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[[Sediment]] deposited by the [[Fraser River]] is clearly visible to the west. | map = Canada British Columbia | map_width = | map_caption = | map_alt = | relief = yes | label = | label_position = | mark = | marker_size = | location = [[British Columbia]], Canada | coordinates = {{coord|49|06|30|N|122|17|30|W|display=it}} | coordinates_ref = | range = | part_of = [[Fraser Lowland]] | water_bodies = | elevation_m = | elevation_ref = | surface_elevation_m = | surface_elevation_ref = | highest_point = | highest_elevation = | highest_coords = | length = | width = | area = <!-- {{Convert|NN|ha|acres}} --> | depth = | drop = | formed_by = [[Fraser River]] | geology = <!-- or |type = --> | age = | orogeny = | volcanic_arc/belt = | volcanic_arc = | volcanic_belt = | volcanic_field = | eruption = | last_eruption = | topo = | operator = | designation = | free_label_1 = | free_data_1 = | free_label_2 = | free_data_2 = | free_label_3 = | free_data_3 = | website = <!-- {{URL|}} --> | embedded = }} The '''Fraser Valley''' is a [[geographical region]] in southwestern [[British Columbia]], Canada and northwestern [[Washington (state)|Washington State]]. It starts just west of [[Hope, British Columbia|Hope]] in a narrow valley encompassing the [[Fraser River]] and ends at the Pacific Ocean stretching from the [[North Shore Mountains]], opposite the city of [[Vancouver]] BC, to just south of [[Bellingham, Washington]]. In casual usage it typically describes the Fraser River [[drainage basin|basin]] downstream of the [[Fraser Canyon]]. The term is sometimes used outside British Columbia to refer to the entire Fraser River sections including the Fraser Canyon and up from there to its [[headwater]]s, but in general British Columbian usage the term refers to the stretch of [[Lower Mainland]] west of the [[Coquihalla River]] [[river mouth|mouth]] at the inland town of [[Hope, British Columbia|Hope]], and includes all of the Canadian portion of the [[Fraser Lowland]] as well as the [[valley]]s and [[hill|upland]] areas flanking it. It is divided into the '''Upper Fraser Valley''' and '''Lower Fraser Valley''' by the [[Vedder River]] mouth at the eastern [[foothills]] of [[Sumas Mountain (British Columbia)|Sumas Mountain]], although the Lower Valley section upstream of [[McMillan Island]] and the [[Salmon River (Langley)|Salmon River]] [[river mouth|mouth]] (at [[Fort Langley]]) used to be called the '''Central Fraser Valley''' up until 1995 (see [[Central Fraser Valley Regional District]]). Administratively, the Fraser Valley comprises parts of the [[regional district]]s of [[Metro Vancouver]] and the [[Fraser Valley Regional District]]. The main [[population centre]]s in the Fraser Valley are [[Greater Vancouver]], [[Abbotsford, British Columbia|Abbotsford]] and [[Chilliwack]]. ==History== [[File:Evolution of the Lower Fraser Valley From Langley to Harrison.gif|thumb|300px|alt=Animated map of different events of the Fraser Valley|Evolution of the Lower Fraser Valley from Langley to Harrison]] This section of the Fraser River is known by local indigenous peoples as "Sto:lo" in the [[Halqemeylem]] language of the area, and this term has been adopted to refer to all of the indigenous peoples of the [[Fraser Lowland]], other than the [[Squamish people|Squamish]] and [[Musqueam]]. The indigenous peoples of the area have long made use of the river valley for agricultural and commercial exploits and continue to do so today.{{when|date=May 2023}} The Indigenous people were not consulted in the [[Treaty of Oregon]], which saw the United States and Great Britain define and recognize each other's claims to the area. This overstepping of jurisdiction inevitably led to conflict as Great Britain was incapable of exercising the control they claimed over the river valley. As a wave of immigrants flooded into the Fraser River Valley because of the [[Fraser Canyon Gold Rush]], the British were unable to maintain order without the cooperation of the local indigenous peoples, and the [[Fraser Canyon War]] broke out. The war was resolved with a series of treaties, none of which remain to this day, but which evidently included the regulation of immigration and the continuation of mining on the river by the indigenous inhabitants and the new immigrants. This war was part of a series of local conflicts surrounding the arrival of settlers ahead of American and British capacity to maintain order and refusal to cooperate with or recognize indigenous land claims and demands. These conflicts were pivotal in many aspects to the settlement of the West Coast in both Canada and the United States. The interaction of indigenous peoples and settlers led to the growth of [[Chinook Wawa]], a pidgin language that was used throughout the Fraser River Valley until the early 1900s. Industrialization of the river began with the use of the traditional trade waterway by steamboats and eventually, roads and railways were built, fueled by and in turn fuelling further population growth. Today,{{when|date=May 2023}} the most important transportation through the region are the [[Canadian Pacific Railway]] and [[Canadian National Railway]] transcontinental main lines, the [[British Columbia Highway 7|Lougheed Highway]] (Hwy 7), and the [[Trans-Canada Highway]] ([[British Columbia Highway 1|Hwy 1]]). ==Geography== [[Image:FraserRiverBritishColumbia Location.png|thumb|300px|Map showing the Fraser River and its major tributaries]] After descending through the rapids of the [[Fraser Canyon]], the Fraser River emerges almost at sea level at [[Yale, British Columbia|Yale]], over 100&nbsp;km inland. Although the canyon in geographic terms is defined as ending at Yale, Hope is generally to be considered the southern end of the canyon, partly because of the change in the character of the highway from that point, and perhaps also because it is at Hope that the first [[floodplain]]s typifying the course of the Lower Fraser are found. Downstream from Hope, the river and adjoining floodplains widen considerably in the area of [[Rosedale, British Columbia|Rosedale]], [[Chilliwack]] and [[Agassiz, British Columbia|Agassiz]], which is considered the head of the [[Fraser Delta]]. From there the river passes through some of the most fertile agricultural land in British Columbia—as well as the heart of the [[Metro Vancouver]] region—on its way through the valley to its mouth at [[Georgia Strait]]. During the last [[ice age]], the area