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This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect when you use our websites, mobile applications and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) or when you otherwise interact with us, including when you attend events hosted or attended by Informatica, contact us for customer support or visit our premises, facilities or offices (collectively, our “Facilities”). This Privacy Policy does not apply to the information processed by Informatica about its employees or job applicants, which is governed by a separate personnel privacy notice, or to information processed by Informatica on behalf of its customers via the Services, as further described in Informatica’s data processing agreement available on the Informatica Legal Information Website at:</p> <p>We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the policy and, in some cases, we may provide you with additional notice (such as by adding a statement to our website homepages or sending you an email notification) or otherwise seek additional consent in accordance with applicable law. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access the Services to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy.</p> <p><a id="two"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Collection of Information</h2> <h3>Information You Provide to Us</h3> <p>We collect information you provide directly to us. For example, we collect information when you create an account (including a product user account), participate in interactive features of the Services, fill out a form, participate in a contest, promotion or survey, register for or attend an event or course, make a purchase, request customer support, or otherwise communicate with us. The types of information you may choose to provide include your name, email address, postal address, phone number, fax number, payment information, gender, and information about your company and current position.</p> <h3>Information We Collect Automatically When You Use the Services</h3> <p>When you access or use our Services, we automatically collect some or all of the following information about you:</p> <ul> <li>Log Information: We log information about your use of the Services, including the type of browser you use, access times, pages viewed, your IP address and the page you visited before navigating to our Services.</li> <li>Device Information: We collect information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our Services, including the hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers and mobile network information.</li> <li>Location Information: We derive your approximate location based on your IP address. We also collect your precise location each time you access or use one of our mobile applications. We collect this information in accordance with the permission process established by your mobile device operating system. If you want to later opt out of this collection, please see “Your Choices” below.</li> <li>Product Usage Information: When you use our enterprise products and services on behalf of your organization, we collect information about your device and your use of those products and services, including the device IP address, login credentials, time zone, error messages, product interactions and configurations and other similar usage information.</li> <li>Information Collected by Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: We use various technologies to collect information, including anonymized screen captures of Your navigation with our websites, and this includes sending cookies to your computer or mobile device. For more information about cookies, and how to disable them, please see our Cookie Policy at <u><a href=""></a></u>.</li> <li>Inferences: We draw inferences about you from information we collect, such as your interest in particular products or services based on the pages you visit on our website.</li> </ul> <h3>Information We Collect from Other Sources</h3> <p>We also obtain information from other sources and combine that with information we collect about you. For example, if you connect an Informatica account with your social media account, we may have access to certain information from the company that owns or operates the social media account in accordance with the authorization procedures determined by such social media company. Informatica may also receive information about you, the company you may work for and your approximate location from data enrichment service providers, advertising and marketing partners, public databases, and social media platforms. Additionally, Informatica receives information about you from other third parties who you have authorized to share your information, or who collect information in connection with co-branded offerings.</p> <h3>Information We Collect at Our Facilities</h3> <p>If you visit our Facilities, the video security cameras we use to help protect our employees, visitors, and property may record digital images of you, and we may collect information from you to enable us to identify you for security purposes.</p> <p><a id="three"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Use of Information</h2> <p>We use information about you for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>Provide, maintain and improve our Services;</li> <li>Provide and deliver the products and services you request, process transactions and send you related information, including confirmations and invoices;</li> <li>Send you technical notices, updates, security alerts and support and administrative messages;</li> <li>Respond to your comments, questions and requests, and provide customer service;</li> <li>Communicate with you about products, services, offers, promotions, rewards, and events offered by Informatica and others, and provide news and information we think will be of interest to you;</li> <li>Monitor and analyze trends, usage and activities in connection with our Services;</li> <li>Personalize and improve the Services and provide advertisements, content or features that match user profiles or interests;</li> <li>Help prevent unauthorized access to our Facilities, secure property and information, protect the health and safety of our personnel and visitors, and detect and prevent criminal behavior or misconduct;</li> <li>Comply with our legal obligations; and</li> <li>Process and deliver contest entries and rewards.