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US Forest Service Layoffs Leave Safety Projects Delayed, Fire Crews Depleted</span><div class="components-Card-components-CardEditorial1-__CardEditorial1__editorial1_Excerpt">Experts say the layoffs, part of President Trump’s push to reduce the federal government, will leave Californians at greater risk of fire on federal lands.</div><div class="components-Card-components-CardEditorial1-__CardEditorial1__editorial1_Date"><time class="components-DateFormatted-__DateFormatted__dateTime" dateTime="2025-02-21T20:02:16.000Z">Feb 21</time></div></div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardEditorial1-__CardEditorial1__editorial1_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" 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Do Adults Need a Vaccine Booster?</div><div class="components-Card-components-CardMostViewed-__CardMostViewed__mostViewed_Date"><time class="components-DateFormatted-__DateFormatted__dateTime" dateTime="2025-02-21T22:00:17.000Z">Feb 21</time></div></div></div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardMostViewed-__CardMostViewed__mostViewed_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" 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components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1996138/4-tiny-romances-that-are-almost-too-freaky-to-share"></a><div class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_ImageWrap"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="" style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_Icon"><svg class="icon icon-tv-play" width="98px" height="55px" viewBox="0 0 98 55" version="1.1"><title>Icon-TV-Play-Button</title><g id="Design-System-BB4" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id="Design-System-Page-3" transform="translate(-337.000000, -14890.000000)"><g id="Icon-TV-Card-1" transform="translate(337.000000, 14890.000000)"><circle id="Oval" fill="#EC0046" cx="49" cy="28" r="24"></circle><rect id="Rectangle" fill="#EC0046" x="0" y="0" width="98" height="55"></rect><polygon id="Shape-Copy" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero" points="40 38 64 27.5 40 17"></polygon></g></g></g></svg></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_Text">Feb 14<div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_Title">4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share</div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="4 of the Deadliest Tiny Hunters We’ve Ever Filmed" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1995479/4-of-the-deadliest-tiny-hunters-weve-ever-filmed"></a><div class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_ImageWrap"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="" style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_Icon"><svg class="icon icon-tv-play" width="98px" height="55px" viewBox="0 0 98 55" version="1.1"><title>Icon-TV-Play-Button</title><g id="Design-System-BB4" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id="Design-System-Page-3" transform="translate(-337.000000, -14890.000000)"><g id="Icon-TV-Card-1" transform="translate(337.000000, 14890.000000)"><circle id="Oval" fill="#EC0046" cx="49" cy="28" r="24"></circle><rect id="Rectangle" fill="#EC0046" x="0" y="0" width="98" height="55"></rect><polygon id="Shape-Copy" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero" points="40 38 64 27.5 40 17"></polygon></g></g></g></svg></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_Text">Jan 28<div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardVideo2-__CardVideo2__watchNowShowcase_Title">4 of the Deadliest Tiny Hunters We’ve Ever Filmed</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-List-__List__allLinkBottom"><a class=" components-List-__List__list_Button " href="/deeplook">More from Deep Look</a></div></div></div></div><div class="wp-block-funding-credits wp-block"><div class="blocks-v1-FundingCredits-__FundingCredits__fundingCredits_Container"><div class="blocks-v1-FundingCredits-__FundingCredits__fundingCredits"><div class="blocks-v1-FundingCredits-__FundingCredits__fundingCredits_Text"><div class="" title="">KQED’s science coverage is supported by The National Science Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, The Patrick McGovern Foundation, Campaign 21 and the members of KQED.</div><img class="blocks-v1-FundingCredits-__FundingCredits__fundingCredits_Image" src="" alt="National Science Foundation" loading="lazy"/></div></div></div></div><div class="wp-block-post-list wp-block undefined"><div class="container blocks-v1-PostList-__PostList__container"><div class="components-List-__List__list__cardTextHeavyLarge"><h2 class="components-List-ListTitle-__ListTitle__title__subsection"><span class="components-List-ListTitle-__ListTitle__title_Link">More Science</span></h2><div class="components-List-__List__list_Cards"><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1996138/4-tiny-romances-that-are-almost-too-freaky-to-share"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="" style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Text"><h3 class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Title">4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share</h3><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Excerpt">Praying mantises, barnacles, newts and earthworms have some of the strangest love lives.</div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" fill="#636363" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><polygon class="color" fill="#fff" points="17 18 12 15.8 7 18 7 5 17 5"></polygon></g></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="Map: Current PG&E Power Outages in Northern California" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1950931/map-pge-power-outages"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="A worker in a cherry picker cuts a power line, with a gray sky in the background." style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Text"><h3 class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Title">Map: Current PG&E Power Outages in Northern California</h3><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Excerpt">A map of the latest power outages in the Bay Area and beyond, displayed by incident and outage area, and per county.</div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" fill="#636363" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><polygon class="color" fill="#fff" points="17 18 12 15.8 7 18 7 5 17 5"></polygon></g></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1996145/sf-dumps-millions-of-gallons-of-sewage-during-big-storms-surfers-say-that-needs-to-stop"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="A person in a full body wetsuit, with hood, holding a surfboard under his arm, walks into the ocean." style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Text"><h3 class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Title">SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop</h3><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Excerpt">Atmospheric rivers almost guarantee that San Francisco, with its sewage system, will dump millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. That’s a big deal for surfers who love the giant waves that the storms create.</div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" fill="#636363" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><polygon class="color" fill="#fff" points="17 18 12 15.8 7 18 7 5 17 5"></polygon></g></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="Best Bay Area Hikes for Spotting Banana Slugs, Newts and Ladybugs After the Rain" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1996099/best-bay-area-hikes-for-spotting-banana-slugs-newts-and-ladybugs-after-the-rain"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="A portrait of a male newt." style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Text"><h3 class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Title">Best Bay Area Hikes for Spotting Banana Slugs, Newts and Ladybugs After the Rain</h3><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Excerpt">When the Bay Area weather turns to rain, there's a silver lining after: You'll be able to see these crawlers from the hiking trail.</div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" fill="#636363" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><polygon class="color" fill="#fff" points="17 18 12 15.8 7 18 7 5 17 5"></polygon></g></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="How These Former Wildfire Survivors Are Supporting Victims of the LA Blazes" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1996110/how-these-former-wildfire-survivors-are-supporting-victims-of-the-la-blazes"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="A couple holds each other while looking at a burned-down building." style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Text"><h3 class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Title">How These Former Wildfire Survivors Are Supporting Victims of the LA Blazes</h3><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Excerpt">No one asks to join the club of extreme weather survivors, but being a member makes you uniquely suited to helping others. The nonprofit Extreme Weather Survivors links veteran survivors with the newest ranks.</div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" fill="#636363" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><polygon class="color" fill="#fff" points="17 18 12 15.8 7 18 7 5 17 5"></polygon></g></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="At Hidden Tahoe Lab, Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1995954/at-hidden-tahoe-lab-scientists-learn-the-art-of-measuring-snow"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer components-Image-__Image__imageContainer__overlay"><img src="" alt="" style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Text"><h3 class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Title">At Hidden Tahoe Lab, Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow</h3><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Excerpt">Scientists attending a recent snow school at the Sierra Snow Lab join a rich tradition of data gathering that has huge implications for California’s water supply.</div><div class="components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticleWrap components-Card-components-components-CardSavePost-__CardSavePost__CardSavePost components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Save "><div class=" components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle__unsaved "><a href="#" tabindex="0"><svg class="icon components-SavePost-__SavePost__saveArticle_Icon" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns=""><title>Save Article</title><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon><path class="color" d="M19,3 L5,3 L5,21 L12,18 L19,21 L19,3 Z M17,18 L12,15.8 L7,18 L7,5 L17,5 L17,18 Z" fill="#636363" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><polygon class="color" fill="#fff" points="17 18 12 15.8 7 18 7 5 17 5"></polygon></g></svg></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:relative"><div class="components-GlideIn-__GlideIn__glide"><div class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper kqed_hover_wrapper undefined "><a title="PG&E Wants to Pull the Plug on Electrification Project at CSU Monterey Bay" class=" components-Card-components-components-CardWrapper-__CardWrapper__wrapper_Link undefined " target="_self" href="/science/1995529/this-project-is-a-win-for-the-climate-and-ratepayers-why-is-pge-pulling-the-plug"></a><div tabindex="-1" class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy__large"><div class="components-Card-components-CardTextHeavy-__CardTextHeavy__textHeavy_Image"><div class="components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__image_Wrap components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-16x9 components-Card-components-components-CardImage-__CardImage__ratio-4x3-mobile"><div 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Her work can also be heard on NPR, \u003cem>Here & Now, \u003c/em>and PRI. Before working in audio, she taught, leading groups of students abroad. One of her favorite jobs was teaching on the Thai-Burmese border, working with immigrants and refugees.\r\n\r\nLaura has won three Northern California Area Emmys along with her Deep Look colleagues. She's won the North Gate Award for Excellence in Audio Reporting and the Gobind Behari Lal Award for a radio documentary about adults with imaginary friends. She's a fellowship junkie, completing the USC Center for Health Journalism's California Fellowship, UC Berkeley's Human Rights Fellowship and the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs. Laura has a master’s in journalism from UC Berkeley and a master’s in education from Harvard.\r\n\r\nShe likes to eat chocolate for breakfast. She's also open to eating it all day long.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "lauraklivans", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "stateofhealth", "roles": [ "contributor", "editor" ] }, { "site": "science", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "forum", "roles": [ "editor" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Laura Klivans | KQED", "description": "Reporter and Host", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/lklivans" }, "ebaldassari": { "type": "authors", "id": "11652", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11652", "found": true }, "name": "Erin Baldassari", "firstName": "Erin", "lastName": "Baldassari", "slug": "ebaldassari", "email": "", "display_author_email": true, "staff_mastheads": [ "news" ], "title": "Staff Writer", "bio": "Erin Baldassari covers housing for KQED. She's a former print journalist and most recently worked as the transportation reporter for the \u003cem>Mercury News\u003c/em> and \u003cem>East Bay Times. \u003c/em>There, she focused on how the Bay Area’s housing shortage has changed the way people move around the region. She also served on the \u003cem>East Bay Times\u003c/em>’ 2017 Pulitzer Prize-winning team for coverage of the Ghost Ship Fire in Oakland. Prior to that, Erin worked as a breaking news and general assignment reporter for a variety of outlets in the Bay Area and the greater Boston area. A Tufts University alumna, Erin grew up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains and in Sonoma County. She is a life-long KQED listener.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "e_baldi", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "news", "roles": [ "edit_others_posts", "editor" ] }, { "site": "science", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "liveblog", "roles": [ "editor" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Erin Baldassari | KQED", "description": "Staff Writer", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/ebaldassari" }, "abandlamudi": { "type": "authors", "id": "11672", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11672", "found": true }, "name": "Adhiti Bandlamudi", "firstName": "Adhiti", "lastName": "Bandlamudi", "slug": "abandlamudi", "email": "", "display_author_email": false, "staff_mastheads": [ "news" ], "title": "KQED Housing Reporter", "bio": "Adhiti Bandlamudi reports for KQED's Housing desk. She focuses on how housing gets built across the Bay Area. Before joining KQED in 2020, she reported for WUNC in Durham, North Carolina, WABE in Atlanta, Georgia and Capital Public Radio in Sacramento. In 2017, she was awarded a Kroc Fellowship at NPR where she reported on everything from sprinkles to the Golden State Killer's arrest. When she's not reporting, she's baking new recipes in her kitchen or watching movies with friends and family. She's originally from Georgia and has strong opinions about Great British Bake Off.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "oddity_adhiti", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "arts", "roles": [ "author" ] }, { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "liveblog", "roles": [ "author" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Adhiti Bandlamudi | KQED", "description": "KQED Housing Reporter", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/abandlamudi" }, "eromero": { "type": "authors", "id": "11746", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11746", "found": true }, "name": "Ezra David Romero", "firstName": "Ezra David", "lastName": "Romero", "slug": "eromero", "email": "", "display_author_email": true, "staff_mastheads": [ "news", "science" ], "title": "Climate Reporter", "bio": "Ezra David Romero is a climate reporter for KQED News. He covers the absence and excess of water in the Bay Area — think sea level rise, flooding and drought. For nearly a decade he’s covered how warming temperatures are altering the lives of Californians. He’s reported on farmers worried their pistachio trees aren’t getting enough sleep, families desperate for water, scientists studying dying giant sequoias, and alongside firefighters containing wildfires. His work has appeared on local stations across California and nationally on public radio shows like Morning Edition, Here and Now, All Things Considered and Science Friday. ", "avatar": "", "twitter": "ezraromero", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "science", "roles": [ "editor" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Ezra David Romero | KQED", "description": "Climate Reporter", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/eromero" }, "jgeha": { "type": "authors", "id": "11906", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11906", "found": true }, "name": "Joseph Geha", "firstName": "Joseph", "lastName": "Geha", "slug": "jgeha", "email": "", "display_author_email": false, "staff_mastheads": [ "news", "science" ], "title": "KQED Contributor", "bio": null, "avatar": "", "twitter": null, "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "liveblog", "roles": [ "author" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Joseph Geha | KQED", "description": "KQED Contributor", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/jgeha" }, "smohamad": { "type": "authors", "id": "11631", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11631", "found": true }, "name": "Sarah Mohamad", "firstName": "Sarah", "lastName": "Mohamad", "slug": "smohamad", "email": "", "display_author_email": true, "staff_mastheads": [], "title": "Engagement Producer and Reporter, KQED Science", "bio": "Sarah Mohamad is an engagement producer and reporter for KQED's digital engagement team. She leads social media, newsletter, and engagement efforts for KQED Science content. Prior to this role, she played a key role as project manager for NSF's \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Cracking the Code: Influencing Millennial Science Engagement\u003c/em> \u003c/a>audience research. Prior to joining KQED Science, Sarah worked in a brand new role as Digital Marketing Strategist at WPSU Penn State.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "sarahkmohamad", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "arts", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "about", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "science", "roles": [ "editor" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Sarah Mohamad | KQED", "description": "Engagement Producer and Reporter, KQED Science", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/smohamad" }, "byline_science_1995393": { "type": "authors", "id": "byline_science_1995393", "meta": { "override": true }, "slug": "byline_science_1995393", "name": "\u003ca href=\"\">Kathleen Masterson\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Andrea Muraskin\u003c/a>, NPR", "isLoading": false }, "byline_science_1995206": { "type": "authors", "id": "byline_science_1995206", "meta": { "override": true }, "slug": "byline_science_1995206", "name": "Samantha Putterman, Politifact", "isLoading": false }, "gabriela-quiros": { "type": "authors", "id": "6186", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "6186", "found": true }, "name": "Gabriela Quirós", "firstName": "Gabriela", "lastName": "Quirós", "slug": "gabriela-quiros", "email": "", "display_author_email": false, "staff_mastheads": [ "science" ], "title": "Supervising Producer", "bio": "Gabriela Quirós is the \u003cstrong>supervising producer for KQED's web science video series \u003ca href=\"\">Deep Look\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>. She joined KQED as a TV producer when its science series QUEST started in 2006 and has covered everything from Alzheimer’s to bee die-offs to dark energy.\r\n\r\nShe won a 2022 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award with a team of her Deep Look colleagues. She has won six regional Emmys as a video producer and has shared eight more as the coordinating producer of Deep Look. The episode she produced about \u003ca href=\"\">How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood\u003c/a> won a Webby \"People's Voice\" award. She has also earned awards from the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, the Society of Professional Journalists and the Society of Environmental Journalists.\r\n\r\nHer videos for KQED have also aired on NOVA scienceNOW and the PBS NewsHour, and appeared on\r\n\r\nAs an independent filmmaker, she produced and directed the hour-long documentary \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Beautiful Sin\u003c/em>\u003c/a>, about the surprising story of how Costa Rica became the only country in the world to outlaw in vitro fertilization. The film aired in 2015 on public television stations throughout the U.S., and in Costa Rica.\r\n\r\nShe started her journalism career as a newspaper reporter in Costa Rica, where she grew up. She won the National Science Journalism Award there for a series of articles about organic agriculture, and developed a life-long interest in health reporting. She moved to the Bay Area in 1996 to study documentary filmmaking at the University of California, Berkeley, where she received master’s degrees in journalism and Latin American studies.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "gabrielaquirosr", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "news", "roles": [] }, { "site": "science", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "quest", "roles": [ "editor", "ef_view_calendar", "ef_view_story_budget" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Gabriela Quirós | KQED", "description": "Supervising Producer", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/gabriela-quiros" } }, "breakingNewsReducer": {}, "campaignFinanceReducer": {}, "pagesReducer": { "root-site_kqedscience": { "type": "pages", "id": "root-site_22017", "meta": { "index": "pages_1716337520", "site": "root-site", "id": "22017", "score": 0 }, "slug": "kqedscience", "title": "Science", "headTitle": "Science | KQED", "pagePath": "kqedscience", "pageMeta": { 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"stream_kqedNewscast", "audioUrl": "", "title": "KQED Newscast", "featImg": "", "label": { "name": "88.5 FM", "link": "/" } }, "news_12027914": { "type": "posts", "id": "news_12027914", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "news", "id": "12027914", "score": null, "sort": [ 1740168136000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "wide-us-forest-service-layoffs-leave-safety-projects-delayed-fire-crews-depleted", "title": "Wide US Forest Service Layoffs Leave Safety Projects Delayed, Fire Crews Depleted", "publishDate": 1740168136, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "Wide US Forest Service Layoffs Leave Safety Projects Delayed, Fire Crews Depleted | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "news" }, "content": "\u003cp>Biologists, trail builders, maintenance workers, foresters, mapping experts — these are all examples of positions that have been terminated in widespread layoffs affecting U.S. Forest Service employees.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A spokesperson with the U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed to \u003ca href=\"\">NPR and Oregon Public Broadcasting\u003c/a> that 2,000 mostly probationary workers were fired in the Forest Service, though\u003ca href=\"\"> the union representing\u003c/a> them estimates 3,400 are being laid off. Some workers were told low performance was the grounds for their dismissal despite receiving excellent performance reviews, according to \u003ca href=\"\">documents seen by Reuters\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These layoffs, experts said, leave Californians at greater \u003ca href=\"\">risk of fire on federal lands\u003c/a> and will delay mitigation projects designed to protect communities.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Riva Duncan, a longtime Forest Service manager and fire chief who is now retired, said there was “no doubt” communities near federal lands would be less prepared going into the 2025 fire season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The firing of thousands of federal workers is part of the Trump administration’s plan to dramatically \u003ca href=\"\">scale back the size of the federal government\u003c/a>. The orders were meant to exclude firefighters, but many of those Forest Service workers who were laid off were trained and qualified in wildland firefighting and would step in as backup firefighters on crews or engines when fires got intense and resources were stretched thin, providing surge capacity. If firefighting units — such as an engine or the elite ground crews known as hotshots — are not fully staffed, they can’t be assigned to a fire.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_11990788\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 1920px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-11990788\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1281\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A U.S. Forest Service firefighter sets a controlled burn as the Post Fire burns through Castaic, California, on June 16, 2024. \u003ccite>(DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“They are instrumental in providing fire support to the crews,” said Duncan, who is now vice president of Grassroots Wildland Firefighters, an advocacy group for federal firefighters. “But also, if their own forest or national park has fires any time of the year, that’s who’s there. So those are the people who help them out on their local units when there’s a fire or prescribed burn.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In addition to the effect on fire response, Duncan said, mitigation work that is done ahead of fires will also be slowed. Projects like fire breaks, vegetation removal or \u003ca href=\"\">prescribed burning\u003c/a> can save lives and homes when a fire breaks out, but they must be done legally.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The agencies have to go through the environmental analysis process dictated by law,” Duncan said. “And a lot of these folks are the ones doing that work — the archeologists, for example. And so they’re doing all that planning before a match hits the ground or a chipper starts chipping. We don’t know who’s going to be able to do that work [now].”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During the Los Angeles firestorm of early January, Elon Musk blamed the destruction of homes in part on the lack of fire breaks and brush clearing in messages posted on his social media platform X.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[aside postID=news_12021125 hero='']\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>President Trump has said Musk is in \u003ca href=\"\">charge of the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE — the newly created initiative leading the push to do away with large swaths of the federal government —\u003c/a> though White House court filings have said he is an advisor with no power to make decisions.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Forest Service biologist Ben Vizzachero was one of those professionals who helped get mitigation projects done, indirectly, who no longer has a job. He learned first via a phone call from his supervisor that his job would be cut as part of DOGE’s trimming effort.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“A big part of my work was making sure a project complied with the law,” said Vizzachero, who was recently hired at the Los Padres National Forest and was still in the agency’s one-year probationary period.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Biology can be the bottleneck preventing projects from going forward,” Vizzachero said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He had been working on several community wildfire protection plans designed to foresee and mitigate fire risk, including plans for Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Monterey. He handed that work over to a biologist on staff who still has their job but who already had a full plate of other projects. The result, he said, is that the plan will move slower.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Vizzachero said he was drawn to a career in public service because it’s a way to help people and the natural world. Personal stories from other federal workers have echoed this sentiment.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_11954241\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-11954241\" src=\"\" alt=\"A Forest Service crew feeds foliage into a wood chipper in the woods.\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1707\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">US Forest Service crew members put tree branches into a wood chipper as they prepare the area for a prescribed burn in the Tahoe National Forest on June 6, 2023, near Downieville, Sierra County. \u003ccite>(Godofredo A. Vásquez/AP)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“Ultimately,” he said, “this is not about me. Our public lands, our forests, is what makes America great. Our [public lands] system has been a model across the world.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The layoffs will leave communities and forests at greater risk of fire and will make it harder for the public to enjoy their own outdoors. Vizzachero noted that even the relatively low-paid workers who emptied trash cans and cleaned up campgrounds had been fired.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Another concern for the fire season is that hiring has been put on pause for permanent and seasonal positions, although the Forest Service signaled that seasonal hiring will be allowed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Jackie Rappaport, a firefighter volunteering in Yosemite National Park, hoped to get hired into either a seasonal or permanent position.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“They got word today seasonal positions got approved, which is great,” Rappaport said, speaking on Thursday from the site of a pile burn in Foresta, north of El Portal. “But the [permanent positions] are still up in the air and nobody has any idea.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some of the applicants for seasonal positions might not be able to accept their positions, she noted, because they applied many months ago for these jobs and may have taken other ones.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Even if they get every seasonal [position filled] here, there’s pretty large staffing issues,” she said, estimating there were a dozen permanent positions open.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“So the engines still can’t operate at the level they’re supposed to be able to because there’s no one filling those roles,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R–Richvale) did not respond to an inquiry about how the layoffs could affect safety in his district. LaMalfa represents an area of far Northern California that has been affected by some of the worst fires in the state, including the Camp Fire and the Dixie Fire.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Experts say the layoffs, part of President Trump’s push to reduce the federal government, will leave Californians at greater risk of fire on federal lands.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1740183106, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 27, "wordCount": 1145 }, "headData": { "title": "Wide US Forest Service Layoffs Leave Safety Projects Delayed, Fire Crews Depleted | KQED", "description": "Experts say the layoffs, part of President Trump’s push to reduce the federal government, will leave Californians at greater risk of fire on federal lands.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "Wide US Forest Service Layoffs Leave Safety Projects Delayed, Fire Crews Depleted", "datePublished": "2025-02-21T12:02:16-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-21T16:11:46-08:00", "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": "True", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "@id": "", "name": "KQED", "url": "", "logo": "" } } }, "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-12027914", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/news/12027914/wide-us-forest-service-layoffs-leave-safety-projects-delayed-fire-crews-depleted", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>Biologists, trail builders, maintenance workers, foresters, mapping experts — these are all examples of positions that have been terminated in widespread layoffs affecting U.S. Forest Service employees.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A spokesperson with the U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed to \u003ca href=\"\">NPR and Oregon Public Broadcasting\u003c/a> that 2,000 mostly probationary workers were fired in the Forest Service, though\u003ca href=\"\"> the union representing\u003c/a> them estimates 3,400 are being laid off. Some workers were told low performance was the grounds for their dismissal despite receiving excellent performance reviews, according to \u003ca href=\"\">documents seen by Reuters\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These layoffs, experts said, leave Californians at greater \u003ca href=\"\">risk of fire on federal lands\u003c/a> and will delay mitigation projects designed to protect communities.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Riva Duncan, a longtime Forest Service manager and fire chief who is now retired, said there was “no doubt” communities near federal lands would be less prepared going into the 2025 fire season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The firing of thousands of federal workers is part of the Trump administration’s plan to dramatically \u003ca href=\"\">scale back the size of the federal government\u003c/a>. The orders were meant to exclude firefighters, but many of those Forest Service workers who were laid off were trained and qualified in wildland firefighting and would step in as backup firefighters on crews or engines when fires got intense and resources were stretched thin, providing surge capacity. If firefighting units — such as an engine or the elite ground crews known as hotshots — are not fully staffed, they can’t be assigned to a fire.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_11990788\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 1920px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-11990788\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1281\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A U.S. Forest Service firefighter sets a controlled burn as the Post Fire burns through Castaic, California, on June 16, 2024. \u003ccite>(DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“They are instrumental in providing fire support to the crews,” said Duncan, who is now vice president of Grassroots Wildland Firefighters, an advocacy group for federal firefighters. “But also, if their own forest or national park has fires any time of the year, that’s who’s there. So those are the people who help them out on their local units when there’s a fire or prescribed burn.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In addition to the effect on fire response, Duncan said, mitigation work that is done ahead of fires will also be slowed. Projects like fire breaks, vegetation removal or \u003ca href=\"\">prescribed burning\u003c/a> can save lives and homes when a fire breaks out, but they must be done legally.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The agencies have to go through the environmental analysis process dictated by law,” Duncan said. “And a lot of these folks are the ones doing that work — the archeologists, for example. And so they’re doing all that planning before a match hits the ground or a chipper starts chipping. We don’t know who’s going to be able to do that work [now].”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During the Los Angeles firestorm of early January, Elon Musk blamed the destruction of homes in part on the lack of fire breaks and brush clearing in messages posted on his social media platform X.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "postid": "news_12021125", "hero": "", "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>President Trump has said Musk is in \u003ca href=\"\">charge of the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE — the newly created initiative leading the push to do away with large swaths of the federal government —\u003c/a> though White House court filings have said he is an advisor with no power to make decisions.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Forest Service biologist Ben Vizzachero was one of those professionals who helped get mitigation projects done, indirectly, who no longer has a job. He learned first via a phone call from his supervisor that his job would be cut as part of DOGE’s trimming effort.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“A big part of my work was making sure a project complied with the law,” said Vizzachero, who was recently hired at the Los Padres National Forest and was still in the agency’s one-year probationary period.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Biology can be the bottleneck preventing projects from going forward,” Vizzachero said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He had been working on several community wildfire protection plans designed to foresee and mitigate fire risk, including plans for Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Monterey. He handed that work over to a biologist on staff who still has their job but who already had a full plate of other projects. The result, he said, is that the plan will move slower.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Vizzachero said he was drawn to a career in public service because it’s a way to help people and the natural world. Personal stories from other federal workers have echoed this sentiment.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_11954241\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-11954241\" src=\"\" alt=\"A Forest Service crew feeds foliage into a wood chipper in the woods.\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1707\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">US Forest Service crew members put tree branches into a wood chipper as they prepare the area for a prescribed burn in the Tahoe National Forest on June 6, 2023, near Downieville, Sierra County. \u003ccite>(Godofredo A. Vásquez/AP)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“Ultimately,” he said, “this is not about me. Our public lands, our forests, is what makes America great. Our [public lands] system has been a model across the world.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The layoffs will leave communities and forests at greater risk of fire and will make it harder for the public to enjoy their own outdoors. Vizzachero noted that even the relatively low-paid workers who emptied trash cans and cleaned up campgrounds had been fired.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Another concern for the fire season is that hiring has been put on pause for permanent and seasonal positions, although the Forest Service signaled that seasonal hiring will be allowed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Jackie Rappaport, a firefighter volunteering in Yosemite National Park, hoped to get hired into either a seasonal or permanent position.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“They got word today seasonal positions got approved, which is great,” Rappaport said, speaking on Thursday from the site of a pile burn in Foresta, north of El Portal. “But the [permanent positions] are still up in the air and nobody has any idea.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some of the applicants for seasonal positions might not be able to accept their positions, she noted, because they applied many months ago for these jobs and may have taken other ones.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Even if they get every seasonal [position filled] here, there’s pretty large staffing issues,” she said, estimating there were a dozen permanent positions open.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“So the engines still can’t operate at the level they’re supposed to be able to because there’s no one filling those roles,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R–Richvale) did not respond to an inquiry about how the layoffs could affect safety in his district. LaMalfa represents an area of far Northern California that has been affected by some of the worst fires in the state, including the Camp Fire and the Dixie Fire.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/news/12027914/wide-us-forest-service-layoffs-leave-safety-projects-delayed-fire-crews-depleted", "authors": [ "11088" ], "categories": [ "news_31795", "news_34551", "news_8", "news_13" ], "tags": [ "news_18538", "news_24345", "news_1323", "news_20466", "news_27626", "news_34377", "news_28199", "news_34974", "news_23932", "news_19904", "news_352", "news_2715", "news_17968", "news_20792" ], "featImg": "news_12027921", "label": "news" }, "news_12028139": { "type": "posts", "id": "news_12028139", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "news", "id": "12028139", "score": null, "sort": [ 1740175217000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "measles-cases-are-rising-nationwide-do-adults-need-a-vaccine-booster", "title": "Measles Cases Are Rising Nationwide. Do Adults Need a Vaccine Booster?", "publishDate": 1740175217, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "Measles Cases Are Rising Nationwide. Do Adults Need a Vaccine Booster? | KQED", "labelTerm": { "term": 253, "site": "news" }, "content": "\u003cp>A measles outbreak in West Texas is continuing to spread. And with kindergarten vaccination rates dipping across the country, \u003ca href=\"\">more communities may be at risk of outbreaks.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But it’s not just kids who should be vaccinated. Infectious disease experts say some adults may need to get revaccinated, too.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Measles can spread incredibly fast — it’s \u003ca href=\"\">one of the world’s most contagious diseases\u003c/a>, more than flu, polio, COVID-19 or just about any other infectious disease.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">Dr. Paul Offit,\u003c/a> director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, notes that just last week, West Texas was reporting 14 cases. This week, it’s \u003ca href=\"\">up to 90 cases\u003c/a>. “It’s very hard to control measles,” he says.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The best defense against measles is vaccination. The vast majority of people getting sick in Texas are unvaccinated. And the measles vaccine is both safe and highly effective, says \u003ca href=\"\">Dr. William Schaffner\u003c/a>, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If you have been vaccinated with two doses of vaccine as per routine, you have a 95-plus percent chance of being completely protected throughout your life,” Schaffner says.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But public health experts say there are some adults who should consider getting revaccinated. That includes older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That’s because early versions of the measles vaccine were made from an inactivated (killed) virus, which didn’t work particularly well, Offit says. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention \u003ca href=\"\">recommends that anyone vaccinated before 1968\u003c/a> get at least one dose of the live attenuated vaccine.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Before the first measles vaccines were developed in the 1960s, nearly everyone got the disease during childhood. So, people born before 1957 are assumed to have natural immunity.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Schaffner says if you’re not sure of your immunity or vaccination status, there’s no harm in getting a shot.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If you were vaccinated between 1968 and 1989, you likely received just one dose of the measles vaccine instead of the two doses that are standard today. One dose alone is highly effective, and for most people, it provides more than enough protection, says Dr. Adam Ratner, a pediatric infectious disease specialist in New York City and \u003ca href=\"\">author of \u003cem>Booster Shots\u003c/em>, a book on the history of measles.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>However, Ratner says there are several situations in which the CDC recommends an additional dose of measles vaccine for \u003ca href=\"\">adults who are considered at high risk\u003c/a>. That includes people who are in college settings, work in health care, live or are in close contact with immunocompromised people or are traveling internationally.[aside label='Related Coverage' tag='measles']“If you’re traveling somewhere where there’s an active outbreak, and you’re not sure that you got two doses, it may not be crazy to get a second dose,” Ratner says.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And if you live in a community that is experiencing a measles outbreak, your local or state health department may recommend a second dose for adults.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s worthwhile to make sure you’re protected because adults over 20 are more likely to develop \u003ca href=\",low%2Dbirth%2Dweight%20baby.\">complications from measles\u003c/a>, which can include pneumonia and brain swelling.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And measles \u003ca href=\"\">can also be dangerous — if not deadly — for children.\u003c/a> As many as 1 in 20 kids with measles will get pneumonia, and 1 out of 1,000 will develop encephalitis or brain swelling — which can \u003ca href=\",low%2Dbirth%2Dweight%20baby.\">lead to death or cause deafness or intellectual disabilities\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Nationwide, kindergarten vaccination rates have fallen below the 95% threshold that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is needed to prevent community outbreaks. In some parts of the U.S., rates are far lower. \u003ca href=\"\">That includes Gaines County\u003c/a>, Texas, the epicenter of the state’s outbreak, where the vaccination rate is only at about 80%.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Offit says vaccination is the best way to protect children.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I lived through the 1991 Philadelphia measles epidemic, where there were 1,400 cases and nine deaths over a period of three months,” he says. “So I’ve seen children suffer needlessly because of the choice not to get a vaccine. So, please vaccinate your children.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Public health experts say some adults should consider getting revaccinated, particularly older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1740166823, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 20, "wordCount": 735 }, "headData": { "title": "Measles Cases Are Rising Nationwide. Do Adults Need a Vaccine Booster? | KQED", "description": "Public health experts say some adults should consider getting revaccinated, particularly older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "Measles Cases Are Rising Nationwide. Do Adults Need a Vaccine Booster?", "datePublished": "2025-02-21T14:00:17-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-21T11:40:23-08:00", "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": "True", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "@id": "", "name": "KQED", "url": "", "logo": "" } } }, "sticky": false, "nprByline": "\u003ca href=\"\">Maria Godoy\u003c/a>, NPR", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "showOnAuthorArchivePages": "No", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/news/12028139/measles-cases-are-rising-nationwide-do-adults-need-a-vaccine-booster", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>A measles outbreak in West Texas is continuing to spread. And with kindergarten vaccination rates dipping across the country, \u003ca href=\"\">more communities may be at risk of outbreaks.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But it’s not just kids who should be vaccinated. Infectious disease experts say some adults may need to get revaccinated, too.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Measles can spread incredibly fast — it’s \u003ca href=\"\">one of the world’s most contagious diseases\u003c/a>, more than flu, polio, COVID-19 or just about any other infectious disease.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">Dr. Paul Offit,\u003c/a> director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, notes that just last week, West Texas was reporting 14 cases. This week, it’s \u003ca href=\"\">up to 90 cases\u003c/a>. “It’s very hard to control measles,” he says.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The best defense against measles is vaccination. The vast majority of people getting sick in Texas are unvaccinated. And the measles vaccine is both safe and highly effective, says \u003ca href=\"\">Dr. William Schaffner\u003c/a>, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If you have been vaccinated with two doses of vaccine as per routine, you have a 95-plus percent chance of being completely protected throughout your life,” Schaffner says.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But public health experts say there are some adults who should consider getting revaccinated. That includes older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That’s because early versions of the measles vaccine were made from an inactivated (killed) virus, which didn’t work particularly well, Offit says. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention \u003ca href=\"\">recommends that anyone vaccinated before 1968\u003c/a> get at least one dose of the live attenuated vaccine.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Before the first measles vaccines were developed in the 1960s, nearly everyone got the disease during childhood. So, people born before 1957 are assumed to have natural immunity.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Schaffner says if you’re not sure of your immunity or vaccination status, there’s no harm in getting a shot.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If you were vaccinated between 1968 and 1989, you likely received just one dose of the measles vaccine instead of the two doses that are standard today. One dose alone is highly effective, and for most people, it provides more than enough protection, says Dr. Adam Ratner, a pediatric infectious disease specialist in New York City and \u003ca href=\"\">author of \u003cem>Booster Shots\u003c/em>, a book on the history of measles.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>However, Ratner says there are several situations in which the CDC recommends an additional dose of measles vaccine for \u003ca href=\"\">adults who are considered at high risk\u003c/a>. That includes people who are in college settings, work in health care, live or are in close contact with immunocompromised people or are traveling internationally.\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "Related Coverage ", "tag": "measles" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>“If you’re traveling somewhere where there’s an active outbreak, and you’re not sure that you got two doses, it may not be crazy to get a second dose,” Ratner says.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And if you live in a community that is experiencing a measles outbreak, your local or state health department may recommend a second dose for adults.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s worthwhile to make sure you’re protected because adults over 20 are more likely to develop \u003ca href=\",low%2Dbirth%2Dweight%20baby.\">complications from measles\u003c/a>, which can include pneumonia and brain swelling.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And measles \u003ca href=\"\">can also be dangerous — if not deadly — for children.\u003c/a> As many as 1 in 20 kids with measles will get pneumonia, and 1 out of 1,000 will develop encephalitis or brain swelling — which can \u003ca href=\",low%2Dbirth%2Dweight%20baby.\">lead to death or cause deafness or intellectual disabilities\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Nationwide, kindergarten vaccination rates have fallen below the 95% threshold that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is needed to prevent community outbreaks. In some parts of the U.S., rates are far lower. \u003ca href=\"\">That includes Gaines County\u003c/a>, Texas, the epicenter of the state’s outbreak, where the vaccination rate is only at about 80%.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Offit says vaccination is the best way to protect children.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I lived through the 1991 Philadelphia measles epidemic, where there were 1,400 cases and nine deaths over a period of three months,” he says. “So I’ve seen children suffer needlessly because of the choice not to get a vaccine. So, please vaccinate your children.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/news/12028139/measles-cases-are-rising-nationwide-do-adults-need-a-vaccine-booster", "authors": [ "byline_news_12028139" ], "categories": [ "news_457", "news_8", "news_356" ], "tags": [ "news_23099", "news_25537", "news_18543", "news_17604", "news_3187", "news_3228", "news_981" ], "affiliates": [ "news_253" ], "featImg": "news_12028140", "label": "news_253" }, "news_12027875": { "type": "posts", "id": "news_12027875", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "news", "id": "12027875", "score": null, "sort": [ 1740096055000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "san-jose-floodwalls-should-shield-neighborhoods-against-20-year-flood", "title": "These San José Floodwalls Should Shield Neighborhoods Against a 20-Year Flood", "publishDate": 1740096055, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "These San José Floodwalls Should Shield Neighborhoods Against a 20-Year Flood | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "news" }, "content": "\u003cp>Nearly eight years to the day after \u003ca href=\"\">major flooding displaced thousands in San José\u003c/a>, officials on Thursday celebrated the completion of almost 9,000 feet of new floodwalls to help shield neighborhoods.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>South Bay leaders stood inside a newly enclosed patch of land in the city’s Olinder-McKinley neighborhood, highlighting one of seven areas between Highway 280 and Old Oakland Road that are now equipped with 10-foot steel walls, many encased in concrete.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Eight years ago, residents of this neighborhood had to rush to leave their homes during the worst flooding in this area experienced since 1997,” Richard Santos, the vice chair of the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Board of Directors, said during Thursday’s gathering. “This was a devastated area.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The height and strength of the new barriers are meant to hold back heavy water flows during a 20-year flood event, a term used to refer to an intense flood that could happen once every 20 years or has a roughly 5% chance of happening in any given year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The walls represent the first phase of Valley Water’s Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project, which will ultimately cover several points across an eight-mile stretch along the creek between Montague Expressway and Tully Road in San José.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12028007\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12028007\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Coyote Creek flows past the Olinder-McKinley neighborhood in San José, on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025. The neighborhood was inundated in February 2017 during a major flood. \u003ccite>(Joseph Geha/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The project is also tied to a massive renovation and seismic retrofit underway at Anderson Dam in Morgan Hill, which could increase the flows into Coyote Creek when storm surges occur to stop the dam from overflowing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The seven areas that were chosen for the first phase of walls are considered the most vulnerable to flooding because they are low-lying and are near sections of the creek where additional water would flow after a tunnel diversion portion of the dam upgrade is completed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Officials said the walls, which will vary slightly depending on where they are installed, can withstand a storm surge like the one seen on President’s Day weekend in 2017, when rushing waters overtopped the banks of Coyote Creek, overrunning parks, roads and homes, and \u003ca href=\"\">triggering evacuation\u003c/a> orders or advisories for tens of thousands of people.[aside postID=news_12026630 hero='']“I think those of us who were living here in San José in 2017, we all have some sort of personal story,” Valley Water board member Shiloh Ballard said during the announcement. “We know someone, or we experienced it personally.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The city of San José faced significant criticism in the days and months after the flood, including in a \u003ca href=\"\">report it commissioned\u003c/a> that gave the city an “F” for its level of foresight regarding the storm. The report also lambasted its late notification to many residents, some of whom received evacuation orders after floodwaters were already at their door.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Saraí Rojas, a resident of the Olinder-McKinley neighborhood, lives in an apartment near the creek and said she is happy to see the floodwalls largely completed near her home.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s important work. I want to think it’s a good use of tax dollars … because, though I didn’t live here in 2017, I’ve seen the pictures and the extent of all the damage. I’m also a firm believer in climate change,” Rojas said. “So anything that we can do to kind of assuage those negative impacts, I’m all for.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Rojas has also received flood-ready pamphlets and information from the water district and said she tries to stay vigilant during wet weather.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12028005\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12028005\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A home in San José’s Olinder-McKinley neighborhood is shielded by a new 10-foot floodwall on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025. Santa Clara Valley Water District announced the near completion of roughly 9,000 feet of new floodwalls in several areas of the city to protect against a 20-year flood risk. \u003ccite>(Joseph Geha/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Santa Clara County Supervisor Betty Duong said the work being recognized this week is about more than just managing waterways.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Whenever we talk about the flood of 2017, when we talk about the impending doom of future potential floods, we see people and families. And that’s what it comes down to,” Duong said. “When floods happen time and time again, it is always the most vulnerable families, seniors on fixed incomes, families with small children, who are going to be suffering the most.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The first phase of Valley Water’s project cost about $117 million, officials said, and the next phase, which would add about 17,000 more feet of walls, passive barriers and earthen berms, is estimated to cost $221 million.[aside postID=news_12024565 hero='']Robert Yamane, the lead project engineer, said the passive barriers will be made of aluminum interlocking structures that will lay flat until water levels rise.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s around park areas, so people can still get into the park, and it’s not blocking all lines of sight into the park,” Yamane said. “So they lie down flat, kind of adjacent to the sidewalks, and then they’ll float up and then lock into place with some struts.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Chris Hakes, chief operating officer of watersheds at Valley Water, said the water district attempted to plan a project in 2011 in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers that would have offered a significantly higher level of protection — enough to withstand a 100-year-flood — but the costs were too high in the view of the Corps, and the project was scrapped.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He said residents and business owners in the areas with the new walls have been patient and supportive of the current project, which has been a long time coming.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“There are many community members here who are breathing a little bit of a sigh of relief that this project is completing,” he said, “and they’re getting the protection that they’ve sought for a long time.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Nearly eight years to the day after major flooding displaced thousands in San José, officials celebrated the first stage of the Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1740178488, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 21, "wordCount": 1082 }, "headData": { "title": "These San José Floodwalls Should Shield Neighborhoods Against a 20-Year Flood | KQED", "description": "Nearly eight years to the day after major flooding displaced thousands in San José, officials celebrated the first stage of the Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "These San José Floodwalls Should Shield Neighborhoods Against a 20-Year Flood", "datePublished": "2025-02-20T16:00:55-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-21T14:54:48-08:00", "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": "True", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "@id": "", "name": "KQED", "url": "", "logo": "" } } }, "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-12027875", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/news/12027875/san-jose-floodwalls-should-shield-neighborhoods-against-20-year-flood", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>Nearly eight years to the day after \u003ca href=\"\">major flooding displaced thousands in San José\u003c/a>, officials on Thursday celebrated the completion of almost 9,000 feet of new floodwalls to help shield neighborhoods.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>South Bay leaders stood inside a newly enclosed patch of land in the city’s Olinder-McKinley neighborhood, highlighting one of seven areas between Highway 280 and Old Oakland Road that are now equipped with 10-foot steel walls, many encased in concrete.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Eight years ago, residents of this neighborhood had to rush to leave their homes during the worst flooding in this area experienced since 1997,” Richard Santos, the vice chair of the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Board of Directors, said during Thursday’s gathering. “This was a devastated area.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The height and strength of the new barriers are meant to hold back heavy water flows during a 20-year flood event, a term used to refer to an intense flood that could happen once every 20 years or has a roughly 5% chance of happening in any given year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The walls represent the first phase of Valley Water’s Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project, which will ultimately cover several points across an eight-mile stretch along the creek between Montague Expressway and Tully Road in San José.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12028007\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12028007\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Coyote Creek flows past the Olinder-McKinley neighborhood in San José, on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025. The neighborhood was inundated in February 2017 during a major flood. \u003ccite>(Joseph Geha/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The project is also tied to a massive renovation and seismic retrofit underway at Anderson Dam in Morgan Hill, which could increase the flows into Coyote Creek when storm surges occur to stop the dam from overflowing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The seven areas that were chosen for the first phase of walls are considered the most vulnerable to flooding because they are low-lying and are near sections of the creek where additional water would flow after a tunnel diversion portion of the dam upgrade is completed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Officials said the walls, which will vary slightly depending on where they are installed, can withstand a storm surge like the one seen on President’s Day weekend in 2017, when rushing waters overtopped the banks of Coyote Creek, overrunning parks, roads and homes, and \u003ca href=\"\">triggering evacuation\u003c/a> orders or advisories for tens of thousands of people.\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "postid": "news_12026630", "hero": "", "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>“I think those of us who were living here in San José in 2017, we all have some sort of personal story,” Valley Water board member Shiloh Ballard said during the announcement. “We know someone, or we experienced it personally.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The city of San José faced significant criticism in the days and months after the flood, including in a \u003ca href=\"\">report it commissioned\u003c/a> that gave the city an “F” for its level of foresight regarding the storm. The report also lambasted its late notification to many residents, some of whom received evacuation orders after floodwaters were already at their door.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Saraí Rojas, a resident of the Olinder-McKinley neighborhood, lives in an apartment near the creek and said she is happy to see the floodwalls largely completed near her home.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s important work. I want to think it’s a good use of tax dollars … because, though I didn’t live here in 2017, I’ve seen the pictures and the extent of all the damage. I’m also a firm believer in climate change,” Rojas said. “So anything that we can do to kind of assuage those negative impacts, I’m all for.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Rojas has also received flood-ready pamphlets and information from the water district and said she tries to stay vigilant during wet weather.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12028005\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12028005\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A home in San José’s Olinder-McKinley neighborhood is shielded by a new 10-foot floodwall on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025. Santa Clara Valley Water District announced the near completion of roughly 9,000 feet of new floodwalls in several areas of the city to protect against a 20-year flood risk. \u003ccite>(Joseph Geha/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Santa Clara County Supervisor Betty Duong said the work being recognized this week is about more than just managing waterways.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Whenever we talk about the flood of 2017, when we talk about the impending doom of future potential floods, we see people and families. And that’s what it comes down to,” Duong said. “When floods happen time and time again, it is always the most vulnerable families, seniors on fixed incomes, families with small children, who are going to be suffering the most.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The first phase of Valley Water’s project cost about $117 million, officials said, and the next phase, which would add about 17,000 more feet of walls, passive barriers and earthen berms, is estimated to cost $221 million.\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "postid": "news_12024565", "hero": "", "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>Robert Yamane, the lead project engineer, said the passive barriers will be made of aluminum interlocking structures that will lay flat until water levels rise.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s around park areas, so people can still get into the park, and it’s not blocking all lines of sight into the park,” Yamane said. “So they lie down flat, kind of adjacent to the sidewalks, and then they’ll float up and then lock into place with some struts.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Chris Hakes, chief operating officer of watersheds at Valley Water, said the water district attempted to plan a project in 2011 in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers that would have offered a significantly higher level of protection — enough to withstand a 100-year-flood — but the costs were too high in the view of the Corps, and the project was scrapped.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He said residents and business owners in the areas with the new walls have been patient and supportive of the current project, which has been a long time coming.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“There are many community members here who are breathing a little bit of a sigh of relief that this project is completing,” he said, “and they’re getting the protection that they’ve sought for a long time.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/news/12027875/san-jose-floodwalls-should-shield-neighborhoods-against-20-year-flood", "authors": [ "11906" ], "categories": [ "news_31795", "news_34165", "news_8", "news_356" ], "tags": [ "news_20023", "news_3431", "news_22456", "news_18541", "news_3430", "news_21285" ], "featImg": "news_12028006", "label": "news" }, "news_12027788": { "type": "posts", "id": "news_12027788", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "news", "id": "12027788", "score": null, "sort": [ 1740052818000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "this-startup-promises-to-recycle-the-junk-your-curbside-service-wont-take", "title": "This Startup Promises to Recycle the Junk Your Curbside Service Won’t Take", "publishDate": 1740052818, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "This Startup Promises to Recycle the Junk Your Curbside Service Won’t Take | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "news" }, "content": "\u003cp>[dropcap]G[/dropcap]abrielle LeCompte has long been suspicious of her curbside recycling service.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I felt that I was throwing everything into the recycling bin,” she said. “And I didn’t feel like it was doing anything. I really felt like it’s not making a difference, like they’re going to throw it all in the landfill.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>LeCompte was particularly perplexed by the never-ending supply of plastic material that rapidly accumulated in her small Alameda home — the food wrappers, produce bags, Amazon packaging and other omnipresent detritus of modern life that most curbside services don’t accept.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“My biggest goal was to make the least amount of trash possible,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan style=\"font-weight: 400\">About a year ago, LeCompte signed up for a new subscription-based pickup service called Ridwell that now collects most of her used plastic packaging, old clothing, and other common household items that can’t go in the blue bin. The Seattle-based, venture capital-backed startup acts as a middleman, partnering with a bevy of nonprofits and manufacturers who use recycled materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. \u003c/span>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Before, I was making like one bag of trash every three or four weeks,” she said. “And now I’m making about one bag of trash every eight to nine weeks, maybe even less.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>LeCompte is among a small but growing army of eco-conscious, consumer-guilt-ridden Bay Area residents who, when it comes down to it, want to have their cake and recycle its packaging, too.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026746\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026746\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"2000\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Some of the items collected and sorted at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Ridwell now operates in a swath of cities across the region — from Novato to San José — the company’s growth marked by a proliferation of its signature square-foot white metal collection containers outside customers’ front doors.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A basic subscription, for $14 a month, includes pickups every two weeks of plastic film, batteries, lightbulbs, old clothing and shoes, along with a revolving “featured category,” like art supplies, bottle caps and bread bag cinches.