BBC Sport - Football - Liverpool 1-1 Arsenal
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fails to stop the ball going in as Arsenal equalise" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"> <div class="cap">Reina (in grey) fails to stop the ball going in as Arsenal equalise</div> </div> <br clear="all" /> <!-- E IIMA --> <!-- S IBYL --> <div class="mvb"> <table cellspacing="0" width="466" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="bottom"> <div class="mvb"> <span class="byl"> By Mandeep Sanghera </span> </div> </td> </tr> </table><img src="" width="466" height="1" alt="" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"><br /> </div> <!-- E IBYL --> <!-- S SF --><p class="first"><b>A mistake by Liverpool keeper Pepe Reina allowed Arsenal to salvage a draw against a Reds side who had Joe Cole sent off on his Premier League debut.</b><p>Cole was red-carded for a lunge on Laurent Koscielny before David Ngog's driven shot put Liverpool ahead. </p><p>The lead lasted until the last minute when Marouane Chamakh diverted a cross against the post and Reina spilled the rebound into his own net. </p><p>Koscielny was then sent off for a second bookable offence in injury-time. </p><!-- E SF --><p>The late drama capped a frantic finish to the game, with Reina the unlikely culprit as victory eluded a Liverpool side who had resolutely held Arsenal at bay. </p><p>Reina had produced two key earlier saves to help maintain Liverpool's lead as the Reds had defended with discipline and determination to neutralise Arsenal after Cole had received the first red card of his career.</p> <!-- S IBOX --> <table cellspacing="0" align="right" width="231" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="5"><img src="" width="5" height="1" alt="" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"></td> <td class="sib606"> <div class="sihf"> 606: DEBATE </div> <div class="ibqlinks"> <!-- S ILIN --> <a class="" href="">What are your thoughts on the game? </a> <!-- E ILIN --> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- E IBOX --> <p>The arrival of Cole at Anfield on a free transfer had been heralded as one of the transfer coups of the summer, with Liverpool desperate for the kind of creativity and invention the playmaker would bring. </p><p>But, instead of the England international arriving to help restore Liverpool's fortunes, his Premier League debut for the Merseysiders quickly turned into a nightmare. </p><p>He had been deployed in his favoured position in the hole behind striker Ngog but he cut a subdued figure as he failed to get into the game, with Arsenal quickly closing him down on the rare occasions he was in possession. </p><p>His afternoon got worse on the stroke of half-time when he produced a reckless challenge on Koscielny and referee Martin Atkinson wasted little time in producing a straight red card. </p><p>Koscielny was stretchered off, although he did come back out after the break.</p> <!-- Inline Embbeded Media --> <!-- This is the embedded player component --> <div class="videoInStoryC"> <div id="emp_8915977" class="emp"> <noscript> <img name="holdingImage" class="holding" src="" alt="Roy Hodgson" /> <div 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disappointed to have let in at his near post. </p><p>Arsenal were shaken and the 10 men of Liverpool seized the initiative, with Ngog wasting a promising chance to add to the lead when he headed a Steven Gerrard free-kick over from six yards.</p> <!-- Inline Embbeded Media --> <!-- This is the embedded player component --> <div class="videoInStoryC"> <div id="emp_8915978" class="emp"> <noscript> <img name="holdingImage" class="holding" src="" alt="Arsene Wenger" /> <div class="warning"><p><strong>Please turn on JavaScript.</strong> Media requires JavaScript to play. </p> </p></div> </noscript> <object width="0" height="0"> <param name="id" value="embeddedPlayer_8915978" /> <param name="width" value="256" /> <param name="height" value="144" /> <param name="holding" value="" /> <param name="playlist" value="" /> <param name="config_settings_autoPlay" value="false" /> <param name="config_settings_showPopoutButton" value="false" /> <param name="autoPlay" value="false" /> <param name="config_plugin_fmtjLiveStats_pageType" value="eav2" /> <param name="config_plugin_fmtjLiveStats_edition" value="International" /> <param name="fmtjDocURI" value="/sport2/hi/football/eng_prem/8909559.stm"/> <param name="config_settings_suppressItemKind" value="advert, ident"/> <param name="config_settings_showUpdatedInFooter" value="true" /> </object> <!-- embedding script --> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var empId = 'emp_8915978', settings, settings = bbc.fmtj.av.emp.getPlayerSettings(empId); bbc.fmtj.av.emp.registerPlayer(empId, settings); //]]> </script> </div> <!-- caption --><p class="caption">Wenger states love for Arsenal</p><!-- END - caption --> </div> <!-- end of the embedded player component --> <!-- END of Inline Embedded Media --> <p>Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger had insisted beforehand that his side were ready to launch a title assault this season and this was an early test of their credentials. </p><p>The visitors passed and probed and went close as Thomas Vermaelen headed wide from a Tomas Rosicky cross, before Reina tipped a Theo Walcott free-kick round the post. </p><p>Reina also tipped a Rosicky strike just over the bar but Arsenal were frustrated by the fortitude of a Liverpool side showing the type of character and combativeness they hoped would secure a notable win - even with a groggy Daniel Agger struggling after being hit by a ball in the face. </p><p>However, when Rosicky whipped in a cross into the Reds area in the 89 minute, Reina's normal assured manner deserted him and Arsenal were provided with a share of the spoils. </p><p></p> <!-- S IINC --> <!