R-TT - Sales FAQ
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tab-active" href=""><span>FAQ</span></a> <a class="nav-tabs-policy" href=""><span>Policy</span></a> </div> </div></div> <div class="faq-body"> <div class="section"><div class="oh2"> Sales FAQ </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="1" id="q1"> I've just paid for the software and received a copy of the order confirmation. However, I still haven't received any registration code. When will you send it to me? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q1-e"><div class="section"> The software registration key is sent to the customer via e-mail immediately upon processing of the order. If you haven't yet received it, you probably have a filter on your mail server and can't receive messages with attachments. The message with the registration key has a small text file attachment with a registration key copy.<br /> <br /> Using your order information, you can access Client Portal <a href=""></a> and then change your e-mail to any alternative e-mail server, such as, Then request that your registration key be resent to the new e-mail from the Client Portal menu. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="2" id="q2"> I've entered the received registration key in the registration window, but the registration key is invalid. </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q2-e"><div class="section"> Sometimes the customer's e-mail server corrupts the body of an e-mail message containing the registration key.<br /> If you have any trouble with your registration key, you may use an attached file with its copy.<br /> <br /> In order to register the product, please take the original message with the registration key (RK), open the attached text file with the RK copy, highlight the RK, right-click it, and choose <i>Copy</i>. Then run the product and open a registration window. Enter your name and company name in the corresponding fields (if you don't have a company you can enter <i>Home, Personal</i>, etc.). Put the insertion point of the PC mouse into the registration key field, right-click again, and choose Paste. Please don't even attempt to type the registration key manually.<br /> <br /> You should also check that you've installed the latest software version on your machine. Old versions of our software do not support the new registration key format that was implemented in the middle of 2008.<br /> <br /> If the problem with registration still persists, please send us a screenshot of the registration window after you've pasted the key but before you've submitted the registration. To make a screenshot, you may press the Ctrl+PrtScn keys when the registration window is active on your screen and then save the image in a .gif or .jpg file using, for example, Microsoft Paint (Open New file and click Ctrl+V). </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="3" id="q3"> I purchased the software about two years ago. Am I entitled to a free upgrade, or is there an upgrade purchase price? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q3-e"><div class="section"> In accordance with our sales policy <a href=""></a>, we guarantee customer support service within one year of the date of purchase. The services include technical support, customer support, and all updates and new releases for the purchased product during that term.<br /> <br /> When the one-year support service expires, the licensee may renew that support at a discounted price to continue receiving support services. The renewal support purchase extends support service by one year from the date of its expiration. A new registration key is issued for the licensee after the support services are renewed.<br /> <br /> If the customer support period for your order expired, you may pay for the Extended Customer Service and get a new registration key for the current version of the software. When you enter your order information in the Client Portal <a href=""></a> and your order is found in our database, the extended customer service fees will be calculated automatically based on your order date. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="4" id="q4"> After I installed the new version of the software, I found that I cannot register. The software does not accept the key. What should I do? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q4-e"><div class="section"> The product registration key works with all software versions and builds that are launched within one year of the date of purchase. The registration key can be used with the originally purchased software for as long as the licensee wants. The software license never expires.<br /> <br /> When the one-year term for support service expires, the licensee may renew that support at a discounted price to continue receiving support services. The renewal support purchase extends the support service term by one-year from the date of its expiration. A new registration key is issued for the licensee after the support services are renewed.<br /> <br /> If customer support period for your order expired, you may pay for the Extended Customer Service and get a new registration key for the current version of the software. When you enter your order information in the Client Portal <a href=""></a> and your order is found in our database, the extended customer service fees will be calculated automatically based on your order date. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="5" id="q5"> I lost my original registration key. Could you resend it ASAP? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q5-e"><div class="section"> You can use the Client Portal <a href=""></a> to change your e-mail information and to request that your registration key be resent to your e-mail at any time. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="6" id="q6"> I can't find the old version of the software I purchased three years ago. Could you send me a link to redownload it? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q6-e"><div class="section"> Sorry, but we do not offer old versions of our software to our customers. When updates are issued for computer operating systems (Windows or Mac), some of the new components may have an impact on the operation of our software. That may potentially cause a problem on your PC. We always offer our customers only updated current versions of our products to keep the products compatible with your updated operating systems. Our customers are granted one year of free customer service that includes all upgrades and updates to our software. That's enough time to create a copy of the software and save it on CD/DVD or another media for backup purposes. You may possibly find the old version over the Internet, but we never recommend downloading it to our customers. When you pay for our Extended Customer Service, you get a new registration key for the current version. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="7" id="q7"> Can I get a refund if I buy your software but I'm not satisfied with its performance? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q7-e"><div class="section"> Sorry, but we do not issue any refunds for downloadable software. Our refund policy is published on our Web site and is accessible to all our customers prior to purchasing <a href=""></a>.<br /> <br /> If you don't agree with our refund policy and have any doubts regarding the software, you should contact our technical support team <a href=""></a> prior to purchasing. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="8" id="q8"> I don't want to pay over the Internet by a credit card. Do you accept checks or money orders? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q8-e"><div class="section"> R-Tools offers several payment options. First of all, if you do not want to process a payment over the Internet, you can send your order and credit card details over the fax and we'll process the order manually.<br /> <br /> Also, you can generate an invoice <a href=""></a> and pay it by a wire transfer in your bank. Please fax us a copy of your bank receipt. When your payment is received, we process your order immediately. Our fax is 1-240-525-7604.<br /> <br /> Personal checks or money orders are acceptable as well, but please note that the order will be processed only after a payment has been deposited in our bank account. When you mail us a check or money order, please provide us with a copy of the invoice generated on our Web site. </div></div> <div class="section"><a class="expand-title faq-q" alt="9" id="q9"> I'd like to purchase your product on a CD, but I really need to have the product immediately (via download). If I purchase the CD, will I get an immediate order ID or other code that would allow me to also download the product for immediate use? </a></div> <div class="expand-body faq-a" id="q9-e"><div class="section"> Currently all our products are downloadable only<br /> <a href=""></a>. Upon purchase, our products can be downloaded immediately. Our downloadable packages include only a setup file of the product, electronic documentation, and license; they do not include a box or media. When the software is downloaded you may copy the software along with its registration key onto a CD and keep it for backup purposes. </div></div> </div> <div class="row-blue row-section footer-articles"><div class="section"> <div class="articles-items" id="articles-cols"> <div class="bottom-title">Data Recovery Articles</div> <ul class="bottom-col-left"> <li><a href="">Data Recovery Guide</a></li> <li><a href="">Why R-Studio?</a></li> <li><a href="">R-Studio for Forensic and Data Recovery Business</a></li> <li><a href="">R-STUDIO Review on TopTenReviews</a></li> <li><a href="">File Recovery Specifics for SSD devices</a></li> <li><a href="">How to recover data from NVMe devices</a></li> <li><a href="">Predicting Success of Common Data Recovery Cases</a></li> <li><a href="">Recovery of Overwritten Data</a></li> <li><a href="">Emergency File Recovery Using R-Studio Emergency</a></li> <li><a href="">RAID Recovery Presentation</a></li> <li><a href="">R-Studio: Data recovery from a 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