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$("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortByTitle">Alphabetize</option>'); $("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortByExactMatch">Exact Phrase</option>'); } else {// Films Search if (searchFieldInURL == "ReleaseYear") { } else { $("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortByExactMatch">Exact Phrase</option>'); } //$("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortByRelevance">Relevance</option>') $("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortByTitle">Alphabetize</option>');; // Default: Add Date Sorting $("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortDateAsc">Date Ascending</option>'); $("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortDateDesc">Date Descending</option>'); } $("#cmbSortType").val(sel); }); //declare variables var directorFacet, producerFacet, releaseYearFacet, productionCompanyFacet, genreFacet, sortType, currentPage, filmTypeFacet; var moviesOnly = false; var peopleOnly = false; var urlText = getUrlVars(); document.title = 'AFI|Catalog - Search'; var searchTextInURL = ConvertSpecialChararcters(urlText['searchText']); var originalSearchText = searchTextInURL; var realSearchText = urlText['searchText']; var searchFieldInURL = urlText['searchField']; if (searchFieldInURL === "Name" || searchFieldInURL === "Name_AltName_CharName" || searchFieldInURL === "Name_AltName" || searchFieldInURL === "CharacterName") { peopleOnly = true; } else if (searchFieldInURL === "All") { moviesOnly = true; peopleOnly = true; } else { moviesOnly = true; } $(function () { // Load the initial data //debugger; directorFacet = ''; producerFacet = ''; releaseYearFacet = ''; productionCompanyFacet = ''; genreFacet = ''; filmTypeFacet = ''; var sortByInURL = urlText['sortType']; if (sortByInURL !== undefined) { if (searchFieldInURL && (searchFieldInURL.toLowerCase() == "subjects")) { sortType = "sortByExactMatch"; } else { sortType = sortByInURL; } $("#cmbSortType").val(sortType); setSortSearchText(); } else { sortType = ''; } currentPage = 1; Search(null); }); function Search(_callback) { $("#search_details_div").html('<img id="loadingImage" src="/Content/Images/giphy.gif" />'); 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$("#cmbSortType").append('<option value="sortByExactMatch">Exact Phrase</option>'); $("#cmbSortType").val(sel); } var searchTxt = ReplaceSpecialCharactersforSearch(realSearchText); $.post('/Search/Search', { searchText: searchTxt, searchField: searchFieldInURL, directorFacet: directorFacet, producerFacet: producerFacet, releaseYearFacet: releaseYearFacet, productionCompanyFacet: productionCompanyFacet, genreFacet: genreFacet, filmTypeFacet: filmTypeFacet, moviesOnly: moviesOnly, peopleOnly: peopleOnly, sortType: sortType, currentPage: currentPage, searchId: searchId, logSearch: false, isCompact: bCompactView }, function (data) { if (searchId == "") searchId = data.SearchId; UpdateSearchHeader(data); ShowAllFacetsUI(); if (data.PeopleSearch != null && data.PeopleSearch.Count > 0) { //console.log("People count: " + data.PeopleSearch.Count); UpdateDirectorFacets(data.PeopleSearch.Facets.IsDirector); UpdateProducerFacets(data.PeopleSearch.Facets.IsProducer); } else { //remove the people categories from UI UpdatePeopleFacetsUI(); } if (data.MovieSearch != null && data.MovieSearch.Count > 0) { //console.log("Movie count: " + data.MovieSearch.Count); UpdateReleaseYearFacets(data.MovieSearch.Facets.ReleaseYear); UpdateProductionCompanyFacets(data.MovieSearch.Facets.ProductionCompany); UpdateGenreFacets(data.MovieSearch.Facets.Genre); UpdateFilmTypeFacets(data.MovieSearch.Facets.FilmType); } else { //remove the movies categories from UI UpdateMoviesFacetsUI(); } UpdateSearchResults(data); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); UpdateFilterReset(); if (peopleOnly && moviesOnly) { UpdatePagination(data.SearchResultCount); } else { if (moviesOnly) UpdatePagination(data.MovieSearchResultCount); if (peopleOnly) UpdatePagination(data.PeopleSearchResultCount); } if (_callback != null) _callback(); }); } // Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an associative array. function getUrlVars() { var vars = [], hash; //var url = decodeURIComponent(window.location.href); //console.log("url: " + url); var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); 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text = text.replace(/%3F/g, '?'); text = text.replace(/%28/g, '('); text = text.replace(/%29/g, ')'); text = text.replace(/%5B/g, ''); text = text.replace(/%5D/g, ''); text = decodeURIComponent(text); text = text.replace(/\+/g, ' '); //text = text.replace('/', ' '); } else text = ''; return text; } function ReplaceSpecialCharactersforSearch(text) { if (typeof text !== "undefined") { text = text.replace(/%20/g, " "); text = text.replace(/%2C/g, ","); text = text.replace(/%27/g, "'"); text = text.replace(/%E2%80%99/g, "'"); text = text.replace(/%21/g, "!"); text = text.replace(/%3A/g, ':'); text = text.replace(/%26/g, '&amp'); text = text.replace(/%3F/g, '?'); text = text.replace(/%28/g, '('); text = text.replace(/%29/g, ')'); text = text.replace(/%5B/g, ''); text = text.replace(/%5D/g, ''); text = decodeURIComponent(text); text = text.replace(/\+/g, ' '); //text = text.replace('/', ' '); } else text = ''; return text; } function GetTextForDecadeSearch(text) { if (typeof text !== "undefined") { if (text.length > 4 && text.substring(0, 3) === "%2F") { text = text.substring(3, 6) + "0--" + (parseInt(text.substring(3, 6).trim() + "0") + 9); if (text.substring(0, 4) === "1890") text = text.replace("0", "3"); } } else text = ''; return text; } //Header function ShowAllFacetsUI() { $("#director_label").show(); $("#producer_label").show(); $("#releaseYear_label").show(); $("#productionCompany_label").show(); $("#genre_label").show(); $("#filmtype_label").show(); } function UpdateSearchHeader(data) { var totalCount = data.PeopleSearchResultCount + data.MovieSearchResultCount + data.CompanySearchResultCount; var urlText = getUrlVars(); var searchField = urlText['searchField']; if (searchField === "ReleaseYear") serchText = GetTextForDecadeSearch(urlText['searchText']) else serchText = ReplaceSpecialCharacters(urlText['searchText']); var lastChar = serchText.substr(serchText.length - 1); if (lastChar === ',') serchText = serchText.slice(0, -1); var searchHeaderHtml = ''; searchHeaderHtml += '<h1>SEARCH RESULTS FOR <span id="search-resultFor" class="searchtitle"> ' + serchText + ' </span></h1>'; var searchField = urlText['searchField']; $("#searchHeaderContainer").html(searchHeaderHtml); // start build result type narrow results var facetResultsHtml = ''; facetResultsHtml += '<h3><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ClearAllFacets()" id="search-count-all">ALL (' + totalCount + ')</a>'; if (data.PeopleSearchResultCount !