Presentation templates for professionals | Prezi
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Totally free and easy to customize with your own content.", page_title: "Presentation templates: 210+ professional presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Create stunning, engaging presentations with Prezi\u0027s professionally\u002Ddesigned presentation templates. Totally free and easy to customize with your own content.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "business", name: "Business presentation templates", short_name: "Business", description: "Who says business presentations have to be boring? Break away from the confines of slide decks with our collection of easily customized, free business presentation templates. Open the way for your meteoric rise to the top with business presentations that are more compelling, engaging, and memorable than the slideshows of yesteryear.", page_title: "Business presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Who says business presentations have to be boring? Break away from the confines of slide decks with our collection of easily customized, free business presentation templates. Open the way for your meteoric rise to the top with business presentations that are more compelling, engaging, and memorable than the slideshows of yesteryear.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "business\u002Dvideo", name: "Business video templates", short_name: "Business videos", description: "Choose from one of Prezi Video\u0027s professionally designed business video templates to create high\u002Dquality content for your company. These business templates are easy to use, making it a breeze to produce video content for promotions, social media, or internal announcements.", page_title: "Business video templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Choose from one of Prezi Video\u0027s professionally designed business video templates to create high\u002Dquality content for your company. These business templates are easy to use, making it a breeze to produce video content for promotions, social media, or internal announcements.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "review", name: "Business review templates and QBR templates", short_name: "Business review", description: "Another quarter’s coming to a close and it’s time to share your results and highlights with the team. Tell the stories behind the numbers with these free business review templates. We have dozens of QBR templates, business report templates, and review templates to choose from.", page_title: "Business review templates and QBR templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Another quarter’s coming to a close and it’s time to share your results and highlights with the team. Tell the stories behind the numbers with these free business review templates. We have dozens of QBR templates, business report templates, and review templates to choose from.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "consulting", name: "Consulting presentation templates", short_name: "Consulting", description: "Great presentations go a long way toward establishing credibility in your field of expertise and are especially important to consultants. Our collection of consulting presentation templates let you easily create your most compelling, memorable, and persuasive presentations ever.", page_title: "Consulting presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Great presentations go a long way toward establishing credibility in your field of expertise and are especially important to consultants. Our collection of consulting presentation templates let you easily create your most compelling, memorable, and persuasive presentations ever.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "education", name: "Education presentation templates", short_name: "Education", description: "Our education and nonprofit presentation templates are easily customized to make your message more engaging, more easily understood, and more memorable than ever. There are lessons to be learned from people who give truly compelling presentations and now you can be one of them. Explore Prezi\u0027s education presentation templates and nonprofit presentation templates to find the one that\u0027s right for you.", page_title: "Teacher templates and education presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Our education and nonprofit presentation templates are easily customized to make your message more engaging, more easily understood, and more memorable than ever. There are lessons to be learned from people who give truly compelling presentations and now you can be one of them. Explore Prezi\u0027s education presentation templates and nonprofit presentation templates to find the one that\u0027s right for you.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "finance", name: "Finance presentation templates", short_name: "Finance", description: "Let’s face it: Financial presentations aren’t exactly known for being edge\u002Dof\u002Dyour\u002Dseat thrillers. But these customizable financial presentation templates make it easy to create beautiful, engaging, and easily understandable financial presentations that’ll have your audience shouting out “Wow, this presentation is money!”", page_title: "Finance presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Let’s face it: Financial presentations aren’t exactly known for being edge\u002Dof\u002Dyour\u002Dseat thrillers. But these customizable financial presentation templates make it easy to create beautiful, engaging, and easily understandable financial presentations that’ll have your audience shouting out “Wow, this presentation is money!”", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "general", name: "General presentation templates", short_name: "General", description: "For every presentation, there’s a Prezi presentation template. These general presentation templates are designed to work with virtually any topic you want to share with your audience. Just pick the one you like, add your own content, and prepare to knock their socks off.", page_title: "General presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "For every presentation, there’s a Prezi presentation template. These general presentation templates are designed to work with virtually any topic you want to share with your audience. Just pick the one you like, add your own content, and prepare to knock their socks off.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "healthcare", name: "Healthcare presentation templates and templates for medical presentations", short_name: "Healthcare", description: "Old\u002Dschool slide decks are making people sick. And tired. Of the same old repetitive format, over and over again. Give your healthcare presentation a shot in the arm with these free, easily customized healthcare presentation templates and medical presentation templates.", page_title: "Healthcare presentation templates and medical presentations | Prezi", meta_description: "Old\u002Dschool slide decks are making people sick. And tired. Of the same old repetitive format, over and over again. Give your healthcare presentation a shot in the arm with these free, easily customized healthcare presentation templates and medical presentation templates.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "hr", name: "HR and recruitment presentation templates", short_name: "HR", description: "Our customizable human resources presentation templates make it easy to get everyone on board. Whether unveiling your company’s new org chart, sharing news about a policy change, or onboarding new employees, your human resources presentations will be infinitely more engaging, understandable, and memorable using Prezi.", page_title: "HR and recruitment presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Our customizable human resources presentation templates make it easy to get everyone on board. Whether unveiling your company’s new org chart, sharing news about a policy change, or onboarding new employees, your human resources presentations will be infinitely more engaging, understandable, and memorable using Prezi.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "marketing", name: "Marketing presentation templates", short_name: "Marketing", description: "Presenting a better way to create and deliver marketing presentations. Our collection of easily customized marketing presentation templates will make all of your reports as compelling and engaging as your personality, opening the way for your meteoric rise to the top.", page_title: "Marketing presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Presenting a better way to create and deliver marketing presentations. Our collection of easily customized marketing presentation templates will make all of your reports as compelling and engaging as your personality, opening the way for your meteoric rise to the top.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "meetings", name: "Meeting templates and meeting presentation templates", short_name: "Meeting", description: "Your meetings just got a whole lot more interesting, thanks to our collection of free and beautiful meeting presentation templates. Explore templates to help you prepare for your next meeting, including colorful meeting presentation templates to keep your audience engaged and organized meeting agenda templates to keep your meetings on track.", page_title: "Meeting templates and meeting presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Your meetings just got a whole lot more interesting, thanks to our collection of free and beautiful meeting presentation templates. Explore templates to help you prepare for your next meeting, including colorful meeting presentation templates to keep your audience engaged and organized meeting agenda templates to keep your meetings on track.