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Adem&aacute;s, se discute la posibilidad de c&oacute;mo podr&iacute;a implantarse el aprendizaje de este tipo de pensamiento.</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Buendia-Lozada, Enrique Ricardo Pablo", "affiliation": "Benem\u00e9rita Universidad Aut\u00f3noma de Puebla", "orcid": "0000-0002-9332-1617"}], "dates": [{"type": "accepted", "description": "Revista divugaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica"}, {"type": "available", "description": "Revista divulgaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica"}], "language": "spa", "custom": {"code:codeRepository": ""}, "resource_type": {"title": "Journal article", "type": "publication", "subtype": "article"}, "journal": {"issue": "5", "pages": "16-24", "title": "K\u00f6rperkultur Science", "volume": "3"}, "license": {"id": "cc-by-4.0"}, "relations": {"version": [{"index": 0, "is_last": true, "parent": {"pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "14207556"}}]}}, "title": "Una mirada al pensamiento cr\u00edtico desde la academia", "links": {"self": "", "self_html": "", "doi": "", "self_doi": "", "self_doi_html": "", "parent": "", "parent_html": "", "parent_doi": "", "parent_doi_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "files": "", "media_files": "", "thumbnails": {"10": "^10,/0/default.jpg", "50": "^50,/0/default.jpg", "100": "^100,/0/default.jpg", "250": "^250,/0/default.jpg", "750": "^750,/0/default.jpg", "1200": "^1200,/0/default.jpg"}, "archive": "", "archive_media": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "versions": "", "draft": "", "reserve_doi": "", "access_links": "", "access_grants": "", "access_users": "", "access_request": "", "access": "", "communities": "", "communities-suggestions": "", "requests": ""}, "updated": "2024-11-22T23:44:13.027872+00:00", "recid": "14207557", "revision": 4, "files": [{"id": "1b4fd146-2d66-457a-912e-f3a14af97f43", "key": "9. 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In a metapopulation context, however, types that utilize the same resource but are distributed along a competition-colonization trade-off, can coexist. Much thought in this area focuses on a generic trade-off between within-deme competitive ability and between-deme dispersal ability. We point out that the sporulation program in yeasts and other microbes can create a natural trade-off such that strains which initiate sporulation at higher rates suffer in terms of within-deme competition but benefit in terms of between deme dispersal. We develop metapopulation models where the within-deme behavior follows chemostat dynamics. We first show that the rate of sporulation determines the colonization ability of the strain, with colonization ability increasing with sporulation rate up to a point. Metapopulation stability of a single strain exists in a defined range of sporulation rates. We then use pairwise invasability plots to show that coexistence of strains with different sporulation rates generally occurs, but that the set of sporulation rates that can potentially coexist is smaller than the set that allows for stable metapopulations. We extend our pairwise results to show how a continuous set of strains can coexist and verify our conclusions with numerical calculations and stochastic simulations. Our results show that stable variation in sporulation rates is expected under a wide range of ecological conditions.</p>\n<p>\u00a0</p>\n<p>--</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Proulx, Stephen", "affiliation": "University of California, Santa Barbara", "orcid": "0000-0003-0307-1907"}, {"name": "Sakal, Taom", "affiliation": "University of California, Santa Barbara"}, {"name": "Reitz, Zachary L.", "affiliation": "University of California, Santa Barbara"}, {"name": "Thomasson, Kelly", "affiliation": "University of California, Santa Barbara"}], "keywords": ["adaptation", "Disperal", "Evolutionary ecology", "polymorphism", "coexistence"], "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.1101/2024.02.17.580810", "relation": "isCitedBy", "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5061/dryad.18931zd6m", "relation": "isSourceOf", "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"title": "Software", "type": "software"}, "license": {"id": "mit-license"}, "communities": [{"id": "dryad"}], "relations": {"version": [{"index": 0, "is_last": true, "parent": {"pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "14042759"}}]}, "method": "<p>Data for this paper consist of numerical and stochastic simulations performed using Mathematica and the Rust programming language. Some data files were stored as .csv files to transfer between simulation platforms.\u00a0</p>"}, "title": "Selection on Sporulation Strategies in a Metapopulation Can Lead to Coexistence", "links": {"self": "", "self_html": "", "doi": "", "self_doi": "", "self_doi_html": "", "parent": "", "parent_html": "", "parent_doi": "", "parent_doi_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "files": "", "media_files": "", "archive": "", "archive_media": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "versions": "", "draft": "", "reserve_doi": "", "access_links": "", "access_grants": "", "access_users": "", "access_request": "", "access": "", "communities": "", "communities-suggestions": "", "requests": ""}, "updated": "2024-11-22T23:44:06.917721+00:00", "recid": "14042760", "revision": 5, "files": [{"id": "4c1d59bb-dd22-4194-b671-d955d33b4752", "key": "", "size": 5311, "checksum": "md5:304936d02f5be0805e1901b9a5ebe28e", "links": {"self": ""}}, {"id": "db5a3634-b307-45f2-9eef-5936d13a33cc", "key": "FigureCodeAndSupplementaryCalculations.nb", "size": 38231471, "checksum": "md5:d72f7802bc9fe70d4f4e9284f2b1b8a1", "links": {"self": ""}}, {"id": "5819f9cb-c232-41ee-8cbe-3bb045251d00", "key": "Cargo.toml", "size": 