== null && data.PeopleSearchResultCount != 0) { facetResultsHtml += '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="PopulatePeopleOnly()" id="search-count-people">PEOPLE (' + data.PeopleSearchResultCount + ')</a>'; } if (data.MovieSearchResultCount !== null && data.MovieSearchResultCount != 0) { facetResultsHtml += ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="PopulateMoviesOnly()" id="search-count-films">FILMS (' + data.MovieSearchResultCount + ')</a>'; } if (data.CompanySearchResultCount !== null && data.CompanySearchResultCount != 0) { facetResultsHtml += ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="PopulateCompanyOnly()" id="search-count-films">COMPANIES (' + data.CompanySearchResultCount + ')</a></h3>'; } $("#resulttype_facets").html(facetResultsHtml); // end UpdatePageTitle(serchText); } function UpdatePageTitle(Title) { document.title = 'AFI|Catalog - Search: ' + getSafeUrl(Title.toUpperCase()); //$('meta[name="description"]').attr("content", newDescription); } function PopulatePeopleOnly() { moviesOnly = false; peopleOnly = true; currentPage = 1; Search(null); } function PopulateMoviesOnly() { moviesOnly = true; peopleOnly = false; currentPage = 1; Search(null); } //directorFacet function UpdateDirectorFacets(data) { var facetResultsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].Value) facetResultsHTML += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ChooseDirectorFacet(\'' + data[i].Value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, '\\&#34') + '\');">' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + ' (' + data[i].Count + ')</span></a></li>'; } $("#dirctor_facets").html(facetResultsHTML); } function ChooseDirectorFacet(facet) { directorFacet = facet; Search(null); } //producerFacet function UpdateProducerFacets(data) { var facetResultsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].Value) facetResultsHTML += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ChooseProducerFacet(\'' + data[i].Value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, '\\&#34') + '\');">' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + ' (' + data[i].Count + ')</span></a></li>'; } $("#producer_facets").html(facetResultsHTML); } function ChooseProducerFacet(facet) { producerFacet = facet; Search(null); } //releaseYearFacet function UpdateReleaseYearFacets(data) { //alert("I am in UpdateReleaseYearFacets!"); var facetResultsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { facetResultsHTML += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ChooseReleaseYearFacet(\'' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + '\');">' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + ' (' + data[i].Count + ')</span></a></li>'; } $("#releaseYear_facets").html(facetResultsHTML); } function ChooseReleaseYearFacet(facet) { releaseYearFacet = facet; Search(null); } function addslashes(str) { return (str + '').replace(/[\\"']/g, '\\$&').replace(/\u0000/g, '\\0'); } //productionCompanyFacet function UpdateProductionCompanyFacets(data) { var facetResultsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { facetResultsHTML += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ChooseProductionCompanyFacet(\'' + data[i].Value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, '\\&#34') + '\');">' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + ' (' + data[i].Count + ')</span></a></li>'; } $("#productionCompany_facets").html(facetResultsHTML); } function ChooseProductionCompanyFacet(facet) { productionCompanyFacet = facet; Search(null); } //filmTypeFacet function UpdateFilmTypeFacets(data) { var facetResultsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { facetResultsHTML += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ChooseFilmTypeFacet(\'' + data[i].Value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, '\\&#34') + '\');">' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + ' (' + data[i].Count + ')</span></a></li>'; } $("#filmtype_facets").html(facetResultsHTML); } function ChooseFilmTypeFacet(facet) { filmTypeFacet = facet; Search(null); } //genreFacet function UpdateGenreFacets(data) { //alert("I am in UpdateReleaseYearFacets!"); var facetResultsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].Value !== 'Sex film') { facetResultsHTML += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ChooseGenreFacet(\'' + data[i].Value.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, '\\&#34') + '\');">' + data[i].Value.replace("'", "\'") + ' (' + data[i].Count + ')</span></a></li>'; } } $("#genre_facets").html(facetResultsHTML); } function ChooseGenreFacet(facet) { genreFacet = facet; Search(null); } //UpdateFilters function UpdateFilterReset() { // This allows users to remove filters var htmlString = ''; if ((directorFacet != '') || (producerFacet != '') || (releaseYearFacet != '') || (productionCompanyFacet != '') || (genreFacet != '') || (filmTypeFacet != '')) { //alert("Release Year: " + releaseYearFacet); htmlString += '<b style="font-size:15px;"> &nbsp; Current Filters:</b> &nbsp;'; if (directorFacet != '') htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">Director: ' + directorFacet + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="RemoveFacet(\'directorFacet\')">&nbsp;X&nbsp;</a>]' + '</div>'; if (producerFacet != '') htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">Producer: ' + producerFacet + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="RemoveFacet(\'producerFacet\')">X</a>]' + '</div>'; if (releaseYearFacet != '') htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">' + releaseYearFacet + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="RemoveFacet(\'releaseYearFacet\')">X</a>]' + '</div>'; if (productionCompanyFacet != '') htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">' + productionCompanyFacet + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="RemoveFacet(\'productionCompanyFacet\')">X</a>]' + '</div>'; if (genreFacet != '') htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">' + genreFacet + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="RemoveFacet(\'genreFacet\')">X</a>]' + '</div>'; if (filmTypeFacet != '') htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">' + filmTypeFacet + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="RemoveFacet(\'filmTypeFacet\')">X</a>]' + '</div>'; htmlString += '<div class="filterHead">' + 'Clear All' + ' [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="ClearAllFacets()">X</a>]' + '</div>'; } $("#filterReset").html(htmlString); } function RemoveFacet(facet) { // Remove a facet if (facet == "directorFacet") directorFacet = ''; if (facet == "producerFacet") producerFacet = ''; if (facet == "releaseYearFacet") releaseYearFacet = ''; if (facet == "productionCompanyFacet") productionCompanyFacet = ''; if (facet == "genreFacet") genreFacet = ''; if (facet == "filmTypeFacet") filmTypeFacet = ''; Search(null); } function ClearAllFacets() { moviesOnly = false; peopleOnly = false; directorFacet = ''; producerFacet = ''; releaseYearFacet = ''; productionCompanyFacet = ''; genreFacet = ''; filmTypeFacet = ''; ShowAllFacetsUI(); Search(null); } function UpdatePeopleFacetsUI() { $("#director_label").hide(); $("#producer_label").hide(); } function UpdateMoviesFacetsUI() { $("#releaseYear_label").hide(); $("#productionCompany_label").hide(); $("#genre_label").hide(); $("#filmtype_label").hide(); } function setSortSearchText() { sortType = $("#cmbSortType").val(); } //SortBy function setSortType() { setSortSearchText(); Search(null); } //Pagination function UpdatePagination(docCount) { var recordsPerPage = 10; if (bCompactView) recordsPerPage = 100; //console.log("Doc Count: " + docCount); // Update the pagination var totalPages = Math.ceil(docCount / recordsPerPage); //console.log("totalPages: " + totalPages); // Set a max of 5 items and set the current page in middle of pages var startPage = currentPage; //console.log("currentPage: " + startPage); if ((startPage == 1) || (startPage == 2)) startPage = 1; else startPage -= 2; //console.log("startPage: " + startPage); var maxPage = startPage + 5; //console.log("maxPage: " + maxPage); if (totalPages < maxPage) maxPage = totalPages + 1; //console.log("maxPage: " + maxPage); var backPage = parseInt(currentPage) - 1; if (backPage < 1) backPage = 1; //console.log("backPage: " + backPage); var forwardPage = parseInt(currentPage) + 1; if (forwardPage >= maxPage) forwardPage = maxPage - 1; //console.log("forwardPage: " + forwardPage); var htmlString = '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="GoToPage(\'' + backPage + '\')" class="fa fa-angle-left"></a></li>'; for (var i = startPage; i < maxPage; i++) { if (i == currentPage) htmlString += '<li class="active"><a href="#">' + i + '</a></li>'; else htmlString += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="GoToPage(\'' + parseInt(i) + '\')">' + i + '</a></li>'; } //console.log("htmlString: " + htmlString); htmlString += '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="GoToPage(\'' + forwardPage + '\')" class="fa fa-angle-right"></a></li>'; $("#pagination").html(htmlString); $("#paginationFooter").html(htmlString); } function scrollToAnchor(aid) { var aTag = $("#" + aid); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: aTag.offset().top }, 'slow'); } function GoToPage(page) { currentPage = page; Search(function () { scrollToAnchor("searchBreadcrum"); }); } function GetMouseHoverHTML() { var mouseHoverHTML = ''; mouseHoverHTML += '<div class="userDetail">'; // mouseHoverHTML += '<div class="col-md-4"><img src="/Content/Images/no-image.png" /></div>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<div>';// class="col-md-8" mouseHoverHTML += '<div class="titleBlock">'; mouseHoverHTML += '<h1 class="headingText">Diane Keaton</h1>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<span class="detailHeading"> Director <span>|</span> Producer <span>|</span> Cast <span>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</div>'; //mouseHoverHTML += '</b>'; // mouseHoverHTML += '<section class="titleDetail">Francis Ford Coppola was born in 1939 in Detroit, Michigan, but grew up in a New York suburb in a creative, supportive Italian-American family...</section>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<section class="titleDetail"></section>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<h1 class="headingText">FILMOGRAPHY</h1>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<ul class="filmList">'; mouseHoverHTML += '<li> HANGING UP (Director)</li>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<li> THE LEMON SISTERS (Producer)</li>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<li> ANNIE HALL (Cast)</li>'; //mouseHoverHTML += '<li> VISUAL ACOUSTICS: THE MODERNISM OF JULIUS SHULMAN(Cast)</li>' mouseHoverHTML += '</ul>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</div>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</div>'; return mouseHoverHTML; } function PopulatePerson(id, divId) { $.post('/Search/PeopleDetail', { id: id }, function (data) { //console.log("Hi: " + data); $('#' + divId).html(GetMouseHoverHTMLData(data)); }); } $(".top-menu").css("display", "none"); function SetCompactView(isCompact) { currentPage = 1; bCompactView = isCompact; setSortType(); }; function GetMouseHoverHTMLData(data) { if (data.PeopleDetail != null) { var personName = data.PeopleDetail.Name; //console.log(personName); var filmography1 = data.PeopleDetail.Filmography1; var filmography1Year = data.PeopleDetail.Filmography1Year; var filmography2 = data.PeopleDetail.Filmography2; var filmography2Year = data.PeopleDetail.Filmography2Year; var filmography3 = data.PeopleDetail.Filmography3; var filmography3Year = data.PeopleDetail.Filmography3Year; var cast = ''; var director = ''; var producer = ''; if (data.PeopleDetail.CastCount > 0) { var castCount = data.PeopleDetail.CastCount; cast = 'Cast'; } if (data.PeopleDetail.DirectorCount > 0) { var directorCount = data.PeopleDetail.DirectorCount; director = 'Director'; } if (data.PeopleDetail.ProducerCount > 0) { var producerCount = data.PeopleDetail.ProducerCount; producer = 'Producer'; } var mouseHoverHTML = ''; mouseHoverHTML += '<div class="userDetail">'; mouseHoverHTML += '<div>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<div class="titleBlock">'; mouseHoverHTML += '<h1 class="headingText">' + personName + '</h1>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<span class="detailHeading"> ' + director + ' <span> </span> ' + producer + ' <span> </span> ' + cast + ' <span>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</div>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</b>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<section class="titleDetail"></section>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<h1 class="headingText">FILMOGRAPHY</h1>'; mouseHoverHTML += '<ul class="filmList">'; if (filmography1 !