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For an additional $4, you can add in multilayer plastic material — the crinkly chip bags, candy wrappers and other stuff you can’t stick your fingers through. Additional tiers include even harder-to-recycle materials, like plastic foam and fluorescent light bulbs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We’re consumer-driven, right? [Companies] really influence us to buy, buy, buy,” LeCompte said. “But there’s no way to get rid of the stuff that we have. “So, for me, Ridwell is the easiest thing to do.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Launched in 2018, Ridwell is the brainchild of Ryan Metzger. The Seattle resident became increasingly frustrated with the inconvenience of tracking down responsible disposal options for dead batteries and other common household items, like paint, that you’re not supposed to toss in the trash but can’t put in the blue bin. He started a small “recycling carpool,” taking his 6-year-old son along on rides to collect items from neighbors and deliver them to local disposal sites.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As more neighbors signed up, entrepreneurship took root.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell is \u003ca href=\"\">among a small cadre\u003c/a> of recently launched pickup companies around the country that have identified a burgeoning market among consumers who seek to generate less waste without necessarily changing their consumption habits — and who feel increasingly hindered by the limitations of their municipal recycling programs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The new services come amid growing public awareness about \u003ca href=\"\">how relatively few things — especially plastic — actually get recycled\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[aside postID=news_11901288]But it remains to be seen whether a company like Ridwell, which has yet to turn a profit, can ultimately become a viable business model in the competitive world of waste management while also continuing to fulfill its promise to divert an ever-expanding volume of crap out of landfills.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Junk matchmaker\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Ridwell now has more than 110,000 members in the eight metropolitan areas it operates in — including Seattle, Atlanta, Austin, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Denver and Portland. The Bay Area has quickly become one of its fastest-growing markets. Since launching here in 2022 — starting first in the city of Alameda — nearly 15,000 households have signed up, and more than 1.5 million pounds of waste have so far been diverted from local landfills, the company said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This service “is for busy people who want to feel better about where their stuff goes,” said Gerrine Pan, Ridwell’s vice president of partnerships, who calls herself a “serial entrepreneur-turned-climate enthusiast.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026740\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026740\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Joan Maravilla carries sorted plastics at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Pan is a matchmaker of sorts. It’s her job to find homes for the multitude of disparate junk that arrives every day at Ridwell’s regional warehouse in San Leandro.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Everything is trucked here. We’re probably on the brink of needing to find another facility or looking for more space,” Pan said, gesturing toward barrels of old batteries, a giant crate of plastic foam blocks, and a 15-foot tall hill of bags, each packed with plastic film.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The warehouse is surprisingly quiet: no conveyor belts or other major machinery you’d find in a recycling facility — just a small crew of workers sifting through materials by hand.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“This is a place where we are consolidating so that we can make efficient loads out the door,” Pan said, noting that Ridwell doesn’t actually do any of the recycling itself.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026737\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026737\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Joseph Barboza, left, and Juan Alvarado, sort plastics at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“We identify and vet recyclers or reuse partners who are able to use those materials to the best of their ability,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell’s website \u003ca href=\"\">lists the manufacturers it works with, all based in North America\u003c/a>, including ones that make new decking material from the plastic film (polyethylene) or picture frames from the plastic foam.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell also partners with several local recyclers who extract metal and chemicals from the dead batteries, strip Christmas lights for their wiring and recycle the glass and mercury from the lightbulbs. It even collected political yard signs in December, shipping some to a plastics company in Canada that melted them down into post-consumer resin for new products, Pan said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A tsunami of plastic\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>But finding — and retaining — those partners can be a difficult proposition, given the tsunami of plastic waste. Despite the familiar chasing arrows symbol printed on most containers, not all plastic is created equal, and only a tiny percentage actually gets recycled.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A recent U.S. Department of Energy study found that Americans \u003ca href=\"\">generated an estimated 44 million tons of plastic waste\u003c/a> in 2019 alone, of which just 5% was recycled — with most of the rest dumped in our ever-growing landfills.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Even in California — which in 2014 became the first state to ban single-use plastic grocery bags and this year is beginning a\u003ca href=\"\"> broader phaseout of single-use plastics\u003c/a> — about 5.4 million tons of plastic waste was dumped in landfills in 2021, according to the most recent \u003ca href=\"\">statewide disposal data\u003c/a>. That means Californians toss about \u003ca href=\"\">290 Olympic swimming pools\u003c/a> worth of plastic every day.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The ‘wishcycling’ is substantial,” said Pan, referring to the common habit of indiscriminately tossing various types of plastic into the blue bin, most of which gets filtered out and winds up in the garbage. And that’s because it’s generally \u003ca href=\"\">far more expensive for manufacturers to recycle\u003c/a> most kinds of plastic than it is for them to just make more of it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12027813\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12027813\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Joan Maravilla sorts plastics at Ridwell’s processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Ridwell actually pays most of its partners to take the plastic off its hands.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The supply-demand balance of this is just off. You couldn’t get paid for that,” she said. “We are fighting for our share of capacity with all these partners.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Equally challenging is the constant search for reuse partners, Pan added, pointing to a section of the warehouse packed with overflowing boxes of clothing and a random array of household items, including an entire crate of cosmetics and a pallet of three-month-old Halloween candy.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If it looks overwhelming, that’s because it is,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell partners with local nonprofits, including food pantries and thrift stores, that accept items when they can. But that exchange isn’t always steady or predictable, and stuff — like the stale Halloween candy — often ends up piling up here for months, taking up scarce, very costly space.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“They have been sitting here since November,” Pan said, pointing to a crate of baking tins. “And they will continue to sit here until we have another collection of home kitchen items and we have more partners who might raise their hand.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A trash disruptor\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>While Ridwell sees itself as filling a major waste management gap, it has also — in true startup fashion — run afoul of more traditional trash collection services. Soon after launching in Portland in 2021, for instance, \u003ca href=\"\">some businesses complained to the city\u003c/a>, arguing Ridwell was skirting the many regulations and accountability measures that long-established haulers were required to follow to retain their city contracts. And several smaller neighboring cities even ordered the company to halt operations.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For its part, Ridwell insisted it’s designed to complement the curbside service, not overlap with it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Our relationship with waste management companies can vary,” Pan said, noting that some recognize the service as a net benefit. “But in some areas, there is sometimes conflict and concern where people don’t quite understand what we’re trying to do. In reality, we are trying to take a lot of things out of the system that they do not want in the system.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some industry insiders also question the viability of Ridwell’s business model. The company is still very much dependent on its VC funding and has yet to turn a profit — although Pan insisted they are “right on the cusp.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026745\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026745\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"660\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">(left) Latoya Grant, a driver-flex, sorts mixed and clear plastics at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. (right) Mike Coggins sorts reusable bags at the Ridwell plant. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“I don’t think there’s a competition issue,” said Martin Bourque, executive director of The Ecology Center, a Berkeley nonprofit that launched the nation’s first curbside recycling program more than 50 years ago and continues to collect for the city. “There is sort of this disruptive venture capitalist, tech component to it that feels a little like the new Uber or something.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Startups like Uber and Lyft, he noted, offered artificially low rates when they first launched because their goal was to get into the market and disrupt the highly regulated taxi industry. But eventually, ride rates shot up as the companies became subject to more regulations and pressure to make profits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Ridwell is sort of at the very early phase of that,” Bourque said, arguing that its current subscription rates seem unrealistically low, given the shakiness of the recycling market.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“As they start to be required by cities to have a franchise agreement and pay for use of roads and access to customers, will that model pencil out?” he said. “I think it’s an interesting experiment, but let’s see how it unfolds. Because when push comes to shove, investors want a return on their investment, and that can lead to bad decisions for the environmental community.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026744\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026744\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Juan Alvarado sorts plastics at the Ridwell processing plant. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Bourque pointed to TerraCycle, a similar service, as a cautionary tale. The New Jersey-based company, which operates a nationwide custom mail-in recycling program, \u003ca href=\"\">was sued last year\u003c/a> by a California environmental group, which accused it of making recyclability claims that were “deceptive to a reasonable consumer.” The company has since settled and agreed to provide additional documentation to support its claims.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Their markets were unstable, and they ended up stockpiling a whole bunch of stuff and telling people it was getting recycled when really they were just warehousing it,” Bourque said. “Where’s it going to go eventually? Either some low-grade market or the landfill, or maybe it’s getting exported someplace. So nobody really knows where it’s going.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Despite his skepticism, Bourque said it’s gratifying to see so many people interested in further reducing their waste footprint — even if they’re not necessarily willing to change their consumption habits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It is encouraging that all of the work that we’ve done over the last 50 years to educate the public has created a community that is very committed to these values and willing to spend their hard-earned money to do the right thing,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘Zero-waste lifestyle’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Back in Alameda, Juan Lopez drove one of the company’s white vans through a residential neighborhood, pulling over every few blocks to pick up junk that customers had left in their boxes. A former Amazon driver, Lopez was hired at Ridwell right after it launched in the Bay Area and has since become the regional operations supervisor, helping to manage about 20 employees.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Right now, we’re averaging about 300 new members a week, which is almost like two routes a week getting added,” he said. “So, another two people we have to hire.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026743\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026743\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Juan Lopez, regional operations supervisor for Ridwell, makes a stop to collect recyclable materials from a home in Alameda on Jan. 31. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Lopez pulled up to a small bungalow on a quiet residential street and emptied the bin as a subscriber named Lianne Jones watched from the doorway.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I already was trying to live a zero-waste lifestyle, so this was just one extra tool for me to continue doing that,” said Jones, who signed up more than two years ago and now encourages her neighbors to drop off their stuff with her before her biweekly collection day. “It definitely has made me think more about, when I’m in the store, my decisions about what I’m purchasing.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Asked if she’s achieved her zero-waste goal, Jones paused to consider.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I mean, you can’t live a zero-waste lifestyle. That’s kind of a misnomer,” she said. “But I’m doing everything that I can.”\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Ridwell, a pickup service aiming to recycle items that wouldn't be otherwise, has grown rapidly since coming to the Bay Area 3 years ago. Can such companies grow into viable businesses while fulfilling promises to divert junk from landfills?", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1740076292, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 55, "wordCount": 2534 }, "headData": { "title": "This Startup Promises to Recycle the Junk Your Curbside Service Won’t Take | KQED", "description": "Ridwell, a pickup service aiming to recycle items that wouldn't be otherwise, has grown rapidly since coming to the Bay Area 3 years ago. Can such companies grow into viable businesses while fulfilling promises to divert junk from landfills?", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "news_12026744", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "news_12026744", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "This Startup Promises to Recycle the Junk Your Curbside Service Won’t Take", "datePublished": "2025-02-20T04:00:18-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-20T10:31:32-08:00", "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": "True", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "@id": "", "name": "KQED", "url": "", "logo": "" } } }, "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-12027788", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/news/12027788/this-startup-promises-to-recycle-the-junk-your-curbside-service-wont-take", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__dropcapShortcode__dropcap\">G\u003c/span>\u003c/p>\u003cp>abrielle LeCompte has long been suspicious of her curbside recycling service.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I felt that I was throwing everything into the recycling bin,” she said. “And I didn’t feel like it was doing anything. I really felt like it’s not making a difference, like they’re going to throw it all in the landfill.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>LeCompte was particularly perplexed by the never-ending supply of plastic material that rapidly accumulated in her small Alameda home — the food wrappers, produce bags, Amazon packaging and other omnipresent detritus of modern life that most curbside services don’t accept.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“My biggest goal was to make the least amount of trash possible,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan style=\"font-weight: 400\">About a year ago, LeCompte signed up for a new subscription-based pickup service called Ridwell that now collects most of her used plastic packaging, old clothing, and other common household items that can’t go in the blue bin. The Seattle-based, venture capital-backed startup acts as a middleman, partnering with a bevy of nonprofits and manufacturers who use recycled materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. \u003c/span>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Before, I was making like one bag of trash every three or four weeks,” she said. “And now I’m making about one bag of trash every eight to nine weeks, maybe even less.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>LeCompte is among a small but growing army of eco-conscious, consumer-guilt-ridden Bay Area residents who, when it comes down to it, want to have their cake and recycle its packaging, too.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026746\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026746\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"2000\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Some of the items collected and sorted at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Ridwell now operates in a swath of cities across the region — from Novato to San José — the company’s growth marked by a proliferation of its signature square-foot white metal collection containers outside customers’ front doors.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A basic subscription, for $14 a month, includes pickups every two weeks of plastic film, batteries, lightbulbs, old clothing and shoes, along with a revolving “featured category,” like art supplies, bottle caps and bread bag cinches.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For an additional $4, you can add in multilayer plastic material — the crinkly chip bags, candy wrappers and other stuff you can’t stick your fingers through. Additional tiers include even harder-to-recycle materials, like plastic foam and fluorescent light bulbs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We’re consumer-driven, right? [Companies] really influence us to buy, buy, buy,” LeCompte said. “But there’s no way to get rid of the stuff that we have. “So, for me, Ridwell is the easiest thing to do.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Launched in 2018, Ridwell is the brainchild of Ryan Metzger. The Seattle resident became increasingly frustrated with the inconvenience of tracking down responsible disposal options for dead batteries and other common household items, like paint, that you’re not supposed to toss in the trash but can’t put in the blue bin. He started a small “recycling carpool,” taking his 6-year-old son along on rides to collect items from neighbors and deliver them to local disposal sites.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As more neighbors signed up, entrepreneurship took root.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell is \u003ca href=\"\">among a small cadre\u003c/a> of recently launched pickup companies around the country that have identified a burgeoning market among consumers who seek to generate less waste without necessarily changing their consumption habits — and who feel increasingly hindered by the limitations of their municipal recycling programs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The new services come amid growing public awareness about \u003ca href=\"\">how relatively few things — especially plastic — actually get recycled\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "postid": "news_11901288", "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>But it remains to be seen whether a company like Ridwell, which has yet to turn a profit, can ultimately become a viable business model in the competitive world of waste management while also continuing to fulfill its promise to divert an ever-expanding volume of crap out of landfills.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Junk matchmaker\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Ridwell now has more than 110,000 members in the eight metropolitan areas it operates in — including Seattle, Atlanta, Austin, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Denver and Portland. The Bay Area has quickly become one of its fastest-growing markets. Since launching here in 2022 — starting first in the city of Alameda — nearly 15,000 households have signed up, and more than 1.5 million pounds of waste have so far been diverted from local landfills, the company said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This service “is for busy people who want to feel better about where their stuff goes,” said Gerrine Pan, Ridwell’s vice president of partnerships, who calls herself a “serial entrepreneur-turned-climate enthusiast.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026740\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026740\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Joan Maravilla carries sorted plastics at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Pan is a matchmaker of sorts. It’s her job to find homes for the multitude of disparate junk that arrives every day at Ridwell’s regional warehouse in San Leandro.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Everything is trucked here. We’re probably on the brink of needing to find another facility or looking for more space,” Pan said, gesturing toward barrels of old batteries, a giant crate of plastic foam blocks, and a 15-foot tall hill of bags, each packed with plastic film.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The warehouse is surprisingly quiet: no conveyor belts or other major machinery you’d find in a recycling facility — just a small crew of workers sifting through materials by hand.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“This is a place where we are consolidating so that we can make efficient loads out the door,” Pan said, noting that Ridwell doesn’t actually do any of the recycling itself.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026737\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026737\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Joseph Barboza, left, and Juan Alvarado, sort plastics at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“We identify and vet recyclers or reuse partners who are able to use those materials to the best of their ability,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell’s website \u003ca href=\"\">lists the manufacturers it works with, all based in North America\u003c/a>, including ones that make new decking material from the plastic film (polyethylene) or picture frames from the plastic foam.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell also partners with several local recyclers who extract metal and chemicals from the dead batteries, strip Christmas lights for their wiring and recycle the glass and mercury from the lightbulbs. It even collected political yard signs in December, shipping some to a plastics company in Canada that melted them down into post-consumer resin for new products, Pan said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A tsunami of plastic\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>But finding — and retaining — those partners can be a difficult proposition, given the tsunami of plastic waste. Despite the familiar chasing arrows symbol printed on most containers, not all plastic is created equal, and only a tiny percentage actually gets recycled.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A recent U.S. Department of Energy study found that Americans \u003ca href=\"\">generated an estimated 44 million tons of plastic waste\u003c/a> in 2019 alone, of which just 5% was recycled — with most of the rest dumped in our ever-growing landfills.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Even in California — which in 2014 became the first state to ban single-use plastic grocery bags and this year is beginning a\u003ca href=\"\"> broader phaseout of single-use plastics\u003c/a> — about 5.4 million tons of plastic waste was dumped in landfills in 2021, according to the most recent \u003ca href=\"\">statewide disposal data\u003c/a>. That means Californians toss about \u003ca href=\"\">290 Olympic swimming pools\u003c/a> worth of plastic every day.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The ‘wishcycling’ is substantial,” said Pan, referring to the common habit of indiscriminately tossing various types of plastic into the blue bin, most of which gets filtered out and winds up in the garbage. And that’s because it’s generally \u003ca href=\"\">far more expensive for manufacturers to recycle\u003c/a> most kinds of plastic than it is for them to just make more of it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12027813\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12027813\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Joan Maravilla sorts plastics at Ridwell’s processing plant in San Leandro. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Ridwell actually pays most of its partners to take the plastic off its hands.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The supply-demand balance of this is just off. You couldn’t get paid for that,” she said. “We are fighting for our share of capacity with all these partners.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Equally challenging is the constant search for reuse partners, Pan added, pointing to a section of the warehouse packed with overflowing boxes of clothing and a random array of household items, including an entire crate of cosmetics and a pallet of three-month-old Halloween candy.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If it looks overwhelming, that’s because it is,” she said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ridwell partners with local nonprofits, including food pantries and thrift stores, that accept items when they can. But that exchange isn’t always steady or predictable, and stuff — like the stale Halloween candy — often ends up piling up here for months, taking up scarce, very costly space.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“They have been sitting here since November,” Pan said, pointing to a crate of baking tins. “And they will continue to sit here until we have another collection of home kitchen items and we have more partners who might raise their hand.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A trash disruptor\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>While Ridwell sees itself as filling a major waste management gap, it has also — in true startup fashion — run afoul of more traditional trash collection services. Soon after launching in Portland in 2021, for instance, \u003ca href=\"\">some businesses complained to the city\u003c/a>, arguing Ridwell was skirting the many regulations and accountability measures that long-established haulers were required to follow to retain their city contracts. And several smaller neighboring cities even ordered the company to halt operations.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For its part, Ridwell insisted it’s designed to complement the curbside service, not overlap with it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Our relationship with waste management companies can vary,” Pan said, noting that some recognize the service as a net benefit. “But in some areas, there is sometimes conflict and concern where people don’t quite understand what we’re trying to do. In reality, we are trying to take a lot of things out of the system that they do not want in the system.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some industry insiders also question the viability of Ridwell’s business model. The company is still very much dependent on its VC funding and has yet to turn a profit — although Pan insisted they are “right on the cusp.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026745\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026745\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"660\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">(left) Latoya Grant, a driver-flex, sorts mixed and clear plastics at the Ridwell processing plant in San Leandro. (right) Mike Coggins sorts reusable bags at the Ridwell plant. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“I don’t think there’s a competition issue,” said Martin Bourque, executive director of The Ecology Center, a Berkeley nonprofit that launched the nation’s first curbside recycling program more than 50 years ago and continues to collect for the city. “There is sort of this disruptive venture capitalist, tech component to it that feels a little like the new Uber or something.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Startups like Uber and Lyft, he noted, offered artificially low rates when they first launched because their goal was to get into the market and disrupt the highly regulated taxi industry. But eventually, ride rates shot up as the companies became subject to more regulations and pressure to make profits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Ridwell is sort of at the very early phase of that,” Bourque said, arguing that its current subscription rates seem unrealistically low, given the shakiness of the recycling market.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“As they start to be required by cities to have a franchise agreement and pay for use of roads and access to customers, will that model pencil out?” he said. “I think it’s an interesting experiment, but let’s see how it unfolds. Because when push comes to shove, investors want a return on their investment, and that can lead to bad decisions for the environmental community.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026744\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026744\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Juan Alvarado sorts plastics at the Ridwell processing plant. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Bourque pointed to TerraCycle, a similar service, as a cautionary tale. The New Jersey-based company, which operates a nationwide custom mail-in recycling program, \u003ca href=\"\">was sued last year\u003c/a> by a California environmental group, which accused it of making recyclability claims that were “deceptive to a reasonable consumer.” The company has since settled and agreed to provide additional documentation to support its claims.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Their markets were unstable, and they ended up stockpiling a whole bunch of stuff and telling people it was getting recycled when really they were just warehousing it,” Bourque said. “Where’s it going to go eventually? Either some low-grade market or the landfill, or maybe it’s getting exported someplace. So nobody really knows where it’s going.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Despite his skepticism, Bourque said it’s gratifying to see so many people interested in further reducing their waste footprint — even if they’re not necessarily willing to change their consumption habits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It is encouraging that all of the work that we’ve done over the last 50 years to educate the public has created a community that is very committed to these values and willing to spend their hard-earned money to do the right thing,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘Zero-waste lifestyle’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Back in Alameda, Juan Lopez drove one of the company’s white vans through a residential neighborhood, pulling over every few blocks to pick up junk that customers had left in their boxes. A former Amazon driver, Lopez was hired at Ridwell right after it launched in the Bay Area and has since become the regional operations supervisor, helping to manage about 20 employees.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Right now, we’re averaging about 300 new members a week, which is almost like two routes a week getting added,” he said. “So, another two people we have to hire.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_12026743\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-12026743\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Juan Lopez, regional operations supervisor for Ridwell, makes a stop to collect recyclable materials from a home in Alameda on Jan. 31. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Lopez pulled up to a small bungalow on a quiet residential street and emptied the bin as a subscriber named Lianne Jones watched from the doorway.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I already was trying to live a zero-waste lifestyle, so this was just one extra tool for me to continue doing that,” said Jones, who signed up more than two years ago and now encourages her neighbors to drop off their stuff with her before her biweekly collection day. “It definitely has made me think more about, when I’m in the store, my decisions about what I’m purchasing.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Asked if she’s achieved her zero-waste goal, Jones paused to consider.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I mean, you can’t live a zero-waste lifestyle. That’s kind of a misnomer,” she said. “But I’m doing everything that I can.”\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/news/12027788/this-startup-promises-to-recycle-the-junk-your-curbside-service-wont-take", "authors": [ "1263" ], "categories": [ "news_19906", "news_8", "news_356" ], "tags": [ "news_20023", "news_27626", "news_25428", "news_35057", "news_35058", "news_382" ], "featImg": "news_12026741", "label": "news" }, "news_12027578": { "type": "posts", "id": "news_12027578", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "news", "id": "12027578", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739966404000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "how-we-rebuild-what-comes-after-the-la-fires", "title": "How We Rebuild: What Comes After the LA Fires", "publishDate": 1739966404, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "How We Rebuild: What Comes After the LA Fires | KQED", "labelTerm": {}, "content": "\u003cp>\u003cem>Listen to this episode on \u003ca href=\"\">Apple Podcasts\u003c/a>, \u003ca href=\"\">Spotify\u003c/a>, or wherever you get your podcasts. This is the second in a special series, check out the first installment \u003ca href=\"\">here\u003c/a>.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In Los Angeles, survivors of last month’s fires will soon begin the arduous process of rebuilding.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In this second installment of a special series from KQED’s podcast, \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>SOLD OUT: Rethinking Housing in America\u003c/em>\u003c/a>, host Erin Baldassari brings together stories that examine what happens when people come home.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The show features reporting about how the fires are rocking an already shaking insurance industry and what Californians can expect from fires and floods of the future.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Survivors of past wildfires reveal how they rebuilt with wildfires in mind and worked with their neighbors to make their communities safer.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Here’s what listeners can expect:\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">Veteran Wildfire Survivors Help The New Recruits\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nThere are some questions only veterans of past fires can answer, such as, “If you rebuild, does the sense of safety ever return?” That was a question Jodi Moreno, who lost her home in the L.A.’s Eaton Fire, posed to Erica Solove, whose home burned in Colorado’s 2021 Marshall Fire. As KQED’s Laura Klivans reports, Solove and Moreno connected through the group, Extreme Wildfires Survivors, which brings together disaster veterans with new recruits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">Coffey Strong\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nSanta Rosa’s Coffey Park was all but leveled in the deadly Tubbs Fire of 2017. But go there now, and it would be easy to miss its history and the subtle ways homeowners have rebuilt to better withstand future fires. As KQED’s Adhiti Bandlamudi reports, their experiences offer lessons backed by research for survivors of the Southern California fires.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">Hydro-Climate Whiplash\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nExtreme floods, extreme heat, extreme fires: This is what residents can expect for California’s future. Ezra David Romero, climate reporter at KQED, spoke with Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and UCLA, who dug into this weather phenomenon. He, along with a team of other researchers, published a new report that gave it a name: hydro-climate whiplash.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">A Rocky Insurance Market Just Got Shakier\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nEven before the recent wildfires in Los Angeles, insurance carriers had been fleeing California. And this disaster was their worst nightmare: it’s estimated to be the most expensive on record. Carriers already paid out billions of dollars, with more to come. Climate reporter Danielle Venton went down to Los Angeles and spoke with insurance brokers, catastrophe adjusters and others about how these fires could transform the industry.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Neighbors Band Together\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nWhen insurance is working well, it becomes the foundation over which disaster survivors can begin to rebuild their lives. However, ensuring that the foundation is built on solid ground requires a village. That’s what UC Berkeley Professor Nancy Wallace discovered after she lost her home in the 1991 Oakland Hills fire. She spoke with KQED’s Rachael Myrow about how she and her neighbors teamed up to get fair compensation from their insurer.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "In the second installment of a special series from KQED’s podcast, SOLD OUT: Rethinking Housing in America, host Erin Baldassari highlights reporting from the climate and housing desks, looking at what comes after the fires and what it will take to rebuild. ", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739923126, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 13, "wordCount": 514 }, "headData": { "title": "How We Rebuild: What Comes After the LA Fires | KQED", "description": "In the second installment of a special series from KQED’s podcast, SOLD OUT: Rethinking Housing in America, host Erin Baldassari highlights reporting from the climate and housing desks, looking at what comes after the fires and what it will take to rebuild. ", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "How We Rebuild: What Comes After the LA Fires", "datePublished": "2025-02-19T04:00:04-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-18T15:58:46-08:00", "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": "True", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "@id": "", "name": "KQED", "url": "", "logo": "" } } }, "source": "Sold Out", "sourceUrl": "", "audioUrl": "", "sticky": false, "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/news/12027578/how-we-rebuild-what-comes-after-the-la-fires", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>\u003cem>Listen to this episode on \u003ca href=\"\">Apple Podcasts\u003c/a>, \u003ca href=\"\">Spotify\u003c/a>, or wherever you get your podcasts. This is the second in a special series, check out the first installment \u003ca href=\"\">here\u003c/a>.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In Los Angeles, survivors of last month’s fires will soon begin the arduous process of rebuilding.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In this second installment of a special series from KQED’s podcast, \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>SOLD OUT: Rethinking Housing in America\u003c/em>\u003c/a>, host Erin Baldassari brings together stories that examine what happens when people come home.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The show features reporting about how the fires are rocking an already shaking insurance industry and what Californians can expect from fires and floods of the future.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Survivors of past wildfires reveal how they rebuilt with wildfires in mind and worked with their neighbors to make their communities safer.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Here’s what listeners can expect:\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">Veteran Wildfire Survivors Help The New Recruits\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nThere are some questions only veterans of past fires can answer, such as, “If you rebuild, does the sense of safety ever return?” That was a question Jodi Moreno, who lost her home in the L.A.’s Eaton Fire, posed to Erica Solove, whose home burned in Colorado’s 2021 Marshall Fire. As KQED’s Laura Klivans reports, Solove and Moreno connected through the group, Extreme Wildfires Survivors, which brings together disaster veterans with new recruits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">Coffey Strong\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nSanta Rosa’s Coffey Park was all but leveled in the deadly Tubbs Fire of 2017. But go there now, and it would be easy to miss its history and the subtle ways homeowners have rebuilt to better withstand future fires. As KQED’s Adhiti Bandlamudi reports, their experiences offer lessons backed by research for survivors of the Southern California fires.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">Hydro-Climate Whiplash\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nExtreme floods, extreme heat, extreme fires: This is what residents can expect for California’s future. Ezra David Romero, climate reporter at KQED, spoke with Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and UCLA, who dug into this weather phenomenon. He, along with a team of other researchers, published a new report that gave it a name: hydro-climate whiplash.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>\u003ca href=\"\">A Rocky Insurance Market Just Got Shakier\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nEven before the recent wildfires in Los Angeles, insurance carriers had been fleeing California. And this disaster was their worst nightmare: it’s estimated to be the most expensive on record. Carriers already paid out billions of dollars, with more to come. Climate reporter Danielle Venton went down to Los Angeles and spoke with insurance brokers, catastrophe adjusters and others about how these fires could transform the industry.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Neighbors Band Together\u003c/strong>\u003cbr>\nWhen insurance is working well, it becomes the foundation over which disaster survivors can begin to rebuild their lives. However, ensuring that the foundation is built on solid ground requires a village. That’s what UC Berkeley Professor Nancy Wallace discovered after she lost her home in the 1991 Oakland Hills fire. She spoke with KQED’s Rachael Myrow about how she and her neighbors teamed up to get fair compensation from their insurer.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/news/12027578/how-we-rebuild-what-comes-after-the-la-fires", "authors": [ "11652", "8648", "11672", "11746", "11088", "251" ], "programs": [ "news_33522" ], "categories": [ "news_31795", "news_34165", "news_1758", "news_19906", "news_6266", "news_8", "news_356" ], "tags": [ "news_1775", "news_28541" ], "featImg": "news_12027600", "label": "source_news_12027578" }, "news_12027283": { "type": "posts", "id": "news_12027283", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "news", "id": "12027283", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739620832000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "forgot-your-flu-vaccine-with-historic-infections-its-not-too-late-for-a-shot", "title": "Forgot Your Flu Vaccine? With ‘Historic’ Infections, It’s Not Too Late for a Shot", "publishDate": 1739620832, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "Forgot Your Flu Vaccine? With ‘Historic’ Infections, It’s Not Too Late for a Shot | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "news" }, "content": "\u003cp>If the flu has hit your household this winter — or your workplace or your friend group — you’re not alone. The Bay Area is in the middle of a particularly pronounced wave of influenza infections, mirroring a wave across California.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As anyone who’s had the flu can attest, the virus is no joke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that this season alone, nationwide, there have been \u003ca href=\"\">at least 29 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations, and 16,000 deaths\u003c/a> from flu so far. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) said it has received reports of 11 children in California who have died due to flu-related complications this season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Jump straight to: \u003ca href=\"#whereflushot\">Where to find a flu shot in the Bay Area\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The CDC also warns that the \u003ca href=\"\">flu is also proving deadlier in the U.S. than COVID-19 this season\u003c/a>. The week ending Jan. 25 was the first time that the percentage of deaths for influenza was higher than those for COVID-19 — and flu deaths have continued to increase throughout this season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There is one piece of good news: If you didn’t get your shot in the last months of 2024, you can still get vaccinated now and increase your protection against the current wave.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“As long as flu is circulating in our communities, it’s not too late to get your flu vaccine,” said Dr. Erica Pan, CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer. “As a parent and a pediatrician, I ensure my family gets the flu vaccine every year because I am confident the flu vaccine is safe and can help prevent serious illness, like pneumonia and hospitalization.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Where are we right now in flu season?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">The current statewide test positivity rate for the flu\u003c/a> — that is, the percentage of tests taken that return a positive result — is 26.7%, placing it in CDPH’s “high” category. By contrast, the latest test positivity rate for COVID-19 is 2.6%, which is in the agency’s “low” category.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Flu represents 8% of hospital visits around the country right now, said Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Stanford. That’s “higher than we’ve actually seen since this particular strain of flu, the H1N1 flu, showed up as a pandemic in 2009,” she said. “So it’s actually pretty historic.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Flu season tends to run from October to March, Maldonado said. While she and her colleagues actually thought this season had reached its peak “a couple of weeks ago,” she said, “the numbers just haven’t gone down.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Flu did a little trick on us because it looked like it was peaking” a couple of weeks ago, Maldonado said. “It came down a little bit — and then it popped up even higher.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When it comes to Bay Area hospital admissions, “We’re definitely getting crunched,” she said, “because the numbers are higher, more people are getting flu, and more people are being hospitalized or coming into the emergency department.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Can I still get a flu shot now?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Yes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Experts usually recommend that people seek out their flu shot in the fall, ahead of the coming winter wave of infections, and the CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine “\u003ca href=\"\">ideally by the end of October\u003c/a>.” However, the CDC also said that people “should continue to get vaccinated as long as flu viruses pose a threat to their community.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That means that if you forgot to get your shot back in the last months of 2024 — and you haven’t been hit by a flu infection yourself this winter — it’s not too late to get the vaccine now and increase your protection against the current wave.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">[aside label=’Related Coverage' tag='health']\u003c/span>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If you can and are interested, and you think you’re at risk, people should still get vaccinated,” Maldonado said. “There’s still time because it takes about two weeks or so for the antibodies to really kick in hard. And I do think that the risk is out there.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>What if you got your flu shot in the fall, after all? “We don’t recommend a second dose at this time,” Maldonado said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The flu vaccine reduces your risks of severe illness and hospitalization. The virus can be especially dangerous for kids, and the CDC said that a 2022 study showed that flu vaccination reduced children’s risk of severe, life-threatening influenza by 75%.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Despite this, vaccination rates among all Americans aged 6 months and older during the 2022–23 flu season was 49.3% — a slight drop from the previous year. And this year, CDPH said their data shows “\u003ca href=\"\">only a small percentage of eligible Californians have received the appropriate respiratory virus vaccines\u003c/a>.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>\u003ca id=\"whereflushot\">\u003c/a>Where can I still find a flu shot?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>If you have health insurance, a flu shot is covered and available without extra cost as a preventive service from your usual health care provider. It’s also available at most pharmacies (see below).\u003cbr>\nCommon places to find a flu shot appointment, walk-in site or drive-thru flu shot:\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">CDC’s Find Flu Vaccines tool\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Kaiser Permanente flu shots (Northern California)\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">CVS flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Walgreens flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Rite Aid flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Costco Pharmacy flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Albertsons (Safeway) flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003ch2>Where can I get a flu shot if I don’t have health insurance?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>If you want a flu shot but don’t have health insurance, you can get the vaccine free of charge from several providers and community clinics around the Bay Area. (You can also technically use these free services even if you do have insurance, but you may consider choosing to reserve these particular resources for those without coverage.)\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Your county’s public health department may also be offering flu shots.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Places to get a free or low-cost flu shot in the Bay Area include:\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">San Francisco Department of Public Health’s AITC clinic\u003c/a> (offers a pay-what-you-can option.)\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Contra Costa Public Health Immunization Clinic\u003c/a> (flu shots are $15 for adults over 19, but fees may be waived if you’re unable to pay.)\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Alameda County Immunization Clinics\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>This story contains reporting by KQED’s Nina Thorsen.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Experts are encouraging people to make sure everyone has received their seasonal flu shot as infections across the U.S. reach “historic” levels.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739902610, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 26, "wordCount": 1113 }, "headData": { "title": "Forgot Your Flu Vaccine? With ‘Historic’ Infections, It’s Not Too Late for a Shot | KQED", "description": "Experts are encouraging people to make sure everyone has received their seasonal flu shot as infections across the U.S. reach “historic” levels.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "Forgot Your Flu Vaccine? With ‘Historic’ Infections, It’s Not Too Late for a Shot", "datePublished": "2025-02-15T04:00:32-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-18T10:16:50-08:00", "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": "True", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "@id": "", "name": "KQED", "url": "", "logo": "" } } }, "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-12027283", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/news/12027283/forgot-your-flu-vaccine-with-historic-infections-its-not-too-late-for-a-shot", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>If the flu has hit your household this winter — or your workplace or your friend group — you’re not alone. The Bay Area is in the middle of a particularly pronounced wave of influenza infections, mirroring a wave across California.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As anyone who’s had the flu can attest, the virus is no joke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that this season alone, nationwide, there have been \u003ca href=\"\">at least 29 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations, and 16,000 deaths\u003c/a> from flu so far. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) said it has received reports of 11 children in California who have died due to flu-related complications this season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Jump straight to: \u003ca href=\"#whereflushot\">Where to find a flu shot in the Bay Area\u003c/a>\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The CDC also warns that the \u003ca href=\"\">flu is also proving deadlier in the U.S. than COVID-19 this season\u003c/a>. The week ending Jan. 25 was the first time that the percentage of deaths for influenza was higher than those for COVID-19 — and flu deaths have continued to increase throughout this season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There is one piece of good news: If you didn’t get your shot in the last months of 2024, you can still get vaccinated now and increase your protection against the current wave.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“As long as flu is circulating in our communities, it’s not too late to get your flu vaccine,” said Dr. Erica Pan, CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer. “As a parent and a pediatrician, I ensure my family gets the flu vaccine every year because I am confident the flu vaccine is safe and can help prevent serious illness, like pneumonia and hospitalization.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Where are we right now in flu season?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">The current statewide test positivity rate for the flu\u003c/a> — that is, the percentage of tests taken that return a positive result — is 26.7%, placing it in CDPH’s “high” category. By contrast, the latest test positivity rate for COVID-19 is 2.6%, which is in the agency’s “low” category.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Flu represents 8% of hospital visits around the country right now, said Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Stanford. That’s “higher than we’ve actually seen since this particular strain of flu, the H1N1 flu, showed up as a pandemic in 2009,” she said. “So it’s actually pretty historic.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Flu season tends to run from October to March, Maldonado said. While she and her colleagues actually thought this season had reached its peak “a couple of weeks ago,” she said, “the numbers just haven’t gone down.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Flu did a little trick on us because it looked like it was peaking” a couple of weeks ago, Maldonado said. “It came down a little bit — and then it popped up even higher.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When it comes to Bay Area hospital admissions, “We’re definitely getting crunched,” she said, “because the numbers are higher, more people are getting flu, and more people are being hospitalized or coming into the emergency department.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Can I still get a flu shot now?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Yes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Experts usually recommend that people seek out their flu shot in the fall, ahead of the coming winter wave of infections, and the CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine “\u003ca href=\"\">ideally by the end of October\u003c/a>.” However, the CDC also said that people “should continue to get vaccinated as long as flu viruses pose a threat to their community.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That means that if you forgot to get your shot back in the last months of 2024 — and you haven’t been hit by a flu infection yourself this winter — it’s not too late to get the vaccine now and increase your protection against the current wave.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan style=\"font-weight: 400;\">\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "Related Coverage'", "tag": "health" }, "numeric": [ "Coverage'" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/span>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If you can and are interested, and you think you’re at risk, people should still get vaccinated,” Maldonado said. “There’s still time because it takes about two weeks or so for the antibodies to really kick in hard. And I do think that the risk is out there.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>What if you got your flu shot in the fall, after all? “We don’t recommend a second dose at this time,” Maldonado said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The flu vaccine reduces your risks of severe illness and hospitalization. The virus can be especially dangerous for kids, and the CDC said that a 2022 study showed that flu vaccination reduced children’s risk of severe, life-threatening influenza by 75%.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Despite this, vaccination rates among all Americans aged 6 months and older during the 2022–23 flu season was 49.3% — a slight drop from the previous year. And this year, CDPH said their data shows “\u003ca href=\"\">only a small percentage of eligible Californians have received the appropriate respiratory virus vaccines\u003c/a>.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>\u003ca id=\"whereflushot\">\u003c/a>Where can I still find a flu shot?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>If you have health insurance, a flu shot is covered and available without extra cost as a preventive service from your usual health care provider. It’s also available at most pharmacies (see below).\u003cbr>\nCommon places to find a flu shot appointment, walk-in site or drive-thru flu shot:\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">CDC’s Find Flu Vaccines tool\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Kaiser Permanente flu shots (Northern California)\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">CVS flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Walgreens flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Rite Aid flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Costco Pharmacy flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Albertsons (Safeway) flu shots\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003ch2>Where can I get a flu shot if I don’t have health insurance?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>If you want a flu shot but don’t have health insurance, you can get the vaccine free of charge from several providers and community clinics around the Bay Area. (You can also technically use these free services even if you do have insurance, but you may consider choosing to reserve these particular resources for those without coverage.)\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Your county’s public health department may also be offering flu shots.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Places to get a free or low-cost flu shot in the Bay Area include:\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">San Francisco Department of Public Health’s AITC clinic\u003c/a> (offers a pay-what-you-can option.)\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Contra Costa Public Health Immunization Clinic\u003c/a> (flu shots are $15 for adults over 19, but fees may be waived if you’re unable to pay.)\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>\u003ca href=\"\">Alameda County Immunization Clinics\u003c/a>.\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>This story contains reporting by KQED’s Nina Thorsen.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/news/12027283/forgot-your-flu-vaccine-with-historic-infections-its-not-too-late-for-a-shot", "authors": [ "3243" ], "categories": [ "news_31795", "news_457", "news_8", "news_356" ], "tags": [ "news_32707", "news_18538", "news_1153", "news_29886", "news_22326", "news_18543", "news_22327" ], "featImg": "news_12027284", "label": "news" }, "science_1995954": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995954", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995954", "score": null, "sort": [ 1738929678000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "at-hidden-tahoe-lab-scientists-learn-the-art-of-measuring-snow", "title": "At Hidden Tahoe Lab, Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow", "publishDate": 1738929678, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "At Hidden Tahoe Lab, Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nyone riding the gondola lift at Sugar Bowl Ski Resort one bright day in January might have seen something unexpected in the glade below them: A series of figures energetically digging pits in the snow by hand — deep enough for them to then jump inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These pit diggers intently studied the walls of their newly carved chambers before pressing bright yellow sensors into the ice. They were, in fact, student scientists receiving training from the Central Sierra Snow Lab close by.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And while most visitors to the Sierra would never have a reason to come across this stocky, unassuming 1940s cabin nestled on a nearby backroad, the Snow Lab has been at the forefront of snow science for almost 80 years, maintaining the data that has huge implications for California’s water supply.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995844\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995844\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"845\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Measuring implements to gauge the layers and depth of the Sierra snowpack (left) in use at the Snow Science School. Anne Nolin (right), professor of geography at the University of Nevada, Reno and a snow school attendee, marks the edge of where to dig a pit in the snowpack. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Now, this event, its first-ever Snow Science School, saw the Snow Lab open its doors to teach a new generation the tools of their trade — almost 7,000 feet above sea level in the mountains of Tahoe National Forest.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Hidden history on Donner Summit\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Though now managed by UC Berkeley, the Central Sierra Snow Lab in Soda Springs began life in 1946 as a collaboration between the Army Corps of Engineers and what’s now known as the National Weather Service. But while the Snow Lab’s own snowfall and snow depth measurements date back to its birth, this cabin beneath towering pine trees near Donner Summit also maintains much older records from the area going back to 1878 documenting the Central Pacific Railroad’s own efforts — making these the longest such climatological records in the world when it comes to snow.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And for the scientists working up here in 2025, the job is essentially “to play in the snow and learn more about it,” said Andrew Schwartz, its director.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995851\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995851\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1585\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Andrew Schwartz, director of UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab, holds a decades-old printout of snow measurements (left) and a black-and-white photograph (right) in the lab’s archives. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>For the three days in January that saw 20 students from across the U.S. arrive at the Snow Science School, Tahoe was in the middle of a sunny, dry spell, with the snowpack at Donner Summit at 94% of the average for this time of year. But at an elevation of over 6,700 feet, the Snow Lab has seen its share of wild winters and momentous snowfall — making it an apt place to study snow science any time.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Schwartz, who took over the Snow Lab in 2021 and lived inside the building for his first two years, recalled how, in 2023, the snow was so deep that he and his colleagues could “walk directly into the third-floor windows.” That year, the Snow Lab received a total of 63 feet of snow, its second-biggest winter accumulation on record — precipitation that would eventually become the snowmelt that’s crucial for California’s water supply.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995837\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995837\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Participants listen during a morning lecture at the Clair Tappan Lodge during the Snow Science School organized by UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>For Schwartz, his “number one” hope for the Snow Lab’s inaugural school is that the students leave “with an appreciation of snow and a better understanding of how it works, really — because it’s so important to the world.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Roughly two billion people [around the world] use water obtained from snowpack. And we tend to take it for granted,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The school’s student body included a large handful of people from the California Department of Water Resources — one of the Snow Lab’s partners in this work — but also graduate students, researchers, snow modelers and teachers, as well as folks sent by the National Parks Service and the National Forest Service.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995836\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995836\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Participants gather for a morning lecture during Snow Science School. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The breadth of experience and background among the Snow Science School’s students is a testimony to the wide range of applications this work can have — and to the disciplines that snow brings together. “It’s a very close-knit community,” said Preetika Kaur, a Snow Lab student attending from the University of Wyoming. “I love to meet people who are pros.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>All work and no play? Not at the Snow Lab\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>After climbing up the steep hill to the Snow Lab on their first day, students were shown past the bright red snowcat — the exact same model that’s featured in the movie \u003cem>The Shining\u003c/em>, noted Schwartz approvingly — and into the warren-like building. Above their heads, the top floor holds sleeping quarters for the scientists who board overnight to conduct research or who’ve been trapped inside by an impenetrable Sierra storm.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995838\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1104\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995839\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995839\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab, based in Soda Springs near Donner Summit. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The first floor and basement, where the lab’s scientists work throughout the day, was full not just of computer screens and boxes full of measuring tools but also handwritten logs, archive photography depicting their Snow Lab predecessors out on the job, vintage road signs and instruments saved from the building’s past.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There’s even an oscilloscope — an instrument that once measured voltage — with a large “NASA AMES” sticker on it, and even though Schwartz admits they “have no clue” what the Snow Lab scientists of previous years used it for up here, “I’d be lying if I still don’t like to play with the knobs on it,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995849\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995849\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A Type 555 Dual-beam Oscilloscope, circa 1960s, at the Central Sierra Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995848\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995848\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1102\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Spatulas and rulers (right) are some of the tools used to measure snowfall at the Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Outside, the students tour Snow Lab’s network of remote snow equipment, like the fluid-filled “snow pillow” that detects the weight of the snow falling on it and the sensors submerged in the creek behind the lab that will gauge the height of the icy water as it starts to rise with spring snowmelt. Other remote sensors constantly assess solar radiation — in a region where sunlight can contribute to up to 95% of snowmelt — and soil temperature to get an idea of just how fast the snowpack could melt this year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But as this data collection hums in the background, Schwartz still maintains the lab’s twice-daily manual measurement tradition, which sees him and his colleagues crunch out onto the snow with “our very fancy ruler” — work that on some days, depending on conditions, can feel more like a polar expedition.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995840\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995840\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Gaby May Lagunes, a Ph.D. student in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Department at UC Berkeley, puts on her snowshoes to head into the field. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>As \u003ca href=\"\">the Snow Lab’s social media presence\u003c/a> has gained in popularity in the last few years, the snow measurements that Schwartz and his team make public are also watched eagerly by a different group of California enthusiasts: skiers and snowboarders desperate to know when to hit the Tahoe slopes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I love the different uses of our data in our information,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>The impact of the snowpack on water supply\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The snowpack can contain clues of the past as well as the future — which is why the snow analysis techniques being taught at the Snow Science School go way beyond just assessing depth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A key concept hydrology students are taught about is “snow water equivalent,” or SWE (usually pronounced “swee” by snow scientists): A measurement that tells scientists just how much water is contained in an area of snow versus the air it also contains alongside its ice crystals.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995841\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995841\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Andrew Schwartz, right, director of the Central Sierra Snow Lab, leads instructors and participants of the Snow Science School into the field. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“A lot of the water in California originally falls as snow, and it’s really valuable to humans because there’s a lot of it and because it stores itself for free in places where it’s cold and then melts in the spring, which is when we need it for agriculture,” said Marianne Cowherd, research associate at the Snow Lab and one of the instructors. “Having a good understanding of how much water we have available upstream lets us do things like manage our reservoir levels — so we still have enough water, but we don’t have dangerous operations or overflow.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The next piece of the snow science puzzle is working out when and how the state can expect that snow to melt. At the school, the students learn more about how energy from the sun and from the warm temperatures of the air and from the ground melts the snowpack and how the water flows into California’s soils and streams.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The thing that I’m trying to do is understand the effect of human changes in the landscape, specifically with irrigation on future precipitation patterns and precipitation extremes,” said Gaby May Lagunes, a snow lab student and UC Berkeley graduate researcher. “How the way people change the environment has an impact on the water cycle, not only locally, regionally and globally.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So “if I want to understand water from a data-driven perspective, I need to have an idea of what snow people know,” she said. “We need to work together a lot because we cannot know everything.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995845\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995845\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Preetika Kaur, left, a Ph.D. student at the University of Wyoming, and Joe Ammatelli, an assistant research scientist with the Desert Research Institute, dig a pit in the snowpack during Snow Science School. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>Up close in the snow pits\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>For students, the real action came when the school decamped closer to Donner Summit for the field measurement portion of their studies. After suiting up in thermal layers, bibs and beanies — plus lab-supplied polarized sunglasses that read “No Biz Like Snow Biz” on the side — the students strap on snowshoes to make the hike along a snow-covered trail to a secluded woods, sandwiched between Sugar Bowl and Donner Ski Ranch. Here, they began to dig out a series of 4-foot-deep snow pits using shovels, low enough to strike soil and complete with steps.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The snowpack can be far larger, sometimes as deep as 20 feet, and scientists “have to build literal levels down to measure the whole thing,” Schwartz said — “so you don’t have to Spider-Man your way out every time.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Joe Ammatelli was sent by the Desert Research Institute in Nevada, where he carries out snow modeling, which needs to be validated by field observations. “It’s really valuable as a modeler to get out here and see how it’s done,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995846\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995846\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"845\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Snow crystals lay on a measuring device during a field outing with the Snow Science School in January. Chris Northart, right, with the Department of Water Resources Statewide Monitoring Network Unit and a participant of the Snow Science School, uses a magnification lens to measure the size of snow granules. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995847\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995847\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A participant of the Snow School weighs a wedge of snow collected from the snowpack in a field outing. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>And for all the technological developments in snow science, it remains deeply tactile for its practitioners. Down in the pits, the students measured the snow’s temperature and observed how it changed the deeper the pit went. Then, using specialized shovels, the students scooped out and leveled off snow before weighing it on a scale — a method of measuring density and snow water equivalent.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They examined physical changes in the different layers in the smooth white walls of the snow pits, like studying rings in a tree trunk. These kinds of measurements are an exercise in time travel, explained instructor Cowherd, given the different qualities of snowflakes that fall at different times and how the ever-accumulating snowpack ages.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As the air heats and cools, the snow melts and compresses under its own weight — all of which “tells us about the history of what’s happened there,” Cowherd said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘Every day in the snow is a good day’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The observations that the instructors taught its snow students in the pits are the kind that stretches back almost a century and a half in the Snow Lab’s own archives — and this volume of information is invaluable for assessing the impact of climate change, Schwartz said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We see the same amount of precipitation coming in, but it’s shifting from snow terrain in all the months — so we’re seeing warming,” he said. “Our rain-snow line is going up in elevation.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The almost 150 years of data can also aid forecasters in looking for variables that smaller data sets just can’t encompass, he said — like the Sierra’s dry spells that are followed by big years for rain and snowfall, a swing that’s seen in “five year periods.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995850\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1333px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995850\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1333\" height=\"2000\" srcset=\" 1333w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1024w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1333px) 100vw, 1333px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A sign to alert the public of a snow survey shelter structure from the Department of Water Resources is one of the objects in the archive at the Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The school’s emphasis on continuing the tradition of meticulous data collection is shot through with the deep enthusiasm that marks the people in its orbit. Even in the chill of the field, when digging out feet of snow, the students remain upbeat.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Snow people are really fun people for the most part,” said instructor Micah Johnson, as he demonstrated an invention he’d been working on for a decade — showing the students how to stab his Bluetooth-enabled “penetrometer-reflectometer” stick into the snow and call up data from its sensors. “I have yet to meet an indifferent snow scientist of sorts.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Or, as Ammatelli from the Desert Research Institute said, “Every day in the snow is a good day.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>This story has been updated to correct the spelling of Joe Ammatelli’s name.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Scientists attending a recent snow school at the Sierra Snow Lab join a rich tradition of data gathering that has huge implications for California’s water supply.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739482730, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 41, "wordCount": 2540 }, "headData": { "title": "Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow at Hidden Tahoe Lab | KQED", "description": "Scientists attending a recent snow school at the Sierra Snow Lab join a rich tradition of data gathering that has huge implications for California’s water supply.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "socialTitle": "Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow at Hidden Tahoe Lab | KQED", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "At Hidden Tahoe Lab, Scientists Learn the Art of Measuring Snow", "datePublished": "2025-02-07T04:01:18-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-13T13:38:50-08:00", "image": "" } }, "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1995954", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995954/at-hidden-tahoe-lab-scientists-learn-the-art-of-measuring-snow", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__dropcapShortcode__dropcap\">A\u003c/span>\u003c/p>\u003cp>nyone riding the gondola lift at Sugar Bowl Ski Resort one bright day in January might have seen something unexpected in the glade below them: A series of figures energetically digging pits in the snow by hand — deep enough for them to then jump inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These pit diggers intently studied the walls of their newly carved chambers before pressing bright yellow sensors into the ice. They were, in fact, student scientists receiving training from the Central Sierra Snow Lab close by.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And while most visitors to the Sierra would never have a reason to come across this stocky, unassuming 1940s cabin nestled on a nearby backroad, the Snow Lab has been at the forefront of snow science for almost 80 years, maintaining the data that has huge implications for California’s water supply.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995844\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995844\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"845\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Measuring implements to gauge the layers and depth of the Sierra snowpack (left) in use at the Snow Science School. Anne Nolin (right), professor of geography at the University of Nevada, Reno and a snow school attendee, marks the edge of where to dig a pit in the snowpack. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Now, this event, its first-ever Snow Science School, saw the Snow Lab open its doors to teach a new generation the tools of their trade — almost 7,000 feet above sea level in the mountains of Tahoe National Forest.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Hidden history on Donner Summit\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Though now managed by UC Berkeley, the Central Sierra Snow Lab in Soda Springs began life in 1946 as a collaboration between the Army Corps of Engineers and what’s now known as the National Weather Service. But while the Snow Lab’s own snowfall and snow depth measurements date back to its birth, this cabin beneath towering pine trees near Donner Summit also maintains much older records from the area going back to 1878 documenting the Central Pacific Railroad’s own efforts — making these the longest such climatological records in the world when it comes to snow.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And for the scientists working up here in 2025, the job is essentially “to play in the snow and learn more about it,” said Andrew Schwartz, its director.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995851\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995851\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1585\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Andrew Schwartz, director of UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab, holds a decades-old printout of snow measurements (left) and a black-and-white photograph (right) in the lab’s archives. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>For the three days in January that saw 20 students from across the U.S. arrive at the Snow Science School, Tahoe was in the middle of a sunny, dry spell, with the snowpack at Donner Summit at 94% of the average for this time of year. But at an elevation of over 6,700 feet, the Snow Lab has seen its share of wild winters and momentous snowfall — making it an apt place to study snow science any time.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Schwartz, who took over the Snow Lab in 2021 and lived inside the building for his first two years, recalled how, in 2023, the snow was so deep that he and his colleagues could “walk directly into the third-floor windows.” That year, the Snow Lab received a total of 63 feet of snow, its second-biggest winter accumulation on record — precipitation that would eventually become the snowmelt that’s crucial for California’s water supply.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995837\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995837\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Participants listen during a morning lecture at the Clair Tappan Lodge during the Snow Science School organized by UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>For Schwartz, his “number one” hope for the Snow Lab’s inaugural school is that the students leave “with an appreciation of snow and a better understanding of how it works, really — because it’s so important to the world.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Roughly two billion people [around the world] use water obtained from snowpack. And we tend to take it for granted,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The school’s student body included a large handful of people from the California Department of Water Resources — one of the Snow Lab’s partners in this work — but also graduate students, researchers, snow modelers and teachers, as well as folks sent by the National Parks Service and the National Forest Service.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995836\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995836\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Participants gather for a morning lecture during Snow Science School. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The breadth of experience and background among the Snow Science School’s students is a testimony to the wide range of applications this work can have — and to the disciplines that snow brings together. “It’s a very close-knit community,” said Preetika Kaur, a Snow Lab student attending from the University of Wyoming. “I love to meet people who are pros.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>All work and no play? Not at the Snow Lab\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>After climbing up the steep hill to the Snow Lab on their first day, students were shown past the bright red snowcat — the exact same model that’s featured in the movie \u003cem>The Shining\u003c/em>, noted Schwartz approvingly — and into the warren-like building. Above their heads, the top floor holds sleeping quarters for the scientists who board overnight to conduct research or who’ve been trapped inside by an impenetrable Sierra storm.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995838\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1104\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995839\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995839\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">UC Berkeley’s Central Sierra Snow Lab, based in Soda Springs near Donner Summit. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The first floor and basement, where the lab’s scientists work throughout the day, was full not just of computer screens and boxes full of measuring tools but also handwritten logs, archive photography depicting their Snow Lab predecessors out on the job, vintage road signs and instruments saved from the building’s past.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There’s even an oscilloscope — an instrument that once measured voltage — with a large “NASA AMES” sticker on it, and even though Schwartz admits they “have no clue” what the Snow Lab scientists of previous years used it for up here, “I’d be lying if I still don’t like to play with the knobs on it,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995849\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995849\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A Type 555 Dual-beam Oscilloscope, circa 1960s, at the Central Sierra Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995848\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995848\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"1102\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Spatulas and rulers (right) are some of the tools used to measure snowfall at the Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Outside, the students tour Snow Lab’s network of remote snow equipment, like the fluid-filled “snow pillow” that detects the weight of the snow falling on it and the sensors submerged in the creek behind the lab that will gauge the height of the icy water as it starts to rise with spring snowmelt. Other remote sensors constantly assess solar radiation — in a region where sunlight can contribute to up to 95% of snowmelt — and soil temperature to get an idea of just how fast the snowpack could melt this year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But as this data collection hums in the background, Schwartz still maintains the lab’s twice-daily manual measurement tradition, which sees him and his colleagues crunch out onto the snow with “our very fancy ruler” — work that on some days, depending on conditions, can feel more like a polar expedition.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995840\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995840\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Gaby May Lagunes, a Ph.D. student in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Department at UC Berkeley, puts on her snowshoes to head into the field. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>As \u003ca href=\"\">the Snow Lab’s social media presence\u003c/a> has gained in popularity in the last few years, the snow measurements that Schwartz and his team make public are also watched eagerly by a different group of California enthusiasts: skiers and snowboarders desperate to know when to hit the Tahoe slopes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I love the different uses of our data in our information,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>The impact of the snowpack on water supply\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The snowpack can contain clues of the past as well as the future — which is why the snow analysis techniques being taught at the Snow Science School go way beyond just assessing depth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A key concept hydrology students are taught about is “snow water equivalent,” or SWE (usually pronounced “swee” by snow scientists): A measurement that tells scientists just how much water is contained in an area of snow versus the air it also contains alongside its ice crystals.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995841\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995841\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Andrew Schwartz, right, director of the Central Sierra Snow Lab, leads instructors and participants of the Snow Science School into the field. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“A lot of the water in California originally falls as snow, and it’s really valuable to humans because there’s a lot of it and because it stores itself for free in places where it’s cold and then melts in the spring, which is when we need it for agriculture,” said Marianne Cowherd, research associate at the Snow Lab and one of the instructors. “Having a good understanding of how much water we have available upstream lets us do things like manage our reservoir levels — so we still have enough water, but we don’t have dangerous operations or overflow.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The next piece of the snow science puzzle is working out when and how the state can expect that snow to melt. At the school, the students learn more about how energy from the sun and from the warm temperatures of the air and from the ground melts the snowpack and how the water flows into California’s soils and streams.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The thing that I’m trying to do is understand the effect of human changes in the landscape, specifically with irrigation on future precipitation patterns and precipitation extremes,” said Gaby May Lagunes, a snow lab student and UC Berkeley graduate researcher. “How the way people change the environment has an impact on the water cycle, not only locally, regionally and globally.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So “if I want to understand water from a data-driven perspective, I need to have an idea of what snow people know,” she said. “We need to work together a lot because we cannot know everything.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995845\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995845\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Preetika Kaur, left, a Ph.D. student at the University of Wyoming, and Joe Ammatelli, an assistant research scientist with the Desert Research Institute, dig a pit in the snowpack during Snow Science School. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>Up close in the snow pits\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>For students, the real action came when the school decamped closer to Donner Summit for the field measurement portion of their studies. After suiting up in thermal layers, bibs and beanies — plus lab-supplied polarized sunglasses that read “No Biz Like Snow Biz” on the side — the students strap on snowshoes to make the hike along a snow-covered trail to a secluded woods, sandwiched between Sugar Bowl and Donner Ski Ranch. Here, they began to dig out a series of 4-foot-deep snow pits using shovels, low enough to strike soil and complete with steps.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The snowpack can be far larger, sometimes as deep as 20 feet, and scientists “have to build literal levels down to measure the whole thing,” Schwartz said — “so you don’t have to Spider-Man your way out every time.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Joe Ammatelli was sent by the Desert Research Institute in Nevada, where he carries out snow modeling, which needs to be validated by field observations. “It’s really valuable as a modeler to get out here and see how it’s done,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995846\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2560px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995846\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2560\" height=\"845\" srcset=\" 2560w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Snow crystals lay on a measuring device during a field outing with the Snow Science School in January. Chris Northart, right, with the Department of Water Resources Statewide Monitoring Network Unit and a participant of the Snow Science School, uses a magnification lens to measure the size of snow granules. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995847\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995847\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A participant of the Snow School weighs a wedge of snow collected from the snowpack in a field outing. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>And for all the technological developments in snow science, it remains deeply tactile for its practitioners. Down in the pits, the students measured the snow’s temperature and observed how it changed the deeper the pit went. Then, using specialized shovels, the students scooped out and leveled off snow before weighing it on a scale — a method of measuring density and snow water equivalent.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They examined physical changes in the different layers in the smooth white walls of the snow pits, like studying rings in a tree trunk. These kinds of measurements are an exercise in time travel, explained instructor Cowherd, given the different qualities of snowflakes that fall at different times and how the ever-accumulating snowpack ages.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As the air heats and cools, the snow melts and compresses under its own weight — all of which “tells us about the history of what’s happened there,” Cowherd said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘Every day in the snow is a good day’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The observations that the instructors taught its snow students in the pits are the kind that stretches back almost a century and a half in the Snow Lab’s own archives — and this volume of information is invaluable for assessing the impact of climate change, Schwartz said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We see the same amount of precipitation coming in, but it’s shifting from snow terrain in all the months — so we’re seeing warming,” he said. “Our rain-snow line is going up in elevation.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The almost 150 years of data can also aid forecasters in looking for variables that smaller data sets just can’t encompass, he said — like the Sierra’s dry spells that are followed by big years for rain and snowfall, a swing that’s seen in “five year periods.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995850\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1333px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995850\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1333\" height=\"2000\" srcset=\" 1333w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1024w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1333px) 100vw, 1333px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A sign to alert the public of a snow survey shelter structure from the Department of Water Resources is one of the objects in the archive at the Snow Lab. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The school’s emphasis on continuing the tradition of meticulous data collection is shot through with the deep enthusiasm that marks the people in its orbit. Even in the chill of the field, when digging out feet of snow, the students remain upbeat.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Snow people are really fun people for the most part,” said instructor Micah Johnson, as he demonstrated an invention he’d been working on for a decade — showing the students how to stab his Bluetooth-enabled “penetrometer-reflectometer” stick into the snow and call up data from its sensors. “I have yet to meet an indifferent snow scientist of sorts.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Or, as Ammatelli from the Desert Research Institute said, “Every day in the snow is a good day.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>This story has been updated to correct the spelling of Joe Ammatelli’s name.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995954/at-hidden-tahoe-lab-scientists-learn-the-art-of-measuring-snow", "authors": [ "3243" ], "categories": [ "science_31", "science_35", "science_40", "science_4450", "science_98" ], "tags": [ "science_4417", "science_5185", "science_109", "science_1462", "science_107", "science_1243", "science_1127", "science_5251", "science_201" ], "featImg": "science_1995843", "label": "science" }, "science_1995529": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995529", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995529", "score": null, "sort": [ 1738591218000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "this-project-is-a-win-for-the-climate-and-ratepayers-why-is-pge-pulling-the-plug", "title": "PG&E Wants to Pull the Plug on Electrification Project at CSU Monterey Bay", "publishDate": 1738591218, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "PG&E Wants to Pull the Plug on Electrification Project at CSU Monterey Bay | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>The lines sprawl below ground unnoticed, starting out large, then branching like limbs of a tree, reaching nearly every home. We pay for them, and we probably never think about them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For most Californians, the maze of gas pipelines beneath our feet allows us to heat our homes and water, dry our clothes and cook our food. But all these functions can be done another way, too: with electricity. And maintaining two systems — gas and electric — is costly and incompatible with California’s climate goals.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So what if we could consolidate these systems, particularly in a way that would save ratepayers and utilities money?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In 2022, PG&E proposed a project that would do just that in roughly 400 campus apartments for students and their families at Cal State Monterey Bay. The project would be the largest of its kind in California, and likely the U.S., to date, and PG&E’s first neighborhood-scale electrification initiative.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In their application, the utility wrote that the project “represents a unique opportunity to address customer safety needs, long-term rate affordability, customer energy preference, and alignment with California’s climate goals,” in other words, a win-win-win-win.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So, people involved in the project were dumbfounded when the utility abruptly scrapped the project early this year, citing time pressure, unknown costs to address toxic asbestos in some buildings, and disagreements over how it would be financed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PG&E representatives wrote that it was “reluctantly terminating” the project. “There remains too great a divide in parties’ perspectives on core project details that PG&E views as essential for success.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995544\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995544\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A view of the East Campus housing development of California State University at Monterey Bay, with power lines in the background, in Marina, California, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995545\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2500px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995545\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2500\" height=\"833\" srcset=\" 2500w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2500px) 100vw, 2500px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Left: A sign directs visitors to the East Campus housing office of California State University, Monterey Bay, in Marina. Right: A laundromat for residents of East Campus housing. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>But the turn came as a “complete surprise,” said Hayley Goodson, a managing attorney at The Utility Reform Network, one of the project stakeholders. “PG&E has been saying for years that it costs less for gas ratepayers to do the electrification project.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Goodson said the reasons PG&E cited for dropping the project have all been known for months and argued it came down to financials.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PG&E is a heavily regulated monopoly owned by investors. One of the ways it makes a return for shareholders is on capital investments — long-lasting physical infrastructure it owns and maintains, like gas pipelines, transformers and power lines. The utility can recoup the costs of these, plus an extra percentage of that cost from their customers, which is wrapped into monthly bills.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995543\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995543\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Hayley Goodson, a managing attorney with The Utility Reform Network (TURN), poses for a portrait in the organization’s office in Oakland on Jan. 28, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>However, the appliances at CSU Monterey Bay would not be owned or maintained by PG&E. They would be property of the university, even though the utility would initially buy and install them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PG&E wanted to pay for the project through its capital budget, and while some stakeholders agreed, others pushed back, asking for the costs of electric appliances to come from the utility’s operating expense budget. This would mean they would recover the costs and break even, but there would be no additional profit for shareholders.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s hard not to think that PG&E just doesn’t want to do the right thing for its ratepayers if they can’t earn a profit from it,” Goodson said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>CSU Monterey Bay spokesperson Walter Ryce said PG&E notified the university it was withdrawing the application the same week it informed the California Public Utilities Commission. The project “was set to be fully funded by PG&E, and the university does not have funding to pursue a gas replacement project on its own.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Two systems, rising costs\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The idea of “pruning” the gas system is not new. Since 2018, PG&E has executed more than a hundred of these projects, ripping out old pipelines while covering the costs to electrify the homes and businesses affected.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Picture a 2-mile gas line in need of repair, winding its way to just two homes. It’s typically cheaper for PG&E, and therefore their ratepayers, if the company pays to fully electrify customers on these lines and retire rather than replace them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995546\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1999px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995546\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1999\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 1999w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1999px) 100vw, 1999px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">PG&E is withdrawing an ambitious plan to electrify the East Campus Housing development of California State University, Monterey Bay, at a community scale, seen here in Marina, California, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Shrinking California’s natural gas system is an objective of \u003ca href=\"\">state regulators\u003c/a>, as well. The CPUC published a \u003ca href=\"\">framework\u003c/a> to transition away from natural gas to benefit the climate and avoid spending on infrastructure that will be obsolete before the end of its useful life.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The majority of the state’s electricity, \u003ca href=\"\">61%\u003c/a>, comes from sources that create no planet-warming pollution, such as renewables, hydropower, and nuclear.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The alternative to a managed transition away from gas would be a haphazard one, which would lead to higher bills for those who still use gas.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If nearly an entire street wants to go all-electric, except for just one home, \u003ca href=\"\">utilities interpret California code\u003c/a> to mean they must maintain the whole pipeline serving that street.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995549\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2500px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995549\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2500\" height=\"833\" srcset=\" 2500w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2500px) 100vw, 2500px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Homes and businesses powered by gas are connected through a lattice of pipelines beneath the street (left). Electrifying a neighborhood means capping a gas line and replacing the gas-fueled appliances with electric ones (right). \u003ccite>(Anna Vignet/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>As more middle- and high-income people and homeowners switch to electricity, fewer people are left paying for the largely fixed costs of gas infrastructure. That leaves lower-income people and renters, who are less likely to electrify, on the hook for the cost of the gas system.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>California took a small step toward addressing this issue with a law that will allow 30 communities to go all-electric with just two-thirds of residents’ consent. These are pilots, though, and will kick off in 2026 at the earliest.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A special project\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The CSU Monterey Bay project would likely have saved ratepayers money.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Purchasing and installing electric appliances for roughly 400 homes saved about \u003ca href=\"\">$2.45\u003c/a> million over replacing about 8 miles of gas pipelines, PG&E estimated in its project application to the CPUC.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s a unicorn,” said the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Kiki Velez, who leads initiatives transitioning away from gas for the organization. “You have a big project that could likely deliver a lot of cost savings and emissions reductions. You have one willing customer.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In a 2022 article published by the university, then Sustainability Director Lacey Raak said it made sense not to invest in gas infrastructure. “It would be like buying a fax machine in 1999,” Raak said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>\u003cstrong>The clock ticks\u003c/strong>\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Time can be a major impediment when you set out to electrify a whole neighborhood.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“You want to be targeting pipelines that are close to the end of their lifetime because that’s a better deal for ratepayers,” said Beckie Menten, California director at the Building Decarbonization Coalition.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Instead of replacing them with a pipeline that may be retired before its useful, sometimes \u003ca href=\"\">100-year-long\u003c/a> life, or before it’s slowly paid off, you convert the associated homes to rely on electricity instead.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Identifying a pipeline almost ready for replacement “sets a clock,” she said. “You have a certain number of years to not only get approval for the project, but to also implement the project before the safety concern becomes a risk.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995551\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995551\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">An advisory sign warns of high-voltage electricity near the East Campus housing development of California State University, Monterey Bay, in Marina, California, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>PG&E’s \u003ca href=\"\">initial application (PDF)\u003c/a> asked the CPUC for approval by the summer of 2023, saying the utility would need to replace the gas lines from 2022–25 to ensure future “safe, reliable gas service.” In recent filings, PG&E wrote that it’d need the pipelines replaced by the end of 2026. The utility was still waiting for a decision in early 2025.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Failing to replace aging pipelines can lead to \u003ca href=\",Stanford%20University%20funded%20the%20research.\">gas leaks\u003c/a> and cause dangerous explosions. One of PG&E’s most notorious disasters was a blast and resulting fire in San Bruno in 2010, which killed eight people. \u003ca href=\",quality%20control%20failed%20to%20detect.\">The cause was a poorly welded pipeline of a very old pipe\u003c/a> and inadequate pipeline management.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The CSU Monterey Bay project stalled for a year after the school changed its chief financial officer. Then, campus officials found asbestos in the buildings, which could lead to health risks if disturbed during construction.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Meanwhile, project stakeholders argued over how PG&E should expense the new electric appliances.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some stakeholders, including the Sierra Club, supported PG&E’s proposal to allow it to use capital funds and, therefore, make a profit in this case. Attorney Matt Vespa said the incentives to make climate-friendly electrification choices aren’t there yet for utilities.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If a gas company just replaces a pipeline and basically locks in fossil fuel infrastructure for decades at a pretty high cost, they make money. But if they avoid that and do a climate solution that benefits public health, air quality and the climate by electrifying, they actually don’t make any money at all,” Vespa said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995542\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1995542 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Matt Vespa, a senior attorney with Earthjustice, sits on the counter at his home in San Francisco on Jan. 30, 2025, next to a newly installed induction stove. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Other groups, including TURN, scoffed at PG&E’s proposed way to finance the project and said the utility would still be able to recover its costs. “What we’re talking about is whether they should earn a bonus on these activities. We don’t think that that bonus is necessary or appropriate,” Goodson said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A PG&E spokesperson told KQED that the utility joins “with TURN in advocating for the safe and reliable delivery of energy for PG&E customers. This includes the replacement of pipeline for safety reasons when necessary.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The debate was not atypical for a project like this, and in December, parties were coming to agreements on issues they’d argued over. How PG&E would finance the project was unresolved and would be put to the CPUC.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But PG&E withdrew its application before it could, and with it, hopes for the largest neighborhood electrification project in the U.S. to date.[aside label=\"Related Stories\" postID=\"news_12023805,news_11983675,news_11981173\"]“They are hoping to walk away with no consequences,” said Michael Colvin, director of regulatory and legislative affairs for the Environmental Defense Fund. “Promises were made to the university, promises were made to the residents of the university housing, promises were made to the rest of their customers to say we know how to do zonal electrification and we can be part of an example.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Colvin said other utilities around the country were watching the CSU Monterey Bay project and may not attempt similar projects if this one collapses. “There is a ripple effect outside of Monterey Bay and outside of California,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Several stakeholders have responded to PG&E’s withdrawal, calling for the CPUC to reject it or at least hold the utility to some account.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Will student housing at the school’s East Campus be the vision of a campus electrified, as the school paper once touted? The question will be answered in the coming months.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Regardless, Menten of the Building Decarbonization Coalition said this doesn’t mean neighborhood-scale electrification won’t be in California’s future, just that this project came too early.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“PG&E was trying to be innovative. They were trying to push the envelope,” said Menten, “but they were a little bit ahead of where the CPUC was.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "PG&E proposed a novel approach to electrify existing buildings at CSU Monterey Bay. Now the promising project is in jeopardy.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1738605648, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 47, "wordCount": 2125 }, "headData": { "title": "PG&E Wants to Pull the Plug on Electrification Project at CSU Monterey Bay | KQED", "description": "PG&E proposed a novel approach to electrify existing buildings at CSU Monterey Bay. Now the promising project is in jeopardy.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "PG&E Wants to Pull the Plug on Electrification Project at CSU Monterey Bay", "datePublished": "2025-02-03T06:00:18-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-03T10:00:48-08:00", "image": "" } }, "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1995529", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995529/this-project-is-a-win-for-the-climate-and-ratepayers-why-is-pge-pulling-the-plug", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>The lines sprawl below ground unnoticed, starting out large, then branching like limbs of a tree, reaching nearly every home. We pay for them, and we probably never think about them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For most Californians, the maze of gas pipelines beneath our feet allows us to heat our homes and water, dry our clothes and cook our food. But all these functions can be done another way, too: with electricity. And maintaining two systems — gas and electric — is costly and incompatible with California’s climate goals.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So what if we could consolidate these systems, particularly in a way that would save ratepayers and utilities money?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In 2022, PG&E proposed a project that would do just that in roughly 400 campus apartments for students and their families at Cal State Monterey Bay. The project would be the largest of its kind in California, and likely the U.S., to date, and PG&E’s first neighborhood-scale electrification initiative.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In their application, the utility wrote that the project “represents a unique opportunity to address customer safety needs, long-term rate affordability, customer energy preference, and alignment with California’s climate goals,” in other words, a win-win-win-win.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So, people involved in the project were dumbfounded when the utility abruptly scrapped the project early this year, citing time pressure, unknown costs to address toxic asbestos in some buildings, and disagreements over how it would be financed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PG&E representatives wrote that it was “reluctantly terminating” the project. “There remains too great a divide in parties’ perspectives on core project details that PG&E views as essential for success.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995544\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995544\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A view of the East Campus housing development of California State University at Monterey Bay, with power lines in the background, in Marina, California, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995545\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2500px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995545\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2500\" height=\"833\" srcset=\" 2500w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2500px) 100vw, 2500px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Left: A sign directs visitors to the East Campus housing office of California State University, Monterey Bay, in Marina. Right: A laundromat for residents of East Campus housing. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>But the turn came as a “complete surprise,” said Hayley Goodson, a managing attorney at The Utility Reform Network, one of the project stakeholders. “PG&E has been saying for years that it costs less for gas ratepayers to do the electrification project.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Goodson said the reasons PG&E cited for dropping the project have all been known for months and argued it came down to financials.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PG&E is a heavily regulated monopoly owned by investors. One of the ways it makes a return for shareholders is on capital investments — long-lasting physical infrastructure it owns and maintains, like gas pipelines, transformers and power lines. The utility can recoup the costs of these, plus an extra percentage of that cost from their customers, which is wrapped into monthly bills.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995543\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995543\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Hayley Goodson, a managing attorney with The Utility Reform Network (TURN), poses for a portrait in the organization’s office in Oakland on Jan. 28, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>However, the appliances at CSU Monterey Bay would not be owned or maintained by PG&E. They would be property of the university, even though the utility would initially buy and install them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PG&E wanted to pay for the project through its capital budget, and while some stakeholders agreed, others pushed back, asking for the costs of electric appliances to come from the utility’s operating expense budget. This would mean they would recover the costs and break even, but there would be no additional profit for shareholders.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s hard not to think that PG&E just doesn’t want to do the right thing for its ratepayers if they can’t earn a profit from it,” Goodson said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>CSU Monterey Bay spokesperson Walter Ryce said PG&E notified the university it was withdrawing the application the same week it informed the California Public Utilities Commission. The project “was set to be fully funded by PG&E, and the university does not have funding to pursue a gas replacement project on its own.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Two systems, rising costs\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The idea of “pruning” the gas system is not new. Since 2018, PG&E has executed more than a hundred of these projects, ripping out old pipelines while covering the costs to electrify the homes and businesses affected.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Picture a 2-mile gas line in need of repair, winding its way to just two homes. It’s typically cheaper for PG&E, and therefore their ratepayers, if the company pays to fully electrify customers on these lines and retire rather than replace them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995546\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1999px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995546\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1999\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 1999w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1999px) 100vw, 1999px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">PG&E is withdrawing an ambitious plan to electrify the East Campus Housing development of California State University, Monterey Bay, at a community scale, seen here in Marina, California, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Shrinking California’s natural gas system is an objective of \u003ca href=\"\">state regulators\u003c/a>, as well. The CPUC published a \u003ca href=\"\">framework\u003c/a> to transition away from natural gas to benefit the climate and avoid spending on infrastructure that will be obsolete before the end of its useful life.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The majority of the state’s electricity, \u003ca href=\"\">61%\u003c/a>, comes from sources that create no planet-warming pollution, such as renewables, hydropower, and nuclear.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The alternative to a managed transition away from gas would be a haphazard one, which would lead to higher bills for those who still use gas.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If nearly an entire street wants to go all-electric, except for just one home, \u003ca href=\"\">utilities interpret California code\u003c/a> to mean they must maintain the whole pipeline serving that street.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995549\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2500px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995549\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2500\" height=\"833\" srcset=\" 2500w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2500px) 100vw, 2500px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Homes and businesses powered by gas are connected through a lattice of pipelines beneath the street (left). Electrifying a neighborhood means capping a gas line and replacing the gas-fueled appliances with electric ones (right). \u003ccite>(Anna Vignet/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>As more middle- and high-income people and homeowners switch to electricity, fewer people are left paying for the largely fixed costs of gas infrastructure. That leaves lower-income people and renters, who are less likely to electrify, on the hook for the cost of the gas system.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>California took a small step toward addressing this issue with a law that will allow 30 communities to go all-electric with just two-thirds of residents’ consent. These are pilots, though, and will kick off in 2026 at the earliest.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A special project\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The CSU Monterey Bay project would likely have saved ratepayers money.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Purchasing and installing electric appliances for roughly 400 homes saved about \u003ca href=\"\">$2.45\u003c/a> million over replacing about 8 miles of gas pipelines, PG&E estimated in its project application to the CPUC.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s a unicorn,” said the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Kiki Velez, who leads initiatives transitioning away from gas for the organization. “You have a big project that could likely deliver a lot of cost savings and emissions reductions. You have one willing customer.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In a 2022 article published by the university, then Sustainability Director Lacey Raak said it made sense not to invest in gas infrastructure. “It would be like buying a fax machine in 1999,” Raak said.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>\u003cstrong>The clock ticks\u003c/strong>\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Time can be a major impediment when you set out to electrify a whole neighborhood.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“You want to be targeting pipelines that are close to the end of their lifetime because that’s a better deal for ratepayers,” said Beckie Menten, California director at the Building Decarbonization Coalition.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Instead of replacing them with a pipeline that may be retired before its useful, sometimes \u003ca href=\"\">100-year-long\u003c/a> life, or before it’s slowly paid off, you convert the associated homes to rely on electricity instead.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Identifying a pipeline almost ready for replacement “sets a clock,” she said. “You have a certain number of years to not only get approval for the project, but to also implement the project before the safety concern becomes a risk.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995551\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995551\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">An advisory sign warns of high-voltage electricity near the East Campus housing development of California State University, Monterey Bay, in Marina, California, on Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>PG&E’s \u003ca href=\"\">initial application (PDF)\u003c/a> asked the CPUC for approval by the summer of 2023, saying the utility would need to replace the gas lines from 2022–25 to ensure future “safe, reliable gas service.” In recent filings, PG&E wrote that it’d need the pipelines replaced by the end of 2026. The utility was still waiting for a decision in early 2025.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Failing to replace aging pipelines can lead to \u003ca href=\",Stanford%20University%20funded%20the%20research.\">gas leaks\u003c/a> and cause dangerous explosions. One of PG&E’s most notorious disasters was a blast and resulting fire in San Bruno in 2010, which killed eight people. \u003ca href=\",quality%20control%20failed%20to%20detect.\">The cause was a poorly welded pipeline of a very old pipe\u003c/a> and inadequate pipeline management.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The CSU Monterey Bay project stalled for a year after the school changed its chief financial officer. Then, campus officials found asbestos in the buildings, which could lead to health risks if disturbed during construction.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Meanwhile, project stakeholders argued over how PG&E should expense the new electric appliances.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some stakeholders, including the Sierra Club, supported PG&E’s proposal to allow it to use capital funds and, therefore, make a profit in this case. Attorney Matt Vespa said the incentives to make climate-friendly electrification choices aren’t there yet for utilities.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“If a gas company just replaces a pipeline and basically locks in fossil fuel infrastructure for decades at a pretty high cost, they make money. But if they avoid that and do a climate solution that benefits public health, air quality and the climate by electrifying, they actually don’t make any money at all,” Vespa said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995542\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1995542 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Matt Vespa, a senior attorney with Earthjustice, sits on the counter at his home in San Francisco on Jan. 30, 2025, next to a newly installed induction stove. \u003ccite>(David M. Barreda/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Other groups, including TURN, scoffed at PG&E’s proposed way to finance the project and said the utility would still be able to recover its costs. “What we’re talking about is whether they should earn a bonus on these activities. We don’t think that that bonus is necessary or appropriate,” Goodson said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A PG&E spokesperson told KQED that the utility joins “with TURN in advocating for the safe and reliable delivery of energy for PG&E customers. This includes the replacement of pipeline for safety reasons when necessary.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The debate was not atypical for a project like this, and in December, parties were coming to agreements on issues they’d argued over. How PG&E would finance the project was unresolved and would be put to the CPUC.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But PG&E withdrew its application before it could, and with it, hopes for the largest neighborhood electrification project in the U.S. to date.\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "Related Stories ", "postid": "news_12023805,news_11983675,news_11981173" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>“They are hoping to walk away with no consequences,” said Michael Colvin, director of regulatory and legislative affairs for the Environmental Defense Fund. “Promises were made to the university, promises were made to the residents of the university housing, promises were made to the rest of their customers to say we know how to do zonal electrification and we can be part of an example.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Colvin said other utilities around the country were watching the CSU Monterey Bay project and may not attempt similar projects if this one collapses. “There is a ripple effect outside of Monterey Bay and outside of California,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Several stakeholders have responded to PG&E’s withdrawal, calling for the CPUC to reject it or at least hold the utility to some account.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Will student housing at the school’s East Campus be the vision of a campus electrified, as the school paper once touted? The question will be answered in the coming months.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Regardless, Menten of the Building Decarbonization Coalition said this doesn’t mean neighborhood-scale electrification won’t be in California’s future, just that this project came too early.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“PG&E was trying to be innovative. They were trying to push the envelope,” said Menten, “but they were a little bit ahead of where the CPUC was.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995529/this-project-is-a-win-for-the-climate-and-ratepayers-why-is-pge-pulling-the-plug", "authors": [ "8648" ], "categories": [ "science_31", "science_33", "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_182", "science_135", "science_4417", "science_309" ], "featImg": "science_1995541", "label": "science" }, "science_1995508": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995508", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995508", "score": null, "sort": [ 1738274440000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "monarch-butterflies-are-on-the-decline-in-california-heres-why", "title": "Monarch Butterflies Are on the Decline in California. Here’s Why", "publishDate": 1738274440, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "Monarch Butterflies Are on the Decline in California. Here’s Why | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>California’s iconic monarch butterfly population saw a sharp decline this year, which biologists attribute to the hot summer and fall temperatures across the state affecting the species’ migratory path.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The latest Western Monarch Count by Xerces Society recorded 9,119 overwintering monarch butterflies — those that travel to warmer climates in the winter — in California, marking the second-lowest population since tracking began in 1997. This sharp decline follows three consecutive years of over 200,000 monarchs and remains well below the \u003ca href=\"\">millions observed in the 1980s\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The specific drop we saw this year largely attributed to the really hot temperatures and the drought that we saw across the West in July, somewhat into August and again in September and October, when that migratory generation should be making its way to the overwintering sites,” said Emma Pelton, an endangered species biologist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Santa Cruz County had the most overwintering monarch clusters this year, with Lighthouse Field State Park reporting 1,406 butterflies, Natural Bridges State Park counting 1,400, and Moran Lake recording 645. The fourth-largest site was Pismo Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove in San Luis Obispo County, with 556 monarchs recorded in late November. Skywest Golf Course in Hayward ranked fifth with 477 butterflies.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Other locations with higher densities of monarchs include the Pacific Grove Butterfly Sanctuary in Monterey County, which had 228, and UC Gill Tract Community Farm in Alameda, which recorded 196 and was one of the few sites to see a population increase this year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Meanwhile, some historically significant sites experienced drastic declines. The Goleta Monarch Butterfly Grove at Ellwood Mesa had almost no clusters, with only three monarchs spotted across multiple locations. A privately-owned Santa Barbara site managed by The Nature Conservancy, which hosted 33,200 monarchs last winter, dramatically dropped to 198 this season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Experts say the decline is caused by habitat loss, pesticide exposure, and climate change. Record-high temperatures and drought throughout the summer and fall months last year likely also contributed to the drop. In January, fires in Los Angeles County burned tree groves where monarchs overwinter, including a site in Lower Topanga Canyon.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The western monarch population, which migrates separately from eastern monarchs overwintering in Mexico, relies on California’s coastal tree groves for shelter. Experts say voluntary efforts like pollinator gardens have helped prevent even steeper declines but that broader policy changes are needed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[aside label='Related Coverage' tag='science']\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“There’s a huge number of people that care about monarchs and are planting habitat or trying to protect the species. But the evidence points to how we need this work done at a much higher level,” Pelton said, referring to the \u003ca href=\"\">U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal\u003c/a> to list monarchs as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If approved, the proposal would provide improved protection for monarch overwintering habitat in California and more incentives for habitat restoration. A \u003ca href=\"\">public comment period on the listing is open\u003c/a> until March 12, and Xerces Society is asking individuals \u003ca href=\"\">to sign on to support the listing\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "The latest Western Monarch Count by the Xerces Society marks the second-lowest population since tracking began in 1997. Biologists say hot temperatures and drought are to blame.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1738268329, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 13, "wordCount": 529 }, "headData": { "title": "Monarch Butterflies Are on the Decline in California. Here’s Why | KQED", "description": "The latest Western Monarch Count by the Xerces Society marks the second-lowest population since tracking began in 1997. Biologists say hot temperatures and drought are to blame.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "Monarch Butterflies Are on the Decline in California. Here’s Why", "datePublished": "2025-01-30T14:00:40-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-01-30T12:18:49-08:00", "image": "" } }, "sticky": false, "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995508/monarch-butterflies-are-on-the-decline-in-california-heres-why", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>California’s iconic monarch butterfly population saw a sharp decline this year, which biologists attribute to the hot summer and fall temperatures across the state affecting the species’ migratory path.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The latest Western Monarch Count by Xerces Society recorded 9,119 overwintering monarch butterflies — those that travel to warmer climates in the winter — in California, marking the second-lowest population since tracking began in 1997. This sharp decline follows three consecutive years of over 200,000 monarchs and remains well below the \u003ca href=\"\">millions observed in the 1980s\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The specific drop we saw this year largely attributed to the really hot temperatures and the drought that we saw across the West in July, somewhat into August and again in September and October, when that migratory generation should be making its way to the overwintering sites,” said Emma Pelton, an endangered species biologist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Santa Cruz County had the most overwintering monarch clusters this year, with Lighthouse Field State Park reporting 1,406 butterflies, Natural Bridges State Park counting 1,400, and Moran Lake recording 645. The fourth-largest site was Pismo Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove in San Luis Obispo County, with 556 monarchs recorded in late November. Skywest Golf Course in Hayward ranked fifth with 477 butterflies.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Other locations with higher densities of monarchs include the Pacific Grove Butterfly Sanctuary in Monterey County, which had 228, and UC Gill Tract Community Farm in Alameda, which recorded 196 and was one of the few sites to see a population increase this year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Meanwhile, some historically significant sites experienced drastic declines. The Goleta Monarch Butterfly Grove at Ellwood Mesa had almost no clusters, with only three monarchs spotted across multiple locations. A privately-owned Santa Barbara site managed by The Nature Conservancy, which hosted 33,200 monarchs last winter, dramatically dropped to 198 this season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Experts say the decline is caused by habitat loss, pesticide exposure, and climate change. Record-high temperatures and drought throughout the summer and fall months last year likely also contributed to the drop. In January, fires in Los Angeles County burned tree groves where monarchs overwinter, including a site in Lower Topanga Canyon.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The western monarch population, which migrates separately from eastern monarchs overwintering in Mexico, relies on California’s coastal tree groves for shelter. Experts say voluntary efforts like pollinator gardens have helped prevent even steeper declines but that broader policy changes are needed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "Related Coverage ", "tag": "science" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“There’s a huge number of people that care about monarchs and are planting habitat or trying to protect the species. But the evidence points to how we need this work done at a much higher level,” Pelton said, referring to the \u003ca href=\"\">U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal\u003c/a> to list monarchs as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If approved, the proposal would provide improved protection for monarch overwintering habitat in California and more incentives for habitat restoration. A \u003ca href=\"\">public comment period on the listing is open\u003c/a> until March 12, and Xerces Society is asking individuals \u003ca href=\"\">to sign on to support the listing\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995508/monarch-butterflies-are-on-the-decline-in-california-heres-why", "authors": [ "11631" ], "categories": [ "science_30", "science_31", "science_35", "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_194", "science_261", "science_2053" ], "featImg": "science_1995511", "label": "science" }, "science_1995393": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995393", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995393", "score": null, "sort": [ 1735689654000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "9-unexpected-things-we-learned-about-mental-health-and-our-brains-in-2024", "title": "9 Unexpected Things We Learned About Mental Health and Our Brains in 2024", "publishDate": 1735689654, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "9 Unexpected Things We Learned About Mental Health and Our Brains in 2024 | KQED", "labelTerm": { "term": 5158, "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>“Brain rot” is the Oxford \u003ca href=\"\">word of the year\u003c/a> for 2024, and it’s pretty much what it sounds like: a perceived mental decline from consuming too much online media. If just reading that definition has you worried about your gray matter, never fear! Researchers are finding promising — and surprising — ways to boost our brain health and de-stress our minds. Here are nine stories on the topic that engaged our readers this year.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>1. Writing by hand beats typing for learning and memory\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Yes, typing is usually much faster than writing by hand. But increasingly, studies are \u003ca href=\"\">finding deep brain benefits\u003c/a> when we write out letters and words by hand. For kids, it can improve letter recognition and learning; and when adults take notes by hand it can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Brain imaging studies suggest it has to do with the fine-tuned coordination required between motor and visual systems, which deeply engages the brain. Some artists even say writing by hand stokes their creativity. So, if you’re feeling stuck — \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>try jotting down your idea with pen and paper. \u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>2. Your gut microbes can affect your mood\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Can what you eat make you more resilient to stress? Maybe! A recent analysis found that the guts of people who handled stress better shared two patterns: Their microbiomes had more anti-inflammatory microbes, and they had a strong “gut barrier,” which keeps toxins and pathogens out of the bloodstream.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Scientists already know that our gut and brain talk to each other. (In fact, the gut produces about 90% of serotonin and about 50% of dopamine.) So, will eating fermented foods like kimchi or yogurt or taking probiotic supplements help you stay chill?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s not that simple, scientists say, because the gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem. Still, researchers are working on identifying biomarkers in gut bacteria that someday could help tailor decisions on how to use existing therapies — or develop new treatments. \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Learn more about microbes and mental health.