108, "checksum": "md5:064ffb3215435c3b582d8f16d7194918", "links": {"self": ""}}], "owners": [{"id": "90070"}], "status": "published", "stats": {"downloads": 0, "unique_downloads": 0, "views": 0, "unique_views": 0, "version_downloads": 0, "version_unique_downloads": 0, "version_unique_views": 0, "version_views": 0}, "state": "done", "submitted": true}, {"created": "2024-11-22T23:43:44.456845+00:00", "modified": "2024-11-22T23:43:44.642073+00:00", "id": 14207558, "conceptrecid": "14029123", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207558", "conceptdoi": "10.5281/zenodo.14029123", "doi_url": "", "metadata": {"title": "punchbowl", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207558", "publication_date": "2024-11-23", "description": "<h2>What's Changed</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Improve calculation of pixel areas by @svank in</li>\n<li>November 17th Mega Update by @jmbhughes in</li>\n<li>Confirm l2 l3 tests by @jmbhughes in</li>\n<li>flow tracking by @lowderchris in</li>\n<li>Update .pre-commit-config.yaml by @jmbhughes in</li>\n<li>Reusable celestial reprojections by @svank in</li>\n<li>Large prep for End2End by @jmbhughes in</li>\n<li>fix import by @jmbhughes in</li>\n<li>When generating WCSes, set NAXIS/array_shape/etc. by @svank in</li>\n<li>Faster star subtraction by @svank in</li>\n<li>Updated Level2/polarization by @s0larish in</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>:</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Hughes, J. Marcus", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0003-3410-7650"}, {"name": "Lowder, Chris", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0001-8318-8229"}, {"name": "Van Kooten, Sam", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0002-4472-8517"}, {"name": "West, Matthew", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0002-0631-2393"}, {"name": "Seaton, Daniel", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0002-0494-2025"}, {"name": "Patel, Ritesh", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0001-8504-2725"}, {"name": "Lamb, Derek", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0002-6061-6443"}, {"name": "Attie, Raphael", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0003-4312-6298"}, {"name": "Kovak, Sarah", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0003-1714-5970"}, {"name": "DeForest, Craig", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0000-0002-7164-2786"}], "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "", "relation": "isSupplementTo", "resource_type": "software", "scheme": "url"}], "version": "0.0.6", "resource_type": {"title": "Software", "type": "software"}, "license": {"id": "cc-by-4.0"}, "relations": {"version": [{"index": 3, "is_last": true, "parent": {"pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "14029123"}}]}, "notes": "If you use this software, please cite it as below."}, "title": "punchbowl", "links": {"self": "", "self_html": "", "doi": "", "self_doi": "", "self_doi_html": "", "parent": "", "parent_html": "", "parent_doi": "", "parent_doi_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "files": "", "media_files": "", "archive": "", "archive_media": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "versions": "", "draft": "", "reserve_doi": "", "access_links": "", "access_grants": "", "access_users": "", "access_request": "", "access": "", "communities": "", "communities-suggestions": "", "requests": ""}, "updated": "2024-11-22T23:43:44.642073+00:00", "recid": "14207558", "revision": 4, "files": [{"id": "5ab47b5f-fb1f-40c1-bad3-053ae87d9e76", "key": "punch-mission/", "size": 10303546, "checksum": "md5:3d877206921df80e87ffd09d00217a20", "links": {"self": ""}}], "owners": [{"id": "431471"}], "status": "published", "stats": {"downloads": 0, "unique_downloads": 0, "views": 7, "unique_views": 7, "version_downloads": 0, "version_unique_downloads": 0, "version_unique_views": 0, "version_views": 0}, "state": "done", "submitted": true}, {"created": "2024-11-22T23:43:00.556730+00:00", "modified": "2024-11-22T23:43:00.832799+00:00", "id": 13947885, "conceptrecid": "13947884", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.13947885", "conceptdoi": "10.5281/zenodo.13947884", "doi_url": "", "metadata": {"title": "Turnover of retroelements and satellite DNA drives centromere reorganization over short evolutionary timescales in Drosophila", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.13947885", "publication_date": "2024-11-22", "description": "<p>Centromeres reside in rapidly evolving, repeat-rich genomic regions, despite their essential function in chromosome segregation. Across organisms, centromeres are rich in selfish genetic elements such as transposable elements and satellite DNAs that can bias their transmission through meiosis. However, these elements still need to cooperate at some level and contribute to, or avoid interfering with, centromere function. To gain insight into the balance between conflict and cooperation at centromeric DNA, we take advantage of the close evolutionary relationships within the <em>Drosophila simulans</em> clade \u2013 <em>D. simulans, D. sechellia, </em>and <em>D. mauritiana \u2013 </em>and their relative, <em>D. melanogaster</em>. Using chromatin profiling combined with high resolution fluorescence in situ hybridization on stretched DNA, we characterize all centromeres across these species. We discovered dramatic centromere reorganization involving recurrent shifts between retroelements and satellite DNAs over short evolutionary timescales. We also reveal the recent origin (&lt;240 Kya) of telocentric chromosomes in <em>D. sechellia, </em>where<em> </em>the X and 4<sup>th</sup> centromeres now sit on telomere-specific retroelements. Finally, the Y chromosome centromeres, which are the only chromosomes that do not experience female meiosis, do not show dynamic cycling between satDNA and TEs. The patterns of rapid centromere turnover in these species are consistent with genetic conflicts in the female germline. \u00a0and have implications for centromeric DNA function and karyotype evolution. Regardless of the evolutionary forces driving this turnover, the rapid reorganization of centromeric sequences over short evolutionary timescales highlights their potential as hotspots for evolutionary innovation.