== null && filmography1 !== '') mouseHoverHTML += '<li> ' + filmography1 + ' (' + filmography1Year + ')</li>'; if (filmography2 !== null && filmography2 !== '') mouseHoverHTML += '<li> ' + filmography2 + ' (' + filmography2Year + ')</li>'; if (filmography3 !== null && filmography3 !== '') mouseHoverHTML += '<li> ' + filmography3 + ' (' + filmography3Year + ')</li>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</ul>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</div>'; mouseHoverHTML += '</div>'; //console.log(mouseHoverHTML); return mouseHoverHTML; //<a href="/Catalog/moviedetails/' + filmography1Id + '">' + filmography1 + filmography1Year + '</a> } } function CapitalizeFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } function findMatchedTerm(searchTerm, termArray) { searchTerm = searchTerm.replace("*", ""); searchTerm = searchTerm.replace("%", ""); var arrayLength = termArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { if (termArray[i].split('|')[0].toLowerCase().trim().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase().trim()) !== -1) return termArray[i].trim(); } return ""; } function clearTermForUrl(sInput) { return getSafeUrl(sInput); } //SearchResult function UpdateSearchResults(data) { var searchResultHTML = ''; var DeletedMovieIds = $("#hfDeletedMovieIds").val() ? JSON.parse($("#hfDeletedMovieIds").val()) : []; //update Movies results if (data.MovieSearch != null && data.MovieSearch.Count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.MovieSearch.Results.length; i++) { var matchedOn = ''; var movieName = ''; var alternateMovieName = ''; //var director = ''; var directors = []; //var produer = ''; var produers = []; var cast1 = ''; var cast2 = ''; var cast3 = ''; var releaseYear = ''; var releaseDate = ''; var filmType = ''; var genre = ''; var genre1 = ''; var genre2 = ''; var genre3 = ''; var genreArray = []; var productionCompany = ''; var productionCompany1 = ''; var productionCompany2 = ''; var productionCompany3 = ''; var productionCompanyArray = []; var subjects = ''; var subject1 = ''; var subject2 = ''; var subject3 = ''; var subjectArray = []; var tmpMovieID = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieId; // Check if movie in list of films to not show in PUBLIC search results if (tmpMovieID == 71085) { continue; } isDeleted = (DeletedMovieIds.indexOf(tmpMovieID, 0) > -1); if (isDeleted === false) { var matchedOnInterim = ''; for (var xi in data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Highlights) { matchedOnInterim = matchedOnInterim + getCleanHighLightFieldName(xi) + ": " + getTrimmedMatchResult(data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Highlights[xi][0]) + '<br/>'; matchedOn = matchedOnInterim; }; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieName != null) movieName = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieName; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.AlternateMovieName != null) alternateMovieName = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.AlternateMovieName; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director != null) { //director = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director.indexOf('||') > -1) { //console.log("Movie_Id :-" + data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieId); //console.log(data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director.split("||")); var splitdirectors = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director.split("||"); $.each(splitdirectors, function (index, dir) { directors.push({ directorId: dir.split("|")[1], director: dir.split("|")[0] }); }) } else { // console.log("Movie_Id :-" + data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieId); if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director) { var dir = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director; directors.push({ directorId: dir.split("|")[1], director: dir.split("|")[0] }); } } } if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Producer != null) { //produer = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Producer; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Producer.indexOf('||') > -1) { //console.log("Movie_Id :-" + data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieId); //console.log(data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Director.split("||")); var splitproducers = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Producer.split("||"); $.each(splitproducers, function (index, pro) { produers.push({ producerId: pro.split("|")[1], produer: pro.split("|")[0] }); }) } else { // console.log("Movie_Id :-" + data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieId); if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Producer) { var pro = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Producer; produers.push({ producerId: pro.split("|")[1], produer: pro.split("|")[0] }); } } } if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast1 != null) { cast1 = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast1; cast1 = cast1.trim() + ','; } if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast2 != null) { cast2 = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast2; cast2 = cast2.trim() + ','; } else cast1 = cast1.substring(0, cast1.length - 1) if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast3 != null) { cast3 = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast3; } else cast2 = cast2.substring(0, cast2.length - 1) if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ReleaseYear != null) releaseYear = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ReleaseYear; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ReleaseDate != null) releaseDate = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ReleaseDate; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.FilmType != null) filmType = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.FilmType; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Genre != null) genre = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Genre; if (genre === 'Sex film') break; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ProductionCompany != null) productionCompany = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ProductionCompany; if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Subjects != null) { subjectArray = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Subjects.split('|'); //console.log("subjectArray: " + subjectArray.length) if (subjectArray != null) { var urlText = getUrlVars(); var searchSubject = CapitalizeFirstLetter(ReplaceSpecialCharacters(urlText['searchText'])); if (searchSubject !