Tencent - Tencent 腾讯

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Our communication and social services connect more than one billion people around the world, helping them to keep in touch with friends and family, access transportation, pay for daily necessities, and even be entertained. <br> <br>Tencent also publishes some of the world's most popular video games and other high-quality digital content, enriching interactive entertainment experiences for people around the globe. <br><br> Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth. <br> <br>Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004. </p> <i class="more-awant-icon"></i> </div> <div class="m-mission clearfix-mission mobile-tab-brand" id="about-con-2-m"> <div class="t-flx clearfix clearfix-mission"> <h3 class="mod-m-title">Vision & Mission</h3> </div> <div class="brief-text-box clearfix-mission"> <h4>Value for Users, Tech for Good</h4> <p class="desc">User value is our guiding principle,<br>we strive to incorporate social responsibility into our products and services; promote technology innovation and cultural vitality;<br>help industries digitally upgrade;<br>collaborate for the sustainable development of society. </p> </div> <img class="text-bg" src="/img/brief/text-bg.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mission pc-tab-brand" id="about-con-2"> <div class="l-mess mess"> <p class="label">Vision & Mission</p> </div> <div class="r-mess mess"> <p class="label">Value for Users, Tech for Good</p> <p class="desc">User value is our guiding principle, we strive to incorporate social responsibility into our products and services; promote technology innovation and cultural vitality; help industries digitally upgrade; collaborate for the sustainable development of society. </div> <img class="text-bg" src="/img/brief/text-bg.png" alt="img" /> <div class="line"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item pc-tab-brand mobile-tab-brand" id="about-con-3"> <div class="history-item"> <div class="history-header"> <h2>Milestones</h2> <div class="progress-bar"> <div class="node active" data-year="2021"><div class="txt">Now</div><div class="core"></div></div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="node" data-year="2016"><div class="txt">2016</div><div class="core"></div></div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="node" data-year="2010"><div class="txt">2010</div><div class="core"></div></div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="node" data-year="2004"><div class="txt">2004</div><div class="core"></div></div> <div class="line"></div> <div class="node" data-year="1998"><div class="txt">1998</div><div class="core"></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="history-button"> <div class="mod-con"> <div class="line-wrap"> <div class="line"> <div class="focus"></div> </div> </div> <div class="img"> <img src="/img/level-3-page/asdasd58.png" data-direction='left' /> <img src="/img/level-3-page/df4s4.png" data-direction='right'/> </div> <div class="both"></div> </div> </div> <div class="history-content"> <div class="mod-con"> <div class="history-main"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="business-architecture mobile-tab-brand" id="about-con-4-m"> <div class="mod-con "> <h3 class="mod-m-title">Company Structure</h3> <img src="/img/index/tencent_logo.png" alt="img"> <div class="business-architecture-ul"> <div class="li"> <div class="title"> <div class="left"> <span class="tab">CDG</span> <span class="t-type">Corporate Development <span><span/>Group</span> </div> <div class="right"></div> </div> <div class="content acitve"> <div class="txt">As the platform for the company's new business incubation and new business exploration, CDG is responsible for promoting development and innovation for important areas such as financial technology and advertising, as well as marketing services, including payment and financial applications. As a professional support platform, CDG also supports the company and various business groups in strategic planning, investments and mergers, investor relations and corporate global communications, marketing and public relations, and more.</div> </div> </div> <div class="li"> <div class="title"> <div class="left"> <span class="tab tab_CSIG">CSIG</span> <span class="t-type">Cloud & Smart Industries <span><span/>Group</span> </div> <div class="right"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="txt">Responsible for promoting the company's cloud and industry Internet strategy, CSIG explores the interactions between users and industries to create innovative solutions for smart industries via technological advancements such as cloud, AI, and network security. While driving the digitalization of retail, medical, education, transportation and other industries, CSIG helps companies serve users in smarter ways, building a new ecosystem of intelligent industries that connect users and businesses.</div> </div> </div> <div class="li"> <div class="title"> <div class="left"> <span class="tab">IEG</span> <span class="t-type">Interactive Entertainment <span><span/>Group</span> </div> <div class="right"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="txt">Responsible for the R&D, operation, and development of the company's interactive entertainment business including games and eSports. Through online gaming, live broadcasts, and offline eSports, IEG assists the company in leading the global interactive entertainment market to create better interactive entertainment content experiences for users.</div> </div> </div> <div class="li"> <div class="title"> <div class="left"> <span class="tab">PCG</span> <span class="t-type">Platform & Content <span><span/>Group</span> </div> <div class="right"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="txt">Responsible for the company's Internet platform and the integrated development of the content and culture ecosystem. PCG integrates social platforms such as QQ and QZone with traffic platforms such as Tencent's App Store and browsers, as well as content platforms including news, videos, sports, live broadcasts, animes and movies to develop a better growth environment for Tencent's content ecosystem. PCG promotes the cross-platform and multi-modal development of IP, with the overall goal of creating more diversified premium digital content experiences for more users.</div> </div> </div> <div class="li"> <div class="title"> <div class="left"> <span class="tab">TEG</span> <span class="t-type">Technology Engineering <span><span/>Group</span> </div> <div class="right"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="txt">Responsible for supporting the company and its business groups on technology and operational platforms, as well as the construction and operation of R&D management and data centers, TEG provides users with a full range of customer services. As the operator of the largest networking, devices, and data center in Asia, TEG also leads the Tencent Technology Committee in strengthening infrastructure R&D through internal and distributed open source collaboration, constructing new platforms and supporting business innovation.