Brand Kit Generator - Stunning Logos and Color Palettes for Free
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Build a cohesive brand identity for your business."> <title>Brand Kit Generator - Stunning Logos and Color Palettes for Free</title> <!-- exclude_globals --> <noscript> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </noscript> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script src="/hs/hsstatic/jquery-libs/static-1.1/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.js" nonce="90PiZIXkRGdyPWWnOUCUIg=="></script> <script nonce="90PiZIXkRGdyPWWnOUCUIg==">hsjQuery = window['jQuery'];</script> <meta property="og:description" content="Create custom logos, icons, and color palettes in an instant with HubSpot's Brand Kit Template Generator. Build a cohesive brand identity for your business."> <meta property="og:title" content="Brand Kit Generator - Stunning Logos and Color Palettes for Free"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Create custom logos, icons, and color palettes in an instant with HubSpot's Brand Kit Template Generator. Build a cohesive brand identity for your business."> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Brand Kit Generator - Stunning Logos and Color Palettes for Free"> <style> a.cta_button{-moz-box-sizing:content-box !important;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box !important;box-sizing:content-box !important;vertical-align:middle}.hs-breadcrumb-menu{list-style-type:none;margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;padding:0px 0px 0px 0px}.hs-breadcrumb-menu-item{float:left;padding:10px 0px 10px 10px}.hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider:before{content:'›';padding-left:10px}.hs-featured-image-link{border:0}.hs-featured-image{float:right;margin:0 0 20px 20px;max-width:50%}@media (max-width: 568px){.hs-featured-image{float:none;margin:0;width:100%;max-width:100%}}.hs-screen-reader-text{clip:rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);height:1px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute !important;width:1px} </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" 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"@type": "Answer", "text": "The logo, brand style guide, and color palette can be used anywhere. Once you complete all the steps in creating your brand kit, you will be able to download, save it as PDF, or share your brand kit. However, you can’t add your finished design to a competing platform and/or if you intend to redistribute it." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to create a company logo", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Many companies hire graphic designers to create their logo, but you can also create your own branded logo with HubSpot's brand kit generator. Here are the steps to follow: <ul><li>Step 1: Before jumping in, we recommend you have a basic idea of what you want your logo to look like to serve as inspiration.</li><li>Step 2: Input your industry, business name, and slogan. We will give logo suggestions based on the information you provide.</li><li>Step 3: Choose your favorite logo from the recommendations we make. You want to make sure that your logo resonates with your business values and brand.</li><li>Step 4: Choose your style. Is your business bold and creative? Or is it more elegant? Choose the style that best reflects the aesthetics of your brand.</li></ul><p>After you have completed the steps above, you should see a preview of your business logo. Simple and easy, right? In the next step, we will help you choose the right brand colors for your business.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How to create a color palette", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Our free color palette generator can help you choose the right color scheme for your business. Here are the steps to finding your color palette with our tool:<ul><li>Step 1: Pick a primary company color. Your audience may associate certain colors with certain meanings, so understanding what colors work for your audience and within your industry is important.</li><li>Step 2: Find three complementary colors that work with your primary color.</li><li>Step 3: Within the brand kit generator, choose from various sets of color palettes.</li><li>Step 4: Edit and change the suggested color palettes to your liking. You can repeat the process if you're not happy with the recommended palettes until you find what best fits your business.</li></ul><p>Completing this process will automatically apply your selected color palette to your logo. You can further customize it by swapping the colors within your logo.</p>" } } ] } </script> <meta name="generator" content="HubSpot"></head><body><div id="hs_cos_wrapper_enable_labs_script" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <script nonce="90PiZIXkRGdyPWWnOUCUIg=="> !function(r,a,o,t,e=[],n={}){window.laboratory=window.laboratory||{cbs:[],ready:r=>};var p=a.createElement(o);p.defer=!0;var l=new URLSearchParams;e.forEach((r=>l.append("treatment_keys",r))),n.user&&l.append("user",n.user),n.portal&&l.append("portal",n.portal),n.utk&&l.append("utk",n.utk),n.portalUser&&l.append("portal_user",n.portalUser),n.other&&l.append("other",n.other);var s=l.toString();p.src=t+(s?"