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995395\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1600px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995395\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1600\" height=\"1200\" srcset=\" 1600w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">An illustration of biomes of the human digestive tract. \u003ccite>(Mehau Kulyk/Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>3. Working late in young adulthood may lead to depression and poor health in middle age\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Your body already knows this: When you sacrifice sleep for work, it can take a toll on your mental health. Now, research is finding that specifically working nights and rotating shift schedules can leave people \u003ca href=\"\">susceptible to depression and poor health.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Work is supposed to bring in income to support us, says researcher Wen-Jui Han, but many people are working themselves sick and becoming “more and more miserable over time.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>About 16% of American workers worked outside daytime hours in 2019; Black men and women with limited education disproportionately carry the burden of these shifts. Han says she hopes the study prompts more conversations about how to better support people to live happy and healthy lives. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">\u003cem>Here’s more on the link between shift work and depression.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>4. About 40% of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by improving daily habits\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>When it comes to a healthy lifestyles, little changes can go a long way. Research is increasingly finding we may be able to \u003ca href=\"\">reduce our risk for dementia.\u003c/a> Tweaks to our sleep, diet, social lives and exercise habits all add up. Even people who have genetic risk factors can benefit.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Now, scientists have created an online tool — the Brain Care Score — to help people gauge and track risks to their brain health. (\u003ca href=\"\">You can check your score here\u003c/a>.)\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>One recent study found that each 5-point increase in a brain care score was associated with a 27% lower composite risk of dementia, stroke and depression.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“What was surprising to us was just how powerful it was,” says Dr. Kevin Sheth, director of Yale University’s Center for Brain and Mind Health and a co-author of the study. Sheth says the findings have led him to tweak some of his own habits — he’s swapped sugary desserts for fruit at some meals and added more leafy greens to his diet. \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Get started boosting your brain health.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>5. Talking to your ‘parts’ can help you deal with stress and maybe change your life\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-1995396\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"600\" height=\"338\">\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ever felt paralyzed by stress? Worn down by that inner voice critiquing your choices? A therapeutic approach called Internal Family Systems, or IFS, is growing in popularity. It’s based on the idea that each of us has multiple parts or perspectives inside us — for example, people may have an inner critic, a worrier, a protector. The method involves learning to embrace all your parts, treat them with compassion and \u003ca href=\"\">figure out what they may be telling you.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some patients have called it “life-changing.” While some therapists say the evidence isn’t there yet, some small studies show IFS can benefit people with specific issues, including PTSD, stress and depression. And more research is underway.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>An increasing number of therapists are trained in IFS, but you can try getting to know your “internal family” on your own. \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Start here.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>6. Weight training can help with anxiety and depression (among other things)\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Strength training is good for your bones, joints, heart — and now it turns out, it benefits your mood, too. An analysis of more than 30 clinical trials found people who did strength training at least two to three times a week had a reduction of symptoms of depression. And \u003ca href=\",and%20other%20negative%20mood%20states.%E2%80%9D\">other research\u003c/a> found it can reduce anxiety, too.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And a little goes a long way. While it’s increasingly common to see female weightlifters on social media, women don’t have to become bodybuilders to see the benefits. A recent study found that women need to do less exercise than men to change their baseline of aerobic and muscular strength. If lifting weights at the gym isn’t your thing, try exercises using resistance bands or your own body weight, such as squats or push-ups.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>Find out more about the \u003c/em>\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>many benefits of resistance training\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003cem>. \u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-1995397\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1600\" height=\"1056\" srcset=\" 1600w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px\">\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>7. Ultra-processed foods are linked to poor mental health, too\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Americans consume more than half their daily calories from ultra-processed foods — think fast food, sugary drinks, packaged snacks. Researchers say there’s consistent evidence that eating more of these foods is correlated with sickness, including mental health struggles.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In fact, an extensive new analysis found roughly a 20-to-50% increased risk of depressive symptoms in people who eat diets high in ultra-processed foods.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s not yet clear how much is too much. Researchers say it may vary based on people’s lifestyles. The FDA is considering a label that would flag foods that contain high amounts of sodium, sugar and saturated fat. But in the meantime, if a food contains many ingredients you wouldn’t find in your own kitchen, that’s a telltale sign it’s ultra-processed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>Here’s the skinny on the effects of \u003c/em>\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>ultra-processed foods on our brains and bodies\u003c/em>\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>8. Scientists are learning how the brain removes waste and what that means for Alzheimer’s, headaches, depression and more\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Experts have identified another miracle of sleep. To stay healthy, our brains need to wash away the debris created by the billions of cells that keep them running. New research is finding that during deep sleep, slow electrical waves serve to synchronize our neurons, effectively turning them into tiny pumps that push fluid from deep in the brain to its surface. From there, the waste is transported to the liver and kidneys to be removed from the body.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Problems with brain waste removal might be a factor in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, headache and even depression.\u003cstrong> \u003c/strong>So, finding ways to help an impaired brain clean itself \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>could help develop treatments for a wide array of disorders\u003c/em>\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995398\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1600px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995398\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1600\" height=\"1067\" srcset=\" 1600w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">New insights into the brain’s waste-removal system could one day help researchers better understand and prevent many different brain disorders. \u003ccite>(Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>9. A high-fat, low-carb diet could help some people with mental illness\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>A few years ago, some patients started experimenting with the \u003ca href=\"\">ketogenic diet\u003c/a>, which is high fat and very low carb, to manage mental health symptoms. Researchers took note, and now, around a \u003ca href=\"\">dozen clinical trials\u003c/a> are in the works, testing the diet’s effect on mental illness, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There are a few working theories as to why it might help. For one, the diet brings blood sugar and insulin sensitivity under control, both of which are linked with mental health problems. It also may provide a workaround for dysfunction in mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, which could lead to a healthier brain.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Early results from studies are promising. The only downside? Some clinicians worry the diet — which involves giving up common comfort foods like bread and sweets — may be too hard for some patients to follow.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Researchers are finding promising — and surprising — ways to boost our brain health and de-stress our minds. ", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1735694135, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 32, "wordCount": 1549 }, "headData": { "title": "9 Unexpected Things We Learned About Mental Health and Our Brains in 2024 | KQED", "description": "Researchers are finding promising — and surprising — ways to boost our brain health and de-stress our minds. ", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "9 Unexpected Things We Learned About Mental Health and Our Brains in 2024", "datePublished": "2024-12-31T16:00:54-08:00", "dateModified": "2024-12-31T17:15:35-08:00", "image": "" } }, "sticky": false, "nprByline": "\u003ca href=\"\">Kathleen Masterson\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Andrea Muraskin\u003c/a>, NPR", "nprStoryId": "kqed-1995393", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "showOnAuthorArchivePages": "No", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995393/9-unexpected-things-we-learned-about-mental-health-and-our-brains-in-2024", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>“Brain rot” is the Oxford \u003ca href=\"\">word of the year\u003c/a> for 2024, and it’s pretty much what it sounds like: a perceived mental decline from consuming too much online media. If just reading that definition has you worried about your gray matter, never fear! Researchers are finding promising — and surprising — ways to boost our brain health and de-stress our minds. Here are nine stories on the topic that engaged our readers this year.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>1. Writing by hand beats typing for learning and memory\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Yes, typing is usually much faster than writing by hand. But increasingly, studies are \u003ca href=\"\">finding deep brain benefits\u003c/a> when we write out letters and words by hand. For kids, it can improve letter recognition and learning; and when adults take notes by hand it can lead to better conceptual understanding of material.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Brain imaging studies suggest it has to do with the fine-tuned coordination required between motor and visual systems, which deeply engages the brain. Some artists even say writing by hand stokes their creativity. So, if you’re feeling stuck — \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>try jotting down your idea with pen and paper. \u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>2. Your gut microbes can affect your mood\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Can what you eat make you more resilient to stress? Maybe! A recent analysis found that the guts of people who handled stress better shared two patterns: Their microbiomes had more anti-inflammatory microbes, and they had a strong “gut barrier,” which keeps toxins and pathogens out of the bloodstream.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Scientists already know that our gut and brain talk to each other. (In fact, the gut produces about 90% of serotonin and about 50% of dopamine.) So, will eating fermented foods like kimchi or yogurt or taking probiotic supplements help you stay chill?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s not that simple, scientists say, because the gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem. Still, researchers are working on identifying biomarkers in gut bacteria that someday could help tailor decisions on how to use existing therapies — or develop new treatments. \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Learn more about microbes and mental health.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995395\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1600px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995395\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1600\" height=\"1200\" srcset=\" 1600w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">An illustration of biomes of the human digestive tract. \u003ccite>(Mehau Kulyk/Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>3. Working late in young adulthood may lead to depression and poor health in middle age\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Your body already knows this: When you sacrifice sleep for work, it can take a toll on your mental health. Now, research is finding that specifically working nights and rotating shift schedules can leave people \u003ca href=\"\">susceptible to depression and poor health.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Work is supposed to bring in income to support us, says researcher Wen-Jui Han, but many people are working themselves sick and becoming “more and more miserable over time.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>About 16% of American workers worked outside daytime hours in 2019; Black men and women with limited education disproportionately carry the burden of these shifts. Han says she hopes the study prompts more conversations about how to better support people to live happy and healthy lives. \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">\u003cem>Here’s more on the link between shift work and depression.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>4. About 40% of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by improving daily habits\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>When it comes to a healthy lifestyles, little changes can go a long way. Research is increasingly finding we may be able to \u003ca href=\"\">reduce our risk for dementia.\u003c/a> Tweaks to our sleep, diet, social lives and exercise habits all add up. Even people who have genetic risk factors can benefit.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Now, scientists have created an online tool — the Brain Care Score — to help people gauge and track risks to their brain health. (\u003ca href=\"\">You can check your score here\u003c/a>.)\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>One recent study found that each 5-point increase in a brain care score was associated with a 27% lower composite risk of dementia, stroke and depression.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“What was surprising to us was just how powerful it was,” says Dr. Kevin Sheth, director of Yale University’s Center for Brain and Mind Health and a co-author of the study. Sheth says the findings have led him to tweak some of his own habits — he’s swapped sugary desserts for fruit at some meals and added more leafy greens to his diet. \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Get started boosting your brain health.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>5. Talking to your ‘parts’ can help you deal with stress and maybe change your life\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-1995396\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"600\" height=\"338\">\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ever felt paralyzed by stress? Worn down by that inner voice critiquing your choices? A therapeutic approach called Internal Family Systems, or IFS, is growing in popularity. It’s based on the idea that each of us has multiple parts or perspectives inside us — for example, people may have an inner critic, a worrier, a protector. The method involves learning to embrace all your parts, treat them with compassion and \u003ca href=\"\">figure out what they may be telling you.\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Some patients have called it “life-changing.” While some therapists say the evidence isn’t there yet, some small studies show IFS can benefit people with specific issues, including PTSD, stress and depression. And more research is underway.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>An increasing number of therapists are trained in IFS, but you can try getting to know your “internal family” on your own. \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Start here.\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>6. Weight training can help with anxiety and depression (among other things)\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Strength training is good for your bones, joints, heart — and now it turns out, it benefits your mood, too. An analysis of more than 30 clinical trials found people who did strength training at least two to three times a week had a reduction of symptoms of depression. And \u003ca href=\",and%20other%20negative%20mood%20states.%E2%80%9D\">other research\u003c/a> found it can reduce anxiety, too.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And a little goes a long way. While it’s increasingly common to see female weightlifters on social media, women don’t have to become bodybuilders to see the benefits. A recent study found that women need to do less exercise than men to change their baseline of aerobic and muscular strength. If lifting weights at the gym isn’t your thing, try exercises using resistance bands or your own body weight, such as squats or push-ups.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>Find out more about the \u003c/em>\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>many benefits of resistance training\u003c/em>\u003c/a>\u003cem>. \u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-1995397\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1600\" height=\"1056\" srcset=\" 1600w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px\">\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>7. Ultra-processed foods are linked to poor mental health, too\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Americans consume more than half their daily calories from ultra-processed foods — think fast food, sugary drinks, packaged snacks. Researchers say there’s consistent evidence that eating more of these foods is correlated with sickness, including mental health struggles.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In fact, an extensive new analysis found roughly a 20-to-50% increased risk of depressive symptoms in people who eat diets high in ultra-processed foods.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s not yet clear how much is too much. Researchers say it may vary based on people’s lifestyles. The FDA is considering a label that would flag foods that contain high amounts of sodium, sugar and saturated fat. But in the meantime, if a food contains many ingredients you wouldn’t find in your own kitchen, that’s a telltale sign it’s ultra-processed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>Here’s the skinny on the effects of \u003c/em>\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>ultra-processed foods on our brains and bodies\u003c/em>\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>8. Scientists are learning how the brain removes waste and what that means for Alzheimer’s, headaches, depression and more\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Experts have identified another miracle of sleep. To stay healthy, our brains need to wash away the debris created by the billions of cells that keep them running. New research is finding that during deep sleep, slow electrical waves serve to synchronize our neurons, effectively turning them into tiny pumps that push fluid from deep in the brain to its surface. From there, the waste is transported to the liver and kidneys to be removed from the body.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Problems with brain waste removal might be a factor in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, headache and even depression.\u003cstrong> \u003c/strong>So, finding ways to help an impaired brain clean itself \u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>could help develop treatments for a wide array of disorders\u003c/em>\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995398\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\" style=\"max-width: 1600px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995398\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"1600\" height=\"1067\" srcset=\" 1600w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1600px) 100vw, 1600px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">New insights into the brain’s waste-removal system could one day help researchers better understand and prevent many different brain disorders. \u003ccite>(Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>9. A high-fat, low-carb diet could help some people with mental illness\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>A few years ago, some patients started experimenting with the \u003ca href=\"\">ketogenic diet\u003c/a>, which is high fat and very low carb, to manage mental health symptoms. Researchers took note, and now, around a \u003ca href=\"\">dozen clinical trials\u003c/a> are in the works, testing the diet’s effect on mental illness, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There are a few working theories as to why it might help. For one, the diet brings blood sugar and insulin sensitivity under control, both of which are linked with mental health problems. It also may provide a workaround for dysfunction in mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, which could lead to a healthier brain.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Early results from studies are promising. The only downside? Some clinicians worry the diet — which involves giving up common comfort foods like bread and sweets — may be too hard for some patients to follow.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995393/9-unexpected-things-we-learned-about-mental-health-and-our-brains-in-2024", "authors": [ "byline_science_1995393" ], "categories": [ "science_39", "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_4417", "science_5181", "science_249" ], "affiliates": [ "science_5158" ], "featImg": "science_1995394", "label": "science_5158" }, "science_1995336": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995336", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995336", "score": null, "sort": [ 1734523237000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "heres-what-happened-when-scientists-tested-the-air-with-my-gas-stove-on", "title": "Here's What Happened When Scientists Tested the Air With My Gas Stove On", "publishDate": 1734523237, "format": "audio", "headTitle": "Here’s What Happened When Scientists Tested the Air With My Gas Stove On | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>Gas stoves emit a host of pollution that is unhealthy for you, from gases that irritate your lungs to carcinogens.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As a climate reporter who covers indoor air quality, I’ve read \u003ca href=\"\">study\u003c/a> after \u003ca href=\"\">study\u003c/a> about the negative health impacts of cooking with gas. Not to mention their impact on the \u003ca href=\"\">planet\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And a majority of Californians, \u003ca href=\"\">roughly 70% (PDF)\u003c/a>, use gas stoves. They’re one of the only gas appliances we use that vent inside our homes. National and state codes dictate that gas furnaces, water heaters and dryers all vent their exhaust outside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There was a lot of noise around the health of gas stoves last year after \u003ca href=\"\">research\u003c/a> came out, attributing roughly 13% of current childhood asthma cases in the U.S. to the appliances. Reports circled that a member of the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission said a \u003ca href=\"\">ban\u003c/a> on gas stoves was on the table. Conservatives falsely claimed the Biden administration was out for the appliances, and a Republican Congressman \u003ca href=\"\">wrote on social media platform X\u003c/a> that his stove would need to be pried “from my cold dead hands.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So I wanted to see what really happened in my own home, a place I share with my husband and two kids, one of whom has asthma. Just how bad was our own gas stove?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>I invited over two scientists from research nonprofit \u003ca href=\"\">PSE Healthy Energy\u003c/a>, \u003ca href=\"\">Eric Lebel\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Yannai Kashtan\u003c/a>, who’ve also published extensive \u003ca href=\"\">research\u003c/a> on the topic.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They suggested we run our own experiments: to test the air in my home when cooking with a plug-in induction cooktop versus a gas stove, to cook with the hood on versus off, and to simulate preparing a bountiful holiday meal with multiple burners ablaze and the oven on high.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While I had some guesses about what would happen, the results still surprised me.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995342\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995342\" src=\"\" alt=\"A person holds a machine near a gas stove.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1332\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">PSE researchers Nicole Lucha (left) and Jackson Goldman collect a sample of unburned gas from a stove for analysis. \u003ccite>(Courtesy: Alessandro Citterio/PSE Healthy Energy)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>A mobile lab\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Lebel and Kashtan rolled up on a rainy and cold November morning with what was essentially a mobile air testing lab in the back of a car.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They unlooped three long, clear tubes and wove them from the car, through our front doorway, and into three separate rooms: the kitchen, living room and kids’ room. The open ends of the tubes pulled air from inside the house to analyzers in the back of the car outside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>To eliminate any false readings from other gas sources, we made sure to turn off the furnace and water heater. The car with the analyzers, while parked and off, was electric.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Gas stoves can emit a whole bunch of pollutants, including carbon monoxide and methane.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While we measured those gases, we largely focused on nitrogen dioxide, which irritates your respiratory system, and benzene, a carcinogen. These are the two pollutants with demonstrative health effects that scientists at PSE Healthy Energy find most frequently.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The World Health Organization sets guidelines for safe exposure to nitrogen dioxide and benzene:\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>Nitrogen dioxide, exposure for a short time of an hour: 100 parts per billion\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Nitrogen dioxide, chronic exposure: 5.3 parts per billion\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Benzene: “\u003ca href=\",containing%20products%2C%20promoting%20building%20codes\">No safe level\u003c/a> can be recommended”\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>That means if I’m baking cookies and frying potato pancakes and spike the level of nitrogen dioxide in the air up past 100 ppb, WHO recommends I only breathe that in for an hour.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And if I’m always breathing in more than 5.3 ppb, I need to figure out some better form of ventilation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Nitrogen dioxide “is one of the clearest things that negatively impacts our respiratory health,” said Carlos Gould, assistant professor at UC San Diego School of Public Health. “It makes your respiratory system, your throat, your lungs really angry.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Studies dating back \u003ca href=\"\">to the 1970s\u003c/a> have found an association between nitrogen dioxide and respiratory issues like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As we move through the world, we’ll inevitably be exposed to all kinds of pollutants. These guidelines can help us try to minimize our risks of exposure. You’re not doomed if you breathe in a high amount of nitrogen dioxide for over an hour, but it would be better if you didn’t.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #1: Induction cooktop, hood off\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995354\" src=\"\" alt=\"Illustration of induction burner. Text saying: Induction burner, no hood. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? It didn't.\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">We filled up a large pot with six cups of water. We turned a portable, plug-in induction cooktop on high and waited. No windows were open, and the hood was off.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The charts tracking emissions were all flat: nitrogen dioxide, benzene and other pollutants remained the same. The only thing to nudge up slightly was carbon dioxide, and that was from us, three people and one dog, exhaling in the kitchen.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): did not exceed\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): did not exceed\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: 0\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #2: One gas burner, hood off\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995355\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hood off. One gas burner. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? 9 minutes.\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">We set up the same pot with six cups of water, setting one burner on the gas stove on high to boil the liquid. No windows were open, and the hood was off.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Nitrogen dioxide levels shot up fast, surpassing chronic WHO guidelines for chronic exposure in minutes. Benzene remained low compared to numbers scientists have measured \u003ca href=\"\">from other stoves\u003c/a> but still increased.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The gases quickly spread throughout the house, including our kids’ bedroom. “What we find pretty consistently is that the pollution spreads pretty evenly, pretty quickly,” said scientist Kashtan, who’s led several studies about the pollution created by gas stoves.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): 9 minutes\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): 33 minutes\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: +0.15 ppb\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #3: One gas burner, hood on\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995356\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hood on. One gas burner. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? 9 minutes. But hood kept higher levels of pollution down. \" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">We aired out the house and set up the same experiment again but with the hood on.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Initially, nitrogen dioxide increased quickly but then slowed significantly. The hood seemed to hold the higher concentrations of nitrogen dioxide down by at least a half, and in some cases more.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): 9 minutes\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): did not exceed\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: +0.05 ppb\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #4: Holiday cooking with oven and two gas burners, hood on\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995357\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hood on. Two gas burners. Oven on 425. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? 4 minutes.\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">With the oven on at 425 degrees Fahrenheit and two burners alight, the pollution levels bounced up within minutes despite the hood venting air outside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Levels of nitrogen dioxide ballooned above what is healthy, even temporarily. In our particular home, the pollution continued to accumulate in our living room, where presumably people would be gathering before a holiday meal.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): 4 minutes\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): did not exceed but hovered up in the 90s\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: +0.06 ppb\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>The takeaways\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Overall, indoor air pollution was nearly zero when cooking with induction. The next best option was using just one burner with the hood on.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A single burner without the hood on and two burners plus the oven with the hood on both spiked pollution quickly.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Our experiments showed me the value of limiting how often I use our gas stove and that I could reduce the risk of exposure to harmful gases by using a plug-in single burner cooktop or other electric appliances like a slow cooker more frequently than the gas range. It reiterated the importance of turning on the hood (though it is noisy) and ventilating the house, even when it’s cold.[aside tag=\"gas, electricity\" label=\"Related Stories\"]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While the large increases in nitrogen dioxide and small increases in benzene did not surprise me, I was completely shocked at how quickly and evenly the pollution spread from the kitchen to other rooms in our home. One tube was taking readings from the side of my toddler’s crib, and seeing numbers of pollutants there move skyward was unsettling.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While my house is just one example, measured over just one morning, it lines up with research.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“This is just one data point among a wide published body of literature that shares the scientific findings that we’ve come to,” senior scientist Eric Lebel said upon reviewing the results.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Put aside the culture wars. Put aside the planet-warming emissions. Gas stoves emit a host of pollution that is unhealthy for you, from gases that irritate your lungs to carcinogens. ", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1734567955, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 40, "wordCount": 1440 }, "headData": { "title": "Here's What Happened When Scientists Tested the Air With My Gas Stove On | KQED", "description": "Put aside the culture wars. Put aside the planet-warming emissions. Gas stoves emit a host of pollution that is unhealthy for you, from gases that irritate your lungs to carcinogens. ", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "Here's What Happened When Scientists Tested the Air With My Gas Stove On", "datePublished": "2024-12-18T04:00:37-08:00", "dateModified": "2024-12-18T16:25:55-08:00", "image": "" } }, "audioUrl": "", "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1995336", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995336/heres-what-happened-when-scientists-tested-the-air-with-my-gas-stove-on", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>Gas stoves emit a host of pollution that is unhealthy for you, from gases that irritate your lungs to carcinogens.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As a climate reporter who covers indoor air quality, I’ve read \u003ca href=\"\">study\u003c/a> after \u003ca href=\"\">study\u003c/a> about the negative health impacts of cooking with gas. Not to mention their impact on the \u003ca href=\"\">planet\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And a majority of Californians, \u003ca href=\"\">roughly 70% (PDF)\u003c/a>, use gas stoves. They’re one of the only gas appliances we use that vent inside our homes. National and state codes dictate that gas furnaces, water heaters and dryers all vent their exhaust outside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>There was a lot of noise around the health of gas stoves last year after \u003ca href=\"\">research\u003c/a> came out, attributing roughly 13% of current childhood asthma cases in the U.S. to the appliances. Reports circled that a member of the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission said a \u003ca href=\"\">ban\u003c/a> on gas stoves was on the table. Conservatives falsely claimed the Biden administration was out for the appliances, and a Republican Congressman \u003ca href=\"\">wrote on social media platform X\u003c/a> that his stove would need to be pried “from my cold dead hands.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So I wanted to see what really happened in my own home, a place I share with my husband and two kids, one of whom has asthma. Just how bad was our own gas stove?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>I invited over two scientists from research nonprofit \u003ca href=\"\">PSE Healthy Energy\u003c/a>, \u003ca href=\"\">Eric Lebel\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Yannai Kashtan\u003c/a>, who’ve also published extensive \u003ca href=\"\">research\u003c/a> on the topic.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They suggested we run our own experiments: to test the air in my home when cooking with a plug-in induction cooktop versus a gas stove, to cook with the hood on versus off, and to simulate preparing a bountiful holiday meal with multiple burners ablaze and the oven on high.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While I had some guesses about what would happen, the results still surprised me.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1995342\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1995342\" src=\"\" alt=\"A person holds a machine near a gas stove.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1332\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">PSE researchers Nicole Lucha (left) and Jackson Goldman collect a sample of unburned gas from a stove for analysis. \u003ccite>(Courtesy: Alessandro Citterio/PSE Healthy Energy)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>A mobile lab\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Lebel and Kashtan rolled up on a rainy and cold November morning with what was essentially a mobile air testing lab in the back of a car.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They unlooped three long, clear tubes and wove them from the car, through our front doorway, and into three separate rooms: the kitchen, living room and kids’ room. The open ends of the tubes pulled air from inside the house to analyzers in the back of the car outside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>To eliminate any false readings from other gas sources, we made sure to turn off the furnace and water heater. The car with the analyzers, while parked and off, was electric.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Gas stoves can emit a whole bunch of pollutants, including carbon monoxide and methane.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While we measured those gases, we largely focused on nitrogen dioxide, which irritates your respiratory system, and benzene, a carcinogen. These are the two pollutants with demonstrative health effects that scientists at PSE Healthy Energy find most frequently.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The World Health Organization sets guidelines for safe exposure to nitrogen dioxide and benzene:\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>Nitrogen dioxide, exposure for a short time of an hour: 100 parts per billion\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Nitrogen dioxide, chronic exposure: 5.3 parts per billion\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Benzene: “\u003ca href=\",containing%20products%2C%20promoting%20building%20codes\">No safe level\u003c/a> can be recommended”\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>That means if I’m baking cookies and frying potato pancakes and spike the level of nitrogen dioxide in the air up past 100 ppb, WHO recommends I only breathe that in for an hour.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And if I’m always breathing in more than 5.3 ppb, I need to figure out some better form of ventilation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Nitrogen dioxide “is one of the clearest things that negatively impacts our respiratory health,” said Carlos Gould, assistant professor at UC San Diego School of Public Health. “It makes your respiratory system, your throat, your lungs really angry.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Studies dating back \u003ca href=\"\">to the 1970s\u003c/a> have found an association between nitrogen dioxide and respiratory issues like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As we move through the world, we’ll inevitably be exposed to all kinds of pollutants. These guidelines can help us try to minimize our risks of exposure. You’re not doomed if you breathe in a high amount of nitrogen dioxide for over an hour, but it would be better if you didn’t.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #1: Induction cooktop, hood off\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995354\" src=\"\" alt=\"Illustration of induction burner. Text saying: Induction burner, no hood. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? It didn't.\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">We filled up a large pot with six cups of water. We turned a portable, plug-in induction cooktop on high and waited. No windows were open, and the hood was off.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The charts tracking emissions were all flat: nitrogen dioxide, benzene and other pollutants remained the same. The only thing to nudge up slightly was carbon dioxide, and that was from us, three people and one dog, exhaling in the kitchen.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): did not exceed\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): did not exceed\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: 0\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #2: One gas burner, hood off\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995355\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hood off. One gas burner. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? 9 minutes.\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">We set up the same pot with six cups of water, setting one burner on the gas stove on high to boil the liquid. No windows were open, and the hood was off.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Nitrogen dioxide levels shot up fast, surpassing chronic WHO guidelines for chronic exposure in minutes. Benzene remained low compared to numbers scientists have measured \u003ca href=\"\">from other stoves\u003c/a> but still increased.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The gases quickly spread throughout the house, including our kids’ bedroom. “What we find pretty consistently is that the pollution spreads pretty evenly, pretty quickly,” said scientist Kashtan, who’s led several studies about the pollution created by gas stoves.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): 9 minutes\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): 33 minutes\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: +0.15 ppb\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #3: One gas burner, hood on\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995356\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hood on. One gas burner. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? 9 minutes. But hood kept higher levels of pollution down. \" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">We aired out the house and set up the same experiment again but with the hood on.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Initially, nitrogen dioxide increased quickly but then slowed significantly. The hood seemed to hold the higher concentrations of nitrogen dioxide down by at least a half, and in some cases more.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): 9 minutes\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): did not exceed\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: +0.05 ppb\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Experiment #4: Holiday cooking with oven and two gas burners, hood on\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-1995357\" src=\"\" alt=\"Hood on. Two gas burners. Oven on 425. How long did it take to reach unhealthy levels? 4 minutes.\" width=\"1920\" height=\"1240\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">With the oven on at 425 degrees Fahrenheit and two burners alight, the pollution levels bounced up within minutes despite the hood venting air outside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Levels of nitrogen dioxide ballooned above what is healthy, even temporarily. In our particular home, the pollution continued to accumulate in our living room, where presumably people would be gathering before a holiday meal.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Exceeds WHO’s chronic nitrogen dioxide guideline (5.3 ppb): 4 minutes\u003cbr>\nExceeds WHO’s short-term nitrogen dioxide guideline (100 ppb): did not exceed but hovered up in the 90s\u003cbr>\nChanges in benzene level at 15 minutes: +0.06 ppb\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>The takeaways\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Overall, indoor air pollution was nearly zero when cooking with induction. The next best option was using just one burner with the hood on.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A single burner without the hood on and two burners plus the oven with the hood on both spiked pollution quickly.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Our experiments showed me the value of limiting how often I use our gas stove and that I could reduce the risk of exposure to harmful gases by using a plug-in single burner cooktop or other electric appliances like a slow cooker more frequently than the gas range. It reiterated the importance of turning on the hood (though it is noisy) and ventilating the house, even when it’s cold.\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "tag": "gas, electricity", "label": "Related Stories " }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While the large increases in nitrogen dioxide and small increases in benzene did not surprise me, I was completely shocked at how quickly and evenly the pollution spread from the kitchen to other rooms in our home. One tube was taking readings from the side of my toddler’s crib, and seeing numbers of pollutants there move skyward was unsettling.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>While my house is just one example, measured over just one morning, it lines up with research.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“This is just one data point among a wide published body of literature that shares the scientific findings that we’ve come to,” senior scientist Eric Lebel said upon reviewing the results.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995336/heres-what-happened-when-scientists-tested-the-air-with-my-gas-stove-on", "authors": [ "8648" ], "categories": [ "science_39", "science_4550", "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_135", "science_953" ], "featImg": "science_1995343", "label": "science" }, "science_1995206": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995206", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995206", "score": null, "sort": [ 1731956451000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "what-is-fluoride-and-why-is-it-in-tap-water-fact-checking-rfk-jr-s-claims", "title": "What Is Fluoride and Why Is It in Tap Water? Fact-Checking RFK Jr.’s Claims", "publishDate": 1731956451, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "What Is Fluoride and Why Is It in Tap Water? Fact-Checking RFK Jr.’s Claims | KQED", "labelTerm": {}, "content": "\u003cp>President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration could try to remove fluoride from drinking water, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Kennedy, who was tapped last week by Trump to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, called fluoride an “industrial waste” and linked it to cancer and other diseases and disorders while campaigning for Trump.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease,” Kennedy \u003ca href=\"\">wrote on Nov. 2 on the social media platform X.\u003c/a> Kennedy linked to a video from an attorney who recently \u003ca href=\"\">successfully sued\u003c/a> the Environmental Protection Agency to take additional measures to regulate fluoride in drinking water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Kennedy, who \u003ca href=\"\">has long advocated\u003c/a> ending water fluoridation, \u003ca href=\"\">persisted with his pledge\u003c/a> following Trump’s election win. When asked before the election whether his administration would remove fluoride from drinking water, \u003ca href=\"\">Trump said\u003c/a>, “Well, I haven’t talked to him about it yet, but it sounds OK to me. You know it’s possible.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Kennedy is an influential vaccine skeptic whose campaign of conspiracy theories earned PolitiFact’s 2023 “\u003ca href=\"\">Lie of the Year\u003c/a>.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Longtime research has found that adding fluoride to U.S. drinking water is a safe way to boost children’s oral health. Since 2015, the recommended level in the U.S. has been 0.7 milligrams per liter. Public health organizations, including the \u003ca href=\"\">American Dental Association\u003c/a>, the \u003ca href=\"\">American Academy of Pediatrics\u003c/a> and the \u003ca href=\"\">Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\u003c/a>, support the practice.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Recent studies, however, have shown possible links between fluoride and bone problems and children’s IQs, particularly when fluoride is above the U.S. recommended levels.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“There is evidence that fluoride exposure has been associated with the diseases [and] disorders that RFK listed but with caveats,” said Ashley Malin, who is an assistant professor in the University of Florida’s Epidemiology Department and has studied fluoride’s effects in pregnant women.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Malin referred to studies showing that higher fluoride exposure, particularly during pregnancy, is associated with reduced child IQ and that prenatal exposure is also linked to decreased intellectual functioning and executive function. For high exposure in pregnancy, the studies showed symptoms associated with other neurobehavioral issues, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>However, many of these studies took place in countries other than the U.S. and looked at fluoride in drinking water at sometimes twice the United States’ recommended level. Also, some of the other ailments that Kennedy listed, such as an association with bone cancer, have less robust evidence and need more study.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Aside from fluoride’s impacts on neurodevelopment, I think that there is more that we don’t know about health effects of low-level fluoride exposure than what we do know, particularly for adult health outcomes,” Malin said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>David Bellinger, a Harvard Medical School neurology professor and professor in Harvard School of Public Health’s Environmental Health Department, said the risk-benefit calculation of added fluoride differs depending on whether typical fluoride exposure levels cause health problems or if problems occur only when recommended levels are exceeded.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“In toxicology, ‘the dose makes the poison’ is a long-standing principle,” he said. “So a general statement that fluoride is associated with diseases X, Y and Z is not very helpful unless the dose that might be responsible is specified.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PolitiFact contacted Kennedy through his Children’s Health Defense organization but received no reply. The organization sued PolitiFact and Meta related to a 2020 fact check. \u003cspan style=\"margin: 0px;padding: 0px\">A federal court \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">dismissed that lawsuit\u003c/a>\u003c/span>. The dismissal was upheld on appeal, and the case is pending a possible appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>What is fluoride, and what are its benefits?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">Fluoride\u003c/a> \u003ca href=\"\">is a mineral\u003c/a> naturally occurring in soil, water and some foods that helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. It strengthens tooth enamel that acid from bacteria, plaque and sugar can wear away.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Water fluoridation has been happening in the U.S. since 1945.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The federal Public Health Service first recommended fluoridation of tap water in 1962, but the decision still lies with states and municipalities. Around 72% of the U.S. population \u003ca href=\",25%25%20in%20children%20and%20adults.\">or about 209 million people\u003c/a>, had access to fluoridated water in 2022, the CDC reported. Fluoride also has been added to oral care products such as toothpaste and mouth rinse.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In 2015, U.S. health officials \u003ca href=\"\">lowered the recommended amount\u003c/a> of fluoride in drinking water to 0.7 milligrams per liter, saying a higher level was less necessary given other sources of fluoride and that the lowered amount would still help protect teeth without \u003ca href=\",While%20low%20levels%20of%20fluoride%20help%20strengthen%20and%20protect%20tooth,mottled%20enamel%20and%20poor%20mineralization.\">staining them\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Pediatric \u003ca href=\"\">dentists note\u003c/a> that applying fluoride with toothpaste and rinses is beneficial, but small amounts circulating in the body via water consumption help younger children who still have their baby teeth because it can benefit the development of permanent teeth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The \u003ca href=\"\">American Dental Association\u003c/a> said studies have shown that fluoride in community water systems prevents at least 25% of tooth decay in children and adults and that “for more than 75 years, the best scientific evidence has consistently shown that fluoridation is safe and effective.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The association said \u003ca href=\"\">on its website\u003c/a>: “It’s similar to fortifying other foods and beverages — for example, fortifying salt with iodine, milk with vitamin D, orange juice with calcium, and bread with folic acid.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\",in%20fluoride%20from%20any%20source\">According to the CDC\u003c/a>, health experts and scientists from the U.S. and other countries have so far “not found convincing scientific evidence linking community water fluoridation with any potential adverse health effect or systemic disorder such as an increased risk for cancer, Down syndrome, heart disease, osteoporosis and bone fracture, immune disorders, low intelligence, renal disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, or allergic reactions.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The agency said risks of water fluoridation are limited to \u003ca href=\"\">dental fluorosis\u003c/a>, which can alter dental enamel and cause white flecks, spots, lines or brown stains on the teeth when too much fluoride is consumed.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Do Studies Show Fluoride Posing Any Other Risks?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Some studies have said that excess fluoride exposure, often at higher levels than the recommended U.S. limit, can harm infants and young children’s developing brains and that \u003ca href=\"\">higher levels of fluoride exposure\u003c/a> during pregnancy were associated with declines in children’s IQs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A \u003ca href=\"\">study published in May\u003c/a> that Malin led with the University of Southern California and Indiana University researchers suggested that fluoride exposure during pregnancy was linked to an increased risk of childhood neurobehavioral problems and \u003ca href=\"\">said more studies\u003c/a> were “urgently needed to understand and mitigate the impacts in the entire U.S. population.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Experts noted prenatal fluoride exposure is most strongly linked to children’s IQ loss and said the timing of fluoride consumption might need to be considered when making recommendations.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A \u003ca href=\"\">federal review\u003c/a> of dozens of studies published in August by the Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program concluded that higher levels of fluoride exposure were linked to lower IQs in children. However, the report was based primarily on studies in countries such as Canada, China, India, Iran, Mexico and Pakistan and involved fluoride levels at or above 1.5 milligrams per liter, twice the recommended U.S. limit. The authors said more research is needed to understand whether lower exposure has any adverse effects.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In the report, researchers said they found no evidence that fluoride exposure adversely affected adult cognition.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Bellinger, of Harvard, pointed to the review as an example of how the amount of fluoride matters. He noted how researchers concluded that a very small percentage of people in the U.S. are exposed to levels that correlate with IQ loss.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Second, the fact that there are now multiple pathways of exposure to fluoride besides fluoridated water (toothpaste and other dental products, etc.) makes it really difficult to attribute a particular adverse effect to the fluoride added to the water,” he wrote via email. “It is the cumulative exposure from all sources that contribute to any adverse health effects.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In September, a federal judge ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate fluoride in drinking water because of the potential risk that higher levels could affect children’s intellectual development.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>U.S. District Judge Edward Chen wrote that the court’s finding didn’t “conclude with certainty that fluoridated water is injurious to public health,” saying it’s unclear whether the amount of fluoride typically added to water is causing children’s IQs to drop. However, he wrote that there was enough risk to warrant investigation and that the EPA must act to further regulate it. The ruling did not specify what actions the agency should take, and the EPA is reviewing the decision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After the ruling, the American Association of Pediatrics \u003ca href=\"\">issued a statement\u003c/a> that fluoride in drinking water is safe for children and said the policy is based on a robust foundation of evidence.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Besides dental fluorosis, experts say that fluoride exposure over many years above the U.S. recommended amount can cause \u003ca href=\"\">skeletal fluorosis\u003c/a>, a rare condition that causes weaker bones, stiffness and joint pain. Although the Public Health Service recommends a fluoride concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter for community water systems, the EPA, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, sets enforceable standards for drinking water quality. Currently, to prevent skeletal fluorosis, the EPA requires that water systems not exceed 4 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Malin said she and her research team are investigating a potential link between fluoride and bone fractures. She said that although several studies have found high fluoride exposure associated with increased risk of bone fractures, and some have linked fluoride with thyroid disease, rigorous, U.S.-based studies haven’t been done.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The \u003ca href=\",How%20likely%20are%20fluoride%2C%20hydrogen%20fluoride%2C%20and%20fluorine%20to%20cause,to%20humans%20is%20not%20classifiable.\">CDC concluded\u003c/a> that recent research found no link between cancer risk and high levels of fluoride in drinking water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The American Cancer Society \u003ca href=\"\">reviewed a possible link\u003c/a> between water fluoridation and cancer risk. An organization spokesperson pointed PolitiFact to its review and said it has no data showing a definitive answer.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>This story was produced by \u003ca href=\"\">Kaiser Health News\u003c/a>, an editorially independent program of the \u003ca href=\"\">Kaiser Family Foundation\u003c/a>.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Research has generally shown that drinking fluoridated water at the recommended levels is safe and beneficial for oral health, especially in children. However, many people feel that more research is needed to better understand whether and when health risks kick in.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1731959314, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 40, "wordCount": 1754 }, "headData": { "title": "What Is Fluoride and Why Is It in Tap Water? Fact-Checking RFK Jr.’s Claims | KQED", "description": "Research has generally shown that drinking fluoridated water at the recommended levels is safe and beneficial for oral health, especially in children. However, many people feel that more research is needed to better understand whether and when health risks kick in.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "What Is Fluoride and Why Is It in Tap Water? Fact-Checking RFK Jr.’s Claims", "datePublished": "2024-11-18T11:00:51-08:00", "dateModified": "2024-11-18T11:48:34-08:00", "image": "" } }, "source": "KFF Health News", "sticky": false, "nprByline": "Samantha Putterman, Politifact", "nprStoryId": "kqed-1995206", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "showOnAuthorArchivePages": "No", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995206/what-is-fluoride-and-why-is-it-in-tap-water-fact-checking-rfk-jr-s-claims", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration could try to remove fluoride from drinking water, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Kennedy, who was tapped last week by Trump to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, called fluoride an “industrial waste” and linked it to cancer and other diseases and disorders while campaigning for Trump.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease,” Kennedy \u003ca href=\"\">wrote on Nov. 2 on the social media platform X.\u003c/a> Kennedy linked to a video from an attorney who recently \u003ca href=\"\">successfully sued\u003c/a> the Environmental Protection Agency to take additional measures to regulate fluoride in drinking water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Kennedy, who \u003ca href=\"\">has long advocated\u003c/a> ending water fluoridation, \u003ca href=\"\">persisted with his pledge\u003c/a> following Trump’s election win. When asked before the election whether his administration would remove fluoride from drinking water, \u003ca href=\"\">Trump said\u003c/a>, “Well, I haven’t talked to him about it yet, but it sounds OK to me. You know it’s possible.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Kennedy is an influential vaccine skeptic whose campaign of conspiracy theories earned PolitiFact’s 2023 “\u003ca href=\"\">Lie of the Year\u003c/a>.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Longtime research has found that adding fluoride to U.S. drinking water is a safe way to boost children’s oral health. Since 2015, the recommended level in the U.S. has been 0.7 milligrams per liter. Public health organizations, including the \u003ca href=\"\">American Dental Association\u003c/a>, the \u003ca href=\"\">American Academy of Pediatrics\u003c/a> and the \u003ca href=\"\">Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\u003c/a>, support the practice.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Recent studies, however, have shown possible links between fluoride and bone problems and children’s IQs, particularly when fluoride is above the U.S. recommended levels.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“There is evidence that fluoride exposure has been associated with the diseases [and] disorders that RFK listed but with caveats,” said Ashley Malin, who is an assistant professor in the University of Florida’s Epidemiology Department and has studied fluoride’s effects in pregnant women.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Malin referred to studies showing that higher fluoride exposure, particularly during pregnancy, is associated with reduced child IQ and that prenatal exposure is also linked to decreased intellectual functioning and executive function. For high exposure in pregnancy, the studies showed symptoms associated with other neurobehavioral issues, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>However, many of these studies took place in countries other than the U.S. and looked at fluoride in drinking water at sometimes twice the United States’ recommended level. Also, some of the other ailments that Kennedy listed, such as an association with bone cancer, have less robust evidence and need more study.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Aside from fluoride’s impacts on neurodevelopment, I think that there is more that we don’t know about health effects of low-level fluoride exposure than what we do know, particularly for adult health outcomes,” Malin said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>David Bellinger, a Harvard Medical School neurology professor and professor in Harvard School of Public Health’s Environmental Health Department, said the risk-benefit calculation of added fluoride differs depending on whether typical fluoride exposure levels cause health problems or if problems occur only when recommended levels are exceeded.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“In toxicology, ‘the dose makes the poison’ is a long-standing principle,” he said. “So a general statement that fluoride is associated with diseases X, Y and Z is not very helpful unless the dose that might be responsible is specified.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>PolitiFact contacted Kennedy through his Children’s Health Defense organization but received no reply. The organization sued PolitiFact and Meta related to a 2020 fact check. \u003cspan style=\"margin: 0px;padding: 0px\">A federal court \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">dismissed that lawsuit\u003c/a>\u003c/span>. The dismissal was upheld on appeal, and the case is pending a possible appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>What is fluoride, and what are its benefits?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">Fluoride\u003c/a> \u003ca href=\"\">is a mineral\u003c/a> naturally occurring in soil, water and some foods that helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. It strengthens tooth enamel that acid from bacteria, plaque and sugar can wear away.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Water fluoridation has been happening in the U.S. since 1945.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The federal Public Health Service first recommended fluoridation of tap water in 1962, but the decision still lies with states and municipalities. Around 72% of the U.S. population \u003ca href=\",25%25%20in%20children%20and%20adults.\">or about 209 million people\u003c/a>, had access to fluoridated water in 2022, the CDC reported. Fluoride also has been added to oral care products such as toothpaste and mouth rinse.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In 2015, U.S. health officials \u003ca href=\"\">lowered the recommended amount\u003c/a> of fluoride in drinking water to 0.7 milligrams per liter, saying a higher level was less necessary given other sources of fluoride and that the lowered amount would still help protect teeth without \u003ca href=\",While%20low%20levels%20of%20fluoride%20help%20strengthen%20and%20protect%20tooth,mottled%20enamel%20and%20poor%20mineralization.\">staining them\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Pediatric \u003ca href=\"\">dentists note\u003c/a> that applying fluoride with toothpaste and rinses is beneficial, but small amounts circulating in the body via water consumption help younger children who still have their baby teeth because it can benefit the development of permanent teeth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The \u003ca href=\"\">American Dental Association\u003c/a> said studies have shown that fluoride in community water systems prevents at least 25% of tooth decay in children and adults and that “for more than 75 years, the best scientific evidence has consistently shown that fluoridation is safe and effective.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The association said \u003ca href=\"\">on its website\u003c/a>: “It’s similar to fortifying other foods and beverages — for example, fortifying salt with iodine, milk with vitamin D, orange juice with calcium, and bread with folic acid.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\",in%20fluoride%20from%20any%20source\">According to the CDC\u003c/a>, health experts and scientists from the U.S. and other countries have so far “not found convincing scientific evidence linking community water fluoridation with any potential adverse health effect or systemic disorder such as an increased risk for cancer, Down syndrome, heart disease, osteoporosis and bone fracture, immune disorders, low intelligence, renal disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, or allergic reactions.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The agency said risks of water fluoridation are limited to \u003ca href=\"\">dental fluorosis\u003c/a>, which can alter dental enamel and cause white flecks, spots, lines or brown stains on the teeth when too much fluoride is consumed.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Do Studies Show Fluoride Posing Any Other Risks?\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Some studies have said that excess fluoride exposure, often at higher levels than the recommended U.S. limit, can harm infants and young children’s developing brains and that \u003ca href=\"\">higher levels of fluoride exposure\u003c/a> during pregnancy were associated with declines in children’s IQs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A \u003ca href=\"\">study published in May\u003c/a> that Malin led with the University of Southern California and Indiana University researchers suggested that fluoride exposure during pregnancy was linked to an increased risk of childhood neurobehavioral problems and \u003ca href=\"\">said more studies\u003c/a> were “urgently needed to understand and mitigate the impacts in the entire U.S. population.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Experts noted prenatal fluoride exposure is most strongly linked to children’s IQ loss and said the timing of fluoride consumption might need to be considered when making recommendations.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A \u003ca href=\"\">federal review\u003c/a> of dozens of studies published in August by the Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program concluded that higher levels of fluoride exposure were linked to lower IQs in children. However, the report was based primarily on studies in countries such as Canada, China, India, Iran, Mexico and Pakistan and involved fluoride levels at or above 1.5 milligrams per liter, twice the recommended U.S. limit. The authors said more research is needed to understand whether lower exposure has any adverse effects.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In the report, researchers said they found no evidence that fluoride exposure adversely affected adult cognition.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Bellinger, of Harvard, pointed to the review as an example of how the amount of fluoride matters. He noted how researchers concluded that a very small percentage of people in the U.S. are exposed to levels that correlate with IQ loss.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Second, the fact that there are now multiple pathways of exposure to fluoride besides fluoridated water (toothpaste and other dental products, etc.) makes it really difficult to attribute a particular adverse effect to the fluoride added to the water,” he wrote via email. “It is the cumulative exposure from all sources that contribute to any adverse health effects.