Baltimore Catechism 3, 1949 Edition, Table Of Contents
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The First and Second Commandments</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02022.htm">Lesson 22 The Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments of the Church</a> </ul> <p class="normal"> <font class="subhead5">PART III: THE SACRAMENTS AND PRAYERS</font> <ul> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02023.htm">Lesson 23 The Sacraments</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02024.htm">Lesson 24 Baptism</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02025.htm">Lesson 25 Confirmation</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02026.htm">Lesson 26 The Holy Eucharist</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02027.htm">Lesson 27 The Sacrifice of the Mass</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02028.htm">Lesson 28 Holy Communion</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02029.htm">Lesson 29 Penance</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02030.htm">Lesson 30 Contrition</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02031.htm">Lesson 31 Confession</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02032.htm">Lesson 32 How To Make a Good Confession</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02033.htm">Lesson 33 Temporal Punishment and Indulgences</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02034.htm">Lesson 34 Extreme Unction and Holy Orders</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02035.htm">Lesson 35 Matrimony</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02036.htm">Lesson 36 The Sacramentals</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02037.htm">Lesson 37 Prayer</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02038.htm">Lesson 38 The Our Father</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/02039.htm">Lesson 39 Why I Am a Catholic</a> </ul> <p class="normal"> <font class="head3">APPENDICES</font> <ul> <li> <a class=b href="htm/03001.htm">Appendix 1: A Catechism of the Mass</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/03002.htm">Appendix 2: Glossary of Terms</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/03003.htm">Appendix 3: Alphabetical Index</a> <li> <a class=b href="htm/03004.htm">Appendix 4: Imprimatur of the Catechism Text</a> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="copyrightbox" colspan=3> <font class="copyright">© Copyright DRBO.ORG 2001-2023. 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