?"+s:"");var d=a.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(p,d),p.onload=function(){laboratory.ready=r=>r(window.laboratory.client),>r(window.laboratory.client))),}} ( window, document, 'script', '', ['wops-0002'], { other: (document.querySelector('meta[name="laboratory-identifier-other"]') && document.querySelector('meta[name="laboratory-identifier-other"]').content) || undefined } ); </script> </div> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_bkg" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><noscript id="app-version" data-version="1729678628"></noscript> <div class="brand-kit-generator-i18n"> <script type="application/json" nonce="90PiZIXkRGdyPWWnOUCUIg=="> { "module": {"brand_kit_collection":{"description":"Here are your saved brands/logos, choose one of them to download your brand kit, delete, or personalize.","edit":"Edit","heading":"Your Brand Kit Collection","preview":"Preview","remove":"Remove"},"brandkit_page":{"color":"Color","description":"Change Layout, Fonts, Colors and Icons and save your logo into your Logo Collection.","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Editor","fonts":"Fonts","heading":"Customize Your Brand Kit","icon":"Icon","layout":"Layout","modal_content":{"description":"One more in your library!","heading":"Brand kit saved","keep_customizing":"Keep customizing","view_saved_kits":"View saved kits"},"reset":"Reset","undo":"Undo","your_color":"Your Color","your_logo":"Your Logo","your_typo":"Your Typo"},"business_page":{"description":"To get started, please provide your industry and slogan:","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Onboarding","heading":"What Is Your Business About?","input_label":{"industry":"Industry","industry_placeholder":"i.e. Restaurants","name_of_your_business":"Name of your business","slogan_optional":"Slogan (optional)","slogan_optional_placeholder":"e.g., \"Say yes to pizza\""}},"color_page":{"description":"Select the color you want to use to represent your business:","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Color Selection","heading":"Select Your Business Primary Color","load_more_label":"Load More"},"downloading_page":{"congrats":"Congrats!","creating_description":"We are creating some great logos to inspire you. This may take a minute or two. Sit tight!","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Downloading","page_description":"<p>We are packing all your assets together. Sit tight!</p>","page_title":"Downloading"},"error_boundaries":{"heading":"Error occur!","try_again":"Please try again!"},"expired_modal":{"description":"Go to home page in","go_to_home":"Go to the homepage now","heading":"Session Has Expired","seconds":"seconds"},"font_page":{"description":"Select the font you want to use to represent your business:","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Font Selection","heading":"Select Your Business Primary Font","load_more_label":"Load More"},"home_page":{"are_you_ready_section":{"input_button_text":"Get started","input_error":"Please fill this field","input_placeholder":"Your business name","section_description":"<p>Create your brand kit now and generate all visuals your business needs to get noticed</p>","section_heading":"Are you ready?"},"document_description":"Creat custom logos, icons, and color palettes in an instant with HubSpot's Brand Kit Template Generator to build a unique online presence for your business.","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator - Stunning Logos and Color Palettes for Free","faq_section":{"faq_items":[{"content":"<p>The logo, brand style guide, and color palette can be used anywhere and everywhere. Once you complete all the steps in creating your brand kit, you will have the choice to download, save it as PDF, or share your brand kit. However, you can't add your finished design to a competing platform and/or if you intend to redistribute it.</p>","heading":"Where can I use my logos, brand style guide and color palette?"},{"content":"<p><span>Yes, you can manually use your new brand kit created through the brand kit generator with our CMS Free. We are working on automating this process so that once your brand kit is generated, it will be automatically added to your website on the HubSpot CMS.</span></p>","heading":"Can I use my new brand kit with HubSpot’s CMS Free?"},{"content":"<p>Many companies hire graphic designers to create their logo, but you can also create your own branded logo with HubSpot's brand kit generator. Here are the steps to follow:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Step 1: Before jumping in, we recommend you have a basic idea of what you want your logo to look like to serve as inspiration.</li>\n<li>Step 2: Input your industry, business name, and slogan. We will give logo suggestions based on the information you provide.</li>\n<li>Step 3: Choose your favorite logo from the recommendations we make. You want to make sure that your logo resonates with your business values and brand.