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In September, a federal judge ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate fluoride in drinking water because of the potential risk that higher levels could affect children’s intellectual development.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>U.S. District Judge Edward Chen wrote that the court’s finding didn’t “conclude with certainty that fluoridated water is injurious to public health,” saying it’s unclear whether the amount of fluoride typically added to water is causing children’s IQs to drop. However, he wrote that there was enough risk to warrant investigation and that the EPA must act to further regulate it. The ruling did not specify what actions the agency should take, and the EPA is reviewing the decision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After the ruling, the American Association of Pediatrics \u003ca href=\"\">issued a statement\u003c/a> that fluoride in drinking water is safe for children and said the policy is based on a robust foundation of evidence.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Besides dental fluorosis, experts say that fluoride exposure over many years above the U.S. recommended amount can cause \u003ca href=\"\">skeletal fluorosis\u003c/a>, a rare condition that causes weaker bones, stiffness and joint pain. Although the Public Health Service recommends a fluoride concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter for community water systems, the EPA, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, sets enforceable standards for drinking water quality. Currently, to prevent skeletal fluorosis, the EPA requires that water systems not exceed 4 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Malin said she and her research team are investigating a potential link between fluoride and bone fractures. She said that although several studies have found high fluoride exposure associated with increased risk of bone fractures, and some have linked fluoride with thyroid disease, rigorous, U.S.-based studies haven’t been done.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The \u003ca href=\",How%20likely%20are%20fluoride%2C%20hydrogen%20fluoride%2C%20and%20fluorine%20to%20cause,to%20humans%20is%20not%20classifiable.\">CDC concluded\u003c/a> that recent research found no link between cancer risk and high levels of fluoride in drinking water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The American Cancer Society \u003ca href=\"\">reviewed a possible link\u003c/a> between water fluoridation and cancer risk. An organization spokesperson pointed PolitiFact to its review and said it has no data showing a definitive answer.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>This story was produced by \u003ca href=\"\">Kaiser Health News\u003c/a>, an editorially independent program of the \u003ca href=\"\">Kaiser Family Foundation\u003c/a>.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995206/what-is-fluoride-and-why-is-it-in-tap-water-fact-checking-rfk-jr-s-claims", "authors": [ "byline_science_1995206" ], "categories": [ "science_39", "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_4414", "science_5181" ], "featImg": "science_1995207", "label": "source_science_1995206" }, "science_1996138": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1996138", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1996138", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739549705000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "4-tiny-romances-that-are-almost-too-freaky-to-share", "title": "4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share", "publishDate": 1739549705, "format": "video", "headTitle": "4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share | KQED", "labelTerm": { "term": 1935, "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>[dl_subscribe]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>Praying mantises, barnacles, newts and earthworms have some of the strangest love lives.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch3>TRANSCRIPT\u003c/h3>\n\u003cp>We get it, dating is hard. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>From meeting the right special someone, to getting to know them, to avoiding imminent death. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The bizarre romantic lives of these four tiny creatures sometimes end in strange and tragic ways. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Especially for the praying mantis. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When it comes to hooking up, a male mantis has good reason to fear commitment.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Praying Mantis Love is Waaay Weirder Than You Think\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>This mantis is at the top of her game.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>All summer, she’s been bulking up on grasshoppers and flies.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re called bordered mantises. Ambush hunters, cloaked by camouflage – some green and some brown.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And check out those forelimbs. They’re lined with sharp spikes – almost like a couple extra sets of jaws to grab her prey.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’ve served her well.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But summer is coming to an end here in California’s Owens Valley.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The one thing left for them to do is start the next generation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>She sends out a chemical signal – an alluring cocktail of pheromones – into the air.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This guy picks up the message.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He’s way, way smaller than she is, simply outclassed when it comes to strength and deadliness.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He makes his move, to pass on his genes …\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Uh …\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That’s one way to go.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And he’s not the only male to meet his end this way.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So why would praying mantises do this – eat their own kind at a rather intimate moment? Seems like they wouldn’t last long as a species.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Well, it takes a ton of energy for females to produce their eggs, about a hundred of them developing inside her. She’ll lay them in a foamy cluster like this called an ootheca.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So that male is fueling the survival of his species, nutritionally speaking.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they hatch in the spring, there will be plenty more mantises to replace this one.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And these bordered mantises weren’t going to live much longer anyway. They can’t survive the cold autumn nights. So males might as well take a shot.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Aww … This time it worked out.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He delivers a packet of sperm to fertilize her eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But each time, it’s a serious gamble.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Well, that didn’t go so well.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But wait, look.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He’s been decapitated, but his body is still moving, like it’s on autopilot – kind of a zombie mating machine.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s being controlled by nerves in the mantis’ abdomen and can still get the job done. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In fact, males who successfully mate and get eaten in the process may father more eggs than those who get away.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So, while it may not really seem that way, this guy may be the ultimate winner in the primal quest to pass on his genes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Barnacles might look like jagged little rocks at low tide. But they’re surprisingly well-equipped when it comes to finding a date.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Barnacles Go To Unbelievable Lengths To Hook Up\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Finding a date is hard enough in San Francisco.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But it’s especially tricky when you’re stuck to a rock in the middle of the bay.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Still, acorn barnacles don’t get discouraged.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These crusty little animals actually have a pretty wild sex life.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>At low tide each one is sealed up inside its own miniature fortress. shielded by a ring of armored plates. The two central plates press together to form a water-tight seal so they don’t dry out in the open air. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re ready and waiting for the tide to rise so they can get down to business. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But first they need to freshen up a bit. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The barnacle unfurls eight pairs of delicate feathery legs called cirri, which they use to absorb oxygen from the water. The legs filter out plankton and debris churned up by the waves, bringing the catch inside to the mouth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They may not look like it from the outside, but beneath their shell it’s easier to see that barnacles are crustaceans related to crabs and shrimp.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After a nice meal, it’s ready for some action. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The little barnacle lets loose the longest penis of any animal – relative to its body size of course – stretching up to eight times the length of the barnacle itself.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And this penis has skills. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It can taste and smell.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And the tip can feel around, probing to see which neighbors have ripe eggs inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When it finds what it’s looking for the barnacle delivers sperm to fertilize the eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Barnacles aren’t exactly prudes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Pretty much everyone is fair play. Because they’re all hermaphrodites, simultaneously male and female.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Sometimes it’s one-on-one, sometimes more.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Barnacles are nurturing parents, too. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They hold on to their fertilized eggs and protect them until they hatch.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These cuties are their baby larvae called nauplii. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This is the young barnacles’ chance for adventure. They roam the sea searching for food and growing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If they survive long enough the barnacle larvae mature into cyprids. At this stage the barnacle doesn’t eat. The cyprid’s only mission is to find the ideal spot to glom onto before it starves. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Having survived the trials of youth, the barnacle settles in.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Now it’s time to get to know the neighbors. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>How far would you go for love? \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>California newts make an epic journey back to the pond where they were born. Check it out. \u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Newt Sex: Buff Males! Writhing Females! Cannibalism!\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Life is struggle. Sex. Death.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s true across nature. It’s especially true for a newt.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Most of the time, California newts live quiet, hidden lives in the forest. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But every winter – and newts can live for 20 years – they experience an uncontrollable urge. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s called water drive. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They leave the safety of their burrows to go mate. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They begin a treacherous odyssey, a migration back to the pond in which they were born.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It begins with a hormone called prolactin, the same one that helps women produce breast milk. In newts, prolactin sparks a need to become aquatic.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Water could be miles away, like three miles. That’s the equivalent of 36 miles for you and me.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Scientists don’t know for sure, but some think newts use their sense of smell to help guide them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And they only have one real defense against snakes hiding in the brush: their skin. It’s covered in a poison strong enough to kill a person, if you ate one. Newts’ yellow eyes and belly tell predators to stay away. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But poison isn’t always enough to protect them. Many never make it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As they move toward water, newts’ skin starts to lose its bumps and becomes smooth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Their long tails flatten into fins. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Their amphibian bodies transform from terrestrial to aquatic to prepare for a mating frenzy.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The male newt bulks up. It grows thick pads on its feet, perfect for clamping onto a female. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The word is “amplexus,” Latin for “embrace,” which is one word for it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Newts can stay like this for hours, or days. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The result: egg clusters that females lay in the pond. So many eggs that newts sometimes eat a few for extra protein.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The ones that survive will grow into larvae and stay in the water for several months, transforming into adults. In the fall, they’ll leave the pond.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And then, if they’re lucky, they’ll come back here, again, and again, and again. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Or at least, they’ll try.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Earthworm Love Is Cuddly … and Complicated\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Earthworm love. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s cuddly … and complicated.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>From the start, the earthworm is built for romance, with four or five pairs of hearts.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Finding a match, though, that’s a challenge for these mostly solitary animals.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They go out looking when they’re a few months to a year old, and they’ve grown this fleshy, saddle-shaped patch, called a clitellum. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re now mature enough to get down to business. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Tube-shaped invertebrate seeks mate to share loamy soil and good times.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The earthworm follows tastes and smells through dirt or leaf litter to find its valentine.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It crawls around by anchoring its body with these bristles called setae … then pushing forward with its muscles.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Along the way, it fuels up on bacteria and tiny fungi in the soil and leaves, sucking them in with its mouth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Such a luscious … lip?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Every earthworm has some non-negotiables: Must breathe through iridescent skin. Must want kids. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But male or female is not one of them. All earthworms are both. They’re hermaphrodites, which automatically doubles their chances of finding a mate.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they do, they waste no time.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Side by side, they surround each other with rings of slime they exude from their skin, bodies pointing in opposite directions.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And they embrace with these flaps on their clitella.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They can canoodle like this for an hour, swapping sperm. It travels outside their bodies, here, where they press up against each other, and flows between these segments into storage sacs inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But their tender act has a dark side. As they do the deed, the earthworms stab each other with their pointy setae.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Those wounds mean the injured lovers won’t be hooking up with others anytime soon. Jealous much?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After they’ve parted ways, each earthworm produces a sheath with its clitellum and shimmies it down its tubular body. The protein-rich ring moves over tiny holes where it gathers eggs and some of the collected sperm.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Then, it slips right off the worm and becomes a cocoon.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Baby worms flourish inside, growing beating hearts that one day they’ll give to their special someone.\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Praying mantises, barnacles, newts and earthworms have some of the strangest love lives.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739553334, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 109, "wordCount": 1700 }, "headData": { "title": "4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share | KQED", "description": "Praying mantises, barnacles, newts and earthworms have some of the strangest love lives.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "4 Tiny Romances That Are Almost Too Freaky to Share", "datePublished": "2025-02-14T08:15:05-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-14T09:15:34-08:00", "image": "" } }, "pbsMediaId": "3098646524", "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1996138", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1996138/4-tiny-romances-that-are-almost-too-freaky-to-share", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "dl_subscribe", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cem>Praying mantises, barnacles, newts and earthworms have some of the strangest love lives.\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch3>TRANSCRIPT\u003c/h3>\n\u003cp>We get it, dating is hard. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>From meeting the right special someone, to getting to know them, to avoiding imminent death. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The bizarre romantic lives of these four tiny creatures sometimes end in strange and tragic ways. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Especially for the praying mantis. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When it comes to hooking up, a male mantis has good reason to fear commitment.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Praying Mantis Love is Waaay Weirder Than You Think\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>This mantis is at the top of her game.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>All summer, she’s been bulking up on grasshoppers and flies.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re called bordered mantises. Ambush hunters, cloaked by camouflage – some green and some brown.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And check out those forelimbs. They’re lined with sharp spikes – almost like a couple extra sets of jaws to grab her prey.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’ve served her well.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But summer is coming to an end here in California’s Owens Valley.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The one thing left for them to do is start the next generation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>She sends out a chemical signal – an alluring cocktail of pheromones – into the air.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This guy picks up the message.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He’s way, way smaller than she is, simply outclassed when it comes to strength and deadliness.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He makes his move, to pass on his genes …\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Uh …\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That’s one way to go.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And he’s not the only male to meet his end this way.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So why would praying mantises do this – eat their own kind at a rather intimate moment? Seems like they wouldn’t last long as a species.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Well, it takes a ton of energy for females to produce their eggs, about a hundred of them developing inside her. She’ll lay them in a foamy cluster like this called an ootheca.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So that male is fueling the survival of his species, nutritionally speaking.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they hatch in the spring, there will be plenty more mantises to replace this one.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And these bordered mantises weren’t going to live much longer anyway. They can’t survive the cold autumn nights. So males might as well take a shot.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Aww … This time it worked out.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He delivers a packet of sperm to fertilize her eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But each time, it’s a serious gamble.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Well, that didn’t go so well.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But wait, look.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He’s been decapitated, but his body is still moving, like it’s on autopilot – kind of a zombie mating machine.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s being controlled by nerves in the mantis’ abdomen and can still get the job done. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In fact, males who successfully mate and get eaten in the process may father more eggs than those who get away.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>So, while it may not really seem that way, this guy may be the ultimate winner in the primal quest to pass on his genes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Barnacles might look like jagged little rocks at low tide. But they’re surprisingly well-equipped when it comes to finding a date.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Barnacles Go To Unbelievable Lengths To Hook Up\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Finding a date is hard enough in San Francisco.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But it’s especially tricky when you’re stuck to a rock in the middle of the bay.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Still, acorn barnacles don’t get discouraged.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These crusty little animals actually have a pretty wild sex life.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>At low tide each one is sealed up inside its own miniature fortress. shielded by a ring of armored plates. The two central plates press together to form a water-tight seal so they don’t dry out in the open air. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re ready and waiting for the tide to rise so they can get down to business. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But first they need to freshen up a bit. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The barnacle unfurls eight pairs of delicate feathery legs called cirri, which they use to absorb oxygen from the water. The legs filter out plankton and debris churned up by the waves, bringing the catch inside to the mouth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They may not look like it from the outside, but beneath their shell it’s easier to see that barnacles are crustaceans related to crabs and shrimp.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After a nice meal, it’s ready for some action. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The little barnacle lets loose the longest penis of any animal – relative to its body size of course – stretching up to eight times the length of the barnacle itself.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And this penis has skills. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It can taste and smell.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And the tip can feel around, probing to see which neighbors have ripe eggs inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When it finds what it’s looking for the barnacle delivers sperm to fertilize the eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Barnacles aren’t exactly prudes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Pretty much everyone is fair play. Because they’re all hermaphrodites, simultaneously male and female.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Sometimes it’s one-on-one, sometimes more.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Barnacles are nurturing parents, too. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They hold on to their fertilized eggs and protect them until they hatch.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These cuties are their baby larvae called nauplii. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This is the young barnacles’ chance for adventure. They roam the sea searching for food and growing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If they survive long enough the barnacle larvae mature into cyprids. At this stage the barnacle doesn’t eat. The cyprid’s only mission is to find the ideal spot to glom onto before it starves. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Having survived the trials of youth, the barnacle settles in.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Now it’s time to get to know the neighbors. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>How far would you go for love? \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>California newts make an epic journey back to the pond where they were born. Check it out. \u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Newt Sex: Buff Males! Writhing Females! Cannibalism!\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Life is struggle. Sex. Death.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s true across nature. It’s especially true for a newt.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Most of the time, California newts live quiet, hidden lives in the forest. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But every winter – and newts can live for 20 years – they experience an uncontrollable urge. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s called water drive. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They leave the safety of their burrows to go mate. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They begin a treacherous odyssey, a migration back to the pond in which they were born.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It begins with a hormone called prolactin, the same one that helps women produce breast milk. In newts, prolactin sparks a need to become aquatic.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Water could be miles away, like three miles. That’s the equivalent of 36 miles for you and me.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Scientists don’t know for sure, but some think newts use their sense of smell to help guide them.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And they only have one real defense against snakes hiding in the brush: their skin. It’s covered in a poison strong enough to kill a person, if you ate one. Newts’ yellow eyes and belly tell predators to stay away. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But poison isn’t always enough to protect them. Many never make it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As they move toward water, newts’ skin starts to lose its bumps and becomes smooth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Their long tails flatten into fins. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Their amphibian bodies transform from terrestrial to aquatic to prepare for a mating frenzy.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The male newt bulks up. It grows thick pads on its feet, perfect for clamping onto a female. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The word is “amplexus,” Latin for “embrace,” which is one word for it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Newts can stay like this for hours, or days. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The result: egg clusters that females lay in the pond. So many eggs that newts sometimes eat a few for extra protein.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The ones that survive will grow into larvae and stay in the water for several months, transforming into adults. In the fall, they’ll leave the pond.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And then, if they’re lucky, they’ll come back here, again, and again, and again. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Or at least, they’ll try.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Earthworm Love Is Cuddly … and Complicated\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Earthworm love. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s cuddly … and complicated.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>From the start, the earthworm is built for romance, with four or five pairs of hearts.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Finding a match, though, that’s a challenge for these mostly solitary animals.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They go out looking when they’re a few months to a year old, and they’ve grown this fleshy, saddle-shaped patch, called a clitellum. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re now mature enough to get down to business. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Tube-shaped invertebrate seeks mate to share loamy soil and good times.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The earthworm follows tastes and smells through dirt or leaf litter to find its valentine.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It crawls around by anchoring its body with these bristles called setae … then pushing forward with its muscles.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Along the way, it fuels up on bacteria and tiny fungi in the soil and leaves, sucking them in with its mouth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Such a luscious … lip?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Every earthworm has some non-negotiables: Must breathe through iridescent skin. Must want kids. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But male or female is not one of them. All earthworms are both. They’re hermaphrodites, which automatically doubles their chances of finding a mate.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they do, they waste no time.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Side by side, they surround each other with rings of slime they exude from their skin, bodies pointing in opposite directions.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And they embrace with these flaps on their clitella.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They can canoodle like this for an hour, swapping sperm. It travels outside their bodies, here, where they press up against each other, and flows between these segments into storage sacs inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But their tender act has a dark side. As they do the deed, the earthworms stab each other with their pointy setae.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Those wounds mean the injured lovers won’t be hooking up with others anytime soon. Jealous much?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After they’ve parted ways, each earthworm produces a sheath with its clitellum and shimmies it down its tubular body. The protein-rich ring moves over tiny holes where it gathers eggs and some of the collected sperm.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Then, it slips right off the worm and becomes a cocoon.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Baby worms flourish inside, growing beating hearts that one day they’ll give to their special someone.\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1996138/4-tiny-romances-that-are-almost-too-freaky-to-share", "authors": [ "6186" ], "series": [ "science_1935" ], "categories": [ "science_2874", "science_30", "science_35", "science_40", "science_4450", "science_86" ], "tags": [ "science_1970", "science_4414" ], "featImg": "science_1996144", "label": "science_1935" }, "science_1995479": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1995479", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1995479", "score": null, "sort": [ 1738080531000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "4-of-the-deadliest-tiny-hunters-weve-ever-filmed", "title": "4 of the Deadliest Tiny Hunters We’ve Ever Filmed", "publishDate": 1738080531, "format": "video", "headTitle": "4 of the Deadliest Tiny Hunters We’ve Ever Filmed | KQED", "labelTerm": { "term": 1935, "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>[dl_subscribe] \u003cem> Watch turret spiders, wormlions, assassin bugs and dragonfly babies use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey. \u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch3>TRANSCRIPT\u003c/h3>\n\u003cp>No one said life in the wild would be easy. Yikes!\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These four miniature hunters use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey in the most creative of ways. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>First up, check out these mysterious little towers poking up from the forest floor. A cunning, patient and ruthless surprise lurks inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Turret Spiders Launch Sneak Attacks From Tiny Towers\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The world is a very different place when darkness falls.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Most of us head for home … for cover.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Because as the shadows creep in, they hide things … Frightful things.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>What is that? That little tower? Look, there’s another one. They blend in so well.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That was a California turret spider. Its lair is like the turret of a castle, rising above the forest floor. It’s lined the inside with pearly white silk. And coated the outside with mud, moss or leaves.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The turret leads down to the spider’s burrow, that can descend six inches underground. The spider spends its days down there.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As the last rays of the sun die out, it rises … to wait, motionless. Until some unsuspecting creature happens by, like this pill bug.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Every step it takes creates tiny tremors, betraying its location.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Whew! That was close.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Turret spiders actually have pretty poor vision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Instead, they rely on feel, bursting out in whichever direction the vibrations seem to come from. So, sometimes they miss.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They belong to a group of spiders called mygalomorphs – along with their more famous cousins: tarantulas and trapdoor spiders.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They pack oversized fangs that swing down like a pair of pickaxes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They were hunting this way long before spiders started building intricate aerial webs, like this orb weaver spider.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Instead, a female turret spider might live for 16 years and never stray from her turret.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>She only ventures into the world for a split second. Just long enough to drag her next victim down to its demise.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Our next creature is straight out of science fiction. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The wormlion ambushes its prey from the bottom of its tidy – and terrifying – sand pit.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Meeting a Wormlion Is the Pits\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>You never really know where trouble is lurking.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When one wayward step … means disaster.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This small hole in the sand is really the lair of a wormlion. And it’s ferocious. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>You find them in dry, dusty soil in the mountains of Northern California. The ground is cratered with danger.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Sure, it’s a tiny little wriggly thing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But wormlions set a fearsome trap that’s straight out of science fiction.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>To build it, they slink below the surface, pushing through dirt, sand and rocks.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’ll fling them out of the way as they get settled into their shallow pit. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Oops, try again.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Then … it just lies in wait.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s almost invisible, camouflaged by the sand stuck to its body. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This ant is totally clueless.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The wormlion strikes like a cobra, injecting venom into its prey to paralyze it. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It constricts the ant, dragging it under, until … it’s all over.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When the wormlion is done feeding on the juicy innards, it flicks the empty carcass away.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And tidies up its pit for its next meal.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ehhh, careful!\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After a couple of years of the good life, this wormlion will leave this dusty ditch behind and take to the skies. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Because really, it’s not a worm at all. It’s a fly larva.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’ll turn into this: a fly that lives for less than a week. Its only job is to mate and lay eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But for most of its life, it’s sitting pretty in its pit, waiting for lunch to fall right in its lap.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The assassin bug kills its victim by stabbing it over and over. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But does this perpetrator have an accomplice? Sticky droplets at the scene of the crime could be a clue.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>You Can’t Unsee the Assassin Bug’s Dirty Work\n\u003ch2>\u003c/h2>\n\u003c/h2>\u003cp>Just beneath the petals of this flower, a brutal murder is in progress.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This was the victim, a few minutes earlier: a caterpillar. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Before it got whacked, it was on its way to becoming an owlet moth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And this is the perpetrator. \u003cem>Pselliopus spinicollis\u003c/em>, aka the assassin bug.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It dispatches its victims with this sharp weapon. When it’s not using it, it keeps it folded up, like a switchblade.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Let’s review that crime footage again, shall we?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Yep, the assassin bug is definitely the hit man. But did it have an accomplice? \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The scene of the crime is this tarweed. Pretty, right? But what are these glossy droplets all over the place?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A few nights back, this midge got trapped in them. So did this other tiny fly.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Turns out, the tarweed lured them with these sweet, lemony droplets. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This plant is an insect graveyard. Those bodies are a bribe for the assassin bugs, so they’ll take care of the plant’s caterpillar problem.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>See, the caterpillars eat its flowers. No flowers, no pollen. No pollen, no reproduction.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Now that they’re on the tarweed, the assassin bugs mate and lay an egg or two right next to the cadavers, so their offspring have something to eat when they hatch.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Then they get to work on that job for the tarweeds.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The bigger caterpillars put up a fight.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The little ones, they’ll try to make themselves scarce, dangling down on a line of silk. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But plenty of them end up like our murder victim. Sucked dry.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>With the caterpillars out of the way, the tarweed mastermind can hang onto its flowers – and spread its pollen – for one more day.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Dragonflies are masters of the aerial attack. But their babies grow up underwater, where they use a lightning-fast killer lip to nab their prey.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A Baby Dragonfly’s Mouth Will Give You Nightmares\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>For over 300 million years, these lethal hunters have ruled the skies. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re the order Odonata. That’s dragonflies and damselflies to most of us.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Before the dinosaurs even existed, they had a two-foot wingspan, like a small hawk. Today they’re more modest in scale, but no less deadly.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Take their eyes. Each tiny hexagonal cell picks up light from a different direction, which gives dragonflies an almost-360-degree range of vision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Four wings help them hover, or turn on a dime. That means this hunter rarely misses.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The weird thing is Odonata spend most of their lives in a place where these killer piloting skills don’t help.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This is where their mothers lay their eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they hatch, the babies – called larvae or nymphs – spend months or years underwater.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Their wings are still growing, so they aren’t any help in scoring a meal … like this tasty mosquito larva.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s a larva-eat-larva world down here.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Did you see that?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Let’s slow it down. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The nymph has a killer lip, called a labium.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Remind you of this creepy thing?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For this skimmer nymph it’s shaped like a spork. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Only dragonfly and damselfly nymphs have this special lip.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This kind of dragonfly nymph, a darner, has an extra surprise. There’s a pair of pincers right at the end.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It all happens in a fraction of a second.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Think of the lip as a knife, fork and plate all rolled into one. When the meal is over, it folds up neatly, ready for the next occasion.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These baby skeeters don’t stand a chance. And that’s good for us. Let’s hope it stays this way for a few million more years.\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Watch turret spiders, wormlions, assassin bugs and dragonfly babies use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1738873716, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 86, "wordCount": 1332 }, "headData": { "title": "4 of the Deadliest Tiny Hunters We’ve Ever Filmed | KQED", "description": "Watch turret spiders, wormlions, assassin bugs and dragonfly babies use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "4 of the Deadliest Tiny Hunters We’ve Ever Filmed", "datePublished": "2025-01-28T08:08:51-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-06T12:28:36-08:00", "image": "" } }, "videoEmbed": "", "pbsMediaId": "3098254602", "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1995479", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1995479/4-of-the-deadliest-tiny-hunters-weve-ever-filmed", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "dl_subscribe", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp> \u003cem> Watch turret spiders, wormlions, assassin bugs and dragonfly babies use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey. \u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch3>TRANSCRIPT\u003c/h3>\n\u003cp>No one said life in the wild would be easy. Yikes!\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These four miniature hunters use stealth, speed and lethal weapons to dispatch their prey in the most creative of ways. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>First up, check out these mysterious little towers poking up from the forest floor. A cunning, patient and ruthless surprise lurks inside.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Turret Spiders Launch Sneak Attacks From Tiny Towers\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>The world is a very different place when darkness falls.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Most of us head for home … for cover.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Because as the shadows creep in, they hide things … Frightful things.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>What is that? That little tower? Look, there’s another one. They blend in so well.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>That was a California turret spider. Its lair is like the turret of a castle, rising above the forest floor. It’s lined the inside with pearly white silk. And coated the outside with mud, moss or leaves.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The turret leads down to the spider’s burrow, that can descend six inches underground. The spider spends its days down there.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As the last rays of the sun die out, it rises … to wait, motionless. Until some unsuspecting creature happens by, like this pill bug.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Every step it takes creates tiny tremors, betraying its location.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Whew! That was close.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Turret spiders actually have pretty poor vision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Instead, they rely on feel, bursting out in whichever direction the vibrations seem to come from. So, sometimes they miss.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They belong to a group of spiders called mygalomorphs – along with their more famous cousins: tarantulas and trapdoor spiders.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They pack oversized fangs that swing down like a pair of pickaxes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They were hunting this way long before spiders started building intricate aerial webs, like this orb weaver spider.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Instead, a female turret spider might live for 16 years and never stray from her turret.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>She only ventures into the world for a split second. Just long enough to drag her next victim down to its demise.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Our next creature is straight out of science fiction. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The wormlion ambushes its prey from the bottom of its tidy – and terrifying – sand pit.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Meeting a Wormlion Is the Pits\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>You never really know where trouble is lurking.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When one wayward step … means disaster.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This small hole in the sand is really the lair of a wormlion. And it’s ferocious. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>You find them in dry, dusty soil in the mountains of Northern California. The ground is cratered with danger.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Sure, it’s a tiny little wriggly thing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But wormlions set a fearsome trap that’s straight out of science fiction.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>To build it, they slink below the surface, pushing through dirt, sand and rocks.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’ll fling them out of the way as they get settled into their shallow pit. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Oops, try again.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Then … it just lies in wait.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s almost invisible, camouflaged by the sand stuck to its body. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This ant is totally clueless.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The wormlion strikes like a cobra, injecting venom into its prey to paralyze it. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It constricts the ant, dragging it under, until … it’s all over.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When the wormlion is done feeding on the juicy innards, it flicks the empty carcass away.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And tidies up its pit for its next meal.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Ehhh, careful!\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After a couple of years of the good life, this wormlion will leave this dusty ditch behind and take to the skies. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Because really, it’s not a worm at all. It’s a fly larva.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’ll turn into this: a fly that lives for less than a week. Its only job is to mate and lay eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But for most of its life, it’s sitting pretty in its pit, waiting for lunch to fall right in its lap.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The assassin bug kills its victim by stabbing it over and over. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But does this perpetrator have an accomplice? Sticky droplets at the scene of the crime could be a clue.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>You Can’t Unsee the Assassin Bug’s Dirty Work\n\u003ch2>\u003c/h2>\n\u003c/h2>\u003cp>Just beneath the petals of this flower, a brutal murder is in progress.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This was the victim, a few minutes earlier: a caterpillar. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Before it got whacked, it was on its way to becoming an owlet moth.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And this is the perpetrator. \u003cem>Pselliopus spinicollis\u003c/em>, aka the assassin bug.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It dispatches its victims with this sharp weapon. When it’s not using it, it keeps it folded up, like a switchblade.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Let’s review that crime footage again, shall we?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Yep, the assassin bug is definitely the hit man. But did it have an accomplice? \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The scene of the crime is this tarweed. Pretty, right? But what are these glossy droplets all over the place?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A few nights back, this midge got trapped in them. So did this other tiny fly.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Turns out, the tarweed lured them with these sweet, lemony droplets. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This plant is an insect graveyard. Those bodies are a bribe for the assassin bugs, so they’ll take care of the plant’s caterpillar problem.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>See, the caterpillars eat its flowers. No flowers, no pollen. No pollen, no reproduction.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Now that they’re on the tarweed, the assassin bugs mate and lay an egg or two right next to the cadavers, so their offspring have something to eat when they hatch.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Then they get to work on that job for the tarweeds.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The bigger caterpillars put up a fight.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The little ones, they’ll try to make themselves scarce, dangling down on a line of silk. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But plenty of them end up like our murder victim. Sucked dry.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>With the caterpillars out of the way, the tarweed mastermind can hang onto its flowers – and spread its pollen – for one more day.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Dragonflies are masters of the aerial attack. But their babies grow up underwater, where they use a lightning-fast killer lip to nab their prey.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>A Baby Dragonfly’s Mouth Will Give You Nightmares\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>For over 300 million years, these lethal hunters have ruled the skies. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>They’re the order Odonata. That’s dragonflies and damselflies to most of us.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Before the dinosaurs even existed, they had a two-foot wingspan, like a small hawk. Today they’re more modest in scale, but no less deadly.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Take their eyes. Each tiny hexagonal cell picks up light from a different direction, which gives dragonflies an almost-360-degree range of vision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Four wings help them hover, or turn on a dime. That means this hunter rarely misses.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The weird thing is Odonata spend most of their lives in a place where these killer piloting skills don’t help.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This is where their mothers lay their eggs.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they hatch, the babies – called larvae or nymphs – spend months or years underwater.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Their wings are still growing, so they aren’t any help in scoring a meal … like this tasty mosquito larva.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s a larva-eat-larva world down here.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Did you see that?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Let’s slow it down. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The nymph has a killer lip, called a labium.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Remind you of this creepy thing?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>For this skimmer nymph it’s shaped like a spork. \u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Only dragonfly and damselfly nymphs have this special lip.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>This kind of dragonfly nymph, a darner, has an extra surprise. There’s a pair of pincers right at the end.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It all happens in a fraction of a second.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Think of the lip as a knife, fork and plate all rolled into one. When the meal is over, it folds up neatly, ready for the next occasion.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These baby skeeters don’t stand a chance. And that’s good for us. Let’s hope it stays this way for a few million more years.\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1995479/4-of-the-deadliest-tiny-hunters-weve-ever-filmed", "authors": [ "6186" ], "series": [ "science_1935" ], "categories": [ "science_2874", "science_30", "science_35", "science_4450", "science_86" ], "tags": [ "science_4414", "science_157" ], "featImg": "science_1995481", "label": "science_1935" }, "science_1950931": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1950931", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1950931", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739466932000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "map-pge-power-outages", "title": "Map: Current PG&E Power Outages in Northern California", "publishDate": 1739466932, "format": "aside", "headTitle": "Map: Current PG&E Power Outages in Northern California | KQED", "labelTerm": {}, "content": "\u003cp>\u003cem>\u003ca href=\"\">Leer en español\u003c/a>\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Mouse over or click points on the map below to see all of PG&E’s current power outages, planned or otherwise, along with the number of customers impacted, the cause (if listed), and estimated time of restoration. Zoom in on each location to see a rough approximation of power outage areas.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Click the layers button at the top left of the map to see total number of outages per county.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>All data \u003ca href=\"\">comes from PG&E\u003c/a>, via the \u003ca href=\"\">California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)\u003c/a>, and is updated every 15 minutes. Any planned safety outages, known as Public Safety Power Outages (PSPS), will be specifically labeled on the map when they occur.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The map also includes current power outage incidents reported by the state’s other major utilities, including Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power. The map does not include smaller, \u003ca href=\"\">locally owned utilities\u003c/a> such as those in Palo Alto and Alameda.\u003c/p>\n\u003cdiv style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" align=\"center\">\n\u003c!-- iframe plugin v.4.3 -->\u003cbr>\n\u003ciframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"900\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border:0\" scrolling=\"yes\" class=\"iframe-class\">\u003c/iframe>\n\u003c/div>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "A map of the latest power outages in the Bay Area and beyond, displayed by incident and outage area, and per county.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739467293, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": true, "iframeSrcs": [ "" ], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 7, "wordCount": 183 }, "headData": { "title": "Map: Current PG&E Power Outages in Northern California | KQED", "description": "A map of the latest power outages in the Bay Area and beyond, displayed by incident and outage area, and per county.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "Map: Current PG&E Power Outages in Northern California", "datePublished": "2025-02-13T09:15:32-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-13T09:21:33-08:00", "image": "" } }, "source": "PG&E Power Outages", "sticky": false, "WpOldSlug": "map-potential-pge-power-outage-wednesday", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "showOnAuthorArchivePages": "No", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1950931/map-pge-power-outages", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>\u003cem>\u003ca href=\"\">Leer en español\u003c/a>\u003c/em>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Mouse over or click points on the map below to see all of PG&E’s current power outages, planned or otherwise, along with the number of customers impacted, the cause (if listed), and estimated time of restoration. Zoom in on each location to see a rough approximation of power outage areas.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Click the layers button at the top left of the map to see total number of outages per county.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>All data \u003ca href=\"\">comes from PG&E\u003c/a>, via the \u003ca href=\"\">California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)\u003c/a>, and is updated every 15 minutes. Any planned safety outages, known as Public Safety Power Outages (PSPS), will be specifically labeled on the map when they occur.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The map also includes current power outage incidents reported by the state’s other major utilities, including Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power. The map does not include smaller, \u003ca href=\"\">locally owned utilities\u003c/a> such as those in Palo Alto and Alameda.\u003c/p>\n\u003cdiv style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" align=\"center\">\n\u003c!-- iframe plugin v.4.3 -->\u003cbr>\n\u003ciframe loading=\"lazy\" src=\"\" width=\"1200\" height=\"900\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border:0\" scrolling=\"yes\" class=\"iframe-class\">\u003c/iframe>\n\u003c/div>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1950931/map-pge-power-outages", "authors": [ "1263" ], "categories": [ "science_33", "science_40", "science_4450", "science_3730" ], "tags": [ "science_192", "science_136" ], "featImg": "science_1985911", "label": "source_science_1950931" }, "science_1996145": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1996145", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1996145", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739448001000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "sf-dumps-millions-of-gallons-of-sewage-during-big-storms-surfers-say-that-needs-to-stop", "title": "SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop", "publishDate": 1739448001, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>Nina Atkind loves surfing, but she’s also a detective of sorts. During storms — like the \u003ca href=\"\">massive systems that recently rocked the Bay Area\u003c/a> — she cloaks herself in an apple-red rain jacket and pulls up her tan gaiters before wading out into the swirling water at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During one recent storm in mid-December, Atkind dips a glass jar into the ocean as angry waves crash against the beach, frothy brown rollers pushing up towards the dunes at Vicente Street. The jar fills with the cloudy water, and she screws on a black cap.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It looks yucky with a bunch of debris,” Atkind said on a recent storm day in December. “I see microplastic in there.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Atkind manages the Surfrider Foundation’s San Francisco chapter and delivers the water to a lab where it will be analyzed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We’re testing for poop in the water,” Atkind said. “The water is everything. It’s so important that those who want to go in the water can and not get sick from it. You don’t want to get sick from doing what you love.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996159\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996159 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"A man stands at a table, next to a seated man and woman, with a blue banner that says 'Surfrider Foundation' on the wall behind him.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Drew Madsen (right), lead of the Blue Water Task Force, a volunteer water quality testing group, works with Justin James and Nina Atkind at the Surfrider Foundation’s lab in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood on Feb. 6, 2025. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>An overwhelmed system\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Surfrider publishes the results to alert local surfers of pollution problems. The reporting also serves as a backstop to official tests conducted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which found that the microorganism enterococcus, a bacteria indicating fecal matter, was\u003ca href=\"\"> above the state’s posting threshold\u003c/a> in coastal waters on Dec. 14, 2024 — making water recreation that day inadvisable. Those levels subsided the following day, the agency noted.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Atmospheric rivers almost guarantee one thing for San Francisco: millions of gallons of stormwater and raw sewage will get poured into the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In San Francisco, sewage and stormwater flow through the same pipes as part of a combined system. The problem is that large enough storms cause the system to overflow, which the city said typically happens less than 10 times a year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Back at her car, Atkind wipes the rain off her face before pulling her phone out to check if sewage water is spewing into waterways in any other spots. The SFPUC and the city’s Department of Public Health sample from more than 20 sites each week and monitor discharges from the sewer during storms. The results are posted on \u003ca href=\"\">a map on its website\u003c/a> — if sewage is discharged at any site, it’s indicated with a blinking triangle.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996158\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996158 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">An overflow pipe near the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant, also known as the Oceanside Treatment Plant, at Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Feb. 10, 2025. Erosion is damaging the overflow pipes along Ocean Beach. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“Every single spot on the map is now flashing red with the little triangle,” Atkind said. “It’s definitely alarming to see this happen so many times per year, especially on the east side where the water doesn’t move as much as it does on the west side.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Environmental groups and the state of California argue that the city is discharging too frequently and at such high volumes that it taints the waterways with bacteria that can cause illness if people come into contact with it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“When their system is operating properly, it’s a very well-working system,” said Sejal Choksi-Chugh, executive director of San Francisco Baykeeper. “The problem is when we have heavy rains, their system is not built to hold all those flows. That means the system gets overwhelmed, creating contaminated spots that are harmful for public access.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996153\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 1075px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996153 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"A map of SF showing sewage/wastewater discharge locations.\" width=\"1075\" height=\"744\" srcset=\" 1075w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1075px) 100vw, 1075px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A screenshot of an \u003ca href=\"\">SFPUC map\u003c/a> from Feb. 5, 2025, showing stormwater discharges that happened over the previous 72 hours. \u003ccite>(SFPUC)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Ryan Seelbach, who has surfed Ocean Beach for three decades, said he actively avoids the beach during and right after storms to prevent himself from getting sick, even though the curling waves he sees from the shore taunt him. He said surfers often develop cold symptoms and ear infections after swimming in the polluted water.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘It gets funky’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>“Where the water comes out during storm events, it gets funky and has a musty smell,” he said, wrinkling his nose.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Seelbach wants San Francisco to reduce the number of discharges so he can enjoy the more than 3-mile stretch of water that surfers worldwide flock to in the winter.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I think every human deserves to be able to access and use a clean ocean,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But it’s not just surfers upset about water quality. The federal Environmental Protection Agency and California State Water Resources Control Board filed a civil complaint in federal court against San Francisco last May, \u003ca href=\"\">alleging numerous Clean Water Act violations\u003c/a> over the last decade. The agencies are seeking “financial penalties and improvements to remedy San Francisco’s repeated and widespread failures” in operating its sewer systems and water treatment plants.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The suit claims that since 2016, the city has annually discharged more than 1.8 billion gallons of untreated sewage into local waterways. That tainted water can contain pathogens like E. coli and cause severe illness if ingested.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A related but separate lawsuit recently reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments in October. \u003ca href=\"\">San Francisco sued the federal EPA\u003c/a>, claiming its discharge regulations were \u003ca href=\"\">too vague\u003c/a> — an argument that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected. The Supreme Court could issue its decision by June.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In a letter to the city last September, environmentalists urged San Francisco to drop the case. They accused the city of trying to dismantle the Clean Water Act, which they argued would “permanently stain the city’s reputation as a protector of the public and the environment” if their effort was successful.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996157\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996157 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"A surfer in a full-body wetsuit surfs a wave in the ocean.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A surfer catches a wave at Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Feb. 10, 2025. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Wastewater experts believe a decision in San Francisco’s favor could have huge repercussions beyond the city’s borders.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The folks who work for the city of San Francisco would tell you they’re just as committed to the environment as they ever were,” said David Sedlak, a water quality expert and professor of environmental engineering at UC Berkeley.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“But certainly to the outside world, if the case ends up overturning a lot of the approaches that are used now to protect our waters, people will wonder about San Francisco’s role in making that happen.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[aside label=\"related coverage\" tag=\"wastewater\"]San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu pushed back on the criticism, arguing the permits don’t limit the number of discharges that can take place in a year. “This case was never about challenging or seeking any change to the Clean Water Act, nor disputing EPA’s ability to enforce environmental protections,” Chiu said in a statement. “I am confident we made the right choice to protect San Franciscans.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The SFPUC argues that the exact amount of sewage that ends up in waterways varies based on each storm, and some of the pollution could come from other sources. Officials maintain that only a small percentage — less than 10% — of water discharged during storms is partially treated sewage. Most of the year, the system dispenses clean water, they say.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I liken it to drinking a martini,” said Joel Prather, the SFPUC’s assistant general manager for wastewater enterprise. “I’m drinking the mixture of whatever alcohol I choose and the vermouth. And so, by the same token, there is a mix in there, but it’s designed to settle the solids out. And as it’s being discharged, it is primarily stormwater being discharged.