</li> </ul> <p><a id="four"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Sharing of Information</h2> <p>We share information about you as follows or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. See “Your Rights to Information about Sharing” below for more information about this sharing.:</p> <ul> <li>With your consent or at your direction, including with third parties who participate in an Informatica joint marketing campaign, seminar, marketplace product offering or other joint product, service or event, and/or with distributors and resellers of Informatica products and services or with sellers of products and services complementary to Informatica products and services, for their sales and marketing purposes.</li> <li>With vendors, consultants and other service providers to perform services for us, including payment processors, data enrichments service providers and analytics service providers. Google Analytics, one such analytics service provider, processes data as described at <u><a href=""></a></u>; Some Services are protected by reCAPTCHA, for which the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> apply;</li> <li>If required by applicable law, regulation or legal process, including in connection with lawful requests by law enforcement, national security, or other public authorities;</li> <li>To protect the rights, property and safety of Informatica or others;</li> <li>With enterprise customers on whose behalf you use our Services, e.g., as an employee;</li> <li>In connection with the merger or sale of all or a portion of our business to another company; and</li> </ul> <p>We also share aggregated or de-identified information, which cannot reasonably be used to identify you.</p> <p><a id="five"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Social Sharing Features</h2> <p>The Services may offer social sharing features and other integrated tools (such as the Facebook “Like” button), which let you share actions you take on our Services with other media and vice versa. The use of such features enables the sharing of information with your friends or the public, depending on the settings you establish with the entity that provides the social sharing feature. For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy policies of the entities that provide these features.</p> <p><a id="six"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Advertising and Analytics Services Provided by Others</h2> <p>We allow others to serve advertisements on our behalf across the Internet and to provide analytics services on our behalf. These entities use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to collect information about your use of the Services and other websites, including your IP address, web browser, pages viewed, time spent on pages, links clicked and conversion information. This information is used by Informatica and these entities to analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, deliver advertising and content targeted to your interests on our Services and other websites, and better understand your online activity. You may control the application of third-party analytics and advertising cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies through the cookie preferences manager available here: <u><a href=""></a></u>. For more information about cookies, including how you may be able to opt out of interest-based ads, please see our Cookie Policy at <u><a href=""></a></u>.</p> <p><a id="seven"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Transfer of Information</h2> <p>Informatica processes information in the United States and other countries. Accordingly, we and our service providers may transfer your information to, or store or access it in, jurisdictions that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as your home jurisdiction. We will take steps to ensure that your personal data receives an adequate level of protection in the jurisdictions in which we process it. For instance, data transferred from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) to Informatica LLC and its subsidiaries in the United States will be processed pursuant to appropriate safeguards, including the European Commission-approved Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure an adequate level of protection. Copies of the Standard Contractual Clauses we use to facilitate the transfer of data outside the EEA are available <u><a href="">here</a></u> and <u><a href="">here</a></u>.</p> <p><a id="8"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Residents in the European Economic Area<b></b></h2> <p>If we collect your personal data while you are located in the EEA, you have certain rights and protections under the law regarding the processing of this personal data. Please see the sections below for more details.</p> <h3>Controllers<b></b></h3> <p>Informatica Ireland EMEA UC and Informatica LLC are co-controllers of the personal data collected about you.</p> <h3>Legal Basis for Processing<b></b></h3> <p>When we process this personal data, we will only do so in the following situations:</p> <ul> <li>We need to use your personal data to perform our responsibilities under our contract with you (e.g., processing payments for and providing our services you have requested).</li> <li>We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data. For example, we process the personal data we collect from you to send you marketing communications, to communicate with you about changes to our Services, to enhance the safety and security of our Facilities, and to provide, secure, and improve our Services.