Understand WordPress filesystem permissions

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class="component margin-t-small">varnish</div> <li class="margin-b-normal"> <a href="">Deny connections from bots/attackers using Varnish(TM)</a> </li> </ul> <h4 class="margin-t-small category__title related"> <a href="">Related guides for WordPress</a> </h4> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="col-7"> <article class="margin-t-bigger margin-b-enormous padding-h-normal"> <h1> Understand WordPress filesystem permissions </h1> <section class="category__Content understand-file-permissions"> <p>Bitnami applies the following default permissions to WordPress files and directories:</p> <ul> <li>Files and directories are owned by user <em>bitnami</em> and group <em>daemon</em>.</li> <li>Directories are configured with permissions <em>775</em> by default.</li> <li>Files are configured with permissions <em>664</em> by default.</li> <li>The <em>wp-config.php</em> file is configured with permissions <em>640</em>.</li> </ul> <p>If permissions are wrong, use the <em>chmod</em> or <em>chown</em> commands to restore them to their initial state. For example, if TARGET is the WordPress application folder:</p> <pre><code>$ sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon TARGET $ sudo find TARGET -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \; $ sudo find TARGET -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; $ sudo chmod 640 TARGET/wp-config.php </code></pre> <p>Watch the following video to learn more:</p> <div> <iframe height=360 width=560 data-src="" frameborder="0" class="optanon-category-2-4" allow="" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </section> </article> </div> <div class="col-2"> <aside class="documentable__sidebar padding-big margin-t-bigger"> <h4 class="margin-t-reset">In this article</h4> <div class="tocify documentable__sidebar__toc"></div> </aside> <section class="documentable__lastmod padding-big padding-l-bigger margin-v-enormous"> Last modification <span class="date">February 11, 2025</span> </section> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class='footer bg-dark type-color-reverse-anchor-reset'> <div class='container padding-v-bigger'> <div class='row collapse-b-desktop'> <div class='col-3 footer__copyright'> <h4 class="inverse"> <img src="" alt="Bitnami by VMware Tanzu Logo" class=logo /> </h4> <a href="" class="socialIcon margin-r-small"><svg role=img aria-label="See Bitnami's Twitter profile" viewBox="0 0 54 54" xmlns=""> <title id="twitter_title">See Bitnami's Twitter profile.</title> <desc id="twitter_desc">Twitter icon</desc> <circle fill=currentColor cx=27 cy=27 r=27 /> <path d="M14 35.618A15.166 15.166 0 0 0 22.177 38c9.904 0 15.498-8.313 15.162-15.77A10.761 10.761 0 0 0 40 19.485c-.957.422-1.985.707-3.063.834a5.314 5.314 0 0 0 2.344-2.932 10.729 10.729 0 0 1-3.386 1.287A5.344 5.344 0 0 0 32 17c-3.442 0-5.973 3.193-5.195 6.51a15.17 15.17 0 0 1-10.994-5.54 5.288 5.288 0 0 0 1.65 7.078 5.33 5.33 0 0 1-2.417-.663c-.057 2.456 1.714 4.753 4.279 5.265-.751.204-1.573.25-2.408.09a5.33 5.33 0 0 0 4.982 3.683A10.767 10.767 0 0 1 14 35.618" fill=currentColor /> </svg> </a><a href="" class="socialIcon margin-r-small"><svg role=img aria-label="See Bitnami's Github profile" viewBox="0 0 54 54" xmlns=""> <title id="github_title">See Bitnami's Github profile.</title> <desc id="github_desc">Github icon</desc> <circle fill=currentColor cx=27 cy=27 r=27 /> <path d="M27.5 14C20.044 14 14 19.968 14 27.33c0 5.888 3.868 10.885 9.233 12.647.675.122.921-.289.921-.642 0-.317-.011-1.155-.018-2.268-3.755.806-4.547-1.786-4.547-1.786-.614-1.54-1.5-1.95-1.5-1.95-1.225-.827.094-.81.094-.81 1.355.094 2.067 1.373 2.067 1.373 1.204 2.038 3.16 1.45 3.93 1.108.122-.861.47-1.449.856-1.782-2.997-.336-6.149-1.48-6.149-6.588 0-1.455.526-2.644 1.39-3.576-.14-.337-.603-1.693.132-3.527 0 0 1.133-.36 3.712 1.366a13.085 13.085 0 0 1 3.38-.449c1.146.005 2.301.153 3.38.449 2.577-1.725 3.708-1.366 3.708-1.366.737 1.834.273 3.19.134 3.527.865.932 1.388 2.121 1.388 3.576 0 5.12-3.156 6.248-6.164 6.578.485.411.917 1.225.917 2.468 0 1.782-.017 3.22-.017 3.657 0 .356.243.77.928.64C37.135 38.21 41 33.218 41 27.33 41 19.968 34.955 14 27.5 14" fill=currentColor /> </svg> </a><a href="" class="socialIcon margin-r-small"><svg role=img aria-label="See Bitnami's Youtube profile" viewBox="0 0 54 54" xmlns=""> <title id="youtube_title">See Bitnami's Youtube profile.</title> <desc id="youtube_desc">Youtube icon</desc> <circle fill=currentColor cx=27 cy=27 r=27 /> <path d="M24.2 31.286v-8.572L31.474 27 24.2 31.286zm16.215-11.163a3.543 3.543 0 0 0-2.476-2.526C35.756 17 27 17 27 17s-8.755 0-10.938.597a3.544 3.544 0 0 0-2.476 2.526C13 22.351 13 27 13 27s0 4.649.585 6.877a3.543 3.543 0 0 0 2.476 2.526C18.244 37 27 37 27 37s8.756 0 10.94-.597a3.543 3.543 0 0 0 2.475-2.526C41 31.649 41 27 41 27s0-4.649-.585-6.877z" fill=currentColor /> </svg> </a><a href="" class=socialIcon><svg role=img aria-label="See Bitnami's LinkedIn profile" viewBox="0 0 54 54" xmlns=""> <title id="linkedin_title">See Bitnami's LinkedIn profile.</title> <desc id="linkedin_desc">LinkedIn icon</desc> <circle fill=currentColor cx=27 cy=27 r=27 /> <path d="M20.6 17.8c0 1.542-1.253 2.8-2.8 2.8S15 19.35 15 17.8c0-1.542 1.253-2.8 2.8-2.8s2.8 1.258 2.8 2.8zm0 5.2h-4.8v16h4.8V23zm7.889-.303H23.8V39h4.689v-8.553c0-2.295 1.024-3.656 2.979-3.656 1.802 0 2.666 1.309 2.666 3.656V39H39V28.676c0-4.364-2.395-6.476-5.755-6.476-3.351 0-4.765 2.697-4.765 2.697v-2.2h.009z" fill=currentColor /> </svg> </a><p class='type-color-light type-small'> Copyright &#169; 2005-2025 Broadcom. 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