--template: $Id: //depot/feeds/sport/SportsStatsV3/v3.4/SOLRenderService/xslt/football/match/html/football_match_wrapper.html.xslt#1 $--><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app/sports_stats/collapsible/collapsible.js"></script> <!--Fixture ID: 3293494--> <!--template: $Id: //depot/feeds/sport/SportsStatsV3/v3.6/SOLRenderService/xslt/football/match/html/football_match_summary.html.xslt#1 $--><div class="short_table livescores2" id="matchScoreSummaryRenderer"> <h2>Live text and stats</h2> <p class="updateMessage"> </p> <p>Sunday, 15 August 2010</p> <p>Premier League</p> <table summary="This table is for live text and stats" caption="" class="table2"> <thead> <tr class="header2"> <th scope="col" class="col1"><span>Home Team</span></th> <th scope="col" class="col2"><span>Score</span></th> <th scope="col" class="col3"><span>Away Team</span></th> <th scope="col" class="col4"><span>Time</span></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="matchScore"> <td class="team right" id="homeTeam">Liverpool</td> <td class="center" id="score">1-1</td> <td class="team" id="awayTeam">Arsenal</td> <td class="center strong end" id="matchStatus">FT</td> </tr> <tr class="htScoreRow"> <td class="subrow" colspan="4"><span class="ht">(HT 0-0)</span><span class="agg" style="display: none;"></span><span class="comment"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="team right" id="homeTeamScorers"> <ul> <li class="event_13368586">Ngog 46</li> </ul> </td> <td></td> <td class="team left" id="awayTeamScorers"> <ul class="left"> <li class="event_13368905">Reina (og) 90+1</li> </ul> </td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><div id="oPPM_teamList_matchStats_Wrapper"> <!--template: $Id: //depot/feeds/sport/SportsStatsV3/v3.6/SOLRenderService/xslt/football/match/html/football_match_team_list.json.html.xslt#1 $ --> <!--match id=3293494, status=RESULT--><div class="statslist" id="footballTeamListRenderer"> <div class="colone" id="footballTeamListRenderer_teamList_home"> <h3>Liverpool</h3> <ul class="teamlist"> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_195189"><span>25 <a href="">Reina</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_249096"><span>02 <a href="">G Johnson</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_281745"><span>05 <a href="">Agger</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_28634"><span>23 <a href="">Carragher</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_284089"><span>37 <a href="">Skrtel</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_42671"><span class="yellow">08 <a href="">Gerrard</a><span class="reader"> yellow card</span></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_43188"><span class="red">10 <a href="">Cole</a><span class="reader"> red card</span></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_276002"><span>20 Mascherano</span></span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_353260"> (<span><a href="">Lucas</a> 78</span>)</span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_224859"><span>14 <a href="">Jovanovic</a></span></span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_195878"> (<span><a href="">Maxi</a> 65</span>)</span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_47998"><span>18 <a href="">Kuyt</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_355308"><span>24 <a href="">Ngog</a></span></span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_250968"> (<span><a href="">Torres</a> 74</span>)</span></li> </ul> <h4>Substitutes</h4> <ul class="subs"> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_254136">01 Cavalieri, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_209572">06 <a href="">Aurelio</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_389502">34 <a href="">Kelly</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_195878">17 <a href="">Maxi</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_353260">21 <a href="">Lucas</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_250968">09 <a href="">Torres</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_287654">19 <a href="">Babel</a></span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="coltwo" id="footballTeamListRenderer_teamList_away"> <h3>Arsenal</h3> <ul class="teamlist"> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_231795"><span>01 <a href="">Almunia</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_282300"><span>03 <a href="">Sagna</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_285782"><span>05 <a href="">Vermaelen</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_322957"><span class="yellow2">06 <a href="">Koscielny</a><span class="reader"> two yellow cards, red card</span></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_275505"><span>22 <a href="">Clichy</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_259023"><span>27 <a href="">Eboue</a></span></span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_304763"> (<span><a href="">Walcott</a> 59</span>)</span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_300448"><span>02 <a href="">Diaby</a></span></span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_241625"> (<span><a href="">Van Persie</a> 76</span>)</span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_294839"><span>08 <a href="">Nasri</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_398216"><span class="yellow">19 <a href="">Wilshere</a><span class="reader"> yellow card</span></span></span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_195916"> (<span class="yellow"><a href="">Rosicky</a> 60<span class="reader"> yellow card</span></span>)</span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_202962"><span>23 <a href="">Arshavin</a></span></span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_player_261728"><span>29 <a href="">Chamakh</a></span></span></li> </ul> <h4>Substitutes</h4> <ul class="subs"> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_315730">21 <a