Pagina niet gevonden | Stad Brugge

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19.1031 15.75 18 15.75H16C14.8969 15.75 14 16.6469 14 17.75ZM17 4.25H3C2.725 4.25 2.5 4.475 2.5 4.75V9.79063C1.92813 9.8875 1.4125 10.1437 1 10.5125V4.75C1 3.64688 1.89688 2.75 3 2.75H17C18.1031 2.75 19 3.64688 19 4.75V10.5125C18.5875 10.1437 18.0719 9.88438 17.5 9.79063V4.75C17.5 4.475 17.275 4.25 17 4.25Z"/> </svg> </span> <div class="flex flex-col gap-2"> <h3 class="typo-h6"> <div>Onderwijs &amp; kinderopvang</div> </h3> <div class="wysiwyg hidden vp7:block text-neutral-80"> <div><p>Ontdek de scholen of zoek kinderopvang in Brugge.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <a class="c-theme-item group border-b border-b-neutral-10 py-4 flex flex-row h-full items-start gap-4 transition-color ease-in-out duration-300 hover:border-b-black" href="/stad-bestuur"> <span class="c-icon text-primary transition-color ease-in-out duration-300 group-hover:text-black c-icon--6" data-component-id="bbe:icon" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" > <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" 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Bekijk de vacatures.</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <a class="c-theme-item group border-b border-b-neutral-10 py-4 flex flex-row h-full items-start gap-4 transition-color ease-in-out duration-300 hover:border-b-black" href="/wonen-bouwen"> <span class="c-icon text-primary transition-color ease-in-out duration-300 group-hover:text-black c-icon--6" data-component-id="bbe:icon" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" > <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.5 5.75V4.75C6.5 4.475 6.725 4.25 7 4.25H13C13.275 4.25 13.5 4.475 13.5 4.75V8.75C13.5 9.57812 14.1719 10.25 15 10.25H17C17.275 10.25 17.5 10.475 17.5 10.75V16.75C17.5 17.025 17.275 17.25 17 17.25H13H12H11V15.75C11 15.1969 10.5531 14.75 10 14.75C9.44687 14.75 9 15.1969 9 15.75V17.25H7H3C2.725 17.25 2.5 17.025 2.5 16.75V7.75C2.5 7.475 2.725 7.25 3 7.25H5C5.82812 7.25 6.5 6.57812 6.5 5.75ZM7 18.75H9H11H12H13H17C18.1031 18.75 19 17.8531 19 16.75V10.75C19 9.64688 18.1031 8.75 17 8.75H16.5H15V7.25V4.75C15 3.64688 14.1031 2.75 13 2.75H7C5.89688 2.75 5 3.64688 5 4.75V5.75H3.5H3C1.89688 5.75 1 6.64688 1 7.75V16.75C1 17.8531 1.89688 18.75 3 18.75H7ZM12 13.25C12.275 13.25 12.5 13.025 12.5 12.75V11.75C12.5 11.475 12.275 11.25 12 11.25H11C10.725 11.25 10.5 11.475 10.5 11.75V12.75C10.5 13.025 10.725 13.25 11 13.25H12ZM16.5 15.75V14.75C16.5 14.475 16.275 14.25 16 14.25H15C14.725 14.25 14.5 14.475 14.5 14.75V15.75C14.5 16.025 14.725 16.25 15 16.25H16C16.275 16.25 16.5 16.025 16.5 15.75ZM5 13.25C5.275 13.25 5.5 13.025 5.5 12.75V11.75C5.5 11.475 5.275 11.25 5 11.25H4C3.725 11.25 3.5 11.475 3.5 11.75V12.75C3.5 13.025 3.725 13.25 4 13.25H5ZM5.5 15.75V14.75C5.5 14.475 5.275 14.25 5 14.25H4C3.725 14.25 3.5 14.475 3.5 14.75V15.75C3.5 16.025 3.725 16.25 4 16.25H5C5.275 16.25 5.5 16.025 5.5 15.75ZM9 13.25C9.275 13.25 9.5 13.025 9.5 12.75V11.75C9.5 11.475 9.275 11.25 9 11.25H8C7.725 11.25 7.5 11.475 7.5 11.75V12.75C7.5 13.025 7.725 13.25 8 13.25H9ZM12.5 5.75C12.5 5.475 12.275 5.25 12 5.25H11C10.725 5.25 10.5 5.475 10.5 5.75V6.75C10.5 7.025 10.725 7.25 11 7.25H12C12.275 7.25 12.5 7.025 12.5 6.75V5.75ZM9 5.25H8C7.725 5.25 7.5 5.475 7.5 5.75V6.75C7.5 7.025 7.725 7.25 8 7.25H9C9.275 7.25 9.5 7.025 9.5 6.75V5.75C9.5 5.475 9.275 5.25 9 5.25ZM12.5 9.75V8.75C12.5 8.475 12.275 8.25 12 8.25H11C10.725 8.25 10.5 8.475 10.5 8.75V9.75C10.5 10.025 10.725 10.25 11 10.25H12C12.275 10.25 12.5 10.025 12.5 9.75ZM16 13.25C16.275 13.25 16.5 13.025 16.5 12.75V11.75C16.5 11.475 16.275 11.25 16 11.25H15C14.725 11.25 14.5 11.475 14.5 11.75V12.75C14.5 13.025 14.725 13.25 15 13.25H16ZM5.5 9.75V8.75C5.5 8.475 5.275 8.25 5 8.25H4C3.725 8.25 3.5 8.475 3.5 8.75V9.75C3.5 10.025 3.725 10.25 4 10.25H5C5.275 10.25 5.5 10.025 5.5 9.75ZM9 10.25C9.275 10.25 9.5 10.025 9.5 9.75V8.75C9.5 8.475 9.275 8.25 9 8.25H8C7.725 8.25 7.5 8.475 7.5 8.75V9.75C7.5 10.025 7.725 10.25 8 10.25H9Z"/> </svg> </span> <div class="flex flex-col gap-2"> <h3 class="typo-h6"> <div>Wonen &amp; 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