</li> <li>If we request your consent to a specific processing activity, and you provide your consent in the manner indicated.</li> <li>In some cases, processing will be necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, such as response to legal process requests.</li> </ul> <h3>Data Subject Requests for EU and EEA Residents<b></b></h3> <p>If you are in the EEA, you have the right to access personal data we hold about you and to ask that your personal data be corrected. In certain cases, you may also have the right to request that we erase data we are processing or to restrict or object to certain of our processing activities. You may also have the right to request that we provide the personal data you have provided us in a portable form for transmission to another controller’s service. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, you may contact us as indicated in the “Contact Us” section below.</p> <h3>Questions or Complaints<b></b></h3> <p>If you are in the EEA and have a concern about our processing of personal data that we are not able to resolve, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority where you reside. For contact details of your local Data Protection Authority, please see: <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <h3>EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework<b></b></h3> <p>Informatica LLC and its US subsidiaries comply with the EU- U.S. Privacy Shield Framework Principles (“Privacy Shield Principles”) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding collection, use, and retention of personal data transferred from the European Union and the United Kingdom, as applicable (collectively, “EU Data”) to the United States in reliance on the Privacy Shield Principles. Although Informatica no longer transfers EU Data under the Privacy Shield, Informatica has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles with respect to such EU Data. If there is any conflict between the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. For more information about the Privacy Shield program , and to view our certification, please visit the Department of Commerce’s <u><a href="">Privacy Shield website</a></u>.</p> <p>Please direct any inquiries or complaints regarding our compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles to the point of contact listed in the “Contact Us” section below. If Informatica does not resolve your complaint, you may submit your complaint free of charge for resolution to JAMS, Informatica’s designated independent Privacy Shield dispute resolution provider, at <u><a href=""></a></u>. Under certain conditions specified by the Privacy Shield Principles, you may also be able to invoke binding arbitration to resolve your complaint. Informatica is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission. If Informatica shares EU Data with a third-party service provider that processes the data solely on Informatica’s behalf, then Informatica may be held liable for that third party’s processing of EU Data in violation of the Privacy Shield Principles, unless Informatica can prove that it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.</p> <p><a id="9"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">California Residents</h2> <p>Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), you have specific rights regarding your personal information if you are a California resident (“Consumer”) as further described in this section.</p> <h3>Personal Information We Collect<b></b></h3> <p>Subject to certain limitations and exceptions, you have the right to know what personal information is being collected, disclosed, used, or sold by Informatica. We may collect certain types of personal information from you as described in the Collection of Information section above in connection with services and marketing that we provide. Specifically, within the last twelve (12) months, we have collected the following categories of personal information from Consumers (the “Collected Categories”):</p> <ul> <li>Identifiers such as your real name, alias, postal address, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, and email address.</li> <li>Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)) including name, signature, address, telephone number, employment, or employment history (some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories).</li> <li>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as age, gender, and disability.</li> <li>Commercial information such as records of products or services purchased or considered</li> <li>Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as search history and interaction with our websites, applications, or advertisements.</li> <li>Geolocation data, such as the physical location of you or your device.</li> <li>Electronic, visual, or other similar information, such as photos, videos, or webcasts from events.</li> <li>Professional or employment related information, such as current or past employment status and job role.</li> <li>Inferences drawn from the personal information above reflecting your preferences, characteristics, and behavior.</li> </ul> <p>To learn more about the sources from which we collect those categories of personal information and the business purposes for which we collect them, see the Collection of Information and Use of Information sections above. We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.</p> <h3>Personal Information We Disclose and Sell</h3> <p>We may share your personal information with a third party for a business purpose as specified in the Sharing of Information sections above. Specifically, in the past twelve (12) months, we have shared or disclosed each of the Collected Categories of personal information above.