</li>\n<li>Step 4: Choose your style. Is your business bold and creative? Or is it more elegant? Choose the style that best reflects the aesthetics of your brand.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>After you have completed the steps above, you should see a preview of your business logo. Simple and easy, right? In the next step, we will help you choose the right brand colors for your business.</p>","heading":"How to create a company logo"},{"content":"<p>Our free color palette generator can help you choose the right color scheme for your business. Here are the steps to finding your color palette with our tool:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Step 1: Pick a primary company color. Your audience may associate certain colors with certain meanings, so understanding what colors work for your audience and within your industry is important.</li>\n<li>Step 2: Find three complementary colors that work with your primary color.</li>\n<li>Step 3: Within the brand kit generator, choose from various sets of color palettes.</li>\n<li>Step 4: Edit and change the suggested color palettes to your liking. You can repeat the process if you're not happy with the recommended palettes until you find what best fits your business.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Completing this process will automatically apply your selected color palette to your logo. You can further customize it by swapping the colors within your logo.</p>","heading":"How to create a color palette"},{"content":"<p>To build a brand kit, start by defining your brand’s mission, values, and target audience. Then, create or choose a logo, select a consistent color palette, pick appropriate fonts, and establish design guidelines for how these elements should be used across different materials.</p>","heading":"How to build a brand kit?"},{"content":"<p>A favicon is great for raising online brand awareness and for improving SEO. Like the logo generator and color palette generator, the process to create a favicon for your website with HubSpot's brand kit generator is seamless and simple:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Step 1: Design your logo with HubSpot's brand kit generator.</li>\n<li>Step 2: After you finish the logo creation process, you will have the favicon file automatically generated for you.</li>\n<li>Step 3: Add the favicon to your website. Upload your favicon.ico file to your directory (“web,” “public,” or “public_html”) folder.</li>\n<li>Step 4: Once the favicon is saved and uploaded, hit the refresh button and check the website tab to see if your logo is displayed.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Voila! Your favicon should be up and displayed in the web browser.</p>","heading":"How to create a favicon"},{"content":"<p>A brand kit is a collection of essential elements that define a brand's visual and identity guidelines. It typically includes a logo, color palette, fonts, and design templates to ensure consistent branding across all marketing materials and platforms.</p>","heading":"What is a brand kit?"}],"section_heading":"Frequently Asked Questions"},"hero_banner":{"banner_heading":"Free Logo Creator & Brand Identity Design","banner_input_button_text":"Get Started","banner_input_placeholder":"Your business name","banner_text":"Create custom logos, icons, and color palettes in an instant to build a unique online presence for your business!","input_error":"Please fill this field"},"section_1":{"section_description":"<p>As the face of your business, your company logo is an essential feature to build your brand identity. With HubSpot's free brand kit generator, it's easier than ever to set up a consistent, successful brand.</p><p>With free logo design templates, you can easily create beautiful logos for your business. All you have to do is type your business' industry, name, and slogan in the free logo generator. Then, choose a logo and customize it until it matches your brand.</p>","section_heading":"Free our free logo design templates for your business","section_image_alt":"4 templates of business logos in a web browser window"},"section_2":{"section_description":"<p>Creating a brand identity can be challenging. HubSpot's brand kit generator makes it simple to build a personalized logo that you can fully customize according to your brand specifications.</p><p>Choose from our library of thousands of logo templates, and customize them by style, color palette, and typography to match your brand. Our free tool also provides your logo in multiple icon formats (i.e. favicon, social media icons) and image formats (i.e. JPG, PNG, WebP, SVG).</p>","section_heading":"Personalize the elements of your brand.","section_image_alt":"The editor of the Brand Kit Generator with a colorful image"},"section_3":{"section_description":"<p>The right color palette can help your audience recognize your brand instantly. The brand kit generator includes a free color palette generator to supercharge your brand recognition.