</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Courret, Cecile", "affiliation": "University of Rochester"}, {"name": "Hemmer, Lucas W.", "affiliation": "University of Rochester"}, {"name": "Wei, Xiaolu", "affiliation": "University of Rochester"}, {"name": "Patel, Prachi D.", "affiliation": "University of Connecticut"}, {"name": "Chabot, Bryce J.", "affiliation": "University of Connecticut"}, {"name": "Fuda, Nicholas J.", "affiliation": "University of Rochester"}, {"name": "Geng, Xuewen", "affiliation": "University of Rochester"}, {"name": "Chang, Ching-Ho", "affiliation": "Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center"}, {"name": "Mellone, Barbara", "affiliation": "University of Connecticut"}, {"name": "Larracuente, Amanda M.", "affiliation": "University of Rochester", "orcid": "0000-0001-5944-5686"}], "keywords": ["Drosophila", "Centromeres", "CUT&TAG"], "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.1101/2023.08.22.554357", "relation": "isCitedBy", "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.1371/journal.pbio.3002911", "relation": "isCitedBy", "scheme": "doi"}, {"identifier": "10.5061/dryad.1zcrjdg2g", "relation": "isSourceOf", "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"title": "Software", "type": "software"}, "license": {"id": "mit-license"}, "communities": [{"id": "dryad"}], "relations": {"version": [{"index": 0, "is_last": true, "parent": {"pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "13947884"}}]}, "notes": "<p>Funding provided by: National Science Foundation<br>ROR ID:<br>Award Number: MCB-1844693</p>", "method": "<p><strong>Overview:</strong></p>\n<p>This repository contains data and code used in Courret et al. 2024 (</p>\n<p><strong>CUT&amp;Tag methods:\u00a0</strong></p>\n<p>We performed CUT&amp;Tag using around 100,000 nuclei per sample. We used the pA-Tn5 enzyme from Epicypher and followed the manufacturer's protocol (CUT&amp;Tag Protocol v1.5). For each species we performed 3 replicates with the anti-CID20 antibody (1:50), one positive control using anti-H3K9me3 (1:100), and one negative control using the anti-IgG antibody (1:100).</p>\n<p>For the library preparation, we used the primers in S8 Table of Courret et al. 2024. We analyzed each library on Bioanalyzer for quality control, representative profiles of CENP-A and H3K27me3 profiles are provided in S11B Fig. Before final sequencing, we pooled 2\u00b5l of each library and performed a MiSeq run. We used the number of resulting reads from each library to estimate the relative concentration of each library and ensure an equal representation of each library in the final pool for sequencing. We sequenced the libraries in 150-bp paired-end mode on HiSeq Illumina. We obtained around 10 million reads per library, except for the IgG negative control, which usually has a lower representation (S9 Table).</p>\n<p><strong>G2/Jockey-3 evolutionary analyses\u00a0</strong></p>\n<p>We identified G2/Jockey-3 sequences with two complementary methods. First, we annotated each genome assembly with our custom Drosophila TE library including the D. melanogaster G2/Jockey-3 consensus sequence using Repeatmasker v4.1.0. The annotations and 500 bp flanking regions were extracted with BEDTools v2.29.0 and aligned with MAFFT to generate a species-specific consensus sequence with Geneious v.8.1.6. Each assembly was annotated again using Repeatmasker with the appropriate species-specific G2/Jockey-3 consensus sequence. Second, we constructed de novo repeat libraries for each species with RepeatModeler2 v.2.0.1 and identified candidate G2/Jockey-3 sequences which shared high similarity with G2/Jockey-3 in D. melanogaster identified with BLAST v.2.10.0. We did the same with Jockey-1 (LINEJ1_DM) as confirmation of our methods, and to use it as an outgroup for the TE fragment alignment. We removed candidates shorter than 100 bp from the analysis. We identified ORFs within consensus TE sequences with NCBI ORFfinder. We used Repeatmasker to annotate the genome assemblies with the de novo Jockey-3 consensus sequences. To infer a phylogenetic tree of TEs, we aligned G2/Jockey-3 fragments identified in each species with MAFFT and retained sequences corresponding to the ORF bounds of the consensus sequences; We removed ORF fragments &lt;400 bp. We inferred the tree with RAxML v.8.2.11 using the command \"raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -s alignment_Jockey-3_melsimyak_400_ORF2_mafft.fasta -m GTRGAMMA -T 24 -d -p 12345 -# autoMRE -k -x 12345 -f a\".