Inclusion and Youth
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However, vulnerable populations continue to encounter significant barriers when it comes to accessing quality skills training.</p> <p>Globally, migration has increased due to amplified conflicts, natural disasters and strained economies. In the face of rising demand, many TVET institutions find themselves unprepared to provide pathways to education, training or employment for migrants and unemployed youth. In addition, TVET institutions and teachers can lack practical knowledge and experience in meeting the needs of marginalized groups in traditional learning settings.</p> <p>UNESCO-UNEVOC works to expand the inclusiveness of TVET institutions through cross-cutting programmes aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of skills training.</p> <p></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #F3F2F0"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br> <div class="quarter_box1"> <a href=Equity+and+Gender+Equality><img src="/home/pix/gender-e.png" class="uneimgnone"></a></p> <p><h4>Equity and Gender Equality</h4> <p></p> <p>Gender equality is a global priority for UNESCO and inextricably linked to efforts to promote the right to education and support the achievement of the SDGs</p> <p><!-- debug makelink: |Equity and Gender Equality|Access our recent study on boosting gender equality in STEM-related TVET||/home/Equity+and+Gender+Equality|Access our recent study on boosting gender equality in STEM-related TVET| --><a href="/home/Equity+and+Gender+Equality" class=line1 title="/home/Equity+and+Gender+Equality">Access our recent study on boosting gender equality in STEM-related TVET</a></p> <p></div> <div class="quarter_box2"> <a href=Migration+and+TVET><img src="/home/pix/migration-tvet.png" class="uneimgnone"></a></p> <p><h4>Migration and TVET</h4> <p></p> <p>TVET can facilitate the social and labour market integration of migrants by providing skills development, re-skilling opportunities and local work experience</p> <p><!-- debug makelink: |Migration and TVET|Find out more about migration and TVET||/home/Migration+and+TVET|Find out more about migration and TVET| --><a href="/home/Migration+and+TVET" class=line1 title="/home/Migration+and+TVET">Find out more about migration and TVET</a></p> <p></div> <div class="quarter_box3"> <a href=Youth+employment+and+entrepreneurship><img src="/home/pix/youth-ee.png" class="uneimgnone"></a></p> <p><h4>Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship</h4> <p></p> <p>Entrepreneurship is a major engine for job creation and a key factor in addressing persistently high rates of youth unemployment</p> <p><!-- debug makelink: |Youth+employment+and+entrepreneurship|Explore our practical guide on entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions||/home/Youth+employment+and+entrepreneurship|Explore our practical guide on entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions| --><a href="/home/Youth+employment+and+entrepreneurship" class=line1 title="/home/Youth+employment+and+entrepreneurship">Explore our practical guide on entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions</a></p> <p></div> <div class="quarter_box4"> <a href=World+Youth+Skills+Day><img src="/home/pix/wysd-w.png" class="uneimgnone"></a></p> <p><h4>World Youth Skills Day</h4> <p></p> <p>Every 15 July, the global community celebrates the importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship</p> <p><!-- debug makelink: |World Youth Skills Day|Learn more about WYSD||/home/World+Youth+Skills+Day|Learn more about WYSD| --><a href="/home/World+Youth+Skills+Day" class=line1 title="/home/World+Youth+Skills+Day">Learn more about WYSD</a></p> <p></div> </div> <div class="clearline"></div> <br \></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #FFFFFF"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \><a name="par_1"> </a><h3>News & Activities</h3></p> <p><!-- welcome to newsslide plugin! (1 / #inclusion + #youth) --> <!-- debug: (langid=en, lang=en) --> <div style="max-width: 800px; min-height: 340px; width: auto; margin: auto; text-align: center; position: relative"> <div class="slideshow" id="slidenews1"> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: block"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/Entrepreneurship+education+in+the+spotlight+at+the+10th+UNESCO-APEID+Meeting"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>11 October 2024</font><br><a href="/home/Entrepreneurship+education+in+the+spotlight+at+the+10th+UNESCO-APEID+Meeting"><b style="color:#204060">Entrepreneurship education in the spotlight at the 10th UNESCO-APEID meeting in Tashkent</b></a><br>The meeting, titled "The Future of Youth and Entrepreneurship Education," took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in October 2024. It gathered 200 participants from 35 UNESCO Member States. The event featured presentations from UNEVOC Network members on green, digital, and social entrepreneurship education in TVET and launched a special journal honoring Dr. Gwang Jo Kim.