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "video", name: "Video presentation templates", short_name: "Video", description: "Want to create a video that impresses, but not sure where to start? Take a look at these video templates made for Prezi Video. Prezi Video puts you and your content on screen together at the same time, so you can keep that face\u002Dto\u002Dface interaction even when you\u0027re walking through a presentation. These video templates have placeholders for content along the side of the screen, which leaves plenty of room for the star of the!", page_title: "Video presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Want to create a video that impresses, but not sure where to start? Take a look at these video templates made for Prezi Video. Prezi Video puts you and your content on screen together at the same time, so you can keep that face\u002Dto\u002Dface interaction even when you\u0027re walking through a presentation. These video templates have placeholders for content along the side of the screen, which leaves plenty of room for the star of the!", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "newsletters", name: "Newsletter templates and newsletter layouts for presentations", short_name: "Newsletter", description: "Have you seen the news? This collection of customizable newsletter templates makes it easy to create beautiful, engaging newsletters of any length. Give your topics as much depth and focus as you want. Prezi’s dynamic format in these newsletter templates and layouts will keep your audience reading to the end.", page_title: "Newsletter templates and newsletter layouts for presentations | Prezi", meta_description: "Have you seen the news? This collection of customizable newsletter templates makes it easy to create beautiful, engaging newsletters of any length. Give your topics as much depth and focus as you want. Prezi’s dynamic format in these newsletter templates and layouts will keep your audience reading to the end.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "pitch\u002Ddeck", name: "Pitch deck templates", short_name: "Pitch decks", description: "Win new business with the best pitch deck your prospects have ever seen. You know you have a great offering, so choose one of our easily customizable pitch deck templates and make it even more irresistible.", page_title: "Pitch deck templates for businesses | Prezi", meta_description: "Win new business with the best pitch deck your prospects have ever seen. You know you have a great offering, so choose one of our easily customizable pitch deck templates and make it even more irresistible.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "planning", name: "Project planning and business plan presentation templates", short_name: "Planning", description: "Plot the course ahead with one of our free project planning templates. These eye\u002Dcatching, customizable templates make it easy to create interactive planning meetings and strategy sessions that will get everyone involved. Here’s one thing you can plan on: Success.", page_title: "Project planning and business plan presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Plot the course ahead with one of our free project planning templates. These eye\u002Dcatching, customizable templates make it easy to create interactive planning meetings and strategy sessions that will get everyone involved. Here’s one thing you can plan on: Success.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "proposals", name: "Proposal templates for projects and businesses", short_name: "Proposal", description: "Here’s our proposal to you: Go out there and get what you’re after with an interactive and engaging proposal presentation like no other. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, these easily customized and great\u002Dlooking proposal presentation templates will bring you closer to your goal. Explore everything from RFP templates and proposal presentation templates for business, government, marketing, and start\u002Dups.", page_title: "Proposal templates for projects and businesses | Prezi", meta_description: "Here’s our proposal to you: Go out there and get what you’re after with an interactive and engaging proposal presentation like no other. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, these easily customized and great\u002Dlooking proposal presentation templates will bring you closer to your goal. Explore everything from RFP templates and proposal presentation templates for business, government, marketing, and start\u002Dups.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "reports", name: "Report templates", short_name: "Report", description: "It’s report time. Time to shine. Deliver your most engaging and visually compelling weekly, monthly, or annual reports ever with these easy\u002Dto\u002Dcustomize designer report presentation templates, and make those awesome numbers look even more impressive.", page_title: "Report templates and report presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "It’s report time. Time to shine. Deliver your most engaging and visually compelling weekly, monthly, or annual reports ever with these easy\u002Dto\u002Dcustomize designer report presentation templates, and make those awesome numbers look even more impressive.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "sales", name: "Sales presentation and sales pitch templates", short_name: "Sales", description: "Our collection of customizable, designer sales presentation templates and sales pitch templates make it easy to create irresistible visual stories around your idea, product, or service. You have a great offering, and your job is to demonstrate that to prospects and clients \u002D we’ll help you do it in a way they’ll engage with and remember with our sales presentation templates.", page_title: "Templates for sales pitches and sales presentations | Prezi", meta_description: "Our collection of customizable, designer sales presentation templates and sales pitch templates make it easy to create irresistible visual stories around your idea, product, or service. You have a great offering, and your job is to demonstrate that to prospects and clients \u002D we’ll help you do it in a way they’ll engage with and remember with our sales presentation templates.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "tech", name: "Technology presentation templates", short_name: "Tech", description: "Without getting too technical about it, let’s just say that these easily customized, free technology presentation templates will make your tech presentations more engaging and easier to follow than ever before. No matter how dense the topic, you’ll slice right through the jargon with beautiful, interactive experiences your audience is more likely to understand and remember.", page_title: "Technology presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "Without getting too technical about it, let’s just say that these easily customized, free technology presentation templates will make your tech presentations more engaging and easier to follow than ever before. No matter how dense the topic, you’ll slice right through the jargon with beautiful, interactive experiences your audience is more likely to understand and remember.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.categories.push({ slug: "training", name: "Training presentation templates", short_name: "Training", description: "It’s easier to train people when they pay attention. These customizable training presentation templates are designed to make any training more engaging, more understandable, and ultimately more memorable than the old training decks you’re used to.", page_title: "Training presentation templates | Prezi", meta_description: "It’s easier to train people when they pay attention. These customizable training presentation templates are designed to make any training more engaging, more understandable, and ultimately more memorable than the old training decks you’re used to.", meta_tags: "None", }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "science_cranium_ai_assisted", slug: "science_cranium_ai_assisted", title: "Science \u002D Cranium (AI Assisted)", name: "Science \u002D Cranium (AI Assisted)", description: "Unleash your creativity and captivate your audience with our Cranium Prezi AI\u002Dassisted presentation template, designed to stimulate innovative thinking and deliver a visually engaging experience for any intellectual endeavor.", categories: [], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/j24x7mvn1lz7fczn.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 1, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 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Just add your own text, images, videos, or other content to create a memorable and engaging presentation your audience will love. Like all Prezi templates, it’s easily customizable.", categories: ["business", "education", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/wdx91mblqoc6npj2.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 1, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 360, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 480, "step": 0 }, { "action": 6, "frame": 600, "step": 0 }, { "action": 7, "frame": 720, "step": 0 }, { "action": 8, "frame": 840, "step": 0 }, { "action": 9, "frame": 960, "step": 0 }, { "action": 10, "frame": 1080, "step": 0 }, { "action": 11, "frame": 1200, "step": 0 }, { "action": 12, "frame": 1320, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "sheet_music_ai_assisted", slug: "sheet_music_ai_assisted", title: "Sheet Music (AI Assisted)", name: "Sheet Music (AI Assisted)", description: "Elevate your presentations with our Sheet Music Prezi AI\u002Dassisted presentation template, seamlessly blending aesthetics and functionality for a harmonious visual experience.", categories: ["education", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/swrmq8mows792e0s.