{"title":"Examination of Readiness of Teachers in the Use of Information-Communication Technologies in the Classroom","authors":"Nikolina Ribari\u0107","volume":191,"journal":"International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences","pagesStart":729,"pagesEnd":734,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10012807","abstract":"<p>This paper compares the readiness of chemistry teachers to use information and communication technologies in chemistry in 2018 and 2021. A survey conducted in 2018 on a sample of teachers showed that most teachers occasionally use visualization and digitization tools in chemistry teaching (65%), but feel that they are not educated enough to use them (56%). Also, most teachers do not have adequate equipment in their schools and are not able to use ICT in teaching or digital tools for visualization and digitization of content (44%). None of the teachers find the use of digitization and visualization tools useless. Furthermore, a survey conducted in 2021 shows that most teachers occasionally use visualization and digitization tools in chemistry teaching (83%). Also, the research shows that some teachers still do not have adequate equipment in their schools and are not able to use ICT in chemistry teaching or digital tools for visualization and digitization of content (14%). Advances in the use of ICT in chemistry teaching are linked to pandemic conditions and the obligation to conduct online teaching. The share of 14% of teachers who still do not have adequate equipment to use digital tools in teaching is worrying.<\/p>","references":"[1]\tLester, J. Designing interactive mathematics. http:\/\/\/~jalester\/DesignIntMath.pdf\r\n[2]\tBalanskat, A., Blamire, R., Kefala, S., The ICT Impact Report A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe, European Communities, 2006.\r\n[3]\tBalanskat, A., Blamire, R., The ICT Impact Report A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe, European Schoolnet, 2007\r\n[4]\tGertsen Pedersen, S., E-learning Nordic, Ramb\u00f8ll Management, (Kbh.), 2006.\r\n[5]\tKralj, L: Utjecaj obrazovnih tehnologija na pou\u010davanje, \u010casopis Edupoint, Svibanj 2008. \/ godi\u0161te VIII \/ ISSN 1333-5987.\r\n[6]\tStrauss, W. Howe, N. (2006). Millennials and the pop culture: Strategies for a new generation of consumers in music, movies, television, the Internet, and video games. Great Falls, VA: LifeCourse Associates. \r\n[7]\tLancaster, L.C., Stillman, D. (2003). When generations collide. New York: Harper Collins. Oblinger, D.G. (2003). \r\n[8]\tStrauss, W. Howe, N. (2006). Millennials and the pop culture: Strategies for a new generation of consumers in music, movies, television, the Internet, and video games. Great Falls, VA: LifeCourse Associates. \r\n[9]\tGrunwald, P. (2004). Children, Families, and the Internet. Bethesda, MD: Grunwald Associates. \r\n[10]\tACD\/ChemSketch: Getting Started Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. Toronto, ON, Canada,\r\n[11]\\r\n[12]\tPHET Interactive simulations, University of Colorado Boulders, https:\/\/\/\r\n[13]\tMarvin, https:\/\/\/marvin\r\n[14]\tOnline Labs, https:\/\/\/labs\r\n[15]\tChem4word, https:\/\/\/files3-1\/\r\n[16]\tLab Simulations for the Classroom, the Lab and Internet, https:\/\/\/\r\n[17]\tPCCL, https:\/\/\/en\/\r\n[18]\tJmol: an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D, https:\/\/\/\r\n[19]\tPetz, B., Kolesari\u0107 V., Ivanec D., \"Petzova statistika \u2013 Osnovne statisti\u010dke metode za nematemati\u010dare\" (Petz's statistics \u2013 Basic statistic methods for non-mathematicians), Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap, 2012.\r\n[20]\tMilas, G., Istra\u017eiva\u010dke metode u psihologiji i drugim dru\u0161tvenim znanostima, Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko 2005.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 191, 2022"}