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style="vertical-align:middle;"> <a name="module:M00365"></a><font class="title3"><b>C10-C20 isoprenoid biosynthesis, archaea</b></font> </td> <!-- <td align="right" valign="bottom"><button class="btn" onclick="javascript:void('/kegg/document/help_module.html','KEGG_Help','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,width=720,height=640,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'))">Help</button></td> --> </tr> </table> [ <a href="/brite/htext=ko00002a.keg&amp;query=M00365&amp;option=-a&amp;node_proc=ko00002a_org&amp;proc_enabled=ko&panel=collapse">Module menu</a> | <a href="/entry/M00365">Module entry</a> | <a href="javascript:void(open_ko_list('M00365', 'ko'))">KO/Compound list</a> | <a href="javascript:void('/kegg/document/help_module.html','KEGG_Help','width=720,height=640'))">Help</a> ] <div style="margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;"> <input type="button" class="change-type" value="Change module type" data-entry="M00365"> </div> <div class="definition"> <table> <tr> <td>Entry</td> <td> M00365 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>C10-C20 isoprenoid biosynthesis, archaea</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Definition</td> <td> <a href="/entry/K01823">K01823</a> <a href="/entry/K13787">K13787</a><br /> <button class="btn" onclick="location.href=''">Ortholog table</button> <button class="btn" onclick="location.href='/kegg-bin/show_taxonomy?id=M00365'">Taxonomy</button> <!-- <button class="btn" onclick="location.href='/kegg-bin/view_module_table?id=M00365'">Module table</button> --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Type</td> <td>Pathway module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pathway</td> <td> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map00900+M00365">map00900</a> </span> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map01100+M00365">map01100</a> </span> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map01110+M00365">map01110</a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Reaction</td> <td><a href="/entry/R01123">R01123</a> <a href="/entry/C00129">C00129</a> &lt;-&gt; <a href="/entry/C00235">C00235</a><br><a href="/entry/R01658">R01658</a> <a href="/entry/C00235">C00235</a> + <a href="/entry/C00129">C00129</a> -&gt; <a href="/entry/C00341">C00341</a><br><a href="/entry/R02003">R02003</a> <a href="/entry/C00341">C00341</a> + <a href="/entry/C00129">C00129</a> -&gt; <a href="/entry/C00448">C00448</a><br><a href="/entry/R02061">R02061</a> <a href="/entry/C00448">C00448</a> + <a href="/entry/C00129">C00129</a> -&gt; <a href="/entry/C00353">C00353</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <form action="/kegg-bin/show_module"> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="M00365"> <input type="hidden" name="org" value="ko"> <div style="margin-top:0px;"> <table cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td><img src="/tmp/pathway_thumbnail/ko_M00365.png?1740405549" usemap="#module1" border="0" alt="MODULE IMAGE"></td> <td><img src="/tmp/pathway_thumbnail/M00365_reaction.png?1740405549" usemap="#reaction1" border="0" alt="MODULE-REACTION IMAGE"></td> </tr> </table> <map name="module1"> <area shape="rect" id="node1_0" href="/entry/K01823" title="K01823 (idi)" alt="" coords="17,19,90,41"/> <area shape="rect" id="node2_1" href="/entry/K13787" title="K13787 (idsA)" alt="" coords="17,77,90,100"/> </map> <map name="reaction1"> <area shape="poly" id="node1" href="/entry/C00129" title="C00129 (Isopentenyl diphosphate)" alt="" coords="182,29,181,22,175,15,167,10,157,7,145,5,134,7,124,10,115,15,110,22,108,29,110,37,115,43,124,49,134,52,145,53,157,52,167,49,175,43,181,37"/> <area shape="rect" id="node2" href="/entry/R01123" title="R01123" alt="" coords="5,83,83,105"/> <area shape="rect" id="node4" href="/entry/R01658" title="R01658" alt="" coords="56,212,133,235"/> <area shape="rect" id="node6" href="/entry/R02003" title="R02003" alt="" coords="107,341,184,364"/> <area shape="rect" id="node8" href="/entry/R02061" title="R02061" alt="" coords="145,471,223,493"/> <area shape="poly" id="node3" href="/entry/C00235" title="C00235 (Dimethylallyl diphosphate)" alt="" coords="82,159,81,151,75,145,67,139,57,136,45,135,34,136,24,139,15,145,10,151,8,159,10,166,15,173,24,178,34,181,45,183,57,181,67,178,75,173,81,166"/> <area shape="poly" id="node5" href="/entry/C00341" title="C00341 (Geranyl diphosphate)" alt="" coords="133,288,131,281,126,274,118,269,107,265,96,264,85,265,74,269,66,274,61,281,59,288,61,295,66,302,74,307,85,311,96,312,107,311,118,307,126,302,131,295"/> <area shape="poly" id="node7" href="/entry/C00448" title="C00448 (trans,trans&#45;Farnesyl diphosphate)" alt="" coords="184,417,182,410,177,403,168,398,158,395,147,393,135,395,125,398,117,403,111,410,110,417,111,425,117,431,125,437,135,440,147,441,158,440,168,437,177,431,182,425"/> <area shape="poly" id="node9" href="/entry/C00353" title="C00353 (Geranylgeranyl diphosphate)" alt="" coords="221,547,219,539,214,533,206,527,195,524,184,523,173,524,162,527,154,533,149,539,147,547,149,554,154,561,162,566,173,569,184,571,195,569,206,566,214,561,219,554"/> </map> </div> </form> <form 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hhsr hsu hsf hahs salr halr hje hdo halx haxz hayc haxy sali saim hara hma hhi hhn hab hta halj hsin nph nmo nho nsal hut hti hala hasv habn hmu halz hall hazp hali hsn hds hrr hpel hlt harc ssai haad hwa hwc hvo hale hln hme hgi hls hbo haq haj haer hra hlm halm hla halp halb hezz halq hss hsai hazz srub hae haln halg halu hmp hre hrm hacb hdf hah htu hsal hakz nmg hxa nat npe nvr npl nay haly hjt hlo nge hru sawl halv nou hlr hlc naj nag nan nara nbg nas hda melu meam meae tac tvo omr pto fac fai cdiv tar max mer mear meuz marc abi acf ape acj smr shc iho iis ipc dka dfd dmu tag iag thg hbu pfm pdl pabi pare sto soh sso sol ssoa ssol ssof sshi scas sis sia sim sid siy sin sii sih sir sic sula sule sai sacn sacr sacs sulo sull mse memj mcn mhk mpru mten mjn aho aman abri asul aamb acih sacd sazo csty step smet sahs pai pis pcl pas pyr pog tne pyw cma ttn tuz vdi vmo vso tpe thb tcb thf thel asc acia clg ffo kcr nmr nir nkr nid nin niw ncl nox nue nip nzt nct nic nga nvn nev taa nfn 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