Gravestone Transcriptions for St Peter-in-the-East | St Edmund Hall

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style="background-image:url(/asset/Gravestones-with-snowdrops-desktop.jpg);"> <div class="adapt table col1" data-min="300"> <div class=""> <div class="wrap"> <h3>Gravestone Transcriptions</h3> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="wrapper-sidebar max side-r"> <div > <section class="sec max-child auto-space layout-multi-text"> <div class="adapt flx col1" data-min="300"> <div > <div class="wrap "> <h3>Transcriptions of the Gravestones in the Graveyard of St Peter-in-the-East</h3> <p><strong>ABBOTT, Henry</strong><br /> d. 1826<br /> aged 30</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>AH</b><br /> 1790<br /> SH 1830</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>AIRAY, Anne</b><br /> d. 23 December 1661<br /> daughter of Christopher Airay, rector of Milford, Hants., where he died in 1670. He had become a Fellow of Queen&#8217;s in 1627. [DNB] Doubtless C.A. was related to Dr. Henry Airay of SEH, provost of Queen&#8217;s 1598/9-1616 (who frequently preached in St. Peter&#8217;s-in-the-East [sic].)</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>ALLAM. W. R.</b><br /> for his 2nd. Wife Mara Best<br /> BEST, Mara</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>ALLWRIGHT, John</b><br /> d. 3.11.1841<br /> aged 42<br /> ALLWRIGHT, Susanna, his wife, d. 23.6.1849, aged 60</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>B&#8230;., T</b><br /> d. 1836<br /> aged 43</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BACON, William</b><br /> d. 9.2.1815<br /> aged 59</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BAILEY, Richard</b><br /> d. 1.2.1811<br /> aged 39</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>BAILEY</b><br /> R*B 1811; S*B 1823; A*B (1832)<br /> BAILEY, Shellard, d. 22.1.1823, aged 17; BAILEY, Ann, d. 11.3.183?2, 3</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BAKER, Robert</b><br /> d. 27.11.1813<br /> his daughter d. 17.6.1808; BAKER, Robert, d. 23.8.1829</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BALDWIN, Thomas</b><br /> d. 25.8.1853<br /> aged 75<br /> BALDWIN, Susannah, his wife, d. 8.9.1853, aged 69; &#8230;..son</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>BALDWIN</b><br /> T-B; S-B; FGK</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BALDWIN, Thomas</b><br /> d. 17.10.1841<br /> aged 1 year<br /> Mary (BALDWIN), daughter of Thomas &amp; Elizabeth (Baldwin), d. 16.5.18, aged 3 years; Thomas ?; Elizabeth Baldwin, d. 1.6.1852, aged 24</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>BALDWIN</b><br /> T B 1841; E B 1841 [?1852]; T B 1852</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BARD?OTTE, Hercules</b><br /> d. 5. &#8230;<br /> aged 67<br /> BARD?OTTE, Elizabeth, d. 1. &#8230;.</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BARDGET, Joseph [?]</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BATTIN, John</b><br /> d. 9.7.1816<br /> aged 79<br /> BATTIN, Elizabeth, his wife, d. 28.8.1823, aged 81<br /> &#8220;&#8230;Therefore prepare, do not delay Make sure of Christ our only stay&#8221;. [suggests nautical connections]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BAVIN, Bartholemew</b><br /> d. 1750<br /> aged 84<br /> wife; William Bavin, aged 42, their son [Renovated by descendant, W. J. Hinds Choice of text (Rom. 6.23) suggests evangelical connections.]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BAVIN, John</b><br /> d. 18.8.1864<br /> aged 80<br /> BEST, Elizabeth, his daughter, d. 30.11.1895, aged 87; Mara Best, 2nd wife of W. R. Allam, d. 8.4.1930, aged 88</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BAVIN, Sarah</b><br /> d. 28.6.18?30<br /> aged ? 38, daughter of John and Charlotte Bavin</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BELL, Thomas</b><br /> d. 29 November 1672<br /> inholder[?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BENNET, John</b><br /> d. 1780<br /> BENNET, John Robert; Elizabeth Bennet, d. 1791</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BENNETT, John</b><br /> d. 24 February 1767<br /> [BENNETT] daughter</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BEST, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 30.11.1895<br /> aged 87; daughter of John Bavin<br /> BEST, Mara, 2nd wife of W. R. Allam, d. 8.4.1930, aged 88</p> <p>Headstone&#xA0;<b>BIRCH, John</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BLACKWELL, Thomas</b><br /> d. 16.11.1815<br /> aged 54<br /> BLACKWELL, Elizabeth, his widow, d. 22.2.1855, aged 79</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>BLACKWELL</b><br /> T+B; E+B</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BLAKE, Richard</b><br /> d. 8.8.184.