</p> <p>We may share the Collected Categories of personal information above with the following third parties for a business purpose:</p> <ul> <li>Our Affiliates</li> <li>Service providers, including for data analytics, marketing, and advertising our Services to you</li> <li>Third parties integrated into our Services</li> <li>Third parties as required by law</li> <li>Third parties in connection with a merger, sale, or asset transfer</li> <li>Other third parties to whom you or your agents authorize us to disclose your personal information in connection with Services we provide to you.</li> </ul> <p>In the past twelve months, we have shared identifiers, commercial Information, internet activity information, and geolocation data to third party companies such as data enrichment services and analytics providers, using advertising technology or cookies which may be considered a “sale” under the CCPA for the purposes of delivering advertising and content targeted to your interests and enhancing your online experience. Except for the foregoing, Informatica otherwise does not sell any personal information, including any personal information of any minor children under the age of 16.</p> <h3>Your Consumer Rights Under the CCPA<b></b></h3> <p>Subject to certain limitations and exceptions, you have the right to request that Informatica disclose information to you regarding our collection and use of your personal information at present and in the past twelve (12) months, including the categories and specific pieces of personal information we collected, used, sold or disclosed. You may have the right to request that we delete your personal information that we have collected, subject to certain exceptions. You have the right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information and may do so by clicking “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” on the Informatica website.</p> <h3>How to Submit a Request for Access or Deletion<b></b></h3> <p>If you would like more information or would like to submit a privacy-related request described above, you may do so by:</p> <ul> <li>Completing <u><a href="">this online form</a></u>;</li> <li>Emailing Us at <u><a href=""></a></u> describing the general nature of your request; or</li> </ul> <p>Calling Us at this toll-free phone number: 888-531-0162</p> <h3>Verification of Request<b></b></h3> <p>Once you submit a request using one of the methods above, we will verify your personal identity based on the information we receive from you. Typically, we may ask business contacts for full name, email address, physical address or phone number. If you are contacting us from an email address not on file, we may ask for at least one other data point we already hold (such as an Informatica event you attended). Depending on data we have on file or other circumstances, we may ask for more or different information. You can also designate an authorized agent to exercise these rights on your behalf, who may do so through the methods described in How to Submit a Request for Access or Deletion above, but we will require proof that the person is authorized to act on your behalf and may also still ask you to verify your identity with us directly. You may also make a privacy request on behalf of your minor child.</p> <p>We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or that you have the authority to request the personal information. We will use personal information provided in a request only to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make the request.</p> <h3>Non-Discrimination<b></b></h3> <p>We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA.</p> <h3>Notice of Financial Incentive<b></b></h3> <p>From time to time, We may offer rewards program(s), raffles, or other promotions during which you may provide personal information in exchange for rewards points, prizes, or other items which may constitute a financial incentive under the CCPA, the amount or nature of which will be specified in the terms and conditions provided for each promotion at the time the personal information is submitted. You may opt into the financial incentive by submitting your personal information. You may opt-out of the financial incentive at any time by: (i) refraining from submitting personal information, (ii) following the method for withdrawing your personal information as described in the promotion terms and conditions, or (iii) submitting a request at</p> <p>Each financial incentive related to submission and use of personal information is based upon our reasonable good faith estimate of the value of such information, which takes into consideration various factors such as anticipated revenue generated, anticipated expenses incurred for the collection, storage, and use of such information, and other relevant factors related to the estimated value of such personal information to our business, as permitted under the CCPA.</p> <p><a id="9b"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Brazil Data Subjects</h2> <p>Data subjects under the Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD), subject to certain limitations and exceptions, have the right to obtain the following from Informatica: facilitated access to information concerning the processing of their data, confirmation of the existence of the processing, access to the data; correction of incomplete, inaccurate or out-of-date data; anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary or excessive data or data processed in noncompliance with the provisions of the LGPD; portability of the data to another service or product provider; deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject; information about public and private entities with which Informatica has shared data, information about the possibility of denying consent and the consequences of such denial; and revocation of consent. Data subjects may exercise these rights or file a complaint or question by completing <u><a href="">this online form</a></u>, by emailing us at <u><a href=""></a></u>, by contacting Informatica’s data protection officer for Brazil under the LGPD Carla Pinheiro (<a href=""></a>) or by contacting us at the controller’s address below. You can also file a complaint with Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) through its official channels.