Asiacrypt 2005
<html> <head> <title>Asiacrypt 2005</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <h1 align=center>Asiacrypt 2005</a><br> December 4-8, Chennai (Madras), India. </h1> <p>The Asiacrypt 2005 web site is at <a href=""><tt></tt></a>. </p> <p> Contact:<br> <strong><a href="">C.Pandu Rangan</a></strong> <br> <strong>Asiacrypt 2005 General Chair</strong><br> Department of Computer Science and Engineering<br> Indian Institute of Technology, Madras<br> Chennai - 600 036<br> India<br> Tel: +91 44 2257 8336<br> Fax: +91 44 2257 8352<br> Email: <tt>rangan(at)</tt><br> <p> A few of the <a href="rump">rump session talks</a> are available online. <p>A <a href="">mirror</a> of this site was created on June 15, 2007. <!-- <p>A <a href="">mirror</a> of this site was created on December 11, 2005. --> <hr> [ <a HREF="../../index.html">IACR home page</a> ] <a href="../../copyright.html">© IACR</a> </body> </html>