div> <div class="text p"> The Corsair Xeneon 34WQHD240-C is an ultrawide gaming beast equipped with a 240 Hz QD-OLED panel, offering lightning-fast response times, low input lag, but also a host of attractive productivity-focused features. <div class="readmore"> <a href="/review/corsair-xeneon-34wqhd240-c/">Read Review</a> </div> </div> </article> <article class="newspost review"> <a href="/review/corsair-virtuoso-max-wireless/"> <img class="review-icon" alt="Corsair Virtuoso MAX Wireless Review" width="100" height="100" loading="lazy" src="/review/corsair-virtuoso-max-wireless/images/small@1x.png" srcset="/review/corsair-virtuoso-max-wireless/images/small@1x.png 100w, /review/corsair-virtuoso-max-wireless/images/small.png 256w" sizes="125px" /> </a> <h1><a href="/review/corsair-virtuoso-max-wireless/" class="newslink">Corsair Virtuoso MAX Wireless Review</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="review"> Review </span> <span style="background-color:#70931a" >Headphones</span> </span> </div> <div class="text p"> Featuring graphene speaker drivers, Dolby Atmos support, dual wireless connectivity, and a 60-hour battery life, the Corsair Virtuoso MAX Wireless is the company's new flagship gaming headset. Is it worth the $330 price tag? <div class="readmore"> <a href="/review/corsair-virtuoso-max-wireless/">Read Review</a> </div> </div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333042"> <h1><a href="/333042/playtonic-announces-return-of-rextro-in-yooka-replaylee" class="newslink">Playtonic Announces Return of Rextro in Yooka-Replaylee</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T15:15:40+00:00"> Monday, 23:15 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333042/playtonic-announces-return-of-rextro-in-yooka-replaylee#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Hello folks! We have an announcement from Amazing Rextro's Software Entertainment! Rextro is back with a brand-new look and brand-new challenges in <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Yooka-Replaylee</a>! Take on Rextro's new platforming puzzles across eight upgraded arcade machines within the worlds of Yooka-Replaylee, with new Megabyte enemies to defeat or outsmart and shiny new levels to beat them in!<br /> <br /> Reach the end goal and collect medals with Rextro to earn Pagies for Yooka and Laylee to progress through the game! Rextro's Arcade is just one of the MANY areas of Yooka-Replaylee that's been revisited and remade! Stay tuned as we share more over the coming weeks! Embark on an epic open-world 3D platforming collectathon adventure with Yooka and Laylee! The search for Pagies starts anew in Yooka-Replaylee, the enhanced definitive version of the beloved indie darling with all new challenges, secrets, mechanics, and accessibility options.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-fancybox="g333042"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333042"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333042"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1280" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333042"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="173" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333041"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="Apple" /> <h1><a href="/333041/apple-to-spend-more-than-usd-500-billion-in-the-u-s-over-the-next-four-years" class="newslink">Apple to Spend More Than $500 Billion in the U.S. Over the Next Four Years</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T15:12:04+00:00"> Monday, 23:12 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333041/apple-to-spend-more-than-usd-500-billion-in-the-u-s-over-the-next-four-years#comments">Discuss (13 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Apple today announced its largest-ever spend commitment, with plans to spend and invest more than $500 billion in the U.S. over the next four years. This new pledge builds on Apple's long history of investing in American innovation and advanced high-skilled manufacturing, and will support a wide range of initiatives that focus on artificial intelligence, silicon engineering, and skills development for students and workers across the country.<br /> <br /> "We are bullish on the future of American innovation, and we're proud to build on our long-standing U.S. investments with this $500 billion commitment to our country's future," said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. "From doubling our Advanced Manufacturing Fund, to building advanced technology in Texas, we're thrilled to expand our support for American manufacturing. And we'll keep working with people and companies across this country to help write an extraordinary new chapter in the history of American innovation."