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>\u003cstrong>‘The problem has definitely grown worse’\u003c/strong>\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>During last week’s storms, at least 20 sites discharged polluted water near Ocean Beach, Crissy Field, the Financial District, Mission Creek and Hunters Point, according to the \u003ca href=\"\">SFPUC’s beach water quality map\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>SF Baykeeper captured images of dirty water containing fecal matter and trash overflowing into Mission Creek on Feb. 4.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Choksi-Chugh said these areas are “sacrifice zones” where the city has nowhere else to release polluted water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The problem has definitely grown worse,” she said. “They’re not allowed to be discharging this much bacteria and pollution into the bay, yet they are doing it.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The issue is deepening because storms are often more intense than they used to be and can easily overwhelm the system first established more than a century ago. Scientists predict storms could become up to \u003ca href=\"\">37% wetter by the end of the century\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We are seeing significant storms, and we’re not alone here; the entire world is seeing stronger storms and having to deal with them,” Prather said. “We’re a combined system, so it’s designed to discharge before it floods on the street. But these large storms are overcoming everything.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Entirely revamping the city’s aging sewage and stormwater infrastructure would cost San Francisco ratepayers well over $10 billion on the bayside alone, which “would require major increases to wastewater bills,” according to the SFPUC.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996155\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996155 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Drew Madsen, the head of Blue Water Task Force, a volunteer-run water quality testing program, holds water samples taken from India Basin at the Surfrider Foundation’s lab in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025. The samples are mixed with a reagent, which gives them a yellow color and reacts with bacteria, causing the samples to glow under UV light. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Chicago significantly reduced its discharges by digging giant tunnels underground to catch stormwater in the days after a storm. However, Prather said digging under densely populated San Francisco is unrealistic and would not pencil out.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“You’re talking tens of billions of dollars. You’re also talking about ripping up every street in San Francisco and putting new plumbing in,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>San Francisco has invested $2 billion to reduce discharges by 80% of the 7.6 billion gallons it released annually half a century ago, Prather said. The agency has planned for nearly $4.9 billion in wastewater projects in its \u003ca href=\"\">10-year capital plan\u003c/a>, approved in 2023, including sewer system improvements, treatment facility updates and a Treasure Island treatment plant.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘Best we can with the resources we have’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>“At the end of the day, it’s just doing the best we can with the resources we have right now to be prepared for those storms,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During regular rain storms, the city collects rainwater at its two plants. Collection boxes can hold 200 million gallons of water before spilling. The agency aims to capture a billion gallons of stormwater annually using green infrastructure by 2050.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Rainwater or street runoff hits the green infrastructure and percolates into the ground before going on to either groundwater or our treatment facilities,” Prather said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The agency also offers a grant program for \u003ca href=\"\">residents experiencing flooding\u003c/a> on their properties.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We’re not sitting on our hands doing nothing,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Sedlak, of UC Berkeley, said San Francisco needs to prioritize its combined sewer overflow problem. “At this point, I’m not seeing the combined sewer overflow challenge as their highest priority,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He added that storms would only worsen with human-caused climate change, making hydroclimate whiplash — \u003ca href=\"\">fast swings between alarmingly wet and seriously dry weather\u003c/a> — more intense, and said San Francisco would have to make some sort of compromise.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad floatright]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The real question for San Franciscans and people who enjoy the bay is what are we willing to pay to reduce the number of combined sewer overflows?” he said. “Is it just the people who live in San Francisco who pay the water and sewer bills there? Or is it something the whole state is interested in taking care of?”\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "Atmospheric rivers almost guarantee that San Francisco, with its sewage system, will dump millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. That’s a big deal for surfers who love the giant waves that the storms create.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739919236, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 46, "wordCount": 2108 }, "headData": { "title": "SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop | KQED", "description": "Atmospheric rivers almost guarantee that San Francisco, with its sewage system, will dump millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. That’s a big deal for surfers who love the giant waves that the storms create.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop", "datePublished": "2025-02-13T04:00:01-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-18T14:53:56-08:00", "image": "" } }, "audioUrl": "", "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1996145", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1996145/sf-dumps-millions-of-gallons-of-sewage-during-big-storms-surfers-say-that-needs-to-stop", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>Nina Atkind loves surfing, but she’s also a detective of sorts. During storms — like the \u003ca href=\"\">massive systems that recently rocked the Bay Area\u003c/a> — she cloaks herself in an apple-red rain jacket and pulls up her tan gaiters before wading out into the swirling water at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During one recent storm in mid-December, Atkind dips a glass jar into the ocean as angry waves crash against the beach, frothy brown rollers pushing up towards the dunes at Vicente Street. The jar fills with the cloudy water, and she screws on a black cap.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It looks yucky with a bunch of debris,” Atkind said on a recent storm day in December. “I see microplastic in there.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Atkind manages the Surfrider Foundation’s San Francisco chapter and delivers the water to a lab where it will be analyzed.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We’re testing for poop in the water,” Atkind said. “The water is everything. It’s so important that those who want to go in the water can and not get sick from it. You don’t want to get sick from doing what you love.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996159\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996159 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"A man stands at a table, next to a seated man and woman, with a blue banner that says 'Surfrider Foundation' on the wall behind him.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Drew Madsen (right), lead of the Blue Water Task Force, a volunteer water quality testing group, works with Justin James and Nina Atkind at the Surfrider Foundation’s lab in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood on Feb. 6, 2025. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003ch2>An overwhelmed system\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Surfrider publishes the results to alert local surfers of pollution problems. The reporting also serves as a backstop to official tests conducted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which found that the microorganism enterococcus, a bacteria indicating fecal matter, was\u003ca href=\"\"> above the state’s posting threshold\u003c/a> in coastal waters on Dec. 14, 2024 — making water recreation that day inadvisable. Those levels subsided the following day, the agency noted.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Atmospheric rivers almost guarantee one thing for San Francisco: millions of gallons of stormwater and raw sewage will get poured into the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In San Francisco, sewage and stormwater flow through the same pipes as part of a combined system. The problem is that large enough storms cause the system to overflow, which the city said typically happens less than 10 times a year.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Back at her car, Atkind wipes the rain off her face before pulling her phone out to check if sewage water is spewing into waterways in any other spots. The SFPUC and the city’s Department of Public Health sample from more than 20 sites each week and monitor discharges from the sewer during storms. The results are posted on \u003ca href=\"\">a map on its website\u003c/a> — if sewage is discharged at any site, it’s indicated with a blinking triangle.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996158\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996158 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">An overflow pipe near the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant, also known as the Oceanside Treatment Plant, at Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Feb. 10, 2025. Erosion is damaging the overflow pipes along Ocean Beach. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>“Every single spot on the map is now flashing red with the little triangle,” Atkind said. “It’s definitely alarming to see this happen so many times per year, especially on the east side where the water doesn’t move as much as it does on the west side.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Environmental groups and the state of California argue that the city is discharging too frequently and at such high volumes that it taints the waterways with bacteria that can cause illness if people come into contact with it.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“When their system is operating properly, it’s a very well-working system,” said Sejal Choksi-Chugh, executive director of San Francisco Baykeeper. “The problem is when we have heavy rains, their system is not built to hold all those flows. That means the system gets overwhelmed, creating contaminated spots that are harmful for public access.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996153\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 1075px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996153 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"A map of SF showing sewage/wastewater discharge locations.\" width=\"1075\" height=\"744\" srcset=\" 1075w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 1075px) 100vw, 1075px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A screenshot of an \u003ca href=\"\">SFPUC map\u003c/a> from Feb. 5, 2025, showing stormwater discharges that happened over the previous 72 hours. \u003ccite>(SFPUC)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Ryan Seelbach, who has surfed Ocean Beach for three decades, said he actively avoids the beach during and right after storms to prevent himself from getting sick, even though the curling waves he sees from the shore taunt him. He said surfers often develop cold symptoms and ear infections after swimming in the polluted water.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘It gets funky’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>“Where the water comes out during storm events, it gets funky and has a musty smell,” he said, wrinkling his nose.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Seelbach wants San Francisco to reduce the number of discharges so he can enjoy the more than 3-mile stretch of water that surfers worldwide flock to in the winter.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I think every human deserves to be able to access and use a clean ocean,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But it’s not just surfers upset about water quality. The federal Environmental Protection Agency and California State Water Resources Control Board filed a civil complaint in federal court against San Francisco last May, \u003ca href=\"\">alleging numerous Clean Water Act violations\u003c/a> over the last decade. The agencies are seeking “financial penalties and improvements to remedy San Francisco’s repeated and widespread failures” in operating its sewer systems and water treatment plants.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The suit claims that since 2016, the city has annually discharged more than 1.8 billion gallons of untreated sewage into local waterways. That tainted water can contain pathogens like E. coli and cause severe illness if ingested.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>A related but separate lawsuit recently reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments in October. \u003ca href=\"\">San Francisco sued the federal EPA\u003c/a>, claiming its discharge regulations were \u003ca href=\"\">too vague\u003c/a> — an argument that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected. The Supreme Court could issue its decision by June.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In a letter to the city last September, environmentalists urged San Francisco to drop the case. They accused the city of trying to dismantle the Clean Water Act, which they argued would “permanently stain the city’s reputation as a protector of the public and the environment” if their effort was successful.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996157\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996157 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"A surfer in a full-body wetsuit surfs a wave in the ocean.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A surfer catches a wave at Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Feb. 10, 2025. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Wastewater experts believe a decision in San Francisco’s favor could have huge repercussions beyond the city’s borders.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The folks who work for the city of San Francisco would tell you they’re just as committed to the environment as they ever were,” said David Sedlak, a water quality expert and professor of environmental engineering at UC Berkeley.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“But certainly to the outside world, if the case ends up overturning a lot of the approaches that are used now to protect our waters, people will wonder about San Francisco’s role in making that happen.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "related coverage ", "tag": "wastewater" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu pushed back on the criticism, arguing the permits don’t limit the number of discharges that can take place in a year. “This case was never about challenging or seeking any change to the Clean Water Act, nor disputing EPA’s ability to enforce environmental protections,” Chiu said in a statement. “I am confident we made the right choice to protect San Franciscans.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The SFPUC argues that the exact amount of sewage that ends up in waterways varies based on each storm, and some of the pollution could come from other sources. Officials maintain that only a small percentage — less than 10% — of water discharged during storms is partially treated sewage. Most of the year, the system dispenses clean water, they say.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I liken it to drinking a martini,” said Joel Prather, the SFPUC’s assistant general manager for wastewater enterprise. “I’m drinking the mixture of whatever alcohol I choose and the vermouth. And so, by the same token, there is a mix in there, but it’s designed to settle the solids out. And as it’s being discharged, it is primarily stormwater being discharged.”\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>\u003cstrong>‘The problem has definitely grown worse’\u003c/strong>\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>During last week’s storms, at least 20 sites discharged polluted water near Ocean Beach, Crissy Field, the Financial District, Mission Creek and Hunters Point, according to the \u003ca href=\"\">SFPUC’s beach water quality map\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>SF Baykeeper captured images of dirty water containing fecal matter and trash overflowing into Mission Creek on Feb. 4.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Choksi-Chugh said these areas are “sacrifice zones” where the city has nowhere else to release polluted water.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The problem has definitely grown worse,” she said. “They’re not allowed to be discharging this much bacteria and pollution into the bay, yet they are doing it.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The issue is deepening because storms are often more intense than they used to be and can easily overwhelm the system first established more than a century ago. Scientists predict storms could become up to \u003ca href=\"\">37% wetter by the end of the century\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We are seeing significant storms, and we’re not alone here; the entire world is seeing stronger storms and having to deal with them,” Prather said. “We’re a combined system, so it’s designed to discharge before it floods on the street. But these large storms are overcoming everything.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Entirely revamping the city’s aging sewage and stormwater infrastructure would cost San Francisco ratepayers well over $10 billion on the bayside alone, which “would require major increases to wastewater bills,” according to the SFPUC.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996155\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"wp-image-1996155 size-full\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Drew Madsen, the head of Blue Water Task Force, a volunteer-run water quality testing program, holds water samples taken from India Basin at the Surfrider Foundation’s lab in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025. The samples are mixed with a reagent, which gives them a yellow color and reacts with bacteria, causing the samples to glow under UV light. \u003ccite>(Beth LaBerge/KQED)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>Chicago significantly reduced its discharges by digging giant tunnels underground to catch stormwater in the days after a storm. However, Prather said digging under densely populated San Francisco is unrealistic and would not pencil out.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“You’re talking tens of billions of dollars. You’re also talking about ripping up every street in San Francisco and putting new plumbing in,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>San Francisco has invested $2 billion to reduce discharges by 80% of the 7.6 billion gallons it released annually half a century ago, Prather said. The agency has planned for nearly $4.9 billion in wastewater projects in its \u003ca href=\"\">10-year capital plan\u003c/a>, approved in 2023, including sewer system improvements, treatment facility updates and a Treasure Island treatment plant.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>‘Best we can with the resources we have’\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>“At the end of the day, it’s just doing the best we can with the resources we have right now to be prepared for those storms,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During regular rain storms, the city collects rainwater at its two plants. Collection boxes can hold 200 million gallons of water before spilling. The agency aims to capture a billion gallons of stormwater annually using green infrastructure by 2050.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Rainwater or street runoff hits the green infrastructure and percolates into the ground before going on to either groundwater or our treatment facilities,” Prather said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The agency also offers a grant program for \u003ca href=\"\">residents experiencing flooding\u003c/a> on their properties.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We’re not sitting on our hands doing nothing,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Sedlak, of UC Berkeley, said San Francisco needs to prioritize its combined sewer overflow problem. “At this point, I’m not seeing the combined sewer overflow challenge as their highest priority,” he said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>He added that storms would only worsen with human-caused climate change, making hydroclimate whiplash — \u003ca href=\"\">fast swings between alarmingly wet and seriously dry weather\u003c/a> — more intense, and said San Francisco would have to make some sort of compromise.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "floatright" }, "numeric": [ "floatright" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The real question for San Franciscans and people who enjoy the bay is what are we willing to pay to reduce the number of combined sewer overflows?” he said. “Is it just the people who live in San Francisco who pay the water and sewer bills there? Or is it something the whole state is interested in taking care of?”\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1996145/sf-dumps-millions-of-gallons-of-sewage-during-big-storms-surfers-say-that-needs-to-stop", "authors": [ "11746" ], "categories": [ "science_35", "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_2227", "science_194", "science_4417", "science_4414", "science_5183", "science_208", "science_5399", "science_2878" ], "featImg": "science_1996156", "label": "science" }, "science_1996099": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1996099", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1996099", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739374250000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "best-bay-area-hikes-for-spotting-banana-slugs-newts-and-ladybugs-after-the-rain", "title": "Best Bay Area Hikes for Spotting Banana Slugs, Newts and Ladybugs After the Rain", "publishDate": 1739374250, "format": "standard", "headTitle": "Best Bay Area Hikes for Spotting Banana Slugs, Newts and Ladybugs After the Rain | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>The Bay Area has been \u003ca href=\"\">drenched with rain from multiple atmospheric river storms\u003c/a> these past few weeks.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But once we get a break from this rainy weather — \u003ca href=\"\">as the National Weather Service forecasts this weekend\u003c/a> — there’s a big upside: After rainfall is one of the best times to see colorful creepy crawlies out in nature. And right in time for Valentine’s Day, this is when they’re on the hunt for mates.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Keep reading for the best hiking trails in the Bay Area to hit after a wet spell to spot banana slugs, California newts and ladybugs. Just be sure to watch your step as you go.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Banana slugs on wet trails\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Banana slugs are mostly water, relying on moist environments to stay alive. In dry conditions, these striking yellow molluscs retreat to cool and shaded areas. But right after the rain, you’ll find them gliding along on wet soil in California’s damp forests — powered along by the slime produced by cells in their skin that helps them move over dirt and leaves. This slime allows banana slugs not only to retain their moisture but also to defend themselves by producing mucus that numbs the mouth and tongues of any predators trying to nibble on them. The chemicals left behind in their slime trails also allow banana slugs to more easily find each other.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Banana slugs are scavengers that feed on dead leaves, mushrooms and animals, but they’re also decomposers that help recycle nutrients into the forest floor. They also play a key ecological role by dispersing seeds and spores.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These slugs are hermaphroditic, possessing both male and female reproductive organs. And while they mate all year round, they’re most active after the rain. \u003ca href=\"\">Mating is a lengthy process\u003c/a> that sometimes results in \u003ca href=\"\">one slug biting off its mate’s reproductive organ\u003c/a> — a process scientifically known as “\u003ca href=\"\">apophallation\u003c/a>.” They lay eggs under logs or leaves, but they’re not attentive parents: Banana slug hatchlings must fend for themselves.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Where to see banana slugs in the Bay Area after the rain\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park, Oakland\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Muir Woods, Marin\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Santa Cruz\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Armstrong Redwoods, Sonoma\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Purisima Creek Redwoods, Half Moon Bay\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>The Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>California newts, looking for dates\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>In the winter rainy season, thousands of orange-brown California newts cross Bay Area roads, migrating from burrows to mating ponds. Like banana slugs, newts need moisture to survive — especially during this mini-migration season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During the breeding season, male newts go through a dramatic change. Once in the water of the mating pond, they become bulkier, their tails flatten into fins to swim better, and they develop pads on their feet to allow them to clamp onto a female newt.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After mating, the newts produce clusters of eggs, which they sometimes munch on for extra protein. The eggs that survive grow into larvae and, after a few months, will leave the pond as adults — only to return when they themselves are ready to mate.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Where to see California newts in the Bay Area after the rain\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Sunol Regional Wilderness\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Las Trampas Regional Wilderness\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>In ponds and small lakes\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">Get more tips on spotting newts in the wild\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Ladybugs in loving clusters\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>In winter, when their food source is low, ladybugs cluster together in the millions to stay warm, conserve energy and protect themselves from predators. This is also an excellent time for them to find a mate — and for you to spot them in such numbers, called “aggregations.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The species more commonly found in the Bay — for example, at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park — are convergent ladybugs, one of 175 species native to California. The red color on their bodies is a defense mechanism against predators — a warning sign that they’re toxic. Over 5,000 species of ladybugs exist worldwide and come in different colors.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Where to see ladybugs in the Bay Area after the rain\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The Stream trails at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park in Oakland are a reliable spot to see ladybug aggregation. Hikers have also spotted aggregations at \u003ca href=\"\">Santa Cruz Mountains State Park\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If you plan to see these colorful clusters, be sure to respect them by watching from a short distance. Collecting ladybugs from these aggregations is prohibited, as they might not survive their relocation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "When the Bay Area weather turns to rain, there's a silver lining after: You'll be able to see these crawlers from the hiking trail.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739320512, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": true, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 19, "wordCount": 781 }, "headData": { "title": "Best Bay Area Hikes for Spotting Banana Slugs, Newts and Ladybugs After the Rain | KQED", "description": "When the Bay Area weather turns to rain, there's a silver lining after: You'll be able to see these crawlers from the hiking trail.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "Best Bay Area Hikes for Spotting Banana Slugs, Newts and Ladybugs After the Rain", "datePublished": "2025-02-12T07:30:50-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-11T16:35:12-08:00", "image": "" } }, "sticky": false, "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1996099/best-bay-area-hikes-for-spotting-banana-slugs-newts-and-ladybugs-after-the-rain", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>The Bay Area has been \u003ca href=\"\">drenched with rain from multiple atmospheric river storms\u003c/a> these past few weeks.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>But once we get a break from this rainy weather — \u003ca href=\"\">as the National Weather Service forecasts this weekend\u003c/a> — there’s a big upside: After rainfall is one of the best times to see colorful creepy crawlies out in nature. And right in time for Valentine’s Day, this is when they’re on the hunt for mates.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Keep reading for the best hiking trails in the Bay Area to hit after a wet spell to spot banana slugs, California newts and ladybugs. Just be sure to watch your step as you go.\u003c/p>\n\u003ch2>Banana slugs on wet trails\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>Banana slugs are mostly water, relying on moist environments to stay alive. In dry conditions, these striking yellow molluscs retreat to cool and shaded areas. But right after the rain, you’ll find them gliding along on wet soil in California’s damp forests — powered along by the slime produced by cells in their skin that helps them move over dirt and leaves. This slime allows banana slugs not only to retain their moisture but also to defend themselves by producing mucus that numbs the mouth and tongues of any predators trying to nibble on them. The chemicals left behind in their slime trails also allow banana slugs to more easily find each other.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Banana slugs are scavengers that feed on dead leaves, mushrooms and animals, but they’re also decomposers that help recycle nutrients into the forest floor. They also play a key ecological role by dispersing seeds and spores.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>These slugs are hermaphroditic, possessing both male and female reproductive organs. And while they mate all year round, they’re most active after the rain. \u003ca href=\"\">Mating is a lengthy process\u003c/a> that sometimes results in \u003ca href=\"\">one slug biting off its mate’s reproductive organ\u003c/a> — a process scientifically known as “\u003ca href=\"\">apophallation\u003c/a>.” They lay eggs under logs or leaves, but they’re not attentive parents: Banana slug hatchlings must fend for themselves.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Where to see banana slugs in the Bay Area after the rain\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park, Oakland\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Muir Woods, Marin\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Santa Cruz\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Armstrong Redwoods, Sonoma\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Purisima Creek Redwoods, Half Moon Bay\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>The Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003cspan class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__embedYoutube'>\n \u003cspan class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__embedYoutubeInside'>\n \u003ciframe\n loading='lazy'\n class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__youtubePlayer'\n type='text/html'\n src='//'\n title='//'\n allowfullscreen='true'\n style='border:0;'>\u003c/iframe>\n \u003c/span>\n \u003c/span>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003ch2>California newts, looking for dates\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>In the winter rainy season, thousands of orange-brown California newts cross Bay Area roads, migrating from burrows to mating ponds. Like banana slugs, newts need moisture to survive — especially during this mini-migration season.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>During the breeding season, male newts go through a dramatic change. Once in the water of the mating pond, they become bulkier, their tails flatten into fins to swim better, and they develop pads on their feet to allow them to clamp onto a female newt.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>After mating, the newts produce clusters of eggs, which they sometimes munch on for extra protein. The eggs that survive grow into larvae and, after a few months, will leave the pond as adults — only to return when they themselves are ready to mate.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Where to see California newts in the Bay Area after the rain\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cul>\n\u003cli>Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Sunol Regional Wilderness\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>Las Trampas Regional Wilderness\u003c/li>\n\u003cli>In ponds and small lakes\u003c/li>\n\u003c/ul>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">Get more tips on spotting newts in the wild\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003cspan class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__embedYoutube'>\n \u003cspan class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__embedYoutubeInside'>\n \u003ciframe\n loading='lazy'\n class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__youtubePlayer'\n type='text/html'\n src='//'\n title='//'\n allowfullscreen='true'\n style='border:0;'>\u003c/iframe>\n \u003c/span>\n \u003c/span>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003ch2>Ladybugs in loving clusters\u003c/h2>\n\u003cp>In winter, when their food source is low, ladybugs cluster together in the millions to stay warm, conserve energy and protect themselves from predators. This is also an excellent time for them to find a mate — and for you to spot them in such numbers, called “aggregations.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The species more commonly found in the Bay — for example, at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park — are convergent ladybugs, one of 175 species native to California. The red color on their bodies is a defense mechanism against predators — a warning sign that they’re toxic. Over 5,000 species of ladybugs exist worldwide and come in different colors.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cstrong>Where to see ladybugs in the Bay Area after the rain\u003c/strong>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The Stream trails at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park in Oakland are a reliable spot to see ladybug aggregation. Hikers have also spotted aggregations at \u003ca href=\"\">Santa Cruz Mountains State Park\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>If you plan to see these colorful clusters, be sure to respect them by watching from a short distance. Collecting ladybugs from these aggregations is prohibited, as they might not survive their relocation.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\u003cspan class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__embedYoutube'>\n \u003cspan class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__embedYoutubeInside'>\n \u003ciframe\n loading='lazy'\n class='utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-__youtubeShortcode__youtubePlayer'\n type='text/html'\n src='//'\n title='//'\n allowfullscreen='true'\n style='border:0;'>\u003c/iframe>\n \u003c/span>\n \u003c/span>\u003c/p>\u003cp>\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1996099/best-bay-area-hikes-for-spotting-banana-slugs-newts-and-ladybugs-after-the-rain", "authors": [ "11631" ], "categories": [ "science_2874", "science_35", "science_4550", "science_40", "science_4450", "science_98" ], "tags": [ "science_4992", "science_192", "science_254", "science_804" ], "featImg": "science_1981420", "label": "science" }, "science_1996110": { "type": "posts", "id": "science_1996110", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "science", "id": "1996110", "score": null, "sort": [ 1739361603000 ] }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "how-these-former-wildfire-survivors-are-supporting-victims-of-the-la-blazes", "title": "How These Former Wildfire Survivors Are Supporting Victims of the LA Blazes", "publishDate": 1739361603, "format": "audio", "headTitle": "How These Former Wildfire Survivors Are Supporting Victims of the LA Blazes | KQED", "labelTerm": { "site": "science" }, "content": "\u003cp>Jeff and Jodi Moreno took turns staying awake late into the night of Tuesday, Jan. 7; their eyes cemented to the Watch Duty app on their phones, which showed real-time updates and alerts for the fast-moving Eaton Fire.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The winds howled so strongly that the Morenos worried a tree might crash through the bedroom windows of their Altadena home they had just remodeled. So, their three daughters slept on makeshift beds in the living room, just in case.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>At 2:15 a.m., the couple heard people calling over a PA system from outside, instructing them to evacuate. The family of five loaded their cars and left the home they’ve lived in for the past 19 years.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they turned down their street the next afternoon, no houses came into view, just the stark, vertical lines of chimney after chimney.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The shock was almost too much to feel much of anything,” Jeff Moreno said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s a kind of loss that’s hard to relate to unless you’ve been through it before. And given that extreme weather disasters are becoming more frequent due to climate change, a growing number of people are actually able to understand this feeling.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>No one asks to join the club of extreme weather survivors, but being a member makes you uniquely suited to help others once you are out of an acute crisis.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996121\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1996121\" src=\"\" alt=\"A before and after picture of a small, one-story, nicely kept home, and the remains of it after it was burned down.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"990\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">The Moreno’s home in Altadena, California, before and after the Eaton Fire ravaged the community in January. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of Moreno family)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>A nonprofit called \u003ca href=\"\">Extreme Weather Survivors\u003c/a> links these veteran survivors with the newest ranks.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The group has put together a Slack community for \u003ca href=\"\">Los Angeles wildfire victims\u003c/a>, with sections devoted to insurance, debris removal and mental health. Doctors and scientists are involved in answering questions about smoke damage and children’s health.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The more than 800 L.A. wildfire victims using the resource can also get advice from survivors of past wildfires who have walked this road before.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Right away from interacting with it, I was like, ‘Wow, there’s people on the other side of this,’” said Jodi Moreno, Jeff’s wife.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We can emotionally connect with all of our friends who are surviving this,” Jeff said. “But none of us know what the next step is.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996129\" class=\"wp-caption alignright\" style=\"max-width: 800px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-medium wp-image-1996129\" src=\"\" alt=\"A portrait of a wife and husband and three daughters.\" width=\"800\" height=\"1000\" srcset=\" 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1229w, 1600w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Jeff and Jodi Moreno (center) and their daughters. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of the Moreno family)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>While most L.A. wildfire survivors are connecting asynchronously online, which can work well in the unsteady early days after displacement, the Morenos recently connected to a former wildfire survivor in real time over Zoom.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Erica Solove lost her home to Colorado’s \u003ca href=\"\">Marshall Fire\u003c/a> in December 2021. The blaze moved so quickly that Solove’s husband was the only member of their family of four who had time to put shoes on before fleeing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove and her family rebuilt their home and moved back a year and a half later, a relatively quick timeline. She attributes that speed to a strong community and an outpouring of care and assistance from both friends and strangers.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In one instance, Solove met a woman who’d also lost a home in a wildfire. The two spoke for just a few minutes, but having “a person who had that shared human experience to reassure me meant everything,” Solove said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove recently began working for Extreme Weather Survivors after volunteering with the group for months.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In their call, Solove and the Morenos spoke about feelings: the surge of adrenaline in the first few days and then slowing down as a new reality sets in. They talked about kids: how to emotionally support them in the short and long term.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And the Morenos asked questions that only someone who’s been in their position could answer. Things like, if you do decide to move back, do you ever regain a sense of safety?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove said she, too, had feared that she wouldn’t. But the night her family moved into their new home, she felt “the purest joy and pride,” she said. “The only other life experience I could compare it to was giving birth to my two children.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove does, at times, get nervous when there are strong winds, but overall, she is satisfied with her family’s decision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As the three spoke, Jodi Moreno held back tears. “There’s a knowingness in the way you’re talking that is deeply comforting,” she said. And while it’s likely too soon for survivors of the L.A. fires to feel this, Solove said she is actually grateful for the life experience of living through a catastrophic wildfire. She has learned how to comfort people during crises and that she, her family, and her community are stronger than she realized.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996120\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1996120\" src=\"\" alt=\"A two-story home, with snow covering the yard in front.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1500\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">The former home of Erica and Jon Solove in Superior, Colorado, the winter before it burned down in the 2021 Marshall Fire. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of the Solove family)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The disaster also put things into focus. “I have forever changed my perspective on what is or isn’t important, what I value and what I hope to do and accomplish with my time here,” Solove said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove wasn’t able to save anything from her home that burned down, except for one partially melted mug salvaged from the ashes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When she moved into her rebuilt home, she planted a succulent in the damaged mug. She keeps it in the center of her family’s kitchen table.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It is scarred, yet fostering life. It represents resilience.\u003c/p>\n\n", "blocks": [], "excerpt": "No one asks to join the club of extreme weather survivors, but being a member makes you uniquely suited to helping others. The nonprofit Extreme Weather Survivors links veteran survivors with the newest ranks.", "status": "publish", "parent": 0, "modified": 1739402597, "stats": { "hasAudio": false, "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "hasPolis": false, "paragraphCount": 28, "wordCount": 955 }, "headData": { "title": "How These Former Wildfire Survivors Are Supporting Victims of the LA Blazes | KQED", "description": "No one asks to join the club of extreme weather survivors, but being a member makes you uniquely suited to helping others. The nonprofit Extreme Weather Survivors links veteran survivors with the newest ranks.", "ogTitle": "", "ogDescription": "", "ogImgId": "", "twTitle": "", "twDescription": "", "twImgId": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "How These Former Wildfire Survivors Are Supporting Victims of the LA Blazes", "datePublished": "2025-02-12T04:00:03-08:00", "dateModified": "2025-02-12T15:23:17-08:00", "image": "" } }, "audioUrl": "[…]f-aaef00f5a073/f4dcfab4-fd42-4aba-aca7-b280010ed1f8/audio.mp3", "sticky": false, "nprStoryId": "kqed-1996110", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/science/1996110/how-these-former-wildfire-survivors-are-supporting-victims-of-the-la-blazes", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>Jeff and Jodi Moreno took turns staying awake late into the night of Tuesday, Jan. 7; their eyes cemented to the Watch Duty app on their phones, which showed real-time updates and alerts for the fast-moving Eaton Fire.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The winds howled so strongly that the Morenos worried a tree might crash through the bedroom windows of their Altadena home they had just remodeled. So, their three daughters slept on makeshift beds in the living room, just in case.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>At 2:15 a.m., the couple heard people calling over a PA system from outside, instructing them to evacuate. The family of five loaded their cars and left the home they’ve lived in for the past 19 years.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When they turned down their street the next afternoon, no houses came into view, just the stark, vertical lines of chimney after chimney.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“The shock was almost too much to feel much of anything,” Jeff Moreno said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It’s a kind of loss that’s hard to relate to unless you’ve been through it before. And given that extreme weather disasters are becoming more frequent due to climate change, a growing number of people are actually able to understand this feeling.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>No one asks to join the club of extreme weather survivors, but being a member makes you uniquely suited to help others once you are out of an acute crisis.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996121\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1996121\" src=\"\" alt=\"A before and after picture of a small, one-story, nicely kept home, and the remains of it after it was burned down.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"990\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">The Moreno’s home in Altadena, California, before and after the Eaton Fire ravaged the community in January. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of Moreno family)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>A nonprofit called \u003ca href=\"\">Extreme Weather Survivors\u003c/a> links these veteran survivors with the newest ranks.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The group has put together a Slack community for \u003ca href=\"\">Los Angeles wildfire victims\u003c/a>, with sections devoted to insurance, debris removal and mental health. Doctors and scientists are involved in answering questions about smoke damage and children’s health.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The more than 800 L.A. wildfire victims using the resource can also get advice from survivors of past wildfires who have walked this road before.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“Right away from interacting with it, I was like, ‘Wow, there’s people on the other side of this,’” said Jodi Moreno, Jeff’s wife.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“We can emotionally connect with all of our friends who are surviving this,” Jeff said. “But none of us know what the next step is.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996129\" class=\"wp-caption alignright\" style=\"max-width: 800px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-medium wp-image-1996129\" src=\"\" alt=\"A portrait of a wife and husband and three daughters.\" width=\"800\" height=\"1000\" srcset=\" 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1229w, 1600w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">Jeff and Jodi Moreno (center) and their daughters. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of the Moreno family)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>While most L.A. wildfire survivors are connecting asynchronously online, which can work well in the unsteady early days after displacement, the Morenos recently connected to a former wildfire survivor in real time over Zoom.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Erica Solove lost her home to Colorado’s \u003ca href=\"\">Marshall Fire\u003c/a> in December 2021. The blaze moved so quickly that Solove’s husband was the only member of their family of four who had time to put shoes on before fleeing.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove and her family rebuilt their home and moved back a year and a half later, a relatively quick timeline. She attributes that speed to a strong community and an outpouring of care and assistance from both friends and strangers.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In one instance, Solove met a woman who’d also lost a home in a wildfire. The two spoke for just a few minutes, but having “a person who had that shared human experience to reassure me meant everything,” Solove said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove recently began working for Extreme Weather Survivors after volunteering with the group for months.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In their call, Solove and the Morenos spoke about feelings: the surge of adrenaline in the first few days and then slowing down as a new reality sets in. They talked about kids: how to emotionally support them in the short and long term.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>And the Morenos asked questions that only someone who’s been in their position could answer. Things like, if you do decide to move back, do you ever regain a sense of safety?\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove said she, too, had feared that she wouldn’t. But the night her family moved into their new home, she felt “the purest joy and pride,” she said. “The only other life experience I could compare it to was giving birth to my two children.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove does, at times, get nervous when there are strong winds, but overall, she is satisfied with her family’s decision.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>As the three spoke, Jodi Moreno held back tears. “There’s a knowingness in the way you’re talking that is deeply comforting,” she said. And while it’s likely too soon for survivors of the L.A. fires to feel this, Solove said she is actually grateful for the life experience of living through a catastrophic wildfire. She has learned how to comfort people during crises and that she, her family, and her community are stronger than she realized.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_1996120\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 2000px\">\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-1996120\" src=\"\" alt=\"A two-story home, with snow covering the yard in front.\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1500\" srcset=\" 2000w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1536w, 1920w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 2000px) 100vw, 2000px\">\u003c/a>\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">The former home of Erica and Jon Solove in Superior, Colorado, the winter before it burned down in the 2021 Marshall Fire. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of the Solove family)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>The disaster also put things into focus. “I have forever changed my perspective on what is or isn’t important, what I value and what I hope to do and accomplish with my time here,” Solove said.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Solove wasn’t able to save anything from her home that burned down, except for one partially melted mug salvaged from the ashes.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>When she moved into her rebuilt home, she planted a succulent in the damaged mug. She keeps it in the center of her family’s kitchen table.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>It is scarred, yet fostering life. It represents resilience.\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/science/1996110/how-these-former-wildfire-survivors-are-supporting-victims-of-the-la-blazes", "authors": [ "8648" ], "categories": [ "science_40", "science_4450" ], "tags": [ "science_194", "science_4417", "science_3779", "science_3464", "science_5347" ], "featImg": "science_1996117", "label": "science" } }, "programsReducer": { "possible": { "id": "possible", "title": "Possible", "info": "Possible is hosted by entrepreneur Reid Hoffman and writer Aria Finger. Together in Possible, Hoffman and Finger lead enlightening discussions about building a brighter collective future. The show features interviews with visionary guests like Trevor Noah, Sam Altman and Janette Sadik-Khan. Possible paints an optimistic portrait of the world we can create through science, policy, business, art and our shared humanity. It asks: What if everything goes right for once? How can we get there? Each episode also includes a short fiction story generated by advanced AI GPT-4, serving as a thought-provoking springboard to speculate how humanity could leverage technology for good.", "airtime": "SUN 2pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "Possible" }, "link": "/radio/program/possible", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "spotify": "" } }, "1a": { "id": "1a", "title": "1A", "info": "1A is home to the national conversation. 1A brings on great guests and frames the best debate in ways that make you think, share and engage.", "airtime": "MON-THU 11pm-12am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/1a", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "all-things-considered": { "id": "all-things-considered", "title": "All Things Considered", "info": "Every weekday, \u003cem>All Things Considered\u003c/em> hosts Robert Siegel, Audie Cornish, Ari Shapiro, and Kelly McEvers present the program's trademark mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features. Michel Martin hosts on the weekends.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 1pm-2pm, 4:30pm-6:30pm\u003cbr />SAT-SUN 5pm-6pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/all-things-considered" }, "american-suburb-podcast": { "id": "american-suburb-podcast", "title": "American Suburb: The Podcast", "tagline": "The flip side of gentrification, told through one town", "info": "Gentrification is changing cities across America, forcing people from neighborhoods they have long called home. Call them the displaced. Now those priced out of the Bay Area are looking for a better life in an unlikely place. American Suburb follows this migration to one California town along the Delta, 45 miles from San Francisco. But is this once sleepy suburb ready for them?", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "/news/series/american-suburb-podcast", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 17 }, "link": "/news/series/american-suburb-podcast/", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "", "google": "" } }, "baycurious": { "id": "baycurious", "title": "Bay Curious", "tagline": "Exploring the Bay Area, one question at a time", "info": "KQED’s new podcast, Bay Curious, gets to the bottom of the mysteries — both profound and peculiar — that give the Bay Area its unique identity. And we’ll do it with your help! You ask the questions. You decide what Bay Curious investigates. And you join us on the journey to find the answers.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "\"KQED Bay Curious", "officialWebsiteLink": "/news/series/baycurious", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 2 }, "link": "/podcasts/baycurious", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "rss": "", "google": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "" } }, "bbc-world-service": { "id": "bbc-world-service", "title": "BBC World Service", "info": "The day's top stories from BBC News compiled twice daily in the week, once at weekends.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 9pm-10pm, TUE-FRI 1am-2am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "BBC World Service" }, "link": "/radio/program/bbc-world-service", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "code-switch-life-kit": { "id": "code-switch-life-kit", "title": "Code Switch / Life Kit", "info": "\u003cem>Code Switch\u003c/em>, which listeners will hear in the first part of the hour, has fearless and much-needed conversations about race. Hosted by journalists of color, the show tackles the subject of race head-on, exploring how it impacts every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, sports and more.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />\u003cem>Life Kit\u003c/em>, which will be in the second part of the hour, guides you through spaces and feelings no one prepares you for — from finances to mental health, from workplace microaggressions to imposter syndrome, from relationships to parenting. The show features experts with real world experience and shares their knowledge. Because everyone needs a little help being human.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Code Switch\u003c/em> offical site and podcast\u003c/a>\u003cbr />\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Life Kit\u003c/em> offical site and podcast\u003c/a>\u003cbr />", "airtime": "SUN 9pm-10pm", "imageSrc": "", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/code-switch-life-kit", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "commonwealth-club": { "id": "commonwealth-club", "title": "Commonwealth Club of California Podcast", "info": "The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum. As a non-partisan forum, The Club brings to the public airwaves diverse viewpoints on important topics. The Club's weekly radio broadcast - the oldest in the U.S., dating back to 1924 - is carried across the nation on public radio stations and is now podcasting. Our website archive features audio of our recent programs, as well as selected speeches from our long and distinguished history. This podcast feed is usually updated twice a week and is always un-edited.", "airtime": "THU 10pm, FRI 1am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "Commonwealth Club of California" }, "link": "/radio/program/commonwealth-club", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "tuneIn": "" } }, "forum": { "id": "forum", "title": "Forum", "tagline": "The conversation starts here", "info": "KQED’s live call-in program discussing local, state, national and international issues, as well as in-depth interviews.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 9am-11am, 10pm-11pm", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Forum with Mina Kim and Alexis Madrigal", "officialWebsiteLink": "/forum", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 8 }, "link": "/forum", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "freakonomics-radio": { "id": "freakonomics-radio", "title": "Freakonomics Radio", "info": "Freakonomics Radio is a one-hour award-winning podcast and public-radio project hosted by Stephen Dubner, with co-author Steve Levitt as a regular guest. It is produced in partnership with WNYC.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 1am-2am, SAT 3pm-4pm", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/freakonomics-radio", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "fresh-air": { "id": "fresh-air", "title": "Fresh Air", "info": "Hosted by Terry Gross, \u003cem>Fresh Air from WHYY\u003c/em> is the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues. One of public radio's most popular programs, Fresh Air features intimate conversations with today's biggest luminaries.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 7pm-8pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/fresh-air", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "here-and-now": { "id": "here-and-now", "title": "Here & Now", "info": "A live production of NPR and WBUR Boston, in collaboration with stations across the country, Here & Now reflects the fluid world of news as it's happening in the middle of the day, with timely, in-depth news, interviews and conversation. Hosted by Robin Young, Jeremy Hobson and Tonya Mosley.", "airtime": "MON-THU 11am-12pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/here-and-now", "subsdcribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "how-i-built-this": { "id": "how-i-built-this", "title": "How I Built This with Guy Raz", "info": "Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world's best known companies. How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 7:30pm-8pm", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/how-i-built-this", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "inside-europe": { "id": "inside-europe", "title": "Inside Europe", "info": "Inside Europe, a one-hour weekly news magazine hosted by Helen Seeney and Keith Walker, explores the topical issues shaping the continent. No other part of the globe has experienced such dynamic political and social change in recent years.", "airtime": "SAT 3am-4am", "imageSrc": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "Deutsche Welle" }, "link": "/radio/program/inside-europe", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "latino-usa": { "id": "latino-usa", "title": "Latino USA", "airtime": "MON 1am-2am, SUN 6pm-7pm", "info": "Latino USA, the radio journal of news and culture, is the only national, English-language radio program produced from a Latino perspective.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/latino-usa", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "live-from-here-highlights": { "id": "live-from-here-highlights", "title": "Live from Here Highlights", "info": "Chris Thile steps to the mic as the host of Live from Here (formerly A Prairie Home Companion), a live public radio variety show. Download Chris’s Song of the Week plus other highlights from the broadcast. Produced by American Public Media.", "airtime": "SAT 6pm-8pm, SUN 11am-1pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "american public media" }, "link": "/radio/program/live-from-here-highlights", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "marketplace": { "id": "marketplace", "title": "Marketplace", "info": "Our flagship program, helmed by Kai Ryssdal, examines what the day in money delivered, through stories, conversations, newsworthy numbers and more. Updated Monday through Friday at about 3:30 p.m. PT.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 4pm-4:30pm, MON-WED 6:30pm-7pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "American Public Media" }, "link": "/radio/program/marketplace", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "mindshift": { "id": "mindshift", "title": "MindShift", "tagline": "A podcast about the future of learning and how we raise our kids", "info": "The MindShift podcast explores the innovations in education that are shaping how kids learn. Hosts Ki Sung and Katrina Schwartz introduce listeners to educators, researchers, parents and students who are developing effective ways to improve how kids learn. We cover topics like how fed-up administrators are developing surprising tactics to deal with classroom disruptions; how listening to podcasts are helping kids develop reading skills; the consequences of overparenting; and why interdisciplinary learning can engage students on all ends of the traditional achievement spectrum. This podcast is part of the MindShift education site, a division of KQED News. KQED is an NPR/PBS member station based in San Francisco. You can also visit the MindShift website for episodes and supplemental blog posts or tweet us \u003ca href=\"\">@MindShiftKQED\u003c/a> or visit us at \u003ca href=\"/mindshift\">\u003c/a>", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED MindShift: How We Will Learn", "officialWebsiteLink": "/mindshift/", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 11 }, "link": "/podcasts/mindshift", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "" } }, "morning-edition": { "id": "morning-edition", "title": "Morning Edition", "info": "\u003cem>Morning Edition\u003c/em> takes listeners around the country and the world with multi-faceted stories and commentaries every weekday. Hosts Steve Inskeep, David Greene and Rachel Martin bring you the latest breaking news and features to prepare you for the day.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 3am-9am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/morning-edition" }, "onourwatch": { "id": "onourwatch", "title": "On Our Watch", "tagline": "Deeply-reported investigative journalism", "info": "For decades, the process for how police police themselves has been inconsistent – if not opaque. In some states, like California, these proceedings were completely hidden. After a new police transparency law unsealed scores of internal affairs files, our reporters set out to examine these cases and the shadow world of police discipline. On Our Watch brings listeners into the rooms where officers are questioned and witnesses are interrogated to find out who this system is really protecting. Is it the officers, or the public they've sworn to serve?", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "On Our Watch from NPR and KQED", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/onourwatch", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 10 }, "link": "/podcasts/onourwatch", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "spotify": "", "tuneIn": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "on-the-media": { "id": "on-the-media", "title": "On The Media", "info": "Our weekly podcast explores how the media 'sausage' is made, casts an incisive eye on fluctuations in the marketplace of ideas, and examines threats to the freedom of information and expression in America and abroad. For one hour a week, the show tries to lift the veil from the process of \"making media,\" especially news media, because it's through that lens that we see the world and the world sees us", "airtime": "SUN 2pm-3pm, MON 12am-1am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "wnyc" }, "link": "/radio/program/on-the-media", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "our-body-politic": { "id": "our-body-politic", "title": "Our Body Politic", "info": "Presented by KQED, KCRW and KPCC, and created and hosted by award-winning journalist Farai Chideya, Our Body Politic is unapologetically centered on reporting on not just how women of color experience the major political events of today, but how they’re impacting those very issues.", "airtime": "SAT 6pm-7pm, SUN 1am-2am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kcrw" }, "link": "/radio/program/our-body-politic", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "", "tuneIn": "" } }, "pbs-newshour": { "id": "pbs-newshour", "title": "PBS NewsHour", "info": "Analysis, background reports and updates from the PBS NewsHour putting today's news in context.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 3pm-4pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "pbs" }, "link": "/radio/program/pbs-newshour", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "perspectives": { "id": "perspectives", "title": "Perspectives", "tagline": "KQED's series of of daily listener commentaries since 1991", "info": "KQED's series of of daily listener commentaries since 1991.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "/perspectives/", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "kqed", "order": 13 }, "link": "/perspectives", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "rss": "", "google": "" } }, "planet-money": { "id": "planet-money", "title": "Planet Money", "info": "The economy explained. Imagine you could call up a friend and say, Meet me at the bar and tell me what's going on with the economy. Now imagine that's actually a fun evening.", "airtime": "SUN 3pm-4pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/planet-money", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "politicalbreakdown": { "id": "politicalbreakdown", "title": "Political Breakdown", "tagline": "Politics from a personal perspective", "info": "Political Breakdown is a new series that explores the political intersection of California and the nation. Each week hosts Scott Shafer and Marisa Lagos are joined with a new special guest to unpack politics -- with personality — and offer an insider’s glimpse at how politics happens.", "airtime": "THU 6:30pm-7pm", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Political Breakdown", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/politicalbreakdown", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "kqed", "order": 6 }, "link": "/podcasts/politicalbreakdown", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "pri-the-world": { "id": "pri-the-world", "title": "PRI's The World: Latest Edition", "info": "Each weekday, host Marco Werman and his team of producers bring you the world's most interesting stories in an hour of radio that reminds us just how small our planet really is.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 2pm-3pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "PRI" }, "link": "/radio/program/pri-the-world", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "radiolab": { "id": "radiolab", "title": "Radiolab", "info": "A two-time Peabody Award-winner, Radiolab is an investigation told through sounds and stories, and centered around one big idea. In the Radiolab world, information sounds like music and science and culture collide. Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, the show is designed for listeners who demand skepticism, but appreciate wonder. WNYC Studios is the producer of other leading podcasts including Freakonomics Radio, Death, Sex & Money, On the Media and many more.", "airtime": "SUN 12am-1am, SAT 2pm-3pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "science", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/radiolab", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "reveal": { "id": "reveal", "title": "Reveal", "info": "Created by The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, Reveal is public radios first one-hour weekly radio show and podcast dedicated to investigative reporting. Credible, fact based and without a partisan agenda, Reveal combines the power and artistry of driveway moment storytelling with data-rich reporting on critically important issues. The result is stories that inform and inspire, arming our listeners with information to right injustices, hold the powerful accountable and improve lives.Reveal is hosted by Al Letson and showcases the award-winning work of CIR and newsrooms large and small across the nation. In a radio and podcast market crowded with choices, Reveal focuses on important and often surprising stories that illuminate the world for our listeners.", "airtime": "SAT 4pm-5pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/reveal", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "says-you": { "id": "says-you", "title": "Says You!", "info": "Public radio's game show of bluff and bluster, words and whimsy. The warmest, wittiest cocktail party - it's spirited and civil, brainy and boisterous, peppered with musical interludes. Fast paced and playful, it's the most fun you can have with language without getting your mouth washed out with soap. Our motto: It's not important to know the answers, it's important to like the answers!", "airtime": "SUN 4pm-5pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "comedy", "source": "Pipit and Finch" }, "link": "/radio/program/says-you", "subscribe": { "apple": "!