June 2012 - World Rowing

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class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Huge international turnout at Henley Royal Regatta</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 29, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> Several international athletes who just missed out on Olympic qualification will try their luck in the head-to-head 2112m match between the wooden booms on the well-known course in Henley-on-Thames. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="00069154" src="/uploads/files/79542904f48fb21c599589acd13ad7b2.jpg"><figcaption>Umpire warning a crew for their steering at Henley Royal Regatta. </figcaption></figure> <p> Duncan Grant of New Zealand&nbsp; and USA&rsquo;s Andrew Campbell are both racing in the elite men&rsquo;s single sculls, The Diamond Sculls. Grant is a three-time World Champion in the lightweight men&rsquo;s single sculls. Perhaps the favourite on home water is Graeme Thomas, who recently raced for Great Britain at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany, finishing fourth in the A-final of the men&rsquo;s single sculls.</p> <p> In the elite women&rsquo;s single sculls, the Princess Royal Challenge Cup, Ireland&rsquo;s only Olympic qualifier in rowing, Sanita Puspure, will face the likes of lightweight Australian sculler Alice McNamara, Estonia&rsquo;s Kaisa Pajasula and Laura Schiavone of Italy.</p> <p> World silver medallist from 2011, Daniel Ritchie will race with fellow British rower Tom Broadway in the elite men&rsquo;s pair, the Silver Goblets and Nickalls&rsquo; Challenge Cup. Ritchie is recovering from an injury this year which took him out of the running for a spot in the British men&rsquo;s eight. This pair will face stiff competition from James Koven and Michael Blomquist of United States of America, who just missed out on selection in the men&rsquo;s pair event for the Olympic Games.</p> <p> The under-23 crews from Australia, Canada, Germany and New Zealand will contest several elite events, before heading to Trakai, Lithuania for the World Rowing Under 23 Championships. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="00069425" src="/uploads/files/e87f9f0a12647c9bf59e971353458510.jpg"><figcaption>Crews passing through the Stewards enclosure at Henley Royal Regatta. </figcaption></figure> <p> The Grand Challenge Cup for the elite men&rsquo;s eight will be contested solely by international crews, including under-23 crews from Australia and Germany. Lightweight crews from the Netherlands and Italy will also race, as will top American rowers from California Rowing Club and some of the best athletes from Brown University.</p> <p> Germany&rsquo;s international women&rsquo;s eight will race the likes of a development crew from Canada, young talent from The Netherlands, top rowers from Harvard University, USA, and home-grown talent from Leander Club and Sport Imperial Boat Club in the Remenham Challenge Cup, the elite women&rsquo;s eight event.</p> <p> Domestic and international university, club and junior crews will also race for Henley Royal Regatta honours.</p> <p> Always a popular event in the British social calendar, crowds will flock to Henley-on-Thames over the next five days. The event has proudly held on to traditional rowing customs which has added to the uniqueness of the event. Those watching from certain areas at the venue are expected to follow strict dress codes, whilst crowds on the banks further up towards the start of the course can enjoy a more casual, lively atmosphere.</p> <p> A total of 499 crews will race down the booms. Last year a total of 60 seconds was taken off course records including the oldest record on the books, Steve Redgrave&rsquo;s 29-year-old record to one point on the course, the barrier, in the Double Sculls Challenge Cup. In all, 33 records fell and 24 were equalled. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="00069434" src="/uploads/files/caa4d3e1f98cbcfe8836585b7e96d890.jpg"><figcaption>The iconic progress board, keeping the spectators in the the Stewards enclosure informed about the race.</figcaption></figure> <p> Also of interest, in accordance with the 2012 Paralympic Great Britain Rowing Team announcement, the British Paralympic team will do a &ldquo;row-past&rdquo; at 12.50 BST on 27 June. A gathering of 170 British rowing Olympians will also be present on Sunday 1 July.</p> <p> Click here fot the <strong><a href="">draw</a> </strong>and <strong><a href="">timetable</a></strong> for 2012 Henley Royal Regatta.</p> <p> Live results can be found <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <p> For information on the racing schedule click <strong><a href="">here</a><a href="">.</a></strong></p> <p> For more information of Henley Royal Regatta click <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12041 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-12041"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Speed and power &#8211; the men鈥檚 eight</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 28, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> In Germany there is a saying: if the men&rsquo;s eight is going well then everything is fine in German rowing. For the United States the men&rsquo;s eight has huge status and invariably has been the flagship boat. When the eight did not qualify for the London Olympic Games at last year&rsquo;s World Rowing Championships, USRowing instantly rallied to make sure the boat would qualify this year. It did. Poland has been working on a long-term project to get their eight into the Olympic medals and New Zealand has been striving to have a fast men&rsquo;s eight for the past 40 years. The list goes on&hellip; </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="athens - peter spurrier 133" src="/uploads/files/dca828c4dc2b4c9b03cfc04fa8647567.jpg"><figcaption>The American men&#8217;s eight celebrate gold at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. </figcaption></figure> <p> With one month remaining until the 2012 Olympic Games begin this Blue Riband rowing event appropriately concludes World Rowing&rsquo;s series of historical overviews of the 14 Olympic boat classes in the lead up to London.</p> <p> The men&rsquo;s eight has a long and rich history as one of the original Olympic events and right from the beginning the United States showed its connection with the eight and with this connection came supremacy. From the first time it was raced at the Olympics in 1900 through to the 1956 Games, the United States won all but two times. This phenomenal result (12 Olympic gold, two Olympic silver and two Olympic bronze medals) came about despite having to deal with the logistics of assembling a large team and transporting to different Olympic cities a boat that in one piece measures about 20m long and weighs at least 96kg.</p> <p> After 1956 the men&rsquo;s eight playing field changed. Although the United States won in 1964, it would not win Olympic gold again for another 40 years, until the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Through the 1960s and 1970s Germany (either East or West) largely took over the field.<br /> Since then, more countries have managed to get to the top of the Olympic medals podium. Canada took Olympic gold at both the 1984 and 1992 Olympics. The 1992 boat included Derek Porter who went on to become an Olympic medallist in the men&rsquo;s single sculls. In 1996 a crew of self-coached and self-selected athletes from the Netherlands, led by Nico Rienks, won the first and so far only Olympic gold in the men&rsquo;s eight for their nation. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="82388265_10" src="/uploads/files/a622486473b3a1d5fef2dbe0da5c09a0.jpg"><figcaption>Canada&#8217;s Kevin Light, Ben Rutledge, Jake Wetzel, Malcolm Howard, Dominic Seiterle, Adam Kreek, Kyle Hamilton and Brian Price celebrate during the medals ceremony for the Men&#8217;s Eight at the Shunyi Rowing and Canoeing Park in Beijing on August 17, 2008. Canada won gold, Britain silver and the US bronze. (Photo by FRED DUFOUR/AFP/Getty Images)</figcaption></figure> <p> Leading into the Sydney 2000 Olympics, the United States was back. Coached by Mike Teti, the United States took all three of the World Championship titles leading up to those Games. Sydney, however, did not go well for them and the crew finished out of the medals. This loss drove Teti and a number of his Sydney athletes to put it right in 2004, and they did &#8211; they set a World Best Time and became Olympic Champions.</p> <p> In a very similar pattern to the Americans&rsquo; lead up to Sydney, Canada came into Athens as favourites having won the previous two World Rowing Championships. However, in the final at Athens they finished fifth. As with Teti, Canada&rsquo;s coach Mike Spracklen wanted to right things at the following Olympic Games. A carefully planned four-year build-up earned the Canadians gold at the Beijing Olympics. This was their third Olympic gold medal in this event, and their ninth Olympic medal overall.</p> <p> Great Britain have won 10 Olympic medals in the men&rsquo;s eight. They first won gold in 1908, when London hosted the modern Olympic Games for the first time, and last won Olympic gold at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. In Beijing they won silver and have since been in the medal mix at world level. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="dsc_3112" src="/uploads/files/bbacca4c0aa14204b9b5a23fbf5f7798.jpg"><figcaption>Filip Adamski (b), Andreas Kuffner, Eric Johannesen, Maximilian Reinelt, Richard Schmidt, Lukas Mueller, Florian Mennigen, Kristof Wilke (s) and cox Martin Sauer of Germany at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup II in Lucerne, Switzerland.</figcaption></figure> <p> However, the eights tide has now clearly swung back to Germany. The Germans go to London unbeaten since 2009 and as firm favourites to win the Olympic gold. Everything must be fine in German rowing.</p> <p> <em><strong>Did you know?</strong></em><br /> <em>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The men&rsquo;s eight is the fastest rowing boat over 2000m.<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;A new World Best Time was just set at 5:19.35 by Canada in May.<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Famous American author Benjamin Spock won gold at the 1924 Olympic Games in the USA men&rsquo;s eight.