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 1, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 360, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 480, "step": 0 }, { "action": 6, "frame": 600, "step": 0 }, { "action": 7, "frame": 720, "step": 0 }, { "action": 8, "frame": 840, "step": 0 }, { "action": 9, "frame": 960, "step": 0 }, { "action": 10, "frame": 1080, "step": 0 }, { "action": 11, "frame": 1200, "step": 0 }, { "action": 12, "frame": 1320, "step": 0 }, { "action": 13, "frame": 1440, "step": 0 }, { "action": 14, "frame": 1560, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "black_history_month", slug: "black_history_month", title: "Black History Month", name: "Black History Month", description: "Use this ready\u002Dmade template from our selection to create a stunning, yet informative presentation about Black History Month that your students will engage with.", categories: ["education", "non\u002Dprofit"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/cpm2ezlxtqf4tww8.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/18vzvu8ebhn68zhb.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps" : 60, "height" : 720, "steps" : [ { "action" : 0, "frame" : 0, "step" : 0 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 120, "step" : 1 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 241, "step" : 2 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 362, "step" : 3 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 483, "step" : 4 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 604, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 1, "frame" : 725, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 2, "frame" : 846, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 3, "frame" : 967, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 4, "frame" : 1088, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 5, "frame" : 1209, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 6, "frame" : 1330, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 7, "frame" : 1451, "step" : 5 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 1572, "step" : 6 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 1693, "step" : 7 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 1814, "step" : 8 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 1935, "step" : 9 }, { "action" : 1, "frame" : 1936, "step" : 9 }, { "action" : 0, "frame" : 2057, "step" : 10 } ], "width" : 1280 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "sales_plan", slug: "sales_plan", title: "Sales Plan Presentation Template | Prezi", name: "Sales Plan Presentation Template", description: "This football\u002Dinspired sales plan presentation template conveys a sense of team unity and thoughtful strategy, using a clear metaphor that anyone can connect with. 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Score points with this simple business case template from Prezi. 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Quiz your students, review vocab for the big test, and gamify learning with the flashcard template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/7yd1hca78ksr4uvc.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/dup8nqbj8dfza26e.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "a_great_idea_prezi_video", slug: "great\u002Dideas\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Great ideas video template | Prezi", name: "Great ideas video template", description: "You have a great idea, now find the right presentation template to make it shine. This template breaks your presentation down to a few key ideas and makes it easy for you to go into more detail. Provide examples, use cases, and data – there\u0027s room for it all! Start pitching your great ideas today.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/gzefhy21w2h81beq.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/1gkt2b94x7m89mpm.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "neon_prezi_video", slug: "neon\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Neon template: Neon theme for videos and presentations | Prezi", name: "Neon template", description: "Create an eye\u002Dcatching presentation or video with this neon template, which uses bright neon colors to make your content stand out. 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Use the bubbles template for your environmental science classes or for live virtual presentations when you\u0027re meeting with students online.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/hnkmdiwwnuoc89yt.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/yk6gjojnngwqtotf.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "smiley_prezi_video", slug: "smiley\u002Dface\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Smiley face template: Emoji theme for presentations | Prezi", name: "Smiley face template", description: "Use the smiley face template to set a fun, upbeat tone to your presentation. The bright yellow colors make your content stand out and the smiley emojis are bound to connect with a younger audience. Try the smiley face template today.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/yjli1a91c9eajug0.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/yfzjze4aqo8bjddx.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "science_project_dark_prezi_video", slug: "science\u002Dproject\u002Ddark\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Lab report template: Present findings from science project | Prezi", name: "Lab report template", description: "Use this virtual lab report template to present your project\u0027s findings in an impactful, colorful format. This video template is structured like a regular lab report template, with a place to describe each aspect of your project, and is perfect for presenting your research in a virtual setting.", categories: ["education"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/4bxk0umsi3fii90g.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/4n3c3amk0ugaioe5.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "test_quiz_review_game_prezi_video", slug: "test\u002Dreview\u002Dgame\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Test review game: Review test material virtually | Prezi", name: "Test review game", description: "Test prep can be fun! Use this template to create a test review game with multiple\u002Dchoice questions. Categories help you organize test materials by topic, and connecting it to a video conference helps you go through each question with students in a virtual setting.", categories: ["education"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/k6q3mw23322icf6p.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/68eoxvpsy4g1k85o.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "width": 1280, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "step": 0, "frame": 0 }, { "action": 0, "step": 1, "frame": 120 }, { "action": 0, "step": 2, "frame": 241 }, { "action": 0, "step": 3, "frame": 362 }, { "action": 0, "step": 4, "frame": 483 }, { "action": 0, "step": 5, "frame": 604 }, { "action": 0, "step": 6, "frame": 725 }, { "action": 0, "step": 7, "frame": 846 }, { "action": 0, "step": 8, "frame": 967 }, { "action": 0, "step": 9, "frame": 1088 }, { "action": 0, "step": 10, "frame": 1209 }, { "action": 0, "step": 11, "frame": 1330 }, { "action": 0, "step": 12, "frame": 1451 }, { "action": 0, "step": 13, "frame": 1572 }, { "action": 0, "step": 14, "frame": 1693 }, { "action": 0, "step": 15, "frame": 1814 }, { "action": 0, "step": 16, "frame": 1935 }, { "action": 0, "step": 17, "frame": 2056 }, { "action": 0, "step": 18, "frame": 2177 }, { "action": 0, "step": 19, "frame": 2298 }, { "action": 0, "step": 20, "frame": 2419 }, { "action": 0, "step": 21, "frame": 2540 }, { "action": 0, "step": 22, "frame": 2661 }, { "action": 0, "step": 23, "frame": 2782 }, { "action": 0, "step": 24, "frame": 2903 }, { "action": 0, "step": 25, "frame": 3024 }, { "action": 0, "step": 26, "frame": 3145 }, { "action": 0, "step": 27, "frame": 3266 }, { "action": 0, "step": 28, "frame": 3387 }, { "action": 0, "step": 29, "frame": 3508 }, { "action": 0, "step": 30, "frame": 3629 }, { "action": 0, "step": 31, "frame": 3750 }, { "action": 0, "step": 32, "frame": 3871 }, { "action": 0, "step": 33, "frame": 3992 }, { "action": 0, "step": 34, "frame": 4113 }, { "action": 0, "step": 35, "frame": 4234 }, { "action": 0, "step": 36, "frame": 4355 }, { "action": 0, "step": 37, "frame": 4476 }, { "action": 0, "step": 38, "frame": 4597 }, { "action": 0, "step": 39, "frame": 4718 }, { "action": 0, "step": 40, "frame": 4839 }, { "action": 0, "step": 41, "frame": 4960 }, { "action": 0, "step": 42, "frame": 5081 }, { "action": 0, "step": 43, "frame": 5202 }, { "action": 0, "step": 44, "frame": 5323 }, { "action": 0, "step": 45, "frame": 5444 }, { "action": 0, "step": 46, "frame": 5565 }, { "action": 0, "step": 47, "frame": 5686 }, { "action": 0, "step": 48, "frame": 5807 }, { "action": 0, "step": 49, "frame": 5928 }, { "action": 0, "step": 50, "frame": 6049 }, { "action": 0, "step": 51, "frame": 6170 }, { "action": 0, "step": 52, "frame": 6291 }, { "action": 0, "step": 53, "frame": 6412 }, { "action": 0, "step": 54, "frame": 6533 }, { "action": 0, "step": 55, "frame": 6654 }, { "action": 0, "step": 56, "frame": 6775 }, { "action": 0, "step": 57, "frame": 6896 }, { "action": 0, "step": 58, "frame": 7017 }, { "action": 0, "step": 59, "frame": 7138 }, { "action": 0, "step": 60, "frame": 7259 }, { "action": 0, "step": 61, "frame": 7380 }, { "action": 0, "step": 62, "frame": 7501 } ] }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "kpis_prezi_video", slug: "kpi\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "KPI template \u0026 KPI presentation template | Prezi", name: "KPI template", description: "It\u0027s that time again – time to report on your KPIs. Use this KPI template to visually show how your KPIs are progressing against their targets. Since it\u0027s a Prezi Video template, you\u0027ll appear right alongside your content and can easily jump from section to section.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/yhnrvbpgvx8tp7pi.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/m4to5q90u548dueo.