href="">Fabianski</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_365051">28 <a href="">Gibbs</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_195916">07 <a href="">Rosicky</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_304763">14 <a href="">Walcott</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_299259">17 <a href="">A Song</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_241625">10 <a href="">Van Persie</a>, </span></li> <li><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_sub_342903">11 <a href="">Vela</a></span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="additional"><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_ref">Ref: Atkinson</span><span id="footballTeamListRenderer_att">Att: 44,722</span></div> </div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">{ renderer: { src: "/js/app/sports_stats/football/football_team_list_renderer.js", id: "footballTeamListRenderer" }, moduleObject: { id: "footballTeamListRenderer" }, feedObject: { updatePeriod: 30, dataSource: "/sport/hi/english/static/football/statistics/matches/2010/08/15/team9_v_team1006/match_summary.json" } }); </script> <!--template: $Id: //depot/feeds/sport/SportsStatsV3/v3.6/SOLRenderService/xslt/football/match/html/football_match_stats.json.html.xslt#1 $--><div id="matchStats_3293494" class="barstats"> <div class="hometeamref">LIVERPOOL</div> <div class="awayteamref">ARSENAL</div> <div class="possession"> <h3>Possession</h3> <div class="hometeambar"></div> <div class="awayteambar" style="width:58%"></div> <ul> <li class="hometeam"><span class="reader">Liverpool</span> <span class="stat">42%</span></li> <li class="awayteam"><span class="reader">Arsenal</span> <span class="stat">58%</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="shotsOnTarget"> <h3>Attempts on target</h3> <div class="hometeambar"></div> <div class="awayteambar" style="width:60%"></div> <ul> <li class="hometeam"><span class="reader">Liverpool</span> <span class="stat">4</span></li> <li class="awayteam"><span class="reader">Arsenal</span> <span class="stat">6</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="shotsOffTarget"> <h3>Attempts off target</h3> <div class="hometeambar"></div> <div class="awayteambar" style="width:75%"></div> <ul> <li class="hometeam"><span class="reader">Liverpool</span> <span class="stat">2</span></li> <li class="awayteam"><span class="reader">Arsenal</span> <span class="stat">6</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="corners"> <h3>Corners</h3> <div class="hometeambar"></div> <div class="awayteambar" style="width:56%"></div> <ul> <li class="hometeam"><span class="reader">Liverpool</span> <span class="stat">8</span></li> <li class="awayteam"><span class="reader">Arsenal</span> <span class="stat">10</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="fouls"> <h3>Fouls</h3> <div class="hometeambar"></div> <div class="awayteambar" style="width:48%"></div> <ul> <li class="hometeam"><span class="reader">Liverpool</span> <span class="stat">11</span></li> <li class="awayteam"><span class="reader">Arsenal</span> <span class="stat">10</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">{ renderer: { src: "/js/app/sports_stats/football/football_match_stats_renderer.js", id: "footballMatchStatsRenderer" }, moduleObject: { id: "matchStats_3293494" }, feedObject: { updatePeriod: 30, dataSource: "/sport/hi/english/static/football/statistics/matches/2010/08/15/team9_v_team1006/match_summary.json" } }); </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> gloader.load(["glow", "1", "glow.dom", "", "glow.tweens"], { onLoad: function(glow){ glow.ready(function() { //default state may be 'open' or 'closed' bbc.fmtj.apps.collapsible.init({ 'containers': [{ 'componentId': '#oPPM_teamList_matchStats_Wrapper', 'collapsedSize': 0, 'collapseRate': '0.5', 'headerText_openState': 'Hide team line-ups and match stats', 'headerText_closedState': 'Show team line-ups and match stats', 'defaultState': 'open' }] }); }); } }); </script> </div> <!--template: $Id: //depot/feeds/sport/SportsStatsV3/v3.6/SOLRenderService/xslt/football/match/html/football_match_commentary.json.html.xslt#1 $--> <!--Fixture ID: 3293494--> <div id="matchLiveText_3293494" class="matchLiveText"> <ul> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_Result_"><strong class="incident"> Final Result </strong></li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_FT_"><strong class="incident"> Full Time </strong></li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_FT_0"><strong class="time"> 90:00+6:54 </strong> The referee brings the game to a close. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_120_1"><strong class="dismissal"> 90:00+4:44 Sent off</strong> The referee sends off Laurent Koscielny for second bookable offence. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_120_1_corr"><strong class="dismissal"> Correction - 90:00+4:37 Sent off</strong> Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal) dismissed for second bookable offence. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_120_0_corr"><strong class="time"> Correction - 90:00+4:37 </strong> Laurent Koscielny handles the ball and concedes a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Rodriguez Maxi. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_120_0"><strong class="time"> 90:00+4:37 </strong> Handball by Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Rodriguez Maxi (Liverpool) from own half, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_119_0"><strong class="time"> 90:00+3:55 </strong> Cross by Theo Walcott (Arsenal), clearance by Martin Skrtel (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_118_2_corr"><strong class="time"> Correction - 90:00+2:15 </strong> Steven Gerrard has a direct shot on goal from the free kick, save by Manuel Almunia. Corner taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard, clearance made by Bacary Sagna. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_118_1_corr"><strong class="booking"> Correction - 90:00+2:05 Booking</strong> Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal) booked for unsporting behaviour. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_118_0_corr"><strong class="time"> Correction - 90:00+2:05 </strong> Foul by Laurent Koscielny on Dirk Kuyt, free kick awarded. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_118_2"><strong class="time"> 90:00+2:05 </strong> Free kick drilled right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) from left channel (30 yards), save (tipped round post) by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) to far post, clearance by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_118_1"><strong class="booking"> 90:00+2:05 Booking</strong> Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal) booked for unsporting behaviour. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_118_0"><strong class="time"> 90:00+2:05 </strong> Foul by Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal) on Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_117_0"><strong class="time"> 90:00+1:22 </strong> Corner from left by-line taken short right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool). Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) to centre, clearance by Tomas Rosicky (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_116_1"><strong class="goal"> 90:00+0:39 GOAL - Jose Reina<span class="hidden">:</span><span class="score">Liverpool 1 - 1 Arsenal</span></strong> Jose Reina concedes an own goal. Liverpool 1-1 Arsenal. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_116_0"><strong class="time"> 89:37 </strong> The ball is delivered by Tomas Rosicky, Marouane Chamakh takes a shot from close range that bounces off the post. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_115_0"><strong class="time"> 89:31 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Gael Clichy (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_114_0"><strong class="time"> 87:23 </strong> Foul by Rodriguez Maxi on Robin van Persie, free kick awarded. The free kick is swung in left-footed by Robin van Persie, Daniel Agger manages to make a clearance. Corner from the right by-line taken by Robin van Persie, Unfair challenge on Glen Johnson by Thomas Vermaelen results in a free kick. Jose Reina takes the free kick. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_113_0"><strong class="time"> 86:54 </strong> Cross by Andrey Arshavin (Arsenal), clearance by Rodriguez Maxi (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_112_0"><strong class="time"> 85:50 </strong> Tomas Rosicky takes a shot. Save by Jose Reina. Corner taken by Robin van Persie, Glen Johnson manages to make a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_111_2"><strong class="time"> 84:33 </strong> Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jose Reina (Liverpool) from own half, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_111_1"><strong class="booking"> 84:33 Booking</strong> Tomas Rosicky (Arsenal) booked for unsporting behaviour. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_111_0"><strong class="time"> 84:33 </strong> Foul by Tomas Rosicky (Arsenal) on Steven Gerrard (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_109_0"><strong class="time"> 83:17 </strong> Defending throw-in by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_108_0"><strong class="time"> 82:42 </strong> Free kick awarded for a foul by Tomas Rosicky on Martin Skrtel. Jose Reina restarts play with the free kick. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_107_0"><strong class="time"> 82:02 </strong> Cross by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal), save (caught) by Jose Reina (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_106_0"><strong class="time"> 81:36 </strong> Unfair challenge on Theo Walcott by Rodriguez Maxi results in a free kick. Free kick taken by Bacary Sagna. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_105_0"><strong class="time"> 79:40 </strong> Theo Walcott produces a right-footed shot from the edge of the box and misses to the right of the goal. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_104_0"><strong class="time"> 78:55 </strong> Corner taken by Robin van Persie from the right by-line played to the near post, Steven Gerrard makes a clearance. Corner taken by Robin van Persie from the right by-line to the near post, clearance made by Daniel Agger. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_103_2"><strong class="time"> 77:19 </strong> The free kick is swung in right-footed by Steven Gerrard, save by Manuel Almunia. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_103_1"><strong class="incident"> 77:19 Substitution</strong> (Liverpool) makes a substitution, with Leiva Lucas coming on for Javier Mascherano. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_103_0"><strong class="time"> 77:19 </strong> Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Fernando Torres by Andrey Arshavin. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_102_0"><strong class="time"> 75:47 </strong> Cross by Gael Clichy (Arsenal), clearance by Daniel Agger (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_101_1"><strong class="time"> 75:07 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Gael Clichy (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_101_0"><strong class="incident"> 75:07 Substitution</strong> Vassiriki Diaby leaves the field to be replaced by Robin van Persie. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_100_0"><strong class="time"> 74:37 </strong> Cross by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal), clearance by Martin Skrtel (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_99_0"><strong class="time"> 74:01 </strong> Fernando Torres (Liverpool) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Gael Clichy (Arsenal) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_98_3"><strong class="incident"> 72:02 Substitution</strong> Fernando Torres joins the action as a substitute, replacing David Ngog. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_98_2"><strong class="time"> 72:02 </strong> Shot on goal comes in from Theo Walcott from the free kick, save made by Jose Reina. Outswinging corner taken by Andrey Arshavin from the right by-line played to the near post. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_98_1"><strong class="booking"> 72:02 Booking</strong> Steven Gerrard goes into the referee's book. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_98_0"><strong class="time"> 71:54 </strong> Steven Gerrard concedes a free kick for a foul on Marouane Chamakh. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_97_0"><strong class="time"> 71:29 </strong> Goal kick taken short by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_96_0"><strong class="time"> 70:53 </strong> Handball by Samir Nasri (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jose Reina (Liverpool) from own half, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_95_0"><strong class="time"> 69:58 </strong> The ball is swung over by Andrey Arshavin, Daniel Agger makes a clearance. Samir Nasri takes the chance to get an effort at goal. Blocked by Martin Skrtel. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_94_0"><strong class="time"> 69:42 </strong> The ball is swung over by Bacary Sagna, Martin Skrtel manages to make a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_93_0"><strong class="time"> 68:21 </strong> Tomas Rosicky produces a cross, Thomas Vermaelen has a headed effort at goal from close range which goes wide left of the target. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_92_0"><strong class="time"> 67:27 </strong> The ball is sent over by Bacary Sagna, blocked by Daniel Agger. Samir Nasri takes a outswinging corner to the near post, clearance by Daniel Agger. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_91_0"><strong class="time"> 67:02 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_90_0"><strong class="time"> 66:12 </strong> A cross is delivered by Andrey Arshavin, Rodriguez Maxi makes a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_89_0"><strong class="time"> 65:41 </strong> Cross by Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool), clearance by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_88_1"><strong class="time"> 64:55 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_88_0"><strong class="incident"> 64:55 Substitution</strong> Liverpool substitution: Milan Jovanovic replaced by Rodriguez Maxi (tactical). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_87_0"><strong class="time"> 64:05 </strong> The ball is crossed by Samir Nasri. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_86_0_corr"><strong class="time"> Correction - 63:27 </strong> David Ngog is adjudged to have handled the ball. Direct free kick taken by Manuel Almunia. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_86_0"><strong class="time"> 63:27 </strong> David Ngog is penalised for handball and concedes a free kick. Free kick taken by Jose Reina. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_83_0"><strong class="time"> 61:03 </strong> Goal kick taken long by Jose Reina (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_82_0"><strong class="time"> 60:36 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Samir Nasri (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_81_0"><strong class="time"> 60:08 </strong> The ball is crossed by Theo Walcott, blocked by Jamie Carragher. Andrey Arshavin takes a inswinging corner from the left by-line to the near post, clearance by Steven Gerrard. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_80_0"><strong class="time"> 59:49 </strong> The ball is delivered by Dirk Kuyt, save by Manuel Almunia. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_79_3"><strong class="time"> 58:04 </strong> Goal kick taken long by Jose Reina (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_79_2"><strong class="incident"> 58:04 Substitution</strong> Arsenal substitution: Jack Wilshere replaced by Tomas Rosicky (tactical). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_79_1"><strong class="incident"> 58:04 Substitution</strong> Arsenal substitution: Emmanuel Eboue replaced by Theo Walcott (tactical). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_79_0"><strong class="time"> 58:04 </strong> Shot by Samir Nasri (Arsenal) right-footed from right channel (18 yards), blocked by Martin Skrtel (Liverpool). Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Samir Nasri (Arsenal) to near post, clearance by Jamie Carragher (Liverpool). Shot by Jack Wilshere (Arsenal) left-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_78_0"><strong class="time"> 56:57 </strong> Cross by Jack Wilshere (Arsenal), clearance by Daniel Agger (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_77_0"><strong class="time"> 56:39 </strong> Cross by Jack Wilshere (Arsenal), clearance by Daniel Agger (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_76_0"><strong class="time"> 56:14 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Gael Clichy (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_75_0"><strong class="time"> 55:55 </strong> Defending throw-in by Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_74_0"><strong class="time"> 54:31 </strong> Foul by Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal) on David Ngog (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) from right channel, header by David Ngog (Liverpool) from centre of penalty area (6 yards), missed right. Goal kick taken short by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_73_0"><strong class="time"> 53:52 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_72_0"><strong