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1441" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333041"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="961" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333041"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333037"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="PowerColor" /> <h1><a href="/333037/powercolor-debuts-reaper-series-in-china-starting-with-radeon-rx-7650-gre-skus" class="newslink">PowerColor Debuts Reaper Series in China, Starting with Radeon RX 7650 GRE SKUs</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T15:07:03+00:00"> Monday, 23:07 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333037/powercolor-debuts-reaper-series-in-china-starting-with-radeon-rx-7650-gre-skus#comments">Discuss (1 Comment)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">PowerColor China has published two new <a href="" target="_blank">Radeon RX 7650 GRE</a> product pages on its website; indicating that more <a href="" target="_blank">Reaper</a> series graphics cards are on the way. TechPowerUp inspected <a href="" target="_blank">an example at CES 2025</a>, but that particular triple-fan model housed upcoming <a href="" target="_blank">RDNA 4 GPU</a> tech. PowerColor's brand-new "Reaper" family is rolling out in the near future; acting as a replacement to their familiar budget-friendly "Fighter" tier. The manufacturer <a href="" target="_blank">released its Radeon RX 7650 GRE Hellhound</a> (mid-range) card earlier this month—the standard black and Spectral White Reaper models are expected to arrive with slightly lower pricing, likely conforming to AMD's official MSRP guideline (2099 RMB/~$289 USD).<br /> <br /> The latest report—<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">from VideoCardz</a>—suggests that PowerColor will be expanding its portfolio of Spectral White graphics card designs. Company insiders hinted about incoming pale Radeon RX 9070 XT options; namely a new pale <a href="" target="_blank">Hellhound</a> offering. The Taiwanese firm is reportedly considering the release of a Spectral White spin-off of their <a href="" target="_blank">Radeon 9070 XT Red Devil</a> model—potentially, the first of its kind to get a pale aesthetic treatment. PowerColor's demon-themed flagship card series—traditionally—sports black shroud and backplate designs, with red accents and lighting zones. A speculative designation of "Red Devil Spectral White" seems to be quite clumsy; so a snappier title could be in the works.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="900" data-height="500" data-fancybox="g333037"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="234" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="900" data-height="500" data-fancybox="g333037"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="234" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="900" data-height="500" data-fancybox="g333037"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="234" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="900" data-height="500" data-fancybox="g333037"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="234" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333039"> <h1><a href="/333039/gl-inet-launches-spitz-plus-gl-x2000-wi-fi-6-cellular-router" class="newslink">GL.iNet Launches Spitz Plus (GL-X2000) Wi-Fi 6 Cellular Router</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T14:52:44+00:00"> Monday, 22:52 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333039/gl-inet-launches-spitz-plus-gl-x2000-wi-fi-6-cellular-router#comments">Discuss (0 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">GL.iNet, a leading innovator in networking solutions, announces the launch of the Spitz Plus (GL-X2000), a powerful 4G LTE Wi-Fi 6 router engineered for seamless connectivity, even in challenging environments. Whether you're streaming in a remote cabin, video conferencing from an RV, or establishing a stable network in a rural area, the Spitz Plus delivers unwavering performance and flexibility.<br /> <br /> <b>Your Gateway to Uninterrupted Connectivity</b><br /> The Spitz Plus seamlessly blends advanced technology with a practical minimalist design, perfectly suited for today's mobile and geographically diverse lifestyles. Its features simplify staying connected, no matter where life takes you.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333039"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="770" data-height="828" data-fancybox="g333039"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="121" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="723" data-height="640" data-fancybox="g333039"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="147" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="680" data-height="712" data-fancybox="g333039"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="124" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333036"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="LG Electronics" /> <h1><a href="/333036/u-s-pricing-availability-of-2025-lg-gram-laptops-announced" class="newslink">U.S. Pricing & Availability of 2025 LG Gram Laptops Announced</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T14:16:52+00:00"> Monday, 22:16 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333036/u-s-pricing-availability-of-2025-lg-gram-laptops-announced#comments">Discuss (3 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">LG Electronics USA (LG) today announced pricing and pre-order availability of its 2025 AI-enabled LG gram lineup, the company's first on-device AI-laptops powered by Intel Core Ultra Series 2 CPUs. Introduced at CES 2025, the new lineup includes the LG gram Pro Z90TP ($1999 to $2399), LG gram Pro Copilot+PC Z90TS ($1849 to $2399), LG gram Pro 2-in-1 T90TP ($1999 to $2399) and LG gram Copilot+PC Z90TL ($1999 to $2399). Leveraging LG's gram AI technology, and cloud AI capabilities powered by GPT-4o, these laptops deliver impressive hybrid AI performance while preserving the LG gram's iconic slim and lightweight design.<br /> <br /> Throughout the duration of the pre-order period (Feb. 24, 2025 to March 23, 2025), customers will receive an LG gram +view IPS portable monitor (349.99 value) at no additional cost and $200 savings on select models. All standard terms of purchase apply.