/id1050199826", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "science-friday": { "id": "science-friday", "title": "Science Friday", "info": "Science Friday is a weekly science talk show, broadcast live over public radio stations nationwide. Each week, the show focuses on science topics that are in the news and tries to bring an educated, balanced discussion to bear on the scientific issues at hand. Panels of expert guests join host Ira Flatow, a veteran science journalist, to discuss science and to take questions from listeners during the call-in portion of the program.", "airtime": "FRI 11am-1pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/science-friday", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "selected-shorts": { "id": "selected-shorts", "title": "Selected Shorts", "info": "Spellbinding short stories by established and emerging writers take on a new life when they are performed by stars of the stage and screen.", "airtime": "SAT 8pm-9pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "pri" }, "link": "/radio/program/selected-shorts", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "snap-judgment": { "id": "snap-judgment", "title": "Snap Judgment", "tagline": "Real stories with killer beats", "info": "The Snap Judgment radio show and podcast mixes real stories with killer beats to produce cinematic, dramatic radio. Snap's musical brand of storytelling dares listeners to see the world through the eyes of another. This is storytelling... with a BEAT!! Snap first aired on public radio stations nationwide in July 2010. Today, Snap Judgment airs on over 450 public radio stations and is brought to the airwaves by KQED & PRX.", "airtime": "SAT 1pm-2pm, 9pm-10pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "kqed", "order": 3 }, "link": "", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "soldout": { "id": "soldout", "title": "SOLD OUT: Rethinking Housing in America", "tagline": "A new future for housing", "info": "Sold Out: Rethinking Housing in America", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Sold Out: Rethinking Housing in America", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/soldout", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 12 }, "link": "/podcasts/soldout", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "rss": "", "spotify": "", "stitcher": "", "tunein": "", "google": "" } }, "spooked": { "id": "spooked", "title": "Spooked", "tagline": "True-life supernatural stories", "info": "", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 4 }, "link": "", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "ted-radio-hour": { "id": "ted-radio-hour", "title": "TED Radio Hour", "info": "The TED Radio Hour is a journey through fascinating ideas, astonishing inventions, fresh approaches to old problems, and new ways to think and create.", "airtime": "SUN 3pm-4pm, SAT 10pm-11pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/ted-radio-hour", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "tech-nation": { "id": "tech-nation", "title": "Tech Nation Radio Podcast", "info": "Tech Nation is a weekly public radio program, hosted by Dr. Moira Gunn. Founded in 1993, it has grown from a simple interview show to a multi-faceted production, featuring conversations with noted technology and science leaders, and a weekly science and technology-related commentary.", "airtime": "FRI 10pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "science", "source": "Tech Nation Media" }, "link": "/radio/program/tech-nation", "subscribe": { "rss": "" } }, "thebay": { "id": "thebay", "title": "The Bay", "tagline": "Local news to keep you rooted", "info": "Host Devin Katayama walks you through the biggest story of the day with reporters and newsmakers.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Bay", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/thebay", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "kqed", "order": 1 }, "link": "/podcasts/thebay", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "californiareport": { "id": "californiareport", "title": "The California Report", "tagline": "California, day by day", "info": "KQED’s statewide radio news program providing daily coverage of issues, trends and public policy decisions.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The California Report", "officialWebsiteLink": "/californiareport", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 7 }, "link": "/californiareport", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "californiareportmagazine": { "id": "californiareportmagazine", "title": "The California Report Magazine", "tagline": "Your state, your stories", "info": "Every week, The California Report Magazine takes you on a road trip for the ears: to visit the places and meet the people who make California unique. The in-depth storytelling podcast from the California Report.", "airtime": "FRI 4:30pm-5pm, 6:30pm-7pm, 11pm-11:30pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "/californiareportmagazine", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 9 }, "link": "/californiareportmagazine", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "thelatest": { "id": "thelatest", "title": "The Latest", "tagline": "Trusted local news in real time", "info": "", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Latest", "officialWebsiteLink": "/thelatest", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 5 }, "link": "/thelatest", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "theleap": { "id": "theleap", "title": "The Leap", "tagline": "What if you closed your eyes, and jumped?", "info": "Stories about people making dramatic, risky changes, told by award-winning public radio reporter Judy Campbell.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Leap", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/theleap", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 15 }, "link": "/podcasts/theleap", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "masters-of-scale": { "id": "masters-of-scale", "title": "Masters of Scale", "info": "Masters of Scale is an original podcast in which LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock Partner Reid Hoffman sets out to describe and prove theories that explain how great entrepreneurs take their companies from zero to a gazillion in ingenious fashion.", "airtime": "Every other Wednesday June 12 through October 16 at 8pm (repeats Thursdays at 2am)", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "WaitWhat" }, "link": "/radio/program/masters-of-scale", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "rss": "" } }, "the-moth-radio-hour": { "id": "the-moth-radio-hour", "title": "The Moth Radio Hour", "info": "Since its launch in 1997, The Moth has presented thousands of true stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers. The storyteller and the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience which is both terrifying and exhilarating. Since 2008, The Moth podcast has featured many of our favorite stories told live on Moth stages around the country. For information on all of our programs and live events, visit", "airtime": "SAT 8pm-9pm and SUN 11am-12pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "prx" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-moth-radio-hour", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "the-new-yorker-radio-hour": { "id": "the-new-yorker-radio-hour", "title": "The New Yorker Radio Hour", "info": "The New Yorker Radio Hour is a weekly program presented by the magazine's editor, David Remnick, and produced by WNYC Studios and The New Yorker. Each episode features a diverse mix of interviews, profiles, storytelling, and an occasional burst of humor inspired by the magazine, and shaped by its writers, artists, and editors. This isn't a radio version of a magazine, but something all its own, reflecting the rich possibilities of audio storytelling and conversation. Theme music for the show was composed and performed by Merrill Garbus of tUnE-YArDs.", "airtime": "SAT 10am-11am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-new-yorker-radio-hour", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "the-takeaway": { "id": "the-takeaway", "title": "The Takeaway", "info": "The Takeaway is produced in partnership with its national audience. It delivers perspective and analysis to help us better understand the day’s news. Be a part of the American conversation on-air and online.", "airtime": "MON-THU 12pm-1pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-takeaway", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "this-american-life": { "id": "this-american-life", "title": "This American Life", "info": "This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. It is hosted by Ira Glass, produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards.", "airtime": "SAT 12pm-1pm, 7pm-8pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "wbez" }, "link": "/radio/program/this-american-life", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "rss": "" } }, "truthbetold": { "id": "truthbetold", "title": "Truth Be Told", "tagline": "Advice by and for people of color", "info": "We’re the friend you call after a long day, the one who gets it. Through wisdom from some of the greatest thinkers of our time, host Tonya Mosley explores what it means to grow and thrive as a Black person in America, while discovering new ways of being that serve as a portal to more love, more healing, and more joy.", "airtime": "", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Truth Be Told with Tonya Mosley", "officialWebsiteLink": "https://www.kqed.ord/podcasts/truthbetold", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/podcasts/truthbetold", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "" } }, "wait-wait-dont-tell-me": { "id": "wait-wait-dont-tell-me", "title": "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!", "info": "Peter Sagal and Bill Kurtis host the weekly NPR News quiz show alongside some of the best and brightest news and entertainment personalities.", "airtime": "SUN 10am-11am, SAT 11am-12pm, SAT 6pm-7pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/wait-wait-dont-tell-me", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "washington-week": { "id": "washington-week", "title": "Washington Week", "info": "For 50 years, Washington Week has been the most intelligent and up to date conversation about the most important news stories of the week. Washington Week is the longest-running news and public affairs program on PBS and features journalists -- not pundits -- lending insight and perspective to the week's important news stories.", "airtime": "SAT 1:30am-2am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "pbs" }, "link": "/radio/program/washington-week", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "weekend-edition-saturday": { "id": "weekend-edition-saturday", "title": "Weekend Edition Saturday", "info": "Weekend Edition Saturday wraps up the week's news and offers a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. The two-hour program is hosted by NPR's Peabody Award-winning Scott Simon.", "airtime": "SAT 5am-10am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/weekend-edition-saturday" }, "weekend-edition-sunday": { "id": "weekend-edition-sunday", "title": "Weekend Edition Sunday", "info": "Weekend Edition Sunday features interviews with newsmakers, artists, scientists, politicians, musicians, writers, theologians and historians. The program has covered news events from Nelson Mandela's 1990 release from a South African prison to the capture of Saddam Hussein.", "airtime": "SUN 5am-10am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/weekend-edition-sunday" }, "world-affairs": { "id": "world-affairs", "title": "World Affairs", "info": "The world as we knew it is undergoing a rapid transformation…so what's next? Welcome to WorldAffairs, your guide to a changing world. We give you the context you need to navigate across borders and ideologies. Through sound-rich stories and in-depth interviews, we break down what it means to be a global citizen on a hot, crowded planet. Our hosts, Ray Suarez, Teresa Cotsirilos and Philip Yun help you make sense of an uncertain world, one story at a time.", "airtime": "MON 10pm, TUE 1am, SAT 3am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "World Affairs" }, "link": "/radio/program/world-affairs", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "on-shifting-ground": { "id": "on-shifting-ground", "title": "On Shifting Ground with Ray Suarez", "info": "Geopolitical turmoil. A warming planet. Authoritarians on the rise. We live in a chaotic world that’s rapidly shifting around us. “On Shifting Ground with Ray Suarez” explores international fault lines and how they impact us all. Each week, NPR veteran Ray Suarez hosts conversations with journalists, leaders and policy experts to help us read between the headlines – and give us hope for human resilience.", "airtime": "MON 10pm, TUE 1am, SAT 3am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "On Shifting Ground" }, "link": "/radio/program/on-shifting-ground", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "rss": "" } }, "hidden-brain": { "id": "hidden-brain", "title": "Hidden Brain", "info": "Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 7pm-8pm", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "NPR" }, "link": "/radio/program/hidden-brain", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "city-arts": { "id": "city-arts", "title": "City Arts & Lectures", "info": "A one-hour radio program to hear celebrated writers, artists and thinkers address contemporary ideas and values, often discussing the creative process. Please note: tapes or transcripts are not available", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 1pm-2pm, TUE 10pm, WED 1am", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "City Arts & Lectures" }, "link": "", "subscribe": { "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "white-lies": { "id": "white-lies", "title": "White Lies", "info": "In 1965, Rev. James Reeb was murdered in Selma, Alabama. Three men were tried and acquitted, but no one was ever held to account. Fifty years later, two journalists from Alabama return to the city where it happened, expose the lies that kept the murder from being solved and uncover a story about guilt and memory that says as much about America today as it does about the past.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/white-lies", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "google": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "rightnowish": { "id": "rightnowish", "title": "Rightnowish", "tagline": "Art is where you find it", "info": "Rightnowish digs into life in the Bay Area right now… ish. Journalist Pendarvis Harshaw takes us to galleries painted on the sides of liquor stores in West Oakland. We'll dance in warehouses in the Bayview, make smoothies with kids in South Berkeley, and listen to classical music in a 1984 Cutlass Supreme in Richmond. Every week, Pen talks to movers and shakers about how the Bay Area shapes what they create, and how they shape the place we call home.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Rightnowish with Pendarvis Harshaw", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/rightnowish", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "kqed", "order": 14 }, "link": "/podcasts/rightnowish", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "rss": "", "apple": "", "stitcher": "", "google": "", "spotify": "" } }, "jerrybrown": { "id": "jerrybrown", "title": "The Political Mind of Jerry Brown", "tagline": "Lessons from a lifetime in politics", "info": "The Political Mind of Jerry Brown brings listeners the wisdom of the former Governor, Mayor, and presidential candidate. Scott Shafer interviewed Brown for more than 40 hours, covering the former governor's life and half-century in the political game – and Brown has some lessons he'd like to share. ", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Political Mind of Jerry Brown", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/jerrybrown", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 16 }, "link": "/podcasts/jerrybrown", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "rss": "", "tuneIn": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "google": "" } }, "the-splendid-table": { "id": "the-splendid-table", "title": "The Splendid Table", "info": "\u003cem>The Splendid Table\u003c/em> hosts our nation's conversations about cooking, sustainability and food culture.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 10-11 pm", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-splendid-table" } }, "racesReducer": { "5921": { "id": "5921", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 158422, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Doris Matsui", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 89456, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tom Silva", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 48920, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "David Mandel", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 20046, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-09T01:00:38.194Z" }, "5922": { "id": "5922", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 8", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Rudy 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"type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 125831, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.89, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Eric Swalwell", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 83989, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Vin Kruttiventi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 22106, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Alison Hayden", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 11928, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Luis Reynoso", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 7808, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:51:36.366Z" }, "5930": { "id": "5930", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 182188, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sam Liccardo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 38492, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Evan Low", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 30261, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Joe Simitian", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 30256, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Peter Ohtaki", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 23283, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Peter Dixon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 14677, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Rishi Kumar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 12383, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Karl Ryan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 11563, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Julie Lythcott-Haims", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 11386, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ahmed Mostafa", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 5814, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Greg Tanaka", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2421, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Joby Bernstein", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1652, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-05-02T14:15:13.232Z" }, "5931": { "id": "5931", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 117534, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.9, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ro Khanna", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 73941, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Anita Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 31539, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Ritesh Tandon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 5728, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Mario Ramirez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 4491, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Joe Dehn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "Lib", "voteCount": 1835, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-08T01:50:53.956Z" }, "5932": { "id": "5932", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of 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"id": "5963", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 139085, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Greer", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 38079, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Chris Rogers", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 27126, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Rusty Hicks", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 25615, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ariel Kelley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 19483, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Frankie Myers", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 17694, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ted Williams", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 9550, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Cynthia Click", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1538, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-22T21:38:36.711Z" }, "5972": { "id": "5972", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 99775, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lori Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 50085, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Dave Ennis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 26074, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Wanda Wallis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 14638, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jeffrey Flack", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 8978, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-08T02:01:24.524Z" }, "5973": { "id": "5973", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 143532, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Damon Connolly", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 111275, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andy Podshadley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 17240, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Eryn Cervantes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 15017, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-21T00:25:32.262Z" }, "5975": { "id": "5975", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 106997, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Buffy Wicks", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 78678, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Margot Smith", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 18251, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Utkarsh Jain", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 10068, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-15T01:30:34.539Z" }, "5976": { "id": "5976", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 97144, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sonia Ledo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 30946, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Anamarie Farias", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 29512, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Monica Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 24775, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Karen Mitchoff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 11911, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-14T00:19:38.858Z" }, "5977": { "id": "5977", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top 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"isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Mindy Pechenuk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 4389, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Cheyenne Kenney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 4004, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-05-02T14:13:20.724Z" }, "5980": { "id": "5980", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 113959, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Catherine Stefani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 64960, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "David Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 33035, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Nadia 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Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Gail Pellerin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Liz Lawler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6010": { "id": "6010", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 49", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Fong", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Long Liu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6018": { "id": "6018", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 229348, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 98.93, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jared Huffman", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 169005, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Chris Coulombe", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 37372, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tief Gibbs", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 18437, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jolian Kangas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 3166, "isWinner": false 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false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 9004, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:49:44.113Z" }, "6031": { "id": "6031", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Anna Kramer", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Kevin Mullin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6035": { "id": "6035", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate 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"State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 24", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 66643, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Alex Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 45544, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bob Brunton", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 14951, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marti Souza", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 6148, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-14T23:23:49.770Z" }, "6088": { "id": "6088", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 25", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 69560, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 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"candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "J.W. 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"State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 171623, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jim Shoemaker", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 74935, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jerry McNerney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 57040, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Carlos Villapudua", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 39648, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-13T20:07:46.382Z" }, "6532": { "id": "6532", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 192446, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jesse Arreguín", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 61837, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jovanka Beckles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 34025, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Dan Kalb", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 28842, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Kathryn Lybarger", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 28041, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sandre Swanson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 22862, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jeanne Solnordal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 16839, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-16T00:58:11.533Z" }, "6533": { "id": "6533", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Tim Grayson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marisol Rubio", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6534": { "id": "6534", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 228260, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Scott Wiener", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 166592, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Yvette Corkrean", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34438, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Cynthia Cravens", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 18513, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jing Xiong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 8717, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T02:01:51.597Z" }, "6535": { "id": "6535", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 13", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 227191, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Josh Becker", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 167127, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Alexander Glew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 42788, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Christina Laskowski", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 17276, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T01:56:24.964Z" }, "6536": { "id": "6536", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 180231, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Dave Cortese", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 124440, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Robert Howell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34173, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tony Loaiza", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 21618, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-13T01:15:45.365Z" }, "6548": { "id": "6548", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 39", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Akilah Weber", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bob Divine", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6611": { "id": "6611", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 188732, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nancy Pelosi", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 138285, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bruce Lou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 16285, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marjorie Mikels", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 9363, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Bianca Von Krieg", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 7634, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jason Zeng", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 6607, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jason Boyce", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 4325, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Larry Nichelson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3482, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eve Del Castello", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2751, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:31:55.445Z" }, "8589": { "id": "8589", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. Senate, Class I", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 7276537, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.66, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Adam Schiff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2299507, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Steve Garvey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2292414, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katie Porter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1115606, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Barbara Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 714408, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eric Early", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 240723, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "James Bradley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 98180, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Christina Pascucci", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 61755, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sharleta Bassett", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 54422, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sarah Liew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 38483, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Laura Garza ", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 34320, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jonathan Reiss", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34283, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sepi Gilani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 34056, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Gail Lightfoot", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "Lib", "voteCount": 33046, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Denice Gary-Pandol", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 25494, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "James Macauley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 23168, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Harmesh Kumar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 21522, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "David Peterson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 21076, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Douglas Pierce", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 19371, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Major Singh", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 16965, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "John Rose", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 14577, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Perry Pound", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 14134, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Raji Rab", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 13558, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Mark Ruzon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 13429, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Forrest Jones", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "AIP", "voteCount": 13027, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Stefan Simchowitz", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 12717, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Martin Veprauskas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 9714, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Don Grundmann", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 6582, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T05:01:46.589Z" }, "8686": { "id": "8686", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "President,", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 3589127, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.75, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Joe Biden", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 3200188, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marianne Williamson", 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California", "raceName": "President,", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 2466569, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.58, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Donald Trump", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 1953947, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Nikki Haley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 430792, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ron DeSantis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 35581, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Chris Christie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 20164, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Vivek Ramaswamy", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 11069, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Rachel Swift", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 4231, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "David Stuckenberg", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3895, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ryan Binkley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3563, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Asa Hutchinson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3327, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:13:19.766Z" }, "81993": { "id": "81993", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. Senate, Class I Unexpired Term", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 7358837, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.66, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Steve Garvey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2444940, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Adam Schiff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2155146, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katie Porter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1269194, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Barbara Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 863278, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eric Early", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 448788, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Christina Pascucci", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 109421, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sepi Gilani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 68070, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:31:08.186Z" }, "82014": { "id": "82014", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Proposition, 1 - Behavioral Health Services Program", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 7221972, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 3624998, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 3596974, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-21T00:11:06.265Z" }, "timeLoaded": "February 22, 2025 4:32 PM", "nationalRacesLoaded": true, "localRacesLoaded": true, "overrides": [ { "id": "5921", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5922", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 8", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5924", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5926", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5928", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5930", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5931", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5932", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top two 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"State Senate, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6611", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "8589", "raceName": "U.S. Senate (Full Term)", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "8686", "raceName": "California Democratic Presidential Primary", "raceDescription": "Candidates are competing for 496 delegates.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "8688", "raceName": "California Republican Presidential Primary", "raceDescription": "Candidates are competing for 169 delegates.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "81993", "raceName": "U.S. Senate (Partial/Unexpired Term)", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election." }, { "id": "82014", "raceName": "Proposition 1", "raceDescription": "Bond and mental health reforms. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "" } ], "AlamedaJudge5": { "id": "AlamedaJudge5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 200601, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Terry Wiley", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 200601 } ] }, "AlamedaJudge12": { "id": "AlamedaJudge12", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 240853, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mark Fickes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 133009 }, { "candidateName": "Michael P. 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If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 41038, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "David Haubert", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 41038 } ] }, "AlamedaSup2": { "id": "AlamedaSup2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. 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If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 81059, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ben Bartlett", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13518 }, { "candidateName": "Nikki Fortunato Bas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 27597 }, { "candidateName": "John J. 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Green", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 30343 }, { "candidateName": "Kathy Narum", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23833 }, { "candidateName": "Seema Badar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7468 }, { "candidateName": "Catherine Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 34519 } ] }, "AlamedaAuditor": { "id": "AlamedaAuditor", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland Auditor", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 59227, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Houston", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 59227 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureA": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Alameda County. Civil service. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 282335, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 167903 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 114432 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureB": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Alameda County. Recall rules. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 282683, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 182200 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 100483 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureD": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Appropriations limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 79797, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 59852 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19945 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureE": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Alameda Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 22692, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17280 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5412 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureF": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "Piedmont. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 4855, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3673 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1182 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureG": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Albany Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 33331, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29418 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3913 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureI": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure I", "raceDescription": "Hayward Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 21929, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14151 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7778 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureJ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "San Leandro Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 12338, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7784 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4554 } ] }, "CCD2": { "id": "CCD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 45776, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Candace Andersen", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 45776 } ] }, "CCD3": { "id": "CCD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 25120, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Diane Burgis", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25120 } ] }, "CCD5": { "id": "CCD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 37045, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Barbanica", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14338 }, { "candidateName": "Jelani Killings", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5683 }, { "candidateName": "Shanelle Scales-Preston", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12993 }, { "candidateName": "Iztaccuauhtli Hector Gonzalez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4031 } ] }, "CCMeasureA": { "id": "CCMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Martinez. Appoint City Clerk. Passes with a majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 11513, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7554 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3959 } ] }, "CCMeasureB": { "id": "CCMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Antioch Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 17971, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10397 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7574 } ] }, "CCMeasureC": { "id": "CCMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Martinez Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 9230, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6917 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2313 } ] }, "CCMeasureD": { "id": "CCMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Moraga School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 6007, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4052 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1955 } ] }, "MarinD2": { "id": "MarinD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 18466, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Brian Colbert", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7971 }, { "candidateName": "Heather McPhail Sridharan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4851 }, { "candidateName": "Ryan O'Neil", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2647 }, { "candidateName": "Gabe Paulson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2997 } ] }, "MarinD3": { "id": "MarinD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 13274, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Stephanie Moulton-Peters", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13274 } ] }, "MarinD4": { "id": "MarinD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 12986, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Dennis Rodoni", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10086 }, { "candidateName": "Francis Drouillard", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2900 } ] }, "MarinLarkspurCC": { "id": "MarinLarkspurCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Larkspur City Council (Short Term)", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 4176, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Stephanie Andre", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2514 }, { "candidateName": "Claire Paquette", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1008 }, { "candidateName": "Lana Scott", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 654 } ] }, "MarinRossCouncil": { "id": "MarinRossCouncil", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Ross Town Council", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 1740, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Charles William \"Bill\" Kircher, Jr.", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 536 }, { "candidateName": "Mathew Salter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 502 }, { "candidateName": "Shadi Aboukhater", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 187 }, { "candidateName": "Teri Dowling", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 515 } ] }, "MarinMeasureA": { "id": "MarinMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Tamalpais Union High School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 45345, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24376 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20969 } ] }, "MarinMeasureB": { "id": "MarinMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Petaluma Joint Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 132, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 62 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 70 } ] }, "MarinMeasureC": { "id": "MarinMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Belvedere. Appropriation limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 870, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 679 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 191 } ] }, "MarinMeasureD": { "id": "MarinMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Larkspur. Rent stabilization. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 4955, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2573 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2382 } ] }, "MarinMeasureE": { "id": "MarinMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Ross. Special tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 874, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 683 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 191 } ] }, "MarinMeasureF": { "id": "MarinMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "San Anselmo. Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 5193, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3083 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2110 } ] }, "MarinMeasureG": { "id": "MarinMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Bel Marin Keys Community Services District. Special tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 830, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 661 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 169 } ] }, "MarinMeasureH": { "id": "MarinMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Marinwood Community Services District. Appropriations limit, fire protection. Passes with a majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 1738, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1369 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 369 } ] }, "MarinMeasureI": { "id": "MarinMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure I", "raceDescription": "Marinwood Community Services District. Appropriations limit, parks. Passes with a majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 1735, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1336 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 399 } ] }, "NapaD2": { "id": "NapaD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8351, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Liz Alessio", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6340 }, { "candidateName": "Doris Gentry", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2011 } ] }, "NapaD4": { "id": "NapaD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7306, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Amber Manfree", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3913 }, { "candidateName": "Pete Mott", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3393 } ] }, "NapaD5": { "id": "NapaD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 5356, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mariam Aboudamous", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2379 }, { "candidateName": "Belia Ramos", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2977 } ] }, "NapaMeasureD": { "id": "NapaMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Howell Mountain Elementary School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 741, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 367 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 374 } ] }, "NapaMeasureU": { "id": "NapaMeasureU", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District. Appropriations limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 86, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 63 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23 } ] }, "NapaMeasureU1": { "id": "NapaMeasureU1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Yountville. Appropriations limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 925, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 793 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 132 } ] }, "SFJudge1": { "id": "SFJudge1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Seat 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 202960, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Begert", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 124943 }, { "candidateName": "Chip Zecher", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 78017 } ] }, "SFJudge13": { "id": "SFJudge13", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Seat 13", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 202386, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jean Myungjin Roland", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 90012 }, { "candidateName": "Patrick S. Thompson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 112374 } ] }, "SFPropA": { "id": "SFPropA", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition A", "raceDescription": "Housing bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 225187, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 158497 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 66690 } ] }, "SFPropB": { "id": "SFPropB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition B", "raceDescription": "Police staffing. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222954, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 61580 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 161374 } ] }, "SFPropC": { "id": "SFPropC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition C", "raceDescription": "Transfer tax exemption. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 220349, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 116311 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 104038 } ] }, "SFPropD": { "id": "SFPropD", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition D", "raceDescription": "Ethics laws. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222615, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 198584 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24031 } ] }, "SFPropE": { "id": "SFPropE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition E", "raceDescription": "Police policies. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222817, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 120529 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102288 } ] }, "SFPropF": { "id": "SFPropF", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition F", "raceDescription": "Drug screening. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 224004, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 130214 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 93790 } ] }, "SFPropG": { "id": "SFPropG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition G", "raceDescription": "Eighth-grade algebra. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222704, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 182066 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 40638 } ] }, "SMJudge4": { "id": "SMJudge4", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 108919, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sarah Burdick", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 108919 } ] }, "SMD1": { "id": "SMD1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 29650, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jackie Speier", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20353 }, { "candidateName": "Ann Schneider", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9297 } ] }, "SMD4": { "id": "SMD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 22725, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Antonio Lopez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5730 }, { "candidateName": "Lisa Gauthier", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10358 }, { "candidateName": "Celeste Brevard", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1268 }, { "candidateName": "Paul Bocanegra", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1909 }, { "candidateName": "Maggie Cornejo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3460 } ] }, "SMD5": { "id": "SMD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 19937, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "David Canepa", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19937 } ] }, "SMMeasureB": { "id": "SMMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "County Service Area #1 (Highlands). Special tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 1549, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1360 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 189 } ] }, "SMMeasureC": { "id": "SMMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Jefferson Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 12234, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8543 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3691 } ] }, "SMMeasureE": { "id": "SMMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Woodside Elementary School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 1392, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 910 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 482 } ] }, "SMMeasureG": { "id": "SMMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Pacifica School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 11548, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7067 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4481 } ] }, "SMMeasureH": { "id": "SMMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "San Carlos School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 9938, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6283 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3655 } ] }, "SCJudge5": { "id": "SCJudge5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 301953, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jay Boyarsky", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 142549 }, { "candidateName": "Nicole M. Ford", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 52147 }, { "candidateName": "Johnene Linda Stebbins", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 107257 } ] }, "SCD2": { "id": "SCD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 44059, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Corina Herrera-Loera", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10519 }, { "candidateName": "Jennifer Margaret Celaya", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2394 }, { "candidateName": "Madison Nguyen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12794 }, { "candidateName": "Betty Duong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14031 }, { "candidateName": "Nelson McElmurry", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4321 } ] }, "SCD3": { "id": "SCD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 42549, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Otto Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 42549 } ] }, "SCD5": { "id": "SCD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 88712, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Margaret Abe-Koga", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 37172 }, { "candidateName": "Sally J. Lieber", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 21962 }, { "candidateName": "Barry Chang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6164 }, { "candidateName": "Peter C. Fung", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17892 }, { "candidateName": "Sandy Sans", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5522 } ] }, "SCSJMayor": { "id": "SCSJMayor", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José Mayor", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 167064, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Matt Mahan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 144701 }, { "candidateName": "Tyrone Wade", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22363 } ] }, "SCSJD2": { "id": "SCSJD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 14131, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Joe Lopez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4950 }, { "candidateName": "Pamela Campos", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3436 }, { "candidateName": "Vanessa Sandoval", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2719 }, { "candidateName": "Babu Prasad", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3026 } ] }, "SCSJD4": { "id": "SCSJD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 14322, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Kansen Chu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5931 }, { "candidateName": "David Cohen", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8391 } ] }, "SCSJD6": { "id": "SCSJD6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 6", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 22146, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Olivia Navarro", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6913 }, { "candidateName": "Alex Shoor", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3850 }, { "candidateName": "Angelo \"A.J.\" Pasciuti", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2688 }, { "candidateName": "Michael Mulcahy", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8695 } ] }, "SCSJD8": { "id": "SCSJD8", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 8", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 21462, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Tam Truong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6982 }, { "candidateName": "Domingo Candelas", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8466 }, { "candidateName": "Sukhdev Singh Bainiwal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5513 }, { "candidateName": "Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 501 } ] }, "SCSJD10": { "id": "SCSJD10", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 10", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 22799, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "George Casey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8805 }, { "candidateName": "Arjun Batra", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8354 }, { "candidateName": "Lenka Wright", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5640 } ] }, "SCMeasureA": { "id": "SCMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Santa Clara. Appointed city clerk. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 20315, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6580 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13735 } ] }, "SCMeasureB": { "id": "SCMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Santa Clara. Appointed police chief. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 20567, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5680 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14887 } ] }, "SCMeasureC": { "id": "SCMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 14656, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10261 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4395 } ] }, "SolanoD15": { "id": "SolanoD15", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Department 15", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 81709, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Thompson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 36844 }, { "candidateName": "Bryan J. Kim", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 44865 } ] }, "SolanoD1": { "id": "SolanoD1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 13786, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6401 }, { "candidateName": "Cassandra James", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7385 } ] }, "SolanoD2": { "id": "SolanoD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 19903, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Monica Brown", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10951 }, { "candidateName": "Nora Dizon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3135 }, { "candidateName": "Rochelle Sherlock", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5817 } ] }, "SolanoD5": { "id": "SolanoD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 17888, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mitch Mashburn", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11210 }, { "candidateName": "Chadwick J. Ledoux", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6678 } ] }, "SolanoEducation": { "id": "SolanoEducation", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Sacramento County Board of Education", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 3650, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Heather Davis", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2960 }, { "candidateName": "Shazleen Khan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 690 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureA": { "id": "SolanoMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Benicia. Hotel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 10136, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7869 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2267 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureB": { "id": "SolanoMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Benicia. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 10164, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7335 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2829 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureC": { "id": "SolanoMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Benicia Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 10112, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6316 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3796 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureN": { "id": "SolanoMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "Davis Joint Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 15, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10 } ] }, "SonomaJudge3": { "id": "SonomaJudge3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 115405, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Kristine M. Burk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 79498 }, { "candidateName": "Beki Berrey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 35907 } ] }, "SonomaJudge4": { "id": "SonomaJudge4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 86789, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Paul J. Lozada", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 86789 } ] }, "SonomaJudge6": { "id": "SonomaJudge6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 6", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 117990, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Omar Figueroa", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 42236 }, { "candidateName": "Kenneth English", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 75754 } ] }, "SonomaD1": { "id": "SonomaD1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 30348, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Rebecca Hermosillo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23958 }, { "candidateName": "Jonathan Mathieu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6390 } ] }, "SonomaD3": { "id": "SonomaD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 16312, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Chris Coursey", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11346 }, { "candidateName": "Omar Medina", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4966 } ] }, "SonomaD5": { "id": "SonomaD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 23356, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lynda Hopkins", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23356 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureA": { "id": "SonomaMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 13756, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10320 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3436 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureB": { "id": "SonomaMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Petaluma Joint Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 24877, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15795 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9082 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureC": { "id": "SonomaMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Fort Ross School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 286, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 159 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 127 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureD": { "id": "SonomaMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Harmony Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 1925, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1089 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 836 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureE": { "id": "SonomaMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Petaluma City (Elementary) School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 11133, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7622 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3511 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureG": { "id": "SonomaMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Rincon Valley Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 14577, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8668 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5909 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureH": { "id": "SonomaMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Sonoma County. Sales tax. 