== undefined) { var lastCharacter = searchSubject.substr(searchSubject.length - 1); if (lastCharacter === ",") searchSubject = searchSubject.substring(0, searchSubject.length - 1); var searchCategory = urlText['searchField']; var matchedSubject = findMatchedTerm(searchSubject, subjectArray); if (subjectArray.length > 2) { if (typeof searchSubject !== "undefined" && searchCategory === "Subjects" && (subjectArray[0].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedSubject.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (subjectArray[1].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedSubject.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (subjectArray[2].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedSubject.toUpperCase()) === -1)) { subjects = matchedSubject + ', ' + subjectArray[1].trim() + ', ' + subjectArray[2].trim(); subject1 = matchedSubject + ', '; subject2 = subjectArray[1].trim() + ', '; subject3 = subjectArray[2].trim(); } else { subjects = subjectArray[0].trim() + ', ' + subjectArray[1].trim() + ', ' + subjectArray[2].trim(); subject1 = subjectArray[0].trim() + ', '; subject2 = subjectArray[1].trim() + ', '; subject3 = subjectArray[2].trim(); } } else if (subjectArray.length > 1) { if (typeof searchSubject !== "undefined" && searchCategory === "Subjects" && (subjectArray[0].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedSubject.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (subjectArray[1].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedSubject.toUpperCase()) === -1)) { subjects = matchedSubject + ', ' + subjectArray[1].trim(); subject1 = matchedSubject + ', '; subject2 = subjectArray[1].trim(); } else { subjects = subjectArray[0].trim() + ', ' + subjectArray[1].trim(); subject1 = subjectArray[0].trim() + ', '; subject2 = subjectArray[1].trim(); } } else if (subjectArray.length > 0) { subjects = subjectArray[0].trim(); subject1 = subjectArray[0].trim(); } } } } } // genre if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Genre != null) { genreArray = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Genre; if (genreArray != null) { var urlText = getUrlVars(); var searchGenre = CapitalizeFirstLetter(ReplaceSpecialCharacters(urlText['searchText'])); if (searchGenre !== undefined) { var lastCharacter = searchGenre.substr(searchGenre.length - 1); if (lastCharacter === ",") searchGenre = searchGenre.substring(0, searchGenre.length - 1); var searchCategory = urlText['searchField']; var matchedGenre = findMatchedTerm(searchGenre, genreArray); if (genreArray.length > 2) { if (typeof searchGenre !== "undefined" && searchCategory === "Genre" && (genreArray[0].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedGenre.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (genreArray[1].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedGenre.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (genreArray[2].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedGenre.toUpperCase()) === -1)) { genre = matchedGenre + ', ' + genreArray[1].trim() + ', ' + genreArray[2].trim(); genre1 = matchedGenre + ', '; genre2 = genreArray[1].trim() + ', '; genre3 = genreArray[2].trim(); } else { genre = genreArray[0].trim() + ', ' + genreArray[1].trim() + ', ' + genreArray[2].trim(); genre1 = genreArray[0].trim() + ', '; genre2 = genreArray[1].trim() + ', '; genre3 = genreArray[2].trim(); } } else if (genreArray.length > 1) { if (typeof searchGenre !== "undefined" && searchCategory === "Genre" && (genreArray[0].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedGenre.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (genreArray[1].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedGenre.toUpperCase()) === -1)) { genre = matchedGenre + ', ' + genreArray[1].trim(); genre1 = matchedGenre + ', '; genre2 = genreArray[1].trim(); } else { genre = genreArray[0].trim() + ', ' + genreArray[1].trim(); genre1 = genreArray[0].trim() + ', '; genre2 = genreArray[1].trim(); } } else if (genreArray.length > 0) { genre = genreArray[0].trim(); genre1 = genreArray[0].trim(); } } } } // production company if (data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ProductionCompany != null) { productionCompanyArray = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ProductionCompany; if (productionCompanyArray != null) { var urlText = getUrlVars(); var searchProductionCompany = CapitalizeFirstLetter(ReplaceSpecialCharacters(urlText['searchText'])); if (searchProductionCompany !== undefined) { var lastCharacter = searchProductionCompany.substr(searchProductionCompany.length - 1); if (lastCharacter === ",") searchProductionCompany = searchProductionCompany.substring(0, searchProductionCompany.length - 1); var searchCategory = urlText['searchField']; var matchedProductionCompany = findMatchedTerm(searchProductionCompany, productionCompanyArray); if (productionCompanyArray.length > 2) { if (typeof searchProductionCompany !== "undefined" && searchCategory === "ProductionCompany" && (productionCompanyArray[0].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedProductionCompany.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (productionCompanyArray[1].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedProductionCompany.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (productionCompanyArray[2].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedProductionCompany.toUpperCase()) === -1)) { productionCompany = matchedProductionCompany + ', ' + productionCompanyArray[1].trim() + ', ' + productionCompanyArray[2].trim(); productionCompany1 = matchedProductionCompany + ', '; productionCompany2 = productionCompanyArray[1].trim() + ', '; productionCompany3 = productionCompanyArray[2].trim(); } else { productionCompany = productionCompanyArray[0].trim() + ', ' + productionCompanyArray[1].trim() + ', ' + productionCompanyArray[2].trim(); productionCompany1 = productionCompanyArray[0].trim() + ', '; productionCompany2 = productionCompanyArray[1].trim() + ', '; productionCompany3 = productionCompanyArray[2].trim(); } } else if (productionCompanyArray.length > 1) { if (typeof searchProductionCompany !