<br /> aged 73<br /> BLAKE, Letty, his wife, d. 22.1.1847, aged 74</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; very low<br /> <b>BLAKE, Richard P.</b><br /> d. 19.12.1855<br /> aged 56<br /> BLAKE, Mary, d. 25.10.1847, aged 79</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BLISS, Sophia Anne</b><br /> b. 27.7.1824; d. 27.7.1835</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BOBART, Jacob</b><br /> d. 4 February 1679/80<br /> [Keeper of the Physic Garden DNB]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BOYLE, William</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BRAZIER, Thomas</b><br /> 1690 ?<br /> 3 other Braziers, 1711, 1717, 1770</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BRIDGES, Anne</b><br /> d. 12.12.1846<br /> aged 91, relict of Thomas Bridges, Esq.<br /> BRIDGES, Caroline, daughter of Thomas Bridges, Esq. &amp; Anne Bridges, d. 17.2.1871, aged 87 Formerly of St. Nicholas Court, Thanet, Kent [Tablet in the church]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BRIDGEWATER, Sarah</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BROOM</b><br /> d. 17&#8230;&#8230;</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BROWN ?, Mary</b><br /> d. 1.5.1833<br /> aged 1 year<br /> [Memorial slab ahead of this]<br /> JONES, Ann Mrs, her daughter, d. 3.2.1832, aged 70 &amp; Mary Brown (?sic), granddaughter of A. B., d. 1.5.1833, aged 1 year; and Richard Tunnard Jones, d. 30.11.1837, aged 67 and Mary Jones, his wife, d. 30.11.1866 (?64), aged 62</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; table, medium<br /> <b>BROWN, Sarah</b><br /> d. 26.3.1810<br /> aged 58, wife of Mr. Simon Brown</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BROWNING, Ann</b><br /> d. 22.3.1829<br /> aged 89</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BULLEY, William</b><br /> d. 23.4.1828<br /> BULLEY, Martha, d. 8.12.1831 and Mary Bulley, d. &#8230;.1817</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>BURY, John Edward</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>C(?)HURCH, Mary Anne</b><br /> d. 11.12.1847<br /> 2nd daughter of John Church<br /> CHURCH, Elizabeth Mary, her elder sister, d. 1852</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table, black &amp; white<br /> <b>CARDWELL, Isabella Eliza</b><br /> b. 5.12.1839; d. 28.3.1840<br /> CARDWELL, Richard Arthur, b. 14.5.1837; d. 17.4.1840; Edward Cardwell, DD, Principal of St. Alban Hall, Camden Professor of Ancient History, b. 3.8.1787; d. 23.5.1861; Cecilia (Cardwell), widow of Ed. C., b. 29.6.1797, d. &#8230;8.1877</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>CHAM[?NE]P&#8230;, Susannah</b><br /> d. 7.176?5<br /> aged 83<br /> [Opposite Vestry entrance]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>CLARK, Edward</b><br /> d. J&#8230; 176.<br /> [CLARK?] Elizabeth</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>CLEMENT, Mary Bulley</b><br /> d. 27.6.1866</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>COLE, Henry</b><br /> d. 21.4.1824<br /> aged 19, son of Joseph &amp; Mary Cole<br /> COLE, Joseph, d. 1.10.1843, aged 72; Mary Cole, widow of Joseph Cole, d. 30.8.1851, aged 78</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>COLES, Mary</b><br /> d. 21 March 1787<br /> aged 27, wife of Thomas Coles<br /> COLES, William, their son died in infancy; Thomas Coles, their son died 4 June 1806, aged 22; SOUTHAM, Elizabeth, died 5 May 1803, aged 78; Edward Coles &amp; Edward Norman Coles, sons if Thomas and Carolina Coles, who died infants; Thomas Coles, d. 3.10.1829, aged 75; Carolina, 2nd wife of Thomas Coles, d. 7.5.1847, aged 88</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>COOK, William</b><br /> d. 16.7.1881<br /> aged 54 of Magdalen College, curate-in-charge St Peter&#8217;s and St Paul&#8217;s, Cudham, Kent<br /> Henry Sidney Cook, his brother, d. 25.11.1893, aged 63; William Cook, their father, d. 3.8.1860, aged 75; Eliza Cook, his wife, d. 4.12.1857, aged 69; Elizabeth Cook, d. 6.11.1847, aged 58; Maria Ann Cook, granddaughter of Wm and Eliza Cook, d. 28.9.1860, aged 10</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; medium height<br /> <b>COOKE, John</b><br /> d. 20.10.1825<br /> COOK, Mary Ann, his wife, d. 11.3.1836; John Matthews, their son-in-law, d. 25.8.1854, solicitor</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>COOKE, Susanna</b><br /> d. 1864<br /> COOKE, Grace</p> <p>Slab<br /> <b>COOKE, William</b><br /> d. 20.3.1839<br /> aged 64<br /> COOKE, Elizabeth, his wife, d. 20.10.1849. Aged 66; William Cooke, their elder son, d. 2.11.1872, aged 60; Catherine Cooke, their daughter, d. 19.11.1890, aged 73; Nathaniel Cooke, their son, d. 4.4.1904, aged 80</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>COX, Isabella Charlotte</b><br /> d. 2.3.1838<br /> aged 15<br /> [In far row by parsonage tablet]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>DAVENPORT, John</b><br /> b. 14.10.1722; d. 22.2.1739<br /> eldest son of Davies Davenport, of Widford, Cheshire, Esq.