Die Wochenzeitung mit taz-Blick |
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Vorlesefunktion</li> <li pos="3" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span>Mit Zukunftsteil zu Klima, Wissen & Utopien</li> <li pos="4" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span>Mit Regionalteil „Stadtland“ für alles Wichtige zwischen Dorf und Metropole</li> </ul> <p class="first paragraph last"><strong>Nach dem Probezeitraum</strong> verlängert sich das Abo zum ermäßigten Preis von derzeit 21,40 Euro/Monat. Keine Sorge: Wir geben rechtzeitig vorab Bescheid. Das Abo ist monatlich kündbar. (Preise innerhalb Deutschlands)</p> </div> <div class="price-info__wrapper mgt-small"> <span class="typo-price-large "> <p class="first paragraph last"> <strong>10 Wochen für nur</strong> <strong>10 Euro</strong> </p> </span> </div> <div class="sales_container__confirm__wrapper column mgt-auto is-6 is-flex-direction-row pt-0 pb-0 ph-0 " :class="$($el).closest('.campaign__cta_sales_dynamic_counter').length ? 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Jetzt zehn Wochen lang kennenlernen.","image":"","offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":1010,"availability":""}} </script> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-linklist_collection has-no-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline linklist_collection module-linklist_collection faq modals contains-faq " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <header class="column is-12-mobile mobile-order-1 is-12-tablet mgb-small"> <p class="headline typo-head-medium"> Häufig gestellte Fragen </p> </header> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-2"> <button data-target="modal-3r6e33gtd" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">abo</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Wann wird meine erste wochentaz ausgeliefert? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-3r6e33gtd" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Wann wird meine erste wochentaz ausgeliefert?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <ul pos="1" class="list"> <li pos="1" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span> <p>16 Bundesländer, 106 kreisfreie Städte, 294 Landkreise – und drei Druckstandorte. Die Auslieferung der taz folgt einem komplexen Zusammenspiel von taz-Vertrieb, Druckereien, Speditionen, Zustelldiensten und der Post, weshalb die Bearbeitungszeit für eine wochentaz-Bestellung im Schnitt vier Werktage beträgt.</p> </li> </ul> <ul pos="2" class="list"> <li pos="1" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span> <p>Wenn Sie bis zum Dienstag einer Woche bestellen, erhalten Sie im Regelfall noch in derselben Woche ihre erste Ausgabe. Bestellen Sie später, kommt die erste wochentaz eine Woche später das erste Mal.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Wann wird meine erste wochentaz ausgeliefert?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"16 Bundesländer, 106 kreisfreie Städte, 294 Landkreise – und drei Druckstandorte. Die Auslieferung der taz folgt einem komplexen Zusammenspiel von taz-Vertrieb, Druckereien, Speditionen, Zustelldiensten und der Post, weshalb die Bearbeitungszeit für eine wochentaz-Bestellung im Schnitt vier Werktage beträgt.\n \n \n \n \n Wenn Sie bis zum Dienstag einer Woche bestellen, erhalten Sie im Regelfall noch in derselben Woche ihre erste Ausgabe. Bestellen Sie später, kommt die erste wochentaz eine Woche später das erste Mal."}}]} </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-3"> <button data-target="modal-fojjkbloo" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">abo</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Post oder Bote – Wie wird meine taz zugestellt? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-fojjkbloo" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Post oder Bote – Wie wird meine taz zugestellt?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph last">Ihre gedruckte taz wird entweder per Post oder als Frühzustellung per Boten geliefert, abhängig von Ihrer Lieferadresse. Ob Ihre taz per Post oder Bote kommt, und mit welchem Regionalteil, erfahren Sie, wenn Sie unser Formular mit der Postleitzahl Ihrer Lieferadresse füttern.</p> </div> </div> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-12 pb-0 formFaq mobile-order-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/bulma-steps/dist/css/bulma-steps.min.css"></link> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <section class="outerwrapper has-background-background-forms has-background "> <section x-data="{isMirror: false}" class="module columns form linklist_collection module-linklist_collection is-centered " :class="isMirror === false ? 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Otherwise: cash-dom.js // comments removed. caused whyever js code break. // default : form is loaded initally, no bounty select per campaign form var formId = 'Abo_PLZ-check-lieferdienste'; var formSel = '*[data-identifier="whn64wnqm"]'; var formUrl = '/!form=Abo_PLZ-check-lieferdienste;x/'; if ( false == true ) { // console.log('search form'); // find cookie "tazsid" and extract value const regex = /tazsid=(.[^;]*)/ig; const match = regex.exec(document.cookie); const value = match !== null ? match[1] : '0'; ; formUrl = '/!arcsid=' + value + '/' }; // special case: archive (arsid=...) -- in this case complete src should be called. if (false) formUrl = formId; formUrl += '?node=1'; // campaign form is loaded AFTER bounty select from templates if (typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined' && typeof storeCampaign.formId !== ''){ formUrl = '/!form=' + storeCampaign.formId + ';x/?node=1' + storeCampaign.formActionAllParams(); formSel = '#' + storeCampaign.formId; } // begin param string. is extended later let param = marOtaz_de.isMobile() ? 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await fetchMyDocument(); async function fetchMyDocument() { try { let response = await fetch(formUrl); let toInsert = document.querySelector(formSel); toInsert.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('Fetch error:' + err); } return } */ // token from style/form-ajax.xsl (old "frontend") if (!window.filOtaz_de) window.filOtaz_de = {}; (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.Href) return; var defineProperty = undefined; if ((function(o) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { value: true }); return o.p; } catch (e) { return false; } })({})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, descriptor) { var prop = '' + prop; if (descriptor.get), prop, descriptor.get); if (descriptor.set), prop, descriptor.set); }; } var Href = filOtaz_de.Href = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Href) return arg; if (typeof arg == 'undefined') arg = ''; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = arg; if (!defineProperty) { a.getParams = proto.getParams, a.setAllParams = proto.setAllParams, a.setParams = proto.setParams; return a; } var me = this; ['href', 'protocol', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, set: function(v) { return a[name] = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); ['origin'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); this.toString = function() { return a.toString(); }; }; var proto = Href.prototype = { getParams: function(k) { if (k === undefined || k === String || k === '') return; if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) return this.getParams(Object)[k]; if (k === Array || k instanceof Array) return^[?]/, '').split('&'); if (k === Object || k instanceof Object) { var o = {}; $.each(this.getParams(Array), function(i, p) { if (!p.length) return; p = p.split('='); o[p.shift()] = p.length ? p.join('=') : true; }); return o; } }, setAllParams: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || params instanceof String) = params; else if (params instanceof Array) = params.join('&'); else if (params instanceof Object) { var a = []; $.each(params, function(k, v) { if (v === false || v === undefined) return; if (v === true) a.push(k); else a.push(k + '=' + v); }); this.setAllParams(a); } return this; }, setParams: function(param) { if (typeof param !== 'object' || param instanceof String) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Array) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Object) return this.setAllParams($.extend(this.getParams(Object), param)); }, none: null }; })(); (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.ajaxify) return; filOtaz_de.ajaxify = function(element, opt) { var asyncLoadable = new AsyncLoadable(element, opt); if (asyncLoadable instanceof AsyncLoadable) return true; }; filOtaz_de.ajaxify.get = function(url, opt) { }; var env = { haveSSL: location.protocol == 'https:', haveCORS: 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(), haveXDR: typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined" }; var allAsyncLoadables = []; var sentForm = false; var fallback = function(opt) { if (!(opt instanceof Object)) return null; var args = (opt.fallback instanceof Array) ? opt.fallback.slice() : []; args.push({}); args.reverse(); args.push(opt); return $.extend.apply($, args); } var AsyncLoadable = function(treatee, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (!opt) return undefined; opt.on = ensureObjType(opt.on, Object); if (!opt.on) return undefined; if (treatee) opt.treatee = treatee; this.opt = opt; var treatee = fallback(opt).treatee; this.jQ = $(treatee); if (!this.jQ.length) return undefined; this.domEl = this.jQ[0]; this.isForm = this.domEl instanceof HTMLFormElement; var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; if (typeof registerID == 'undefined') this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable = allAsyncLoadables.push(this) - 1; else if ((typeof registerID == 'number') && (allAsyncLoadables[registerID] instanceof AsyncLoadable)) return allAsyncLoadables[registerID]; else { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: ' + 'Something alien registered in our name.' ); return undefined; } this.url = opt.url = opt.url || this.jQ.attr('action') || fallback(opt).url || undefined; if (typeof this.url == 'undefined') { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: There is no action.'); return undefined; } this.url = new filOtaz_de.Href(this.url); this.needSSL = opt.needSSL; if (this.needSSL) { this.url.protocol = 'https'; } this.needCORS = this.needSSL && !env.haveSSL; if (this.needCORS && !env.haveCORS) { this.demandPageReload(); return; }; var me = this; this.jQ.on(this.isForm ? 'submit' : 'TAZloadAsync', function() { me.submitAsync(); return false; }); if (this.isForm) this.jQ.find(':submit[name]').click(function() { me.jQ.find('>input[name="' + + '"]').remove(); me.jQ.