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This Project is undertaken by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as legal person for construction project and co-constructed by Tsinghua University. EarthLab is located in Miyun Economic Development Zone, Eastern Cluster of Huairou Science City, Beijing. In November 2018, this construction project kicked off in full swing. In June 2021, it was initially completed. Acceptance inspection for this construction project will be carried out in 2022. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;EarthLab is committed to scientific objectives as follows: exploring physical, chemical and biological processes of atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and biosphere on the earth and their interactions, probing into the effects of these interactions on the overall earth system and regional environment over China; merging simulated and observed data to improve the accuracy of prediction, achieving quantitative description and simulation for complex processes of the earth system under the mesoscale resolution, and scientifically underpinning major issues (such as national disaster prevention and reduction, response to climate change and governance of atmospheric environment). <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Core indicators of EarthLab are given as follows. The Earth System Model will feature horizontal resolution of 10-25km on a global scale. Spatial resolution of regional high-resolution environmental simulation system will reach 3km over the whole China and 1km over China’s key areas, respectively. The peak computing capacity of EarthLab will keep at least 15PF, and total storage capacity will reach at least 80PB. EarthLab will boast the first well-established database and data assimilation system in support for numerical simulation of the Earth System in China. Internationally-leading support management system and world-class visualization system will be dedicated to the Earth System.</p> <div class="txt-hide txtHide"><a class="more readAll">VIEW ALL</a></div> </div> <h3 class="equ-list"> Equipment </h3> <ul class="left-list"> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/dm1.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">Global Earth Numerical Simulation System</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model version 2 (CAS-ESM2.0) has been developed independently by China in 2020. It consists of eight component models, namely the Atmospheric General Circulation Model developed in IAP (IAP-AGCM version 5), the LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model (LICOM version 2), the Beijing Normal University/IAP Common Land Model (CoLM), the Los Alamos Sea-Ice Model (CICE version 4), and the IAP Aerosol and Atmospheric Chemistry Model (IAP-AACM), using the CESM Coupler 7 (CPL7) to integrate all the components above. It also comprises the IAP Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (IAP-DGVM) and the IAP Land Biogeochemistry Model that are incorporated into the land model, and the IAP Ocean Biogeochemistry Model that is incorporated into the ocean model. In addition, a Solar-Terrestrial Space Environment Model, an Ice Sheet model, and a Solid Earth Model are also developed as independent component models, which are not coupled with the other eight component models during the current phase. CAS-ESM2.0 has participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6), and the model results were cited in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are two basic versions of CAS-ESM2.0 for different research objectives: A medium-resolution Earth system model which consists of all eight component models; and a high-resolution climate system model, which consists of three sub-systems, i.e. atmosphere, ocean (including sea ice), and land surface. The horizontal resolution of Earth system model version is 140 km for the atmospheric model, and 100 km for the ocean model, while the resolutions for the other component models are consistent with the atmospheric or ocean model. The horizontal resolution of climate system model version is 25 km for the atmospheric and land surface models, and 10 km for the ocean model.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/dm2.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">Regional High-Precision Simulation System</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Regional High-Precision Simulation System stands as a pivotal software component within the Earth System Numerical Simulation Facility. It encompasses a comprehensive suite of softwares, which include a regional cloud-resolving weather forecasting sub-system, a regional high-resolution air pollution modeling sub-system, a drought modeling sub-system for grain crops in major agricultural regions, and a regional high-precision long-term climate change risk modeling sub-system. These softwares are specifically designed to address critical environmental challenges in China, focusing on areas such as weather forecasting, air pollution prediction and warning, agricultural drought prediction, and climate risk assessment. With a resolution of 3 kilometers for China and 1 kilometer for key regions, the Regional High-Precision Simulation System is competent for simulating and forecasting weather disasters such as typhoons, heavy rain, tornadoes, hail, as well as atmospheric pollutants such as PM2.5 and ozone.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/dm3.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">Supercomputing Support and Management System</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Supercomputing Support and Management System is mainly a software used to accelerate the development and application of weather/climate simulation programs for users, and help scientists to better manage complex supercomputing hardwares. This system consists of six tools: Model Operator Library, Asynchronous Parallel I/O Library, Model Parameterization Scheme Library, Generic Coupler, Diagnostic Analysis, and Uncertainty Analysis. Each tool is described as follows: (1) Model Operator Library, decouples the development of the Earth system model from advanced computing technology, ensuring that researchers can quickly build automatic parallel models with simplicity, efficiency, and portability; (2) Asynchronous Parallel I/O Library, provides efficient asynchronous I/O capabilities for models, thereby improving the running speed of model programs; (3) Model Parameterization Scheme Library, includes some of the most advanced physical, chemical, and biogeochemical parameterization schemes developed independently by Chinese scientists. These parameterization schemes are standardized and encapsulated, which can greatly speed up the development and improvement of the Earth system model; (4) Generic Coupler, controls data transfer and reconciliation between various component models in the Earth system model. The coupling software structure has good scalability and a high degree of modularization; (5) Diagnostic Analysis, builds a diagnostic analysis toolkit for the Earth system model; (6) Uncertainty Analysis, supports uncertainty analysis, optimization, and ensemble design of different Earth system models, components, and parameterization schemes on high-performance computers, as well as improvement of simulation results.