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alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and psychologist Paul Bloom discuss the Bluesky boom, the Jake Paul-Tyson “fight”, AI’s militaristic turn, and more.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68169?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68169?in=2:19&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68161?in=1:15&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">Will Trump Go Full-On Authoritarian?</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68161?in=1:15&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and American Prestige Podcast hosts Derek Davison and Daniel Bessner discuss.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68161?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68161?in=1:15&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68153?in=4:39&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">Is Trump a Good Fit for the AI Era?</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68153?in=4:39&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Samuel Hammond of the Foundation for American Innovation and Robert Wright debate the issue, and also discuss the coming impact of AI, the authoritarian risks of regulating (and not regulating), whether Elon can be trusted on AI, and more.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68153?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68153?in=4:39&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68120?in=0:34&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">2024 Pre-Election Extravaganza</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68120?in=0:34&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and Mickey Kaus cover the waterfront ahead of next week’s Trump vs Kamala showdown.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68120?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68120?in=0:34&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68110?in=12:48&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">China Viewed from China</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68110?in=12:48&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and journalist Peter Hessler, author of Other Rivers: A Chinese Education, discuss.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68110?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68110?in=12:48&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68094?in=2:38&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">Elon, Trump, and Other Enigmas</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68094?in=2:38&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and psychologist Paul Bloom discuss the odd 2024 betting markets, Trump’s latest locker-room talk, Elon’s empathy deficit, Coates’s controversial cognitive-empathizing, and more.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68094?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68094?in=2:38&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68077?in=1:37&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">Is the Chip War against China Backfiring?</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68077?in=1:37&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and Paul Triolo of the Albright Stonebridge Group discuss the Biden administration’s unprecedented restrictions on China’s import of microchips.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68077?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68077?in=1:37&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <div class="feature landscape"><a href="/programs/wrightshow"><h3 class="program-slug">Nonzero (The Wright Show)</h3></a><h1><a href="/videos/68054?in=03:12&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','title');">October 7th: One Year Later</a></h1><div class="play-icon-group"><a href="/videos/68054?in=03:12&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','screenshot');"><img class="play-icon" src="" alt="play" /><img class="landscape" src="" alt="video screenshot" /></a></div><h2>Robert Wright and journalist Ron Kampeas discuss the impact of October 7 and its aftermath on American Jews, Israel’s place in US politics, Israel’s military strategy, the prospects for lasting peace, and more.</h2><div class="button-line"><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68054?in=00:01" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_entire_video');">Play entire video</a><a class="play-button" href="/videos/68054?in=03:12&out=" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'feature', 'feature_click','play_this_clip');">Play this clip</a></div></div> <!-- FORUM PAGES --> </div> <!-- END PAGE TEMPLATE --> </div> </div> <!--inner-wrapper--> <footer> <a href="/"><img src="" alt="logo" /></a> <ul> <li><a href="/about">about</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">contact</a></li> <li><a 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