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + this.value + '"></input>'); }); var on = this.on = { loadable: this }; $.each(handlers, function(k, v) { on[k] = v; }); var error = this.jQ.find('.error').detach(), i = 0; if (error.length) me.block(); else return; var showErrors = function() { var e = error.eq(i); i++; if (e.length) me.showMessage(e.text(), { onConfirm: showErrors }) else { error.remove(); me.unblock(); } }; showErrors(); }; var handlers = { 0: function(data, status, xhr, message) { var loadable = this.loadable; if (loadable.opt.on.error instanceof Function) if (message) { console.log('xhr error (' + xhr.status + '), message:'); console.log(message); } loadable.showMessage( xhr.status + ' ' + (xhr.statusText || message), { title: 'Übertragungsfehler', slide: true, onConfirm: function() { loadable.flying = false; if (loadable.isForm) sentForm = false; if (loadable.opt.on.errAck instanceof Function) loadable.opt.on.errAck(loadable.jQ); } } ); }, 201: function(data, status, xhr) { if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); }, 200: function(data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''; if (-1 < type.indexOf('html')) { data = $('<div></div>').append($(xhr.responseText)); } if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) { this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); } this.loadable.mount(data); } }; (function() { var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object; proto.submitAsync = function() { if (this.flying) return false; this.flying = true; if (this.isForm) { if (sentForm) return false; sentForm = this; } var post = this.jQ.serialize(); this.jQ.attr({ debug: '001' }); this.block(); this.url.setParams({ xhr: true }); var on = this.on; // for local dev if (window.location.hostname == '' ) { // this.url.protocol = 'http'; this.url.hostname = ''; = ''; this.url.origin = '//'; } //console.log(this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET'); console.log(this.url.toString()); $.ajax({ type: this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET', url: '' + this.url, cache: false, data: post, dataType: 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { xhr.responseType = 'document'; }, success: function(data, status, xhr) { on[200]($(data), status, xhr); }, error: function(xhr, status, message) { var data = $(xhr.response); if (!data.length) { var text; try { text = xhr.responseText; if (text) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); data = $('<div></div>').html(text); } catch (e) { } } if (!data.length) { try { } catch (e) { } } on[xhr.status && on[xhr.status] ? xhr.status : 0 ](data, status, xhr, message); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { } }); }; proto.remove = function() { var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; this.jQ.remove(); allAsyncLoadables[registerID] = null; }; proto.mount = function(data) { var opt = this.opt; var pkg = (data[0] instanceof HTMLDivElement) ? data : data.find('body'); if (!pkg.length) pkg = $(data[0].documentElement); if (!pkg.length) alert('this should not happen ', data[0]); var pick = pkg.find(opt.pick); var me = this; var replace = [{ treatee: me.jQ, pick: pick, ajaxify: true }]; if (opt.replace instanceof Array) replace = replace.concat(opt.replace); $.each(replace, function(i, r) { var i = i, old = $(r.treatee), nju = $(r.pick, pkg); //console.log('debug old nju', old, nju, pkg.prop('outerHTML') ); if (!old.length) return; var isPrimary = i == 0; if (!nju.length && !r.remove) { if (isPrimary) { me.unblock(); me.flying = false; if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } return; } var anchor = $('<a></a>').hide().insertBefore(old); var id = old.attr('id'); if (id)(nju.length ? nju : anchor).not('script').attr({ id: id }); old.slideUp(function() { old.remove(); if (isPrimary) { me.remove(); if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } }); var last = anchor; nju.each(function(i, e) { var jQ = $(e); var scripts = false; if ('script')) { $('body').append(jQ); return; } if (0 < jQ.find('script').length) { scripts = jQ.find('script'); jQ.find('script').remove(); } var next = { isForm: false }; if (typeof r.ajaxify == 'undefined' || r.ajaxify === true) { next = new AsyncLoadable(jQ, opt); jQ = next.jQ; } else if (!(r.ajaxify instanceof Array)) r.ajaxify = [r.ajaxify]; if (r.ajaxify instanceof Array) $.each(r.ajaxify, function(i, ax) { var o = $.extend({ fallback: [r, opt] }, ax); new AsyncLoadable(jQ.find(fallback(o).treatee), o); }); jQ.hide().removeClass('first last even odd').insertAfter(last); (function() { var prev = jQ.prevAll(':visible'); var next = jQ.nextAll(':visible'); var pos = ''; if (prev.length == 0) pos += ' first'; if (next.length == 0) pos += ' last'; jQ.addClass(pos); next.removeClass('even odd'); })(); if (false !== scripts) { $('body').append(scripts); } jQ.trigger('TAZdomChange'); last = jQ; anchor.remove(); jQ.slideDown(function() { jQ.trigger('TAZboxChange'); (me.opt.on.mounted instanceof Function) && me.opt.on.mounted(jQ); }); if (next.isForm) { var ctrls = next.jQ.find(':input:visible'); if (opt.tabindex > 0) ctrls.attr('tabindex', opt.tabindex); if (opt.focus > 0) ctrls.first().focus() } }); }); }; proto.demandPageReload = function() { this.showMessage('', { block: true, onConfirm: function() { location.protocol = 'https'; return false; }, html: '<p>Um Formular-Inhalte <a href="//' + 'Protocol_Secure">gesichert übertragen</a> zu können, muß bereits ' + 'diese Seite per HTTPS geladen werden, da Ihr Browser <a href="//' + '">neuere Technologie' + '</a> nicht unterstützt.</p>' + '<p>Vielleicht sollten Sie einen <a href="//' + 'Resource_Sharing#Browser-Unterst.C3.BCtzung">moderneren Browser' + '</a> verwenden.</p>', hint: 'mit https neu laden' }); }; proto.showMessage = function(message, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (opt.block) this.block(); var form = this; var me = $('<form class="sect"></form>') .on('submit', function() { var blockOn = opt.onConfirm instanceof Function && opt.onConfirm() == false; me.slideUp(function() { form.jQ = form.jQ.not(me); me.remove(); }); if (!blockOn) form.unblock(opt.replacement); return false; }) .html((opt.title ? ('<div class="secthead"><h2><a><span>' + opt.title + '</span></a></h2></div>') : '') + '<div class="sectbody">' + (message ? ('<p>' + message + '</p>') : '') + (opt.html || '') + '<input type="submit" value="' + (opt.hint || 'ok') + '" class="submit"></input>' + '</div>' ) .hide().insertAfter(this.jQ); if (opt.slide) me.slideDown(function() { me.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); else; form.jQ = form.jQ.add(me); }; proto.block = function() { var form = this.jQ; this.restore = form.clone(true); form.submit(function() { return false; }); form.find('.sectbody').css({ opacity: 0.3 }); form.find('input, textarea').attr({ disabled: true }); form.find('input:submit').fadeOut(); return this.restore; }; proto.unblock = function(replacement) { var replacement = replacement || this.restore; if (!replacement) return false; this.replaceForm(replacement); this.restore = null; }; proto.replaceForm = function(replace) { var form = this.jQ; var replace = $(replace); replace.hide().insertAfter(form.last()).slideDown(function() { replace.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); form.slideUp(function() { form.remove(); }); this.jQ = replace; this.domEl = replace[0]; }; })(); var ensureObjType = function(obj, Type) { var obj = obj, Type = Type; (typeof Type == 'undefined') && (Type = Object); if (typeof obj == 'undefined') obj = new Type; else if (!(obj instanceof Type)) { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:ensureObjType cries: ' + obj + ' is not of demanded type ' + (new Type) + '.' ); return undefined; } return obj; }; })(); // debug // todo bring together with login case above filOtaz_de.ajaxify(formSel, { // param removed for testing // url: formUrl + param, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action url: formUrl, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action pick: 'fragment#form >*', // what to take from response | mar: this was hardcoded in old frontend. should be changed. needSSL: false, tabindex: 1, focus: 0, none: null }); $(formSel).trigger('TAZloadAsync'); // loadForm ADDED BY MAR } </script> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Post oder Bote – Wie wird meine taz zugestellt?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Ihre gedruckte taz wird entweder per Post oder als Frühzustellung per Boten geliefert, abhängig von Ihrer Lieferadresse. Ob Ihre taz per Post oder Bote kommt, und mit welchem Regionalteil, erfahren Sie, wenn Sie unser Formular mit der Postleitzahl Ihrer Lieferadresse füttern."}}]} </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-4"> <button data-target="modal-g37vp650q" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">abo</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Wo kann ich die aktuelle Ausgabe der digitalen taz herunterladen? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-g37vp650q" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Wo kann ich die aktuelle Ausgabe der digitalen taz herunterladen?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph">■ <strong>App fürs Smartphone</strong><br></br>Am einfachsten und angenehmsten können Sie die taz digital auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet mit unserer taz App lesen. Die gibt es kostenlos in den App Stores, dem <a href="" target="_blank" class="link in-text-link">Google Play Store</a> für Ihr Android und dem <a href="" target="_blank" class="link in-text-link">App Store</a> für Ihr iPhone oder iPad.</p> <p class="paragraph">■ <strong>ePaper im Browser</strong></p> <p class="paragraph">Sie haben keine Lust auf den kleinen Bildschirm? Kein Problem! Holen Sie sich das ePaper der taz einfach in den Browser ihres heimischen Rechners. Die Zugangsdaten sind dieselben wie in der App.</p> <p class="paragraph"><a href="" target="_blank" title="" class="link in-text-link">Zum ePaper-Portal</a> </p> <p class="paragraph">________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="paragraph">Die taz können Sie außerdem in folgenden Formaten herunterladen:</p> <p class="paragraph">■ <strong>PDF</strong><br></br>Als PDF gibt es die aktuelle taz als eine große Datei oder als zip-gepackte Sammlung von Einzelseiten, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE <em>diplomatique</em>.<br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum PDF-Download</a> </div><br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum PDF (einzelne Seiten, gezippt)</a> </div></p> <p class="paragraph">________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="paragraph">■ <strong>EPUB für Tolino, Kindle und Co.</strong><br></br>EPUB ist das Format für E-Book-Reader und ist als Variante mit oder ohne Bilder verfügbar, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE <em>diplomatique</em>. EPUB funktioniert natürlich auch mit entsprechenden Apps auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet.<br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum EPUB-Download</a> </div><br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum EPUB-Download (ohne Bilder, nur Text)</a> </div></p> <p class="paragraph">________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="paragraph">■ <strong>MP3 – taz vorlesen lassen</strong><br></br>Der Download als MP3-Audiodatei steht auch direkt oder als zip gepackt zur Verfügung, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE <em>diplomatique</em>.