</p>"}, "title": "Turnover of retroelements and satellite DNA drives centromere reorganization over short evolutionary timescales in Drosophila", "links": {"self": "", "self_html": "", "doi": "", "self_doi": "", "self_doi_html": "", "parent": "", "parent_html": "", "parent_doi": "", "parent_doi_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "files": "", "media_files": "", "archive": "", "archive_media": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "versions": "", "draft": "", "reserve_doi": "", "access_links": "", "access_grants": "", "access_users": "", "access_request": "", "access": "", "communities": "", "communities-suggestions": "", "requests": ""}, "updated": "2024-11-22T23:43:00.832799+00:00", "recid": "13947885", "revision": 5, "files": [{"id": "18b480c9-82dd-4c7d-bf3b-8790f8b38932", "key": "", "size": 4564521, "checksum": "md5:99da0938d518e180dbf52ce4c8339c86", "links": {"self": ""}}], "owners": [{"id": "90070"}], "status": "published", "stats": {"downloads": 0, "unique_downloads": 0, "views": 0, "unique_views": 0, "version_downloads": 0, "version_unique_downloads": 0, "version_unique_views": 0, "version_views": 0}, "state": "done", "submitted": true}, {"created": "2024-11-22T23:40:21.119581+00:00", "modified": "2024-11-22T23:40:21.230346+00:00", "id": 14207553, "conceptrecid": "14207552", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207553", "conceptdoi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207552", "doi_url": "", "metadata": {"title": "The Inevitable Dissolution of the Universe:\\\\ A Mathematical and Philosophical Analysis of Gravity, Radiation, and the End of Matter", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207553", "publication_date": "2024-11-23", "description": "<p>This article explores the ultimate fate of the universe through mathematical models, empirical insights, and philosophical reflections. It examines the interactions between gravity, thermal radiation, and the dynamics of matter in low-density regions. By analyzing observational data and theoretical frameworks, it evaluates the impacts of accelerated expansion, thermal equilibrium, and gravitational dilution. Visualizations and recent findings from missions such as the James Webb Space Telescope and Planck reinforce the analysis. Finally, the paper reflects on the existential implications of this inevitable fate, bridging scientific rigor with a universal curiosity about humanity's place in the cosmos.</p>", "access_right": "restricted", "creators": [{"name": "Del Amo Castillo, I\u00f1aki", "affiliation": null, "orcid": "0009-0006-4866-9274"}], "keywords": ["Cosmology", "Thermal death of the universe", "Accelerated expansion", "Dark energy", "Cosmic voids", "Cosmic entropy", "Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB)", "Gravitational dilution", "Philosophy of science", "Evolution of the universe", "James Webb Space Telescope", "Planck Satellite", "Cosmological models", "Fate of the universe", "Gravitation in low-density regions", "Matter disintegration", "Weak gravitational interactions", "Thermal cooling", "Galactic isolation", "Long-term projections of the universe"], "language": "eng", "resource_type": {"title": "Publication", "type": "publication"}, "license": {"id": "cc-by-nc-nd-4.0"}, "relations": 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release splits the &quot;mzp&quot; system into &quot;mzpsolar&quot; and &quot;mzpinstru&quot; to represent the solar and instrument referenced systems separately.</p>\n<p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>:</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Hughes, J. 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Information that does exist for rare species is often based on presence-only data, because it is difficult to collect sufficient data on abundance for such species. We targeted ten rare bird species that were excluded from a recent study due to insufficient data. For these species, we aimed to (a) collect sufficient abundance data, (b) identify important locations and (c) estimate population sizes.</p>\n<p><em>Location</em>: A large reserve system (~1M-ha) in south-eastern Australia.</p>\n<p><em>Methods</em>: We undertook intensive field surveys, using repeat area searches of 660 independent 25-ha sites, totalling 2,640 hrs of surveys (2-hr surveys; two surveys per site). We used N-mixture models to estimate abundance whilst accounting for imperfect detection.</p>\n<p><em>Results</em>: This survey effort returned enough high-quality data on nine rare bird species to identify important locations and estimate their population sizes. To illustrate potential applications of mapped important locations, we used our results to assess the likely impact of a planned burn program in part of the study region. We identified planned burns that are likely to have a significant impact on important locations for rare species that may not have otherwise been identified.</p>\n<p>Populations were generally larger than previously estimated using expert opinion. For example, our population estimate for the threatened Red-lored Whistler (<em>Pachycephala rufogularis</em>) was ~16 times larger than the previous estimate.</p>\n<p><em>Main Conclusions</em>: Our results show (a) the benefits of using abundance to identify important locations for rare species (b) the value of developing bespoke survey methods for estimating abundance of rare species with low detectability and (c) a pathway for the application of mapped important locations in conservation land management.</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Verdon, Simon", "affiliation": "La Trobe University", "orcid": "0000-0002-3923-2242"}, {"name": "Makdissi, Rhys", "affiliation": "La Trobe University"}, {"name": "Mitchell, William", "affiliation": "La Trobe University"}, {"name": "Boulton, Rebecca", "affiliation": "University of Adelaide"}, {"name": "Radford, James", "affiliation": "La Trobe University"}], "keywords": ["N-mixture model", "Australia", "Critical Habitat", "Fire management", "Fire ecology", "mallee", "Occupancy Modelling", "Population size", "semi-arid", "threatened species"], "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "10.5061/dryad.c59zw3rgg", "relation": "isDerivedFrom", "scheme": "doi"}], "resource_type": {"title": "Other", "type": "other"}, "license": {"id": "cc-by-4.0"}, "communities": [{"id": "dryad"}], "relations": {"version": [{"index": 0, "is_last": true, "parent": {"pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "14192454"}}]}, "notes": "<p>Funding provided by: Mallee Catchment Management Authority*<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: <br>Award Number: </p><p>Funding