Privacy Privacy PocketTube

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This privacy policy applies to our <a class="white-link" href="">site</a>, <a class="white-link" href="">Chrome</a>, <a class="white-link" href="">Firefox</a>, <a class="white-link" href="/install/PocketTube.dmg">Safari</a>, <a class="white-link" href="">Edge</a>, <a class="white-link" href="">Opera</a> browser extensions, <a class="white-link" href="">Android app</a> and <a class="white-link" href="">iOS app</a>.</p> <p>The information we gather or process is used solely for the core functionality of PocketTube and to improve the quality and security of our service. Your information isn’t and <strong>has never been sold to third parties.</strong></strong></p> <br><span style="font-size: 35px;">What information is being stored, or accessed?</span> <p>Your extension data(such as collection list, collection name and link, image list and extension setting) are transferred and stored securely, solely for your usage within our extension and not shared with any other third parties, except as specified in this policy. We use <a class="white-link" href=""> API</a> and <a class="white-link" href="">Google Drive API</a> for transferred and stored your information.</p> <br><span style="font-size: 35px;">Data accessible through WebExtensions API</span> <p>WebExtension APIs used within extensioon have fine-grained permission levels that are enforced by the Web Browser, restricting information that our extension has access to within your browser. The PocketTube extension can only access specific information that you have explicitly granted permission for. We can not and do not track your browsing history.</p> <p>Additional optional permissions may be requested when you enable specific features. When you enable a feature that requests an optional permission, your web browser will make it clear what permission(s) are being requested. The feature will be accessible once you choose to allow the requested permission(s).</p> <br><span style="font-size: 35px;">Google Drive API</span> <p>We use only Application Data folder in Google Drive Api. The 'Application Data folder' is a special folder that is only accessible by your application. Its content is hidden from the user, and from other apps. Despite being hidden from the user, the Application Data folder is stored on the user's Drive and therefore uses the user's Drive storage quota. The Application Data folder be used to store files with collection list, image list and configuration data.</p> <br><span style="font-size: 35px;">Youtube API</span> <p>We use Youtube API for reading your youtube subscription list. We don't change, update or delete any data.</p> <p>Usage of PocketTube app means that you agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service <a class="white-link" href=""></a></p> <p>You can revoke YouTube API Client's access via the Google security settings page <a class="white-link" href=""></a></p> <br><span style="font-size: 35px;">Analytics data</span> <p>This extension uses Mixpanel, a web analytics service provided by Mixpanel, Inc. (“Mixpanel”). Mixpanel uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site.</p> <p>To improve the content, features and overall experience of the extension, we gather and log data on how our users access and use PocketTube. For example, we may log actions like clicking on collection name, open tv mode, change image or set settings.</p> <p>Some of this usage data is sent to Mixplanel. In these cases, we do not send any identifying information that could be correlated with your account. We also make use of their IP anonymization feature to prevent your IP from being associated with your usage data.</p> <br><span style="font-size: 35px;">Do we disclose any information to third parties?</span> <p>We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to 3rd parties your personally identifiable information. Any of the information we collect from you may be used to personalize your experience. Your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs and improve this service. We continually work to improve our extension offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you.</p> <p>If you have any questions about data collection, analysis and use of personal data contact: <a class="white-link" href=""></a></p> <p>Last updated: September 9, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-sm-2" style="margin: 30px 0;"> <span class="logo-box"> <img src="img/logo.svg" alt="PocketTube logo in footer"> </span> <span class="copyright">PocketTube, 2024</span> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 app-links"> <a target="_blank" href=""> <img width="32" height="32" src="img/platforms/chrome.svg" alt="Chrome web store icon"/> </a> <a target="_blank" href=""> <img width="32" height="32" src="img/platforms/firefox.svg" alt="Firefox addons icon"/> </a> <a target="_blank" href="/install/PocketTube.dmg"> <img width="32" height="32" src="img/platforms/safari.svg" alt="Mac App Store icon"/> </a> <a target="_blank" href=""> <img width="32" height="32" src="img/platforms/edge.svg" alt="Microsoft Edge addons icon"/> </a> <a target="_blank" href=""> <img width="32" height="32" src="img/platforms/opera.svg" alt="Opera Addons icon"/> </a> <a target="_blank" href=''> <img alt='Get it on Google Play' src='img/platforms/google-play.svg' alt="Google play icon" height="43"> </a> <a target="_blank" href=''> <img alt='Get it on App Store' src='img/platforms/app-store.svg' width="140" height="63" alt="App Store icon"> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-2"> <ul class="nav-links"> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Patreon</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Buy Me a Coffee</a></li> <!--li><a href="/contribute.html">Contributors</a></li--> <li><a href="/press.html">Press</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Reddit</a></li><li><a target="_blank" href="">Github</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-2"> <ul class="nav-links"> <li><a target="_blank" href="">YouTube</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Twitter</a></li> <li><a href="/privacy.html">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/terms.html">Terms of Service</a></li><li><a href="">Send us an email</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </div> <style> .white-link{ text-decoration: none; color: wheat; } .white-link:hover{ color: wheat; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/appmain.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/carousel.js"></script> <!-- start Mixpanel --><script type="text/javascript">(function(e,a){if(!a.__SV){var b=window;try{var c,l,i,j=b.location,g=j.hash;c=function(a,b){return(l=a.match(RegExp(b+"=([^&]*)")))?l[1]:null};g&&c(g,"state")&&(i=JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(c(g,"state"))),"mpeditor"===i.action&&(b.sessionStorage.setItem("_mpcehash",g),history.replaceState(i.desiredHash||"",e.title,}catch(m){}var k,h;window.mixpanel=a;a._i=[];a.init=function(b,c,f){function e(b,a){var c=a.split(".");2==c.length&&(b=b[c[0]],a=c[1]);b[a]=function(){b.push([a].concat(, 0)))}}var d=a;"undefined"!==typeof f?d=a[f]=[]:f="mixpanel";d.people=d.people||[];d.toString=function(b){var a="mixpanel";"mixpanel"!==f&&(a+="."+f);b||(a+=" (stub)");return a};d.people.toString=function(){return d.toString(1)+".people (stub)"};k="disable time_event track track_pageview track_links track_forms register register_once alias unregister identify name_tag set_config reset opt_in_tracking opt_out_tracking has_opted_in_tracking has_opted_out_tracking clear_opt_in_out_tracking people.set people.set_once people.unset people.increment people.append people.union people.track_charge people.clear_charges people.delete_user".split(" "); for(h=0;h<k.length;h++)e(d,k[h]);a._i.push([b,c,f])};a.__SV=1.2;b=e.createElement("script");b.type="text/javascript";b.async=!0;b.src="undefined"!==typeof MIXPANEL_CUSTOM_LIB_URL?MIXPANEL_CUSTOM_LIB_URL:"file:"===e.location.protocol&&"//".match(/^\/\//)?"":"//";c=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];c.parentNode.insertBefore(b,c)}})(document,window.mixpanel||[]); mixpanel.init("ce7622c14ce3a7d40ba398167c3a6f9a"); mixpanel.track("Pageviews"); function isAndroid() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/(android)/i); } function isIOS() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad)|(iPhone)|(iPod)/i); } if (isAndroid() || isIOS()) { document.querySelector('.app-links-header').style.display = 'block'; } </script><!-- end Mixpanel --> </body> </html>

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