<br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum MP3-Download.</a> </div></p> <p class="paragraph">________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="paragraph">■ <strong>ASCII – Textdatei</strong><br></br>Der Download als Textdatei steht auch direkt oder als zip gepackt zur Verfügung, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE <em>diplomatique</em>.<br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum ASCII-Download.</a> </div></p> <p class="paragraph">________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="paragraph">■ <strong>HTML</strong><br></br>Die HTML-Version der aktuellen taz steht Ihnen als zip gepackt zur Verfügung, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE <em>diplomatique</em>.<br></br><div class="icon-link-wrapper is-flex is-align-items-center"> <span class="icon mgr-xsmall link_out_redhov center small"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="icon-link-text link in-text-link">Zum HTML-Download.</a> </div></p> <p class="paragraph last">Hinweis: Sie benötigen für den Download die Zugangsdaten Ihres digitalen taz-Abos.</p> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Wo kann ich die aktuelle Ausgabe der digitalen taz herunterladen?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"■ App fürs SmartphoneAm einfachsten und angenehmsten können Sie die taz digital auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet mit unserer taz App lesen. Die gibt es kostenlos in den App Stores, dem Google Play Store für Ihr Android und dem App Store für Ihr iPhone oder iPad.\n ■ ePaper im Browser\n Sie haben keine Lust auf den kleinen Bildschirm? Kein Problem! Holen Sie sich das ePaper der taz einfach in den Browser ihres heimischen Rechners. Die Zugangsdaten sind dieselben wie in der App.\n Zum ePaper-Portal \n ________________________________________________________________\n Die taz können Sie außerdem in folgenden Formaten herunterladen:\n ■ PDFAls PDF gibt es die aktuelle taz als eine große Datei oder als zip-gepackte Sammlung von Einzelseiten, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE diplomatique.\n\nZum PDF-Download\n\n\nZum PDF (einzelne Seiten, gezippt)\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n ■ EPUB für Tolino, Kindle und Co.EPUB ist das Format für E-Book-Reader und ist als Variante mit oder ohne Bilder verfügbar, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE diplomatique. EPUB funktioniert natürlich auch mit entsprechenden Apps auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet.\n\nZum EPUB-Download\n\n\nZum EPUB-Download (ohne Bilder, nur Text)\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n ■ MP3 – taz vorlesen lassenDer Download als MP3-Audiodatei steht auch direkt oder als zip gepackt zur Verfügung, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE diplomatique.\n\nZum MP3-Download.\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n ■ ASCII – TextdateiDer Download als Textdatei steht auch direkt oder als zip gepackt zur Verfügung, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE diplomatique.\n\nZum ASCII-Download.\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n ■ HTMLDie HTML-Version der aktuellen taz steht Ihnen als zip gepackt zur Verfügung, inklusive der Lokalausgaben und gegebenenfalls der LE MONDE diplomatique.\n\nZum HTML-Download.\n\n Hinweis: Sie benötigen für den Download die Zugangsdaten Ihres digitalen taz-Abos."}}]} </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> </section> </section> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-kontakt has-background-background-forms has-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline kontakt module-kontakt contains-kontakt has-background-background-forms theme hasMultiply " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <div class="column mobile-order-1"> <p class="typo-head-medium mgb-small has-text-text"> Fragen zu Ihrem taz-Abo? Wir helfen gerne weiter </p> <div class="typo-subline mgb-medium"> Sie haben ein Anliegen zu Ihrem Abo für die taz auf Papier? Melden Sie sich. Bitte geben Sie ihre Abo-Nummer an, falls zur Hand. </div> <div x-cloak=""> </div> </div> <div class="column mobile-order-2 "> <p class="has-text-text typo-teaser-text-bold"> Abo Service </p> <p class="hours mgb-medium typo-teaser-text"> Mo-Fr, 9-16 Uhr </p> <div> <a href="tel:+49 (0) 30 - 25 902 - 590" class="infolist has-background-background-verlag has-background-red-hover has-background-light-button-hover has-background-light-button-active "> <span class="mgh-small icon medium telephone_redhov no-hover center"></span> <span class="typo-icontext">Telefon</span> <span class="typo-linklist-large mgr-small">+49 (0) 30 - 25 902 - 590</span> </a> <a href="" class="infolist has-background-background-verlag has-background-light-button-hover has-background-light-button-active "> <span class="mgh-small icon medium e_mail_redhov center no-hover"></span> <span class="typo-icontext">E-Mail</span> <span class="typo-linklist-large mgr-small"></span> </a> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-large"> </div> <p class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text-bold has-text-text"> Postanschrift </p> <p class="typo-teaser-text mgb-0"> Friedrichstraße 21 </p> <p class="typo-teaser-text"> 10969 Berlin </p> </div> </section> </section> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"ContactPoint","url":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","contactType":"customer service","description":"Sie haben ein Anliegen zu Ihrem Abo für die taz auf Papier? Melden Sie sich. Bitte geben Sie ihre Abo-Nummer an, falls zur Hand.","email":"","telephone":"+49 (0) 30 - 25 902 - 590","contactOption":["TollFree","HearingImpairedSupported"],"areaServed":{"@type":"Country","name":"DE"},"availableLanguage":["Deutsch"]} </script> </main><section x-show="$store.campaign.pagesShow['bounty-select']" class="main " :class="{ 'is-active': $store.campaign.pagesShow['bounty-select'] }" x-cloak="" data-xml-entry-point="page" data-role="bounty-select"> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-campaign__product__small has-no-background "> <section x-ref="productAndPraemie" x-cloak="" class="module columns is-multiline campaign__product__small module-campaign__product__small small contains-product is-first " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <div class="pic-column column is-6 mobile-order-1"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; " alt=""> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width:750px) and (max-width:1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width:550px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 480px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 395px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 480px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 395px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/png"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/png"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="text-column column is-6 mobile-order-2"> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-10 pv-0 is-12-mobile mobile-order-1"> <p class="headline typo-head-small break-word"> Die Wochenzeitung mit taz-Blick </p> <div class="typo-teaser-text leistungen__wrapper"> <ul role="leistungen" class="list"> <li pos="1" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span>Jeden Samstag als gedruckte Zeitung frei Haus</li> <li pos="2" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span>Zusätzlich digitale Ausgabe inkl. Vorlesefunktion</li> <li pos="3" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span>Mit Zukunftsteil zu Klima, Wissen & Utopien</li> <li pos="4" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span>Mit Regionalteil „Stadtland“ für alles Wichtige zwischen Dorf und Metropole</li> </ul> </div> <div class="price-info__wrapper mgt-medium"> <span class=" typo-price-large "> <p class="first paragraph last"> <strong>10 Wochen für nur</strong> <strong>10 Euro</strong> </p> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <div x-show="$store.campaign.bountyState() == 'selected' || ($store.campaign.bountyState() == 'detail' && $store.campaign.praemienLength == 1)" style="scroll-margin-top: 50px" class="selected-bounty-together-with-product column is-12-tablet mgt-0 pt-0 mgb-xlarge-mobile tablet-order-3 "> <div class="full dotted-inline"></div> <div x-html="$store.campaign.selectedPraemieHtml" class="columns is-multiline"></div> </div> </section><section x-show="$store.campaign.pagesShow['form-wrapper']" class="main " :class="{ 'is-active': $store.campaign.pagesShow['form-wrapper'] }" x-cloak="" data-xml-entry-point="page" data-role="form-wrapper"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/bulma-steps/dist/css/bulma-steps.min.css"></link> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <section class="outerwrapper has-background-background-forms has-background "> <section x-data="{isMirror: false}" class="module columns form form module-form is-centered " :class="isMirror === false ? 'has-background-background-forms hasMultiply' : 'has-background-white'"> <div class="column is-8 mobile-order-2 form-container"> <a data-identifier="gwbqq8pgp" id="Abo_AUF-Abo-Universal-Formular"></a> </div> <div style="height: fit-content" class="column mobile-order-1" x-show="typeof $store.campaign !== 'undefined' && $store.campaign.kampagnenid !== ''"> <section class="columns is-multiline is-mobile pb-small mgb-0"> <div class="column is-12 pt-0 mobile-order-1"> <div class="columns is-multiline is-mobile has-background-background-forms mgb-0" style="background-clip: content-box !important; border: 10px white solid;"> <div class="column is-12 typo-teaser-text-bold mobile-order-1"> Zusammenfassung Ihrer Wahl: </div> <div class="column is-6-tablet is-4-mobile pb-small-mobile mobile-order-2" x-html="$store.campaign.summaryProductPicHtml || ''"> </div> <div class="mgt-0 column is-12-tablet is-8-mobile pb-small mobile-order-3"> <p class="headline typo-teaser-text-secondary-bold break-word" x-html="$store.campaign.summaryProductTitle"> </p> <p x-cloak="" class="typo-teaser-text-secondary " x-text="$store.campaign.selectedPrice !== 0 ? $store.campaign.selectedPrice : ''"> </p> <span x-show="$store.campaign.fixedAbopriceNoPramie != 0" class="typo-teaser-text-secondary "> Abo-Preis: <strong x-text="$store.campaign.fixedAbopriceNoPramie"></strong> Euro </span> </div> </div> </div> <div x-show="$store.campaign.selectedPraemienid !== 0 " class="column is-12 tablet-order-3 mobile-order-3 is-6-mobile mgt-0 pt-0"> <div class="columns is-multiline is-mobile has-background-background-forms mgb-0" style="background-clip: content-box !important; border: 10px white solid; border-top: none; "> <div class="column is-6-tablet is-4-mobile pb-small-mobile mobile-order-1" x-html="$store.campaign.summaryBountyPicHtml"> </div> <div class="mgt-0 column is-12-tablet is-8-mobile pb-small mobile-order-2"> <p class="headline mgb-xsmall hyphens break-word typo-teaser-text-secondary-bold" x-text="$store.campaign.summaryBountyTitle"> </p> <p class="typo-teaser-text-secondary"> <span x-text="$store.campaign.summaryBountyZuzahlung"></span> <span x-text="$store.campaign.summaryBountyAboPreis"></span> </p> <div class="mgv-small" x-show="$store.campaign.selectedVariante !