== "undefined" && searchCategory === "ProductionCompany" && (productionCompanyArray[0].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedProductionCompany.toUpperCase()) === -1) && (productionCompanyArray[1].toUpperCase().indexOf(matchedProductionCompany.toUpperCase()) === -1)) { productionCompany = matchedProductionCompany + ', ' + productionCompanyArray[1].trim(); productionCompany1 = matchedProductionCompany + ', '; productionCompany2 = productionCompanyArray[1].trim(); } else { productionCompany = productionCompanyArray[0].trim() + ', ' + productionCompanyArray[1].trim(); productionCompany1 = productionCompanyArray[0].trim() + ', '; productionCompany2 = productionCompanyArray[1].trim(); } } else if (productionCompanyArray.length > 0) { productionCompany = productionCompanyArray[0].trim(); productionCompany1 = productionCompanyArray[0].trim(); } } } } //Ids to handle click events var movieId = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.MovieId; //var directorId = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.DirectorId; //var producerId = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.ProducerId; var cast1Id = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast1Id; var cast2Id = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast2Id; var cast3Id = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.Cast3Id; //var directordivId = 'director' + directorId + i; //var producerdivId = 'producer' + producerId + i; var cast1divId = 'cast1' + cast1Id + i; var cast2divId = 'cast2' + cast2Id + i; var cast3divId = 'cast3' + cast3Id + i; var score = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Score; var alternateMovieId = data.MovieSearch.Results[i].Document.alternateMovieId; var alternateMoviedivId = 'alternateMovieId' + alternateMovieId + i; if (releaseYear > 1993) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="post93movieheader">'; searchResultHTML += ' <label class="post93movieheadertext">THIS TITLE IS OUTSIDE THE <i>AFI CATALOG OF FEATURE FILMS: THE FIRST 100 YEARS (1893-1993)</i></label>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="post93content" class="searchResult post93content">'; } else { searchResultHTML += '<div class="searchResult">'; } searchResultHTML += '<div class="col-md-12">'; searchResultHTML += '<h1 class="searchHeading uppercase sortHeading"><a class="clickableItem" href="/Film/' + movieId + '-' + clearTermForUrl(ConvertSpecialChararcters(movieName).toUpperCase()) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '">' + movieName + '</a></h1>'; if (filmType != '') { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Film Type: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem">' + filmType + '</span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (alternateMovieName !== '') { //" class="detaiHover" searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Alternate Title: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Film/' + movieId + '-' + clearTermForUrl(ConvertSpecialChararcters(movieName).toUpperCase()) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '">' + alternateMovieName.replace(/(\||,)/g, ', ') + '</a>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="' + alternateMoviedivId + '" class="detailresultBlock"></div></span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (directors.length > 0) { //" class="detaiHover" searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Director: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; $.each(directors, function (index, dir) { var directordivId = 'director' + dir.directorId + i; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem LAAicons_tooltip"> <a onmouseover="PopulatePerson(\'' + dir.directorId + '\',\'' + directordivId + '\');" href="/Person/' + dir.directorId + '-' + getSafeUrl(dir.director) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '&cxt=Director" >' + dir.director + '</a>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="' + directordivId + '" class="detailresultBlock"></div>'; if (getLAAIcons(data.LAAIcons, dir.directorId)) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="awardLLA red-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Life Achievement Award: This filmmaker received an AFI Life Achievement Award."></div>'; } if (directors.length > 1) { if (directors.length !== index + 1) { searchResultHTML += '<span class="commaspan">,</span>'; } } searchResultHTML += '</span>'; }); searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (produers.length > 0) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Producer: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; $.each(produers, function (index, pro) { var producerdivId = 'producer' + pro.producerId + i; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem LAAicons_tooltip"> <a onmouseover="PopulatePerson(\'' + pro.producerId + '\',\'' + producerdivId + '\');" href="/Person/' + pro.producerId + '-' + getSafeUrl(pro.produer) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '&cxt=Producer" >' + pro.produer + '</a>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="' + producerdivId + '" class="detailresultBlock"></div>'; if (getLAAIcons(data.LAAIcons, pro.producerId)) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="awardLLA red-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Life Achievement Award: This filmmaker received an AFI Life Achievement Award."></div>'; } if (produers.length > 1) { if (produers.length !== index + 1) { searchResultHTML += '<span class="commaspan">,</span>'; } } searchResultHTML += '</span>'; }); searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (cast1 !== '' || cast2 !== '' || cast3 !== '') { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Cast: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem LAAicons_tooltip"> <a onmouseover="PopulatePerson(\'' + cast1Id + '\',\'' + cast1divId + '\');" href="/Person/' + cast1Id + '-' + getSafeUrl(cast1) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '&cxt=Cast1" >' + cast1.replace(',', '') + '</a>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="' + cast1divId + '" class="detailresultBlock"></div>'; if (getLAAIcons(data.LAAIcons, cast1Id)) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="awardLLA red-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Life Achievement Award: This filmmaker received an AFI Life Achievement Award."