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "back_to_school_elementary_school_prezi_video", slug: "elementary\u002Dback\u002Dto\u002Dschool\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Back to school template for elementary school | Prezi", name: "Back to school template for elementary school", description: "Greet your kiddos at the beginning of the school year with this back to school template made for elementary studets. This is perfect for remote education, since you can put your content right next to you on screen, helping you keep that face\u002Dto\u002Dface connection with your class.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/yob7w46ir7ists8y.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/i9hgllx5yp3bh6g7.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "back_to_school_high_school_prezi_video", slug: "high\u002Dschool\u002Dback\u002Dto\u002Dschool\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "High school back to school template | Prezi", name: "High school back to school template", description: "Welcome your students to the new school year with the back to school template on Prezi Video. This template is perfect for introducing yourself to high school students remotely, since with Prezi Video, you can put your content right alongside you on screen.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/n7dwwhkpt4dn891q.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/434p90tbuk7szs7p.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "quarterly_business_review_prezi_video", slug: "quarterly\u002Dbusiness\u002Dreview\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Quarterly business review video template | Prezi", name: "Quarterly business review video template", description: "Review your business\u0027 work and achievements of the last few months with the quarterly business review template on Prezi Video. This template has an understated beige background that looks professional in everything from client presentations to all hands meetings.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/pd13o6xqve0ub0d2.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/gv0bgmydcmocxuti.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "awards_ceremony_prezi_video", slug: "awards\u002Dceremony\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Awards ceremony video template | Prezi", name: "Awards ceremony video template", description: "Celebrate the wins and winners at your company with the awards ceremony video template. This gold template makes it easy for you to call out growth, individual winners, and years of service. Introduce each award personally \u002D with Prezi Video you and your content appear side by side on screen.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/ucu8quj51ue35ine.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/mey2tmuyw8i1vt65.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "alumni_relations_prezi_video_1", slug: "alumni\u002Drelations\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Alumni relations video template | Prezi", name: "Alumni relations video template", description: "Keep in touch with the graduating class with the alumni relations template for Prezi Video. Use this template to announce university updates and future events, make resources available, and feature special messages from the dean. 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It also contains prompts to discuss today\u0027s plans, takeaways, and action items.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "meetings", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/99s64w507ci0r50s.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/ezqp5rxme8yai5rr.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "state_of_the_industry", slug: "state\u002Dof\u002Dthe\u002Dindustry", title: "State of the industry presentation template | Prezi", name: "State of the industry presentation template", description: "Keep your clients up to date on the state of the industry with this professional template. Use this template to deliver detailed presentations that include global perspectives from CEOs and consumers, industry issues, key trends and innovations, and predictions on the future of work.", categories: ["business"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/t2fbvzq7ys2gl942.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/tzqrclv9gjj7azak.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "conference_schedule_prezi_video", slug: "conference\u002Dschedule\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Conference schedule video template | Prezi", name: "Conference schedule video template", description: "Make sure your conference runs smoothly with the conference schedule video template. This template breaks down your schedule by days and sessions, and is perfect for any remote or in\u002Dperson conference.", categories: ["business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/10q4rabafm443kt7.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/f0w70dcpx9zikbzb.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "budget_planning_prezi_video", slug: "budget\u002Dplanning\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Budget planning video template | Prezi", name: "Budget planning video template", description: "With a simple, professional design and a blue\u002Dgreen background, this template has all you need to plan your budget and present it to your stakeholders. Use the budget planning video template for your next campaign or kickoff.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/e1u7ga5yzp0vau1r.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/icxhpnqv42xspjt9.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "width": 1280, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "step": 0, "frame": 0 }, { "action": 0, "step": 1, "frame": 120 }, { "action": 0, "step": 2, "frame": 241 }, { "action": 0, "step": 3, "frame": 362 }, { "action": 0, "step": 4, "frame": 423 }, { "action": 0, "step": 5, "frame": 484 }, { "action": 0, "step": 6, "frame": 605 }, { "action": 0, "step": 7, "frame": 726 }, { "action": 0, "step": 8, "frame": 847 }, { "action": 0, "step": 9, "frame": 908 }, { "action": 0, "step": 10, "frame": 1029 }, { "action": 0, "step": 11, "frame": 1150 }, { "action": 0, "step": 12, "frame": 1271 }, { "action": 0, "step": 13, "frame": 1392 }, { "action": 0, "step": 14, "frame": 1513 }, { "action": 0, "step": 15, "frame": 1634 }, { "action": 0, "step": 16, "frame": 1755 }, { "action": 0, "step": 17, "frame": 1876 }, { "action": 0, "step": 18, "frame": 1997 } ] }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "new_assignment_or_project_stem_prezi_video", slug: "stem\u002Dassignments\u002Dprojects\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "STEM assignment video template | Prezi", name: "STEM assignment video template", description: "Make sure your students know what to expect on their next project with the STEM assignment video template for Prezi Video. This template comes equipped with a purple background and is perfect for any science or engineering class.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/wrnqrjnd9f423gxn.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/48s3rm5yr5noopo0.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "school_home_desk_prezi_video", slug: "school\u002Dhome\u002Ddesk\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Desk school to home communication template | Prezi", name: "Desk school to home communication template", description: "Use this school to home communication template when you need to contact students outside the classroom, such as to make homework reminders, notify parents, or review important lessons from class. The style and details make this template appropriate for any grade or discipline.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/e5ff4w4t1uue3mf5.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/gd9rsyc8lrjkc4kk.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "school_home_mosaic_prezi_video", slug: "school\u002Dhome\u002Dmosaic\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Mosaic school to home communication template | Prezi", name: "Mosaic school to home communication template", description: "Turn class announcements into works of art with the mosaic school to home communication template. This template makes it easy to cover information outside the classroom \u002D perfect for homework reminders and messages to parents. Just add your content and press record to make your own video.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/2iyavkkq7eyl4q77.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/i6gmxr03ma5dbv3n.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "home_stickies_prezi_video", slug: "school\u002Dhome\u002Dsticky\u002Dnotes\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Sticky notes school to home communication template | Prezi", name: "Sticky notes school to home communication template", description: "Send important announcements home to your students using the sticky notes school to home communication template. This video template is easy to customize with important info about your class, such as upcoming deadlines, previews for future lessons, and notes for parents.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/0ensshbwbrdsj91j.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/g3kx9vclvbjy036y.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "secondary_student_assignments_humanities_prezi_video", slug: "globe\u002Dbooks\u002Dassignments\u002Dprojects\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Globe and books humanities assignment video template | Prezi", name: "Globe and books humanities assignment video template", description: "Tell your humanities class about a new assignment or project with this video template. This template has a blue abstract theme and is styled with a globe and books \u002D perfect for any class on literature, history, or social studies. Customize this template with your assignment info and expectations.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/g5vhet30lhtsxsex.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/ooofw1suq8opvt5q.