</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; table with sloping tops<br /> <b>DIXON, F&#8230;.G&#8230;.</b><br /> d. 26.6.1836<br /> aged 17</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>DOE, Anna</b><br /> d. 22.9.1826<br /> DOE, Henry, d. 20.2.1828</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>DOE, Thomas</b><br /> d. 9.12.1840<br /> aged 22</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>DOWSON, William</b><br /> Doctor of Divinity</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>DREWETT, Philippi</b><br /> d. 23.2.1819 (?40)<br /> aged ? 52</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; medium height<br /> <b>DRY, Emma</b><br /> d. 9.8.1818<br /> aged 5 months, daughter of Richard and Mary Dry<br /> DRY, Thomas, d. 31.8.1848, aged 80; Temperance Dry, his wife, d. 28.5.1850, aged 80; Temperance Dry, daughter of Thomas and Temperance Dry, d. 8.10.1881, aged 84</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; medium height<br /> <b>DRY, Richard</b><br /> d. 30.11.1848<br /> aged 75<br /> DRY, Mary, his wife, d. 12.4.1861, aged 71; Mary Elizabeth Dry, their daughter, d. 20.6.1829, aged 14; Matilda Dry, their daughter, d. 14.4.1856; Richard Deane Dry, eldest son of Richard Dry, d. 26.2.1901, aged 84</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>DRY, William</b><br /> d. 29.5.1819<br /> aged 77, late of this parish<br /> DRY, Mary, his wife, d. 16.7.1807, aged 70; Mary Dry, sister of William Dry, d. 25.4.1808, aged 65; Mary Dry, daughter of William and Mary Dry, d. 19.3.1844, aged 73; Elizabeth Dry, daughter of William and Mary Dry, d. 12.1.1861, aged 82</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>E E</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>EMBLIN, Ann</b></p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>EMBLING, Mary Ann</b><br /> d. 4.7.1839<br /> aged 22, wife of James Embling, 2nd daughter of John &amp; Sarah Plowman<br /> PLOWMAN, Anne, d. 4.1.1837, aged 17; John James Plowman, d. 10.2.1838, aged 2 years &amp; 8 m. &#8211; children of John and Anne Plowman; Mary Ann Embling, d. 19.9.1840, aged 2 years &amp; 5 m., daughter of James &amp; Mary Ann Embling; John Plowman, d. 12.8.1843, aged 70</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>EVANS, Edward</b><br /> d. 20.1.1841<br /> aged 58<br /> EVANS, Ann, his wife, d. 28.6.1828, aged 48; Edward Evans, their son, d. ?3.5.1840</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>FARRANT, Richard</b><br /> d. 17.10.1845<br /> FARRANT, Mary, his wife</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; table, fairly low<br /> <b>FAWCETT, Henry</b><br /> d. 18.5.1833<br /> aged 20<br /> [scholar of Univ. Coll., 4th son of late Rev. John Fawcett of Newton Hall, co. Durham]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>FIDLER, James</b><br /> d. 2.10.1778<br /> FIDLER, Patience, his wife, d. 30.7.1796; Martha, daughter of Charles &amp; Martha Fidler, d. 29.4.1823; Charles Wheeler Fidler, son of James Fidler, d. 16.11.1824; Martha Fidler, his wife, d. 30.1.1837</p> <p>Headstone&#xA0;<b>FLOYD, Jane</b><br /> d. 1895</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>FRANCIS, William</b><br /> d. 18.9.1832<br /> aged 62, late of Lamport, Northants</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>FURLEY, Mary Ann</b><br /> d. 19.10.1832<br /> aged 20 (?), wife of Edmund Furley, daughter of Samuel and Ann White</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>G(UTCH), J(ohn)</b><br /> d. 1831<br /> G(UTCH), E(lizabeth), his wife d. 18.. (?1799)</p> <p>Footstone [?]<br /> <b>G[OOCH], M</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>GARDENER, Amelia</b><br /> d. 12 July 1845<br /> wife of William Gardener</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>GARDENER, Ann</b><br /> d. 22 May<br /> wife of William Gardener</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>GARDENER, William</b><br /> d. 1813<br /> GARDENER, John, 1857; Jane, wife of John, 1862; Jane Floyd, daughter of John &amp; Jane Gardener, d. 1895</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>GOUNDRY, Thomas</b><br /> d. 2.2.