</div> </div> </div> <div class="li"> <div class="title"> <div class="left"> <span class="tab">WXG</span> <span class="t-type">Weixin <span><span/>Group</span> </div> <div class="right"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="txt">Responsible for the construction and operation of the Weixin ecosystem and leveraging Weixin's open platforms such as Official Accounts, Mini Programs, Weixin Pay, WeCom and search function, WXG provides solutions and connectivity for intelligent upgrades across all industries. WXG is also responsible for the development and operation of QQ Mail, WeRead and other products.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mod-max-con clearfix framework-wrap pc-tab-brand" id="about-con-4"> <div class="mod-con clearfix fengjunjie"> <div class="t-flx clearfix"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Company Structure</h3> </div> </div> <div class="framework-box clearfix"> <div class="compy"><img src="/img/index/tencent_logo.png" alt="img" /></div> <div class="list-ul clearfix"> <div class="li first-li active-li"> <p class="label">CDG</p> <p class="val">Corporate Development <span><span/>Group</p> <img class="san" src="/img/brief/san.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="li"> <p class="label">CSIG</p> <p class="val">Cloud & Smart Industries <span><span/>Group</p> <img class="san" src="/img/brief/san.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="li"> <p class="label">IEG</p> <p class="val">Interactive Entertainment <span><span/>Group</p> <img class="san" src="/img/brief/san.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="li"> <p class="label">PCG</p> <p class="val">Platform & Content <span><span/>Group</p> <img class="san" src="/img/brief/san.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="li"> <p class="label">TEG</p> <p class="val">Technology Engineering <span><span/>Group</p> <img class="san" src="/img/brief/san.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="li"> <p class="label">WXG</p> <p class="val">Weixin <span><span/>Group</p> <img class="san" src="/img/brief/san.png" alt="img" /> </div> </div> <div class="li-mess-box clearfix"> <div class="mess-text active-mess">As the platform for the company's new business incubation and new business exploration, CDG is responsible for promoting development and innovation for important areas such as financial technology and advertising, as well as marketing services, including payment and financial applications. As a professional support platform, CDG also supports the company and various business groups in strategic planning, investments and mergers, investor relations and corporate global communications, marketing and public relations, and more.</div> <div class="mess-text">Responsible for promoting the company's cloud and industry Internet strategy, CSIG explores the interactions between users and industries to create innovative solutions for smart industries via technological advancements such as cloud, AI, and network security. While driving the digitalization of retail, medical, education, transportation and other industries, CSIG helps companies serve users in smarter ways, building a new ecosystem of intelligent industries that connect users and businesses.</div> <div class="mess-text">Responsible for the R&D, operation, and development of the company's interactive entertainment business including games and eSports. Through online gaming, live broadcasts, and offline eSports, IEG assists the company in leading the global interactive entertainment market to create better interactive entertainment content experiences for users.</div> <div class="mess-text">Responsible for the company's Internet platform and the integrated development of the content and culture ecosystem. PCG integrates social platforms such as QQ and QZone with traffic platforms such as Tencent's App Store and browsers, as well as content platforms including news, videos, sports, live broadcasts, animes and movies to develop a better growth environment for Tencent's content ecosystem. PCG promotes the cross-platform and multi-modal development of IP, with the overall goal of creating more diversified premium digital content experiences for more users.</div> <div class="mess-text">Responsible for supporting the company and its business groups on technology and operational platforms, as well as the construction and operation of R&D management and data centers, TEG provides users with a full range of customer services. As the operator of the largest networking, devices, and data center in Asia, TEG also leads the Tencent Technology Committee in strengthening infrastructure R&D through internal and distributed open source collaboration, constructing new platforms and supporting business innovation.</div> <div class="mess-text">Responsible for the construction and operation of the Weixin ecosystem and leveraging Weixin's open platforms such as Official Accounts, Mini Programs, Weixin Pay, WeCom and search function, WXG provides solutions and connectivity for intelligent upgrades across all industries. WXG is also responsible for the development and operation of QQ Mail, WeRead and other products.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item white-bg tuanduiguanli pc-tab-brand mobile-tab-brand" id="about-con-5"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <div class="t-flx clearfix"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Management Team</h3> </div> </div> <div class="team-box clearfix"> <div class="li li-1" t-name="马化腾"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">MA Huateng (Pony Ma)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Co-Founder</p> <p>Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/1.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-2" t-name="刘炽平"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">LAU Chi Ping (Martin Lau)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/2.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-3" t-name="许晨晔"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">XU Chenye (Daniel Xu)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Co-Founder</p> <p>Chief Information Officer</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/3.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-4" t-name="任宇昕"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">REN Yuxin (Mark Ren)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Chief Operating Officer</p> <p>President of Interactive Entertainment Group</p> <p>President of Platform & Content Group</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/4.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-5" t-name="张小龙"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">ZHANG Xiaolong (Allen Zhang)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Executive Vice President</p> <p>President of Weixin Group</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/5.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-6" t-name="James Mitchell"> <div class="mess t-mess"> <p class="label">James<br>Mitchell</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Chief Strategy Officer</p> <p>Senior Executive Vice President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/6.