that would become the Fraser Valley was covered by a sheet of ice, walled in by the surrounding mountains. As the ice receded, land that had been covered by glaciers became covered by water instead, then slowly rose above the water, forming the basin that exists today. The valley is the largest [[landform]] of the [[Lower Mainland]] ecoregion, with its delta considered to begin in the area of Agassiz and Chilliwack, although stretches of floodplain flank the mountainsides between there and Hope. Several of the Fraser's lower tributaries have floodplains of their own, shared in common with the Fraser freshet. Of varying size these include the [[Harrison River]], [[Chilliwack River]] ([[Vedder River]]), Hatzic Creek and Hatzic Lake, the [[Stave River|Stave]], [[Alouette River|Alouette]], [[Pitt River|Pitt]] and [[Coquitlam River]]s. Also incorporated in the Fraser delta region are the Nicomekl and Serpentine River floodplains and the Sumas River drainage, which flow to saltwater independently of the Fraser but help drain its lowland. The Fraser is tidal as far upstream as the town of [[Mission, British Columbia|Mission]] and, across the river, the City of [[Abbotsford, British Columbia|Abbotsford]], which is at the Fraser's closest approach to the international boundary, about 6 miles north of [[Sumas, Washington]]. [[Pitt Lake]], one of the Fraser's last tributaries and among its largest, is so low in elevation, despite its mountain setting, that it is one of the largest tidal freshwater lakes in the world <!--it maybe is the largest?-->. Oxbow lakes and side-sloughs are a common feature of the Lower Fraser's geography. The two main oxbows are those of Hatzic Lake and the Stave River on opposite sides of Mission, although that of the Stave has been silted in and part of it drained for a man-made lake. Around [[Fort Langley]] is an oxbow formation, mostly swamped in at the time of the fort's foundation, which was drained and made part of the fort's farm and remains farmland today. The system of sloughs and side-channels of the river is complicated, but important sloughs include those around [[Nicomen Island]], [[Sea Bird Island (British Columbia)|Sea Bird Island]] and flanking the river from [[Rosedale, British Columbia|Rosedale]] to [[Sumas Mountain (British Columbia)|Sumas Mountain]], on the western side of [[Chilliwack]]. [[Image:FraserRiverPanorama.jpg|thumb|800px|center|Panoramic view of Fraser River and valley as seen from the grounds of [[Westminster Abbey (British Columbia)|Westminster Abbey]], above [[Hatzic, British Columbia|Hatzic]] in [[Mission, British Columbia]]]] ==Climate== [[File:Fraser Valley Panorama 2.jpg|thumb|800px|center|Panoramic view of the Fraser Valley as seen from eastern Abbotsford looking northwest, showing the [[District of Mission]], which lies across the river from this viewpoint]] In winter, the Fraser Valley occasionally plays a significant role in the weather regime along the west coast of North America as far south as [[California]], acting as a natural outlet for the intensely cold Arctic [[air mass]] which typically sits over [[Western Canada]] during winter. Under certain meteorological conditions strong winds pour out of the Fraser Valley and over the relatively warmer waters of the [[Strait of Georgia]] and the [[Strait of Juan de Fuca]]. This can cause [[ocean-effect]] snow, especially between [[Port Angeles, Washington|Port Angeles]] and [[Sequim, Washington|Sequim]], where the air mass collides with the [[Olympic Mountains]].<ref name=mass>{{cite book |last= Mass |first= Cliff |title= The Weather of the Pacific Northwest |year= 2008 |publisher= [[University of Washington Press]] |isbn= 978-0-295-98847-4 |page= 60}}</ref> The cold air from the Fraser Valley can also flow out over the Pacific Ocean. Lanes of convective [[ocean-effect]] clouds and showers are produced as heat and moisture modify the very dry, frigid air mass. These then typically organize as a low pressure system which returns the showers to the coast south of Canada, often bringing snow to unusually low elevations. ===Western Fraser Valley=== {{Weather box |collapsed=yes |location = Western Fraser Valley ([[Maple Ridge, BC|Maple Ridge]] Kanaka Creek) (1981–2010) |metric first = Y |single line = Y |Jan record high C = 14.5 |Feb record high C = 20.0 |Mar record high C = 25.5 |Apr record high C = 29.5 |May record high C = 31.0 |Jun record high C = 34.0 |Jul record high C = 36.5 |Aug record high C = 34.5 |Sep record high C = 35.5 |Oct record high C = 27.5 |Nov record high C = 16.0 |Dec record high C = 13.5 |Jan high C = 5.0 |Feb high C = 7.8 |Mar high C = 10.9 |Apr high C = 14.9 |May high C = 17.9 |Jun high C = 20.5 |Jul high C = 23.8 |Aug high C = 24.1 |Sep high C = 21.1 |Oct high C = 14.1 |Nov high C = 8.1 |Dec high C = 4.6 |year high C = 14.4 |Jan mean C= 2.5 |Feb mean C= 4.0 |Mar mean C= 6.5 |Apr mean C= 9.6 |May mean C= 12.5 |Jun mean C= 15.2 |Jul mean C= 17.7 |Aug mean C= 17.8 |Sep mean C= 15.0 |Oct mean C= 10.0 |Nov mean C= 5.4 |Dec mean C= 2.4 |year mean C= 9.9 |Jan low C = 0.0 |Feb low C = 0.1 |Mar low C = 1.9 |Apr low C = 4.3 |May low C = 7.1 |Jun low C = 9.9 |Jul low C = 11.7 |Aug low C = 11.6 |Sep low C = 8.9 |Oct low C = 5.9 |Nov low C = 2.8 |Dec low C = 0.2 |year low C = 5.4 |Jan record low C = −17.0 |Feb record low C = −13.5 |Mar record low C = −9.0 |Apr record low C = −2.5 |May record low C = −1.0 |Jun record low C = 2.5 |Jul record low C = 5.0 |Aug record low C = 5.0 |Sep record low C = 1.0 |Oct record low C = −6.0 |Nov record low C = −13.0 |Dec record low C = −17.5 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 275.8 |Feb precipitation mm = 146.1 |Mar precipitation mm = 174.3 |Apr precipitation mm = 144.1 |May precipitation mm = 132.5 |Jun precipitation mm = 90.0 |Jul precipitation mm = 59.4 |Aug precipitation mm = 63.3 |Sep precipitation mm = 82.5 |Oct precipitation mm = 189.0 |Nov precipitation mm = 308.2 |Dec precipitation mm = 236.7 |year precipitation mm = 1901.9 |rain colour = green |Jan rain mm = 252.4 |Feb rain mm = 138.2 |Mar rain mm = 167.9 |Apr rain mm = 144.0 |May rain mm = 132.4 |Jun rain mm = 90.0 |Jul rain mm = 59.4 |Aug rain mm = 63.3 |Sep rain mm = 82.5 |Oct rain mm = 188.9 |Nov rain mm = 301.8 |Dec rain mm = 218.6 |Jan snow cm = 11.1 |Feb snow cm = 23.4 |Mar snow cm = 6.4 |Apr snow cm = 0.1 |May snow cm = 0.1 |Jun snow cm = 0.0 |Jul snow cm = 0.0 |Aug snow cm = 0.0 |Sep snow cm = 0.0 |Oct snow cm = 0.1 |Nov snow cm = 6.4 |Dec snow cm = 18.1 |year snow