provided by: Australian Government<br>ROR ID:<br>Award Number: </p><p>Funding provided by: Zoos Victoria<br>ROR ID:<br>Award Number: </p><p>Funding provided by: Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board*<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: <br>Award Number: </p><p>Funding provided by: Department for Water and Environment, South Australia*<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: <br>Award Number: </p><p>Funding provided by: National Landcare Program<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: <br>Award Number: </p><p>Funding provided by: La Trobe University<br>ROR ID:<br>Award Number: </p>", "method": "<p>This DOI comprises all the data required to run the N-Mixture models for each of the target species. It is also formatted for this purpose, with separate files for Bird observations, site covariates (e.g. fire-age, elevation) and observation covariates (e.g. wind, time of day). Details of data collection method are below:\u00a0</p>\n<p><em>Site selection\u00a0</em></p>\n<p>We randomly sampled 660 sites (25 ha each; 410 x 610 m), stratified according to fire-age (years since fire) and fire type (planned burn or wildfire). Through stratification we attempted to balance the dataset by maximising the number of sites in uncommon fire-age classes and in planned burns, which were scarce compared to wildfires. All sites were separated by &gt; 1 km. Sites were arranged in 'sets' of three so that a single surveyor could complete one set per day. At least one site per set was within 1 km of the nearest track.</p>\n<p><em>Survey method </em></p>\n<p>From May to October 2022, we conducted 1,346 surveys (2,692 hrs covering 33,650 ha). To achieve this survey effort, we conducted 10 trips (9 days each, 4-10 people per trip). In total there were 57 surveyors, 54 of whom were volunteers. To account for inter-observer variability, we rated the experience level of all surveyors and incorporated this into analyses.</p>\n<p>Each surveyor surveyed one set of three sites per day. Surveys started 40 minutes before dawn (\u00b1 15 mins), resulting in three distinct survey periods labelled 'dawn', 'mid-morning' and 'noon'. Sites were surveyed 2.04 times on average (once: 45 sites; twice: 545 sites; three times: 70 sites). Repeat surveys of the same site were conducted on consecutive days. The order in which sites were visited was reversed for each repeat survey day.</p>\n<p>Surveys consisted of a single person conducting a 2 hr area search, walking 1,500-2,500 m per survey and recording counts (abundance) of each target species. To manage surveying such large sites, surveys were broken up into six consecutive 20 minute survey bouts, covering adjacent ~4 ha cells (~200 x 200 m). The data from the six survey bouts was combined at the end of each survey to form the site survey data. Each site was also given a 5 m buffer on all sides, so that birds recorded exactly on the boundary were counted as occurring within the site, so for analysis, sites were 410 x 610 m i.e., ~25 ha. Survey bouts began when the surveyor entered the cell. The surveyor then conducted a 7 minute meandering area search on the way to the centre point (~200 m). At all times the surveyor was free to wander throughout the cell to search for birds and confirm bird species identities and abundances. At the centre-point of each cell, the surveyor conducted playback for eight of the ten target species (20 seconds per species, 20 second gap between species). The Crested Bellbird and Black-eared Miner were excluded from playback because it is ineffective for the Crested Bellbird, and playback of the Black-eared Miner can negatively affect detectability of other species due to its interspecific aggression (MF Clarke pers. comm.). The playback process at the centre point of each cell took ~6 minutes. This included time required to take site photos, record wind speed, take general notes and identify any birds detected. The surveyor then conducted another 7 minute meandering area search on the way to the cell boundary where that survey bout ended (also ~200 m).</p>\n<p>Detecting birds through their calls is the most common form of detection for the target species. After initial detection by call, surveyors attempted to sight birds to confirm numbers. If a bird was heard in the 25 ha site but in an adjacent cell (i.e., not the cell currently being surveyed), the surveyor still recorded that individual as in the 25 ha site. Surveyors took great care to avoid double-counting birds in site surveys, using information relating to bird species mobility, direction and time of previous detection and movement of the surveyor in that time. We did not use external speakers to amplify playback because we wanted to minimise the risk of 'calling birds in' from outside the site, leading to inflated estimates of bird abundance (K\u00e9ry &amp; Royle 2015). We continued surveys in light rain. In moderate-heavy rain we paused surveys and waited for them to pass. In moderate-heavy and consistent rain we cancelled surveys for that day.</p>\n<p><em>Covariates</em></p>\n<p>We used abundance covariates (i.e. representing the environment at sites) and detection covariates (i.e. representing survey conditions). We used eight abundance covariates that were hypothesised to affect the occurrence and abundance of the target species. We only used abundance covariates that had associated spatial data because we aimed to extrapolate model predictions to estimate abundance across the entire study area. We transformed the spatial data for each abundance covariate to generate a single value for each 25 ha site (e.g. using the mean value for the site).