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-7" t-name="汤道生"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">TONG Taosang (Dowson Tong)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Executive Vice President</p> <p>President of Cloud and Smart Industries Group</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/7.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-8" t-name="卢山"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">LU Shan</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Executive Vice President</p> <p>President of Technology and Engineering Group</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/8.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-9" t-name="马晓轶"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">MA Xiaoyi (Steven Ma)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Vice President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/11.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-10" t-name="林璟骅"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">Davis Lin</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Vice President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/19.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-11" t-name="罗硕瀚"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">John Lo</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Chief Financial Officer</p> <p>Senior Vice President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/12.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-12" t-name="郭凯天"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">GUO Kaitian (Leon Guo)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Vice President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/13.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-13" t-name="奚丹"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">XI Dan</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Vice President</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/14.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-14" t-name="杨国安"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">YEUNG Kwok On (Arthur Yeung)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Senior Management Adviser</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/15.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <h3 class="title-l clearfix">Advisor Emeritus</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="li li-15" t-name="张志东"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">ZHANG Zhidong (Tony Zhang)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Co-Founder</p> <p>Advisor Emeritus</p> <p>Honorary Dean of Tencent Academy</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/16.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-16" t-name="陈一丹"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">CHEN Yidan (Charles Chen)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Co-Founder</p> <p>Advisor Emeritus</p> <p>Founder and Honorary Chairman of Tencent Charity Foundation</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/17.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> <div class="li li-17" t-name="曾李青"> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">ZENG Liqing (Jason Zeng)</p> <div class="job-mess"> <p>Co-Founder</p> <p>Advisor Emeritus</p> </div> </div> <div class="pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/18.jpg" alt="img" /> <i class="block"></i> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="title-l clearfix">Board Members</h3> <a class="ten_investor_icon_link" href="" target="_blank" style="margin-bottom: 12px;"> <img src="/img/investor/other-4-icon.png" alt="img" style="width: 45px; height: 45px;"> <span style="margin: 0;display: inline-block"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item pc-tab-brand mobile-tab-brand" id="about-con-6"> <div class="mod-max-con clearfix culture-wrap"> <div class="culture-box clearfix"> <div class="t-box"> <div class="pic"> <img class="pc-box" src="/img/brief/pic.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-box" src="/img/brief/m-pic.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <div class="t-flx clearfix"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Our Culture</h3> </div> <div class="b-box"> <h4 class="item-title">Values</h4> <div class="boxx"> <div class="x-item"> <h5>Integrity</h5> <p class="p">Uphold principles, ethics, openness and fairness.</p> </div> <div class="x-item"> <h5>Proactivity</h5> <p class="p">Pursue positive contributions, volunteer for responsibility and push for breakthroughs.</p> </div> <div class="x-item"> <h5>Collaboration</h5> <p class="p">Be inclusive and collaborative, strive to progress and evolve.</p> </div> <div class="x-item"> <h5>Creativity</h5> <p class="p">Push for breakthrough innovations, explore the possibilities of the future.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--<div class="desc-box"> <div class="item"> <h4 class="item-title">Management Philosophy</h4> <p class="desc-text max-desc-text">Tencent adheres to the principles of "caring about the growth of our staff" and strives to provide stronger support, a broader scope for personal development and a better cultural environment for all our employees.</p> <ul> <li><i>•</i>Provide employees with a healthy working environment and attractive incentive schemes.</li> <li><i>•</i>Enable employees to enjoy professional and personal growth in a thriving environment.</li> <li><i>•</i>Coach and encourage employees to achieve success based on trust and respect.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <div class="item"> <h4 class="item-title">Operations Philosophy</h4> <p class="desc-text min-desc-text">User value is our guiding principle.</p> </div> </div>--> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item white-bg address-wrap-wrap pc-tab-brand mobile-tab-brand" id="about-con-7"> <div class="mod-max-con clearfix address-wrap"> <h3 class="mod-m-title">Our Offices</h3> <div class="mod-con address-box clearfix"> <div class="address-tab clearfix"> <div class="tab-ul-box"> <ul class="tab-ul clearfix"> <li class="li-1 active-li"> <p class="label">Asia Pacific</p> <div class="box"> <div class="office-container"> <div class="office"> <h4>Shenzhen</h4> <a href="" target="_blank"> <p><strong style="color: #0052d9">Shenzhen Headquarters</strong></p> <p>Tencent Binhai Building, No. 33, Haitian Second Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen</p> <p> 518054</p> <p>Tel:+86-755-86013388</p> </a> </div> <div class="office"> <h4> Auckland </h4> <p>7-9 Fanshawe Street, Auckland</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Bangkok</h4> <p> 8 T One Building, Soi Sukhumvit 40, Sukhumvit Road, Phra Khanong, Khlong Toei, Bangkok </p> <p> 10110</p> <p>Website: <a href="" class="local-website" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4> Canberra </h4> <p>60 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra City</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Hong Kong</h4> <p>Wanchai</p> <p>Level 29, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen’s Road East</p> <p>Tel:+852-31485100</p> <p style="margin-top: 10px;">Tsim Sha Tsui</p> <p>37/F, Tower 5, The Gateway, 15 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong</p> <p>Tel:+852-31485100</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Gurgaon</h4> <p>Spaze I-Tech Park, Sector 49, Gurgaon-Sohna Road, Gurgaon Haryana</p> <p> 122001</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Islamabad</h4> <p>F-7/2 Rana market, Islamabad</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Jakarta</h4> <p>Menara BCA, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.1, RT.1/RW.5, Menteng, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta</p> <p> 10310</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Kuala Lumpur</h4> <p>Centrepoint South Tower, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur</p> <p> 59200</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Seoul</h4> <p>Tencent Korea, 40F Gangnam Finance Center, 152, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul</p> <p> 06236</p> <p>Website:<a href="" class="local-website" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Singapore</h4> <p>79 Robinson Road #07-01, Singapore</p> <p> 068897</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Sydney</h4> <p>Level 17, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney</p> <p> NSW 2000</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Tokyo</h4> <p>1-23-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo,Toranomon Hills Mori Tower </p> <p> 105-6329</p> <p>14F Business Tower 1-17-1Toranomon,Minato-ku,Tokyo</p> <p> 150-6490</p> <p>Website:<a href="" class="local-website" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Osaka</h4> <p>9F, Compass Offices, Inogate Osaka, 3 Chome-2-123 Umeda, Kita Ward, Osaka, Tencent Japan GK</p> <p> 530-0001</p> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="li-2"> <p class="label">Americas</p> <div class="box"> <div class="office-container"> <div class="office"> <h4>Palo Alto</h4> <p>2747 Park Boulevard, Palo Alto</p> <p> CA 94306</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Los Angeles</h4> <p>12777 Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles</p> <p> CA 90066</p>> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Irvine</h4> <p>15201 Laguna Canyon RD, Irvine</p> <p> CA 92618</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Bellevue</h4> <p>929 108th Ave., Bellevue</p> <p> WA 98004</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>New York</h4> <p>7 Bryant Park, New York</p> <p> NY 10018</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Washington</h4> <p>700 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.</p> <p> DC 20001</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Toronto</h4> <p>26 Wellington Street East, Toronto</p> <p> M5E 1S2</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Montreal</h4> <p>7450 Mile End Street, Montreal</p> <p> H2R 2Z6</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Mexico City</h4> <p>WeWork, Paseo de la Reforma 26, Colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc Ciudad de México</p> <p> 06600</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Sao Paulo</h4> <p>Avenida das Nações Unidas, Vila Gertrudes, São Paulo/SP</p> <p> CEP 04794-000</p> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="li-3"> <p class="label">Europe</p> <div class="box"> <div class="office-container"> <div class="office"> <h4>Amsterdam</h4> <p>Buitenveldertselaan 5, 1082 VA, Amsterdam </p> <p> 1082 VA</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Berlin</h4> <p>Design Offices Berlin Leipziger Platz, Leipziger Platz 16,10117 Berlin</p> <p> 10117</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Frankfurt</h4> <p>Design Offices Frankfurt Westendcarree, Gervinusstrasse 17, 60322 Frankfurt am Main</p> <p> 60322</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Istanbul</h4> <p>SmartofficeAcıbadem,Çeçen Sok. 34660 Üsküdar/İstanbul</p> <p> 34660</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>London</h4> <p>80 Strand, London</p> <p> WC2R 0RL</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Liverpool</h4> <p>Clockwise, Edward Pavillion, Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool</p> <p> L3 4AF</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Munich</h4> <p>Design Offices, Brienner Str. 45 a-d, Munich</p> <p> 80333</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Paris</h4> <p>32 Rue de Trévise, Morning Trévise, Paris</p> <p> 75009</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Warsaw</h4> <p>WeWork Mennica Legacy Tower, Prosta 20, Warsaw</p> <p> 00-850</p> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="li-4"> <p class="label">Middle East & Africa</p> <div class="box"> <div class="office-container"> <div class="office"> <h4>Cairo</h4> <p>Road 18, Sarayat EI Maddi, Cairo</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Dubai</h4> <p>Innovation Hub Building 2, DIC, Dubai</p> </div> <div class="office"> <h4>Riyadh</h4> <p>Hamad Tower, King Fahd Branch Road, AI Olays, Riyadh, 12212</p> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- team弹窗 --> <div class="team-pop"> <div class="pop-bg"></div> <div class="pop-box"> <img class="close" src="/img/business/close.png" alt="img" /> <div class="team-pic"> <img src="/img/team-pic/1.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <div class="t-box"> <p class="name">MA Huateng (Pony Ma)</p> <div class="ms"> <p class="label">Co-Founder</p> <p class="label">Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer</p> </div> </div> <div class="desc"> <p>马化腾,腾讯主要创办人之一,董事会主席兼首席执行官,全面负责公司战略规划、定位和管理。在1998年创立腾讯前,马化腾曾在中国电信服务和产品供应商—深圳润迅通讯发展有限公司工作,主管互联网传呼系统的研究开发。马化腾毕业于深圳大学计算机及应用专业,获理学士学位。</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- team弹窗 --> <script> document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function(){ }); // 禁用or启用背景滑动 isDiff默认为flase是可以滑动,为true是不可以滑动。 var isDiff = false; var overscroll = function(el){ el.addEventListener('touchstart', function(){ var top = el.scrollTop; var totalScroll = el.scrollHeight; var currentScroll = top + el.offsetHeight; if(top === 0) { el.scrollTop = 1; }else 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"month":"1", "text":"企业微信、腾讯会议、腾讯文档三款产品融合打通,为企业提供一体化协作工具" }, ], "2021":[ { "month":"12", "text":"腾讯游戏推出国际发行品牌 Level Infinite" }, { "month":"4", "text":"腾讯发布新蓝图,“可持续社会价值创新”成为核心战略,首期投入500亿元人民币助力发展" }, { "month":"1", "text":"微信搜一搜月活(MAU)突破5亿" }, { "month":"1", "text":"腾讯宣布启动碳中和计划,成为中国首批启动碳中和规划的互联网企业之一" }, ], "2020":[ { "month":"12", "text":"企业微信服务机构数目突破500万,月活跃账户数逾1.3亿" }, { "month":"9", "text":"腾讯会议用户数突破1亿,服务覆盖达全球100多个国家与地区" }, { "month":"5", "text":"腾讯根据全球中期票据计划发行本金总额60亿美元的票据,包括首次发行的40年期票据" }, { "month":"3", "text":"微信小程序日活跃账户数超过4亿" }, { "month":"2-3", "text":"为抗击2019冠状病毒病疫情,设立15亿人民币“抗击新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情综合保障基金”及1亿美元“腾讯全球战疫基金”" }, { "month":"1", "text":"微信视频号上线" }, ], "2019":[ { "month":"12", "text":"腾讯云全年收入超过170亿人民币,付费客户数破百万" }, { "month":"11", "text":"发布“科技向善”新愿景" }, { "month":"9", "text":"腾讯视频付费会员数突破1亿" }, { "month":"5", "text":"合资公司获香港金融管理局颁发虚拟银行牌照" }, { "month":"4", "text":"腾讯根据全球中期票据计划发行本金总额60亿美元的票据" } ], "2018":[ { "month":"12", "text":"腾讯移动支付年日均交易笔数超过10亿笔" }, { "month":"12", "text":"旗下腾讯音乐娱乐集团在美国纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码TME" }, { "month":"11", "text":"腾讯基金会投入10亿启动奖金创立“科学探索奖”支持基础科学和前沿技术领域的年青科学家" }, { "month":"9", "text":"企业战略升级,扎根消费互联网,拥抱产业互联网" }, { "month":"6", "text":"腾讯移动支付月活跃账户数超过8亿" }, { "month":"1", "text":"微信和WeChat全球月活跃帐户数超过10亿" } ], "2017":[ { "month":"11", "text":"承建医疗影像国家人工智能开放创新平台" }, { "month":"11", "text":"旗下阅文集团在香港联合交易所主板上市,股票代码0772.HK" }, { "month":"1", "text":"自主研发全球创新的微信小程序正式上线" } ], "2016":[ { "month":"12", "text":"腾讯移动支付月活跃帐户及日均交易笔数均超过6亿" }, { "month":"10", "text":"成立联营公司微民保险" }, { "month":"7", "text":"成立腾讯音乐娱乐集团" }, { "month":"6", "text":"战略投资Supercell" } ], "2015":[ { "month":"10", "text":"成为新美大集团的战略股东" }, { "month":"9", "text": "腾讯公司慈善基金会联合全球知名机构发起全球首个互联网公益日,99公益日为期三天,在腾讯公益平台上共筹得善款近1.3亿元人民币" }, { "month":"9", "text":"成立腾讯影业和企鹅影业" }, { "month":"3", "text":"成立阅文集团" }, { "month":"2", "text":"除夕当日微信红包收发总量达到10.1亿次" } ], "2014":[ { "month":"12", "text":"成立联营公司微众银行" }, { "month":"4", "text":"QQ最高同时在线帐户数超过2亿" }, { "month":"3", "text":"腾讯控股获穆迪上调评级至A3" }, { "month":"3", "text":"战略投资京东集团" }, { "month":"1", "text":"推出微信红包、理财通,且除夕当日微信红包收发总量近2000万" } ], "2013":[ { "month":"12", "text":"成为全球收入最高的游戏开发商和运营商" }, { "month":"11", "text":"发布“连接一切”与“互联网+”战略" }, { "month":"9", "text":"腾讯云正式对外推出云服务" }, { "month":"8", "text":"推出微信支付,微信和QQ手机版游戏中心" }, { "month":"6", "text":"腾讯控股获标准普尔上调评级至A-" } ], "2012":[ { "month":"3", "text":"微信用户数超过1亿 " } ], "2011":[ { "month":"11", "text":"腾讯控股获标准普尔BBB+评级和穆迪Baa1评级" }, { "month":"6", "text":"发布公司级开放平台战略" }, { "month":"3", "text":"推出腾讯视频" }, { "month":"2", "text":"战略投资Riot Games" }, { "month":"1", "text":"成立腾讯产业共赢基金" }, { "month":"1", "text":"推出微信" } ], "2010":[ { "month":"3", "text":"QQ最高同时在线帐户数超过1亿" } ], "2009":[ { "month":"6", "text":"腾讯游戏成为中国最大的网络游戏平台" },{ "month":"1", "text":"推出国际版QQ" } ], "2008":[ { "month":"6", "text":"腾讯控股成为香港恒生指数成份股之一" } ], "2007":[ { "month":"6", "text":"成立腾讯公益慈善基金会,推动公益慈善项目" } ], "2006":[ { "month":"6", "text":"腾讯网www.qq.com成为中国第一门户网站" } ], "2005":[ { "month":"12", "text":"推出首款自研开发的大型多人同时在线游戏QQ幻想" },{ "month":"7", "text":"推出在线音乐平台QQ音乐" },{ "month":"5", "text":"推出社交网络平台QQ空间" },{ "month":"3", "text":"收购中国领先的电邮客户端软件开发商Foxmail" } ], "2004":[ { "month":"12", "text":"测试首款自研开发的中型休闲游戏QQ堂" },{ "month":"8", "text":"QQ游戏成为中国最大的休闲游戏平台,最高同时在线账户数超越100万" },{ "month":"6", "text":"腾讯控股在香港联合交易所主板上市,股票代码0700.HK" } ], "2003":[ { "month":"11", "text":"推出综合门户网站腾讯网" },{ "month":"9", "text":"推出首款企业实时通信产品腾讯通(“RTX”)" }, { "month":"8", "text":"推出休闲游戏平台“QQ游戏”" }, { "month":"5", "text":"推出QQ邮箱" }, { "month":"1", "text":"推出在线装扮产品QQ秀" } ], "2001":[ { "month":"6", "text":"获得MIH投资" },{ "month":"6", "text":"推出互联网增值服务(IVAS)" }, { "month":"2", "text":"QQ最高同时在线用户账户数超越100万" } ], "2000":[ { "month":"11", "text":"推出提供聊天优惠功能的包月服务QQ会员" }, { "month":"8", "text":"推出移动增值服务(MVAS)" }, { "month":"6", "text":"推出手机QQ" } ], "1999":[ { "month":"4", "text":"推出移动电邮" }, { "month":"2", "text":"QQ诞生" } ], "1998":[ { "month":"11", "text":"腾讯在深圳成立" } ] }, "zh-hk": { "2023":[ { "month":"12", "text":"騰訊發布低碳社群平台「碳LIVE」國際版" }, { "month":"11", "text":"成爲聯合國婦女署《賦權予婦女原則》(WEPs) 全球簽署企業成員" }, { "month":"11", "text":"騰訊推動建立全球低碳創新聯盟" }, { "month":"9", "text":"騰訊推出自研混元大模型" }, { "month":"8", "text":"簽約加入聯合國全球契約組織(UNGC)" }, { "month":"7", "text":"全面有序開放微信支付商戶網絡,提升境外用戶在境內的流動支付體驗" }, { "month":"6", "text":"於香港交易所上市的騰訊股份啟動港幣-人民幣雙櫃台模式" }, { "month":"5", "text":"騰訊溫室氣體減排目標通過國際組織SBTi認證" }, ], "2022":[ { "month":"12", "text": "騰訊推出「碳LIVE」創新平台,共創低碳未來" }, { "month":"8", "text":"騰訊與多家行業夥伴共同組建碳中和專業委員會,消除技術壁壘,助力解決氣候變化問題" }, { "month":"2", "text":"騰訊承諾不遲於2030年實現自身營運及供應鏈的全面碳中和,並實現100%綠色電力使用" }, { "month":"1", "text":"亞洲奧林匹克理事會與騰訊達成戰略合作,共促電競發展" }, { "month":"1", "text":"企業微信、騰訊會議、騰訊文檔三款產品融合打通,為企業提供一站式協作工具" }, ], "2021":[ { "month":"12", "text": "騰訊遊戲推出國際發行品牌 Level Infinite" }, { "month":"4", "text":"騰訊發布新藍圖,「可持續社會價值創新」成為核心戰略,首期投入500億元人民幣助力發展" }, { "month":"1", "text":"微信搜一搜月活躍用戶(MAU)突破5億" }, { "month":"1", "text":"騰訊宣布啟動碳中和計劃,成為中國首批啟動碳中和規劃的互聯網企業之一" }, ], "2020":[ { "month":"12", "text":"企業微信服務機構數目突破550萬,月活躍賬戶數逾1.3億" }, { "month":"9", "text":"騰訊會議用戶數突破1億,服務覆蓋達全球100多個國家與地區" }, { "month":"5", "text":"騰訊根據全球中期票據計劃發行本金總額60億美元的票據,包括首次發行的40年期票據" }, { "month":"3", "text":"微信小程序日活躍賬戶數超過4億" }, { "month":"2-3", "text":"為抗擊2019冠狀病毒病疫情,設立15億人民幣「抗擊新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情綜合保障基金」及1億美元「騰訊全球戰疫基金」" }, { "month":"1", "text":"微信視頻號上線" }, ], "2019":[ { "month":"12", "text":"騰訊雲全年收入超過170億人民幣,付費客戶數破百萬" }, { "month":"11", "text":"发布「科技向善」新愿景" }, { "month":"9", "text":"騰訊視頻付費會員數突破1億" }, { "month":"5", "text":"合資公司獲香港金融管理局頒發虛擬銀行牌照" }, { "month":"4", "text":"騰訊根據全球中期票據計劃發行本金總額60億美元的票據" } ], "2018":[ { "month":"12", "text":"騰訊移動支付年日均交易筆數超過10億筆" }, { "month":"12", "text":"旗下騰訊音樂娛樂集團在美國紐約證券交易所上市,股票代碼TME" }, { "month":"11", "text":"騰訊基金會投入10億啟動獎金創立「科學探索獎」支持基礎科學和前沿技術領域的年青科學家" }, { "month":"9", "text":"企業戰略升級,紥根消費互聯網,擁抱産業互聯網" }, { "month":"6", "text":"騰訊移動支付月活躍賬戶數超過8億" }, { "month":"1", "text":"微信和WeChat全球月活躍賬戶數超過10億" } ], "2017":[ { "month":"11", "text":"承建醫療影像國家人工智能開放創新平台" }, { "month":"11", "text":"旗下閱文集團在香港聯合交易所主板上市,股票代碼0772.HK" }, { "month":"1", "text":"自主研發全球創新的微信小程序正式上線" } ], "2016":[ { "month":"12", "text":"騰訊移動支付月活躍賬戶及日均交易筆數均超過6億" }, { "month":"10", "text":"成立聯營公司微民保險" }, { "month":"7", "text":"成立騰訊音樂娛樂集團" }, { "month":"6", "text":"戰略投資Supercell" } ], "2015":[ { "month":"10", "text":"成為新美大集團的戰略股東" }, { "month":"9", "text": "騰訊公司慈善基金會聯合全球知名機構發起全球首個互聯網公益日,99公益日為期三天,在騰訊公益平台上共籌得善款近1.3億元人民幣" }, { "month":"9", "text":"成立騰訊影業和企鵝影業" }, { "month":"3", "text":"成立閱文集團" }, { "month":"2", "text":"除夕當日微信紅包收發總量達到10.1億次" } ], "2014":[ { "month":"12", "text":"成立聯營公司微眾銀行" }, { "month":"4", "text":"QQ最高同時在線賬戶數超過2億" }, { "month":"3", "text":"騰訊控股獲穆迪上調評級至A3" }, { "month":"3", "text":"戰略投資京東集團" }, { "month":"1", "text":"推出微信紅包、理財通,且除夕當日微信紅包收發總量近2000萬" } ], "2013":[ { "month":"12", "text":"成為全球收入最高的遊戲開發商和運營商" }, { "month":"11", "text":"發布「連接一切」與「互聯網+」戰略" }, { "month":"9", "text":"騰訊雲正式對外推出雲服務" }, { "month":"8", "text":"推出微信支付,微信和QQ手機版遊戲中心" }, { "month":"6", "text":"騰訊控股獲標準普爾上調評級至A-" } ], "2012":[ { "month":"3", "text":"微信用戶數超過1億" } ], "2011":[ { "month":"11", "text":"騰訊控股獲標準普爾BBB+評級和穆迪Baa1評級" }, { "month":"6", "text":"發布公司級開放平台戰略" }, { "month":"3", "text":"推出騰訊視頻" }, { "month":"2", "text":"戰略投資Riot Games" }, { "month":"1", "text":"成立騰訊産業共贏基金" }, { "month":"1", "text":"推出微信" } ], "2010":[ { "month":"3", "text":"QQ最高同時在線賬戶數超過1億" } ], "2009":[ { "month":"6", "text":"騰訊遊戲成為中國最大的網絡遊戲平台" },{ "month":"1", "text":"推出國際版QQ" } ], "2008":[ { "month":"6", "text":"騰訊控股成為香港恒生指數成份股之一" } ], "2007":[ { "month":"6", "text":"成立騰訊公益慈善基金會,推動公益慈善項目" } ], "2006":[ { "month":"6", "text":"騰訊網www.qq.com成為中國第一門戶網站" } ], "2005":[ { "month":"12", "text":"推出首款自研開發的大型多人同時線上遊戲QQ幻想" },{ "month":"12", "text":"推出線上音樂平臺QQ音樂" }, { "month":"5", "text":"推出社交網絡平台QQ空間" },{ "month":"3", "text":"收購中國領先的電郵用戶端軟體發展商Foxmail" } ], "2004":[ { "month":"12", "text":"測試首款自研開發的中型休閒遊戲QQ堂" },{ "month":"8", "text":"QQ遊戲成為中國最大的休閒遊戲平臺,最高同時線上帳戶數超越100萬" }, { "month":"6", "text":"騰訊控股在香港聯合交易所主板上市,股票代碼0700.HK" } ], "2003":[ { "month":"11", "text":"推出綜合門戶網站騰訊網" }, { "month":"9", "text":"推出首款企業即時通信產品騰訊通「RTX」" }, { "month":"8", "text":"推出休閒遊戲平台「QQ遊戲」" },{ "month":"5", "text":"推出QQ邮箱" },{ "month":"1", "text":"推出線上裝扮產品QQ秀" } ], "2001":[ { "month":"6", "text":"獲得MIH投資" }, { "month":"6", "text":"推出互聯網增值服務(IVAS)" },{ "month":"2", "text":"QQ最高同時線上用戶帳戶數超越100萬" } ], "2000":[ { "month":"11", "text":"推出提供聊天優惠功能的包月服務QQ會員" },{ "month":"8", "text":"推出移動增值服務(MVAS)" },{ "month":"6", "text":"推出手機QQ" } ], "1999":[ { "month":"4", "text":"推出移動電郵" }, { "month":"2", "text":"QQ誕生" } ], "1998":[ { "month":"11", "text":"騰訊在深圳成立" } ] }, "en-us": { "2023":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Tencent launches climate community platform TanLIVE globally" }, { "month":"Nov", "text":"Becomes a signatory of Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) of UN Women" }, { "month":"Nov", "text":"Tencent partners with the Innovate for Climate Tech coalition facilitated by COP28" }, { "month":"Sep", "text":"Tencent unveils Hunyuan, our proprietary foundation model" }, { "month":"Aug", "text":"Becomes a UN Global Compact (UNGC) participant" }, { "month":"Jul", "text":"Weixin Pay enhances services for overseas visitors to China by including some foreign credit and debit cards" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":"Tencent shares available under dual-counter model in both HKD and RMB" }, { "month":"May", "text":"Tencent receives SBTi validation for its GHG emissions reduction targets" }, ], "2022":[ { "month":"Dec", "text": "Tencent launches TanLIVE to drive low-carbon future" }, { "month":"Aug", "text":"Tencent and key industry players jointly formed Global Carbon Neutral Technology Alliance to help break down technological barriers to addressing the climate crisis" }, { "month":"Feb", "text":"Tencent pledges to achieve carbon neutrality in its own operations and across its supply chain, and use green power for 100% of all electricity consumed by 2030" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"The Olympic Council of Asia and Tencent reach strategic cooperation for e-sports development" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"WeCom integrates Tencent Meeting and Tencent Docs apps, offering one-stop collaborative tool for enterprises" }, ], "2021":[ { "month":"Dec", "text": "Tencent Games launched international publishing brand Level Infinite" }, { "month":"Apr", "text":"Tencent unveils Blueprint of Sustainable Innovations for Social Value as a core development strategy with an initial investment of RMB50 billion" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Weixin Search MAU crossed 500 million" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Tencent launches its Carbon Neutrality initiative, becoming one of the first internet companies in China to publish a carbon neutrality plan" }, ], "2020":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"WeCom hits a new milestone, serving more than 5.5 million companies and 130 million monthly active users" }, { "month":"Sep", "text":"Tencent Meeting/VooV surpasses 100 million users with the service available in more than 100 countries and regions" }, { "month":"May", "text":"Tencent announces an issue of US$6 billion notes under the Global Medium Term Note Programme, including our first 40-year tranche" }, { "month":"Mar", "text":"The number of daily active users of Weixin Mini Programs exceeds 400 million" }, { "month":"Feb-Mar", "text":"Tencent establishes the RMB1.5 billion Comprehensive Security Fund and US$100 million Global Anti-Pandemic Fund to support the fight against COVID-19" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Weixin launches Channels" }, ], "2019":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Tencent Cloud’s annual revenue surpasses RMB17 billion with more than one million paid users" }, { "month":"Nov", "text":"Announced Corporate Mission “Tech For Good”" }, { "month":"Sep", "text":"Total subscriptions of Tencent Video exceed 100 million" }, { "month":"May", "text":"Joint venture received virtual banking license from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority" }, { "month":"Apr", "text":"Tencent announces the issue of US$6 billion notes under the Global Medium Term Note Programme" } ], "2018":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Total daily transaction volume of Tencent's mobile payment services exceeded 1 billion" }, { "month":"Dec", "text":"Tencent Music Entertainment Group (NYSE: TME) was listed on the New York Stock Exchange" }, { "month":"Nov", "text":"Tencent Foundation donated RMB$1 billion to initiate the Xplorer Prize award targeting young scientists in areas of basic science and cutting-edge technologies" }, { "month":"Sep", "text":"Tencent announced a strategic upgrade and restructuring to embrace the Industrial Internet, while maintaining its roots in the Consumer Internet" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":"Monthly active users accounts of Tencent's mobile payment services exceeded 800 million" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Combined Monthly active user accounts of Weixin and WeChat exceeded 1 billion" } ], "2017":[ { "month":"Nov", "text":"Tencent constructed an open and innovative artificial intelligence (AI) platform for medical imaging technology in China" }, { "month":"Nov", "text":"China Literature was listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code:0772.HK)" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Mini Programs were launched" } ], "2016":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Monthly active user accounts and volume of daily transactions of Tencent's mobile payment services both exceeded 600 million" }, { "month":"Oct", "text":"Insurance platform WeSure was co-founded by Tencent" }, { "month":"Jul", "text":"Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) was established" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":"Invested in strategic partnership in Supercell" } ], "2015":[ { "month":"Oct", "text":"Tencent became a strategic shareholder of Meituan Dianping (formerly known as Internet Plus Holdings Ltd)" }, { "month":"Sep", "text": "99 Giving Day, the first online philanthropic event co-organized by Tencent and global leading corporations and charities in China, raised nearly RMB130 million in three days" }, { "month":"Sep", "text":"Tencent Pictures and Penguin Pictures were established" }, { "month":"Mar", "text":"China Literature was established" }, { "month":"Feb", "text":"Over 1 billion Weixin Red Packets were exchanged on Chinese New Year’s Eve" } ], "2014":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"WeBank was co-founded by Tencent" }, { "month":"Apr", "text":"QQ’s PCU exceeded 200 million" }, { "month":"Mar", "text":"Moody's upgraded Tencent Holdings' credit rating to A3" }, { "month":"Mar", "text":"Invested in strategic partnership in Jingdong group" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Launched Weixin Red Packet and LiCaiTong (wealth management platform); nearly 20 million Weixin Red Packets were exchanged on Chinese New Year's Eve" } ], "2013":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Became the world's largest online game developer