cm = 62.5 |unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm |Jan precipitation days = 21.0 |Feb precipitation days = 15.4 |Mar precipitation days = 20.0 |Apr precipitation days = 17.7 |May precipitation days = 16.0 |Jun precipitation days = 13.4 |Jul precipitation days = 9.0 |Aug precipitation days = 8.1 |Sep precipitation days = 9.1 |Oct precipitation days = 16.8 |Nov precipitation days = 21.3 |Dec precipitation days = 20.5 |year precipitation days = 188.1 |unit rain days = 0.2 mm |Jan rain days = 19.9 |Feb rain days = 14.6 |Mar rain days = 19.4 |Apr rain days = 17.7 |May rain days = 16.0 |Jun rain days = 13.4 |Jul rain days = 9.0 |Aug rain days = 8.1 |Sep rain days = 9.1 |Oct rain days = 16.8 |Nov rain days = 20.9 |Dec rain days = 19.1 |unit snow days = 0.2 cm |Jan snow days = 4.1 |Feb snow days = 2.0 |Mar snow days = 1.6 |Apr snow days = 0.05 |May snow days = 0.05 |Jun snow days = 0.0 |Jul snow days = 0.0 |Aug snow days = 0.0 |Sep snow days = 0.0 |Oct snow days = 0.05 |Nov snow days = 1.3 |Dec snow days = 3.6 |source 1 = [[Environment Canada]]<ref>[ Canadian Climate Normals 1981–2010 Station Data – Climate – Environment and Climate Change Canada]</ref> }} {{Weather box |collapsed=yes |location = Western Fraser Valley ([[Langley, British Columbia (city)|Langley]]) (1971–2000) |metric first = yes |single line = yes |Jan record high C = 15 |Feb record high C = 18.5 |Mar record high C = 20 |Apr record high C = 24.4 |May record high C = 34 |Jun record high C = 40.0 |Jul record high C = 35.6 |Aug record high C = 36.1 |Sep record high C = 33.3 |Oct record high C = 27.5 |Nov record high C = 19 |Dec record high C = 16.1 |Jan high C = 5 |Feb high C = 7.6 |Mar high C = 10.5 |Apr high C = 13.3 |May high C = 16.8 |Jun high C = 19.3 |Jul high C = 22.6 |Aug high C = 22.8 |Sep high C = 19.6 |Oct high C = 14.1 |Nov high C = 8.1 |Dec high C = 5.3 |year high C = | Jan mean C =2.2 | Feb mean C =4.4 | Mar mean C =6.3 | Apr mean C =8.6 | May mean C =11.8 | Jun mean C =14.2 | Jul mean C =16.7 | Aug mean C =17.0 | Sep mean C =14.2 | Oct mean C =9.8 | Nov mean C =5.1 | Dec mean C =2.7 |Jan low C = -0.6 |Feb low C = 1.2 |Mar low C = 2.2 |Apr low C = 3.8 |May low C = 6.7 |Jun low C = 9.2 |Jul low C = 10.8 |Aug low C = 11.1 |Sep low C = 8.8 |Oct low C = 5.6 |Nov low C = 2.1 |Dec low C = 0.1 |year low C = |Jan record low C = -14 |Feb record low C = -12 |Mar record low C = -8.3 |Apr record low C = -2.8 |May record low C = -0.6 |Jun record low C = 1.7 |Jul record low C = 3.9 |Aug record low C = 3.3 |Sep record low C = -1.7 |Oct record low C = -7 |Nov record low C = -16 |Dec record low C = -19.4 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 176 |Feb precipitation mm = 172.1 |Mar precipitation mm = 135.2 |Apr precipitation mm = 102.7 |May precipitation mm = 82.8 |Jun precipitation mm = 72.9 |Jul precipitation mm = 52.7 |Aug precipitation mm = 56.4 |Sep precipitation mm = 76.4 |Oct precipitation mm = 141 |Nov precipitation mm = 207.5 |Dec precipitation mm = 211.3 |year precipitation mm = 1486.9 | rain colour = green | Jan rain mm =153.0 | Feb rain mm =156.4 | Mar rain mm =131.4 | Apr rain mm =102.1 | May rain mm =82.8 | Jun rain mm =72.9 | Jul rain mm =52.7 | Aug rain mm =56.4 | Sep rain mm =76.4 | Oct rain mm =140.7 | Nov rain mm =200.8 | Dec rain mm =193.4 | Jan snow cm = 23.0 | Feb snow cm = 15.8 | Mar snow cm = 3.8 | Apr snow cm = 0.6 | May snow cm = 0 | Jun snow cm = 0 | Jul snow cm = 0 | Aug snow cm = 0 | Sep snow cm = 0 | Oct snow cm = 0.3 | Nov snow cm = 6.7 | Dec snow cm = 17.9 | unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm | Jan precipitation days =17.5 | Feb precipitation days =17.7 | Mar precipitation days =17.2 | Apr precipitation days =15.3 | May precipitation days =14.1 | Jun precipitation days =12.3 | Jul precipitation days =7.6 | Aug precipitation days =8.3 | Sep precipitation days =11.0 | Oct precipitation days =15.5 | Nov precipitation days =19.5 | Dec precipitation days =18.3 | Jan rain days =15.5 | Feb rain days =16.3 | Mar rain days =16.9 | Apr rain days =15.3 | May rain days =14.1 | Jun rain days =12.3 | Jul rain days =7.6 | Aug rain days =8.3 | Sep rain days =11.0 | Oct rain days =15.5 | Nov rain days =18.8 | Dec rain days =16.5 | unit snow days = 0.2 cm | Jan snow days =3.3 | Feb snow days =2.2 | Mar snow days =1.1 | Apr snow days =0.1 | May snow days =0 | Jun snow days =0 | Jul snow days =0 | Aug snow days =0 | Sep snow days =0 | Oct snow days =0.1 | Nov snow days =1.2 | Dec snow days =3.1 |source 1 = [[Environment Canada]]<ref name= "climate2">[[Environment Canada]]—[ Canadian Climate Normals 1971–2000] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2020-03-24 }}, accessed July 10, 2009</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Historical Data - Climate - Environment and Climate Change Canada|date=31 October 2011}}</ref> }} {{Weather box |collapsed=yes |location = Western Fraser Valley [[Abbotsford International Airport]] (1981–2010) |metric first = Y |single line = Y |Jan maximum humidex = 18.8 |Feb maximum humidex = 20.0 |Mar maximum humidex = 24.8 |Apr maximum humidex = 31.2 |May maximum humidex = 39.5 |Jun maximum humidex = 49.8 |Jul maximum humidex = 46.2 |Aug maximum humidex = 43.4 |Sep maximum humidex = 40.1 |Oct maximum humidex = 31.2 |Nov maximum humidex = 21.0 |Dec maximum humidex = 18.9 |year maximum humidex = 49.8 |Jan record high C = 18.1 |Feb record high C = 20.6 |Mar record high C = 24.9 |Apr record high C = 29.8 |May record high C = 36.0 |Jun record high C = 42.9 |Jul record high C = 38.0 |Aug record high C = 36.3 |Sep record high C = 37.5 |Oct record high C = 29.3 |Nov record high C = 22.4 |Dec record high C = 18.2 |year record high C = 42.9 |Jan high C = 6.7 |Feb high C = 9.0 |Mar high C = 11.6 |Apr high C = 14.7 |May high C = 18.1 |Jun high C = 20.8 |Jul high C = 24.0 |Aug high C = 24.4 |Sep high C = 21.3 |Oct high C = 15.0 |Nov high C = 9.3 |Dec high C = 5.9 |year high C = 15.1 |Jan mean C = 3.6 |Feb mean C = 5.0 |Mar mean C = 7.2 |Apr mean C = 9.8 |May mean C = 13.0 |Jun mean C = 15.7 |Jul mean C = 18.1 |Aug mean C = 18.2 |Sep mean C = 15.3 |Oct mean C = 10.5 |Nov mean C = 6.0 |Dec mean C = 2.9 |year mean C = 10.4 |Jan low C = 0.4 |Feb low C = 1.1 |Mar low C = 2.7 |Apr low C = 4.8 |May low C = 7.8 |Jun low C = 10.5 |Jul low C = 12.2 |Aug low C = 12.0 |Sep low C = 9.3 |Oct low C = 5.9 |Nov low C = 2.7 |Dec low C = -0.1 |year low C = 5.8 |Jan record low C = -21.1 |Feb record low C = -18.9 |Mar record low C = -12.8 |Apr record low C = -4.4 |May record low C = -2.2 |Jun record low C = 1.1 |Jul record low C = 2.2 |Aug record low C = 3.3 |Sep record low C = -1.7 |Oct record low C = -7.5 |Nov record low C = -16.7 |Dec record low C = -20.0 |year record low C = -21.1 |Jan chill = -26.6 |Feb chill = -29.6 |Mar chill = -19.7 |Apr chill = -7.3 |May chill = -4 |Jun chill = 0.0 |Jul chill = 0.0 |Aug chill = 0.0 |Sep chill = -5.4 |Oct chill = -13.9 |Nov chill = -27.6 |Dec chill = -33.3 |year chill = -33.3 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 211.7 |Feb precipitation mm = 132.3 |Mar precipitation mm = 149.3 |Apr precipitation mm = 117.8 |May precipitation mm = 99.8 |Jun precipitation mm = 74.8 |Jul precipitation mm = 43.2 |Aug precipitation mm = 45.9 |Sep precipitation mm = 75.5 |Oct precipitation mm = 152.7 |Nov precipitation mm = 248.2 |Dec precipitation mm = 186.6 |year precipitation mm = 1537.8 |rain colour = green |Jan rain mm = 193.6 |Feb rain mm = 123.4 |Mar rain mm = 144.9 |Apr rain mm = 117.1 |May rain mm = 99.8 |Jun rain mm = 74.8 |Jul rain mm = 43.2 |Aug rain mm = 45.9 |Sep rain mm = 75.5 |Oct rain mm = 152.7 |Nov rain mm = 241.5 |Dec rain mm = 170.9 |year rain mm = 1483.3 |Jan snow cm = 18.5 |Feb snow cm = 8.6 |Mar snow cm = 4.4 |Apr snow cm = 0.5 |May snow cm = 0.0 |Jun snow cm = 0.0 |Jul snow cm = 0.0 |Aug snow cm = 0.0 |Sep snow cm = 0.0 |Oct snow cm = 0.0 |Nov snow cm = 6.7 |Dec snow cm = 16.5 |year snow cm = 55.2 |time day = 3pm |Jan humidity = 73.3 |Feb humidity = 62.9 |Mar humidity = 59.9 |Apr humidity = 56.0 |May humidity = 56.5 |Jun humidity = 57.1 |Jul humidity = 54.5 |Aug humidity = 53.2 |Sep humidity = 56.4 |Oct humidity = 66.1 |Nov humidity = 74.3 |Dec humidity = 74.5 |year humidity = 62.1 |unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm |Jan precipitation days = 20.1 |Feb precipitation days = 16.2 |Mar precipitation days = 19.1 |Apr precipitation days = 16.3 |May precipitation days = 14.4 |Jun precipitation days = 13.0 |Jul precipitation days = 7.3 |Aug precipitation days = 7.1 |Sep precipitation days = 9.6 |Oct precipitation days = 15.8 |Nov precipitation days = 20.8 |Dec precipitation days = 19.8 |year precipitation days = 179.5 |unit rain days = 0.2 mm |Jan rain days = 18.2 |Feb rain days = 15.4 |Mar rain days = 18.6 |Apr rain days = 16.3 |May rain days = 14.4 |Jun rain days = 13.0 |Jul rain days = 7.3 |Aug rain days = 7.1 |Sep rain days = 9.6 |Oct rain days = 15.8 |Nov rain days = 20.2 |Dec rain days = 18.2 |year rain days= 174.1 |unit snow days = 0.2 cm |Jan snow days = 3.7 |Feb snow days = 1.9 |Mar snow days = 1.4 |Apr snow days = 0.3 |May snow days = 0.0 |Jun snow days = 0.0 |Jul snow days = 0.0 |Aug snow days = 0.0 |Sep snow days = 0.0 |Oct snow days = 0.0 |Nov snow days = 1.3 |Dec snow days = 3.6 |year snow days = 12.2 |Jan sun = 68.3 |Feb sun = 99.0 |Mar sun = 131.5 |Apr sun = 171.5 |May sun = 208.7 |Jun sun = 213.7 |Jul sun = 276.7 |Aug sun = 263.2 |Sep sun = 201.9 |Oct sun = 122.6 |Nov sun = 64.7 |Dec sun = 64.9 |year sun = 1886.7 |Jan percentsun = 25.2 |Feb percentsun = 34.6 |Mar percentsun = 35.7 |Apr percentsun = 41.8 |May percentsun = 44.1 |Jun percentsun = 44.2 |Jul percentsun = 56.7 |Aug percentsun = 59.1 |Sep percentsun = 53.3 |Oct percentsun = 36.5 |Nov percentsun = 23.4 |Dec percentsun = 25.2 |year percentsun = 40.0 |source 1 = [[Environment Canada]]<ref name=CCN >{{cite web | url = | title = Abbotsford A | work = Canadian Climate Normals 1981–2010 | date = 31 October 2011 | publisher = [[Environment Canada]] | access-date = May 14, 2014 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = | archive-url = | url-status = dead | archive-date = 2020-03-13 | title = ABBOTSFORD A | publisher = [[Environment Canada]] | access-date = July 15, 2015}}</ref><ref name="November 2016">{{cite web | url = | title = Daily Data Report for November 2016 | date = 31 October 2011 | publisher = [[Environment Canada]] | access-date = November 15, 2016}}</ref><ref name="June 2021">{{cite web | url = | title = Daily Data Report for June 2021 | date = 31 October 2011 | publisher = Environment Canada | access-date = June 28, 2021}}</ref> }} ===Central Fraser Valley=== {{Weather box |collapsed=yes |location = Central Fraser Valley ([[Agassiz, British Columbia|Agassiz]]) (1981–2010) |single line = Y |metric first = Y |Jan record high C = 17.2 |Feb record high C = 21.7 |Mar record high C = 25.8 |Apr record high C = 32.2 |May record high C = 36.0 |Jun record high C = 41.4 |Jul record high C = 38.3 |Aug record high C = 39.4 |Sep record high C = 36.8 |Oct record high C = 28.3 |Nov record high C = 21.1 |Dec record high C = 17.2 |Jan high C = 6.2 |Feb high C = 8.5 |Mar high C = 11.6 |Apr high C = 15.0 |May high C = 18.5 |Jun high C = 21.1 |Jul high C = 24.0 |Aug high C = 24.6 |Sep high C = 21.3 |Oct high C = 15.0 |Nov high C = 8.9 |Dec high C = 5.8 |year high C = 15.0 |Jan mean C= 3.4 |Feb mean C= 5.1 |Mar mean C= 7.5 |Apr mean C= 10.4 |May mean C= 13.6 |Jun mean C= 16.2 |Jul mean C= 18.5 |Aug mean C= 18.7 |Sep mean C= 15.9 |Oct mean C= 11.0 |Nov mean C= 6.1 |Dec mean C= 3.2 |year mean C= 10.8 |Jan low C = 0.5 |Feb low C = 1.6 |Mar low C = 3.4 |Apr low C = 5.6 |May low C = 8.8 |Jun low C = 11.3 |Jul low C = 12.8 |Aug low C = 12.8 |Sep low C = 10.3 |Oct low C = 6.9 |Nov low C = 3.2 |Dec low C = 0.5 |year low C = 6.5 |Jan record low C = -25.0 |Feb record low C = -24.4 |Mar record low C = -14.4 |Apr record low C = -3.9 |May record low C = -1.1 |Jun record low C = 1.7 |Jul record low C = 3.3 |Aug record low C = 1.7 |Sep record low C = -1.1 |Oct record low C = -8.5 |Nov record low C = -19.0 |Dec record low C = -21.1 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 240.8 |Feb precipitation mm = 142.1 |Mar precipitation mm = 154.7 |Apr precipitation mm = 125.9 |May precipitation mm = 103.0 |Jun precipitation mm = 92.2 |Jul precipitation mm = 66.6 |Aug precipitation mm = 58.2 |Sep precipitation mm = 87.6 |Oct precipitation mm = 191.7 |Nov precipitation mm = 285.0 |Dec precipitation mm = 206.1 |year precipitation mm = 1754.1 |rain colour = green |Jan rain mm = 220.8 |Feb rain mm = 131.1 |Mar rain mm = 148.8 |Apr rain mm = 125.5 |May rain mm = 103.0 |Jun rain mm = 92.2 |Jul rain mm = 66.6 |Aug rain mm = 58.2 |Sep rain mm = 87.6 |Oct rain mm = 191.6 |Nov rain mm = 275.8 |Dec rain mm = 187.7 |Jan snow cm = 20.3 |Feb snow cm = 12.5 |Mar snow cm = 5.8 |Apr snow cm = 0.4 |May snow cm = 0 |Jun snow cm = 0 |Jul snow cm = 0 |Aug snow cm = 0 |Sep snow cm = 0 |Oct snow cm = 0.2 |Nov snow cm = 9.2 |Dec snow cm = 