</em></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Eight Medal Table</strong></p> <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Rank</strong></td> <td> <strong>Country</strong></td> <td> <strong>Gold</strong></td> <td> <strong>Silver</strong></td> <td> <strong>Bronze</strong></td> <td> <strong>Total</strong></td> <td> <strong>First Medal</strong></td> <td> <strong>Last Medal</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>1</strong></td> <td> United States</td> <td> 12</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 16</td> <td> 1900</td> <td> 2008</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>2</strong></td> <td> Great Britain</td> <td> 3</td> <td> 7</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 10</td> <td> 1908</td> <td> 2008</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>3</strong></td> <td> Canada</td> <td> 3</td> <td> 4</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 9</td> <td> 1904</td> <td> 2008</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>4</strong></td> <td> East Germany</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 3</td> <td> 1972</td> <td> 1980</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>5</strong></td> <td> West Germany</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 1968</td> <td> 1988</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>6</strong></td> <td> Germany</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 3</td> <td> 6</td> <td> 1912</td> <td> 1996</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>7</strong></td> <td> Netherlands</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 3</td> <td> 1900</td> <td> 2004</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>8</strong></td> <td> New Zealand</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 1972</td> <td> 1976</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>9</strong></td> <td> Australia</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 4</td> <td> 6</td> <td> 1952</td> <td> 2004</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>10</strong></td> <td> Soviet Union</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 4</td> <td> 1952</td> <td> 1988</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>11</strong></td> <td> Italy</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 3</td> <td> 1924</td> <td> 1936</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>12</strong></td> <td> Belgium</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1900</td> <td> 1900</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>12</strong></td> <td> Romania</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1992</td> <td> 1992</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>14</strong></td> <td> Czechoslovakia</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 1960</td> <td> 1964</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>14</strong></td> <td> Norway</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 2</td> <td> 1920</td> <td> 1948</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>16</strong></td> <td> Croatia</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 2000</td> <td> 2000</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>16</strong></td> <td> Russia</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 0</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1</td> <td> 1996</td> <td> 1996</td> </tr> <tr> <td> &nbsp;</td> <td> <strong>Total</strong></td> <td> <strong>25</strong></td> <td> <strong>24</strong></td> <td> <strong>23</strong></td> <td> <strong>72</strong></td> <td> &nbsp;</td> <td> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12042 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry" id="post-12042"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Touring Belgium by rowing boat</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 28, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> The 2012 FISA World Rowing Tour of Belgium attracted rowers from 15 nations, mainly European countries, but with some from as far afield as Australia, Canada, United States and Japan. Covering 180km of Belgian waterways, the rowers spent a week covering about 30km a day. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="tn_DRJ_1422" src="/uploads/files/25b41aa7b8ab16245627df113561a201.jpg"><figcaption>Two of the coxed quads taking part in the first FISA Tour of 2012.</figcaption></figure> <p> As is standard on FISA Tours, rowers used recreational four-person sculling boats with coxswain. The participants rotated through the boats and also took turns at coxing.</p> <p> The Tour began in Oostende then travelled to Beernem, then on to Gent with the last two stops being Oudenaarde and Tournai.</p> <p> &ldquo;One of the highlights,&rdquo; said organiser Gwenda Stevens, &ldquo; was the welcome in the City Hall of Gent with the Alderman Christophe Peeters and of course the closing ceremony at Saturday evening in the rowing club Koninklijke Roeivereniging Sport Gent.&rdquo;</p> <p> Stevens noted that there was very little that was difficult in rowing the waterways with the only potential tricky bit being getting in and out of boats. &ldquo;We don&rsquo;t have so many nice pontoons,&rdquo; commented Stevens, &ldquo;but everyone helped each other so that went very well.&rdquo; </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="tn_DRJ_1498" src="/uploads/files/ec013d278338f17b5eb9bc3b704e34d9.jpg"><figcaption>Crews patiently waiting to continue their Tour down the Belgian waterways.</figcaption></figure> <p> &ldquo;When I first saw the 60 rowers in the lobby of the hotel in Oostende I was thinking, &lsquo;Oh my God, what have I done to organise this huge group,&rdquo; said Stevens. &ldquo;But after a few hours I knew this would be a great tour with a lot of new FISA friends. And it has ended as I hoped; with great, nice and enthusiastic new rowing friends, all very happy about the Belgian Tour.&rdquo;</p> <p> Many of the participants had already completed a FISA Tour and despite the first day handing out cold and windy May weather, each day after that got warmer. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="tn_IMG_0655" src="/uploads/files/71de0f7c64498554216199cdbd67428f.jpg"><figcaption>60 rowers taking part in the FISA World Rowing Tour of Belgium, travelling 180km along Belgian waterways.</figcaption></figure> <p> This year there are two FISA Tours. The next one will take place on the French River in Sudbury, Ontario from 25 August &ndash; 1 September, 2012.<br /> The FISA World Rowing Tour has been organised annually since 1971 with the idea of combining tourism and rowing. It is designed to suit all ages and nationalities.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12043 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-12043"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Injury forces Duncan Free鈥檚 retirement</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 23, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> &ldquo;He will always be a champion of our sport and he will always be my great friend,&rdquo; says his former partner in the men&rsquo;s pair, Drew Ginn. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="82375779_10" src="/uploads/files/e4392a6d4cbf82e27252e7013029a7b3.jpg"><figcaption>Drew Ginn (b) and Duncan Free (s) of Australia celebrate the victory in the Men&#8217;s Pairs Final at A the Shunyi Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park on Day 8 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 16, 2008 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Vladimir Rys/Bongarts/Getty Images)</figcaption></figure> <p> World Rowing had the opportunity to talk with Free from Australia&rsquo;s European training centre in Varese, Italy where he is helping prepare the team for the London Olympics.</p> <p> <strong>WR: What were some highlights of your rowing career? And a couple of low points?</strong><br /> <strong>DF: </strong>Highlights obviously the gold in the pair in Beijing in 2008, I really enjoyed winning the Worlds in 2007. It was really an enjoyable race, winning my first Olympic medal in 1996 in the quad and also winning a bronze in the double with my brother and dad coaching us at the 1997 Worlds. The low points would include all the events and injuries since my bike accident last year, which caused my early forced retirement. Also, not making the final in Athens in the quad in 2004.</p> <p> <strong>WR: Your rowing career got off to a fast start when you medalled as a junior, did it make you think it was easy?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> No, it was never easy. I guess I always doubted my ability for a very long time, but I think that helped in the way that it pushed me to train hard and take no shortcuts.</p> <p> <strong>WR: When you became an elite rower did you have any idea how long you thought you would continue for in the sport?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> Put it this way: I didn&#39;t think I&#39;d be in it this long! Early on I took it a year at a time, then later on it became a four-year commitment each Olympiad.</p> <p> <strong>WR: What will you miss most about being an elite rower?</strong><br /> <strong>DF: </strong>I will definitely miss the racing along with the feeling attached to it when you have a good race. I&#39;ll also miss the relationships and friendships that you make along the way. Finally I&#39;ll also miss never being under 100kg again after retirement!</p> <p> <strong>WR: And what about the parts that you won&#39;t miss at all?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> Being able to spend more time with my family. Having been really committed to rowing over the past 20 years, I won&#39;t miss the structured days. I&#39;ll be able to do what I want when I want and eat what I want!</p> <p> <strong>WR: After winning bronze at the 1996 Olympic Games there was a long gap before your 2008 Olympic gold. What kept you going?</strong><br /> <strong>DF: </strong>I knew I could win a gold! It just took me a while and a change from sculling to sweep.</p> <p> <strong>WR: After 2008 was it always your intention to go for 2012?</strong><br /> <strong>DF: </strong>Even before Beijing I was considering to go on for another four years, but that didn&#39;t pan out the way one would hope with my accident then ongoing injuries.</p> <p> <strong>WR: Following your accident last year did you ever think of giving up on aiming for 2012? Do you remember your thoughts immediately after the accident?</strong><br /> <strong>DF: </strong>Immediately I thought 2012 would be ok, my initial thoughts were on missing out on the 2011 season in the four that I was selected in. In the end, my leg took a lot longer to heal than I thought. It is still healing now. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="76020415vr039_fisa_rowing_w" src="/uploads/files/a0d4e7e3156e0d85594e40e6aacf78a9.jpg"><figcaption>Drew Ginn and Duncan Free of Australia celebrate after winning the men&#8217;s pairs Final A at the 2007 World Rowing Championships in Munich, Germany.</figcaption></figure> <p> <strong>WR: How would you describe your perfect race?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> I don&#39;t know about perfect, but 2007 the pair was close to it. It was intense, yet an easy speed of movement resulting in a good performance. The race plan comes together well, no bad strokes and getting to the finish line realising you are completely stuffed (tired) and glad you didn&#39;t have to take another stroke.</p> <p> <strong>WR: Do you have a favourite rowing anecdote?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> In my second year of rowing as a 13-year-old, my race was extended from 500m to 1000m and I only found out when I got on the water. I wasn&#39;t happy, so I rowed up the lake and rowed up an inlet and watched my race come down. I blamed a broken foot stretcher for missing the start. But when I got in, the foot stretcher was miraculously fixed???</p> <p> <strong>WR: Your decision to retire, was it one you&#39;ve been thinking about for a while or one that you just decided recently?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> It was forced to due injury. My bike accident resulted in a 2.6cm leg length difference. We made allowances in the boat for it but that combined with leg strength differences was putting my rib cage under unusual and different loads and pressures resulting in multiple rib fractures.</p> <p> <strong>WR: Do you plan to stay involved in rowing in some form?</strong><br /> <strong>DF: </strong>In some form I&#39;d like to definitely.</p> <p> <strong>WR: Who has been your biggest supporter over your career?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> I would have to say from early days from the age of 12 it was my mum and dad. Dad used to row, that&#39;s how I got into the sport and he coached me almost my whole career. My wife also is a huge supporter. We&#39;ve been married for over 14 years now with three children. My career would have ended years ago if there was lack of support there!</p> <p> <strong>WR: Where will you be at the time of the London Olympics?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> I&#39;ll be in London watching it and cheering on all the Aussie crews. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="82375993_10" src="/uploads/files/0eb52e95ea336e7874a69a82129e550d.jpg"><figcaption>Duncan Free (L) and Drew Ginn of Australia celebrate the gold medal in the Men&#8217;s Pair at the Shunyi Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park on Day 8 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 16, 2008 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Vladimir Rys/Bongarts/Getty Images)</figcaption></figure> <p> <strong>WR: What about the next generation of Free rowers, are your kids interested in rowing? How much do they know about your achievements?