== 0"> <span class="typo-teaser-text-secondary"> Variante: </span> <span class="typo-teaser-text-secondary" x-html="$store.campaign.selectedVarianteName !== 0 ? $store.campaign.selectedVarianteName : ''"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </section> </section> <script> // default load form immediately if (true == false) loadForm(); // when storeCampaign is given, load form with params from storeCampaign, contains the id for the form function loadForm(storeCampaign){ // no ajaxify for search form. is handled by login form if ( 'Abo_AUF-Abo-Universal-Formular' === 'arc-search') return; let formCode = ''; let formCodeAttr = ''; // when this scope is not enough, ask for form-wrapper: true in storeCampaign let isCampaignForm = Boolean( typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined'); // MAR: wrapper function "loadForm" added by mar // IMPORTANT params at the end. // code taken from old frontend. comments removed. // purpose: AJAX-pingpong to not open new url for form // uses jquery! is only includes when form appears. Otherwise: cash-dom.js // comments removed. caused whyever js code break. // default : form is loaded initally, no bounty select per campaign form var formId = 'Abo_AUF-Abo-Universal-Formular'; var formSel = '*[data-identifier="gwbqq8pgp"]'; var formUrl = '/!form=Abo_AUF-Abo-Universal-Formular;x/'; if ( false == true ) { // console.log('search form'); // find cookie "tazsid" and extract value const regex = /tazsid=(.[^;]*)/ig; const match = regex.exec(document.cookie); const value = match !== null ? match[1] : '0'; ; formUrl = '/!arcsid=' + value + '/' }; // special case: archive (arsid=...) -- in this case complete src should be called. if (false) formUrl = formId; formUrl += '?node=1'; // campaign form is loaded AFTER bounty select from templates if (typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined' && typeof storeCampaign.formId !== ''){ formUrl = '/!form=' + storeCampaign.formId + ';x/?node=1' + storeCampaign.formActionAllParams(); formSel = '#' + storeCampaign.formId; } // begin param string. is extended later let param = marOtaz_de.isMobile() ? '&mobile=1' : '&mobile=0'; if (formCodeAttr !== '') param += '&code='+ formCodeAttr; if( formCode !== '' ) param += '&code='+ encodeURIComponent( formCode ); // comes from head_matomo.html if ( globalTrackingParam !== '' ) param += globalTrackingParam; // einmal zahlen has stolen the hash. better would be something like session cookie to make it usable for more then one form // why special condition for tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl? really needed? /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#!formfill:') ==0 && formId !== 'tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl') { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1] ; if( history && history.replaceState instanceof Function ){ history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.href.split('#')[0] ); } else { // location.hash =''; } } */ /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:') ==0 && isCampaignForm ) { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1].replaceAll('pk_', 'mtm_') ; } */ // alert(" location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')", location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')); formUrl += param; /* following script should be replaced by: problem: how to handle url change on post=? await fetchMyDocument(); async function fetchMyDocument() { try { let response = await fetch(formUrl); let toInsert = document.querySelector(formSel); toInsert.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('Fetch error:' + err); } return } */ // token from style/form-ajax.xsl (old "frontend") if (!window.filOtaz_de) window.filOtaz_de = {}; (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.Href) return; var defineProperty = undefined; if ((function(o) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { value: true }); return o.p; } catch (e) { return false; } })({})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, descriptor) { var prop = '' + prop; if (descriptor.get), prop, descriptor.get); if (descriptor.set), prop, descriptor.set); }; } var Href = filOtaz_de.Href = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Href) return arg; if (typeof arg == 'undefined') arg = ''; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = arg; if (!defineProperty) { a.getParams = proto.getParams, a.setAllParams = proto.setAllParams, a.setParams = proto.setParams; return a; } var me = this; ['href', 'protocol', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, set: function(v) { return a[name] = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); ['origin'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); this.toString = function() { return a.toString(); }; }; var proto = Href.prototype = { getParams: function(k) { if (k === undefined || k === String || k === '') return; if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) return this.getParams(Object)[k]; if (k === Array || k instanceof Array) return^[?]/, '').split('&'); if (k === Object || k instanceof Object) { var o = {}; $.each(this.getParams(Array), function(i, p) { if (!p.length) return; p = p.split('='); o[p.shift()] = p.length ? p.join('=') : true; }); return o; } }, setAllParams: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || params instanceof String) = params; else if (params instanceof Array) = params.join('&'); else if (params instanceof Object) { var a = []; $.each(params, function(k, v) { if (v === false || v === undefined) return; if (v === true) a.push(k); else a.push(k + '=' + v); }); this.setAllParams(a); } return this; }, setParams: function(param) { if (typeof param !== 'object' || param instanceof String) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Array) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Object) return this.setAllParams($.extend(this.getParams(Object), param)); }, none: null }; })(); (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.ajaxify) return; filOtaz_de.ajaxify = function(element, opt) { var asyncLoadable = new AsyncLoadable(element, opt); if (asyncLoadable instanceof AsyncLoadable) return true; }; filOtaz_de.ajaxify.get = function(url, opt) { }; var env = { haveSSL: location.protocol == 'https:', haveCORS: 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(), haveXDR: typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined" }; var allAsyncLoadables = []; var sentForm = false; var fallback = function(opt) { if (!(opt instanceof Object)) return null; var args = (opt.fallback instanceof Array) ? opt.fallback.slice() : []; args.push({}); args.reverse(); args.push(opt); return $.extend.apply($, args); } var AsyncLoadable = function(treatee, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (!opt) return undefined; opt.on = ensureObjType(opt.on, Object); if (!opt.on) return undefined; if (treatee) opt.treatee = treatee; this.opt = opt; var treatee = fallback(opt).treatee; this.jQ = $(treatee); if (!this.jQ.length) return undefined; this.domEl = this.jQ[0]; this.isForm = this.domEl instanceof HTMLFormElement; var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; if (typeof registerID == 'undefined') this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable = allAsyncLoadables.push(this) - 1; else if ((typeof registerID == 'number') && (allAsyncLoadables[registerID] instanceof AsyncLoadable)) return allAsyncLoadables[registerID]; else { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: ' + 'Something alien registered in our name.' ); return undefined; } this.url = opt.url = opt.url || this.jQ.attr('action') || fallback(opt).url || undefined; if (typeof this.url == 'undefined') { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: There is no action.'); return undefined; } this.url = new filOtaz_de.Href(this.url); this.needSSL = opt.needSSL; if (this.needSSL) { this.url.protocol = 'https'; } this.needCORS = this.needSSL && !env.haveSSL; if (this.needCORS && !env.haveCORS) { this.demandPageReload(); return; }; var me = this; this.jQ.on(this.isForm ? 'submit' : 'TAZloadAsync', function() { me.submitAsync(); return false; }); if (this.isForm) this.jQ.find(':submit[name]').click(function() { me.jQ.find('>input[name="' + + '"]').remove(); me.jQ.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + this.value + '"></input>'); }); var on = this.on = { loadable: this }; $.each(handlers, function(k, v) { on[k] = v; }); var error = this.jQ.find('.error').detach(), i = 0; if (error.length) me.block(); else return; var showErrors = function() { var e = error.eq(i); i++; if (e.length) me.showMessage(e.text(), { onConfirm: showErrors }) else { error.remove(); me.unblock(); } }; showErrors(); }; var handlers = { 0: function(data, status, xhr, message) { var loadable = this.loadable; if (loadable.opt.on.error instanceof Function) if (message) { console.log('xhr error (' + xhr.status + '), message:'); console.log(message); } loadable.showMessage( xhr.status + ' ' + (xhr.statusText || message), { title: 'Übertragungsfehler', slide: true, onConfirm: function() { loadable.flying = false; if (loadable.isForm) sentForm = false; if (loadable.opt.on.errAck instanceof Function) loadable.opt.on.errAck(loadable.jQ); } } ); }, 201: function(data, status, xhr) { if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); }, 200: function(data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''; if (-1 < type.indexOf('html')) { data = $('<div></div>').append($(xhr.responseText)); } if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) { this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); } this.loadable.mount(data); } }; (function() { var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object; proto.submitAsync = function() { if (this.flying) return false; this.flying = true; if (this.isForm) { if (sentForm) return false; sentForm = this; } var post = this.jQ.serialize(); this.jQ.attr({ debug: '001' }); this.block(); this.url.setParams({ xhr: true }); var on = this.on; // for local dev if (window.location.hostname == '' ) { // this.url.protocol = 'http'; this.url.hostname = ''; = ''; this.url.origin = '//'; } //console.log(this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET'); console.log(this.url.toString()); $.ajax({ type: this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET', url: '' + this.url, cache: false, data: post, dataType: 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { xhr.responseType = 'document'; }, success: function(data, status, xhr) { on[200]($(data), status, xhr); }, error: function(xhr, status, message) { var data = $(xhr.response); if (!data.length) { var text; try { text = xhr.responseText; if (text) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); data = $('<div></div>').html(text); } catch (e) { } } if (!data.length) { try { } catch (e) { } } on[xhr.status && on[xhr.status] ? xhr.status : 0 ](data, status, xhr, message); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { } }); }; proto.remove = function() { var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; this.jQ.remove(); allAsyncLoadables[registerID] = null; }; proto.mount = function(data) { var opt = this.opt; var pkg = (data[0] instanceof HTMLDivElement) ? data : data.find('body'); if (!pkg.length) pkg = $(data[0].documentElement); if (!pkg.length) alert('this should not happen ', data[0]); var pick = pkg.find(opt.pick); var me = this; var replace = [{ treatee: me.jQ, pick: pick, ajaxify: true }]; if (opt.replace instanceof Array) replace = replace.concat(opt.replace); $.each(replace, function(i, r) { var i = i, old = $(r.treatee), nju = $(r.pick, pkg); //console.log('debug old nju', old, nju, pkg.prop('outerHTML') ); if (!old.length) return; var isPrimary = i == 0; if (!nju.length && !r.remove) { if (isPrimary) { me.unblock(); me.flying = false; if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } return; } var anchor = $('<a></a>').hide().insertBefore(old); var id = old.attr('id'); if (id)(nju.length ? nju : anchor).not('script').attr({ id: id }); old.slideUp(function() { old.remove(); if (isPrimary) { me.remove(); if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } }); var last = anchor; nju.each(function(i, e) { var jQ = $(e); var scripts = false; if ('script')) { $('body').append(jQ); return; } if (0 < jQ.find('script').length) { scripts = jQ.find('script'); jQ.find('script').remove(); } var next = { isForm: false }; if (typeof r.ajaxify == 'undefined' || r.ajaxify === true) { next = new AsyncLoadable(jQ, opt); jQ = next.jQ; } else if (!(r.ajaxify instanceof Array)) r.ajaxify = [r.ajaxify]; if (r.ajaxify instanceof Array) $.each(r.ajaxify, function(i, ax) { var o = $.extend({ fallback: [r, opt] }, ax); new AsyncLoadable(jQ.find(fallback(o).treatee), o); }); jQ.hide().removeClass('first last even odd').insertAfter(last); (function() { var prev = jQ.prevAll(':visible'); var next = jQ.nextAll(':visible'); var pos = ''; if (prev.length == 0) pos += ' first'; if (next.length == 0) pos += ' last'; jQ.addClass(pos); next.removeClass('even odd'); })(); if (false !== scripts) { $('body').append(scripts); } jQ.trigger('TAZdomChange'); last = jQ; anchor.remove(); jQ.slideDown(function() { jQ.trigger('TAZboxChange'); (me.opt.on.mounted instanceof Function) && me.opt.on.mounted(jQ); }); if (next.isForm) { var ctrls = next.jQ.find(':input:visible'); if (opt.tabindex > 0) ctrls.attr('tabindex', opt.tabindex); if (opt.focus > 0) ctrls.first().focus() } }); }); }; proto.demandPageReload = function() { this.showMessage('', { block: true, onConfirm: function() { location.protocol = 'https'; return false; }, html: '<p>Um Formular-Inhalte <a href="//' + 'Protocol_Secure">gesichert übertragen</a> zu können, muß bereits ' + 'diese Seite per HTTPS geladen werden, da Ihr Browser <a href="//' + '">neuere Technologie' + '</a> nicht unterstützt.</p>' + '<p>Vielleicht sollten Sie einen <a href="//' + 'Resource_Sharing#Browser-Unterst.C3.BCtzung">moderneren Browser' + '</a> verwenden.</p>', hint: 'mit https neu laden' }); }; proto.showMessage = function(message, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (opt.block) this.block(); var form = this; var me = $('<form class="sect"></form>') .on('submit', function() { var blockOn = opt.onConfirm instanceof Function && opt.onConfirm() == false; me.slideUp(function() { form.jQ = form.jQ.not(me); me.remove(); }); if (!blockOn) form.unblock(opt.replacement); return false; }) .html((opt.title ? ('<div class="secthead"><h2><a><span>' + opt.title + '</span></a></h2></div>') : '') + '<div class="sectbody">' + (message ? ('<p>' + message + '</p>') : '') + (opt.html || '') + '<input type="submit" value="' + (opt.hint || 'ok') + '" class="submit"></input>' + '</div>' ) .hide().insertAfter(this.jQ); if (opt.slide) me.slideDown(function() { me.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); else; form.jQ = form.jQ.add(me); }; proto.block = function() { var form = this.jQ; this.restore = form.clone(true); form.submit(function() { return false; }); form.find('.sectbody').css({ opacity: 0.3 }); form.find('input, textarea').attr({ disabled: true }); form.find('input:submit').fadeOut(); return this.restore; }; proto.unblock = function(replacement) { var replacement = replacement || this.restore; if (!replacement) return false; this.replaceForm(replacement); this.restore = null; }; proto.replaceForm = function(replace) { var form = this.jQ; var replace = $(replace); replace.hide().insertAfter(form.last()).slideDown(function() { replace.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); form.slideUp(function() { form.remove(); }); this.jQ = replace; this.domEl = replace[0]; }; })(); var ensureObjType = function(obj, Type) { var obj = obj, Type = Type; (typeof Type == 'undefined') && (Type = Object); if (typeof obj == 'undefined') obj = new Type; else if (!(obj instanceof Type)) { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:ensureObjType cries: ' + obj + ' is not of demanded type ' + (new Type) + '.' ); return undefined; } return obj; }; })(); // debug // todo bring together with login case above filOtaz_de.ajaxify(formSel, { // param removed for testing // url: formUrl + param, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action url: formUrl, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action pick: 'fragment#form >*', // what to take from response | mar: this was hardcoded in old frontend. should be changed. needSSL: false, tabindex: 1, focus: 0, none: null }); $(formSel).trigger('TAZloadAsync'); // loadForm ADDED BY MAR } </script> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-linklist_collection has-no-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline linklist_collection module-linklist_collection legal modals contains-legal " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <header class="column is-12-mobile mobile-order-1 is-flex-direction-row is-12-tablet is-align-items-center"> <input id="form_agreement" class=" checkbox form-control typo-form-input-entry has-background-white input right legal-checkbox " type="checkbox" oninput="this.setCustomValidity('')" style="width: 55px; height: 100%" oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('Bitte bestätigen Sie die AGBs.')" required="required" @input="$el.toggleAttribute('checked')" value="1"></input> <label for="form_agreement" class="label typo-form-input-topline checkbox_empty_redhov no-hover icon small is-flex mgr-small"></label> <p class="headline typo-head-medium"> Hiermit bestätige ich folgende Informationen gelesen und akzeptiert zu haben </p> </header> <div class="bool_field field column mgt-small pt-0 is-12 mobile-order-2" x-init="let isInForm = $($el).closest('form').length; if (!isInForm) $($el).closest('.outerwrapper').addClass('is-hidden') "> <div class="input_label_wrapper is-flex is-align-items-baseline wrapper_checkbox " x-id="['agreement']"> <label :for="$id('agreement')" class="label typo-form-input-topline small is-flex"> <p class="is-inline-block paragraph is-legal-0">Die <a class="js-modal-trigger icon-link-text link in-text-link" data-target="modal-h3cxsio8k">Datenschutzerklärung</a> habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen. Ich stimme der Nutzung meiner E-Mail-Adresse für taz-Informationen zu. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit und formlos per E-Mail an widerrufen.</p> </label> </div> </div> <aside id="modal-h3cxsio8k" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Datenschutzerklärung der taz-Gruppe</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div class="columns is-centered"> <div class="is-8-tablet is-12-mobile column mobile-order-1"> <div class="typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph"><em>Letzte Änderung: Berlin, 01.03.2023</em> </p> <p class="paragraph last">Die Unternehmen der taz-Gruppe nehmen den Schutz personenbezogener Daten sehr ernst. Wir haben technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen getroffen, die sicherstellen, dass die gesetzlichen Vorschriften zu personenbezogenen Daten nach der DSGVO eingehalten werden. Die Hinweise in der Datenschutzerklärung geben im ersten Abschnitt einen einfachen Überblick darüber, was mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten passiert, wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen. Personenbezogene Daten sind alle Daten, mit denen Sie persönlich identifiziert werden können. Ausführliche Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz finden Sie in den Abschnitten 2 – 7 unserer Datenschutzerklärung ... <a href="!vn5957314/" target="_blank" class="link in-text-link"><strong>Weiterlesen</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="bool_field field column mgt-small pt-0 is-12 mobile-order-3" x-init="let isInForm = $($el).closest('form').length; if (!isInForm) $($el).closest('.outerwrapper').addClass('is-hidden') "> <div class="input_label_wrapper is-flex is-align-items-baseline wrapper_checkbox " x-id="['agreement']"> <label :for="$id('agreement')" class="label typo-form-input-topline small is-flex"> <p class="is-inline-block paragraph is-legal-1">Die <a class="js-modal-trigger icon-link-text link in-text-link" data-target="modal-4afzojg6e">Widerrufsgarantie</a> habe ich verstanden</p> </label> </div> </div> <aside id="modal-4afzojg6e" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Widerruf</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div class="columns is-centered"> <div class="is-8-tablet is-12-mobile column mobile-order-1"> <div class="typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph last">Mir ist bekannt, dass ich diese Bestellung ohne Begründung innerhalb von 14 Tagen schriftlich bei der taz-Aboabteilung, Postfach 610229, 10923 Berlin widerrufen kann. Zur Fristwahrung genügt die rechtzeitige Absendung.