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333036"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333036"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333036"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1440" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333036"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333035"> <h1><a href="/333035/tales-of-the-shire-a-the-lord-of-the-rings-game-delayed-to-july-29" class="newslink">"Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of The Rings Game" Delayed to July 29</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/228819/">T0@st</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T14:13:16+00:00"> Monday, 22:13 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333035/tales-of-the-shire-a-the-lord-of-the-rings-game-delayed-to-july-29#comments">Discuss (5 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Dear Fellow Hobbits, a good Hobbit feast takes time, and so does <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Tales of the Shire</a>! We're taking a little longer to ensure that every Hobbit, on every platform, can enjoy the same cozy experience. The game will now launch on July 29, 2025. We want this game to feel like a warm hug from Middle-earth, and we are making sure that no matter where you play, you'll feel right at home in The Shire. From foot-hair styles to the fluffiest cakes, every detail will be just right.<br /> <br /> We appreciate your patience and cannot wait for you to experience life in The Shire this summer. In the meantime, arrange the table, polish your silver and get ready for a feast fit for a Hobbit! Looking forward to welcoming you to Bywater.<ul><li>From the folks at <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Weta Workshop Game Studio</a></li></ul><div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333035"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333035"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1707" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333035"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333035"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333034"> <h1><a href="/333034/montech-launches-new-hyperflow-silent-all-in-one-liquid-cooler" class="newslink">MONTECH Launches New HyperFlow Silent All-In-One Liquid Cooler</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T14:00:26+00:00"> Monday, 22:00 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333034/montech-launches-new-hyperflow-silent-all-in-one-liquid-cooler#comments">Discuss (8 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">MONTECH proudly presents the HyperFlow Silent, a revolutionary upgrade to our acclaimed HyperFlow series. Designed for users who demand peak performance without compromise, this All-In-One liquid cooler features a minimalist aesthetic by eliminating ARGB lighting, ensuring a clean and professional look. Perfect for competitive gaming and creative workloads, it sets a new standard for silent cooling.<br /> <br /> <b>Whisper-Quiet Innovation for Ultimate Focus</b><br /> HyperFlow Silent redefines quiet computing by minimizing noise to near-invisible levels. Its noise-reducing pump operates at an astonishingly low 28 dBA, quieter than a soft whisper, even at high speeds of 3100 RPM. For gamers or late-night professionals, its innovative fan blades reduce wind noise to just 24 dBA, creating an ideal distraction-free environment.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1074" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333034"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="145" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1041" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333034"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="141" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="960" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333034"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="130" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333030"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="TSMC" /> <h1><a href="/333030/tsmc-reserves-70-of-2025-cowos-l-capacity-for-nvidia" class="newslink">TSMC Reserves 70% of 2025 CoWoS-L Capacity for NVIDIA</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T11:09:44+00:00"> Monday, 19:09 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333030/tsmc-reserves-70-of-2025-cowos-l-capacity-for-nvidia#comments">Discuss (14 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Rumors previously suggested that NVIDIA might scale back its CoWoS orders from TSMC. However, according to a report from <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Economic Daily News</a>, orders for TSMC's advanced packaging have instead seen a surge. NVIDIA's <a href="" target="_blank">Blackwell</a> architecture GPUs are in strong demand, leading the company to secure over 70% of TSMC's CoWoS-L advanced packaging capacity for 2025. Shipment volumes are projected to rise by more than 20% each quarter, with total annual shipments expected to surpass 2 million units.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, following the U.S. announcement of the <a href="" target="_blank">Stargate project</a>—which is anticipated to drive new AI server demand—NVIDIA is reportedly considering placing additional orders with TSMC. During <a href="" target="_blank">TSMC's earnings</a> call in January, Chairman C.C. Wei stated that the company is continuously expanding its advanced packaging capacity to keep pace with customer demand. According to reports, advanced packaging revenue accounted for roughly 8% in 2024 and is projected to exceed 10% in 2025.