<br /> aged 63<br /> GOUNDRY, Sarah, his wife, d. 12.7. , aged 62</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>GUNNER, John</b><br /> d. 8.5.1836<br /> aged 58</p> <p>Slab<br /> <b>GUNSTONE, William</b><br /> d. 24.7.18?43 (12)<br /> aged 65<br /> GUNSTONE, Susannah, his wife, d. 31.3.1827, aged 50; Harriet Gunstone, d. 18.7.18(?07), aged three years &amp; 10 months; Eliza Gunstone, d. 27.7.18(?32), aged 21; Maria Gunstone, d. 8. (1832), aged 18 [3 daughters of William and Susannah); Eliza Margaret Gunstone, d. 12 2. 185.., aged 17 granddaughter of William and Susannah Gunstone, daughter of William and Eliza Gunstone</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>GUTCH, John</b><br /> d. 1.7.1831<br /> GUTCH, Elizabeth, his wife, d. 1834 (?49) [rector of St. Clement&#8217;s 1795-1831; registrar of the university 1797-1824; chaplain of All Souls Coll. 1770-;; chaplain of CCC 1778; memorial tablet in St. Clement&#8217;s]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>GUTCH, Sophia</b><br /> d. 24.11.1873<br /> aged 89<br /> GUTCH, Sarah, d. 23.12.1882 aged 9</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HACKSHAW, William</b><br /> d. 26.4.1836<br /> aged 30</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>HANCOCK, George</b><br /> d. 21.10.1810<br /> aged 30<br /> HANCOCK, George, sone of &#8216;george &amp; Mary Anne Hancock, d. 20.9.1812, aged 4; Mary Anne, widow of George Hancock, also widow of Isaac Crouch, Rector of Narborough, Leics., died 11.11.1806, aged 86; Mary Ann[sic] Hancock, daughter of the above, d. 27.11.1902, aged 93 [Crouch was vice-Principal of St. Edmund Hall 1783-1806; see J Reynolds, Evangelicals at Oxford (1953) p. 165.]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HARDY, Mary</b><br /> d. 28.2.1840<br /> aged 86</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HARPER, William</b></p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>HARRIS</b><br /> H.J.H., 1843; H.H., 1846</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HARRIS, Howard James</b><br /> d. 28.9.1842<br /> aged 14, son of Thomas &amp; Harriet Harris<br /> HARRIS, Henry, his brother, d. 5.8.1846, aged 20</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HARRIS, Richard</b><br /> d. 10.7.1873<br /> aged 42<br /> HARRIS, Louisa, daughter of Richard &amp; Catherine Harris, d. 19.12.1837, aged 8</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HART, John</b><br /> d. 1789<br /> HART, Elizabeth, d. 1797</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>HAWKINS, Henry Wheeler</b><br /> d. 1826<br /> HAWKINS, Martin, d. 1831; Henry W. F. Hawkins, d. 1836; Sarah, wife of H. W. F. H., d. 1832</p> <p>Slab &#8211; flat<br /> <b>HAWKINS, Thomas</b>&#xA0;clerk in holy orders; M.A.; HAWKINS, Mary, his wife; Charlotte Hawkins, d. 1833</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>HAYES, William</b><br /> d. 11. 1758 [?]<br /> aged 75<br /> HAYES, Dr. William, Professor of Music, d. 27.7.1777, aged 69; Ann Hayes, his wife, d. 14.1.1786, aged 83; 5 children who d, in infancy &amp; 2 grandchildren; PRINCE, Ann, dau. Of W. &amp; A. H., d. 24.10.1792, aged 66; Daniel Prince, husband of A. P., d. 6.6.1799, aged 5[8?]6 [cf. DNB for Dr. Hayes]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HEARNE, Thomas</b><br /> d. 10.6.1735<br /> [cf. DNB]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HEDGES, Richard</b><br /> d. 7.7.1832<br /> aged [?] 55</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HEWITT, William</b><br /> d. 17.4.1832<br /> aged 78<br /> HEWITT, Ruth, his wife, d. 26.6.1826, aged 79</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>HEWITT</b><br /> W. H. 1823; R. H. 1825</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HILL, George</b><br /> d. 9.10.1834<br /> aged 51<br /> HILL, Sarah, his wife, d. 13.2.1855, aged 62; Elizabeth Hill, their daughter, d. [sic]1.1823, aged 7 [footstone in access?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HILL, Jane Rebecca</b><br /> d. 2.10.1845<br /> aged 28, wife of Thomas Hill<br /> HILL, Thomas, d. 24.12.1891, aged 79; Hannah Hill, d. 1.12.1899, aged 82 (2nd) wife of Thos. Hill</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>J.R.H.(ILL) 1845; T.H. 1891; H.H. 1899</b></p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>HILL, John, B.D.