></div>'; } if (cast2 !== '') { searchResultHTML += '<span class="commaspan">,</span>'; } searchResultHTML += '</span>'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem LAAicons_tooltip"> <a onmouseover="PopulatePerson(\'' + cast2Id + '\',\'' + cast2divId + '\');" href="/Person/' + cast2Id + '-' + getSafeUrl(cast2) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '&cxt=Cast2" >' + cast2.replace(',', '') + '</a>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="' + cast2divId + '" class="detailresultBlock"></div>'; if (getLAAIcons(data.LAAIcons, cast2Id)) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="awardLLA red-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Life Achievement Award: This filmmaker received an AFI Life Achievement Award."></div>'; } if (cast3 !== '') { searchResultHTML += '<span class="commaspan">,</span>'; } searchResultHTML += '</span>'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem LAAicons_tooltip"> <a onmouseover="PopulatePerson(\'' + cast3Id + '\',\'' + cast3divId + '\');" href="/Person/' + cast3Id + '-' + getSafeUrl(cast3) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + i.toString() + '&cxt=Cast3" >' + cast3 + '</a>'; searchResultHTML += '<div id="' + cast3divId + '" class="detailresultBlock"></div>'; if (getLAAIcons(data.LAAIcons, cast3Id)) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="awardLLA red-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Life Achievement Award: This filmmaker received an AFI Life Achievement Award."></div>'; } searchResultHTML += '</span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (releaseDate !== '') { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer" id="compreleaseYear">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Release date: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=ReleaseDate&searchText=' + releaseDate + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + releaseDate + '</a></span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (genre.length != 0) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Genre: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=Genre&searchText=' + genre1.replace(/, +$/, '') + '">' + genre1 + '</a></span>'; if (genre2 !== '') searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=Genre&searchText=' + genre2.replace(/, +$/, '') + '">' + genre2 + '</a></span>'; if (genre3 !== '') searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=Genre&searchText=' + genre3.replace(/, +$/, '') + '">' + genre3 + '</a></span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (productionCompany.length != 0) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Production Company: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=ProductionCompany&searchText=' + productionCompany1.replace(/, +$/, '').replace('&amp;', '%26amp') + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + productionCompany1 + '</a></span>'; if (productionCompany2 !== '') searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=ProductionCompany&searchText=' + productionCompany2.replace(/, +$/, '').replace('&amp;', '%26amp') + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + productionCompany2 + '</a></span>'; if (productionCompany3 !== '') searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=ProductionCompany&searchText=' + productionCompany3.replace(/, +$/, '').replace('&amp;', '%26amp') + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + productionCompany3 + '</a></span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (subjects !== '') { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Subjects: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=Subjects&searchText=' + subject1.replace(/, +$/, '') + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + subject1 + '</a></span>'; if (subject2 !== '') searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=Subjects&searchText=' + subject2.replace(/, +$/, '') + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + subject2 + '</a></span>'; if (subject3 !== '') searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> <a href="/Search?searchField=Subjects&searchText=' + subject3.replace(/, +$/, '') + '&sortType=sortByRelevance">' + subject3 + '</a></span>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } if (matchedOn !== '') { searchResultHTML += '<div class="resultContainer">'; searchResultHTML += '<h4 class="resultHed"> Data Matched: </h4>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="rtResult">'; if (searchFieldInURL.toLowerCase() === 'cast' || searchFieldInURL.toLowerCase() === 'producer' || searchFieldInURL.toLowerCase() === 'director') { if (matchedOn.indexOf('||') > -1) { searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> ' + matchedOn.replace(/[0-9]+/g, '').replace(/(\||,)+/g, ', ').replace(/,\s*$/, ""); + '</span>'; } else { searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> ' + matchedOn.replace(/[0-9]+/g, '').replace(/(\||,)+/g, ''); + '</span>'; } } else { searchResultHTML += '<span class="resultItem"> ' + matchedOn + '</span>'; } searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } searchResultHTML += '</div>'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="clearfix"> </div>'; searchResultHTML += '</div>'; } } //Update Pople results if (data.PeopleSearch != null && data.PeopleSearch.Count > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < data.PeopleSearch.Results.length; j++) { var matchedOn = ''; var actorName = ''; var characterName = ''; var altName = ''; var actorId = ''; var filmography1 = ''; var filmography1Year = ''; var filmography2 = ''; var filmography2Year = ''; var filmography3 = ''; var filmography3Year = ''; var filmography1Id = ''; var filmography2Id = ''; var filmography3Id = ''; var rolesLabel = ''; var filmographyLabel = ''; var castCount = ''; var directorCount = ''; var producerCount = ''; var writerCount = ''; var editorCount = ''; var cinematographerCount = ''; var productionDesignerCount = ''; var productionMiscCount = ''; var standInsCount = ''; var setDecoratorsCount = ''; var specialEffectsCount = ''; var score = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Score; var isMiscCredit = 'false'; var matchedOnInterim = ''; for (var xi in data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Highlights) { var cu = getCleanHighLightFieldName(xi); console.log(xi); console.log(cu); console.log(data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Highlights[xi][0]); console.log(getTrimmedMatchResult(data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Highlights[xi][0])); matchedOnInterim = matchedOnInterim + cu + ": " + getTrimmedMatchResult(data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Highlights[xi][0]) + '<br/>'; //var resultMatchedOnIterim = matchedOnInterim.