<br><a href="/home/Entrepreneurship+education+in+the+spotlight+at+the+10th+UNESCO-APEID+Meeting" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2925 / / max=1 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/Learning+Lab+series+on+Entrepreneurial+Learning+in+TVET"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>16 September 2024</font><br><a href="/home/Learning+Lab+series+on+Entrepreneurial+Learning+in+TVET"><b style="color:#204060">Innovative entrepreneurship pathways</b></a><br>In a webinar series held in August and September 2024, UNEVOC explored and showcased innovative approaches in entrepreneurship education and practices in TVET in three pivotal areas - digital, social and greening entrepreneurship. Have a look at the recordings and presentations to learn about practical tools and methodologies for implementing entrepreneurship. <br><a href="/home/Learning+Lab+series+on+Entrepreneurial+Learning+in+TVET" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2882 / / max=2 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/WorldSkills+2024"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>15 September 2024</font><br><a href="/home/WorldSkills+2024"><b style="color:#204060">47th WorldSkills Competition: A showcase of global talent and innovation</b></a><br>The 47th WorldSkills Competition in Lyon, France, featured over 1,500 participants from 85 countries competing in 60+ skill categories. UNESCO-UNEVOC supported the BeChangeMaker competition, focusing on using technical skills for social good, facilitated workshops on global challenges in the WorldSkills Conference and participated in a meeting of the Inter-Agency Group on TVET.<br><a href="/home/WorldSkills+2024" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2884 / / max=3 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/WYSD+2024:+Promoting+Youth+Skills+for+Peace+and+Development"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>15 July 2024</font><br><a href="/home/WYSD+2024:+Promoting+Youth+Skills+for+Peace+and+Development"><b style="color:#204060">World Youth Skills Day 2024: Promoting Youth Skills for Peace and Development</b></a><br>The theme of this year's WYSD was "Youth Skills for Peace and Development". UNESCO-UNEVOC presented the results of a Youth Survey. Two live-streamed events featured the voices of 28 young people from 26 countries. The aim was to find how an equitable and inclusive future of work can be built that fosters peace, global citizenship and sustainable development. <br><a href="/home/WYSD+2024:+Promoting+Youth+Skills+for+Peace+and+Development" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2897 / / max=4 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="" target=_blank><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>6 March 2024</font><br><a href="" target=_blank><b style="color:#204060">UNEVOC partners with HP Life and WorldSkills for the BeChangeMaker programme</b></a><br>The 8th edition of BeChangeMaker, the annual social entrepreneurship acceleration programme presented by WorldSkills and HP LIFE, and supported by UNESCO-UNEVOC, is accepting applications until 25 May. Selected teams will receive dedicated coaching, mentoring, customized support and more.<br><a href="" target=_blank style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2793 / / max=5 --> </div> <div class="slide" style="max-width: 1024px; display: none"> <div class=boxleft> <a href="/home/Prioritizing+rights,+equity+and+inclusion+for+marginalized+groups+in+TVET"><img src="" style="width: 300px; box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; margin-top: 2px"></a></div> <div class=boxright> <div class=article style="text-align: left; max-width: 500px"><font size=1>12 September 2023</font><br><a href="/home/Prioritizing+rights,+equity+and+inclusion+for+marginalized+groups+in+TVET"><b style="color:#204060">Prioritizing rights, equity and inclusion for marginalized groups in TVET</b></a><br>At the UKFIET Conference 2023 on “Education for social and environmental justice: diversity, sustainability, responsibility”, UNESCO-UNEVOC hosted a symposium featuring insights from institutions within its UNEVOC Network and the United Nations University. <br><a href="/home/Prioritizing+rights,+equity+and+inclusion+for+marginalized+groups+in+TVET" style="font-weight: bold">read more</a></div><div style="clear: both"></div><br> </div> <!-- sn=2736 / / max=6 --> </div> </div> <a id=slideprev1 class=slideprev href="javascript:void(0)" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: -50px"><img src=/pix/newsleft.gif></a> <a id=slidenext1 class=slidenext href="javascript:void(0)" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; right: -50px"><img src=/pix/newsright.gif></a> </div> <script> function startnews1() { document.getElementById('slidenews1').style.display = 'block'; $('#slidenews1') .after('<div id="newsnav1" class="slidenav">') .cycle({ fx: 'scrollLeft', speed: 500, timeout: 5000, pause: 1, pager: '#newsnav1', next: '#slidenext1', prev: '#slideprev1', slideResize: 1 }); } window.setTimeout( "startnews1()", 4000); </script></p> <p><br \></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #F3F2F0"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \><a name="par_2"> </a><h3>Publications & Resources</h3></p> <p><!