</p><p>No more wasting time deciding what colors work together — you pick the starting colors and we generate sets of compatible colors to choose from. Then, simply choose the color scheme that best resonates with your brand. You can repeat the process if you're not happy with the results. Once you're done, the colors will be automatically saved as a PDF for you to reference in the future.</p>","section_heading":"Generate a unique color palette for your business.","section_image_alt":"A color palette in a web browser window"},"section_4":{"section_description":"<p>HubSpot's brand kit tool includes a free favicon generator, so you can also download your brand logo as a favicon. A favicon is a small version of your logo displayed in website tabs, the search bar, and the bookmark bar, among others. Once you complete the logo design process, you will automatically have access to the generated website favicon as well.</p><p>You can also generate your logo in the correct sizes for different social media platforms. Once your logo is created, the tool will adapt and generate an image according to each platform’s dimensions and specifications.</p>","section_heading":"Generate favicons and social media icons.","section_image_alt":"The Blue Mountain Travel logo with colorful social media icons"},"section_5":{"section_description":"<p>The Brand Kit Generator makes your social media presence consistent with your business. Have you experienced the struggle of researching which image sizes work with which social networks? Well, have no fear, the social media icon generator is here to help! There is no need to figure out the exact format anymore, you can save time adjusting your logo size for each platform with our built-in free icons converter.</p><p>The tool lets you generate all the right social media image sizes for all your business' platforms. Once your logo is generated, the tool will adapt and generate an image to the platform's dimensions and specifications. Whether it is JPG, PNG or even Vector, HubSpot's Brand Kit Generator has got you covered.</p>","section_heading":"Generate social media icons in popular formats","section_image_alt":"The logo of Blue Mountain on Instagram"}},"icon_page":{"description":"Select or search for the icon that better represent your business:","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Icon Selection","heading":"Select Your Business Logo Mark","load_more_label":"Load More","loading_label":"Loading...","no_icons_found":"No icons found for term","search_input_placeholder":"Search over 120,000 icons"},"layout":{"footer":{"copyright":"Copyright ©","footer_menu":{"guidelines":"Guidelines","guidelines_url":"","legal_stuff":"Legal Stuff","legal_stuff_url":"","privacy_policy":"Privacy Policy","privacy_policy_url":""},"hubspot_inc":"HubSpot, Inc."},"header":{"header_cta_button_text":"Create a free website","header_cta_link":{"no_follow":false,"open_in_new_tab":false,"rel":"","sponsored":false,"url":{"content_id":null,"href":"","href_with_scheme":"","type":"EXTERNAL"},"user_generated_content":false}},"menu_progress":{"step":"Step","step_1":{"description":"Entering key information about your business will allow the tool to generate relevant suggestions for your brand. Entering your industry is mandatory, but adding a slogan is optional (but recommended).","heading":"Enter your Business information"},"step_2":{"description":"Choosing the right icon is crucial as it will appear in your logo and in many other items of your kit. If you decide to change it, you can always go back.","heading":"Select your icon"},"step_3":{"description":"Choose a primary color that will be displayed across your assets.","heading":"Select your primary color"},"step_4":{"description":"Picking the right font is crucial to communicate the energy of your brand: do you prefer it more serious and straightforward? Entertaining and fun? Rounded and welcoming?","heading":"Select your font"},"step_5":{"description":"Choose the logo that best reflects what your business is about.","heading":"Select your logo"},"step_6":{"description":"Customize your brand kit by clicking on the buttons “Font”, “Logo Mark”, “Color”, and “Layout” located around the preview area. A new suggestion will be made and you can keep it by selecting “Save”, find something else, or cancel the change. Ready to go? Click “Continue” and see the final result.","heading":"Customize your brand kit"}},"page_navigator":{"back":"Back","continue":"Continue","loading":"Loading","saving":"Saving"},"upload":{"auth_error":{"heading":"Upload error","modal_description":"Please log in to your HubSpot account and try to upload again.","modal_heading":"Authentication error","modal_retry_cta":"Sign Up or Log In","subheading":"Error uploading brand kit."},"customise_button_text":"Create a free website","dismiss":"Dismiss","download_cta_text":"Download Brand Kit","error":{"heading":"Upload error","modal_description":"Don't worry, we've got you covered. To get things back on track, simply click on the button below and let us work our magic. Just a quick restart and you'll be good to go!","modal_heading":"Oops! Something went wrong with the upload.","modal_retry_cta":"Click here to restart the process and continue smoothly.","subheading":"Error uploading brand kit."