and publisher by revenue" }, { "month":"Nov", "text":"Unveiled the 'Connection' and 'Internet +' strategies" }, { "month":"Sep", "text":"Officially launched Tencent Cloud services" }, { "month":"Aug", "text":"Launched Weixin Pay, and mobile game centers at Weixin and QQ" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":"S&P upgraded Tencent Holdings' credit rating to A-" } ], "2012":[ { "month":"Mar", "text":"Combined user accounts of Weixin and WeChat exceeded 100 million" } ], "2011":[ { "month":"Nov", "text":"Tencent Holdings received credit ratings of 'BBB+' and 'Baa1' from S&P and Moody's respectively" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":" Launched open platform strategy" }, { "month":"Mar", "text":"Launched Tencent Video" }, { "month":"Feb", "text":"Invested in strategic partnership in Riot Games" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Established Tencent Enterprise Fund" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Launched Weixin" } ], "2010":[ { "month":"Mar", "text":"QQ’s PCU reached over 100 million" } ], "2009":[ { "month":"Jun", "text":"Tencent Games became the largest online game platform in China" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Launched international version of QQ" } ], "2008":[ { "month":"Jun", "text":"Tencent became a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong" } ], "2007":[ { "month":"Jun", "text":"Established Tencent Charity Foundation to promote charity projects" } ], "2006":[ { "month":"Jun", "text":" became the largest portal in China" } ], "2005":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Launched first in-house developed MMOG, QQ Fantasy" },{ "month":"Jul", "text":"Launched QQ Music, an online music streaming platform" }, { "month":"May", "text":"Launched social networking service Qzone" }, { "month":"Mar", "text":"Acquired Foxmail, a leading email client software developer in China" } ], "2004":[ { "month":"Dec", "text":"Beta-tested first in-house developed advanced casual game, QQ Tang" }, { "month":"Aug", "text":"QQ Game became #1 casual game portal in China, with PCU exceeding 1 million" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":"Tencent was listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange(stock code:0700.HK)" } ], "2003":[ { "month":"Nov", "text":"Launched web portal" },{ "month":"Sep", "text":"Launched first enterprise IM product, Real Time Exchange (\"RTX\")" }, { "month":"Aug", "text":"Launched online game platform QQ Games" }, { "month":"May", "text":"Launched QQ Mail" }, { "month":"Jan", "text":"Launched online avatar product, QQ Show" } ], "2001":[ { "month":"Jun", "text":"Received investment from MIH" }, { "month":"Jun", "text":"Launched Internet Value Added Services (IVAS)" },{ "month":"Feb", "text":"Peak concurrent user accounts (\"PCU\") of QQ exceeded 1 million" } ], "2000":[ { "month":"Nov", "text":"Launched QQ Membership, a monthly subscription package for privileged functionalities in chat" },{ "month":"Aug", "text":"Launched Mobile Value Added Services (MVAS)" },{ "month":"Jun", "text":"Launched Mobile QQ" } ], "1999":[ { "month":"Apr", "text":"Launched mobile email" },{ "month":"Feb", "text":"Launched instant messaging service QQ" } ], "1998":[ { "month":"Nov", "text":"Tencent was founded in Shenzhen" } ] } } for(var k in histData[lang]){ var html = '<div class="history-main-box" year="'+k+'">'; html += 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[{"txt":"腾讯主要创办人之一,董事会主席兼首席执行官,全面负责公司战略规划、定位和管理。在1998年创立腾讯前,马化腾曾在深圳润迅通讯发展有限公司工作,主管互联网传呼系统的研究开发。"},{"txt":"马化腾毕业于深圳大学计算机及应用专业,获理学士学位。"}], "src": "img/team-pic/1.jpg" }, { "name": "刘炽平", "names": "刘炽平", "label": [{"text":"总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2005年加入腾讯,出任本公司首席战略投资官,负责公司战略、投资、并购和投资者关系方面的工作;于2006年升任总裁,负责管理公司日常运营。"},{"txt":"加入腾讯之前,刘炽平为高盛亚洲投资银行部的执行董事及电信、媒体与科技界的首席运营官,并曾在麦肯锡公司工作。他拥有密歇根大学电子工程学士学位,史丹福大学电子工程理硕士学位以及西北大学凯洛格管理学院研究生院工商管理硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/2.jpg" }, { "name": "许晨晔", "names": "许晨晔", "label": [{"text":"主要创办人"},{"text":"首席信息官"}], "desc": [{"txt":"全面负责公司网站及社区,及客户关系的策略规划与发展工作。加入腾讯之前,许晨晔任职于深圳数据通信局,积累了丰富的软件系统设计、网络管理、市场推广及销售等方面的管理经验。"},{"txt":"许晨晔毕业于深圳大学计算机及应用专业,并拥有南京大学计算机应用硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/3.jpg" }, { "name": "任宇昕", "names": "任宇昕", "label": [{"text":"首席运营官"},{"text":"互动娱乐事业群总裁"},{"text":"平台与内容事业群总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2012年5月起出任腾讯首席运营官,至今全面负责互动娱乐事业群以及平台与内容事业群的管理和发展。任宇昕于2000年加入腾讯,自2005年9月起,全面负责互动娱乐业务系统的游戏开发、运营、市场、渠道销售等工作, 于2018年始带领平台与内容事业群的发展。"},{"txt":"任宇昕毕业于电子科技大学计算机科学与工程专业,并拥有中欧国际工商学院EMBA学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/4.jpg" }, { "name": "张小龙", "names": "张小龙", "label": [{"text":"集团高级执行副总裁"},{"text":"微信事业群总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"全面负责微信事业群的管理工作。2005年加入腾讯,带领团队将 QQ邮箱建设成为中国最大的邮件服务商;于2011年推出微信,被誉为“微信之父”;2012年升任集团高级副总裁,负责微信、邮箱等产品及团队的管理工作。2014年5月,张小龙升任集团高级执行副总裁,全面负责微信事业群的管理工作。"},{"txt":"张小龙于1997年独立开发Foxmail,是中国第一代互联网软件开发者。在加入腾讯之前,曾担任博大公司的副总裁,从事企业邮箱领域工作,拥有多年的互联网产品经验。张小龙1994年毕业于华中科技大学电信系,获硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/5.jpg" }, { "name": "James Mitchell", "names": "James Mitchell", "label": [{"text":"首席战略官"},{"text":"集团高级执行副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"于2011年加入腾讯,全面负责公司战略规划、实施,投资并购和投资者关系管理工作。在加入本公司前,James Mitchell是高盛纽约分公司的董事总经理,主要负责通讯、传媒及娱乐等行业的研究工作,对全球互联网、娱乐和传媒等行业都有深入了解。"},{"txt":"James Mitchell毕业于英国牛津大学,拥有特许金融分析师资格。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/6.jpg" }, { "name": "汤道生", "names": "汤道生", "label": [{"text":"集团高级执行副总裁"},{"text":"云与智慧产业事业群总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"自2018年10月起带领云与智慧产业事业群,推进公司在云与产业互联网的战略规划与发展,同时联合分管广告营销服务。汤道生曾任腾讯社交网络事业群总裁,全面负责QQ通信、社交网络平台、增值服务、开放平台的发展策略。在加入腾讯之前,他在美国任职于Sendmail和甲骨文公司,从事企业软件研发与管理工作。"},{"txt":"汤道生曾在美国密歇根大学获得计算机工程学士学位,并于斯坦福大学获得电子工程硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/7.jpg" }, { "name": "卢山", "names": "卢山", "label": [{"text":"集团高级执行副总裁"},{"text":"技术工程事业群总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"于2000年加入腾讯,历任即时通信产品部总经理、平台研发系统副总裁和运营平台系统高级副总裁;2008年3月起,负责腾讯运营平台系统的管理工作;2012年5月起,负责技术工程事业群的管理工作。卢山拥有多年互联网技术经验,在加入腾讯之前,他在深圳黎明网络系统有限公司工作。"},{"txt":"卢山毕业于中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术系,获理学士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/8.jpg" }, { "name": "网大为", "names": "网大为", "label": [{"text":"首席探索官"},{"text":"集团高级执行副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2001年加入腾讯,参与公司国际及新业务拓展, 同时积极推动公司参与新兴技术、业务领域、研究及理念的协作。加入本公司之前,网大为在Naspers 中国公司工作。"},{"txt":"网大为拥有华盛顿大学学士学位和加州大学伯克利分校硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/10.jpg" }, { "name": "马晓轶", "names": "马晓轶", "label": [{"text":"集团高级副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"马晓轶于2007年加入腾讯,2013年起出任腾讯高级副总裁,全面负责腾讯在全球范围内的游戏发行业务,建立及维护与合作公司的长期伙伴关系。在加入腾讯之前,曾担任广州光通通信发展有限公司游戏事业部总经理,积累了多年网络通信和游戏行业经验。"},{"txt":"马晓轶毕业于上海交通大学计算机及应用专业,拥有复旦大学高层管理人员工商管理硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/11.jpg" }, { "name": "林璟骅", "names": "林璟骅", "label": [{"text":"集团高级副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"于2013年加入腾讯,2020年起出任腾讯高级副总裁,负责腾讯广告及智慧零售业务的开拓和发展。同时,负责战略发展工作,推动集团战略升级和业务协同。林璟骅拥有多年的战略咨询与管理经验,在加入腾讯前,曾任麦肯锡全球合伙人及台湾分公司总经理。"