</p>\n<p>We used detection covariates to account for factors affecting detectability of species during surveys. Detection covariates were: <em>Observer Skill</em> (ordinal: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert; classified by the lead author), <em>Time Of Day</em> (ordinal: Dawn, Mid-Morning or Noon), <em>Season</em> (continuous numeric: Month of the Year: 5-10 corresponding to May-October) and <em>Wind Speed</em> (continuous numeric: scored on a qualitative scale but calibrated between observers during a workshop at the start of each trip: None = 0, Slight = 1, Breezy = 2, Gusty = 3, Strong Winds = 4, Gale = 5).\u00a0</p>"}, "title": "Benefits of modelling abundance for rare species conservation: a case study with multiple birds across one million hectares", "links": {"self": "", "self_html": "", "doi": "", "self_doi": "", "self_doi_html": "", "parent": "", "parent_html": "", "parent_doi": "", "parent_doi_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "files": "", "media_files": "", "archive": "", "archive_media": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "versions": "", "draft": "", "reserve_doi": "", "access_links": "", "access_grants": "", "access_users": "", "access_request": "", "access": "", "communities": "", "communities-suggestions": "", "requests": ""}, "updated": "2024-11-22T23:23:58.428911+00:00", "recid": "14192455", "revision": 5, "files": [{"id": "74e48930-c499-4e19-ba57-c07bf51ad598", "key": "Description_of_abundance_covariates_used_in_this_study.docx", "size": 16936, "checksum": "md5:74f0bdbc4311c8b690654d313221c6cb", "links": {"self": ""}}], "owners": [{"id": "90070"}], "status": "published", "stats": {"downloads": 0, "unique_downloads": 0, "views": 0, "unique_views": 0, "version_downloads": 0, "version_unique_downloads": 0, "version_unique_views": 0, "version_views": 0}, "state": "done", "submitted": true}, {"created": "2024-11-22T23:22:13.872716+00:00", "modified": "2024-11-22T23:22:14.054734+00:00", "id": 14207547, "conceptrecid": "14207546", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207547", "conceptdoi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207546", "doi_url": "", "metadata": {"title": "L'intertextualit\u00e9 dans Biblindex", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207547", "publication_date": "2024-11-23", "description": "<p>Description des recherches sur l'intertextualit&eacute; effectu&eacute;es dans le projet Biblindex de 2012 &agrave; 2020.</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Mellerin, Laurence", "affiliation": "CNRS", "orcid": "0000-0002-0989-4894"}], "dates": [{"type": "accepted"}], "language": "fra", "resource_type": {"title": "Presentation", "type": "presentation"}, "license": {"id": "cc-by-4.0"}, "grants": [{"code": "ANR-21-ESRE-0005", "internal_id": "10.13039/501100001665::ANR-21-ESRE-0005", "funder": {"name": "Agence Nationale de la Recherche", "doi": "10.13039/501100001665", "acronym": "ANR"}, "title": "Equipex+ Biblissima+", "url": ""}, {"code": "ANR-10-BLAN-2001", "internal_id": "10.13039/501100001665::ANR-10-BLAN-2001", "funder": {"name": "Agence Nationale de la Recherche", "doi": "10.13039/501100001665", "acronym": "ANR"}, "title": "Biblindex", "url": ""}], "communities": [{"id": "biblindex"}, {"id": "biblissima-cluster7"}], "relations": {"version": [{"index": 0, "is_last": true, "parent": {"pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "14207546"}}]}}, "title": "L'intertextualit\u00e9 dans Biblindex", "links": {"self": "", "self_html": "", "doi": "", "self_doi": "", "self_doi_html": "", "parent": "", "parent_html": "", "parent_doi": "", "parent_doi_html": "", "self_iiif_manifest": "", "self_iiif_sequence": "", "files": "", "media_files": "", "thumbnails": {"10": "^10,/0/default.jpg", "50": "^50,/0/default.jpg", "100": "^100,/0/default.jpg", "250": "^250,/0/default.jpg", "750": "^750,/0/default.jpg", "1200": "^1200,/0/default.jpg"}, "archive": "", "archive_media": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "", "versions": "", "draft": "", "reserve_doi": "", "access_links": "", "access_grants": "", "access_users": "", "access_request": "", "access": "", "communities": "", "communities-suggestions": "", "requests": ""}, "updated": "2024-11-22T23:22:14.054734+00:00", "recid": "14207547", "revision": 4, "files": [{"id": "2019b045-c2c2-4bb7-a84f-bf3e47a0ac22", "key": "MELLERIN_intertextualite_BiblIndex_2024.11.21.pdf", "size": 2271986, "checksum": "md5:4e7c8d458b5d69f9bc55aa8f9c5d8539", "links": {"self": ""}}], "owners": [{"id": "304173"}], "status": "published", "stats": {"downloads": 0, "unique_downloads": 0, "views": 0, "unique_views": 0, "version_downloads": 0, "version_unique_downloads": 0, "version_unique_views": 0, "version_views": 0}, "state": "done", "submitted": true}, {"created": "2024-11-22T23:20:43.017374+00:00", "modified": "2024-11-22T23:32:53.485539+00:00", "id": 14207541, "conceptrecid": "14207540", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207541", "conceptdoi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207540", "doi_url": "", "metadata": {"title": "Monumentalno u delu Bo\u017ee Ili\u0107a", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207541", "publication_date": "2023", "description": "<p><span>Starting from the premise that the painting of Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107 is a priori classified as social realism, then considering other perspectives and searching for the deeper layers of his opus, we are opening a discussion about redefining and revaluing it. It is necessary to define and classify the opus of this artist in a manner that penetrates the essence of the artistic and psychological values of his artwork, not solely political or utilitarian models. </span></p>\n<p><span>This paper offers a detailed analysis of some of his significant works of art and compares him with other authors of the earlier epochs, occasionally with the artwork of his contemporaries and with<span> </span>the later artwork of the said author. To this