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Whole program was anchored by Prof. Farhana Dewan, Deputy General Secretary, SAFOG.</p> <p>Program had two segments, presentation and panel discussion. There were three interesting topics presented by three eminent speakers of this region and globe.</p> <ul class="pl-4"> <li>Hormonal control of spermatogenesis was presented by Prof. A. Kaluarachchi from SriLanka. He described very clearly the basic of spermatogenesis, understanding of which is the essential part or root of management of male infertility. </li> <li>Role of medical management in abnormal semen parameter was presented by Prof. Virgilio Jr Novero, Vice President ASPIRE from Philippine. His excellent presentation gave an idea to general OB/GYN and fertility specialist about the extent of treatment of abnormal semen parameter by application of drug. He clearly mentioned in detail the rationality and efficacy of medical management.</li> <li>Prof. Rupin Shah from India talked on “Surgical sperm retrieval: What to do what not to do”. He showed and mentioned the procedures of PESA, TESA and TESE. He mentioned the necessity of micro TESE, whether it is needed in all cases or not with proper explanation. It was an excellent deliberation about surgical sperm retrieval, which is very much helpful for ART specialists.</li> </ul> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 mb-2 text-center"> <img class="shadow" src="images/photo_6336962836814738452_x.jpg"/> </div> <div class="col-md-6 mb-2 text-center"> <img class="shadow" src="images/photo_6336962836814738453_x.jpg"/> </div> </div> <p>Beside these three presentations there was a panel discussion event which was moderated by Prof. Yasuf Latif Khan, General Secretary SFOG. There were 5 panelists from India (DR. Sujata Kar), Pakistan (DR. Haroon Latif Khan), Bangladesh (Dr. Tanzeem S Chowdhury), SriLanka (Dr. Tuan Milhan Batcha) and Nepal (Dr. Preana Dahal). It was a very lively discussion on different problem-based scenarios by excellent moderation of Prof. Yasuf Latif Khan. </p> <div class="row my-2"> <div class="col-md-6 mb-2 text-center"> <img class="shadow" src="images/photo_6336962836814738454_x.jpg"/> </div> </div> <p><b>2nd Webinar was on “Endometriosis- A challenging issue for fertility specialists</b></p> <p>The committee successfully conducted the webinar on “Endometriosis- A challenging issue for fertility specialists” on 26.04.22 </p> <p>The session was chaired by Prof. Farrukh Zaman past President SAFOG and Prof. Ferdousi Begum immediate past President SAFOG. </p> <p>Chief guests were Prof. Sameena Chowdhury president EASB and Prof. Shantha Kumai President FOGSI.</p> <p>The program was started by welcome address of Prof. Rashida Begum, Chairperson of Reproductive Endocrinology Sub Committee, SAFOG. Whole program was anchored by Dr. Nusrat Mahmood council member SAFOG.</p> <p>Program had two segments, Keynote speech and panel discussion. Keynote speech was given by Yutaka Osuga, President Japan Society of Endometriosis. He explained in depth about endometriosis associated infertility and management.</p> <p>There was an interesting panel discussion event which was moderated by Prof. Nandita Palshetkar, Co-chairperson Reproductive Endocrinology Sub Committee, SAFOG.</p> <p>Panelists were from India (Prof. Narendra Malhotra and ArchanaVerma), Pakistan (Prof. Sadia Pal), Bangladesh (Prof. Firoza Begum), and from SriLanka (Prof. Hemantha Senanayake). It was a very lively discussion on different problem-based scenarios by excellent moderation of Prof. Nandita Palshetkar. The program was concluded by Vote of thanks of Prof. Yasuf. Latif Khan, General Secretary SAFOG.</p> <p><b>3rd webinar on PCOS</b></p> <p>3rd webinar was held on 24.07. 22 on PCOS jointly organized by Education Committee and Reproductive Endocrinology Committee SAFOG.<br /> The session was chaired by Prof Asma Rana and Prof. Atul Munshi.</p> <p>The program was started by welcome address of Prof. Shyam Desai, President-elect SAFOG. Prof. Yasuf Latif Khan General Secretary SAFOG introduced about the topic.</p> <p>There were four presentations and discussions on the topic. Dr. Madhuri Patil from India presented on Adolescent PCOS, Dr. Prof. Yam Dwa from Nepal presented on lean PCOS, Dr. Prof. Arshad Chohan from Pakistan presented on Obesity and PCOS and Dr. Prof. Rashida Begum from Bangladesh presented on PCOS and Infertility. Finally, Prof. Shyam Desai, Dr. Madhuri Patil and Dr. Parul Koldawala further discussed about the topic. A wide spectrum of PCOS was discussed through presentation and further discussion.</p> <p> <p>The program ended with the concluding remark of Prof. Farhana Dewan, Deputy General Secretary SAFOG.</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 mb-2 text-center"> <img class="shadow" src="images/photo_6336962836814738455_x.jpg"/> </div> <div class="col-md-6 mb-2 text-center"> <img class="shadow" src="images/photo_6336962836814738456_x.jpg"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- footer start --> <footer> <div class=" container py-5"> <div class=" pb-0 mt-3 "> <div> <div class="pt-2 text-center follow d-flex justify-content-center "> <a href="#" target="_blank"><i title="facebook" class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="#" target="_blank"><i title="instagram" class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a> <a href="#" target="_blank"><i title="twitter" class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- footer end --> <div class=" copyright" style="background: #2f2f97;"> <div class="container py-3"> <div class="row"> <div class=" col-md-6 text-center text-md-left"> <small style="color:white">Copyright @ 2022 All rights with SAFOG</small> </div> <div class="col-md-6 text-md-right text-center" style="color:white">Powered by <a target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none" href=""><span class="text-white">nGauge</span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </form> <!-- script start --> <script src="assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="assets/vendor/aos/aos.js"></script> <script> AOS.init({ once:true, duration: 1000, }); </script> <script> if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px)").matches) { $(".menucommittee").click(function () { $(".menuincommittee").toggle() }) $(".menucongresses").click(function () { $(".menuincongresses").toggle() }) $(".menuchairs").click(function () { $(".menuinchairs").toggle() }) } if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 992px)").matches) { $(".menuincommittee").show(); $(".menuincongresses").show(); $(".menuinchairs").show(); } </script> <script src="js/main.js"></script> </body> </html>