</b><br /> d. 22.2.1855<br /> aged 68<br /> [Vice-Principal of St. Edmund Hall 1812-51, Rector of Wyke Regis, Dorset, 1851-55] HILL, Sophia, his wife, d. 11.9.1849, aged 60; Henry Hill, their youngest son, d. 6.6.1837, aged 18 (drowned); John Hill, their eldest son, d. 1.6.1827, aged 14 [cf. The Evangelists at Oxford 1735-1871 by J. S. Reynolds (1953), 2nd ed. 1975, pp. 83-4, 172, etc.]</p> <p>Footstone&#xA0;<b>JH; SH; AH</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HODGES, Thomas</b><br /> d. 25.12.1830<br /> aged 79, 50 years servant of Magdalen Coll. BACON, William, d. 9.2.1815, aged 59</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HOUNSLOW, John</b><br /> d. 31.3.1871<br /> HOUNSLOW, Sarah, his wife,&#xA0;<b>d. 31.2.1835</b>; six children, died in infancy; Ann, wife of John Hounslow, d. 6.11.1890 [<b>First wife&#8217;s death date is impossible being 31st February which has only 28 days, or 29 in a Leap Year.</b>]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HOWELL, Sarah</b></p> <p>Tomb &#8211; large table<br /> <b>HUDSON, William&#xA0;</b><br /> d. 29.11.1815<br /> aged 78<br /> HUDSON, Hannah, his wife, d.11.2.1830, aged 93; james, son of John and Ann Hudson, b. 6.3.1808, d. 12.10.1837; Ann Matthew, daughter of John and Ann Hudson, widow of John Matthew of this city, b. 25.7.1805, d. 25.4.1868; John, son of John and Ann Hudson, b. 1803, d. 16.1.1869 [buried Holywell cemetery]; John, son of William and Hannah Hudson, d. 28.5.1837, aged 70; Ann, his wife, d. 14.1.1848, aged 70</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HUMFREY, Mary</b><br /> COOKE, Susanna, d. 1864; Grace Cooke</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>HUTT,</b><br /> d. 1833<br /> aged 82, wife of H Hutt<br /> HUTT, Edward, aged 27</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>I [PI]</b><br /> RK</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>I x I</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>IBO&#8230;, Elizabeth</b></p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>S + J</b><br /> W<br /> 1820</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>R + J</b><br /> 1816<br /> H + J 1803</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>JAMES, Robert</b><br /> d. 1863<br /> JAMES, Elizabeth, his daughter; [?]</p> <p>Slab<br /> <b>JONES, Ann</b><br /> d. 3.2.1832<br /> aged 70, daughter of Ann Browning<br /> JONES, Richard Tunnard, d. 30.11.1837, aged 67; Mary Jones, d. 30.11.1866, aged 62, his wife</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>JONES, Richard Finden</b><br /> d. 7.10.1873<br /> aged 33<br /> VARNEY, Maria, d. 23.10.1900, aged 58, widow of R. F. J. and of Henry George Varney of 91 High Street</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>FGK</b></p> <p>Footstone ?<br /> <b>P/ RK</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>K[?]ENNINGTON, Edward[?]</b><br /> d. 2.8.182.<br /> aged 69 [?2]<br /> KENNINGTON, Henry, d. 2.3.18.., aged [?] 85</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; table [6 panels]<br /> <b>KING, Edward</b><br /> d. 6.5.1765<br /> aged 75<br /> KING, Sarah, his wife, d. 18.11.1832, aged 66; William King, d. 18.7.1868, aged 63; Edward King; Edward; Sarah [Note discrepancy in dates]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>KNIBBS [?]</b><br /> d. 1833<br /> KNIBBS, Joseph</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>L[??EE], Sarah</b><br /> wife of Stephen L[??ee]<br /> [Name is possibly DAY]</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>S L&#8230;</b><br /> 182&#8230;</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>L[AWRENCE], M[artha]</b><br /> d.1819<br /> S(amuel) L(awrence), d. 1835</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LAWRENCE, Martha</b><br /> d. 22.7.1819<br /> aged 53, wife of Samuel Lawrence [Is death month September, ie 9 not 7?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LAY, William</b><br /> [? sister Elizabeth Lay], d. July</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LEAVER, Thomas</b><br /> d. 1753</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LEE, Sarah</b><br /> 11&#8230;..2<br /> aged 44, wife of Benjamin Lee and two of their sons who died in infancy</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LEVEY?, William??