class="time"> 53:33 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_71_0"><strong class="time"> 53:21 </strong> Defending throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_70_0"><strong class="time"> 52:37 </strong> Foul by Javier Mascherano (Liverpool) on Jack Wilshere (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_69_0"><strong class="time"> 51:55 </strong> Steven Gerrard takes the inswinging corner, Bacary Sagna makes a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_68_0"><strong class="time"> 51:20 </strong> Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) to near post, clearance by Jack Wilshere (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_67_0"><strong class="time"> 50:41 </strong> Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) to far post, resulting in open play. Cross by Milan Jovanovic (Liverpool), clearance by Vassiriki Diaby (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_66_0"><strong class="time"> 50:30 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_65_0"><strong class="time"> 50:04 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_64_0"><strong class="time"> 49:29 </strong> Cross by Emmanuel Eboue (Arsenal), save (caught) by Jose Reina (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_63_0"><strong class="time"> 49:08 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Gael Clichy (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_62_0"><strong class="time"> 47:41 </strong> Foul by Gael Clichy (Arsenal) on Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) from right wing, header by Martin Skrtel (Liverpool) from centre of penalty area (6 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken short by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_61_0"><strong class="time"> 47:11 </strong> Foul by Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal) on David Ngog (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jamie Carragher (Liverpool) from right channel, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_60_1"><strong class="time"> 45:58 </strong> The assist for the goal came from Javier Mascherano. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_60_0"><strong class="goal"> 45:58 GOAL - David Ngog<span class="hidden">:</span><span class="score">Liverpool 1 - 0 Arsenal</span></strong> David Ngog scores a goal from inside the penalty area high into the middle of the goal. Liverpool 1-0 Arsenal. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_59_0"><strong class="time"> 45:40 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_SHS_0"><strong class="time"> 45:01 </strong> The referee blows his whistle to start the second half. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_HT_"><strong class="incident"> Half Time </strong></li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_HT_0"><strong class="time"> 45:00+2:24 </strong> The players leave the pitch at half time. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_58_2"><strong class="time"> 45:00+0:14 </strong> Direct free kick taken right-footed by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_58_1"><strong class="dismissal"> 45:00+0:14 Sent off</strong> Joe Cole (Liverpool) dismissed for serious foul play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_58_0"><strong class="time"> 45:00+0:14 </strong> Foul by Joe Cole (Liverpool) on Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_57_0"><strong class="time"> 44:04 </strong> Glen Johnson has a drilled shot. Manuel Almunia makes a save. Corner taken by Steven Gerrard from the right by-line played to the near post, David Ngog takes a shot. Gael Clichy makes a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_54_2"><strong class="time"> 40:21 </strong> Free kick taken by Steven Gerrard. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_54_1"><strong class="booking"> 40:21 Booking</strong> Jack Wilshere is shown a yellow card. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_54_0"><strong class="time"> 40:16 </strong> Unfair challenge on Javier Mascherano by Jack Wilshere results in a free kick. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_50_0"><strong class="time"> 38:33 </strong> The ball is crossed by Gael Clichy, Martin Skrtel manages to make a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_48_0"><strong class="time"> 36:58 </strong> Shot by Milan Jovanovic (Liverpool) left-footed from left side of penalty area (12 yards), missed left. Goal kick taken long by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_46_0"><strong class="time"> 36:03 </strong> Defending throw-in by Daniel Agger (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_45_0"><strong class="time"> 35:30 </strong> The assistant referee flags for offside against Dirk Kuyt. Indirect free kick taken by Manuel Almunia. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_44_0"><strong class="time"> 34:21 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_43_0"><strong class="time"> 34:01 </strong> Vassiriki Diaby concedes a free kick for a foul on Joe Cole. Free kick taken by Steven Gerrard. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_42_0"><strong class="time"> 33:53 </strong> The ball is delivered by Samir Nasri, clearance by Glen Johnson. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_41_0"><strong class="time"> 33:22 </strong> Foul by David Ngog (Liverpool) on Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_40_0"><strong class="time"> 32:50 </strong> Foul by Marouane Chamakh (Arsenal) on Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jamie Carragher (Liverpool) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_39_0"><strong class="time"> 32:26 </strong> Daniel Agger gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Thomas Vermaelen. Free kick taken by Manuel Almunia. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_38_0"><strong class="time"> 31:06 </strong> Corner taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard from the right by-line to the near post, Emmanuel Eboue makes a clearance. Outswinging corner taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard played to the near post, save by Manuel Almunia. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_37_0"><strong class="time"> 30:26 </strong> Gael Clichy takes a long range shot clearing the crossbar. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_36_0"><strong class="time"> 28:29 </strong> Cross by Daniel Agger (Liverpool), clearance by Gael Clichy (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_35_0"><strong class="time"> 28:05 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Daniel Agger (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_34_0"><strong class="time"> 26:35 </strong> Javier Mascherano gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Andrey Arshavin. Samir Nasri has an effort direct from the free kick. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_33_0"><strong class="time"> 26:09 </strong> Gael Clichy sends in a cross, Daniel Agger makes a clearance. The ball is sent over by Bacary Sagna, Daniel Agger manages to make a clearance. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_32_0"><strong class="time"> 25:46 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_31_0"><strong class="time"> 24:39 </strong> Free kick awarded for a foul by Glen Johnson on Samir Nasri. Andrey Arshavin takes the direct free kick. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_30_0"><strong class="time"> 22:27 </strong> The ball is delivered by Bacary Sagna, Glen Johnson makes a clearance. Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Samir Nasri from the left by-line to the near post, Dirk Kuyt manages to make a clearance. Samir Nasri takes the inswinging corner, Close range header by Thomas Vermaelen goes over the bar. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_29_0"><strong class="time"> 20:06 </strong> Steven Gerrard challenges Emmanuel Eboue unfairly and gives away a free kick. Samir Nasri fires a strike on goal direct from the free kick. Long range effort by Thomas Vermaelen goes wide right of the target. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_28_0"><strong class="time"> 17:41 </strong> Unfair challenge on Joe Cole by Vassiriki Diaby results in a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Javier Mascherano. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_26_0"><strong class="time"> 17:30 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Emmanuel Eboue (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_25_0"><strong class="time"> 17:18 </strong> David Ngog (Liverpool) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal) from own half, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_24_0"><strong class="time"> 17:06 </strong> Defending throw-in by Andrey Arshavin (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_23_0"><strong class="time"> 14:41 </strong> Foul by Marouane Chamakh (Arsenal) on Martin Skrtel (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool) from left wing, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_22_0"><strong class="time"> 14:25 </strong> Cross by Glen Johnson (Liverpool), resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_21_0"><strong class="time"> 13:45 </strong> Foul by Andrey Arshavin (Arsenal) on Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_20_0"><strong class="time"> 13:00 </strong> David Ngog (Liverpool) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal) from own half, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_19_0"><strong class="time"> 12:28 </strong> Defending throw-in by Gael Clichy (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_18_0"><strong class="time"> 12:11 </strong> Defending throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_17_0"><strong class="time"> 12:03 </strong> Defending throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_16_0"><strong class="time"> 11:25 </strong> Foul by Daniel Agger (Liverpool) on Emmanuel Eboue (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Bacary Sagna (Arsenal) from right wing, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_15_0"><strong class="time"> 10:53 </strong> David Ngog (Liverpool) caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal) from own half, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_14_0"><strong class="time"> 9:47 </strong> Centre by Dirk Kuyt, clearance made by Laurent Koscielny. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_13_0"><strong class="time"> 8:53 </strong> The assistant referee signals for offside against Marouane Chamakh. Free kick taken by Jose Reina. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_12_0"><strong class="time"> 7:45 </strong> Cross by Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool), save (caught) by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_11_0"><strong class="time"> 7:25 </strong> Cross by Gael Clichy (Arsenal), clearance by Jamie Carragher (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_10_0"><strong class="time"> 7:03 </strong> Foul by Javier Mascherano (Liverpool) on Samir Nasri (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Samir Nasri (Arsenal) from right channel, passed. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_9_0"><strong class="time"> 5:56 </strong> Cross by Dirk Kuyt (Liverpool), save (caught) by Manuel Almunia (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_8_0"><strong class="time"> 5:45 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Glen Johnson (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_7_0"><strong class="time"> 5:09 </strong> Cross by Samir Nasri (Arsenal), resulting in ball out of play. Goal kick taken long by Jose Reina (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_6_0"><strong class="time"> 4:41 </strong> Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Samir Nasri from the left by-line to the near post, clearance by Steven Gerrard. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_5_0"><strong class="time"> 3:40 </strong> Handball by Javier Mascherano (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Samir Nasri (Arsenal) from right channel, passed. Shot by Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal) drilled left-footed from right channel (30 yards), save (parried) by Jose Reina (Liverpool). Attacking throw-in by Andrey Arshavin (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_4_0"><strong class="time"> 2:59 </strong> Foul by Steven Gerrard (Liverpool) on Jack Wilshere (Arsenal). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Vassiriki Diaby (Arsenal) from own half, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_3_0"><strong class="time"> 1:13 </strong> Foul by Jack Wilshere (Arsenal) on Joe Cole (Liverpool). Direct free kick taken right-footed by Javier Mascherano (Liverpool) from left channel, resulting in open play. </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_2_0"><strong class="time"> 0:41 </strong> Defending throw-in by Daniel Agger (Liverpool). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_1_0"><strong class="time"> 0:17 </strong> Attacking throw-in by Samir Nasri (Arsenal). </li> <li id="matchLiveText_3293494_seq_KO_0"><strong class="time"> 0:00 </strong> The ref blows the whistle to begin the match. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="oppm_live_text_accreditation"> <hr> <p class="date">Live text and data provided by The Press Association.</p> </div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">{ renderer: { src: "/js/app/sports_stats/football/football_match_live_text_renderer.js", id: "footballMatchLiveTextRenderer" }, moduleObject: { id: "matchLiveText_3293494" }, feedObject: { updatePeriod: 30, dataSource: 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<tr id="asitstands_team_4" class="odd"> <td class="c1">1</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Chelsea</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">6</td> <td class="c5">3</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_46" class="even"> <td class="c1">2</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Blackpool</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">4</td> <td class="c5">3</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_2" class="odd"> <td class="c1">3</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Aston Villa</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">3</td> <td class="c5">3</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_44" class="even boundary"> <td class="c1">4</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Wolves</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">1</td> <td class="c5">3</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_22" class="odd boundary"> <td class="c1">5</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Blackburn</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">1</td> <td class="c5">3</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_45" class="even"> <td class="c1">6</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Birmingham</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_39" class="odd"> <td class="c1">7</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Sunderland</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_1006" class="even"> <td class="c1">8</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Arsenal</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_9" class="odd"> <td class="c1">9</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Liverpool</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_47" class="even"> <td class="c1">10</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Bolton</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_55" class="odd"> <td class="c1">11</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Fulham</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_11" class="even"> <td class="c1">12</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Man City</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_19" class="odd"> <td class="c1">13</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Tottenham</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">1</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_12" class="even"> <td class="c1">14</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Man Utd</a></td> <td class="c3">0</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_31" class="odd"> <td class="c1">15</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Newcastle</a></td> <td class="c3">0</td> <td class="c4">0</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_38" class="even"> <td class="c1">16</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Stoke</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">-1</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_8" class="odd boundary"> <td class="c1">17</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Everton</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">-1</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_43" class="even"> <td class="c1">18</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">West Ham</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">-3</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_68" class="odd"> <td class="c1">19</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">Wigan</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">-4</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> <tr id="asitstands_team_42" class="even"> <td class="c1">20</td> <td class="c2 team" scope="row"><a href="">West Brom</a></td> <td class="c3">1</td> <td class="c4">-6</td> <td class="c5">0</td> </tr> </tbody> 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