point regarded as a social realist, the paintings of Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107 having marked the period of his rise and acceptance by critics and the audience were analyzed in great detail in terms of his artistic value and layers of his work. We compared him with his Romanticist role models, indirectly concluding that by elevating the paintings of Romanticists and Realists, he brought forward his painting type that displayed an emotional charge of Romanticism, with simplified construction and the clarity of a monumental work. For his lesser-known paintings and mosaic analysis, the historiographical method <span>was used</span> as well as statements and claims of his contemporaries who had witnessed the execution of these art pieces, along with the archive records of the National Museum of Toplica. In a brief review of the late period of artwork of Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107 in \u017ditni Potok, we analyzed common phenomena in paintings that are small or medium in size, nonetheless, in clarity of composition, broad gesture, local tone, and refined palette, they hint at aspiration towards monumentality. We perused the archive of the Gallery of Contemporary Fine Arts Ni</span><span>&scaron;,</span><span> and excerpts from correspondence between the artist and his contemporaries and institutions to gain insight into the tangible material limitations due to which the artist, previously clearly leaning towards monumental compositions, reduced his expression to an Expressionist approach and smaller-format paintings; more precisely, painting of Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107 altered due to the more modest living conditions. </span></p>\n<p><span>Pondering that written material on both the monumental aspect of the most famous artwork of this artist and captivating mosaics is insufficient, this paper aspires to be a contribution to the more comprehensive interpretation of the opus of Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107 within Yugoslav or, more precisely, Serbian art of the second half of the 20th century. The distinct compositions and superb synchronization between emotions, ideas, and the visual language of the paintings, largely contributed to the creation of a monumental representation of the communist social system myth he had been serving with his talent. However, if we disregard the political connotation and the specific historical moment of their making, these compositions, even outside the previous classifications, remain exceptional and valuable in terms of artistic interpretation, feelings, and the universally humane message. With his sincerity and enthusiasm of creation, out of which these pieces originated and with work and life energy permeating the monumental mosaic compositions, this painter of the modest background yet exceptional achievements, contributed to establishing social realism in our art, only to surpass it <span>with </span>his authenticity, sincerity, expressive force, and striving towards monumentality. Having analyzed and reinterpreted the paintings we know of thus far as well as the lesser-known mosaics of Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107, we came to a more comprehensive view of the two periods (rise and fall) of the artist, and we were able to establish a pervasive model of the monumental content representation, which, with paintings, lead to the rise of the painted myth of the period of their making, or, with mosaics</span><span> &ndash;</span><span> of pastoral peace of the timeless continuity. </span></p>\n<p><span>Considering all aspects of his artwork, we gain insight into Bo\u017ea Ili\u0107 as an author who uncommonly connected Romanticist and Expressionist artistic manifestation with the monumentality of his most significant works of art.<span>&nbsp; </span></span></p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Virijevic Mitrovic, Vera", "affiliation": "Academy of Applied Technical and Preschool Studies", "orcid": "0009-0000-3286-6827"}], "resource_type": {"title": "Journal 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Identity, family, and equality", "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.14207535", "publication_date": "2024-11-22", "description": "<p>&nbsp;Surname change for women in Britain remains the norm for those entering mixed-sex marriages. A range of sociological literature considers the implications of this for equality and social change (e.g. Thwaites, 2016; Pilcher, 2017; Carter and Duncan, 2018). Yet naming is more complex for same-sex couples formalising their relationships, where there is no established pattern or social norm, other than the heteronormative one (Clarke et al., 2008). In this paper, we consider the surname preferences of women in mixed sex relationships considering, planning, or having had, a civil partnership. These women are an interesting case study since they have rejected traditional marriage, and yet still have the option to follow heteronormative naming practices. In this paper we draw on qualitative interview data from 15 women (and their partners) from the UK in 2020-21. We explore how surnames were understood, finding that they more closely resembled same-sex couples than married mixed-sex couples in their rejection of heteronormativity and patriarchal traditions, including women&rsquo;s surname change on marriage. Alongside the rejection of &lsquo;patriarchal&rsquo; surname change, women expressed a desire to retain their own names- and by extension their individual identity. Yet, in considering identity and family, some complexity was added to accounts of those considering (future or current) children. In these cases, the potential for creating a shared family identity provoked a challenge to the overwhelming rejection of name-change. Ultimately, identity, family, and equality played a part in their naming decisions, and for many, this offered a freedom in opposition to traditional marriage. 