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "assignments_projects_prezi_video", slug: "assignments\u002Dprojects\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Assignment or project video template | Prezi", name: "Assignment or project video template", description: "Give your students an overview of upcoming classwork with this video template for new assignments and projects. With bright blue, yellow, and orange details, this template is broken down into 5 sections that help you arrange the content and describe your expectations for the assignment.", categories: ["education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/7uik13286k5mrrrm.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/5vrvdr805yx99a5f.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "hologram_prezi_video", slug: "hologram\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Hologram video template | Prezi", name: "Hologram video template", description: "Your content will sparkle and shine with this hologram video template. Blue hexagon shapes make up the background of each subject, which stand out thanks to the glimmering, hologram effect that\u0027s added to each shape. Try the hologram video template the next time you want your content to stand out.", categories: ["business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/d39uuory57bdbvbz.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/tp5x0t6qv1t1xbwb.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "design_thinking_prezi_video", slug: "design\u002Dthinking\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Design thinking video template | Prezi", name: "Design thinking video template", description: "Get into the mind of a designer with the design thinking video template. This template has sections for you to feature content such as research, user personas, testing criteria, and user maps. This clean and sleek template makes it easy for you to articulate your vision and win over your audience.", categories: ["business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/3w1f0afyc4dzcbpm.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/6fpnnmj46jp6rrrd.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "mindfulness_in_the_workplace", slug: "mindfulness\u002Din\u002Dthe\u002Dworkplace", title: "Mindfulness in the workplace presentation template | Prezi", name: "Mindfulness in the workplace presentation template", description: "Bring thoughtfulness and mindfulness into the workplace with this presentation template. 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This template is divided into four main sections to help you structure your presentation \u002D welcome, payroll \u0026 benefits, communication, and team. Onboarding new employees is easy with this template.", categories: ["business", "hr"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/dnhhwn015s2vj8ks.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/gxpk9wg5numjsexf.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "case_study", slug: "case\u002Dstudy", title: "Case study presentation template | Prezi", name: "Case study presentation template", description: "Your results will shine in this case study presentation template. 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Use this case study presentation template in your next pitch meeting.", categories: ["business", "proposals"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/o6p3qynngcml643a.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/n5jlmu0vw94gw9gk.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "training_\u002D_retail:training_\u002D_retail_default", slug: "retail\u002Dtraining", title: "Retail training presentation template | Prezi", name: "Retail training presentation template", description: "Get new employees trained on the basics with this retail training presentation template. With this template, you can teach new hires about the background of your company, the department they\u0027ll be working in, and training expectations. Use the retail training presentation template today.", categories: ["training"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/xb7nvgu21o7zvp9w.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/0yw5docvolufgz4i.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "newsletter\u002Dclassic:newsletter\u002Dclassic_default", slug: "newsletter\u002Dclassic", title: "Classic newsletter presentation template | Prezi", name: "Classic newsletter presentation template", description: "Turn company updates into front page news with this classic newsletter presentation template for Prezi. The black background and white subject outlines makes each update pop. Use this presentation template whenever you want to make your presentation stand out.", categories: ["newsletters"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/62nd7byf97tmn90k.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/qm7zr1kj7ofglo1x.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "creativity\u002Dpaper:creativity\u002Dpaper_default", slug: "creativity\u002Dpaper", title: "Creativity paper presentation template | Prezi", name: "Creativity paper presentation template", description: "Show off your creativity skills with this paper presentation template. 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Use this template when pitching a new design or an innovative business idea.", categories: ["general"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/3j6bvm3ppd39d1n3.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/wushe1yz7uq6az9y.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "quarterly_business_review_\u002D_market:quarterly_business_review_\u002D_market_quarterly_business_review_\u002D_market", slug: "market\u002Dquarterly\u002Dbusiness\u002Dreview\u002Dtemplate", title: "Market quarterly business review template | Prezi", name: "Market quarterly business review template", description: "The market quarterly business review template is perfect for keeping your stakeholders up to date on your team\u0027s progress. With an easy\u002Dto\u002Dfollow structure, this template makes it easy to reinforce your objectives, discuss your wins and losses, and propose new initiatives for the next quarter.", categories: ["business", "review", "reports"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/15uxcmygm66v79wv.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/jtnemwuk6fcfbctg.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "remote_meeting_prezi_video", slug: "remote\u002Dmeeting\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Remote meeting video template | Prezi", name: "Remote meeting video template", description: "Gone are the days when presenting during video conferences means losing face time in front of the camera. The remote meeting video template is a professional visual aid in video conferences. Like with any Prezi Video template, you and your content will be on the screen together at the same time.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/76miui1ry6hy1yvn.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/y5oijhc9i7lk98dv.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "executive_coaching_prezi_video", slug: "executive\u002Dcoaching\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Executive coaching video template | Prezi", name: "Executive coaching video template", description: "Even the people at the top need a little guidance \u002D the executive coaching video template is structured so that you can tailor your coaching to each executive (or future executive) you work with. Unlock the potential of your clients with the executive coaching video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/wtvthmmkx3urvtxd.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/f93wuthho1qdl0wq.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "weekly_update_prezi_video", slug: "weekly\u002Dupdate\u002Dnewsletter\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Weekly update and newsletter video template | Prezi", name: "Weekly update and newsletter video template", description: "Delivering updates through video is a great way to get the attention of your company and keep it. The weekly update and newsletter video template allows you to show your company announcements right next to you on screen \u002D ideal for busy CEOs who want to provide more face time for their employees.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/diso2o00760dfsnq.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/2pqfy5yq9lrgf0x5.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "width": 1280, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "step": 0, "frame": 0 }, { "action": 0, "step": 1, "frame": 120 }, { "action": 0, "step": 2, "frame": 241 }, { "action": 0, "step": 3, "frame": 362 }, { "action": 0, "step": 4, "frame": 483 }, { "action": 0, "step": 5, "frame": 604 }, { "action": 0, "step": 6, "frame": 725 }, { "action": 0, "step": 7, "frame": 846 }, { "action": 0, "step": 8, "frame": 967 }, { "action": 0, "step": 9, "frame": 1088 }, { "action": 0, "step": 10, "frame": 1209 }, { "action": 0, "step": 11, "frame": 1330 }, { "action": 0, "step": 12, "frame": 1451 }, { "action": 0, "step": 13, "frame": 1572 }, { "action": 0, "step": 14, "frame": 1693 }, { "action": 0, "step": 15, "frame": 1814 }, { "action": 0, "step": 16, "frame": 1935 }, { "action": 0, "step": 17, "frame": 2056 } ] }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "basic_cards_prezi_video", slug: "basic\u002Dcards\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Basic cards video template | Prezi", name: "Basic cards video template", description: "Create a smart and cool presentation with the basic cards video template. This template structures your content in cards, making it easy to transfer content from existing slide\u002Dbased presentations to Prezi. Use this video template for study guides, test prep, or as flash cards with your students.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/vw5aqo1fu85ioiyz.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/caelec006ou4gswk.