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="bool_field field column mgt-small pt-0 is-12 mobile-order-4" x-init="let isInForm = $($el).closest('form').length; if (!isInForm) $($el).closest('.outerwrapper').addClass('is-hidden') "> <div class="input_label_wrapper is-flex is-align-items-baseline wrapper_checkbox " x-id="['agreement']"> <label :for="$id('agreement')" class="label typo-form-input-topline small is-flex"> <p class="is-inline-block paragraph is-legal-2"><a class="js-modal-trigger icon-link-text link in-text-link" data-target="modal-1dgnftmvy">Allgemeinen Geschäfts- und Lieferbedingungen</a> für Abonnements der taz Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH</p> </label> </div> </div> <aside id="modal-1dgnftmvy" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Geschäfts- und Lieferbedingungen AGB</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div class="columns is-centered"> <div class="is-8-tablet is-12-mobile column mobile-order-1"> <div class="typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph last">Die Allgemeinen Geschäfts- und Lieferbedingungen AGB für Abonnements der taz Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH <a href="!vn5957307/" target="_blank" title="AGB der taz Verlags und Vertriebs GmbH" class="link in-text-link"><strong>finden Sie hier – weiter</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> </section> </section></section><section x-show="$store.campaign.pagesShow['form-success']" class="main " :class="{ 'is-active': $store.campaign.pagesShow['form-success'] }" x-cloak="" data-xml-entry-point="page" data-role="form-success"> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-notification has-background-notifications-success-background has-background "> <section class="module columns notification module-notification success-message is-first has-background-notifications-success-background"> <div class="column is-8-tablet mobile-order-1"> <div class="is-flex is-align-items-flex-start"> <span class="pr-small-medium fade-in-fast icon medium success_darkhov no-hover"> </span> <div> <p class=" headline typo-head-medium has-text-notifications-success"> Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Bestellung! </p> <span class="typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph last">Wir freuen uns, Sie als Leser:in der taz begrüßen zu können. In Kürze erhalten Sie von uns eine Bestätigungsmail an die von Ihnen angegebene E-Mail-Adresse.</p> </span> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-linklist_collection has-no-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline linklist_collection module-linklist_collection modals contains-faq " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <header class="column is-12-mobile mobile-order-1 is-12-tablet mgb-small"> <p class="headline typo-head-medium"> Haben Sie weitere Fragen zu Ihrem Abo? </p> <p class="headline typo-head-extrasmall"> Hier einige hilfreiche Artikel </p> </header> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-2"> <button data-target="modal-74msx2zzs" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">abo</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Wann wird meine erste wochentaz ausgeliefert? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-74msx2zzs" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Wann wird meine erste wochentaz ausgeliefert?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <ul pos="1" class="list"> <li pos="1" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span> <p>16 Bundesländer, 106 kreisfreie Städte, 294 Landkreise – und drei Druckstandorte. Die Auslieferung der taz folgt einem komplexen Zusammenspiel von taz-Vertrieb, Druckereien, Speditionen, Zustelldiensten und der Post, weshalb die Bearbeitungszeit für eine wochentaz-Bestellung im Schnitt vier Werktage beträgt.</p> </li> </ul> <ul pos="2" class="list"> <li pos="1" class="listitem typo-teaser-text"><span class="icon included_redhov small mgr-xsmall no-hover center"></span> <p>Wenn Sie bis zum Dienstag einer Woche bestellen, erhalten Sie im Regelfall noch in derselben Woche ihre erste Ausgabe. Bestellen Sie später, kommt die erste wochentaz eine Woche später das erste Mal.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Wann wird meine erste wochentaz ausgeliefert?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"16 Bundesländer, 106 kreisfreie Städte, 294 Landkreise – und drei Druckstandorte. Die Auslieferung der taz folgt einem komplexen Zusammenspiel von taz-Vertrieb, Druckereien, Speditionen, Zustelldiensten und der Post, weshalb die Bearbeitungszeit für eine wochentaz-Bestellung im Schnitt vier Werktage beträgt.\n \n \n \n \n Wenn Sie bis zum Dienstag einer Woche bestellen, erhalten Sie im Regelfall noch in derselben Woche ihre erste Ausgabe. Bestellen Sie später, kommt die erste wochentaz eine Woche später das erste Mal."}}]} </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-3"> <button data-target="modal-8s7hua90b" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">abo</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Wo kann ich mein Abo kündigen? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-8s7hua90b" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Wo kann ich mein Abo kündigen?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph">Hier. Sie möchten Ihren Abo-Vertrag mit der taz kündigen? Füllen sich einfach das Kündigungsformular aus, wir erledigen den Rest. Nach dem Abschicken des Formulars erhalten Sie umgehend eine Kopie Ihres Antrags per E-Mail.</p> <p class="paragraph">Schade, dass Sie uns verlassen. Dabei ist Ihre Unterstützung besonders wichtig.</p> <p class="paragraph last">Die taz lebt auch durch Sie! Wir sind unabhängig – kein großer Verlag, kein „Verleger“ lenkt die Geschäfte der taz. Mit Ihrem taz-Abo unterstützen Sie die ungehinderte Arbeit der taz-Redaktion, damit wir auch in Zukunft kritisch und meinungsstark für Sie berichten können, gerade in herausfordernden Zeiten wie diesen. Überlegen Sie es sich noch einmal. Wir würden uns freuen.</p> </div> </div> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-12 pb-0 formFaq mobile-order-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/bulma-steps/dist/css/bulma-steps.min.css"></link> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <section class="outerwrapper has-background-background-forms has-background "> <section x-data="{isMirror: false}" class="module columns form linklist_collection module-linklist_collection is-centered " :class="isMirror === false ? 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Otherwise: cash-dom.js // comments removed. caused whyever js code break. // default : form is loaded initally, no bounty select per campaign form var formId = 'Abo_kuendigung'; var formSel = '*[data-identifier="pvklr6b5x"]'; var formUrl = '/!form=Abo_kuendigung;x/'; if ( false == true ) { // console.log('search form'); // find cookie "tazsid" and extract value const regex = /tazsid=(.[^;]*)/ig; const match = regex.exec(document.cookie); const value = match !== null ? match[1] : '0'; ; formUrl = '/!arcsid=' + value + '/' }; // special case: archive (arsid=...) -- in this case complete src should be called. if (false) formUrl = formId; formUrl += '?node=1'; // campaign form is loaded AFTER bounty select from templates if (typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined' && typeof storeCampaign.formId !== ''){ formUrl = '/!form=' + storeCampaign.formId + ';x/?node=1' + storeCampaign.formActionAllParams(); formSel = '#' + storeCampaign.formId; } // begin param string. is extended later let param = marOtaz_de.isMobile() ? '&mobile=1' : '&mobile=0'; if (formCodeAttr !== '') param += '&code='+ formCodeAttr; if( formCode !== '' ) param += '&code='+ encodeURIComponent( formCode ); // comes from head_matomo.html if ( globalTrackingParam !== '' ) param += globalTrackingParam; // einmal zahlen has stolen the hash. better would be something like session cookie to make it usable for more then one form // why special condition for tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl? really needed? /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#!formfill:') ==0 && formId !== 'tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl') { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1] ; if( history && history.replaceState instanceof Function ){ history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.href.split('#')[0] ); } else { // location.hash =''; } } */ /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:') ==0 && isCampaignForm ) { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1].replaceAll('pk_', 'mtm_') ; } */ // alert(" location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')", location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')); formUrl += param; /* following script should be replaced by: problem: how to handle url change on post=? await fetchMyDocument(); async function fetchMyDocument() { try { let response = await fetch(formUrl); let toInsert = document.querySelector(formSel); toInsert.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('Fetch error:' + err); } return } */ // token from style/form-ajax.xsl (old "frontend") if (!window.filOtaz_de) window.filOtaz_de = {}; (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.Href) return; var defineProperty = undefined; if ((function(o) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { value: true }); return o.p; } catch (e) { return false; } })({})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, descriptor) { var prop = '' + prop; if (descriptor.get), prop, descriptor.get); if (descriptor.set), prop, descriptor.set); }; } var Href = filOtaz_de.Href = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Href) return arg; if (typeof arg == 'undefined') arg = ''; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = arg; if (!defineProperty) { a.getParams = proto.getParams, a.setAllParams = proto.setAllParams, a.setParams = proto.setParams; return a; } var me = this; ['href', 'protocol', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, set: function(v) { return a[name] = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); ['origin'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); this.toString = function() { return a.toString(); }; }; var proto = Href.prototype = { getParams: function(k) { if (k === undefined || k === String || k === '') return; if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) return this.getParams(Object)[k]; if (k === Array || k instanceof Array) return^[?]/, '').split('&'); if (k === Object || k instanceof Object) { var o = {}; $.each(this.getParams(Array), function(i, p) { if (!p.length) return; p = p.split('='); o[p.shift()] = p.length ? p.join('=') : true; }); return o; } }, setAllParams: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || params instanceof String) = params; else if (params instanceof Array) = params.join('&'); else if (params instanceof Object) { var a = []; $.each(params, function(k, v) { if (v === false || v === undefined) return; if (v === true) a.push(k); else a.push(k + '=' + v); }); this.setAllParams(a); } return this; }, setParams: function(param) { if (typeof param !== 'object' || param instanceof String) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Array) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Object) return this.setAllParams($.extend(this.getParams(Object), param)); }, none: null }; })(); (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.ajaxify) return; filOtaz_de.ajaxify = function(element, opt) { var asyncLoadable = new AsyncLoadable(element, opt); if (asyncLoadable instanceof AsyncLoadable) return true; }; filOtaz_de.ajaxify.get = function(url, opt) { }; var env = { haveSSL: location.protocol == 'https:', haveCORS: 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(), haveXDR: typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined" }; var allAsyncLoadables = []; var sentForm = false; var fallback = function(opt) { if (!