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1382" data-height="899" data-fancybox="g333030"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="200" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333028"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="QNAP" /> <h1><a href="/333028/qnap-announces-qsw-2104-2t-r2-affordable-4-port-2-5gbe-and-2-port-10gbe-multi-gigabit-switch" class="newslink">QNAP Announces QSW-2104-2T-R2, Affordable 4-port 2.5GbE and 2-Port 10GbE Multi-Gigabit Switch</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T10:20:13+00:00"> Monday, 18:20 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333028/qnap-announces-qsw-2104-2t-r2-affordable-4-port-2-5gbe-and-2-port-10gbe-multi-gigabit-switch#comments">Discuss (13 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">QNAP Systems, Inc., a leading computing, networking, and storage solutions innovator, has released the new 4-port 2.5GbE and 2-port 10GbE Multi-Gigabit (total of 6 ports) unmanaged switch, QSW-2104-2T-R2. With a compact desktop form factor, the QSW-2104-2T-R2 offers excellent heat dissipation, quiet operation, automatic detection, and bandwidth optimization. With the QSW-2104-2T-R2, users can create a stable and efficient network environment on a budget, easily handling high-speed storage, Wi-Fi 6/6E/7, or multimedia workflows demands.<br /> <br /> "When there are multiple network devices with 2.5GbE or higher speeds, connecting to a high-speed switch can enhance overall transmission performance and collaboration productivity," said Ronald Hsu, Product Manager of QNAP, adding "The budget-friendly, easy-to-use QSW-2104-2T-R2 2.5GbE/10GbE switch features Multi-Gig RJ45 ports compatible with existing network cables for users to overcome transmission bottlenecks. The QSW-2104-2T-R2 is a high-speed LAN switch for homes worth investing in for 2025, ideal for gaming, large file transfers, and high-resolution media streaming."<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="800" data-height="420" data-fancybox="g333028"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="248" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1320" data-height="518" data-fancybox="g333028"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="331" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333027"> <h1><a href="/333027/realtek-releases-multi-port-usb4-hub-controller-with-power-delivery-support" class="newslink">Realtek Releases Multi-Port USB4 Hub Controller, with Power Delivery Support</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag pr">Press Release</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/240733/">Nomad76</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T09:44:02+00:00"> Monday, 17:44 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/333027/realtek-releases-multi-port-usb4-hub-controller-with-power-delivery-support#comments">Discuss (11 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Realtek Semiconductor Corp., one of the world's leading network and multimedia IC providers, launched the world's first multi-port USB4 hub controller (RTS5490), integrating USB Type-C/PD functionality and passing USB-IF full certification (TID: 11930).<br /> <br /> Realtek's RTS5490 boasts a revolutionary speed upgrade, increasing the bandwidth from USB 3.2's 20 Gbps to USB4's 40 Gbps. It integrates protocols such as USB 3.2, USB-C, USB PD, PCIe, and DisplayPort while remaining backward compatible with existing USB 3.2 and USB 2.0 devices. With the RTS5490 USB4 hub controller, users can effortlessly expand their computer's ports with just a USB-C cable, offering ultra-fast data transfer, multi-display capabilities, and 240 W rapid charging.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1221" data-height="814" data-fancybox="g333027"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="195" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333025"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="AMD Radeon Graphics" /> <h1><a href="/333025/amd-radeon-rx-9070-and-9070-xt-official-performance-metrics-leaked-42-4k-performance-over-radeon-rx-7900-gre" class="newslink">AMD Radeon RX 9070 and 9070 XT Official Performance Metrics Leaked, +42% 4K Performance Over Radeon RX 7900 GRE</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T09:17:16+00:00"> Monday, 17:17 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333025/amd-radeon-rx-9070-and-9070-xt-official-performance-metrics-leaked-42-4k-performance-over-radeon-rx-7900-gre#comments">Discuss (184 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">AMD's internal benchmarks of its upcoming RDNA 4-based RX 9070 series graphics cards have been leaked, thanks to VideoCardz. The flagship RX 9070 XT delivers up to 42% better performance than the Radeon RX 7900 GRE at 4K resolution across a test suite of over 30 games, with the standard RX 9070 showing a 21% improvement in the same scenario. The performance data, encompassing raster and ray-traced titles at ultra settings, positions the RX 9070 series as a direct competitor to NVIDIA's RTX 4080 and RTX 5070 Ti. Notably, AMD's testing methodology focused on native rendering and ray tracing capabilities rather than upscaling technologies like FSR. The RX 9070 XT demonstrated large gains at 4K resolution, achieving a 51% performance uplift compared to the two-generations older RX 6900 XT. Meanwhile, the base RX 9070 model showed a 38% improvement over the RX 6800 XT at 4K with maximum settings enabled.