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du coup, les organisations publiques se trouvent oblig&eacute;es de mani&egrave;re permanente, de faire recours aux outils lui permettant d&rsquo;assurer, une meilleure gestion et gouvernance de celles-ci. 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The formulation of these realities has been undermined by the legacy of apartheid and colonialism, which have complicated the evolution of legislation and language in South Africa. Language and the legal system are inextricably linked, and discriminatory practices against women are still prevalent today. The objective of the article is to demonstrate the overt and covert oppression of African women by language and law. It will examine the stereotypical roles that women frequently assume in society (wife, mother, and daughter) in relation to the laws that govern naming practices. Our discussion will consider the Birth and Death Registrations Act 51 of 1992, the Children&rsquo;s Act 38 of 2005, and the Civil Union Act 17 of 2006 in terms of their naming practices and their consequences for women. 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'.json' config file: this is the file that was used by Segmentation Gym* to create the weights file. It contains instructions for how to make the model and the data it used, as well as instructions for how to use the model for prediction. It is a handy wee thing and mastering it means mastering the entire Doodleverse.</p>\n<p>2. '.h5' weights file: this is the file that was created by the Segmentation Gym* function ``. It contains the trained model's parameter weights. It can called by the Segmentation Gym* function &nbsp;``. Models may be ensembled.</p>\n<p>3. '_modelcard.json' model card file: this is a json file containing fields that collectively describe the model origins, training choices, and dataset that the model is based upon. There is some redundancy between this file and the `config` file (described above) that contains the instructions for the model training and implementation. The model card file is not used by the program but is important metadata so it is important to keep with the other files that collectively make the model and is such is considered part of the model</p>\n<p>4. '_model_history.npz' model training history file: this numpy archive file contains numpy arrays describing the training and validation losses and metrics. It is created by the Segmentation Gym function ``</p>\n<p>5. '.png' model training loss and mean IoU plot: this png file contains plots of training and validation losses and mean IoU scores during model training. A subset of data inside the .npz file. It is created by the Segmentation Gym function ``</p>\n<p>6. '.csv' model training and validation statistics per validation and training sample, and per class. F1 score, Precision, Recall, mean IoU, Overall Accuracy, frequency weighted IoU, and Matthews Correlation Coefficient metrics are provided.</p>\n<p>Additionally, BEST_MODEL.txt contains the name of the model with the best validation loss and mean IoU. The zipped folders contain example training and validation model outputs.</p>\n<p>This is an UPGRADES and improves upon</p>\n<p>See for more information about how these models are used</p>\n<p>References</p>\n<p>*Segmentation Gym: Buscombe, D., &amp; Goldstein, E. B. (2022). A reproducible and reusable pipeline for segmentation of geoscientific imagery. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002332. See:</p>\n<p>*Over, J. S. R., Ritchie, A. C., Kranenburg, C. J., Brown, J. A., Buscombe, D. D., Noble, T., ... &amp; Wernette, P. A. (2021). Processing coastal imagery with Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition, version 1.6&mdash;Structure from motion workflow documentation (No. 2021-1039). US Geological Survey.</p>", "access_right": "open", "creators": [{"name": "Buscombe, Daniel", "affiliation": "Marda Science LLC", "orcid": "0000-0001-6217-5584"}], "keywords": ["The Doodleverse", "segformer", "SfM photogrammetry", "aerial imagery", "coastal imagery", "watermasking"], "related_identifiers": [{"identifier": "", "relation": "obsoletes", "resource_type": "model", "scheme": "other"}], "version": "v1.0", "references": ["Buscombe, D., & Goldstein, E. B. (2022). A reproducible and reusable pipeline for segmentation of geoscientific imagery. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002332.\u00a0\u00a0See:\u00a0", "Over, J. S. R., Ritchie, A. C., Kranenburg, C. J., Brown, J. A., Buscombe, D. D., Noble, T., ... & Wernette, P. A. (2021). Processing coastal imagery with Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition, version 1.6\u2014Structure from motion workflow documentation (No. 2021-1039). 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Se realiz&oacute; una revisi&oacute;n sistem&aacute;tica de la literatura, abarcando investigaciones publicadas entre 2019 y 2024 que analizan la evaluaci&oacute;n de instrumentos de medici&oacute;n en diversos campos del conocimiento. Los estudios seleccionados fueron evaluados cualitativa y cuantitativamente, utilizando el enfoque PRISMA para garantizar la rigurosidad metodol&oacute;gica y la transparencia en el proceso de revisi&oacute;n. La validez del constructo y la fiabilidad interna son esenciales para asegurar que los instrumentos de medici&oacute;n cumplan su prop&oacute;sito en el contexto de la investigaci&oacute;n. Se destac&oacute; la importancia de la validaci&oacute;n externa y la replicaci&oacute;n de estudios en diferentes contextos para generalizar los hallazgos obtenidos, lo que contribuye a la robustez de los resultados. 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