</strong><br /> <strong>DF:</strong> My little six-year-old boy only in the past week said that he wanted to row and also that he wanted me to coach him. I was chuffed! He also added &#39;that&#39;s if you&#39;re still alive dad!&#39; I asked him why I wouldn&#39;t be alive and he said that I could get hit by another car while cycling! I assured him that that I&#39;d avoid that at all costs and that if I did have another accident, the car would be in worse shape than me!</p> <p> I have two girls aged nine and seven and a boy, six. They know their daddy rows a lot, goes away a lot and won gold in Beijing in an Olympics but knows that I&#39;m not racing in London but they still hope to meet the queen!</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12044 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-cup" id="post-12044"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Cup</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Olympic prospects shape Munich World Rowing Cup finals</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 21, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> Great Britain got caught out in the men&rsquo;s four while Croatia continued on their winning ways in the men&rsquo;s quadruple sculls. Ekaterina Karsten of Belraus was back on form in the women&rsquo;s single sculls while Marcel Hacker of Germany claimed gold in the men&rsquo;s single sculls. The 14 finals in the Olympic class events was a mixture of expectation and surprise.<br /> Just a slight head wind breeze on flat, calm water caused times to be a little slower than usual. Temperatures were also a bit cooler than the past two days, reaching the low 20s degrees Celsius.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s pair (W2-) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Helen Glover and Heather Stanning of Great Britain made their stand at the start of this Final. The two-time World silver medallists have won both World Cup&rsquo;s this season and were aiming to make it a hat-trick here in Munich. Settling into a 35 stroke rate pace, Glover and Stanning looked good. World Champions, New Zealand followed in second but going through the half-way point, Juliette Haigh and Rebecca Scown of New Zealand would have to have a great second half to get in front. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_4214" src="/uploads/files/ebe02ab2bc407ed072c0b4221dfeb92a.jpg"><figcaption>Heather Stanning and Helen Glover of Great Britain celebrate gold in the women&#8217;s pair at the 2012 World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Turning the race into something rather like a procession, Glover and Stanning remained in front, with Haigh and Scown back in second and two-time Olympic Champions, Georgeta Andrunache and Viorica Susanu of Romania solidly in third.</p> <p> At the line Glover and Stanning had made a clean sweep of the 2012 World Cup season and go to the Olympics with huge confidence. Haigh and Scown will now go away and try to work out how to gain a few seconds of boat-speed. Andrunache and Susanu will be feeling confident that they are on track for a good showing at the Olympics after doing a very solid 2012 comeback. However, at the end of the race Andrunache and Susanu admitted that the final pair for the Olympics was still to be decided by their country.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GBR, NZL, ROU, GER1, CAN, ARG</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Italy&rsquo;s Claudia Wurzel and Sara Bertolasi qualified for the London Olympics last year at the World Rowing Championships when they finished seventh but their results haven&rsquo;t been quite as good this season after they finished 10th at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup. Today they raced Germany2 for seventh overall and made easy work of it.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: ITA, GER2</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s pair (M2-) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> It has become custom since 2009 to talk about New Zealand&rsquo;s Eric Murray and Hamish Bond when the men&rsquo;s pair is mentioned. Murray and Bond have not lost a race since that year and more than once they have come close to breaking the World Best Time. Despite their domination, Murray and Bond always perform a strong and solid race, even when they are racing way out in front. Today they did just that. Despite their formidable lead Murray and Bond kept their stroke rate in the 36 &ndash; 37 range and remained strong and solid through the race. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_4263" src="/uploads/files/a65022f2c37102abcfc4dea8cce27361.jpg"><figcaption>Hamish Bond (s) and Eric Murray (b) of New Zealand react after winning the men&#8217;s pair final at the 2012 World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Meanwhile Australia1, Italy and France were holding a super battle. France&rsquo;s Germain Chardin and Dorian Mortelette had the edge but were keeping a wary eye out for their competition. And so they should. A huge sprint by Australia&rsquo;s Brodie Buckland and James Marburg overhauled the French with Italy still on the pace. These crews will meet again in Eton Dorney for the 2012 Olympic Games. Murray and Bond continue on their winning ways and cement themselves as the top hope for their country to win Olympic gold.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: NZL, AUS1, FRA, ITA, ESP, SRB</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Australia2 crew of Nick Hudson and Fergus Pragnell took on Anton Braun and Felix Drahotta of Germany1. It is a bit of a surprise to see Braun and Drahotta in this B-final as they finished first in the Belgrade World Rowing Cup and then fourth at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup. Drahotta is known to be the strongest member of Germany&rsquo;s very powerful men&rsquo;s sweep squad and potentially this result is all part of their Olympic planning. But the half-way point Hudson and Pragnell, rating higher, managed to get ahead of Braun and Drahotta. The order didn&rsquo;t change in the final sprint with the higher rating Australians crossing the line first.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: AUS2, GER1, GBR2, GER2, ROU</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s double sculls (W2x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Coming into this final there was a lot of talk about the arrival of Australia&rsquo;s new doubles combination of Kim Crow and Brooke Pratley. Could this duo that had the fastest qualifying time earlier in this regatta beat the formidable British duo of Katherine Grainger and Anna Watkins? In the opening of the race everything went to plan for Grainger and Watkins. The British duo got out strongly with Crow and Pratley following in second. By the middle of the race Crow, who was second in the single at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup last month while Pratley recovered from injury, and Pratley had closed the gap on Great Britain and were underrating the British by a pip.</p> <p> Grainger and Watkins were ready for anything. At around the 1500m mark Great Britain did a piece and broke away from the Australians. Crow and Pratley had no answer and had to settle for second. Meanwhile a huge finishing battle went on between Poland&rsquo;s Julia Michalska and Magdalena Fularczyk and New Zealand2 &ndash; their spare crew. Poland got there first to claim a well-deserved bronze.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GBR, AUS, POL, NZL2, NZL1, UKR</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Tina Manker and Stephanie Schiller Germany1 took the lead early on. The German women&rsquo;s sculling squad has been swapping between the quad and the double as the best Olympic combinations are worked out and for today Manker and Schiller race in the double. The duo took the lead for the entire race with Inge Janssen and Elisabeth Hogerwerf of the Netherlands holding on the second. The race was tight to the end with just over two seconds separating the top four crews with Belarus and Germany2 finishing in a photo finish.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GER1, NED, BLR, GER2, ITA, FIN</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s double sculls (M2x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> France&rsquo;s Cederic Berrest and Julien Bahain got out to a flying 45 stroke rate start. They must have taken note on how Norway&rsquo;s Nils Jakob Hoff and Kjetil Borch have learnt a new fast start and they wanted to counter it. But Hoff and Borch were ready for any challenge and together they got to the first 500m mark first. Last year at the World Rowing Championships in Bled Hoff and Borch finished eighth to qualify for the London Olympics and they have been improving ever since.</p> <p> Going through the middle of the race, Hoff and Borch remained in the lead but it was only a fraction over Bill Lucas and Sam Townsend of Great Britain with France, Argentina and Germany1 in a veritable line behind them. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_8820" src="/uploads/files/5341479373e7139ab754bfa2a526709c.jpg"><figcaption>Alessio Sartori and Romano Battisti of Italy and Dmytro Mikhay and Artem Morozov of Ukraine qualifiy for the 2012 Olympic Games in London in the men&#8217;s double sculls at the 2012 Final Olympic Qualification Regatta in Lucerne, Switzerland.</figcaption></figure> <p> Oh my gosh! With 1500m rowed only one second separated the entire field. All six groups would have to sprint to the line. No one was relenting. New Zealand went to 44, Norway was at 38 and Germany was on 40. The crowd was going crazy as one crew after another made a move followed by counter move. Hoff and Borch had done it. They had got their first ever international medal and they had made it gold. New Zealand World Champions, Joseph Sullivan and Nathan Cohen had redeemed their B-final finish last month in Lucerne to take silver and Germany&rsquo;s Eric Knittel and Stephan Krueger had earned bronze.</p> <p> <em><span>Results: NOR, NZL, GER1, GBR, FRA, ARG</span></em></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Both Slovenia and Australia did not start for medical reasons leaving four boats to race. This is Slovenia&rsquo;s Iztok Cop&rsquo;s 40th birthday today and, along with Luka Spik, we will next see them race at the Olympic Games. So instead it was Lithuania&rsquo;s Saulius Ritter and Rolandas Mascinskas who took the lead settling into a solid 35 stroke rate through the body of the race.&nbsp; Behind them the German lightweights, Linus Lichtschlag and Lars Hartig, finished a bit back in second. Lichtschlag and Hartig will race at the London Olympics in the lightweight double, but chose not to make weight today so raced in the open category.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: LTU, GER2, EST2, EST1, (SLO1 and AUS did not start)</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Four (M4-)</strong><br /> This would potentially be one of the most highly anticipated races of the day. After a spectacular showing in the semifinal, would the Australian foursome again be able to hold off the British attempts to claim gold? How much could the spectators take from the semifinal? Was it a preview of what was to come or did Great Britain still have another gear? How could the men who had won the first two World Cup regattas and set a new World Best Time react to the speed and power that the Australian&rsquo;s had unleashed on the in yesterday&rsquo;s racing?</p> <p> The initial stages of the race were led out by a fast starting Romania, who were the first to get to the 500m mark. But the Australians and the British were on their tail and it didn&rsquo;t take long for them to reel the put an end to Romania&rsquo;s lead.&nbsp; From the thousand metre mark these two crews started to squeeze away from the field, making it a two boat race for gold. Australia began to really dominate from the 1250m mark and by 1500m half a boat length stood between the two crews.