</p> <p>For information on the personal data collected and how that data is collected, used and shared, see the Collection of Information, Use of Information, and Sharing of Information sections above. Any agents with whom the data are shared are contractually bound to use the data to perform the obligations and provide the services and/or deliverables under their agreement with Informatica and to implement, maintain and monitor appropriate administrative, technical and organizational safeguards for that data consistent with the requirements of LGPD. Transfer of data subjects’ personal data outside Brazil is performed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the LGPD.</p> <p>The co-controller of the personal data collected and processed through data subjects’ interaction with Informatica Services and Facilities is:</p> <p>IS INFORMATICA SOFTWARE LTDA. (the co-controller with Informatica LLC)<br /> Av. Das Nações Unidas, 12901 - 3º.<br /> Andar – Torre Norte - Brooklin Novo<br /> 04578-000 - São Paulo, SP<br /> Tel.: 0800-878-3060<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p><a id="10"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Data Retention</h2> <p>We store this personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which we originally collected it. We may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes or as required by law.</p> <p><a id="11"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Choices and Means to Control Your Personal Data</h2> <p>You may limit use and disclosure of your personal data as described below.</p> <h3>Cookies and Tracking Technologies</h3> <p>You may control the application of, or opt out from the use of, third-party analytics and advertising cookies and technology tracking that may collect personal data by means of the cookie preferences manager available here: <u><a href=""></a></u>.</p> <h3>Access and Other Data Subject Rights</h3> <p>You may request a copy of the personal data Informatica holds about you, correction of the data, deletion of the data, and/or restriction of the data in accordance with the rights in your jurisdiction by submitting your request through <u><a href="">our online request form</a></u>, or by emailing us at <u><a href=""></a></u>, or by contacting us at the address in the “Contact Us” section below.</p> <h3>Account Information</h3> <p>If you have registered for an account via our Services, you may update, correct or delete your account information by logging into your online account.</p> <h3>Location Information</h3> <p>Some of our mobile applications collect precise geolocation information from your mobile device. Prior to collecting such information, you will be asked to consent to the application’s collection of this information. If you initially consent to our collection of location information, you may be able to subsequently stop the collection of this information through your device operating system settings. You may also stop our collection of location information by following the standard uninstall process to remove our mobile applications from your device.</p> <h3>Promotional Communications</h3> <p>You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from Informatica by following the instructions provided in those communications or by managing your email preferences at <u><a href=""></a></u>. Please note that if you opt out of receiving promotional communications, we may still send you transactional or relationship messages, such as those about your account or our ongoing business relations.</p> <h3>Your Rights to Information about Sharing</h3> <p>Residents of California (under California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code §1798.83)) and residents of certain international countries may request certain details, pursuant to applicable laws, about how their information is shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you are a resident of one of these jurisdictions, and would like to make such a request, please contact us by one of the methods indicated below.</p> <p><a id="12"></a> </p> <h2 style="color: rgb(255,125,0);">Contact Us</h2> <p>If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, requests regarding your personal data or complaints, or need to request a copy of this Privacy Policy in a different format to accommodate a disability, please contact us at:</p> <p>Informatica LLC<br /> Attn: Legal Head of Global Privacy<br /> 2100 Seaport Blvd<br /> Redwood City, CA 94063 U.S.A.<br /> Fax: 650-385-5500<br /> <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p>Or, if you are in the EEA:</p> <p>Informatica Ireland EMEA UC<br /> (Fifth Floor)<br /> 1 Windmill Lane<br /> SOBO District<br /> Dublin 2, Ireland<br /> <u><a href=""></a></u></p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/aem-infa-www/clientlibs/clientlib-vendor.js"></script> <div class="section"><div class="new"></div> </div><div class="iparys_inherited"><div class="footerPar iparsys parsys"><div class="ghost section"> </div> <div class="footer section"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/etc.clientlibs/aem-infa-www/components/content/footer/clientlib-footer.css" type="text/css"> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/aem-infa-www/components/content/footer/clientlib-footer.js"></script> <div> <div class="container infacom-footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 infacom-footer-content"> <picture> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="/content/dam/informatica-com/en/images/gl01/logo-informatica.svg"/> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="/content/dam/informatica-com/en/images/gl01/logo-informatica.svg"/> <img src="/content/dam/informatica-com/en/images/gl01/logo-informatica.svg" alt=""/> </picture> <p class="infacom-footer-heading"> 30 años de relaciones de confianza </p> <p class="infacom-footer-text"> Nuestros clientes son nuestra prioridad número uno, tanto en productos como en servicios y soporte. 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