},"in_progress":{"heading":"Upload in progress...","subheading":"Do not reload the page."},"max_limit":{"heading":"Upload error","modal_description":"You have reached the maximum number of uploads for your account. Please remove one of your existing brand kits to upload a new one.","modal_heading":"Maximum Uploads Reached","modal_retry_cta":"Remove a brand kit","subheading":"Error uploading brand kit."},"network_issues":{"heading":"Upload error","modal_description":"Please check your internet connection and try to upload again.","modal_heading":"Upload failed: Network issues detected","modal_retry_cta":"Try again","subheading":"Error uploading brand kit."},"success":{"heading":"Upload complete.","modal_customize_your_website_cta":"Customize your website","modal_description":"The Growth Theme–one of HubSpot’s default themes–has been applied to your website and it is now ready for customization. You can access your website with this link:","modal_download_cta":"Download now","modal_heading":"Upload complete! Customize your website now","subheading":"You are all set."}}},"logo_page":{"description":"Pick the logo you like the most:","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Logo Selection","heading":"Select Your Logo","load_more_label":"Load More"},"logo_preview":{"header":"Header","heading":"PREVIEW","load_more_label":"Load More","subheader":"Subheader"},"not_found_page":{"brandkit_generator":"Brand Kit Generator homepage?","description":"But it doesn't look like a real page lives here.","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Not Found","go_back_to":"Go back to HubSpot's","heading":"We're heartbroken we missed you."},"result_brandkit_page":{"add_to_website_cta":"Add to Website","blog":"BLOG","built_with_you_in_mind":"Built with you in mind","colors_heading":"Colors","contact_us":"CONTACT US","copied_clipboard":"Link copied to clipboard.","customizable":"Customizable","description":"<p>Here is your brand kit, so you can see how your business will be seen by the world.</p><p>From here you can download your assets, share a direct link with team members, colleagues, and providers, or simply go back to the editor to improve your current kit.</p>","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Final","download_assets":"Download Assets","download_assets_mobile":"Download","download_svg":"Download SVG","easy_to_use":"Easy to use","edit_your_brand_kit":"Edit Your Brand Kit","get_started":"Get started","growth_theme":"Growth theme","heading":"Your Brand Kit","logo_heading":"The logo","menu":"MENU","prices":"PRICES","primary_colors_heading":"Primary Colors","quick_setup":"Quick setup","secondary_colors_heading":"Secondary Colors","see_things_in_action":"See things in action","share":"Share","show_off_your_happy_customers":"Show off your happy customers","social_media_kits_heading":"Social Media Kits","typography_heading":"Typography","web_and_collaterals_heading":"Web And Collaterals"},"thank_for_creating_theme_page":{"customize_your_website":"Customize your website","description":"The Growth Theme–one of HubSpot’s default themes–has been applied to your website and it is now ready for customization. You can access your website with this link:","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Thank You For Creating Growth Theme","heading":"All set!<br /> Customize your website now","section_1":{"section_description":"<p>In short, your website is ready to go! Your HubSpot portal will guide you through the process of setting up your new site.</p>","section_heading":"How can I get started?","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Get started","section_image_caption":"Each step is outlined for you in an easy-to-follow user guide."},"section_2":{"section_description":"<p>If you ever need help, resources in your portal and HubSpot Knowledge Base’s Build Your Website article can get you back on track.</p>","section_heading":"How can I get help?","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Get help","section_image_caption":"Helpful resources in your HubSpot’s portal."},"section_3":{"section_description":"<p>A theme is a set of templates, modules, global content, and style settings that can be used to create a website. You can find more information about using themes in HubSpot’s Knowledge Base article on themes.<br /><br />One of HubSpot’s default themes, the Growth Theme, has been set as your active theme. This means you don’t need to do any additional set-up and can start creating your website. We’ve chosen a logo layout from your brand kit that best fits this theme. You’re welcome to update this at any time.<br /><br />We can’t wait to see what you create!</p>","section_heading":"What is a theme?","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"What is a theme"}},"thank_for_downloading_page":{"back_to_brand_kit":"Back to brand kit","create_a_free_website":"Create a free website with your brand kit","create_a_new_one":"Create a new one","description":"We are packing all your assets together. This might take a minute or two. Sit tight!","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Thank You For Downloading","get_the_free_CMS":"Get the free CMS","heading":"Thank you for <br /> downloading","section_1":{"section_description":"<p>Now that you have your brand kit, it's time to use it on a new website. HubSpot provides a free suite of content management tools to help you and your business build your brand online.