<br /> <br /> While AMD confirms its new cards are designed to compete with NVIDIA's RTX 50 series, specific comparative benchmarks against the RTX 5070 Ti were absent from the presentation. AMD acknowledges it has yet to acquire the competitor's hardware for testing. The company is expected to provide a comprehensive performance overview, potentially including additional GPU comparisons, during its official announcement on February 28. Both RX 9070 series cards will feature 16 GB of VRAM, matching the memory configuration of the RX 7900 GRE used as a primary comparison point. By the official launch date, AMD will have time to push final driver tweaks for optimal performance. Nonetheless, more information will surface as we near the official release date.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1200" data-height="675" data-fancybox="g333025"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1169" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333025"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="158" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="333024"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="NVIDIA" /> <h1><a href="/333024/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5080-spotted-with-missing-rops-too" class="newslink">NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5080 Spotted with Missing ROPs, Too</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag updated">Updated</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-24T08:40:52+00:00"> Monday, 16:40 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/333024/nvidia-geforce-rtx-5080-spotted-with-missing-rops-too#comments">Discuss (60 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">We previously covered that NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5070 Ti chips were <a href="" target="_blank">spotted with a few missing ROPs</a>. NVIDIA confirmed this issue affects 0.5% of the supply of GeForce RTX 5090 / 5090D and 5070 Ti GPUs, and users should contact their vendors for a replacement. However, the case of missing ROPs is now extended further, with one user on Reddit reporting that his latest GeForce RTX 5080 Founders Edition GPU is reading only 104 ROPs, instead of the regular 112. That is eight missing ROPs—a number similar to eight missing ROPs found on GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5070 Ti. To double-check, the user installed the latest version of NVIDIA drivers and still recorded 104 ROPs only.<br /> <br /> We previously found eight missing ROPs constitute a 4.54% loss in the GPU's raster hardware capability. The GPU's Raster Operations Pipeline (ROP) units handle the final stages of graphics processing—they manage pixel-level operations like blending colors, smoothing edges through antialiasing, writing pixels to texture memory, and ultimately storing the final pixel values in the frame buffer. This differs from shading units (GPU cores), which focus on calculating the colors, lighting effects, and material properties of pixels and vertices during rendering but don't directly work with the frame buffer. The performance loss from missing ROPs will differ from game to game, depending on whether a game heavily relies on ROP-intensive operations. Nonetheless, with GeForce RTX 5080 FE in the picture, we must wait and see if more future SKUs may appear with missing ROPs.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="2076" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333024"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="281" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="826" data-height="960" data-fancybox="g333024"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="112" height="130" alt="" /></a><br /> </div><b>Update Feb 25th</b>: <br /> In response to this discovery, NVIDIA provided the following statement to TechPowerUp<blockquote><small>NVIDIA</small>Upon further investigation, we've identified that an early production build of GeForce RTX 5080 GPUs were also affected by the same issue. Affected consumers can contact the board manufacturer for a replacement.</blockquote></div> </article> <div class="datesep">Sunday, February 23rd 2025</div> <article class="newspost " data-id="332988"> <div class="jsonly newspoll_btn" data-id="332988"></div> <h1><a href="/332988/this-week-in-gaming-week-9" class="newslink">This Week in Gaming (Week 9)</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/3382/">TheLostSwede</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-23T11:28:20+00:00"> Sunday, 19:28 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink " href="/332988/this-week-in-gaming-week-9#comments">Discuss (13 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">Welcome to the last week of February and this week we have a massive AAA release from a popular Capcom franchise that involves a lot of monsters in the wild. The rest of this week is a lot more low-key, with a rhythm platformer, a 2D scroller action ninja game, a co-op horror game, a retro collection which includes no less than 14 games and finally some greens and bunkers. <br /> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"><b>Monster Hunter Wilds</b></a> / This week's AAA release / Friday 28 February<br /> Fulfill your duty as a Hunter by tracking and defeating powerful monsters and forging strong new weapons and armor from the materials you harvest from your hunt as you uncover the connection between the people of the Forbidden Lands and the locales they inhabit. The ultimate hunting experience awaits you in Monster