</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LOCKEY, Oliver</b><br /> d. 28.7.1841<br /> aged 28, third son of Angel and Elizabeth Lockey LOCKEY, Angel, d. 3.11.1849, aged 76; Ann Elizabeth Lockey, his wife, d. 19.10.1868; Ann Lockey, d. 27.3.1874; Elizabeth France [sic] Lockey, d. 10.6.1883 [Inscription suggests Evangelicals]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>LONGWOR?, John</b><br /> d. 11.1707</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>MASSLIN, Thomas</b><br /> d. 3.6.1862<br /> aged 37<br /> MASSLIN, Robert, son of Thomas and Eliza Masslin, d. 21.11.1846, aged 1 year, 7 months</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>MATTHEW, Ann</b><br /> b. 25.7.1805, d. 25.4.1868<br /> daughter of John and Ann Hudson, widow of John Matthew of this city</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>MATTHEWS, John</b><br /> d. 25.8.1854<br /> solicitor</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; very low<br /> <b>MERRICK, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 12.5.1818<br /> aged 62<br /> MERRICK, John, her son, d. 1.2.1818, aged 35; Richard P. Blake, d. 19.12.1855, aged 56; Mary Blake, d. 25.10.1874, aged 79</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>MOREMAN, John</b><br /> d&#8230;..17..<br /> MOREMAN, Mary, his wife, d&#8230;.18..</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>MORRIS</b><br /> d. 12.1.1822<br /> aged 63, wife of William Morris MORRIS, Charlotte, daughter, aged 65</p> <p>Footstone [?]<br /> <b>P.H.N.</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>NORMAN, John</b><br /> Almost illegible</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>NORTH, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 5.3.1811<br /> [NORTH], Martha Maria, d. 10.1816</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>NORTH, William</b><br /> d. 1833<br /> [?] KNIBBS, d. 1833; Joseph Knibbs</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>PALMER, Charles</b><br /> d. 27.2.1824<br /> aged 73<br /> PALMER, Ann, his wife, d. 28.2.1836, aged 76; Catherine Titley Palmer, d. 4.8.1841, aged 42; Jane Titley Palmer. d. 24.11.1862, aged 71; Ann Titley Palmer, d. 4.5.1867, aged 78</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PARKER, William</b><br /> d. &#8230;&#8230;28&#8230;&#8230;<br /> aged ? 35</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PARSONS, Sarah</b><br /> d. 24.3.186.<br /> aged 2 [?7] 6<br /> BRIDGEWATER, Sarah</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PATEY, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 6.3.1876<br /> aged 81<br /> PATEY, James, her husband, d. 30.11.1878, aged 86</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PATEY, Robert Francis</b><br /> d. 11.10.1835<br /> aged 2 years, 2 months<br /> PATEY, Charlotte, d. 29.10.1832, aged 9 months; Sarah Patey, d. 30.11.1842, aged 15; Harriett Patey, d. 22.6.1846, aged 25; Elizabeth Patey, d. 23.10.1847, aged 23; son and daughters of James and Elizabeth Patey</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>CP&#xA0;</b>1832; RFP 1835; SP 1842; HP 1946; EP 1847</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PEARCE, William</b><br /> d. 13.12.1824<br /> aged 61<br /> PEARCE, Blissey, his wife, d. 18.1.1854, aged 81</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PENSON, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 30.1.1892<br /> born 11.6.1816</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PHILLIPS, Matthew</b><br /> d. ..6.18..<br /> PHILLIPS, Sarah, his wife, d. 17.7&#8230;., aged 62; &#8230;&#8230;.their daughter</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>MP;</b>&#xA0;SP</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PLOWMAN, Anne</b><br /> d. 4.1.1837<br /> aged 70<br /> PLOWMAN, John James, d. 10.2.1838, aged 2 years and 8 months; children of John and Anne Plowman; John Plowman, d. 12.8.1843, aged 70</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PLOWMAN, John</b><br /> d. 1871<br /> &#8230;.., d. 1844</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PORTER, Mary</b><br /> &#8230;..77<br /> [PORTER], [W)illiam, abovesaid; &#8230;..Porter, daughter</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>POWELL, Eliza</b><br /> d. 13.3.1836<br /> aged 38, wife of Revd Baden Powell<br /> [Baden Powell was Sarilian Professor of Geometry 1827-1869 (succeeding S. P. Rigaud see 236). Cf. DNB where however his first wife above is omitted. Lord Baden Powell, founder of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements was his sixth son, by his third wife: see DNB 1941-50.]</p> <p>Cross &#8211; tall Saxon<br /> <b>POWELL, Madeline Alice</b><br /> d. 26.7.1896<br /> aged 27, daughter of Revd. J. R. King, Vicar of St. Peter&#8217;s-in-the-East [sic], and Emily Clara, his wife</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>PRINCE, Daniel</b><br /> d. 6.6.1799<br /> aged 5 [?8] 6<br /> PRINCE, Ann, his wife, daughter of Dr. William Hayes, d. 24.10.1792, aged 66</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>PURDUE, James</b><br /> d. 12.5.182..