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "project_status_update_prezi_video", slug: "project\u002Dstatus\u002Dupdate\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Project status update template | Prezi", name: "Project status update template", description: "Keep your stakeholders up to date with a video template made for project status updates. Add information to this template on your projects, record, and send out to your stakeholders for a brief status update. They\u0027ll appreciate the info, and you\u0027ll like how easy it is to keep them all informed.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/puc492u8jnxbovz1.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/gbj67vc4b4mj91w7.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "webinar_prezi_video", slug: "webinar\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Webinar video template | Prezi", name: "Webinar video template", description: "A good webinar template is a game changer \u002D it helps you look professional and keeps your audience engaged until the end of your presentation. Prezi\u0027s webinar template neatly structures your content and can be easily customized to fit your branding. Get ready to rock it in your next online pitch.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/m371dnn91cz9im0e.jpg", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/l7dt7gycn4avo2e0.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "product_launch_light", slug: "product\u002Dlaunch\u002Dlight", title: "Product Launch Template | Prezi", name: "Product Launch Template", description: "Make sure your team is on the same page with Prezi\u0027s product launch template. You can customize this template with information about your product and development deadlines, then use it as a visual aid when you run through the product launch schedule with your team.", categories: ["business"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/3tu0qi7d2c3fw8lr.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/k9kx0vfdp4u8x236.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "30_60_90_day_metric_plan_light", slug: "30\u002D60\u002D90\u002Dday\u002Dmetric\u002Dplan\u002Dlight", title: "30 60 90 Day New Hire Plan Template Light Color Scheme | Prezi", name: "30 60 90 Day New Hire Plan Template \u002D Light", description: "Set your new employees up for success with this 30 60 90 day new hire plan. Customize this template with the goals and expectations of your team at each point in the onboarding process.", categories: ["business", "sales"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/08zkrevimhf4h58m.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/b5fv3ity4t5rljgn.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "30_60_90_day_metric_plan_dark", slug: "30\u002D60\u002D90\u002Dday\u002Dmetric\u002Dplan\u002Ddark", title: "30 60 90 Day Plan Template Dark Color Scheme | Prezi", name: "30 60 90 Day Plan Template \u002D Dark Color Scheme", description: "Set your new employees up for success with this 30 60 90 day plan. Customize this with the expectations of your team and use the dark color scheme with cool blues and bright purple accents to highlight key information.", categories: ["business", "sales"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/tw1v227zjf5wvufe.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/jcp7x0dwygag5o1s.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "circuit_prezi_video", slug: "circuit\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Circuit video template | Prezi", name: "Circuit video template", description: "A good video is electric \u002D that\u0027s why we\u0027ve incorporated subtle imagery of electrical circuits in the blue background of this video template. Perfect for technical briefings and presentations, you\u0027ll have no problem connecting your points with the circuit video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/l0gv8isktmwgwaiu.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/tu5pzer7zg11dqpa.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "spheres_prezi_video", slug: "spheres\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Spheres video template | Prezi", name: "Spheres video template", description: "This video template uses spherical graphics to give your video a classic look and feel without overpowering the design. Teal and light green topics add a little pop of color to a professional video. Round up all your best ideas with the spheres video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/p63f72hjif9k8f8c.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/zm5vxoknio5bwll9.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "employee_onboarding_light", slug: "employee\u002Donboarding\u002Dlight", title: "Employee Onboarding Presentation Template | Prezi", name: "Employee Onboarding Presentation Template", description: "Welcoming new people to the team is easier than ever with Prezi\u0027s employee onboarding presentation template. You can use this template to walk through benefits, payroll, expenses, and to outline cultural values. Whatever you want to cover, this onboarding template will be useful for you!", categories: ["hr", "training"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/f1szewtk4rh2jj1c.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/0lqiwddghtbkkcfl.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "cubes_prezi_video", slug: "cubes\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Cubes video template | Prezi", name: "Cubes video template", description: "With blue, green, and peach hues, this video template has a unique, clean look and feel to it \u002D great for a professional setting, technical training, or new hire onboarding. Impress your colleagues and your clients by thinking inside the box with the cubes video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/9wtfubs5zjw81ssd.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/2vcgubh82h7qtocf.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "triangles_prezi_video", slug: "triangles\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Triangles video template | Prezi", name: "Triangles video template", description: "If you\u0027re looking for a professional video template, you\u0027ve come to the right place. This video template uses red triangles to feature your content and create a simple, easy\u002Dto\u002Dfollow design. You and your content will shine when you use the triangles video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/jk9meyctd2sjp5gb.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/3ca9gnet3tvyorev.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "stickers_prezi_video", slug: "stickers\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Stickers video template | Prezi", name: "Stickers video template", description: "Use the stickers video template to incorporate a fun, playful element in your video. This template is peppered with small, low\u002Dkey images that won\u0027t overpower your delivery. Whether it\u0027s a lesson for class or a school project, you get a gold star for using the stickers video template on Prezi Video!", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/k2do5igz4u2j374y.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/vhgd2pdhca3jq23m.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "jelly_beans_prezi_video", slug: "jelly\u002Dbeans\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Jelly beans video template | Prezi", name: "Jelly beans video template", description: "How many candies out there are as colorful and cute as jelly beans? Bring some fun and personality to your video with the jelly beans video template for Prezi Video \u002D perfect for school presentations and lighthearted internal comms.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/myyzamfklqk84yxt.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/97zmwvh4fjuifc0f.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "speech_bubbles_prezi_video", slug: "speech\u002Dbubbles\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Speech bubbles video template", name: "Speech bubbles video template", description: "If you like color, the speech bubbles video template is for you. In this template, speech bubbles serve as topics to feature your content. This is perfect for case studies, communications presentations, or marketing reports. Try the speech bubbles video template when you present your next project.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/ct1drx4e53tkyymw.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/e48qtb2ho2hc3w79.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "abstract_shapes", slug: "organic\u002Dshapes\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Organic shapes video template | Prezi", name: "Organic shapes video template", description: "The naturally drawn lines in this video template give it a laid back, free\u002Dflow feel. With natural shades such as purple, pink, and tan, this video template brings calm and collectiveness to your content. Use this template for any remote presentation, take\u002Dhome lesson plan, or sales pitch.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/8nvxncrlhzn1izgv.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/udx1kv1hx71dbk5n.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "colorful_pink", slug: "pink\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Pink video template | Prezi", name: "Pink video template", description: "Use this video template if you\u0027re obsessed with all things pink. This template has everything from pink topics to pink fonts. Just add your content and press record to make your most perfectly pink video yet. Pink not your jam? Customize this video template to the color scheme of your choice.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/sixtqkm3sugskoxh.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/s907v1jjjjlsfxgl.