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/dm4.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">Database, Data Assimilation and Visualization System</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Data Assimilation System includes Global Atmospheric Data Assimilation, Ocean Data Assimilation, Land Surface Data assimilation, Atmospheric Chemistry Data Assimilation and Regional Data Assimilation. It employs advanced variational and ensemble methods to provide initial conditions for model simulations and forecasts. It can diagnose, assess and verify the model results, and so support model development and improvement. The core function of the Visualization System is to be responsible for data processing and visualization analysis, providing an essential data visualization platform for the Global Earth Numerical Simulation System, Regional High-Precision Simulation System, and Database and Data Assimilation System of the Earth System Numerical Simulation Facility.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/dm5.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">High-Performance Computing System for Earth Sciences</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The High-Performance Computing System for Earth sciences is mainly to provide a unified computing and storage resources for the application of Earth System Numerical Simulation Facility softwares. The system includes 2,200 general computing nodes and 1,160 professional acceleration nodes, connected via a HDR InfiniBand Network with a bandwidth of 100 Gbps. It has more than 200,000 CPU cores with a total memory of 834 TB. Its theoretical computing peak of 15.9 PFlops, and the online storage is approximately 75 PB while the offline storage is 51 PB. The High-Performance Computing System for Earth Sciences uses the CentOS 7.6 operating system and the Slurm job scheduling system, and is equipped with common compilers, mathematical libraries, parallel computing libraries, and heterogeneous computing environments. It is capable of providing strong supports for both general and heterogeneous computing.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="list-img"><img src="../upload/files/dm6.jpg" alt=""></div> <div class="list-txt inner"> <h4 class="list-title">Data Product</h4> <div class="innerCtn equTxt"> <p class="mui-ellipsis-3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Data Products of the Earth System Numerical Simulation Facility refer to a series of standardized data generated during the construction and operation of the Earth System Numerical Simulation Facility, including Earth system model simulation data, regional high-precision simulation data, observation data, fusion data and so on. These data products can be obtained through data services and are aimed for researches such as data analysis, comparison and verification of model results.</p> <div class="txtHide More"><a class="more readAll">READ MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="minor-right"> <h3 class="right-title">NOTICE</h3> <ul class="right-list"> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff8080818a42e2f6018a43e344b400dd" target="_blank">Notice of general proposal application for Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) (The Second Round in FY2023)</a> <span>Aug 30,2023</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff808081884f5a14018850a8e1e3002d" target="_blank">2023 ACAMAR workshop: Gas in Galaxies (7.25-28,Western Australia)</a> <span>May 23,2023</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff80808180f2828d0180f36d23ec000a" target="_blank">Call for Proposals for HEPS Phase II Beamlines</a> <span>May 23,2022</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff808081682ccf930168367615b1146b" target="_blank">The 8th International Conference on Magneto-Science (ICMS)</a> <span>Nov 11,2019</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> <li> <div class="right-txt"> <a href="notice-detail.jsp?id=ff808081682ccf93016836864d391499" target="_blank">International Conference on Pacific Rim Laser Damage & Thin Film Physics and Applications </a> <span>May 19,2019</span> </div> <!--<div class="right-img"> <img src="images/minor-1.png" alt=""> </div>--> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- bottom --> <div class="bottom"> <div class="bottom-con"> <div class="bottom-logo"><img src="images/bottom-logo.png" width="100%" alt=""></div> <ul class="blogroll"> <li> <select name="" id="" onchange="javascript:if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value!='#')[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="#">Related Institutes</option> <option value="">Institute of High Energy Physics</option> <option value="">Institute of Modern Physics</option> <option value="">University of Science and Technology of China</option> <option value="">Institute of Plasma Physics</option> <option value="">High Magnetic Field Laboratory</option> <option value="">National Time Service Center</option> <option value="">Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth</option> <option value="">National Astronomical Observatories</option> <option value="">Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,CAS</option> <option value="">Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics</option> <option value="">Kunming Institute of Botany</option> <option value="">National Space Science Certer</option> <option value="">Institute of Oceanology</option> <option value="">Institute of Electronics</option> <option value="">South China Sea Institute of Oceanology</option> <option value="">Shanghai Advanced Research Institute</option> </select> <select name="" id="" onchange="javascript:if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value!='#')[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <option value="#">International Research Institutes</option> <option value="">The National Academies of Sciences</option> <option value="">National Science Foundation</option> <option value="">International Max Planck Research School</option> <option value="">Alexander von Humboldt stifurg</option> <option value="">Startseite Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft</option> <option value="">DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</option> <option value="">Centre national de la recherche scientifique</option> <option value="">Academie des Sciences,Institut de France</option> <option value="">Royal College of Art | Postgraduate Art and Design Universit</option> <option value="">The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences</option> <option value="">The Royal Society of Canada</option> <option value="">Australian Academy of Science</option> </select> </li> <li><p>Copyright@Chinese Academy of Sciences</p></li> <li><p>Address: No.52 Sanlihe Road, Beijing ,100864</p></li> <li><p>Technical support:</p></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- 轮播图效果 --> <script> var bo = document.getElementById("bo"); 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