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1"); //var matchedOn = resultMatchedOnIterim.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + resultMatchedOnIterim.slice(1); matchedOn = matchedOnInterim; }; //debugger; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Name != null) actorName = (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.NamePrefix == undefined ? '' : data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.NamePrefix) + (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.NamePrefix == undefined ? '' : ' ') + data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Name; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.isMiscCredit == true) isMiscCredit = 'true'; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.AlternateName != null) { if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.AlternateName.length > 0) { altName = ' (a.k.a. ' + data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.AlternateName.join(', ').trim() + ')'; } } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CharacterNames != null) { if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CharacterNames.length > 0) { var urlText = getUrlVars(); var searchNameText = ReplaceSpecialCharacters(urlText['searchText']); var charNames = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CharacterNames; jQuery.each(charNames, function (i, val) { var scn = searchNameText.split(' '); jQuery.each(scn, function (q, qval) { if (qval.toLowerCase() == 'in' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'on' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'the' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'of' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'an' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'for' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'by' || qval.toLowerCase() == 'as') { //debugger; } else { //debugger; if (val.toLowerCase().indexOf(qval.toLowerCase()) > -1) { characterName = '(character: ' + val + ')'; } } }); return (characterName == ""); }); } } var actorId = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.PeopleId; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography1 != null) filmography1 = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography1; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography1Year != null) filmography1Year = ' (' + data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography1Year + ')'; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography2 != null) filmography2 = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography2; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography2Year != null) filmography2Year = ' (' + data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography2Year + ')'; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography3 != null) filmography3 = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography3; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography3Year != null) filmography3Year = ' (' + data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography3Year + ')'; filmography1Id = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography1Id; filmography2Id = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography2Id; filmography3Id = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.Filmography3Id; if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CastCount > 0) { castCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CastCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.DirectorCount > 0) { directorCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.DirectorCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.ProducerCount > 0) { producerCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.ProducerCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.WriterCount > 0) { writerCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.WriterCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.EditorCount > 0) { editorCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.EditorCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CinematographerCount > 0) { cinematographerCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.CinematographerCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.ProductionDesignerCount > 0) { productionDesignerCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.ProductionDesignerCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.ProductionMiscCount > 0) { productionMiscCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.ProductionMiscCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.StandInsCount > 0) { standInsCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.StandInsCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.SetDecoratorsCount > 0) { setDecoratorsCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.SetDecoratorsCount; } if (data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.SpecialEffectsCount > 0) { specialEffectsCount = data.PeopleSearch.Results[j].Document.SpecialEffectsCount; } if ((actorName != '' || castCount > 0 || directorCount > 0 || producerCount > 0 || writerCount > 0 || editorCount > 0 || cinematographerCount > 0 || productionDesignerCount > 0 || productionMiscCount > 0 || standInsCount > 0 || setDecoratorsCount > 0 || specialEffectsCount > 0) || (filmography1Year !== '' || filmography2Year !== '' || filmography3Year !== '')) { searchResultHTML += '<div class="searchResult">'; searchResultHTML += '<div class="col-md-12">'; searchResultHTML += '<h1 class="searchHeading "><a class="achievementAwardicon" href="/Person/' + actorId + '-' + getSafeUrl(actorName) + '?sid=' + searchId + '&sr=' + score + '&cp=' + currentPage.toString() + '&pos=' + j.toString() + '&isMiscCredit=' + isMiscCredit + '">' + actorName + altName + (getLAAIcons(data.LAAIcons, parseInt(actorId)) ? 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