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"raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 342680, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Thompson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 227730, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "John Munn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 114950, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:27:44.646Z" }, "5697": { "id": "5697", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 295770, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Doris 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"5699", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 251357, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Josh Harder", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 130183, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Kevin Lincoln", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 121174, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-16T00:40:53.537Z" }, "5701": { "id": "5701", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 339111, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nancy Pelosi", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 274796, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bruce Lou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 64315, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:03:30.399Z" }, "5702": { "id": "5702", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 283025, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lateefah Simon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 185176, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jennifer Tran", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 97849, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T01:19:52.852Z" }, "5704": { "id": "5704", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 276388, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Eric Swalwell", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 187263, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Vin Kruttiventi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 89125, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:56:14.288Z" }, "5705": { "id": "5705", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins 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"State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 228506, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Zoe Lofgren", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 147674, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Peter Hernandez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 80832, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:34:06.248Z" }, "5709": { "id": "5709", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 364320, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jimmy Panetta", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 252458, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jason Anderson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 111862, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:11:42.601Z" }, "5746": { "id": "5746", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 358804, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jerry McNerney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 189668, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jim Shoemaker", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 169136, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-16T00:59:02.478Z" }, "5747": { "id": "5747", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 348838, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jesse Arreguín", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 199423, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jovanka Beckles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 149415, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-16T01:00:05.900Z" }, "5748": { "id": "5748", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 372334, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Tim Grayson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 193558, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marisol Rubio", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 178776, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-21T01:40:25.112Z" }, "5749": { "id": "5749", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 417863, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Scott Wiener", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 325148, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Yvette Corkrean", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 92715, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:30:29.104Z" }, "5750": { "id": "5750", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 13", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 434563, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Josh Becker", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 314889, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Alexander Glew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 119674, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:31:17.600Z" }, "5751": { "id": "5751", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 380029, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Dave Cortese", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 260719, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Robert Howell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 119310, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:29:11.774Z" }, "5763": { "id": "5763", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 235135, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Chris Rogers", 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"type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 243891, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Damon Connolly", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 184605, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andy Podshadley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 59286, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:37:23.490Z" }, "5774": { "id": "5774", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 182423, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 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"isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T00:45:27.762Z" }, "5776": { "id": "5776", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 251165, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Rebecca Bauer-Kahan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 161029, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Joseph Rubay", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 90136, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T00:46:42.757Z" }, "5777": { "id": "5777", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 200390, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Matt Haney", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 169490, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Manuel Noris-Barrera", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 30900, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:04:53.675Z" }, "5778": { "id": "5778", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 167056, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mia Bonta", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 134073, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andre Sandford", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 32983, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T06:14:07.579Z" }, "5779": { "id": "5779", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 196474, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Catherine Stefani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 118928, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "David Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 77546, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-10T02:02:13.334Z" }, "5780": { "id": "5780", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 20", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 173675, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Liz Ortega", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 126615, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Sangeetha Shanbhogue", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 47060, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T02:17:44.124Z" }, "5781": { "id": "5781", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 21", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 199509, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Diane Papan", 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"location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 24", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 159086, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Alex Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 105150, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bob Brunton", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 53936, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-10T02:05:19.921Z" }, "5786": { "id": "5786", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 25", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 157829, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ash Kalra", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 107968, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Ted Stroll", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 49861, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-07T01:34:48.486Z" }, "5787": { "id": "5787", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 26", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 137199, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Patrick Ahrens", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 76807, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tara Sreekrishnan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 60392, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-11T19:51:42.335Z" }, "5789": { "id": "5789", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 28", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 226488, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Gail Pellerin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 151419, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Liz Lawler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 75069, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-07T01:33:07.038Z" }, "6855": { "id": "6855", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Mayor, San Francisco", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 390184, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote 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false }, { "candidateName": "Keith Freedman", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 2079, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Nelson Mei", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 1791, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Shahram Shariati", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 1613, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Henry Flynn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 1319, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Paul Robertson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 812, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jon Soderstrom", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 412, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Total Write-Ins", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 4, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-20T00:39:58.562Z" }, "8514": { "id": "8514", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 364544, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mark DeSaulnier", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 242325, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katherine Piccinini", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 122219, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T04:35:13.273Z" }, "8619": { "id": "8619", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. Senate, Class I", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 15348846, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 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"voteCount": 6204637, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T04:34:43.856Z" }, "83019": { "id": "83019", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Question, Recall - Oakland Mayor Thao", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 142755, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 86535, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 56220, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-11T23:23:35.964Z" }, "83020": { "id": "83020", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Question, Recall - Alameda County District Attorney Price", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", 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"2024-11-11T02:11:21.241Z" }, "83065": { "id": "83065", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Proposition, 32 - Raise Minimum Wage", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 15155929, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 7686126, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 7469803, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-20T01:03:41.030Z" }, "83066": { "id": "83066", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Proposition, 33 - Expand Local Rent Control", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 14955422, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, 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"raceName": "State Assembly, District 29", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5692", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5694", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 4", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5697", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5698", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 8", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5699", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5701", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5702", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5704", "raceName": "U.S. House of 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District 28", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "6855", "raceName": "SF Mayor", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "8514", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "8619", "raceName": "U.S. Senate full term", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "82961", "raceName": "U.S. Senate unexpired term", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "83019", "raceName": "Oakland Mayor recall", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83020", "raceName": "Alameda DA recall", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83060", "raceName": "Proposition 2", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83061", "raceName": "Proposition 3", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83062", "raceName": "Proposition 4", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83063", 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", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 59036, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Benny Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18907 }, { "candidateName": "Moira “Mimi” Dean", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14960 }, { "candidateName": "Bob Glaze", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5028 }, { "candidateName": "Luis Reynoso", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5421 }, { "candidateName": "Damaris Villalobos-Galindo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14720 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureK": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureK", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure K", "raceDescription": "San Joaquin Delta Community College District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 77, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 37 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 40 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureL": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureL", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure L", "raceDescription": "Albany Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8873, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6408 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2465 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureM": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure M", "raceDescription": "Fremont Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 76065, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 48882 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 27183 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureN": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "New Haven Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 26526, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17909 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8617 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureO": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureO", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure O", "raceDescription": "Newark Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15697, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10616 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5081 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureP": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureP", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure P", "raceDescription": "Piedmont Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7011, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5684 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1327 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureQ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureQ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure Q", "raceDescription": "San Lorenzo Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% + 1 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 23822, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15832 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7990 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureC": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Albany. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8966, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6322 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2644 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureR": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureR", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure R", "raceDescription": "Albany. Business license tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8856, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4216 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4640 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureS": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureS", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure S", "raceDescription": "Albany. Appoint city manager. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8274, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5508 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2766 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureT": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureT", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure T", "raceDescription": "Albany. Eliminate bond requirement. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8170, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5793 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2377 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureU": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureU", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Albany. Bonding limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7959, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5697 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2262 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureV": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureV", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure V", "raceDescription": "Albany. Youth voting. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8767, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5619 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3148 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureW": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureW", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure W", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Property transfer tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 51630, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 31461 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20169 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureX": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureX", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure X", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 53242, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 41819 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11423 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureY": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureY", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure Y", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52536, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 39508 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13028 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureZ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureZ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure Z", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Sugary drinks and sweetenders tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52929, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 42280 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10649 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureAA": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureAA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure AA", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Spending limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52282, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 46394 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5888 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureBB": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureBB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure BB", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Affordable housing programs. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52882, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29623 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23259 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureCC": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure CC", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Affordable housing programs. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 51633, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18070 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 33563 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureDD": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureDD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure DD", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. CAFO prohibition. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 49700, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 30761 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18939 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureEE": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureEE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure EE", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52312, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23873 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28439 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureFF": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureFF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure FF", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52489, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 31942 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20547 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureGG": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureGG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure GG", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Fossil fuel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52229, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16178 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 36051 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureHH": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureHH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure HH", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Indoor air quality. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 51108, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22205 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28903 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureII": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureII", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure II", "raceDescription": "Dublin. Open Space Initiative. Passes with 50% vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 25701, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13649 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12052 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureJJ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureJJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure JJ", "raceDescription": "Dublin. Government accountability. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 25445, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19350 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6095 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureK1": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureK1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure K1", "raceDescription": "Hayward. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 46707, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 38826 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7881 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureLL": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureLL", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure LL", "raceDescription": "Newark. Transient occupancy tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15814, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12721 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3093 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureMM": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureMM", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure MM", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Wildfire protection zone. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 35275, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25125 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10150 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureNN": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureNN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure NN", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Parking tax. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 159573, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 112971 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 46602 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureOO": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureOO", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure OO", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Public ethics comission. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 150503, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 110317 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 40186 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasurePP": { "id": "AlamedaMeasurePP", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure PP", "raceDescription": "Pleasanton. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 34880, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15983 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18897 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureQQ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureQQ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure QQ", "raceDescription": "Union City. Gross receipts tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 24809, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20249 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4560 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncil": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncil", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany City Council", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7969, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jennifer Hansen-Romero", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2072 }, { "candidateName": "Peggy (Margaret) McQuaid", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2150 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Garrett-Pinguelo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 393 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Tiedemann", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1490 }, { "candidateName": "Preston Jordan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1864 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncilFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncilFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany City Council Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7865.9493, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jennifer Hansen-Romero", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2002 }, { "candidateName": "Peggy (Margaret) McQuaid", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2002 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Garrett-Pinguelo (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Tiedemann", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1823.9955 }, { "candidateName": "Preston Jordan ", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2037.9538 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducation": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducation", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany Board of Education", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7096, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jolene Gazmen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1633 }, { "candidateName": "Dayna Inkeles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1972 }, { "candidateName": "Brian L. Doss", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 718 }, { "candidateName": "Veronica Davidson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2773 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducationFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducationFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany Board of Education Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6949.5470000000005, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jolene Gazmen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1997.5386 }, { "candidateName": "Dayna Inkeles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2569.0084 }, { "candidateName": "Brian L. Doss (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Veronica Davidson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2383 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyMayor": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyMayor", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley Mayor", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52493, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Adena Ishii", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19978 }, { "candidateName": "Sophie Hahn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19633 }, { "candidateName": "Kate Harrison", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11853 }, { "candidateName": "Naomi D. Pete", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 501 }, { "candidateName": "Logan Bowie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 528 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyMayorFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyMayorFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley Mayor Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 49265, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Adena Ishii", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25156 }, { "candidateName": "Sophie Hahn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24109 }, { "candidateName": "Kate Harrison (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Naomi D. Pete (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Logan Bowie (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict2": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6873, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Terry Taplin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4787 }, { "candidateName": "Jenny Guarino", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2086 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict3": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 3", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. 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The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6096, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Deborah Matthews", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1833 }, { "candidateName": "John “Chip” Moore (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ben Bartlett", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4263 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8585, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nilang Gor", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1063 }, { "candidateName": "Todd Andrew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1721 }, { "candidateName": "Shoshana O’Keefe", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5801 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 5 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8262, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nilang Gor (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Todd Andrew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1995 }, { "candidateName": "Shoshana O’Keefe", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6267 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict6": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 6", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7332, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Brent Blackaby", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4405 }, { "candidateName": "Andy Katz", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2927 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLarge": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLarge", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, At Large", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 143599, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Cristina “Tina” Tostado", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5406 }, { "candidateName": "Charlene Wang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 30485 }, { "candidateName": "Mindy Ruth Pechenuk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4835 }, { "candidateName": "Rowena Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 41871 }, { "candidateName": "Nancy Sidebotham", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2254 }, { "candidateName": "LeRonne L. Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 39258 }, { "candidateName": "Fabian Robinson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2794 }, { "candidateName": "Shawn Danino", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9695 }, { "candidateName": "Kanitha Matoury", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5629 }, { "candidateName": "Selika Thomas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1372 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLargeFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLargeFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, At Large Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 127094, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Cristina “Tina” Tostado (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Charlene Wang (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Mindy Ruth Pechenuk (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Rowena Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 72315 }, { "candidateName": "Nancy Sidebotham (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "LeRonne L. Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 54779 }, { "candidateName": "Fabian Robinson (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Shawn Danino (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Kanitha Matoury (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Selika Thomas (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 1 ", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29613, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Edward C. Frank", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2581 }, { "candidateName": "Zac Unger", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22641 }, { "candidateName": "Len Raphael", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4391 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 1 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29252, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Edward C. Frank (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Zac Unger", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24350 }, { "candidateName": "Len Raphael", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4902 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 3 ", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 20561, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Baba Afolabi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1600 }, { "candidateName": "Carroll Fife", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9871 }, { "candidateName": "Michelle D. Hailey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1458 }, { "candidateName": "Warren Mitchell Logan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6222 }, { "candidateName": "Shan M. Hirsch", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 609 }, { "candidateName": "Meron Semedar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 801 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 3 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 19506, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Baba Afolabi (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Carroll Fife", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11437 }, { "candidateName": "Michelle D. Hailey (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Warren Mitchell Logan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8069 }, { "candidateName": "Shan M. Hirsch (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Meron Semedar (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12299, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Noel Gallo", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6482 }, { "candidateName": "Dominic Prado", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1930 }, { "candidateName": "Erin Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3887 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 5 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12059, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Noel Gallo", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7120 }, { "candidateName": "Dominic Prado (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Erin Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4939 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 13089, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Merika Goolsby", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2063 }, { "candidateName": "Ken Houston", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4428 }, { "candidateName": "Iris Merriouns", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4132 }, { "candidateName": "Marcie Hodge", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2466 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 7 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12106, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Merika Goolsby (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ken Houston", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6303 }, { "candidateName": "Iris Merriouns", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5803 }, { "candidateName": "Marcie Hodge (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityAttorney": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityAttorney", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Attorney", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 137594, 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1120, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 807 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 313 } ] }, "MarinMeasureE": { "id": "MarinMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Kentfield School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6981, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4219 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2762 } ] }, "MarinMeasureG": { "id": "MarinMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Sausalito Marin City School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 5885, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4123 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1762 } ] }, "MarinMeasureH": { "id": "MarinMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Fairfax. Appoint City Clerk. Passes with majority vote. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 335, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 274 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 61 } ] }, "NapaNapaCountyBoardofEducationTrusteeArea5": { "id": "NapaNapaCountyBoardofEducationTrusteeArea5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Napa County Board of Education, Trustee Area 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 60783, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 44230 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16553 } ] }, "NapaMeasureG": { "id": "NapaMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Napa. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 34724, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19961 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14763 } ] }, "NapaMeasureA1": { "id": "NapaMeasureA1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure A1", "raceDescription": "St. Helena. Establishing charter city. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 2719, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1191 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1528 } ] }, "NapaMeasureA2": { "id": "NapaMeasureA2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure A2", "raceDescription": "St. Helena. Real property transfer tax. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 2741, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1123 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1618 } ] }, "NapaMeasureBStHelena": { "id": "NapaMeasureBStHelena", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "St. Helena, Measure B", "raceDescription": "St. Helena. Winery and planned agritourism overlay. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 2764, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1366 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1398 } ] }, "SFBoardofEducation": { "id": "SFBoardofEducation", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Education", "raceDescription": "Top four candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top4", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1012778, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Laurance Lem Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 45736 }, { "candidateName": "Lefteris Eleftheriou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22285 }, { "candidateName": "Jaime Huling", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 168659 }, { "candidateName": "Ann Hsu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 81044 }, { "candidateName": "John Jersin", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 122450 }, { "candidateName": "Parag Gupta", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 139340 }, { "candidateName": "Matt Alexander", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 122698 }, { "candidateName": "Supryia Marie Ray", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 127834 }, { "candidateName": "Virginia Cheung", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 101017 }, { "candidateName": "Min Chang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 48550 }, { "candidateName": "Maddy Krantz", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 33165 } ] }, "SFCommunityCollegeBoard": { "id": "SFCommunityCollegeBoard", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Community College Board", "raceDescription": "Top four candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top4", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 823294, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ruth Ferguson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 114132 }, { "candidateName": "Leanna C. Louie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 50353 }, { "candidateName": "Heather McCarty", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 162477 }, { "candidateName": "Julio J. Ramos", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 38741 }, { "candidateName": "Aliya Chisti", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 149638 }, { "candidateName": "Ben Kaplan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 49320 }, { "candidateName": "Alan Wong", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 140951 }, { "candidateName": "Luis Zamora", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 117682 } ] }, "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict7": { "id": "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict7", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Director, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. Includes votes from San Francisco and Alameda County.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 161254, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Victor E. Flores", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 92729 }, { "candidateName": "Dana Lang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 68525 } ] }, "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict9": { "id": "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict9", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Director, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 137871, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Edward Wright", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 86966 }, { "candidateName": "Joe Sangirardi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 50905 } ] }, "SFMeasureA": { "id": "SFMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "San Francisco Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 377297, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 282968 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 94329 } ] }, "SFMeasureB": { "id": "SFMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Community health and safety bond. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 376637, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 274187 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102450 } ] }, "SFMeasureC": { "id": "SFMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Inspector General position. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 370366, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 225704 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 144662 } ] }, "SFMeasureD": { "id": "SFMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Commissions and mayoral authority. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 366327, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 158723 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 207604 } ] }, "SFMeasureE": { "id": "SFMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Commissions task force. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 363854, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 192540 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 171314 } ] }, "SFMeasureF": { "id": "SFMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Police pensions. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 361671, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 163835 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 197836 } ] }, "SFMeasureG": { "id": "SFMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Affordable housing. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 370824, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 217807 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 153017 } ] }, "SFMeasureH": { "id": "SFMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Firefighter pensions. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 365942, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 192601 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 173341 } ] }, "SFMeasureI": { "id": "SFMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure I", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Nurse and 911 operator pensions. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 363459, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 261318 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102141 } ] }, "SFMeasureJ": { "id": "SFMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. City spending. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 362785, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 297972 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 64813 } ] }, "SFMeasureK": { "id": "SFMeasureK", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure K", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Permanently closing Upper Great Highway to private vehicles. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 376489, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 206042 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 170447 } ] }, "SFMeasureL": { "id": "SFMeasureL", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure L", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Transportation network companies tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 369575, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 210375 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 159200 } ] }, "SFMeasureM": { "id": "SFMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure M", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Business tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 342310, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 237930 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 104380 } ] }, "SFMeasureN": { "id": "SFMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Student loan reimbursement. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 363432, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 187979 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 175453 } ] }, "SFMeasureO": { "id": "SFMeasureO", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure O", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Reproductive rights. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 373249, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 312914 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 60335 } ] }, "SFMayorRound1": { "id": "SFMayorRound1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Mayor Round 1", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 390180, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "London Breed", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 95117 }, { "candidateName": "Mark Farrell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 72115 }, { "candidateName": "Henry Flynn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1319 }, { "candidateName": "Keith Freedman", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2079 }, { "candidateName": "Dylan Hirsch-Shell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2897 }, { "candidateName": "Daniel Lurie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102720 }, { "candidateName": "Nelson Mei", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1791 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Peskin", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 89215 }, { "candidateName": "Paul Robertson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 812 }, { "candidateName": "Ahsha Safai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11425 }, { "candidateName": "Shahram Shariati", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1613 }, { "candidateName": "Jon Soderstrom", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 412 }, { "candidateName": "Ellen Zhou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8665 } ] }, "SFMayorRound3": { "id": "SFMayorRound3", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Mayor Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 331477, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "London Breed", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 149113 }, { "candidateName": "Mark Farrell (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Henry Flynn (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Keith Freedman (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Dylan Hirsch-Shell (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Daniel Lurie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 182364 }, { "candidateName": "Nelson Mei (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Peskin (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Paul Robertson (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ahsha Safai (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Shahram Shariati (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jon Soderstrom (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ellen Zhou (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 35478, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sherman D'Silva", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 899 }, { "candidateName": "Marjan Philhour", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14755 }, { "candidateName": "Connie Chan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16670 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Boehner", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1344 }, { "candidateName": "Jen Nossokoff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1810 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 34299, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sherman D'Silva (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Marjan Philhour", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16499 }, { "candidateName": "Connie Chan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17800 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Boehner (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jen Nossokoff (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 28758, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sharon Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8489 }, { "candidateName": "Moe Jamil", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3753 }, { "candidateName": "Wendy Ha Chau", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1565 }, { "candidateName": "Eduard Navarro", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 879 }, { "candidateName": "Danny Sauter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11272 }, { "candidateName": "Matthew Susk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2800 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 25568, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sharon Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11512 }, { "candidateName": "Moe Jamil (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Wendy Ha Chau (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Eduard Navarro (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Danny Sauter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14056 }, { "candidateName": "Matthew Susk (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29698, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Autumn Hope Looijen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2606 }, { "candidateName": "Bilal Mahmood", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11840 }, { "candidateName": "Scotty Jacobs", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2796 }, { "candidateName": "Allen Jones", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 444 }, { "candidateName": "Dean Preston", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12012 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 27818, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Autumn Hope Looijen (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Bilal Mahmood", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14741 }, { "candidateName": "Scotty Jacobs (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Allen Jones (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Dean Preston", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13077 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 7 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 37318, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Myrna Melgar", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17532 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Martin-Pinto", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5135 }, { "candidateName": "Edward S. Yee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1244 }, { "candidateName": "Matt Boschetto", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13407 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 7 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 35412, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Myrna Melgar", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18916 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Martin-Pinto (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Edward S. Yee (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Matt Boschetto", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16496 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 9 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 32731, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jackie Fielder", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13844 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Jon Torres", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1140 }, { "candidateName": "Roberto Hernandez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6606 }, { "candidateName": "Jaime Gutierrez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 931 }, { "candidateName": "Trevor Chandler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9042 }, { "candidateName": "Julian Bermudez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 600 }, { "candidateName": "H. Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 568 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 9 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29409, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jackie Fielder", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17546 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Jon Torres (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Roberto Hernandez (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jaime Gutierrez (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Trevor Chandler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11863 }, { "candidateName": "Julian Bermudez (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "H. Brown (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 11 First Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 27928, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Oscar Flores", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2896 }, { "candidateName": "Michael Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8675 }, { "candidateName": "Roger Marenco", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 604 }, { "candidateName": "Jose Morales", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 629 }, { "candidateName": "Ernest “EJ” Jones", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5441 }, { "candidateName": "Adlah Chisti", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1434 }, { "candidateName": "Chyanne Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8249 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 11 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 23804, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Oscar Flores (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Michael Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11803 }, { "candidateName": "Roger Marenco (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jose Morales (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ernest “EJ” Jones (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Adlah Chisti (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Chyanne Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12001 } ] }, "SFCityAttorney": { "id": "SFCityAttorney", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "City Attorney ", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. 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Hall", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1207 }, { "candidateName": "John V. Aguerre", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 785 } ] }, "SMGranadaCommunityServicesDistrictBoardofDirectors": { "id": "SMGranadaCommunityServicesDistrictBoardofDirectors", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Granada Community Services District, Board of Directors", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 13708, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9706 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4002 } ] }, "SMMeasureZ": { "id": "SMMeasureZ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure Z", "raceDescription": "Jefferson Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 49953, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 38447 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11506 } ] }, "SMMeasureHH": { "id": "SMMeasureHH", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure HH", "raceDescription": "Bayshore Elementary School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1705, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1215 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 490 } ] }, "SMMeasureP": { "id": "SMMeasureP", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure P", "raceDescription": "Belmont-Redwood Shores School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 20334, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13712 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6622 } ] }, "SMMeasureGG": { "id": "SMMeasureGG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure GG", "raceDescription": "Burlingame School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15139, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11203 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3936 } ] }, "SMMeasureU": { "id": "SMMeasureU", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Menlo Park City School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 14136, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10174 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3962 } ] }, "SMMeasureJ": { "id": "SMMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "Millbrae Elementary School District. School bond. Passes wtith 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 10950, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6986 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3964 } ] }, "SMMeasureEE": { "id": "SMMeasureEE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure EE", "raceDescription": "Pacifica School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 19170, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13902 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5268 } ] }, "SMMeasureS": { "id": "SMMeasureS", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure S", "raceDescription": "Ravenswood City School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7945, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6249 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1696 } ] }, "SMMeasureX": { "id": "SMMeasureX", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure X", "raceDescription": "San Bruno Park School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15828, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11919 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3909 } ] }, "SMMeasureO": { "id": "SMMeasureO", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure O", "raceDescription": "San Bruno Park School District. Term limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15031, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12419 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2612 } ] }, "SMMeasureY": { "id": "SMMeasureY", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure Y", "raceDescription": "Woodside Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1985, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1536 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 449 } ] }, "SMMeasureDD": { "id": "SMMeasureDD", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure DD", "raceDescription": "Belmont. Business license tax. Passes with majority vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12925, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10945 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1980 } ] }, "SMMeasureAA": { "id": "SMMeasureAA", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure AA", "raceDescription": "Colma. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote. 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Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6278, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4860 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1418 } ] }, "SMMeasureV": { "id": "SMMeasureV", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure V", "raceDescription": "Foster City. Business license tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 13252, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9831 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3421 } ] }, "SMMeasureR": { "id": "SMMeasureR", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure R", "raceDescription": "Half Moon Bay. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6145, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3969 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2176 } ] }, "SMMeasureCC": { "id": "SMMeasureCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure CC", "raceDescription": "Menlo Park. Transient occupancy tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15571, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13009 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2562 } ] }, "SMMeasureFF": { "id": "SMMeasureFF", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure FF", "raceDescription": "Millbrae. Term limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 9905, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7729 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2176 } ] }, "SMMeasureM": { "id": "SMMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure M ", "raceDescription": "Pacifica. Transient occupancy tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 19664, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15284 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4380 } ] }, "SMMeasureBB": { "id": "SMMeasureBB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure BB", "raceDescription": "Redwood City. Business license tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 32216, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 26988 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5228 } ] }, "SMMeasureQ": { "id": "SMMeasureQ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure Q", "raceDescription": "San Bruno. Infrastructure bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 17380, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12703 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4677 } ] }, "SMMeasureL": { "id": "SMMeasureL", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure L", "raceDescription": "San Carlos. Appoint city treasurer. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 14980, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11206 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3774 } ] }, "SMMeasureT": { "id": "SMMeasureT", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure T", "raceDescription": "San Mateo. Affordable housing. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 42554, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25271 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17283 } ] }, "SMMeasureW": { "id": "SMMeasureW", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure W", "raceDescription": "South San Francisco. Business lincese tax. 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Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 20932, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11265 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9667 } ] }, "SCMeasureC": { "id": "SCMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Gilroy. Sales tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 22210, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13438 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8772 } ] }, "SCMeasureD": { "id": "SCMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Palo Alto. El Camino Park. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 30913, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22806 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8107 } ] }, "SCMeasureE": { "id": "SCMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale. Library bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 49763, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29503 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20260 } ] }, "SCMeasureF": { "id": "SCMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale. Inclusivity in governance. Passes with majority vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 47536, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17959 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29577 } ] }, "SCMeasureG": { "id": "SCMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Mountain View. Property transfer tax. Passes with majority vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 29492, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 21330 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8162 } ] }, "SCMeasureI": { "id": "SCMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure I ", "raceDescription": "Santa Clara. Infrastructure bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 40532, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28133 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12399 } ] }, "SCMeasureJ": { "id": "SCMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "Milpitas. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 24432, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19582 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4850 } ] }, "SCMeasureK": { "id": "SCMeasureK", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure K", "raceDescription": "Campbell. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote. 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Includes votes from Santa Clara County and San Benito County.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 23916, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11897 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12019 } ] }, "SCMeasureM": { "id": "SCMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure M", "raceDescription": "San Benito High School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote. Includes votes from Santa Clara County and San Benito County.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 23798, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12076 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11722 } ] }, "SCMeasureN": { "id": "SCMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "East Side Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 173551, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 126490 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 47061 } ] }, "SCMeasureP": { "id": "SCMeasureP", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure P ", "raceDescription": "Campbell Union High School District. School bond. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 24265, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17303 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6962 } ] }, "SCMeasureR": { "id": "SCMeasureR", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure R", "raceDescription": "San Jose Unified School District. School bond. 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Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 7160, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5018 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2142 } ] }, "SCMeasureT": { "id": "SCMeasureT", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure T", "raceDescription": "Mount Pleasant Elementary School District. School bond. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 18065, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13953 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4112 } ] }, "SCMeasureV": { "id": "SCMeasureV", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure V", "raceDescription": "Union Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 20980, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14799 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6181 } ] }, "SCMeasureW": { "id": "SCMeasureW", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure W", "raceDescription": "Franklin-McKinley School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 24905, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19283 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5622 } ] }, "SCMeasureX": { "id": "SCMeasureX", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure X", "raceDescription": "Evergreen Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 40274, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28008 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12266 } ] }, "SCMeasureY": { "id": "SCMeasureY", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure Y", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 28676, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23566 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5110 } ] }, "SCMeasureZ": { "id": "SCMeasureZ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure Z", "raceDescription": "Cupertino Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 55064, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 33626 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 21438 } ] }, "SCMeasureAA": { "id": "SCMeasureAA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure AA", "raceDescription": "Mountain View Whisman School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 25605, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19275 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6330 } ] }, "SCMeasureBB": { "id": "SCMeasureBB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure BB", "raceDescription": "Cambrian School District. Parcel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 13215, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10183 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3032 } ] }, "SCMeasureCC": { "id": "SCMeasureCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure CC", "raceDescription": "Los Gatos Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 16092, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10682 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5410 } ] }, "SCMeasureEE": { "id": "SCMeasureEE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure EE", "raceDescription": "Los Altos School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 23185, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13032 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10153 } ] }, "SCMeasureGG": { "id": "SCMeasureGG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure GG", "raceDescription": "Orchard School District. School bond. 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