&nbsp; The speed generated from their long, powerful strokes could not be matched by the British, even rating two pips higher.</p> <p> As the race came by the grandstand, a final sprint led by Andrew trigs-Hodge saw them eat into some of the distance the Australians had on them but it was too late. Australia crossed the line first, leaving the Olympic hosts, Great Britain to take silver and Belarus, who had never featured in the battle at the front of the field, took bronze.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: AUS, GBR, BLR, SRB, CZE, ROU</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Germany2 took charge of this race from start to finish. There may have been no medals up for grabs but all six crews raced as though there were. Croatia attempted to chase down the leaders but the effort had taken too much out of the by the 1500m mark as they dropped back to third place, leaving the fast finishing Italians to move up the rankings to eight place overall.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GER2, ITA, CRO, NZL, POL, GER</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight women&rsquo;s double sculls (LW2x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> At the 250m mark three boats were at the front of the field; Germany, New Zealand and Denmark with Lena Mueller and Anja Noske of Germany having a slight edge. Then Louise Ayling and Julia Edward of New Zealand got their nose in front. Ayling and Edward set a new World Best Time at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup, but did not win gold. Instead it was China, who are not racing in Munich. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_9003" src="/uploads/files/399225bba7359d2287d71fd3bc1397b7.jpg"><figcaption>New Zealand&#8217;s Julia Edward and Louise Ayling take Gold, Julianne Rasmussen and Anne Lolk Thomssen of Denmark take silver and Germany&#8217;s Anja Noske and Lena Mueller with bronze on the podium of the lightweight women&#8217;s double sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Edward and Ayling continued to lead through the middle of the race with Denmark&rsquo;s Anne Lolk Thomsen and Juliane Rasmussen right on the leader&rsquo;s pace and so much so that the two crews moved into the final sprint at exactly the same time. Germany and Great Britain went head-to-head for third.</p> <p> New Zealand upped their stroke rate to 39 to try and hold on. Denmark was at 38 and Germany and Great Britain were still very much in the race. There was nothing in it with the crowd loving the German move towards the line. This great finish meant that the finishing judges had to call the order. Edward and Ayling had won gold. Thomsen and Rasmussen got silver and late Olympic qualifiers, Noske and Mueller got bronze. These crews will meet again at the Eton Olympic regatta course next month.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: NZL, DEN, GER, GBR1, NED, GBR2</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Jumping out at the start was Australia&rsquo;s new 2012 combination of Bronwen Watson and Hannah Every-Hall. Watson has come out of retirement after last racing internationally in 2009 to join with Hannah Every-Hall who was part of the crew that qualified this boat for the Olympics in 2011. Through the middle of the race Watson and Every-Hall remained in the lead with Switzerland&rsquo;s Olivia Wyss and Eliane Waser pushing into second. Wyss and Waser missed out on Olympic qualification by just one spot, but they are back racing at this regatta as they continue their 2012 season.</p> <p> Watson and Every-Hall remained in first using a steady 33 stroke rate and taking it up to 35 in their push to keep their boat out in front.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: AUS, SUI, ARG, BRA, KOR, JPN</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s double sculls (LM2x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> This final represented six crews that all had the talent to take gold. Peter Taylor and Storm Uru of New Zealand knew this and they jumped out into an early lead with France&rsquo;s brand new wonder-crew of Stany Delayre and Jeremie Azou the closest challengers. Taylor and Uru kept their stroke rate high as they headed into the middle of the race reaching the half-way point in a speedy 3:16 time. Delayre and Azou remained in second with Denmark and Italy going head-to-head. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_9064" src="/uploads/files/0c18cd0797525ac417caabd680cb5089.jpg"><figcaption>Peter Taylor and Storm Uru of New Zealand take gold, Jeremie Azou and Stany Delayre of France take silver and Denmark&#8217;s Rasmus Quist and Mads Rasmussen take Bronze in the lightweight men&#8217;s double sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Taylor and Uru must have been building in confidence from their leading position as they&nbsp; began to open up a bit of water between them and France who were still in second. A huge burst by Azou and Delayre just before the line closed the gap and pushed the result to a photo finish with Taylor and Uru just holding on to first. Azou and Delayre take second and Mads Rasmussen and Rasmus Quist of Denmark earn the bronze.</p> <p> Olympic and World Champions, Great Britain (Purchase and Hunter) will be putting a lot of thought into their race result as they came home in sixth.</p> <p> <span>Results: NZL, FRA, DEN, ITA, HUN, GBR</span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Norway&rsquo;s Kristoffer Brun and Are Strandli have shown some very solid racing through this regatta and they just missed out on making the A-final yesterday when they finished fourth in a very tough semifinal. Today Brun and Standli made the best of the B-final and overtook a fast-starting Egypt to take the lead.</p> <p> Through the middle of the race Brun and Strandli remained in the lead with Portugal&rsquo;s Olympic hopefuls, Pedro Fraga and Nuno Mendes slotting into second. Both Norway and Portugal went to 38 coming into the final sprint with Norway having more push at this stroke rate. Norway and Portugal will meet again at the London Olympics.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: NOR, POR, POL, MEX, EGY, ARG</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s four (LM4-) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> At the Lucerne World Rowing Cup last month, Denmark finished outside of the medals. It looked like they did not want that happen today. Denmark&rsquo;s Winther, Joergensen, Barsoe and Ebbesen got off to a powerful start over a tightly packed field. By the middle of the race, however, the Danes had been overtaken by Switzerland. But the entire field remained tightly packed with just two seconds separating all six boats.</p> <p> Then Great Britain, who took bronze in Lucerne last month, moved into the lead as Switzerland faded. This was followed by Australia who made a huge 40 stroke rate charge to overtake Denmark and take on the British. Denmark were rating high but did not seem to be able to move back into the lead while Great Britain remained powerful and in the lead. A very tight finish had given Great Britain the gold for the first time this season and earned them bragging rights leading into the London Olympic Games.&nbsp; World Champions Australia took silver and Olympic Champions, Denmark, were the bronze medallists.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GBR, AUS, DEN, FRA, SUI, CZE</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Five crews only started as Poland1 could not race due to not making the correct crew weight. It was Germany1 that got off the line first being chased closely by Italy. Italy finished second at the World Rowing Championships last year and it must be disappointing for them to be racing in the B-final today. But Italy had a lot to think about as the chased Germany down the 2000m Munich course.<br /> The Italians then got their nose in front of the Germans and pushed on. Italy sprinted home at a 39 stroke rate that really got the boat moving. Germany went to 40 to try and reel the Italians back in, but it was too late. Italy finish seventh place overall.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: ITA, GER1, POL2, GER2, (POL did not start)</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s quadruple sculls (W4x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> With two golds from two World Cups this season, Ukraine were the crew to beat. In the race for lanes two days ago, Ukraine (Kateryna Tarasenko, Nataliya Dovgodko, Anastasiia Kozhenkova and Yana Dementieva) had finished with the fastest time with Germany in second. Today Australia took off in the lead with Ukraine following in second. Australia has had quite a rocky road leading into this regatta. Team mate, Pippa Savage was replaced in the boat by Amy Clay after compatibility issues developed and the current line-up was very keen to show their worth.</p> <p> By the middle of the race Ukraine, at a lower stroke rate, had slipped into the lead with Australia holding on to second. Then Germany started to really pick it up. The German crew is reshuffled as selectors are still picking their double and quad line-ups for the London Olympic but with top single sculler, Annekatrin Thiele in the boat it is likely that this is the priority line up. With Ukraine now comfortably in first Germany and a fast moving Great Britain went head to head for the line. Germany, with the support of the crowd on their side, had just squeaked home in second with Great Britain taking third.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: UKR, GER, GBR, AUS, NZL</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s quadruple sculls (M4x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Croatia have been having a wonderful season. They come to Munich as World Cup leaders, with wins from both World Rowing Cups this season and they started off the fastest here in Munich. Usually Croatia do not lead at the beginning of a race. Had they gone out too fast? David Sain, Damir Martin and brothers Martin and Valent Sinkovic of Croatia continued to hold on to the lead through the middle of the race with last year&rsquo;s silver medallists, Germany and Italy1 right behind them. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_9416" src="/uploads/files/73d311b3b73ada9ef5d79dcba034c80b.jpg"><figcaption>The final of the men&#8217;s quadruple sculls sees Croatia win gold, Germany take silver and Italy bronze in the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> As all crews wound for the line, Estonia and Great Britain had steering problems getting a bit too close to each other. But this did not impact on the leaders. Croatia remained race leaders having led the entire race. Germany came through in second with Italy earning bronze. Croatia had made a clean sweep of the season and confirm their status as top candidates for Olympic gold.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: CRO, GER, ITA1, GBR, AUS, EST</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Italy2 got into the lead with the very experienced Rossano Galtarossa in the boat. They were followed by New Zealand&rsquo;s crew which is still missing Matthew Trott, who was selected for this Olympic boat but currently has an injury. New Zealand tried to stick close to the Italians who were underrating the New Zealanders by one pip. Behind these two leading boats a virtual line had formed between Czech Republic2, Switzerland and France.</p> <p> Italy2 continued to outshine the rest of the field, breaking away to an open water lead. New Zealand tried to catch them but remained in second. A big push by Switzerland gave them third.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: ITA2, NZL, SUI, CZE2, FRA, CZE1</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s eight (W8+) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> The Canadians were the first to cross the 250m mark with the Netherlands right on their pace. Canada is stroked by Andreanne Morin who is a veteran of two Olympic Games, having come fifth in 2004 and fourth in 2008 in the eight. The Canadians almost broke the United States six year winning streak last month at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup and at that point everyone knew that Canada was the crew to watch. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_5361" src="/uploads/files/92e8b64d6275cb9f77c8a0733daf1fbd.jpg"><figcaption>Janine Hanson (b), Rachelle Vinberg, Krista Guloien, Lauren Wilkinson, Natalie Mastracci, Ashley Brzozowicz, Darcy Marquadt, Andreanna Morin (s) and Lesley Thompson-Willie (c) celebrate winning gold in the women&#8217;s eight at the 2012 World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> In the absence of the United States, Canada continued to lead through the middle of the race. Then coming through the third 500 Romania began to move, getting their boat ahead of the Netherlands and into second. The ratings began to rise as Romania, Canada, Great Britain and the Netherlands all hit 40 strokes per minute. Again a tight finish was on the cards. At the line Canada had held on to first, Romania earned their second silver medal for the season and the British had conducted a storming finish to take bronze.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: CAN, ROM, GBR, NED, AUS, GER</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s single sculls (M1x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> The two fastest men in the world were missing from this race. Mahe Drysdale of New Zealand suffered a bike accident three days ago and had to miss this regatta and Ondrej Synek of the Czech Republic chose to miss this regatta and head to altitude training. This left the next highest rank being Great Britain&rsquo;s Alan Campbell. Campbell has fond memories of Munich. Back in 2006 Campbell won his first World Cup gold medal here and became the most successful British single sculler in a long time. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_9564" src="/uploads/files/7b0485f4efcc8475c8307aa1db0e87b1.jpg"><figcaption>The startline of the Men&#8217;s Single Scull quarterfinals at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> The usual fast starting Campbell, however, was not in the lead at the start. Instead it was local hero Marcel Hacker of Germany followed closely by Mexican Olympic representative, Patrick Loliger Salas.&nbsp; Going through the middle of the race Hacker remained in the lead with Sweden&rsquo;s Lassi Karonen now creeping into second. Where was Campbell?</p> <p> As the final sprint came into view Hacker was in a comfortable first place with Karonen holding on to second and Campbell now moving into third. Just 250m were left and Hacker had enough of a lead to counter any reaction. Karonen, rating&nbsp; 40 strokes per minute, made a move and then pushed again. Hacker continued to counter the Swede&rsquo;s moves and crossed the line in first. Karonen gave it all he could and managed silver and Campbell would have to be happy with bronze. This is Hacker&rsquo;s first gold medal in the single since the 2005 World Cup, also in Munich.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GER, SWE, GBR, GBR2, MEX1, NOR</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Hubert Trzybinski of Germany2 got off to a very strong start. Trzybinski comes to Munich after winning the under-23 single last year and this is his first time racing at the senior level. The tall, 203cm Trzybinski did a fine job to lead this B-final using a steady 32 stroke rate through the body of the race. Argentina2 of Joaquin Iwan got in front of Switzerland to follow in second. But Trzybinski was able to build up a solid lead making it difficult for anyone to catch him.</p> <p> Trzybinski remained in front to the line with Mexico2 (Juan Carlos Cabrera) pushing ahead of Iwan to take second.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GER2, MEX2, BEL2, ARG2, SUI, EGY1</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s single sculls (W1x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Denmark&rsquo;s Fie Udby Erichsen came flying out of the start with a very high rating. She remained in the lead and had worked her way to a clear water lead with just 600m gone. Ekaterina Karsten of Belarus, rating much lower, followed in second with New Zealand&rsquo;s Emma Twigg now in third.</p> <p> Coming through the middle of the race Erichsen remained in the lead although Karsten, who seemed to be rowing a rather conservative race, had closed the gap on the leader. So had Twigg, who had a major overlap on Karsten. Karsten then did a big push in the third 500 and it was enough to get her into the lead. Did Erichsen have a reply? This is Karsten&rsquo;s first international race this season as has she kept a low profile while recovering from rib problems. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_5383" src="/uploads/files/f1214b9f3a167e10f662a5ebf40b2b2a.jpg"><figcaption>Ekaterina Karsten (BLR) celebrates winning the women&#8217;s single sculls at the 2012 World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Twigg then attacked in the last 300m and got her boat ahead of the Dane with Karsten moving away to a solid win. Twigg held on to second with Donata Vistartaite, 23, of Lithuania getting her boat ahead of Erichsen to take third. This is Vistartaite&rsquo;s first World Cup medal and continues the rise of this talented athlete and Lithuanian rowing.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: BLR, NZL, LTU, DEN, AZE, IRL</em></span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Nicole Beukers of the Netherlands got out very quickly but by the first 500m mark, Marie-Louise Draeger of Germany2 had grabbed the lead. With Germany&rsquo;s top single sculler Annekatrin Thiele now in a team boat a spot in the single for the Olympics has come available. Would it go to lightweight sculler, Draeger? Draeger was still in the lead going through the middle of the race but then Iva Obradovic of Serbia got her nose in front.</p> <p> Draeger fought back and there was very little in it, with Laura Schiavone of Italy following in third. In the final sprint Draeger was back in front with Peggy Waleska of Germany1 now pulling out a huge charge at a 37 stroke rate. Waleska won it on the line by 14/100<sup>th</sup> of a second over Draeger. The German selectors will have a hard job here.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: GER1, GER2, NED, SRB, NOR, ITA</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s eight (M8+) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> The last race of the regatta, and the last international race before the London Olympic Games, was the men&rsquo;s eight. These four crews did a preliminary race two days ago where Great Britain won over Poland with three-time World Champions, Germany not racing here due to two of their crew having health issues. Could the British do it again today? At the start it was Australia and Poland that led the way. Australia had a very tiny margin, but it didn&rsquo;t last long as Poland then moved into the lead and got a half second margin over Australia. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_5537" src="/uploads/files/fbea43a66f2395e7bc6678107c42767e.jpg"><figcaption>C茅dric Berrest and Jluien Bahain from France win the gold medal of the men&#8217;s pair. Allar Raja and Kaspar Taimsoo from Estonia win the silver medal and Petr Vitasek and David Jirka from the Czech Republic win the bronze medal. (Photo by Detlev Seyb /</figcaption></figure> <p> Poland were coxed by Daniel Trojanowski and stroked by Krystian Aranowski who has been in the eight since 2009 when he moved up from under-23 rowing. They still had the lead as the final sprint came into view. Where were Great Britain? The British are known to be able to sprint at the end and the field must have been waiting for the attack. It never really came. The beautifully timed race by Poland gave them their first gold medal for the past decade at a World Cup event. Australia came through to silver and Great Britain earned bronze.</p> <p> <span><em>Results: POL, AUS, GBR, UKR</em></span><br /> &nbsp;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12045 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-cup" id="post-12045"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Cup</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Medal tally puts Great Britain at top of 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup series</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 20, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> This series of three World Rowing Cup regattas opened in Belgrade, Serbia, at the start of May with Great Britain finishing well ahead on the overall points table at this first stage &ndash; 32 points ahead of the next-best nation, Germany.</p> <p> The Samsung World Rowing Cup then moved to Lucerne, Switzerland at the end of May and Great Britain topped the medals table there again, but with a narrower margin. Germany had closed in on the British in Lucerne, ending just eight points down with the New Zealand team arriving in Lucerne to finish in third position and two points behind Germany.&nbsp; Australia also arrived in Europe in time for Lucerne and slotted in on the points table just behind New Zealand.</p> <p> The final stage of the Samsung World Rowing Cup series, held last weekend in Munich, saw Great Britain improve on their Lucerne points to finish not only at the head of the Munich points table, but also at the top of the overall series table with 199 points. Germany was second with 134 points and New Zealand finished third earning 97 points. Great Britain finished second to Germany last year, but had won the series for the four previous years.</p> <p> The British result at Munich was especially positive for Great Britain&rsquo;s female crews with both the women&rsquo;s pair (Heather Stanning and Helen Glover) and women&rsquo;s double sculls (Katherine Grainger and Anna Watkins) winning gold. The women also fared well in the women&rsquo;s quadruple sculls and in the women&rsquo;s eight with bronze medals. The British men took gold in the lightweight men&rsquo;s four while their flagship crew, the men&rsquo;s four, suffered their first loss this season when they were beaten to the line by the Australians.</p> <p> In the absence of the World Champion German men&rsquo;s eight in Munich the British were hoping to have their first win of the season in this boat class. This turned into bronze when they were out-raced by Poland and Australia.</p> <p> New Zealand matched Great Britain&rsquo;s three gold medals in Munich with three of their own. Both the lightweight men&rsquo;s (Storm Uru and Peter Taylor) and lightweight women&rsquo;s double sculls (Louise Ayling and Julia Edward) landed in Kiwi hands which was a step up for these crews from their Lucerne results. The men&rsquo;s pair of Hamish Bond and Eric Murray added another gold to the New Zealand tally.</p> <p> Second overall, Germany earned one gold medal in Munich coming from men&rsquo;s single sculler Marcel Hacker. Germany added to their points by taking silver in the men&rsquo;s and women&rsquo;s quadruple sculls and two bronze medals, one in the newly Olympic qualified lightweight women&rsquo;s double sculls and one in the men&rsquo;s double sculls.</p> <p> World Rowing Cup points are awarded in Olympic events only and work on a descending scale starting at eight points for a win. The next World Rowing regatta is the 2012 World Rowing Under 23 Championships. This event will be held in Trakai, Lithuania from 11 to 15 July.&nbsp;</p> <p> The detailed points and standings can be found on our website <a>here</a>.</p> <p> To view the detailed Munich results, please click <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p> Videos of all World Cup A-finals in Munich can be viewed on demand <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p> A photo gallery of the adaptive regatta in Munich can be accessed <a>here</a>, with a photo gallery of the World Cup events available <a>here</a>.