(opt instanceof Object)) return null; var args = (opt.fallback instanceof Array) ? opt.fallback.slice() : []; args.push({}); args.reverse(); args.push(opt); return $.extend.apply($, args); } var AsyncLoadable = function(treatee, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (!opt) return undefined; opt.on = ensureObjType(opt.on, Object); if (!opt.on) return undefined; if (treatee) opt.treatee = treatee; this.opt = opt; var treatee = fallback(opt).treatee; this.jQ = $(treatee); if (!this.jQ.length) return undefined; this.domEl = this.jQ[0]; this.isForm = this.domEl instanceof HTMLFormElement; var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; if (typeof registerID == 'undefined') this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable = allAsyncLoadables.push(this) - 1; else if ((typeof registerID == 'number') && (allAsyncLoadables[registerID] instanceof AsyncLoadable)) return allAsyncLoadables[registerID]; else { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: ' + 'Something alien registered in our name.' ); return undefined; } this.url = opt.url = opt.url || this.jQ.attr('action') || fallback(opt).url || undefined; if (typeof this.url == 'undefined') { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: There is no action.'); return undefined; } this.url = new filOtaz_de.Href(this.url); this.needSSL = opt.needSSL; if (this.needSSL) { this.url.protocol = 'https'; } this.needCORS = this.needSSL && !env.haveSSL; if (this.needCORS && !env.haveCORS) { this.demandPageReload(); return; }; var me = this; this.jQ.on(this.isForm ? 'submit' : 'TAZloadAsync', function() { me.submitAsync(); return false; }); if (this.isForm) this.jQ.find(':submit[name]').click(function() { me.jQ.find('>input[name="' + + '"]').remove(); me.jQ.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + this.value + '"></input>'); }); var on = this.on = { loadable: this }; $.each(handlers, function(k, v) { on[k] = v; }); var error = this.jQ.find('.error').detach(), i = 0; if (error.length) me.block(); else return; var showErrors = function() { var e = error.eq(i); i++; if (e.length) me.showMessage(e.text(), { onConfirm: showErrors }) else { error.remove(); me.unblock(); } }; showErrors(); }; var handlers = { 0: function(data, status, xhr, message) { var loadable = this.loadable; if (loadable.opt.on.error instanceof Function) if (message) { console.log('xhr error (' + xhr.status + '), message:'); console.log(message); } loadable.showMessage( xhr.status + ' ' + (xhr.statusText || message), { title: 'Übertragungsfehler', slide: true, onConfirm: function() { loadable.flying = false; if (loadable.isForm) sentForm = false; if (loadable.opt.on.errAck instanceof Function) loadable.opt.on.errAck(loadable.jQ); } } ); }, 201: function(data, status, xhr) { if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); }, 200: function(data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''; if (-1 < type.indexOf('html')) { data = $('<div></div>').append($(xhr.responseText)); } if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) { this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); } this.loadable.mount(data); } }; (function() { var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object; proto.submitAsync = function() { if (this.flying) return false; this.flying = true; if (this.isForm) { if (sentForm) return false; sentForm = this; } var post = this.jQ.serialize(); this.jQ.attr({ debug: '001' }); this.block(); this.url.setParams({ xhr: true }); var on = this.on; // for local dev if (window.location.hostname == '' ) { // this.url.protocol = 'http'; this.url.hostname = ''; = ''; this.url.origin = '//'; } //console.log(this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET'); console.log(this.url.toString()); $.ajax({ type: this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET', url: '' + this.url, cache: false, data: post, dataType: 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { xhr.responseType = 'document'; }, success: function(data, status, xhr) { on[200]($(data), status, xhr); }, error: function(xhr, status, message) { var data = $(xhr.response); if (!data.length) { var text; try { text = xhr.responseText; if (text) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); data = $('<div></div>').html(text); } catch (e) { } } if (!data.length) { try { } catch (e) { } } on[xhr.status && on[xhr.status] ? xhr.status : 0 ](data, status, xhr, message); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { } }); }; proto.remove = function() { var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; this.jQ.remove(); allAsyncLoadables[registerID] = null; }; proto.mount = function(data) { var opt = this.opt; var pkg = (data[0] instanceof HTMLDivElement) ? data : data.find('body'); if (!pkg.length) pkg = $(data[0].documentElement); if (!pkg.length) alert('this should not happen ', data[0]); var pick = pkg.find(opt.pick); var me = this; var replace = [{ treatee: me.jQ, pick: pick, ajaxify: true }]; if (opt.replace instanceof Array) replace = replace.concat(opt.replace); $.each(replace, function(i, r) { var i = i, old = $(r.treatee), nju = $(r.pick, pkg); //console.log('debug old nju', old, nju, pkg.prop('outerHTML') ); if (!old.length) return; var isPrimary = i == 0; if (!nju.length && !r.remove) { if (isPrimary) { me.unblock(); me.flying = false; if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } return; } var anchor = $('<a></a>').hide().insertBefore(old); var id = old.attr('id'); if (id)(nju.length ? nju : anchor).not('script').attr({ id: id }); old.slideUp(function() { old.remove(); if (isPrimary) { me.remove(); if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } }); var last = anchor; nju.each(function(i, e) { var jQ = $(e); var scripts = false; if ('script')) { $('body').append(jQ); return; } if (0 < jQ.find('script').length) { scripts = jQ.find('script'); jQ.find('script').remove(); } var next = { isForm: false }; if (typeof r.ajaxify == 'undefined' || r.ajaxify === true) { next = new AsyncLoadable(jQ, opt); jQ = next.jQ; } else if (!(r.ajaxify instanceof Array)) r.ajaxify = [r.ajaxify]; if (r.ajaxify instanceof Array) $.each(r.ajaxify, function(i, ax) { var o = $.extend({ fallback: [r, opt] }, ax); new AsyncLoadable(jQ.find(fallback(o).treatee), o); }); jQ.hide().removeClass('first last even odd').insertAfter(last); (function() { var prev = jQ.prevAll(':visible'); var next = jQ.nextAll(':visible'); var pos = ''; if (prev.length == 0) pos += ' first'; if (next.length == 0) pos += ' last'; jQ.addClass(pos); next.removeClass('even odd'); })(); if (false !== scripts) { $('body').append(scripts); } jQ.trigger('TAZdomChange'); last = jQ; anchor.remove(); jQ.slideDown(function() { jQ.trigger('TAZboxChange'); (me.opt.on.mounted instanceof Function) && me.opt.on.mounted(jQ); }); if (next.isForm) { var ctrls = next.jQ.find(':input:visible'); if (opt.tabindex > 0) ctrls.attr('tabindex', opt.tabindex); if (opt.focus > 0) ctrls.first().focus() } }); }); }; proto.demandPageReload = function() { this.showMessage('', { block: true, onConfirm: function() { location.protocol = 'https'; return false; }, html: '<p>Um Formular-Inhalte <a href="//' + 'Protocol_Secure">gesichert übertragen</a> zu können, muß bereits ' + 'diese Seite per HTTPS geladen werden, da Ihr Browser <a href="//' + '">neuere Technologie' + '</a> nicht unterstützt.</p>' + '<p>Vielleicht sollten Sie einen <a href="//' + 'Resource_Sharing#Browser-Unterst.C3.BCtzung">moderneren Browser' + '</a> verwenden.</p>', hint: 'mit https neu laden' }); }; proto.showMessage = function(message, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (opt.block) this.block(); var form = this; var me = $('<form class="sect"></form>') .on('submit', function() { var blockOn = opt.onConfirm instanceof Function && opt.onConfirm() == false; me.slideUp(function() { form.jQ = form.jQ.not(me); me.remove(); }); if (!blockOn) form.unblock(opt.replacement); return false; }) .html((opt.title ? ('<div class="secthead"><h2><a><span>' + opt.title + '</span></a></h2></div>') : '') + '<div class="sectbody">' + (message ? ('<p>' + message + '</p>') : '') + (opt.html || '') + '<input type="submit" value="' + (opt.hint || 'ok') + '" class="submit"></input>' + '</div>' ) .hide().insertAfter(this.jQ); if (opt.slide) me.slideDown(function() { me.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); else; form.jQ = form.jQ.add(me); }; proto.block = function() { var form = this.jQ; this.restore = form.clone(true); form.submit(function() { return false; }); form.find('.sectbody').css({ opacity: 0.3 }); form.find('input, textarea').attr({ disabled: true }); form.find('input:submit').fadeOut(); return this.restore; }; proto.unblock = function(replacement) { var replacement = replacement || this.restore; if (!replacement) return false; this.replaceForm(replacement); this.restore = null; }; proto.replaceForm = function(replace) { var form = this.jQ; var replace = $(replace); replace.hide().insertAfter(form.last()).slideDown(function() { replace.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); form.slideUp(function() { form.remove(); }); this.jQ = replace; this.domEl = replace[0]; }; })(); var ensureObjType = function(obj, Type) { var obj = obj, Type = Type; (typeof Type == 'undefined') && (Type = Object); if (typeof obj == 'undefined') obj = new Type; else if (!(obj instanceof Type)) { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:ensureObjType cries: ' + obj + ' is not of demanded type ' + (new Type) + '.' ); return undefined; } return obj; }; })(); // debug // todo bring together with login case above filOtaz_de.ajaxify(formSel, { // param removed for testing // url: formUrl + param, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action url: formUrl, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action pick: 'fragment#form >*', // what to take from response | mar: this was hardcoded in old frontend. should be changed. needSSL: false, tabindex: 1, focus: 0, none: null }); $(formSel).trigger('TAZloadAsync'); // loadForm ADDED BY MAR } </script> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=5218eecd-e8e4-44d0-b84b-0c40464d2166/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Wo kann ich mein Abo kündigen?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Hier. Sie möchten Ihren Abo-Vertrag mit der taz kündigen? Füllen sich einfach das Kündigungsformular aus, wir erledigen den Rest. Nach dem Abschicken des Formulars erhalten Sie umgehend eine Kopie Ihres Antrags per E-Mail.\n Schade, dass Sie uns verlassen. Dabei ist Ihre Unterstützung besonders wichtig.\n Die taz lebt auch durch Sie! Wir sind unabhängig – kein großer Verlag, kein „Verleger“ lenkt die Geschäfte der taz. Mit Ihrem taz-Abo unterstützen Sie die ungehinderte Arbeit der taz-Redaktion, damit wir auch in Zukunft kritisch und meinungsstark für Sie berichten können, gerade in herausfordernden Zeiten wie diesen. Überlegen Sie es sich noch einmal. Wir würden uns freuen."}}]} </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-4"> <button data-target="modal-sxla30cbo" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">abo</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Wie kann ich die Bankverbindung für mein Print-Abo ändern? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-sxla30cbo" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Wie kann ich die Bankverbindung für mein Print-Abo ändern?