Hunter Wilds. <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"><b>Steam link</b></a><div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332988"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332988"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332988"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1920" data-height="1080" data-fancybox="g332988"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a> </div><div class="readmore"><a href="">Read full story</a></div></div> </article> <div class="datesep">Saturday, February 22nd 2025</div> <article class="newspost " data-id="332944"> <img class="newsicon" src="" srcset=" 125w, 250w" sizes="68px" loading="lazy" alt="" width="68" height="68" title="NVIDIA" /> <h1><a href="/332944/nvidia-investigates-geforce-rtx-50-series-blackwell-black-screen-and-bsod-issues" class="newslink">NVIDIA Investigates GeForce RTX 50 Series "Blackwell" Black Screen and BSOD Issues</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="/forums/members/187454/">AleksandarK</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-22T09:52:15+00:00"> Saturday, 17:52 </time> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <a class="discusslink hotnews" href="/332944/nvidia-investigates-geforce-rtx-50-series-blackwell-black-screen-and-bsod-issues#comments">Discuss (242 Comments)</a> </span> </div> <div class="text p">NVIDIA's problems with its latest flagship RTX 50 series "Blackwell" GPUs continue. First, it was <a href="" target="_blank">melting power cables</a>, then <a href="" target="_blank">stability issues</a>, and recently, the <a href="" target="_blank">case of missing ROPs</a>. Today, we got a confirmation that NVIDIA is investigating users experiencing significant stability problems, with reports of widespread black screen issues and system crashes since the launch of the dedicated <a href="" target="_blank">572 driver branch</a>. Unlike owners of previous generation cards who can roll back to stable drivers, RTX 50 series users are particularly affected as no alternative drivers are available for their hardware. The problems span across the entire RTX 50 lineup, including the 5090, 5080, and newly announced 5070 Ti models. Users have reported issues ranging from display flickering to complete system failures, with some experiencing blue screen of death (BSOD) errors during normal operation. <br /> <br /> The situation is especially problematic when using advanced features like DLSS 4 frame generation. NVIDIA staff member Manuel recently addressed these concerns on the GeForce Forums, confirming that the company is actively investigating the problems. Preliminary investigation suggests the issues might extend beyond driver software, potentially requiring VBIOS updates to resolve the stability problems fully. Some users have found temporary relief by reducing PCIe speeds below Gen 5 or lowering monitor refresh rates to 60 Hz, suggesting potential firmware-level compatibility issues. However, these workarounds are not guaranteed solutions for all affected users. The latest driver update (572.47), which added support for the RTX 5070 Ti, failed to address these critical stability issues, including only a single bug fix related to monitor wake-up from sleep mode. This has left many early adopters of the RTX 50 series frustrated with their premium hardware purchases.<div class="imgcontainer"><a href="" target="_blank" data-width="1070" data-height="601" data-fancybox="g332944"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="231" height="130" alt="" /></a></div></div> </article> <article class="newspost " data-id="332875"> <h1><a href="/332875/godeal24-unveils-february-special-sale-deep-discounts-on-genuine-software" class="newslink">GoDeal24 Unveils February Special Sale: Deep Discounts on Genuine Software</a></h1> <div class="byline"> <span class="flags"> <span class="flag sponsored">Sponsored</span> </span> <span class="byline-item"> by <address><a href="">btarunr</a></address> </span> <span class="byline-item"> <time datetime="2025-02-22T08:11:14+00:00"> Saturday, 16:11 </time> </span> </div> <div class="text p">GoDeal24 is an international merchant of genuine, globally-valid software, out to solve the biggest problem of your IT infrastructure—keeping the software up to date within costs. Get Genuine Windows 11 Pro at just $13.55, and upgrade to the most powerful operating system that's ready for the AI PC of tomorrow. The most advanced productivity suite, Office 2021 Professional Plus, can be had at $35.74. Grab a combo of the two for $47.59. Check out great deals on other editions of Windows and Office, to save even more.<br /> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2021 Professional Plus at $35.74</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2021 Professional Plus 2-PC at $67.25</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2021 Professional Plus 3-PC at $91.50</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2021 Professional Plus 5-PC at $146</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2019 Professional Plus at $25.99</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2019 Professional Plus 2-PC at $49.99</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Office 2016 Professional Plus at $15.29</a><br /> <br /> Please use the coupon code <b>TCP50</b> on the following items to avail the prices you see here.<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy Windows 11 Pro at $13.55</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Buy 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