<br /> aged 38<br /> PURDUE, William, son of James and Elizabeth Purdue, d. 5.4.1822, aged 13 months; Elizabeth Purdue, d. 1.12&#8230;., aged 67</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>R.R.</b><br /> JR WR</p> <p>Slab<br /> <b>RIGAUD, G W</b><br /> d. 26.3.1827<br /> aged 35, wife of S. P. Rigaud, Esq.<br /> RIGAUD, Mary-Isabella, d. 26.9.1846, aged 23 2nd daughter of S P R and G W R; Christian Walker Rigaud, d. 5.8.1862, aged 37, 3rd daughter of S P R &amp; G W R; Jane Rigaud, d. 25.9.1892, aged 75 eldest daughter of S P R &amp; G W R<br /> [Stephen Peter Rigaud (brass in Exeter College chapel) was Sarilian Professor of Geometry 1810-27; of Astronomy 1827-39 (cf. DNB); Stephen Jordan Rigaud, Bishop of Antigua, was their son.]</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; very low<br /> <b>ROBERTSON, Jane [?]</b><br /> d. 1802<br /> aged 38 [?], wife of Abram Robertson, Oxon.<br /> ROBERTSON, Abram, d. 4 [?].12.182., aged 75</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>ROWELL, John Graham</b><br /> d. 26.5.1829<br /> aged 18<br /> ROWELL, George, father of J G R, d. 11.2.1831, aged 61; Mary Rowell, wife of G R, d. 25.4.1816</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>JGR 1829 GR MR</b></p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>ROWLEY, George</b><br /> d. 20.9.1838 [?]<br /> aged 2 years &amp; 8 [?] days<br /> ROWLEY, Elizabeth, d. 7.11.1831, aged 4 years &amp; 8 months; George Lloyd Rowley, d. 12 [?].8.1833, aged 4 years &amp; 6 months; George William Rowley, d. 11.9.1833, aged 5 weeks</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>JS</b><br /> [269 is illegible]</p> <p>Footstone<br /> <b>S&#8230;&#8230;, J</b><br /> d. 1841<br /> J E S, d. 1844<br /> [Is this connected with 59 Sadler stone?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SADLER, James</b><br /> d. 27.3.1828<br /> aeronaut</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SAMMONS, John</b><br /> d. 3.10.1830<br /> aged 75<br /> [In far row by parsonage tablet]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SEDGLEY, Thomas</b><br /> d. September 170 [?] 1<br /> aged 62<br /> SEDGLEY, Elizabeth, his wife, d. 8 September 1697, aged 42; Elizabeth Sedgley, d. 6 June 1722, aged 63</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SHARMAN, D&#8230;&#8230;.</b><br /> d. 15.9.1679 [?]<br /> aged 21, Ch. Ch. son of Richard Sharman of Worcester, Gent.<br /> [Bottom of churchyard wall, east side of churchyard]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SI&#8230;..D, Henry</b><br /> d&#8230;&#8230;1711<br /> A.M., Magd. Coll., fellow &amp; then fellow of&#8230;.BRISTO&#8230;..gio GLOUC&#8230;.vir SI&#8230;.D,&#8230;sabeth</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SIMMONDS, William [?]</b></p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low<br /> <b>SLATTER, John</b><br /> d. 22.5.1807<br /> SLATTER, Mary, d. 6.3.1808; Martha Slatter, d. 21.6.1811; Mary Ann [Slatter], d. 26.3.1836; Elizabeth Slatter, d. 26.12.1856; Maria Slatter, d. 28.3.1883; Ann [Slatter], d. 29.1.1892</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SMITH, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 28.2.1801<br /> aged [?] 28<br /> SMITH, John, d. 25.11.1833, aged 59 [?] and 11 months</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SMITH, James</b><br /> d. 2.5.1829<br /> aged 68</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SOUTHAM, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 5 May 1803<br /> aged 78</p> <p>Cross and curb<br /> <b>SPRANGER, Mary Charlotte</b><br /> d. 13.4.1845<br /> aged 27, wife of Revd. R. T. Spranger SPRANGER, Sarah Maria, their infant daughter</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>STEVENSON, Jane</b><br /> d. 8.10.1837</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>STONE, Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 12.4.1831<br /> aged 17 months<br /> STONE, John William, d. 25.10.1835, aged 5 years and 5 months, children of John and Caroline Stone</p> <p>Slab &#8211; with surround<br /> <b>SUTHERLAND, James</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>SW&#8230;&#8230;., Elizabeth</b><br /> d. 7&#8230;&#8230;180[?]<br /> wife of John Horatio Sw&#8230;&#8230;.., late of London</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>T</b><br /> 1782</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TAYLOR [?], John</b><br /> [seventeenth century]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TAYLOR, William</b><br /> d. 24.6.1800<br /> aged 52<br /> TAYLOR, George, d. 26.2.1813, aged 1 year and 9 months</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TAYLOR, William</b><br /> d. 10.3.1806 [?]