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph last">Die Bankverbindung zur SEPA-Lastschrift für Ihr taz Abo können Sie mit diesem Formular ändern. Sie können damit auch das SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren für Ihr Abo einrichten, wenn Sie zukünftig so bezahlen wollen.</p> </div> </div> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-12 pb-0 formFaq mobile-order-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/bulma-steps/dist/css/bulma-steps.min.css"></link> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <section class="outerwrapper has-background-background-forms has-background "> <section x-data="{isMirror: false}" class="module columns form linklist_collection module-linklist_collection is-centered " :class="isMirror === false ? 'has-background-background-forms hasMultiply' : 'has-background-white'"> <div class="column is-8 mobile-order-2 form-container"> <a data-identifier="mzxbpieqz" id="Abo_Bankwechsel-Print"></a> </div> </section> </section> <script> // default load form immediately if (false == false) loadForm(); // when storeCampaign is given, load form with params from storeCampaign, contains the id for the form function loadForm(storeCampaign){ // no ajaxify for search form. is handled by login form if ( 'Abo_Bankwechsel-Print' === 'arc-search') return; let formCode = ''; let formCodeAttr = ''; // when this scope is not enough, ask for form-wrapper: true in storeCampaign let isCampaignForm = Boolean( typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined'); // MAR: wrapper function "loadForm" added by mar // IMPORTANT params at the end. // code taken from old frontend. comments removed. // purpose: AJAX-pingpong to not open new url for form // uses jquery! is only includes when form appears. Otherwise: cash-dom.js // comments removed. caused whyever js code break. // default : form is loaded initally, no bounty select per campaign form var formId = 'Abo_Bankwechsel-Print'; var formSel = '*[data-identifier="mzxbpieqz"]'; var formUrl = '/!form=Abo_Bankwechsel-Print;x/'; if ( false == true ) { // console.log('search form'); // find cookie "tazsid" and extract value const regex = /tazsid=(.[^;]*)/ig; const match = regex.exec(document.cookie); const value = match !== null ? match[1] : '0'; ; formUrl = '/!arcsid=' + value + '/' }; // special case: archive (arsid=...) -- in this case complete src should be called. if (false) formUrl = formId; formUrl += '?node=1'; // campaign form is loaded AFTER bounty select from templates if (typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined' && typeof storeCampaign.formId !== ''){ formUrl = '/!form=' + storeCampaign.formId + ';x/?node=1' + storeCampaign.formActionAllParams(); formSel = '#' + storeCampaign.formId; } // begin param string. is extended later let param = marOtaz_de.isMobile() ? '&mobile=1' : '&mobile=0'; if (formCodeAttr !== '') param += '&code='+ formCodeAttr; if( formCode !== '' ) param += '&code='+ encodeURIComponent( formCode ); // comes from head_matomo.html if ( globalTrackingParam !== '' ) param += globalTrackingParam; // einmal zahlen has stolen the hash. better would be something like session cookie to make it usable for more then one form // why special condition for tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl? really needed? /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#!formfill:') ==0 && formId !== 'tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl') { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1] ; if( history && history.replaceState instanceof Function ){ history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.href.split('#')[0] ); } else { // location.hash =''; } } */ /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:') ==0 && isCampaignForm ) { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1].replaceAll('pk_', 'mtm_') ; } */ // alert(" location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')", location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')); formUrl += param; /* following script should be replaced by: problem: how to handle url change on post=? await fetchMyDocument(); async function fetchMyDocument() { try { let response = await fetch(formUrl); let toInsert = document.querySelector(formSel); toInsert.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('Fetch error:' + err); } return } */ // token from style/form-ajax.xsl (old "frontend") if (!window.filOtaz_de) window.filOtaz_de = {}; (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.Href) return; var defineProperty = undefined; if ((function(o) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { value: true }); return o.p; } catch (e) { return false; } })({})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, descriptor) { var prop = '' + prop; if (descriptor.get), prop, descriptor.get); if (descriptor.set), prop, descriptor.set); }; } var Href = filOtaz_de.Href = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Href) return arg; if (typeof arg == 'undefined') arg = ''; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = arg; if (!defineProperty) { a.getParams = proto.getParams, a.setAllParams = proto.setAllParams, a.setParams = proto.setParams; return a; } var me = this; ['href', 'protocol', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, set: function(v) { return a[name] = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); ['origin'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); this.toString = function() { return a.toString(); }; }; var proto = Href.prototype = { getParams: function(k) { if (k === undefined || k === String || k === '') return; if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) return this.getParams(Object)[k]; if (k === Array || k instanceof Array) return^[?]/, '').split('&'); if (k === Object || k instanceof Object) { var o = {}; $.each(this.getParams(Array), function(i, p) { if (!p.length) return; p = p.split('='); o[p.shift()] = p.length ? p.join('=') : true; }); return o; } }, setAllParams: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || params instanceof String) = params; else if (params instanceof Array) = params.join('&'); else if (params instanceof Object) { var a = []; $.each(params, function(k, v) { if (v === false || v === undefined) return; if (v === true) a.push(k); else a.push(k + '=' + v); }); this.setAllParams(a); } return this; }, setParams: function(param) { if (typeof param !== 'object' || param instanceof String) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Array) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Object) return this.setAllParams($.extend(this.getParams(Object), param)); }, none: null }; })(); (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.ajaxify) return; filOtaz_de.ajaxify = function(element, opt) { var asyncLoadable = new AsyncLoadable(element, opt); if (asyncLoadable instanceof AsyncLoadable) return true; }; filOtaz_de.ajaxify.get = function(url, opt) { }; var env = { haveSSL: location.protocol == 'https:', haveCORS: 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(), haveXDR: typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined" }; var allAsyncLoadables = []; var sentForm = false; var fallback = function(opt) { if (!(opt instanceof Object)) return null; var args = (opt.fallback instanceof Array) ? opt.fallback.slice() : []; args.push({}); args.reverse(); args.push(opt); return $.extend.apply($, args); } var AsyncLoadable = function(treatee, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (!opt) return undefined; opt.on = ensureObjType(opt.on, Object); if (!opt.on) return undefined; if (treatee) opt.treatee = treatee; this.opt = opt; var treatee = fallback(opt).treatee; this.jQ = $(treatee); if (!this.jQ.length) return undefined; this.domEl = this.jQ[0]; this.isForm = this.domEl instanceof HTMLFormElement; var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; if (typeof registerID == 'undefined') this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable = allAsyncLoadables.push(this) - 1; else if ((typeof registerID == 'number') && (allAsyncLoadables[registerID] instanceof AsyncLoadable)) return allAsyncLoadables[registerID]; else { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: ' + 'Something alien registered in our name.' ); return undefined; } this.url = opt.url = opt.url || this.jQ.attr('action') || fallback(opt).url || undefined; if (typeof this.url == 'undefined') { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: There is no action.'); return undefined; } this.url = new filOtaz_de.Href(this.url); this.needSSL = opt.needSSL; if (this.needSSL) { this.url.protocol = 'https'; } this.needCORS = this.needSSL && !env.haveSSL; if (this.needCORS && !env.haveCORS) { this.demandPageReload(); return; }; var me = this; this.jQ.on(this.isForm ? 'submit' : 'TAZloadAsync', function() { me.submitAsync(); return false; }); if (this.isForm) this.jQ.find(':submit[name]').click(function() { me.jQ.find('>input[name="' + + '"]').remove(); me.jQ.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + this.value + '"></input>'); }); var on = this.on = { loadable: this }; $.each(handlers, function(k, v) { on[k] = v; }); var error = this.jQ.find('.error').detach(), i = 0; if (error.length) me.block(); else return; var showErrors = function() { var e = error.eq(i); i++; if (e.length) me.showMessage(e.text(), { onConfirm: showErrors }) else { error.remove(); me.unblock(); } }; showErrors(); }; var handlers = { 0: function(data, status, xhr, message) { var loadable = this.loadable; if (loadable.opt.on.error instanceof Function) if (message) { console.log('xhr error (' + xhr.status + '), message:'); console.log(message); } loadable.showMessage( xhr.status + ' ' + (xhr.statusText || message), { title: 'Übertragungsfehler', slide: true, onConfirm: function() { loadable.flying = false; if (loadable.isForm) sentForm = false; if (loadable.opt.on.errAck instanceof Function) loadable.opt.on.errAck(loadable.jQ); } } ); }, 201: function(data, status, xhr) { if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); }, 200: function(data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''; if (-1 < type.indexOf('html')) { data = $('<div></div>').append($(xhr.responseText)); } if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) { this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); } this.loadable.mount(data); } }; (function() { var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object; proto.submitAsync = function() { if (this.flying) return false; this.flying = true; if (this.isForm) { if (sentForm) return false; sentForm = this; } var post = this.jQ.serialize(); this.jQ.attr({ debug: '001' }); this.block(); this.url.setParams({ xhr: true }); var on = this.on; // for local dev if (window.location.hostname == '' ) { // this.url.protocol = 'http'; this.url.hostname = ''; = ''; this.url.origin = '//'; } //console.log(this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET'); console.log(this.url.toString()); $.ajax({ type: this.isForm ? 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