19.0 |unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm |Jan precipitation days = 19.2 |Feb precipitation days = 17.3 |Mar precipitation days = 19.9 |Apr precipitation days = 17.8 |May precipitation days = 17.1 |Jun precipitation days = 15.0 |Jul precipitation days = 10.4 |Aug precipitation days = 10.1 |Sep precipitation days = 11.7 |Oct precipitation days = 17.1 |Nov precipitation days = 21.3 |Dec precipitation days = 20.0 |unit rain days = 0.2 mm |Jan rain days = 16.8 |Feb rain days = 15.8 |Mar rain days = 19.6 |Apr rain days = 17.8 |May rain days = 17.1 |Jun rain days = 15.0 |Jul rain days = 10.4 |Aug rain days = 10.1 |Sep rain days = 11.7 |Oct rain days = 17.1 |Nov rain days = 20.7 |Dec rain days = 18.1 |year rain days = 190.1 |unit snow days = 0.2 cm |Jan snow days = 4.6 |Feb snow days = 2.8 |Mar snow days = 1.0 |Apr snow days = 0.2 |May snow days = 0 |Jun snow days = 0 |Jul snow days = 0 |Aug snow days = 0 |Sep snow days = 0 |Oct snow days = 0.07 |Nov snow days = 1.3 |Dec snow days = 3.9 |Jan sun = 57.8 |Feb sun = 85.7 |Mar sun = 127.7 |Apr sun = 163.9 |May sun = 194.2 |Jun sun = 195.6 |Jul sun = 255.8 |Aug sun = 242.2 |Sep sun = 196.8 |Oct sun = 122.2 |Nov sun = 60.2 |Dec sun = 53.6 |year sun = 1755.6 |source 1 = Environment Canada<ref name = climate >{{cite web | url= | title=Canadian Climate Normals 1981-2010 at station AGASSIZ CDA | publisher=Environment Canada | date=2013-07-01 | access-date=2014-01-02 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Historical Data - Climate - Environment and Climate Change Canada|date=31 October 2011}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Historical Data - Climate - Environment and Climate Change Canada|date=31 October 2011}}</ref> }} {{Weather box | collapsed=yes | location = Central Fraser Valley ([[Chilliwack Airport]]) (1981–2010) | metric first = Y | single line = Y | Jan record high C = 18.3 | Feb record high C = 20.6 | Mar record high C = 25.8 | Apr record high C = 32.2 | May record high C = 34.5 | Jun record high C = 43.7 | Jul record high C = 38.0 | Aug record high C = 39.4 | Sep record high C = 36.5 | Oct record high C = 27.8 | Nov record high C = 21.1 | Dec record high C = 19.0 | year record high C = 43.7 | Jan high C = 6.1 | Feb high C = 8.8 | Mar high C = 11.8 | Apr high C = 15.8 | May high C = 19.1 | Jun high C = 21.7 | Jul high C = 25.0 | Aug high C = 25.3 | Sep high C = 22.3 | Oct high C = 15.3 | Nov high C = 9.3 | Dec high C = 6.0 | year high C = 15.5 | Jan mean C = 3.3 | Feb mean C = 4.9 | Mar mean C = 7.3 | Apr mean C = 10.5 | May mean C = 13.7 | Jun mean C = 16.4 | Jul mean C = 18.8 | Aug mean C = 18.7 | Sep mean C = 15.7 | Oct mean C = 10.8 | Nov mean C = 6.2 | Dec mean C = 3.3 | year mean C = 10.8 | Jan low C = 0.4 | Feb low C = 1.0 | Mar low C = 2.8 | Apr low C = 5.2 | May low C = 8.2 | Jun low C = 11.0 | Jul low C = 12.5 | Aug low C = 12.1 | Sep low C = 9.1 | Oct low C = 6.4 | Nov low C = 3.1 | Dec low C = 0.5 | year low C = 6.0 | Jan record low C = -26.7 | Feb record low C = -16.7 | Mar record low C = -14.4 | Apr record low C = -6.1 | May record low C = -1.7 | Jun record low C = 1.1 | Jul record low C = 3.3 | Aug record low C = 2.8 | Sep record low C = -2.8 | Oct record low C = -7.2 | Nov record low C = -14.4 | Dec record low C = -21.7 | year record low C = -26.7 | precipitation colour = green | Jan precipitation mm = 233.5 | Feb precipitation mm = 125.8 | Mar precipitation mm = 154.7 | Apr precipitation mm = 116.3 | May precipitation mm = 93.1 | Jun precipitation mm = 91.7 | Jul precipitation mm = 48.1 | Aug precipitation mm = 56.7 | Sep precipitation mm = 75.2 | Oct precipitation mm = 178.5 | Nov precipitation mm = 283.8 | Dec precipitation mm = 210.1 | year precipitation mm = 1667.5 | rain colour = green | Jan rain mm = 206.9 | Feb rain mm = 114.7 | Mar rain mm = 143.7 | Apr rain mm = 115.2 | May rain mm = 93.1 | Jun rain mm = 91.7 | Jul rain mm = 48.1 | Aug rain mm = 56.7 | Sep rain mm = 75.2 | Oct rain mm = 178.4 | Nov rain mm = 272.7 | Dec rain mm = 185.8 | year rain mm = 1582.2 | Jan snow cm = 26.6 | Feb snow cm = 11.2 | Mar snow cm = 11.0 | Apr snow cm = 1.1 | May snow cm = 0.0 | Jun snow cm = 0.0 | Jul snow cm = 0.0 | Aug snow cm = 0.0 | Sep snow cm = 0.0 | Oct snow cm = 0.1 | Nov snow cm = 11.2 | Dec snow cm = 24.3 | year snow cm = 85.3 | unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm | Jan precipitation days = 20.6 | Feb precipitation days = 15.9 | Mar precipitation days = 19.7 | Apr precipitation days = 17.5 | May precipitation days = 15.8 | Jun precipitation days = 14.6 | Jul precipitation days = 8.7 | Aug precipitation days = 8.5 | Sep precipitation days = 9.9 | Oct precipitation days = 17.1 | Nov precipitation days = 21.5 | Dec precipitation days = 20.1 | year precipitation days = 189.9 | unit rain days = 0.2 mm | Jan rain days = 18.6 | Feb rain days = 14.6 | Mar rain days = 19.2 | Apr rain days = 17.5 | May rain days = 15.8 | Jun rain days = 14.6 | Jul rain days = 8.7 | Aug rain days = 8.5 | Sep rain days = 9.9 | Oct rain days = 17.1 | Nov rain days = 20.9 | Dec rain days = 18.4 | year rain days = 183.8 | unit snow days = 0.2 cm | Jan snow days = 5.0 | Feb snow days = 2.9 | Mar snow days = 1.9 | Apr snow days = 0.2 | May snow days = 0.0 | Jun snow days = 0.0 | Jul snow days = 0.0 | Aug snow days = 0.0 | Sep snow days = 0.0 | Oct snow days = 0.1 | Nov snow days = 2.0 | Dec snow days = 4.8 | year snow days = 16.8 | source 1 = <ref name="climatedata">{{cite web |url= |title=Canadian Climate Normals 1981-2010 Station Data |publisher= Environment Canada |access-date=May 26, 2016|date=26 May 2016}}</ref> | source 2 = <ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Historical Data - Climate - Environment and Climate Change Canada|date = 31 October 2011}}</ref> }} ===Eastern Fraser Valley=== {{Weather box | collapsed=yes |location = Eastern Fraser Valley ([[Laidlaw, British Columbia|Laidlaw]]), 1981–2010 normals |metric first = yes |single line = yes |Jan record high C = 14.5 |Feb record high C = 18.5 |Mar record high C = 25.0 |Apr record high C = 30.5 |May record high C = 37.5 |Jun record high C = 35.0 |Jul record high C = 38.0 |Aug record high C = 37.5 |Sep record high C = 36.5 |Oct record high C = 28.5 |Nov record high C = 17.5 |Dec record high C = 13.5 |year record high C = 38.0 |Jan high C = 4.6 |Feb high C = 7.5 |Mar high C = 11.4 |Apr high C = 15.2 |May high C = 18.5 |Jun high C = 21.2 |Jul high C = 24.3 |Aug high C = 25.0 |Sep high C = 21.3 |Oct high C = 14.3 |Nov high