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "forest_prezi_video", slug: "forest\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Forest video template | Prezi", name: "Forest video template", description: "Bring the outdoors to your classroom with this forest and plant\u002Dthemed video template. Doesn\u0027t matter how dense the subject matter of your video \u002D get into the weeds with the forest video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/cgimmaeuz0xn77hr.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/9nsgkrlw0r6jzqrh.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "quotes_prezi_video", slug: "quotes\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Quotes video template | Prezi", name: "Quotes video template", description: "Quoting an important figure or using quotes to coin a term is an effective way to bring attention to key material in your presentation and engage your audience. Try the quotes video template for your next literary or historical video, or as an asset for your next branded video.", categories: ["business", "education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/l4h9221x6mcaemj8.jpg", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/zs95p104ogyfqxke.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "travel_prezi_video", slug: "travel\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Travel video template | Prezi", name: "Travel video template", description: "Worldly and international topics have found their home in the travel video template for Prezi Video. This template evokes the look and feel of a post card, with images of your favorite natural wonders and sights featured throughout. See the world with the travel video template for Prezi Video.", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/37bhxtgse9kp4cqn.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/8jl3el07g83ug6ib.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "test_video_next_template", slug: "basic\u002Dvideo\u002Dtemplate", title: "Basic video template | Prezi", name: "Basic video template", description: "No fuss, no frills \u002D the gray topics in this template serve to feature your content in a subtle, understated way. Much like your favorite pair of jeans, you\u0027ll keep coming back to the basic video template template. Want something more? Feel free to customize and add a little flair of your own.", categories: ["business", "business\u002Dvideo", "education", "video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/1vs822zrgl32kmdk.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/xsmxq2vwkyptie58.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "employee_recognition", slug: "employee\u002Drecognition", title: "Employee Recognition Template | Prezi", name: "Employee Recognition Presentation Template", description: "Do you want to show recognition for your employees\u0027 hard work? Shine a light on the gems in your office with the employee recognition template from Prezi. The employee recognition template is the perfect place to present awards, celebrate work anniversaries, and to welcome new hires to the team.", categories: ["hr", "training"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/e23r96h68kmlu0ae.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/tvjapnbeqfdi7n4d.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "training_course_dark", slug: "training\u002Dcourse\u002Ddark", title: "Blue Training Course Template | Prezi", name: "Blue Training Course Template", description: "Use this fun training course template when building training presentations for colleagues or students. A blue back ground with bright yellow accents make the most important pieces of your presentation pop.", categories: ["training"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/v6gla63r4mzbwign.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/8s40hee3z9unn2fu.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "design_thinking", slug: "design\u002Dthinking", title: "Design thinking presentation template | Prezi", name: "Design thinking presentation template", description: "Put your design into words with the design thinking presentation template. 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Like all Prezi presentation templates, this one is completely customizable.", categories: ["marketing"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/nhc3ngpvtvvfhv9z.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 967, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1088, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1209, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1330, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1451, "step": 12 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 1573, "step": 12 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 1634, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1755, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1876, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1997, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2118, "step": 16 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "seo_report", slug: "business\u002Dpresentation\u002Dtemplate\u002Dseo\u002Dreport\u002Dpresentation", title: "SEO Report Template | Prezi", name: "SEO Report Template", description: "SEO report presentations require a stunning, colorful business presentation template that shows the big picture and the tiny details. This beautiful, customizable SEO report presentation template helps you easily share complex insights and data while keeping your audience engaged.", categories: ["reports"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/r7hy7inisdvupjnp.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/6uf4vvv9psr1l529.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 604, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 967, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1088, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1209, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1330, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1451, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1572, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1693, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1814, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1935, "step": 15 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "government_training", slug: "government\u002Dtraining\u002Dpresentation\u002Dtemplate", title: "Blue Government Training Template | Prezi", name: "Blue Government Training Template", description: "Government training presentations don\u0027t have to repeat history with this sleek, modern government training template. 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Easy to use and reuse for almost any lesson in your curriculum.", categories: ["education"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/pi5qnr912z65ux0r.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/7nyf9tfwcgztx151.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "science_project_dark", slug: "science\u002Dproject\u002Ddark", title: "Science Project Presentation Template \u002D Dark Color Scheme | Prezi", name: "Science Project Presentation Template \u002D Dark Color Scheme", description: "Use this science project template for any upcoming school project, class presentation, or for a new lesson in your curriculum. 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Then sit back and wait for the calls to come rolling in.", categories: ["business", "general"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/jc6ahja8ow1hwn96.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/mx50ik3ctk52u9y1.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 241, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 967, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1088, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1209, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1330, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1451, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1572, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1693, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1814, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1935, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2056, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2177, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2298, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2419, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2540, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2661, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2782, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "arch_\u002D_dark:arch_\u002D_dark_default", slug: "arch\u002Ddark", title: "Dark Arch Presentation Template | Prezi", name: "Dark Arch Presentation Template", description: "Your presentations just got a lot more interesting. 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Topics are designed as spheres that you can zoom in on when you want to go into more detail, or stay zoomed out to show the larger story.", categories: ["general"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/pwxjahfl2yhx17f1.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/hell8ygx3o5sab8i.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 604, "step": 4 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 665, "step": 4 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 786, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 907, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 8 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 1331, "step": 8 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 1392, "step": 8 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 1453, "step": 8 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 1514, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1635, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1756, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1877, "step": 11 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 1998, "step": 11 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 2059, "step": 11 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "resume:resume_default", slug: "resume", title: "Dynamic Resume Template | Prezi", name: "Dynamic Resume Template", description: "How do you stand out from the stacks of resumes on your prospective employer’s desk? 