</p>","section_heading":"Use your visuals with the HubSpot CMS."},"section_2":{"section_description":"<p>Once downloaded, you can simply go to the HubSpot website builder and replace the default logo with your own.</p>","section_heading":"Add your logo on your homepage.","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Add your logo"},"section_3":{"section_description":"<p>To add a favicon to your website, simply go to settings and upload your favicon.</p>","section_heading":"Insert your favicon with ease.","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Insert your favicon"},"section_4":{"section_description":"<p>You can use the color palette provided in your brand kit on the theme of your website. Just copy and paste the hex codes and you're good to go.</p>","section_heading":"Add custom colors to your website theme.","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Edit theme settings"},"section_5":{"section_description":"<p>To use the fonts generated in your brand kit on your website, select your chosen fonts under \"theme settings\".</p>","section_heading":"Select the right fonts to match your brand identity.","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Select the right fonts"},"section_6":{"section_description":"<p>If your business has accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, you can use the right image prepared to fit the specific dimensions of each social media platform.</p>","section_heading":"Leave your mark on social media.","section_image":"","section_image_alt":"Leave your mark on social media."},"your_brand_kit_is_ready":"Your Brand Kit is ready!"},"type":"module","upload_theme_error":{"description":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Oops! Something went wrong with the upload.</p>\n<p>Don't worry, we've got you covered. To get things back on track, simply click on the button below and let us work our magic. Just a quick restart and you'll be good to go!</p>","thank_you":"Thanks for your understanding!","try_again":"Click here to restart the process and continue smoothly."},"uploading_page":{"document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Uploading"},"yourself_page":{"continue_button":"Download now","description":"<p>We're committed to your privacy. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information, check out our <a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>","document_title":"Brand Kit Generator Form","exit_button":"Close","heading":"Download Your Brand Kit","input_error":{"company_name":"Company name is required!","email_invalid":"Email is invalid!","email_required":"Email is required!","first_name":"First name is required!","industry":"Industry","job_role":"Job role is required!","last_name":"Last name is required!","num_of_employees":"Number of employees","phone_number":"Phone number","slogan":"Slogan","website_url_invalid":"Website URL is invalid!","website_url_required":"Website URL is required!"},"input_label":{"company_name":"Company name","email":"Email","first_name":"First name","industry":"Industry","job_role":"Job role","last_name":"Last name","num_of_employees":"Number of employees","phone_number":"Phone number","slogan":"Slogan","website_url":"Website URL"},"input_placeholder":{"company_name":"John Smith & Sons","email":"","first_name":"John","industry":"Industry","job_role":"Marketing director","last_name":"Smith","phone_number":"111-222-333333","slogan":"Slogan","website_url":""},"select_options":{"option_1":"1","option_2":"2 to 5","option_3":"6 to 10","option_4":"11 to 25","option_5":"26 to 50","option_6":"51 to 200","option_7":"201 to 1,000","option_8":"1,001 to 10,000","option_9":"10,001 or more","self_employed":"Please Select"}}}, } </script> </div> <div id="brand-kit-generator" data-username="" data-ip-address="" data-language="en" data-page-id="175479410021" data-sign-ups-only=""></div> <script defer type="module" nonce="90PiZIXkRGdyPWWnOUCUIg==">import '';</script></div> <div class="bkg-rff"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_bkg_reduced_field_form" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><div id="bkg-msf-modal" class="msf-modal cl-modal" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="" aria-describedby="multi-step-form" data-cl-exit="false"> <div class="cl-modal-backdrop" data-cl-modal="close"> <div class="cl-modal-main"> <div class="cl-modal-header -white"> <button class="cl-modal-close" data-cl-modal="close" type="button"> <span class="visually-hidden">Close</span> <svg class="cl-icon" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#close" /></svg> </button> </div> <div id="multi-step-form" class="cl-modal-content msf-modal-content"> <style>@keyframes msf-progress { 0% { transform: scaleX(0); 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