C = 7.7 |Dec high C = 4.2 |year high C = 14.6 | Jan mean C = 2.2 | Feb mean C = 4.2 | Mar mean C = 7.1 | Apr mean C = 10.2 | May mean C = 13.6 | Jun mean C = 16.3 | Jul mean C = 18.8 | Aug mean C = 19.3 | Sep mean C = 16.2 | Oct mean C = 10.7 | Nov mean C = 5.4 | Dec mean C = 2.0 | year mean C = 10.5 |Jan low C = -0.3 |Feb low C = 0.9 |Mar low C = 2.8 |Apr low C = 5.0 |May low C = 8.5 |Jun low C = 11.1 |Jul low C = 13.1 |Aug low C = 13.3 |Sep low C = 10.8 |Oct low C = 6.9 |Nov low C = 3.0 |Dec low C = -0.3 |year low C = 6.2 |Jan record low C = -17.0 |Feb record low C = -18.0 |Mar record low C = -8.5 |Apr record low C = -1.5 |May record low C = 0.5 |Jun record low C = 5.0 |Jul record low C = 7.0 |Aug record low C = 7.5 |Sep record low C = 3.0 |Oct record low C = -10.0 |Nov record low C = -20.5 |Dec record low C = -18.0 |year record low C = -20.5 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 287.6 |Feb precipitation mm = 194.3 |Mar precipitation mm = 201.2 |Apr precipitation mm = 166.6 |May precipitation mm = 131.8 |Jun precipitation mm = 113.8 |Jul precipitation mm = 84.7 |Aug precipitation mm = 64.2 |Sep precipitation mm = 104.7 |Oct precipitation mm = 229.6 |Nov precipitation mm = 352.7 |Dec precipitation mm = 255.8 |year precipitation mm = 2186.8 | rain colour = green | Jan rain mm = 262.6 | Feb rain mm = 177.7 | Mar rain mm = 193.5 | Apr rain mm = 165.8 | May rain mm = 131.8 | Jun rain mm = 113.8 | Jul rain mm = 84.7 | Aug rain mm = 64.2 | Sep rain mm = 104.7 | Oct rain mm = 228.9 | Nov rain mm = 344.8 | Dec rain mm = 236.2 | year rain mm = 2108.5 | Jan snow cm = 24.9 | Feb snow cm = 16.6 | Mar snow cm = 7.7 | Apr snow cm = 0.8 | May snow cm = 0.0 | Jun snow cm = 0.0 | Jul snow cm = 0.0 | Aug snow cm = 0.0 | Sep snow cm = 0.0 | Oct snow cm = 0.6 | Nov snow cm = 7.9 | Dec snow cm = 19.6 | year snow cm = 78.2 | unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm | Jan precipitation days = 20.7 | Feb precipitation days = 16.7 | Mar precipitation days = 19.9 | Apr precipitation days = 18.0 | May precipitation days = 17.1 | Jun precipitation days = 14.5 | Jul precipitation days = 10.5 | Aug precipitation days = 8.8 | Sep precipitation days = 11.2 | Oct precipitation days = 17.5 | Nov precipitation days = 21.2 | Dec precipitation days = 18.0 | year precipitation days = 194.2 | unit rain days = 0.2 mm | Jan rain days = 18.2 | Feb rain days = 15.2 | Mar rain days = 19.5 | Apr rain days = 18.0 | May rain days = 17.1 | Jun rain days = 14.5 | Jul rain days = 10.5 | Aug rain days = 8.8 | Sep rain days = 11.2 | Oct rain days = 17.4 | Nov rain days = 20.7 | Dec rain days = 16.0 | unit snow days = 0.2 cm | Jan snow days = 4.5 | Feb snow days = 2.8 | Mar snow days = 1.1 | Apr snow days = 0.31 | May snow days = 0.0 | Jun snow days = 0.0 | Jul snow days = 0.0 | Aug snow days = 0.0 | Sep snow days = 0.0 | Oct snow days = 0.15 | Nov snow days = 1.5 | Dec snow days = 3.9 |source 1 = [[Environment Canada]]<ref name="climate" /> |date=September 2017 }} {{Weather box | collapsed=yes |location = Eastern Fraser Valley ([[Hope Aerodrome|Hope Airport]]), 1981–2010 normals, extremes 1910–present{{efn|Extreme high and low temperatures in the table below were recorded at Hope from March 1910 to December 1937 and at Hope Airport from January 1938 to present.}} |metric first = Y |single line = Y |Jan record high C = 15.0 |Feb record high C = 19.4 |Mar record high C = 25.1 |Apr record high C = 32.2 |May record high C = 38.4 |Jun record high C = 41.4 |Jul record high C = 40.6 |Aug record high C = 39.1 |Sep record high C = 38.3 |Oct record high C = 29.0 |Nov record high C = 18.9 |Dec record high C = 16.1 |year record high C = 41.4 |Jan high C = 4.7 |Feb high C = 7.0 |Mar high C = 12.1 |Apr high C = 15.1 |May high C = 18.6 |Jun high C = 20.9 |Jul high C = 23.6 |Aug high C = 24.8 |Sep high C = 21.4 |Oct high C = 14.5 |Nov high C = 7.1 |Dec high C = 3.5 |year high C = 14.4 |Jan mean C = 2.1 |Feb mean C = 3.6 |Mar mean C = 7.4 |Apr mean C = 10.1 |May mean C = 13.5 |Jun mean C = 16.0 |Jul mean C = 18.2 |Aug mean C = 19.0 |Sep mean C = 15.9 |Oct mean C = 10.5 |Nov mean C = 4.6 |Dec mean C = 1.2 |year mean C = 10.2 |Jan low C = -0.4 |Feb low C = 0.3 |Mar low C = 2.6 |Apr low C = 5.0 |May low C = 8.4 |Jun low C = 11.0 |Jul low C = 12.8 |Aug low C = 13.2 |Sep low C = 10.3 |Oct low C = 6.4 |Nov low C = 2.1 |Dec low C = -1.0 |year low C = 5.9 |Jan record low C = -25.0 |Feb record low C = -23.3 |Mar record low C = -16.7 |Apr record low C = -5.6 |May record low C = -2.8 |Jun record low C = 1.1 |Jul record low C = 3.3 |Aug record low C = 1.1 |Sep record low C = -1.1 |Oct record low C = -11.2 |Nov record low C = -21.4 |Dec record low C = -24.4 |year record low C = -25.0 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation mm = 290.5 |Feb precipitation mm = 201.1 |Mar precipitation mm = 159.0 |Apr precipitation mm = 172.8 |May precipitation mm = 112.0 |Jun precipitation mm = 93.8 |Jul precipitation mm = 77.8 |Aug precipitation mm = 49.1 |Sep precipitation mm = 97.0 |Oct precipitation mm = 218.6 |Nov precipitation mm = 352.5 |Dec precipitation mm = 219.0 |year precipitation mm = 2043.3 |rain colour = green |Jan rain mm = 265.9 |Feb rain mm = 182.1 |Mar rain mm = 154.3 |Apr rain mm = 171.7 |May rain mm = 112.0 |Jun rain mm = 93.8 |Jul rain mm = 77.8 |Aug rain mm = 49.1 |Sep rain mm = 97.0 |Oct rain mm = 217.4 |Nov rain mm = 339.0 |Dec rain mm = 195.2 |year rain mm = 1955.2 |Jan snow cm = 27.9 |Feb snow cm = 24.9 |Mar snow cm = 5.1 |Apr snow cm = 1.0 |May snow cm = 0 |Jun snow cm = 0 |Jul snow cm = 0 |Aug snow cm = 0 |Sep snow cm = 0 |Oct snow cm = 1.3 |Nov snow cm = 14.3 |Dec snow cm = 29.0 |year snow cm = 103.5 <!