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Slim down, streamline, and simplify your requests with this designer government RFP presentation template, and take your RFP presentations from complicated to clear.", categories: ["proposals"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/lh8ibbkz2atrfgbj.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/lx29xzxv0mvhicw9.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1996, "step": 16 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2117, "step": 17 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2238, "step": 18 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2359, "step": 19 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2480, "step": 20 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 2601, "step": 21 } ], "fps": 60, "height": 720 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "world_map_\u002D_antique:world_map_\u002D_antique_default", slug: "business\u002Dpresentation\u002Dtemplate\u002Dworld\u002Dmap\u002Dantique", title: "Antique World Map Presentation Template | Prezi", name: "Antique World Map Presentation Template", description: "Impactful presentations need stunning visuals and a meaningful metaphor to show high\u002Dlevel concepts and the smaller details. 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Links to products, virtual experiences, or images are perfect!", categories: ["video"], thumbnail_url: "\u002Dtemplates/thumbnails/e6p4eq8brqumy4x0.png", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/vo3opj22qufhbkn9.mp4", video_metadata: { "width": 1280, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 120, "step": 1 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 241, "step": 2 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 362, "step": 3 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 483, "step": 4 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 604, "step": 5 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 725, "step": 6 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 846, "step": 7 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 907, "step": 7 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1028, "step": 8 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1149, "step": 9 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1270, "step": 10 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1391, "step": 11 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1512, "step": 12 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1633, "step": 13 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1754, "step": 14 }, { "action": 0, "frame": 1875, "step": 15 }, { 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transformative era.", categories: ["business", "education", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/ui9ur0x9jedwfo2l.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 360, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 480, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 600, "step": 0 }, { "action": 6, "frame": 720, "step": 0 }, { "action": 7, "frame": 840, "step": 0 }, { "action": 8, "frame": 960, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "corporative_template_tree_ai_assisted", slug: "corporative_template_tree_ai_assisted", title: "Corporative Template \u002D Tree (AI Assisted)", name: "Corporative Template \u002D Tree (AI Assisted)", description: "Effortlessly communicate your corporate hierarchy and organizational structure with our sleek and customizable Corporative Tree Prezi AI\u002Dassisted presentation template, designed to visually represent the roots of your business and the growth of success.", categories: ["business", "education", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/fuunzdomfjpo7d4z.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 180, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 300, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 420, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 540, "step": 0 }, { "action": 6, "frame": 660, "step": 0 }, { "action": 7, "frame": 780, "step": 0 }, { "action": 8, "frame": 900, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "personal_story_video", slug: "personal_story_video", title: "Personal Story \u002D Video", name: "Personal Story \u002D Video", description: "Weave the narrative of your life with our Personal Story Prezi AI\u002Dassisted presentation template, a compelling blend of elegant design and customizable elements, creating a visually captivating and emotionally resonant platform to share your unique journey.", categories: ["business", "education", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/aju5zqxwcffhnjtu.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 360, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 480, "step": 0 }, { "action": 6, "frame": 600, "step": 0 }, { "action": 7, "frame": 720, "step": 0 }, { "action": 8, "frame": 840, "step": 0 }, { "action": 9, "frame": 960, "step": 0 }, { "action": 10, "frame": 1080, "step": 0 }, { "action": 11, "frame": 1200, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) </script> <script> window.props.templates.push({ template_key: "old_school_blank_dark_ai_assisted", slug: "old_school_blank_dark_ai_assisted", title: "Old School Blank \u002D Dark (AI Assisted)", name: "Old School Blank \u002D Dark (AI Assisted)", description: "Step into the allure of timeless sophistication with our dark Old School Blank Prezi AI\u002Dassisted presentation template, seamlessly blending vintage aesthetics and modern functionality for a visually striking and impactful retro\u002Dinspired presentation experience.", categories: ["business", "education", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/ovvrym9wirzxftgd.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 1, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 360, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 480, "step": 0 }, { "action": 6, "frame": 600, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) 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Just add your own text, images, videos, or other content to create a memorable and engaging presentation your audience will love. Like all Prezi templates, it’s easily customizable.", categories: ["business\u002Dvideo", "educational\u002Dvideo", "general"], thumbnail_url: "https://next\", video_url: "https://next\\u002Dlite\u002Dvideos/6ai50wcnzg9i10xa.mp4", video_metadata: { "fps": 60, "height": 720, "steps": [ { "action": 0, "frame": 0, "step": 0 }, { "action": 1, "frame": 120, "step": 0 }, { "action": 2, "frame": 240, "step": 0 }, { "action": 3, "frame": 360, "step": 0 }, { "action": 4, "frame": 480, "step": 0 }, { "action": 5, "frame": 600, "step": 0 } ], "width": 1280 }, }) </script> <div id="body-content"> <div id="app"></div> <section class="intro" style="background-color: #152235"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!-- Copy --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2"> <h2 class="semibold text-white text-center">Presentation templates for Prezi</h2> <p class="btm-54 text-white text-center">Prezi's presentation templates offer a rich cinematic appeal that will grab and hold everyone’s attention. Built to inspire and engage, these templates allow you to zoom around the canvas and reveal information at key points, so you can take on the role of a <a class="text-a" href="">storyteller</a> as much as a presenter and draw your viewers into an adaptable format that you can adjust to meet the needs of each unique audience.</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-5 col-lg-offset-1"> <h4 class="text-white btm-12"><img class="rtm-12" src="" style="height: 16px;">Huge selection of presentation templates</h4> <p class="small text-white btm-18">Free your presentations from the limitations of slide-based templates with the expansive and adaptable format of Prezi presentations. We offer an expansive library of templates with powerful tools that allow you to customize each project to suit your needs. Say goodbye to confining slide designs and enjoy the freedom of Prezi's presentation templates.</p> <p class="small text-white btm-30">Craft an interactive pitch deck, highlight your latest business report, enhance your classroom materials, or update your marketing presentation. Select your presentation template and customize it easily with fonts, photos, charts, icons, and videos that you can drag and drop with ease.</p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-5"> <h4 class="text-white btm-12"><img class="rtm-12" src="" style="height: 16px;">Engaging and interactive presentations</h4> <p class="small text-white btm-18">Prezi presentations allow you to move smoothly around the landscape of your project, highlighting the broad picture, then exploring each point in depth when the moment arises. Teachers, you can pause, zoom in, back out, and move around your frames quickly and comfortably as you adjust the flow of your lessons to match the interests of your students.</p> <p class="small text-white btm-30">The same functionality makes business presentations in Prezi sleek and impressive, and makes for a lasting impression on coworkers and clients. Start with a clean overview and zoom in to the details at the perfect moment as you showcase your products and services with engaging presentation templates.</p> </div> </div> <div class="row btm-96"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-5 col-lg-offset-1"> <h4 class="text-white"><img class="rtm-12" src="" style="height: 16px;">PowerPoint Converter</h4> <p class="small text-white btm-30">Enjoy a smooth transition from your traditional PowerPoint activities to Prezi's innovative interface. Our PPT to Prezi converter facilitates a smooth move from one platform to the other. 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