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12046 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry" id="post-12046"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Grace LUCZAK Interview</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 18, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> <strong><strong>Rising Star<em>&nbsp;&#8211; June 2012</em></strong></strong></p> <p><strong>A fast five minutes with Grace Luczak</strong></p> <p> <em>Already at the age of 23 Grace Luczak&rsquo;s results are remarkable. The 191cm tall American is not only the owner of four under-23 medals &ndash; two of them gold &ndash; but she also holds the under-23 World Best Time in the women&rsquo;s pair. Luczak&rsquo;s time (7:05.13) was set last year with partner Felice Mueller at the World Rowing Under 23 Championships in Amsterdam. Luczak is currently training for the United States senior national team and recently took part in the national selection trials in the pair.</p> <p> <strong>I row because</strong>&hellip; it&rsquo;s the combined effort of all: the teammates, the speed and the feel of the water.</em></p> <p> <em><strong>My non-rowing friends think my rowing career is </strong>&hellip; Non-rowing friends? Just kidding, they&#8217;re all really supportive.</em></p> <p> <em><strong>I&rsquo;m looking forward to watching at the Olympic Games</strong>&hellip; Team USA! Rowing, beach volleyball, diving, canoe/kayak, badminton, well, all of them actually!</p> <p> <strong>My toughest race ever</strong>&hellip; My first race in a single, where they cancelled the regatta right after my event due the oceanic waves and chop. My goal became crossing the finish line still in my boat, which thankfully happened.</p> <p> <strong>I&rsquo;m motivated by</strong>&hellip;. my loving family and friends who support me so much.</p> <p> <strong>When I get the chance to relax I like to</strong>&hellip; explore the outdoors, especially the US National Parks.</p> <p> <strong>A typical day</strong>&hellip;. 6am rise and shine&#8230; 7-9:30am practice&#8230;. breakfast #2&#8230; giving a tour of the Devon Boathouse in Oklahoma City to school children or&nbsp;corporate groups&#8230; lunch&#8230; nap&#8230; practice and weights&hellip; make dinner and wind down.</p> <p> <strong>The most famous people of my Facebook friends are</strong>&hellip; Kermit the Frog and&nbsp;the Winklevoss twins.</p> <p> <strong>2k or 5k on the ergo?</strong> I get a choice?</p> <p> <strong>In five years&rsquo; time I would like to be</strong>&hellip; an Olympic Champion and going to business school.</p> <p> <strong>My favourite food is</strong>&hellip;. enjoyed with friends and family.</p> <p> <strong>My favourite website is</strong>&hellip; Wikipedia.</p> <p> <strong>Who would you most like to row in a crew with?</strong> The NBA&#8217;s Oklahoma City Thunder players. Our success would be a slam dunk.</em></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12047 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-cup" id="post-12047"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Cup</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Top lightweights race for gold at Munich World Cup</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 17, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> <span>A flurry of tight races meant that medal orders were not known until the very last stroke; the lightweight women&rsquo;s single was especially close. Three boats crossed the line together with Switzerland&rsquo;s Pamela Weisshaupt, 33, winning her first gold medal since becoming a World Champion in 2009.</span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight women&rsquo;s single sculls (LW1x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> There is no doubt that Michael Taupe-Traer of Austria was the favourite coming into this final Taupe-Traer is the current World Cup leader with wins at World Rowing Cup I and II this season. But it was Leonie Pless of Germany1 who had the early lead. The lead didn&rsquo;t last long as Evi Geentjens of Belgium took over the lead. As Taupe-Traer started to move she got her boat into second, just ahead of Pamela Weisshaupt of Switzerland with Geentjens still leading. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_7679" src="/uploads/files/669e73c9980a5855720c214025c9aebb.jpg"><figcaption>Pamela Weisshaupt of Switzerland takes Gold, Evi Geent Jens of Belgium claims Silver and to Michaela Taupe-Traer of Austria the Bronze on the podium of the lightweight women&#8217;s single sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Taupe-Traer and Weisshaupt then really piled on the pressure and Geentjens stuck with them. Taupe-Traer hit 41 strokes per minute with Weisshaupt on 39. In an incredibly tight photo finish Weisshaupt had finished first, Geentjens had got the better of Taupe-Traer to take second, Taupe-Traer just managed to get hold of third. Only 27/100<sup>th</sup> of a second separated the top three boats.</p> <p> <span>Results: SUI, BEL, AUT1, GER1, ARG, GBR</span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> This morning in the semifinal Kristina Knejp Christensson of Sweden2 rowed a very aggressive race, leading for most of the race. Christensson was overtaken towards the end so found herself in the B-final. Christensson made the most of it and led through the body of the race with Alice McNamara of Australia following in second. McNamara raced in the lightweight double last year but failed to make the Olympic boat this year. In the final sprint Daniela Reimer of Germany2 picked up the pace and came through from fourth to first (or seventh overall at this regatta). Christensson, like this morning, ran out of steam in the final sprint. Full credit to Amina Rouba of Algeria who came through in third.</p> <p> <span>Results: GER2, AUS, ALG, SWE, HUN, (ESP did not start)</span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s single sculls (LM1x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Hungary&rsquo;s Peter Galambos jumped out to an early lead with Pietro Ruta of Italy sticking tightly to the Hungarian. So tightly in fact that winner of the first World Rowing Cup, Ruta managed to get in front. Ruta then began to move away from Galambos who finished second to Ruta in Belgrade. But the crowd was most interested in Jonathan Koch of Germany who had got himself into the bronze medal spot. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_7798" src="/uploads/files/a79e78c90bc251210d65221fd3b3a043.jpg"><figcaption>Peter Galambos of Hungary wins Silver, Pietro Ruta of Italy takes Gols and Germany&#8217;s Jonatan Koch takes the Bronze on the podium of the lightweight men&#8217;s single sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> As the finish line came into view Hungary and Italy went head-to-head, both hitting a 40 stroke rate. Koch, meanwhile, had to try and hold of Guillaume Raineau of France2. He did it. Koch earns the bronze medal with Ruta again getting the better of Galambos to win gold.</p> <p> <span>Results: ITA, HUN, GER1, FRA2, FRA1, AUS</span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Florian Berg of Austria only just missed out on the A-final earlier today and, after finishing second at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup, it showed how tough the competition was in Munich. Berg showed his talent by leading from start to finish. Germany&rsquo;s number two boat, Daniel Lawitzke came through from third to take second with Mexico&rsquo;s ever-improving Juan Jimenez Regules coming through in third.</p> <p> <span>Results: AUT, GER2, MEX, SLO1, POL, SUI1</span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s pair (LM2-) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> After this morning&rsquo;s semifinals it was not surprising to see Paul Mattick and Adam Freeman-Pask of Great Britain setting the early pace. Mattick and Freeman-Pask won one of the semifinals with Germany winning the second. But it was Australia&rsquo;s Yannic Corinth and Lasse Antczak who were in second through the body of the race. Had the German&rsquo;s done too much this morning? </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_7847" src="/uploads/files/683fa77933e562698b6cf3298f17c904.jpg"><figcaption>Adam Freeman-Pask and Paul Mattick of Great Britain take Gold, Joris Pijs and Arnoud Greidanus take silver and Blair Tunevitsch and Alister Foot take Bronze on the podium of the lightweight men&#8217;s pairs at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Coming into the line Mattick and Freeman-Pask secured the gold medal position and an awesome sprint by the Netherlands2, Arnoud Greidanus and Joris Pijs, earned them silver. Foot and Tunevitsch held on to third.</p> <p> <span>Results: GBR, NED2, AUS, DEN, GER1, GER2</span></p> <p> <strong>B-final</strong><br /> Alexander Chernikov and Christian Rabel of Austria led the way in this B-final. Using a 36 stroke rate through the body of the race, Chernikov and Rabel easily held off Switzerland with Hong Kong in third. But then Switzerland&rsquo;s Silvan Zehnder and Michael Schmid did a big push in the third 500 and completely closed the gap on Austria. These two crews fought it out to the line, stroke rates getting into the low 40s. Switzerland took the lead in the last 100m and they held it to the end.</p> <p> <span>Results: SUI, AUT, MEX, HKG, JPN, BEL</span> </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_7897" src="/uploads/files/17ff89fb3d5d1335755c90d119c5968c.jpg"><figcaption>The Polish lightweight women&#8217;s quadruple scull (Jaclyn Halko, Magdalena Kemnitz, Agnieszka Renc, Weronika Deresz) with their Gold medals on the podium at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> <strong>Lightweight women&rsquo;s quadruple sculls (LW4x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> In the preliminary race yesterday Poland had the best showing crossing the finish line with a three second margin over Denmark. Today Poland again led the way leaving Denmark and Italy to hold a very tight battle for second. The Poles remained in first looking comfortable at the finish line. Denmark raced last weekend at Germany&rsquo;s Ratzeburg Regatta where they won. This must have given them confidence as Denmark, rating 39, managed to push ahead of Italy to get silver.</p> <p> <span>Results: POL, DEN, ITA</span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s quadruple sculls (LM4x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Denmark&rsquo;s entry had a great warm-up to today&rsquo;s final by finishing first in yesterday&rsquo;s preliminary race. Today, however, it was Germany leading the way. Germany chose not to race in the preliminary race yesterday, choosing to be a surprise today.</p> <p> Clemens Huebler, Robby Gerhardt, Dominik Vent and Michael Wieler of Germany remained ahead through the body of the race using a solid 35 stroke rate. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_7909" src="/uploads/files/8c385dc35769003b1f5f887da7feabfb.jpg"><figcaption>Germany (Silver), Denmark (Bronze) and Austria (Gold) on the podium of the lightweight men&#8217;s quadruple sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Coming into the final sprint it was Austria that was really pushing the Germans hard. Where was Denmark? A 41 stroke rate pace over Germany&rsquo;s 40 had given Austria the lead and the gold medal. Dominik Sigl, Alexander Rath, Oliver Komaromy and Joschka Hellmeier of Austria looked very happy on the medals podium. Germany took silver just a third of a second behind Austria with Denmark earning the bronze.</p> <p> <span>Results: AUT, GER, DEN, NED</span></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12048 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-para-rowing category-world-rowing-cup" id="post-12048"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Para-Rowing</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Cup</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Adaptive finals in the heat at the Munich World Cup</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 17, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> <strong>AS women&rsquo;s single sculls (ASW1x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> Out of the start Jongrye Lee of Korea took an early lead which is quite a feat when you are racing World Champion Alla Lysenko of Ukraine. Lee, 49, however, is no slowpoke. She finished fourth last year and also raced at the 2008 Paralympic Games. But by the half-way point Lysenko had the lead with Claudia Santos of Brazil now following in second. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_7956" src="/uploads/files/c453dfd7038ffd94b8259750091fdff5.jpg"><figcaption>Ukraine&#8217;s Alla Lysenko wins Gold, Brazil&#8217;s Claudia Santos wins silver and Belarus&#8217; Liudmila Vauchok takes bronze in the adaptive women&#8217;s single sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Where was last year&rsquo;s silver medallist, Nathalie Benoit of France? Back in the field Benoit would have to do a huge second 500 effort if she wanted a medal. Today it was not to be. Lysenko took first winning by six seconds over Santos with Liudmila Vauchok of Belarus taking third. This is a great result for Santos and Vauchok who finished fifth and sixth respectively last year.&nbsp;</p> <p> <span>Results: UKR, BRA, BLR, FRA, ISR, KOR</span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> Three boats raced for spots seven to nine at this regatta and all three are contenders for the Paralympic Games. Filomena Franco of Portugal had the fastest pace. Franco raced at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing where she finished eleventh. Poland&rsquo;s Martyna Snopek then took over in the lead. Snopek has been racing internationally since 2006 and got to the b-final in the 2008 Paralympic Games, but was unable to race. Snopek commanded the race until the end.</p> <p> <span>Results: POL, POR, HUN</span></p> <p> <strong>AS men&rsquo;s single sculls (ASM1x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> The longer strokes of Erik Horrie of Australia was serving him well as he got out into the lead in this race that was conspicuous in the absence of World Champion, Tom Aggar of Great Britain. Jun-Ha Park of Korea pushed Horrie hard and at the half way point only just over a second separated these two boats. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_7992" src="/uploads/files/0581750e17b397d90d61796a0db6c654.jpg"><figcaption>Erik Horrie of Australia wins Gold, Jun-Ha Park of Korea takes Silver and Andrew Houghton of Great Britain take Bronze in the adaptive men&#8217;s single sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Horrie, who was third at last year&rsquo;s World Rowing Championships, looked more comfortable as the race progressed. At the line Horrie took his first gold medal. Park followed three seconds back in second and Great Britain&rsquo;s Andrew Houghton finished with bronze at his first international race since 2010.</p> <p> <span>Results: AUS, KOR, GBR, UKR, ESP1, ESP2</span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> With Ukraine not racing for medical reasons, five boats lined up to race for seventh to eleventh position. In the lead was Luciano Luna de Oliveira of Brazil. Luna de Oliveira earned a spot in the Paralympic Games when he raced in Belgrade at the Final Paralympic Qualification Regatta in May. He had a huge lead over second placed, Johannes Schmidt of Germany. Luciano Luna de Oliveira crossed easily in first, a huge 21 seconds ahead of Schmidt in second.</p> <p> <span>Results: BRA, GER, POL1, HUN, POL2 (UKR1 did not start)</span> </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_O4N8356" src="/uploads/files/6a7cf84c7d549e4dc373e1a78571f4d0.jpg"><figcaption>Australia&#8217;s Kathryn Ross (s) and Gavin Bellis (b) win the Gold medal in the TA Mixed Double Sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> <strong>TA mixed double sculls (TAMix2x) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> France&rsquo;s Perle Bouge and Stephane Tardieu took an early lead over Australia at the start with the two matching each other through to the middle of the race. Then Gavin Bellis and Kathryn Ross of Australia did a solid move, rating 38 strokes per minute. The move worked. Last year&rsquo;s bronze medallists, Australia managed to get ahead of last year&rsquo;s silver medallists, France to take gold.</p> <p> <span>Results: AUS, FRA, UKR, ITA, ISR, POL</span></p> <p> <strong>LTA mixed coxed four (LTAMix4+) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> As has been the norm over the last few years, a showdown was expected between Great Britain and Canada. But when Canada had a sub-par heat on Thursday, it looked like Great Britain&rsquo;s crew may dominate. It was, however, Ukraine and Germany who jumped out fast at the start. Germany then got out in front with a 35 stroke rate pace. Great Britain then began to move and by the half-way point the British had moved into second and were beginning to close on the Germans. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_8015" src="/uploads/files/de2fcbb43e19de2bd0bac63d38592acc.jpg"><figcaption>Great Britain wins Gold, Germany Silver and the Ukraine takes the Bronze in the LTA mixed coxed fours at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> The higher rating British inched closer and closer with Germany responding. But the response was not enough. Great Britain earned the gold medal with Germany finishing just half a second down in second. The finishing time of 3:25 was just four seconds outside of the World Best Time. Ukraine held on to take third.</p> <p> <span>Results: GBR, GER1, UKR, FRA, BRA, CAN</span></p> <p> <strong>B-Final</strong><br /> With just two boats racing a one-on-one style event took place. Using a 35 stroke rate Ireland was able to get their boat out in front of the lower-rating Belarus. Both of these boats have qualified for the Paralympic Games with Ireland doing it at last year&rsquo;s World Rowing Championships, while Belarus earned a bipartite invitation just a couple of weeks ago. Ireland performed better than Belarus to finish first.</p> <p> <span>Results: IRL, BLR&nbsp;</span></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-12049 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-cup" id="post-12049"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Cup</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Booking a spot in the final at the Munich World Cup</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">June 17, 2012</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> One of the most anticipated races of the day was Great Britain and Australia racing in semifinal one of the men&rsquo;s four. Great Britain had beaten Australia at the World Rowing Cup last month and the race was on when they met again today. Read on to find out who got the better of who.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Lightweight women&rsquo;s single sculls (LW1x) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> Lining up in <strong>Semifinal One</strong> was favourite Michaela Taupe-Traer of Austria. But it was Leonie Pless of Germany1 that had the lead at the start. Then Taupe-Traer, 37, using a steady 32 stroke rate pushed through into the lead with Pless having no answer. Taupe-Traer has so far won both World Cup regattas this season and seems to just get better with age in the single. Taupe-Traer has tried to qualify for the Olympics by rowing the lightweight double but has been unsuccessful and thus has never been to the Olympics in her 18 year career. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="DSC_6496 lw1x sui" src="/uploads/files/dfbfc10e28175152e900f67527d9d7bd.jpg"><figcaption>Switzerland&#8217;s Pamela Weisshaupt racing in the Lightweight Women&#8217;s Single Sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Coming into the finish Taupe-Traer remained in front of Pless with Evi Geentjens of Belgium coming through. Geentjens had a very average heat yesterday and thus had to race in the repechage later in the day. Today Geentjens held off a last minute push by Australia to hold onto the third and final qualifying spot.</p> <p> <strong>Semifinal Two</strong> ended in a huge disappointment for Kristina Knejp Christensson of Sweden2. Chirstensson got out into the lead at the start and held it through the middle of the race over Lucia Palermo of Argentina. But Christensson had misjudged her race and coming into the final sprint Pamela Weisshaupt of Switzerland took her stroke rate to 34 and charged. So did Palermo and Kathryn Twyman of Great Britain. Christensson could do nothing. She had run out of steam and, despite her best attempt, could not hold off this charge to the line. Weisshaupt finished first, Palermo got second and Twyman took third.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: AUT, GER1, BEL, SUI, ARG, GBR</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s single sculls (LM1x) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> <strong>Semifinal One</strong> saw France2 Guillaume Raineau come out of the starting &lsquo;boots&rsquo; at an incredibly fast pace. But soon winner of the first World Rowing Cup of the season, Pietro Ruta of Italy had pushed past. Ruta, 24, has spent his career swapping between different lightweight boats (apart from the double), with the single lately bringing him good success. Raineau began to slip back off the pace leaving his very experienced team mate, Frederic Dufour to overtake him and go after Ruta.</p> <p> Ruta looked very comfortable in his leading position coming into the line with now Raineau performing a massive sprint to get himself into a qualifying position. The sprint paid off. Raineau overtook both Dufour and Austria&rsquo;s Florian Berg, to finish second. Dufour held on to third. Ruta&rsquo;s first place finish was in a time of 6:59, the only sculler to go under the magic 7 minute mark.</p> <p> <strong> Semifinal Two</strong> was led from start to finish by Peter Galambos of Hungary. Galambos, 25, tried to qualify for the Olympic Games last year in the double but was unsuccessful. So this year at the Final Olympic Qualification Regatta Galambos attempted to qualify in the open men&rsquo;s single. He just missed out, but his speed in the lightweight single continued to be obvious today. Galambos held off Jonathan Koch of Germany and Thomas Gibson of Australia to finish first. Koch was in second for most of the race but chose not to sprint the finish and was overtaken by Gibson. Gibson will go to the Olympic Games in the lightweight double but is racing here in the single as his doubles partner is recovering from an injury. Galambos, Gibson and Koch are in the final later today.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: ITA, FRA2, FRA1, HUN, AUS, GER1</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s pair (LM2-) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> The British are the reigning World Champions in this event. They have a new line up this year with Paul Mattick, who was in his country&rsquo;s lightweight four last year, teamed up with Adam Freeman-Pask. Today in <strong>Semifinal One</strong> Mattick and Freeman-Pask held the lead from start to finish. They did not, however, have an easy time of it. Australia&rsquo;s Blair Tunevitsch and Alister Foot pushed the British crew through the entire race with Arnoud Greidanus and Joris Pijs of the Netherlands2 also right on the pace.</p> <p> This race must be bittersweet for Mattick who missed out on making the lightweight four this year and, thus, will not be going to the Olympic Games. But Mattick made the best of it with Great Britain crossing the line in first with the fastest qualifying time. Australia held on to second and the Netherlands2 were third. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="146416313AH026_2012_Samsung" src="/uploads/files/4a8bea4bcb887a76dde456c8dee7489e.jpg"><figcaption>Lasse Antczak (s) and Yannic Corinth (b) race for Germany in the Lightweight Men&#8217;s Pairs at the the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> The German spectators at the Munich regatta course got their money&rsquo;s worth from <strong>Semifinal Two</strong>. Out in front was Yannic Gorinth and Lasse Antczak of Germany1. Gorinth and Antczak raced together last year to fourth at the World Rowing Under 23 Championships in the lightweight four. Today, racing at the senior level, they were doing their best to hold off Christian Pedersen and Jens Vilhelmsen of Denmark. These two crews kept the pace hot through the middle of the race and looked secure to easily take out the top two spots. But just when it looked like everything was sorted out, Germany2 of Daniel Wisgott and Stefan Wallat came flying down the outside at a 39 stroke rate pace. Germany2 pushed past Switzerland and caught up to Denmark.</p> <p> At the line Germany1 had just held on to first with Germany2 taking second and Denmark holding on to third.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: GBR, AUS, NED2, GER1, GER2, DEN</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s double sculls (M2x) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> As in their heat, Nils Jakob Hoff and Kjetil Borch of Norway jumped out to an early lead in <strong>Semifinal One</strong>. But the German former World Champions, Eric Knittel and Stephan Krueger did a solid piece around the 700m mark to earn the lead. Going through the 1000m mark, however, not much more than a second separated the top five boats. Slovenia&rsquo;s Luka Spik and Iztok Cop was out-rating the field to try and get into a top three position while Knittel and Krueger held on to a very slight margin.</p> <p> It was very close on the line with Hoff and Borch storming back to finish first, Knittel and Krueger took second and Bill Lucas and Sam Townsend of Great Britain looked very happy to have earned third. The photo finish of these three crews separated them by less than half a second.</p> <p> <strong>Semifinal Two</strong> had Estonia in the lead early on. Their early pace soon proved to be way too difficult and as Estonia dropped right back Argentina&rsquo;s Olympic hopefuls, Ariel Suarez and Cristian Rosso took over in the lead. Then France&rsquo;s Julien Bahain and Cedric Berrest did a big push to get their nose in front of Argentina. Bahain and Berrest medalled in the quad at the Beijing Olympic Games. They then switched to the double and have been regular medallists since. They are one of the strongest hopes for France for a medal in rowing at the London Olympics.</p> <p> Coming into the line France held on to the lead with Argentina following in second and reigning World Champions, Joseph Sullivan and Nathan Cohen of New Zealand came through in third. This must have been huge relief for Sullivan and Cohen who missed out on the final when they raced last month at the Lucerne World Rowing Cup.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: NOR, GER, GBR, FRA, ARG, NZL</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s four (M4-) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> <strong>Semifinal One</strong> had the top two boats from the Lucerne World Rowing Cup sitting side-by-side in the middle of the field &ndash; Australia and reigning World Champions, Great Britain. But it was Belarus that set the early pace. Australia, with the great Drew Ginn sitting in the boat, then pushed into the lead and Great Britain followed closely. As Great Britain kept their rating at a high 37 &ndash; 38 stroke rate, Australia was able to stay in the lead at a lower 35 pace.</p> <p> In Lucerne Great Britain had outsprinted Australia. Were Australia prepared for it today? The crowd was on the edge of their seats as Great Britain charged, getting up to a 42 stroke rate. But Australia were managing to do just enough to stay in front as both crews looked like they were really pushing it to the line. Great Britain suffered their first loss this season coming in second to Australia with Belarus holding on to third.</p> <p> In <strong>Semifinal Two</strong> it was Romania who started off the most aggressively and at the half way point they still had the lead. Then Serbia took over. Serbia had a very solid heat yesterday when they finished second to Great Britain and they look to be a crew to watch. Then winners of the second heat, the Czech Republic, really started to move. Michal Horvath, Jakub Podrazil, Milan Bruncvic and Matyas Klang only qualified for the Olympics when they won the Final Olympic Qualification Regatta last month and they were now in the lead. At the line the Czech Republic were in first, Serbia in second and Romania held on to third.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: AUS, GBR, BLR, CZE, SRB, ROU</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight men&rsquo;s double sculls (LM2x) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> In 2009, in the absence of Great Britain, New Zealand&rsquo;s Peter Taylor and Storm Uru became World Champions. Since then they haven&rsquo;t been able to take a World Champion title. But their main goal has been Olympic gold. Taylor and Uru beat Great Britain in the heats yesterday and today in <strong>Semifinal One</strong> they faced Denmark&rsquo;s Mads Rasmussen and Rasmus Quist. Rasmussen and Quist held the lead for the first half of the race over Uru and Taylor before a strong push by the New Zealander&rsquo;s in the third 500 gave them the lead, but only just. Uru and Taylor continued to push to the line at a 37 stroke rate. Denmark seemed content just to hold on to the line which meant Hungary&rsquo;s late Olympic qualifiers, Zsolt Hirling and Tamas Varga was able to get through into second. New Zealand, Hungary and Denmark will be in the final. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="146416313AH059_2012_Samsung" src="/uploads/files/5ac304434bee03e52f6d4cb2f297e187.jpg"><figcaption>Peter Taylor (s) and Storm Uru (b) of New Zealand compete in Lightweight Men&#8217;s Double Sculls heats during the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> It looks like the new French combination is a winner. Stany Delayre and Jeremie Azou of France just came together in time for the second World Rowing Cup last month in Lucerne and they clicked so well that they won. In <strong>Semifinal Two</strong> Delayre and Azou led at the start. By the half way point, however, Olympic and World Champions, Zac Purchase and Mark Hunter of Great Britain had pushed past. Purchase and Hunted did not have a good Lucerne regatta with mutterings of Purchase not being at full fitness. Today they looked strong as they held onto the lead right through to the finish.</p> <p> Behind Great Britain, France held on to second with a huge battle going on between Italy and Norway coming into the line. Italy&rsquo;s Elia Luini and Lorenzo Bertini rated 38 to try and hold off the sprinting Norwegians. Luini and Bertini had managed it and will get to race in tomorrow&rsquo;s final. &nbsp;</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: NZL, HUN, DEN, GBR, FRA, ITA</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s single sculls (M1x) &ndash; Semifinals</strong><br /> The top two scullers in this event were not racing here. Mahe Drysdale of New Zealand had a bike accident a couple of days ago, sustaining injuries that has kept him from racing and Ondrej Synek of the Czech Republic is not racing here as his pre-Olympic preparation means that he has already gone to altitude training. This left the field open for some new finalists. In <strong>Semifinal One</strong> hometown favourite Marcel Hacker of Germany got out to a solid start. Hacker won a World Champion title back in 2002 but has had mixed results since then. Hacker remained in front, looking strong and confident, through the middle of the race.</p> <p> Behind Hacker, Olympic Champion Olaf Tufte of Norway slotted into second, also looking strong with a good rhythm. Tufte has not seen the medals podium since 2010 but there are still high expectations that the Norwegian will do something special at the Olympic Games. Coming into the line Hacker had the luxury of not needing to sprint while Tufte, rating a high 39, found himself under pressure from Mexico&rsquo;s Juan Carlos Cabrera and Great Britain2 Graeme Thomas. At the line Hacker remained in first, Tufte held on to second and Thomas got third. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="146416313AH077_2012_Samsung" src="/uploads/files/fd0660f5f3ec3773950d0b1ff28ae6fb.jpg"><figcaption>Lassi Karonen of Sweden racing in the Men&#8217;s Single Sculls heats at the 2011 Samsung World Rowing Cup in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Alan Campbell of Great Britain is a regular medallist at the World Cups, but hasn&rsquo;t seen the gold since 2009. Will this regatta be his chance to get gold? Today he raced at the head of the field in <strong>Semifinal Two</strong>. Settling into a solid 32 stroke rate pace, Campbell kept ahead of Hubert Trzybinski of Germany2. Lassi Karonen of Sweden then did a solid piece coming into the third 500 and Karonen got ahead of Trzybinski. The Swede then closed the gap on Campbell and chose to push Campbell to the line. Campbell took his stroke rate to 36 to cross the line in first with Karonen in second. A great race by Patrick Loliger Salas of Mexico gave him the third qualifying spot.</p> <p> This is an excellent result for Loliger making it his first time in the A-final. Loliger went to the 2008 Olympics and then qualified for London by winning the Latin American Olympic Qualification Regatta.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: GER, NOR, GBR2, GBR1, SWE, MEX</em></span></p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s single sculls (W1x) &ndash; Semifinals</strong></p> <p> The initial stages of <strong>Semifinal One</strong> featured Ekaterina Karsten of Belarus back in third place. Having just turned 40 years old, this is Karsten&rsquo;s first international regatta for 2012 as the former World Champion prepares for her sixth Olympic Games. Out in front, however, it was Donata Vistartaite of Lithuania. Vistartaite qualified for her first Olympic Games when she got through at last year&rsquo;s World Rowing Championships and she has been showing fine form ever since. As the race progressed, Karsten, looking relaxed and on form, pushed her way past Vistartaite to get into the lead with Fie Udby Erichsen of Denmark moving with Karsten.</p> <p> At the line Karsten remained in first, Erichsen was in second and Vistartaite held on to third. </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="DSC_7831w1x aze" src="/uploads/files/28982fe32da9a1fa43e5ca844fcf84e7.jpg"><figcaption>Nataliya Mustafayeva of Azerbaijan prepares to race in the semifinals of the Women&#8217;s Single Sculls at the 2012 Samsung World Rowing Cup III in Munich, Germany</figcaption></figure> <p> Coming through the heats yesterday, New Zealand&rsquo;s Emma Twigg had recorded the fastest qualifying time. Today, in <strong>Semifinal Two</strong>, Twigg overtook fast starter Sanita Puspure of Ireland to get into the lead. Going through the middle of the race Twigg had a slight margin over Puspure and Nataliya Mustafayeva of Azerbaijan.</p> <p> As these athletes would have to race again in tomorrow&rsquo;s final, it looked as if Twigg was doing just enough to hold her spot while Mustafayeva kept on pushing. Puspure kept a squeeze on to ensure she kept fourth place&nbsp;Talia Gjoertz of Norway&nbsp;at bay. Mustafayeva&rsquo;s more aggressive finish put her into first at the line with Twigg following in second and Ireland&rsquo;s sole representative at the London Olympics in rowing and first time for an Irish woman since 1980, Puspure was third.</p> <p> <span><em>Finalists: BLR, DEN, LTU, AZE, NZL, IRL</em></span><br /> &nbsp;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <div class="pagination-wrapper section-inner"> <hr class="styled-separator pagination-separator is-style-wide" aria-hidden="true" /> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><span class="prev page-numbers placeholder" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true">&larr;</span> <span class="nav-prev-text">Newer <span class="nav-short">Posts</span></span></span><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">1</span> <a 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