<br /> aged 82 [?]<br /> TAYLOR, Sarah, widow of William Taylor, d. 7 [?]&#8230;1825, aged 7 [?] 9<br /> [wife&#8217;s name written on back of headstone]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>THOMAS, Charlotte</b><br /> d. 31.7.1843<br /> THOMAS, Revd, Vaughan, b.d., d. 26.10.1[85]8, aged 83<br /> [see DNB for Rev Vaughan Thomas]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TONGE</b><br /> son and daughter of William H. Tonge</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TOWNSEND, Charlotte</b><br /> d. 23.5.1811<br /> daughter of Mr. John Townsend, architect of this city<br /> TOWNSEND, Parthenia, d. 2.18&#8230;, aged 61 [7?], sister of Charlotte Townsend</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TOWSEY, Henry</b><br /> d. 7.11.1820</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TRAFFORD, Henry</b><br /> d. 27.4.18..</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>TYSON, Ann</b><br /> d. 6.5.1803 [?8]<br /> wife of Hugh Tyson</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>VARNEY, Maria</b><br /> d. 23.10.1900<br /> aged 58, widow of Richard [?] Finden Jones and of H.G.V.</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>VINCENT, Elizabeth</b><br /> d&#8230;.3.1866<br /> CLEMENT, Mary Buley, daughter of E.V., d. 27.6.1866; William Bulley, d. 23.4.1828; Martha Bulley, wife of Wm. Bulley, d. 8.12.1831; Mary Bulley, d&#8230;.1817, their daughter<br /> [the stone was destroyed before it could be copied properly]</p> <p>Tomb &#8211; low table<br /> <b>W[ILLIAMS], E</b><br /> d. 27.1.1825<br /> WILLIAMS, George, &#8216;M.D.&#8217;, d. 17.1.1834; Grace Williams, d. 9.11.1834; Mary Williams, d. 22.11.18..; Charlotte Thomas, d. 31.7.1843; Revd. Vaughan Thomas, B.D., d. 26.10.1[85]8, aged 83<br /> [For Revd, Vaughan Thomas see DNB &amp; Oxfordshire Clergy 1777-1869 by D. McClatchey (1960).]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>WALKER, Mary</b><br /> d. 31.7.1880<br /> wife of Edward Walker WALKER, W. Richard, their son</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>WEBB, John</b><br /> d. Oxford 11.12.1822<br /> aged 29<br /> erected by his Ma[ster?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>WILLIAMS, Sarah</b><br /> d. ? 1852<br /> niece of&#8230;.</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>WINSTANLEY, Henry</b><br /> d. 6.7.1816<br /> WINSTANLEY, Thomas, DD, Principal of St Alban Hall, d. 2.9.1833; Mary Winstanley, wife of T. W., d. 23.3.1814; Frances, youngest daughter of Revd. Frederick Winstanley<br /> [Revd. Henry Winstanley, M.A., Magdalen College]</p> <p><u><i><b>INCOMPLETE TRANSCRIPTIONS DUE TO ILLEGIBILITY</b></i></u></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>MS</b>&#xA0;[?]<br /> C17th [?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ]ENNET WA</b><br /> d. 4. [DC]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ], Richard</b><br /> 1820<br /> Rosalind&#8230;&#8230;., aged 47</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ? ], J(ohn)</b><br /> d. 1837</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ], Mary Ann</b><br /> d&#8230;&#8230;<br /> aged 70, wife of Thomas B[o&#8230;..?] Thomas&#8230;.., theor son, d. [27?].11.1826, aged (20); Martha&#8230;&#8230;, ?their daughter, d. 17.10.185[3?]9, aged 35</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ]THURS?</b><br /> d. 15.3.1812</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ]HEDS?</b><br /> d. 12&#8230;&#8230;.<br /> aged 2 daughter</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>JOHN&#8230;?TON</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ]?BREY, Catherine</b><br /> d. 24.8.180[4?]<br /> wife of John</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ], Thomas</b><br /> D. 19 Sept. 1666</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ], Thomas</b></p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ]</b><br /> aged 1 year 3 months [?]</p> <p>Headstone<br /> <b>[ ], Mary</b></p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="boxed"> <nav id="subnav" class="box"> <ul><li><a href="/about">About</a><ul><li><a href="/discover/sustainability">Sustainability at St Edmund Hall</a></li><li><a href="/discover/strategic-plan">10 Year Strategic Plan</a></li><li><a href="/alumni/support-the-hall/support-halls-priorities">Support the Hall’s Priorities</a></li><li><a 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