Maharashtra Elections 2024: Uddhav Thackeray Slams BJP, Confident of MVA Win - Frontline

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Maharashtra. " data-original="" class="lead-img" fetchpriority="high"/></picture></div><p class="caption"> Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray addresses a public meeting in support of party candidate Eknath Pawar for the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly election, at Loha in Nanded district of Maharashtra.  | Photo Credit: PTI </p></div><div id="content-body-68871964" class="articlebodycontent col-xl-9 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray has been a central figure in the State’s turbulent politics over the last five years. In this exclusive interview to <i>Frontline</i>, Thackeray speaks of his former alliance with <a href="" target="_blank" >BJP</a>, the personal attacks on his family by BJP leaders, his agenda for the Maharashtra, and speculates on who the next Chief Minister will be. Excerpts.</p><div class="article-interview"><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> Maharashtra has lately seen political turmoil and the abuse of power. Your comments?</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> Yes, Maharashtra has seen everything that it should not have. Some shameful actions. Their (BJP) actions in the last five years is a blot on the State. Maharashtra is known for its liberal culture, for its respect for each other, for its bravery. The people of this State are not greedy. But some leaders (of <a href="" target="_blank" >Mahayuti</a>) are. They are trying to change the identity of Maharashtra. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> Your party was broken, the government was toppled. You are going to elections in this backdrop. Do you believe it is going to be a tough battle?</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> Every election is full of challenges. But this <a href="" target="_blank" >election</a> is not just a challenge for me, but for Maharashtra. Does Maharashtra want to keep its identity intact? Will it allow change it? I think these are the questions and challenges of this election. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> What are the issues you will touch upon in your campaigns?</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> People see an election as an opportunity to think about their future: food, education and the guarantee of a bright future of their children; farmers want good rates for their crops. What do they have as a property? Nothing. Often, farmers use their wife’s <i>mangal sutra</i> as mortgage to look after the family needs. So, to bring in positive change to their life is my first motto. </p></div><p><strong>Also Read | <a class="also-read-mid-article" href="">I am sure people want change: Sharad Pawar</a></strong></p><div class="article-interview"><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> So, the welfare of the common man is your main narrative.</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> Yes, and at the same time, the pride of Maharashtra. I have always said that Maharashtra is a strong pillar of India. And this pillar is being destroyed now. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> Who is destroying it? You have been naming BJP for weakening Maharashtra.</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> Yes. By looting Maharashtra, they are weakening it. They are making Gujarat prosperous by weakening Maharashtra. I am not against Gujarati people. I have no issues with them. I am against Modi and Amit Shah. In the last 10 years they have been looting Maharashtra. I will not allow it to happen. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> After the Lok Sabha election, the Mahayuti government launched multiple welfare schemes such as Ladki Bahin. That has helped them make up the losses and are now in the race for power.</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> This means that had they received success in the Lok Sabha election, they would not have come up with these schemes, right? But they have not learnt several lessons. Look at how they are talking about the schemes. Recently I was in Kannad, (an Assembly constituency in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar district) where a BJP leader said that if women didn’t vote for the BJP, they will take Rs.3,000 back. People will reply through the ballot. </p></div><div class="article-quote"><p> “BJP is making Gujarat prosperous by weakening Maharashtra. I am not against Gujarati people. I have no issues with them. I am against Modi and Amit Shah. ”</p></div><div class="article-interview"><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> There is a new slogan given by Modi: ‘<i>Ek Hai to Safe Hai</i>’.</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> That is for the BJP only. Because now BJP is breaking. There are many rebels in Maharashtra and India. This is happening for the first time in 10 years. Now they are scared. It is now sure that they will be voted out. This is why they are asking their supporters to unite. This is why the slogan has come up: to settle their internal issues. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> Cotton and soyabean have become major issues. You have announced that your government will buy soyabean with more to MSP rates. You see it as a gamechanger of this election.</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> I don’t see it as game changer. I want to change the lives of farmers, to bring them prosperity. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> In an interview to<i> Frontline</i>, Sharad Pawar told me that in his 60-years career, he has never seen such a vindictive government. That they are using all agencies to derail the campaign. We have also seen your helicopter being searched. Is it harassment?</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> (Sarcastically) Now I will carry a snake in my bag. Only opposition leaders’ bags are being checked. I am not against it. But why now are Modi’s bags being checked? When I started video recording it, I said that the EC will do some drama and check the vehicles of other leaders. Immediately, from the next day, they started checking the bags of the Chief Minister and other Mahayuti leaders. </p></div><p><strong>Also Read | <a class="also-read-mid-article" href="">We are opposing vote jehad: Ajit Pawar</a></strong></p><div class="article-interview"><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance is now here. When you were the Chief Minister, various surveys named you one of the best. So do you believe that had MVA come up with your name as Chief Minister, it would have helped in election?</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> How can I would reply to that. If I says yes, it would be self-praise. But it’s ok. I am doing my duty. How my name is used is up to the people. But I will not allow any party to misuse my image. I will stand with the people of Maharashtra. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> Your words against BJP leaders are very bitter. You have been their friends and ally. But your conflict has now become personal.</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> Yes. Because they made it personal. They raided my family. They harassed my family with ED and CBI raids. They defamed my family. The saddest part is that they (BJP) grew in Maharashtra because my father Balasaheb Thackeray helped them. Had he been here today, he would have kicked them. </p><p class="question"><span class="icon"></span> Where do you see MVA headed in this election? How many seats you are expecting?</p><p class="answer"><span class="icon"></span> I raise people’ issues. I am sure we are winning. </p></div><div class="article-standard_piano-inline-2 articleblock-container" id="articleblockcontainer"></div><div class="comments-shares share-page article-bottom" data-artid="68871964" data-title="They are trying to change the identity of Maharashtra: Uddhav Thackeray" data-url="" data-leadtext="BJP is afraid of losing, says the former Chief Minister, adding that their new slogan, ‘Ek Hai to Safe Hai’, seeks to settle their internal issues."><div class="left"><p class="comments comments-article" data-ga-label="comments"> CONTRIBUTE YOUR COMMENTS <span class="coral-count text" data-coral-url="" data-coral-id="68871964" data-coral-notext="true"></span></p></div><div class="right"><a href="" class="get-nl"><span class="text">GET OUR NEWSLETTERS</span></a><p class="share share-text share-button"><span class="text">SHARE THIS STORY</span></p><ul class="share-list" style="display: none;"><li class="copy-link" onclick="copytext('');"> Copy link </li><li 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