--humidity at 15:00 LST--> |Jan humidity = 77.1 |Feb humidity = 68.0 |Mar humidity = 57.2 |Apr humidity = 56.5 |May humidity = 57.6 |Jun humidity = 59.4 |Jul humidity = 58.5 |Aug humidity = 55.0 |Sep humidity = 55.7 |Oct humidity = 68.8 |Nov humidity = 80.2 |Dec humidity = 78.0 |year humidity = 64.3 |unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm |Jan precipitation days = 18.9 |Feb precipitation days = 15.9 |Mar precipitation days = 17.5 |Apr precipitation days = 18.2 |May precipitation days = 16.3 |Jun precipitation days = 13.9 |Jul precipitation days = 10.5 |Aug precipitation days = 8.1 |Sep precipitation days = 10.3 |Oct precipitation days = 15.7 |Nov precipitation days = 21.6 |Dec precipitation days = 17.7 |year precipitation days = 184.6 |unit rain days = 0.2 mm |Jan rain days = 16.7 |Feb rain days = 13.7 |Mar rain days = 17.2 |Apr rain days = 18.2 |May rain days = 16.3 |Jun rain days = 13.9 |Jul rain days = 10.5 |Aug rain days = 8.1 |Sep rain days = 10.2 |Oct rain days = 15.6 |Nov rain days = 20.8 |Dec rain days = 14.9 |year rain days= 176.1 |unit snow days = 0.2 cm |Jan snow days = 5.6 |Feb snow days = 4.0 |Mar snow days = 1.4 |Apr snow days = 0.5 |May snow days = 0 |Jun snow days = 0 |Jul snow days = 0 |Aug snow days = 0 |Sep snow days = 0 |Oct snow days = 0.2 |Nov snow days = 2.9 |Dec snow days = 6.3 |year snow days = 20.9 |Jan sun = 13.2 |Feb sun = 56.3 |Mar sun = 114.7 |Apr sun = 144.6 |May sun = 185.4 |Jun sun = 194.6 |Jul sun = 236.2 |Aug sun = 251.8 |Sep sun = 188.7 |Oct sun = 96.9 |Nov sun = 19.6 |Dec sun = 4.4 |year sun = 1506.4 |Jan percentsun = 4.9 |Feb percentsun = 19.8 |Mar percentsun = 31.2 |Apr percentsun = 35.2 |May percentsun = 39.1 |Jun percentsun = 40.1 |Jul percentsun = 48.2 |Aug percentsun = 56.4 |Sep percentsun = 49.7 |Oct percentsun = 28.9 |Nov percentsun = 7.1 |Dec percentsun = 1.7 |year percentsun = 30.2 |source 1 = [[Environment Canada]]<ref name="Hope A">{{cite web |url= |title=Hope A |publisher=Environment Canada |access-date=1 March 2017 }}{{Dead link|date=March 2023 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref><ref name="Hope Little Mountain">{{cite web |url= |title=Hope Little Mountain |date=31 October 2011 |publisher= Environment Canada |access-date=1 March 2017}}</ref> |date=1 March 2017<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Historical Data - Climate - Environment and Climate Change Canada|date = 31 October 2011}}</ref> }} {{notelist}} ==Demographics== === Fraser Valley Regional District === {| class="wikitable" |- ! colspan="2" | Canada 2016 Census <ref name="fraser-valley2016">[ Census Profile, 2016 Census: Fraser Valley, Regional district]. Statistics Canada. Retrieved 27 July 2018.</ref>!! | Population !! | % of total population (2016) |- | rowspan="12" | [[Visible minority]] group || [[India]]n || 39,920 || {{Percentage | 39920 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Chinese Canadian|Chinese]] || 3,660 || {{Percentage | 3600 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Black Canadians|Black]] || 2,495 || {{Percentage | 2495 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Filipino Canadian|Filipino]] || 2,700 || {{Percentage | 2700 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Latin American Canadian|Latin American]] || 2,050 || {{Percentage | 2050 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Arab Canadians|Arab]] || 505 || {{Percentage | 505 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Southeast Asia]]n || 2,285 || {{Percentage | 2285 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Western Asia|West Asian]] || 355 || {{Percentage | 355 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Korean Canadian|Korean]] || 2,135 || {{Percentage | 2135 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Japanese Canadians|Japanese]] || 905 || {{Percentage | 905 | 288765| 1 }} |- | Visible minority, n.i.e. || 405 || {{Percentage | 405 | 288765| 1 }} |- | [[Multiracial|Multiple]] visible minorities || 1,110 || {{Percentage | 1110 | 288765| 1 }} |- | colspan="2" | '''Total visible minority population'''|| '''58,535''' || '''{{Percentage | 58535 | 288765| 1 }}''' |- | colspan="2" | [[European Canadian|European]] || '''202,095''' || '''{{Percentage | 202095 | 288765 | 1 }}''' |- | colspan="2" | [[Aboriginal peoples in Canada|Aboriginal]] group || '''23,865''' || '''{{Percentage | 23865 | 288765| 1 }}''' |- | colspan="2" | '''''Total population''''' || '''''288,765''''' || '''''100%''''' |} According to the 2011 Census, 76.47% of the Fraser Valley regional district in BC have [[English language|English]] as [[mother tongue]]; [[Punjabi language|Punjabi]] is the [[mother tongue]] of 10.02% of the population, followed by [[German language|German]] (3.49%), [[Dutch language|Dutch]] (1.39%), [[French language|French]] (1.07%), [[Korean language|Korean]] (0.69%), [[Spanish language|Spanish]] (0.66%), [[Tagalog language|Tagalog]] (0.35%), [[Chinese language|Chinese, n.o.s.]] (0.33%), and [[Vietnamese language|Vietnamese]] (0.30%).<ref name="2011Census">Census Profile Fraser Valley, RD British Columbia</ref> {| class="wikitable" style="float:left;" |- style="background:darkGrey;" ! ''Mother tongue'' ! ''Population (2011)'' ! ''Percentage'' |- | [[English language|English]] | 209,130 | 76.47% |- |- style="background:#efefef; color:black" | [[Punjabi language|Punjabi]] | 27,390 | 10.02% |- | [[German language|German]] | 9,540 | 3.49% |- style="background:#efefef; color:black" | [[Dutch language|Dutch]] | 3,790 | 1.39% |- | [[French language|French]] | 2,915 | 1.07% |- style="background:#efefef; color:black" | [[Korean language|Korean]] | 1,880 | 0.69% |- | [[Spanish language|Spanish]] | 1,810 | 0.66% |- style="background:#efefef; color:black" | [[Tagalog language|Tagalog]] ([[Filipino language|Filipino]]) | 950 | 0.35% |- | [[Chinese language|Chinese, n.o.s.]] | 890 | 0.33% |- style="background:#efefef; color:black" | [[Vietnamese language|Vietnamese]] | 820 | 0.30% |} {{Clear left}} == Modern land use == Today, the Fraser Valley has a mix of land uses, ranging from the urban and industrial centres of [[Vancouver]], [[Surrey, British Columbia|Surrey]], and [[Abbotsford, British Columbia|Abbotsford]] through golf courses and parks to dairy farms and [[market gardening|market garden]]s. Agricultural land in the valley – much of it protected by the [[Agricultural Land Reserve]] – is intensively farmed: the Fraser Valley brings in nearly 40% of British Columbia's annual agricultural revenue, although it makes up a small percentage of the province's total land area.<ref>{{cite web | url= | publisher=Fraser Valley Regional District | access-date=2024-10-01 | title=Agricultural Economy in the Fraser Valley Regional District | language=en}}</ref> The Fraser Valley, specifically in [[Abbotsford, British Columbia|Abbotsford]], is the northernmost area of [[rice]] cultivation in the world.<ref name="Tourism Abbotsford">Tourism Abbotsford (2019) Retrieved on: 2020-02-06.