-- Welcome to publications plugin! 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It is crucial that we empower young people to navigate these changes effectively. Technical and vocational education and training (TVE ...</p> </div> <a href="" title="" target=_blank><img src=/pix/download50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <a href="" title="" target=_blank class=bookamore>download</a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6691" title="World Youth Skills Day 2023"><img src=/pix/info50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -6px;"></a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6691" title="World Youth Skills Day 2023" class=bookamore>read more</a> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div><br><br> <div class=boxleft><div class=bookbox><a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6492"><img src="" class=bookimg border=0></a></div></div> <div class=boxright><div style="max-width: 400px"><img src=/pix/pub-unevoc.png height=20> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6492"><h3 class=bookh3>Technical and vocational education and training for disadvantaged youth</h3></a> <p class=article>Due to its close links to the labour market, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) can play an important role to improve job opportunities and livelihoods for young people, and in particular for disadvantaged youth. However, this pot ...</p> </div> <a href="" title="" target=_blank><img src=/pix/download50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <a href="" title="" target=_blank class=bookamore>download</a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6492" title="Technical and vocational education and training for disadvantaged youth"><img src=/pix/info50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -6px;"></a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6492" title="Technical and vocational education and training for disadvantaged youth" class=bookamore>read more</a> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div><br><br> <div class=boxleft><div class=bookbox><a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6437"><img src="" class=bookimg border=0></a></div></div> <div class=boxright><div style="max-width: 400px"><img src=/pix/pub-unevoc.png height=20> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6437"><h3 class=bookh3>Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions</h3></a> <p class=article><b>A practical guide</b><br> This guide is also available in an [ interactive online version]. You can view an introductory video on the practical guide [ here]. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in ...</p> </div> <a href="" title="" target=_blank><img src=/pix/download50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <a href="" title="" target=_blank class=bookamore>download</a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6437" title="Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions"><img src=/pix/info50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -6px;"></a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6437" title="Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions" class=bookamore>read more</a> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div><br><br> <div class=boxleft><div class=bookbox><a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6430"><img src="" class=bookimg border=0></a></div></div> <div class=boxright><div style="max-width: 400px"><img src=/pix/pub-unevoc.png height=20> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6430"><h3 class=bookh3>Boosting gender equality in science and technology</h3></a> <p class=article><b>A challenge for TVET programmes and careers</b><br> While technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has the potential to bolster the participation of women in the labour market, this potential is not always well understood and capitalized on. In general, female students are lowly represen ...</p> </div> <a href="" title="" target=_blank><img src=/pix/download50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <a href="" title="" target=_blank class=bookamore>download</a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6430" title="Boosting gender equality in science and technology"><img src=/pix/info50.gif height=25 border=0 style="margin-bottom: -6px;"></a> <a href="/home/UNEVOC+Publications/lang=en/akt=detail/qs=6430" title="Boosting gender equality in science and technology" class=bookamore>read more</a> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div><br><br> <br> <div class="centred"> <!-- debug makelink: | view more|1||view more| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">view more</a> </div> <br \></div> </div> </div> <div class="page" style="background: #FFFFFF"> <div class="main"> <div class="tx-drwiki-pi1"> <br \><a name="par_3"> </a><h3>Promising & Innovative Practices</h3></p> <p><!-- Welcome to publications plugin! 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