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<h6 class="mb-2 mt-5 text-start">Case 2 : Select multiple columns (e.g. Column C + D + B + A) to construct a complete address to perform search.</h6> <img src="src/img/info_column_3b.jpg"> </div> '></div></label> <div class="col-md-7 p-0"> <div class="selection d-flex align-items-center"> <select name="column" class="col-md-9 form-control custom-select form-select mt-2" id="column"></select> <div class="btn btn-sm rounded-pill col-md-1 mt-2 pt-0 ms-2 bg-success">+</div> <div class="btn btn-sm rounded-pill col-md-1 mt-2 pt-0 ms-1 bg-danger">-</div> </div> </div> <div class="p-0 offset-md-5 btn btn-link mt-1 invisible text-start w-auto">Preview</div> </div> <div class="text-center submit pb-4"><button class="btn btn-primary disabled btn-lg">Go</button></div> </div> </div> <div id="tab2" class="text-center blur-bg mx-auto w-75 mt-5 p-1 gradient"> <textarea class="form-control" placeholder="e.g. 政府總部 Admiralty Centre ..."></textarea> <div class="text-center submit pt-1 pb-3"><button 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<li>Output with “GeoJSON” or “GML” formats: <ul> <li>The address record will be excluded from the output file if the search result is selected as “No input”<br><img src="src/img/info_noinput.png" class="mb-3"></li> <li>Symbols or special characters in header of the input excel file will be replaced by <kbd class="bg-secondary">_</kbd><br>e.g. “Estate/Village” 🠆 “Estate_Village”</li> <li>Prefix “INPUT_FILE_” will be added to the header of the input excel file<br>e.g. “Shop_Address” 🠆 “INPUT_FILE_Shop_Address”</li> </ul> </li> <li>For any enquiries, please email to <a href=""></a>. 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