</ref> == Air quality == As the valley population grows and traffic increases, [[air pollution]] becomes an increasingly important issue; various controversies have risen over the years (most recently over "[[Sumas 2]]", a defeated proposal for a power plant just south of the Canadian/USA border) as to whether or not air pollution is a problem, and if it is a problem, how this should be addressed. Air quality monitoring has improved in recent years and it is now possible to compare BC communities on a variety of measures. Comparative data on four measures—[[Atmospheric particulate matter|fine particulate matter]], [[ozone|ground-level ozone]], [[nitrogen dioxide]] and [[Sulfur dioxide|sulphur dioxide]]—shows the Fraser Valley to have better air quality than Vancouver on several measures. For example, Fraser Valley communities had less than half the levels of nitrogen dioxide, and were lower in fine particulate matter and sulphur dioxide (on the latter measure, Abbotsford and Chilliwack were among the lowest of all BC sites).<ref name=BCLA>BC Lung Association (2010)[ Sixth Annual State of the Air Report] {{webarchive|url= |date=2007-08-11 }}. Retrieved on: 2011-01-27.</ref> In certain weather conditions during the summer, prevailing westerly winds blow air pollution from vehicles and from ships in Vancouver harbour east up the triangular delta, trapping it between the Coast Mountains on the north and the Cascades on the southeast. Air quality suffers. This usually occurs during a [[temperature inversion]], and lasts for a few days. Ground-level ozone tends to be from local sources in the valley and varies with prevailing winds.<ref>Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (November 2006). [ Canada Wide Standards for PM and Ozone: Status of Jurisdictional Implementation Planning Activities – British Columbia]. Retrieved on 2011-01-27.</ref> With prevailing winds from the northeast during the late fall and winter, air quality is seldom a problem. Air quality in the Fraser Valley at times exceeds the Canada-Wide Standard (CWS) for ozone (at Hope) and is close to exceeding the CWS for Particulate Matter.<ref>[<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> == Modern usage of the name == In colloquial usage, "Fraser Valley" usually refers only to that part of the valley beyond the continuously built-up urban area around Vancouver, up to and including Chilliwack and Agassiz, about 80&nbsp;km east, and abutting the border with [[Washington (state)|Washington's]] [[Whatcom County]]; news media typically also include the built-up eastern suburban areas of Vancouver which a few decades ago were mixed farmland and forest, typical of "the Valley". The Fraser Valley region is also the namesake of the [[Fraser Valley Regional District, British Columbia|Fraser Valley Regional District]], though that consists of only about half of the actual Fraser Valley, and is made up of the municipalities and incorporated areas from Abbotsford and Mission eastwards to Hope. It also includes areas not in the Fraser Valley, particularly the lower [[Fraser Canyon]] from Boston Bar to Hope. The term "Central Fraser Valley" refers to Mission and Abbotsford and is included within the Lower Fraser Valley. The Upper Fraser Valley means from Chilliwack and Agassiz to Hope. The phrases "Fraser Valley towns" and "Fraser River municipalities" include Delta and Richmond, though the colloquial "in the Valley" means from Surrey and Coquitlam eastwards. The "Tidal Fraser area" is usually defined as the area of the Fraser from the mouth at the Pacific Ocean to the Mission bridge. Everything in between there is influenced greatly by ocean tides, including the largest tidal lake in North America, Pitt Lake. == Sociology == {{Multiple issues|section=yes| {{Expand section|date=November 2010}} {{unreferenced section|date=October 2022}} }} The south shore of the Central and Upper Fraser Valley is also known colloquially as the "[[Bible Belt]]" of British Columbia and is home to many of Canada's largest churches, notably the [[Mennonite Brethren]] and the [[Dutch Reformed Church]], a reflection of the heavy settlement of the Valley by post-war Dutch and German immigrants, as well as the Canadian headquarters of many Christian/[[Evangelical]] para-church organisations such as [[Focus on the Family]] and Power to Change, the Canadian branch of [[Cru_(Christian_organization)]], formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ. Voters in south shore ridings typically elect right-wing candidates, while in ridings on the river's north side elections sway between left-wing and right-wing parties regularly. ==See also== {{Wikivoyage}} * [[Air pollution in British Columbia]] ==Notes== {{Reflist}} ==References== * Arnett, T.C. 1976. The Chilliwack Valley Continuum: A Search for a Canadian Land Ethic. Unpublished Master's Thesis, UBC. * Carlson, K.T. (ed.) 2001. A Stó:lō-Coast Salish Historical Atlas. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. * Carlson, K.T. (ed.) 1996. You Are Asked To Witness: The Stó:lō in Canada's Pacific Coast History. Chilliwack: Stolo Heritage Trust. * Cherrington, J.A. 1992. The Fraser Valley: A History. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Publishing. * Cook, D. 1978. Early Settlement in the Chilliwack Valley. Unpublished research paper, UBC. * Demeritt, D. 1995–96. Visions of Agriculture in British Columbia. BC Studies 108, 29–59. * Harris, C. 1997. The Resettlement of British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press. * Oliver, J. 2006. A View From the Ground: Understanding the 'Place' of the Fraser Valley in the Changing Contexts of a Colonial World 1792–1918. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Sheffield. * Ramsey, B. 1975. Five Corners, the story of Chilliwack. Chilliwack: Chilliwack Valley Historical Society. * Waite, D.E. 1977. The Langley Story illustrated: An Early History of The Municipality of Langley: Don Waite Publishing. * Wynn, G. & T.R. Oke (eds) 1992. Vancouver and Its Region. Vancouver: UBC Press. {{Subdivisions of British Columbia|regions=yes}} {{Authority control}} <!--Categories--> [[Category:Fraser River]] [[Category:Valleys of British Columbia]] [[Category:Landforms of Lower Mainland]] [[Category:Wine regions of British Columbia]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:Ambox" title="Template:Ambox">Template:Ambox</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Ambox&action=edit" title="Template:Ambox">view source</a>) (template editor protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Authority_control" title="Template:Authority control">Template:Authority control</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Authority_control&action=edit" title="Template:Authority control">view 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