},{"txt":"林璟骅毕业于台湾大学社会学专业,并于哈佛大学获得工商管理硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/19.jpg" }, { "name": "罗硕瀚", "names": "罗硕瀚", "label": [{"text":"首席财务官"},{"text":"集团高级副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2004年加入腾讯,担任财务总监,并于2008年获擢升为副首席财务官。于2012年5月,罗硕瀚出任腾讯首席财务官。在加入腾讯之前,他曾在普华永道会计师事务所工作。"},{"txt":"罗硕瀚拥有西澳洲Curtin University商学会计学士学位及美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院和香港科技大学EMBA学位。他是澳洲会计师公会资深会员、香港会计师公会资深会员、英国特许管理会计师公会资深会员及特许公认会计师公会资深会员。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/12.jpg" }, { "name": "郭凯天", "names": "郭凯天", "label": [{"text":"集团高级副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"兼任腾讯公益慈善基金会理事长,腾讯研究院理事长。郭凯天于2002年加入腾讯,于2007年9月起全面负责集团公共策略、法律事务、信息安全、市场与公关、行政、工程建设、采购等管理工作,期间负责组建成立腾讯公益慈善基金会和牵头创办腾讯研究院。"},{"txt":"郭凯天毕业于中南财经政法大学,获法学学士学位,并拥有律师资格。"}], "src": "img/team-pic/13.jpg" }, { "name": "奚丹", "names": "奚丹", "label": [{"text":"集团高级副总裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2002年加入腾讯,自2008年5月起全面负责集团人才发展与管理领域的各项管理职能。加入腾讯之前,曾于中兴通讯股份公司从事人力资源管理工作,至今在IT及互联网领域积累逾18年专业人力资源管理从业经验。"},{"txt":"1996年,奚丹毕业于深圳大学计算机应用专业,并于2005年獲得清华大学MBA学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/14.jpg" }, { "name": "杨国安", "names": "杨国安", "label": [{"text":"高级管理顾问"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2008年加入腾讯,协助公司人力资源体系建设、高管领导力提升、组织创新变革、和战略伙伴的组织能力打造。加入腾讯之前,他先后任教于美国密歇根大学商学院和中欧国际工商学院,管理著作超过十本。1998-2002年,出任宏碁集团首席人力资源官,推动宏碁组织变革。杨国安拥有香港大学社会科学学士和硕士学位,以及美国密歇根商学院博士学位。杨国安兼任腾讯旗下青腾教务长, 参与培育逾300名CEO。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/15.jpg" }, { "name": "张志东", "names": "张志东", "label": [{"text":"主要创办人"},{"text":"终身荣誉顾问"},{"text":"腾讯学堂荣誉院长"}], "desc": [{"txt":"腾讯主要创办人之一,2014年9月起任腾讯终身荣誉顾问,兼腾讯学堂荣誉院长。张志东于1998年11月参与创立腾讯,出任腾讯首席技术官,负责公司专有技术的研发工作,并组建了业内领先的技术团队。张志东于1993年获得深圳大学计算机本科学位,并于1996年获得华南理工大学计算机应用及系统架构硕士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/16.jpg" }, { "name": "陈一丹", "names": "陈一丹", "label": [{"text":"主要创办人"},{"text":"终身荣誉顾问"},{"text":"腾讯公益慈善基金会发起人兼荣誉理事长"}], "desc": [{"txt":"腾讯主要创办人之一,腾讯公益慈善基金会发起人兼荣誉理事长。2013年3月起任腾讯终身荣誉顾问。陈一丹于1998年参与创立腾讯,出任腾讯首席行政官,全面负责集团行政、法律、人力资源和公益慈善基金事宜。此外,陈一丹亦负责腾讯的管理机制、知识产权、政府关系。加入腾讯之前,陈一丹曾在深圳出入境检验检疫局工作数年。陈一丹于1993年获得深圳大学应用化学理学士学位、1996年获得南京大学经济法硕士学位,并于2019年获得新加坡管理大学工商管理博士学位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/17.jpg" }, { "name": "曾李青", "names": "曾李青", "label": [{"text":"主要创办人"},{"text":"终身荣誉顾问"}], "desc": [{"txt":"腾讯主要创办人之一,2007年6月起任腾讯终身荣誉顾问。曾李青于1999年至2007年期间出任腾讯首席运营官,负责公司业务范围及产品种类管理,同时管理全国各市场推广工作。加入腾讯之前,曾李青在深圳市数据通信局工作,熟悉中国互联网及电信行业。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/18.jpg" } ],"zh-hk":[ { "name": "馬化騰", "names": "马化腾", "label": [{"text":"主要創辦人"},{"text":"董事會主席兼首席執行官"}], "desc": [{"txt":"馬化騰,騰訊主要創辦人之一,董事會主席兼首席執行官,全面負責公司戰略規劃、定位和管理。在1998年創立騰訊前,馬化騰曾在中國電信服務和産品供應商—深圳潤迅通訊發展有限公司工作,主管互聯網傳呼系統的研究開發。"},{"txt":"馬化騰畢業於深圳大學計算機及應用專業,獲理學士學位。"}], "src": "img/team-pic/1.jpg" }, { "name": "劉熾平", "names": "刘炽平", "label": [{"text":"總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2005年加入騰訊,出任本公司首席戰略投資官,負責公司戰略、投資、倂購和投資者關係方面的工作;於2006年升任總裁,負責管理公司日常營運。 "},{"txt":"加入騰訊之前,劉熾平為高盛亞洲投資銀行部的執行董事及電信、媒體與科技界的首席運營官,並曾在麥肯錫公司工作。他擁有密西根大學電子工程學士學位,史丹福大學電子工程理碩士學位以及西北大學凱洛格管理學院研究生院工商管理碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/2.jpg" }, { "name": "許晨曄", "names": "许晨晔", "label": [{"text":"主要創辦人"},{"text":"首席信息官"}], "desc": [{"txt":"全面負責公司網站及社區,及客戶關係的策略規劃與發展工作。加入騰訊之前,許晨曄任職於深圳數據通信局,積累了豐富的軟件系統設計、網絡管理、市場推廣及銷售等方面的管理經驗。"},{"txt":"許晨曄畢業於深圳大學計算機及應用專業,並擁有南京大學計算機應用碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/3.jpg" }, { "name": "任宇昕", "names": "任宇昕", "label": [{"text":"首席運營官"},{"text":"互動娛樂事業群總裁"},{"text":"平台與內容事業群總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2012年5月起出任騰訊首席運營官,至今全面負責互動娛樂事業群以及平台與內容事業群的管理和發展。任宇昕於2000年加入騰訊,自2005年9月起,全面負責互動娛樂業務系統的遊戲開發、運營、市場、渠道銷售等工作, 于2018年始帶領平台與內容事業群的發展。"},{"txt":"任宇昕畢業於電子科技大學計算機科學與工程專業,並擁有中歐國際工商學院EMBA學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/4.jpg" }, { "name": "張小龍", "names": "张小龙", "label": [{"text":"集團高級執行副總裁"},{"text":"微信事業群總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"全面負責微信事業群的管理工作。2005年加入騰訊,帶領團隊將 QQ郵箱建設成為中國最大的郵件服務商;於2011年推出微信,被譽為「微信之父」;2012年升任集團高級副總裁,負責微信、郵箱等産品及團隊的管理工作。2014年5月,張小龍升任集團高級執行副總裁,全面負責微信事業群的管理工作。"},{"txt":"張小龍於1997年獨立開發Foxmail,是中國第一代互聯網軟件開發者。在加入騰訊之前,曾擔任博大公司的副總裁,從事企業郵箱領域工作,擁有多年的互聯網産品經驗。張小龍1994年畢業於華中科技大學電信系,獲碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/5.jpg" }, { "name": "James Mitchell", "names": "James Mitchell", "label": [{"text":"首席戰略官"},{"text":"集團高級執行副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"於2011年加入騰訊,全面負責公司戰略規劃、實施,投資併購和投資者關係管理工作。在加入本公司前,James Mitchell是高盛紐約分公司的董事總經理,主要負責通訊、傳媒及娛樂等行業的研究工作,對全球互聯網、娛樂和傳媒等行業都有深入瞭解。"},{"txt":"James Mitchell畢業於英國牛津大學,擁有特許金融分析師資格。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/6.jpg" }, { "name": "湯道生", "names": "汤道生", "label": [{"text":"集團高級執行副總裁"},{"text":"雲與智慧產業事業群總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"自2018年10月起帶領雲與智慧產業事業群,推進公司在雲與產業互聯網的戰略規劃及發展,同時聯合分管理廣告營銷服務。湯道生曾任騰訊社交網絡事業群總裁,全面負責QQ通信、社交網絡平台、增值服務、開放平台的發展策略。在加入騰訊之前,他在美國任職於Sendmail和甲骨文公司,從事企業軟件研發與管理工作。"},{"txt":"湯道生在美國密歇西根大學取得計算機工程學士學位,並於斯坦福大學獲得電子工程碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/7.jpg" }, { "name": "盧山", "names": "卢山", "label": [{"text":"集團高級執行副總裁"},{"text":"技術工程事業群總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"於2000年加入騰訊,歷任即時通信産品部總經理、平台研發系統副總裁和運營平台系統高級副總裁;2008年3月起,負責騰訊營運平台系統的管理工作;2012年5月起,負責技術工程事業群的管理工作。盧山擁有多年互聯網技術經驗,在加入騰訊之前,他在深圳黎明網絡系統有限公司工作。"},{"txt":"盧山畢業於中國科學技術大學計算機科學與技術系,獲理學士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/8.jpg" }, { "name": "網大為", "names": "网大为", "label": [{"text":"首席探索官"},{"text":"集團高級執行副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2001年加入騰訊,參與公司國際及新業務拓展, 同時積極推動公司參與新興技術、業務領域、研究及理念的協作。加入本公司之前,網大為在Naspers 中國公司工作。"},{"txt":"網大為擁有華盛頓大學學士學位和加州大學伯克利分校碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/10.jpg" }, { "name": "馬曉軼", "names": "马晓轶", "label": [{"text":"集團高級副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"馬曉軼於2007年加入騰訊,2013年起出任騰訊高級副總裁,全面負責騰訊在全球範圍內的遊戲發行業務,建立及維護與合作公司的長期夥伴關係。在加入騰訊之前,曾擔任廣州光通通信發展有限公司遊戲事業部總經理,積累了多年網絡通信和遊戲行業經驗。"},{"txt":"馬曉軼畢業於上海交通大學計算機及應用專業,擁有復旦大學高層管理人員工商管理碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/11.jpg" }, { "name": "林璟驊", "names": "林璟骅", "label": [{"text":"集團高級副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"於2013年加入騰訊,2020年起出任騰訊高級副總裁,負責騰訊廣告及智慧零售業務的開拓和發展。同時,負責戰略發展工作,推動集團戰略升級和業務協同。林璟驊擁有多年的戰略諮詢與管理經驗,在加入騰訊前,曾任麥肯錫全球合夥人及台灣分公司總經理。"},{"txt":"林璟驊畢業於台灣大學社會學專業,並於哈佛大學獲得工商管理碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/19.jpg" }, { "name": "羅碩瀚", "names": "罗硕瀚", "label": [{"text":"首席財務官"},{"text":"集團高級副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2004年加入騰訊,擔任財務總監,並于2008年獲擢升為副首席財務官。于2012年5月,羅碩瀚出任騰訊首席財務官。在加入騰訊之前,他曾在普華永道會計師事務所工作。"},{"txt":"羅碩瀚擁有西澳洲Curtin University商學會計學士學位及美國西北大學凱洛格管理學院和香港科技大學EMBA學位。他是澳洲會計師公會資深會員、香港會計師公會資深會員、英國特許管理會計師公會資深會員及特許公認會計師公會資深會員。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/12.jpg" }, { "name": "郭凱天", "names": "郭凯天", "label": [{"text":"集團高級副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"兼任騰訊公益慈善基金會理事長,騰訊研究院理事長。郭凱天於2002年加入騰訊,於2007年9月起全面負責集團公共策略、法律事務、資訊安全、市場與公關、行政、工程建設、採購等管理工作,期間負責組建成立騰訊公益慈善基金會和牽頭創辦騰訊研究院。"},{"txt":"郭凱天畢業于中南財經政法大學,獲法學學士學位,並擁有律師資格。"}], "src": "img/team-pic/13.jpg" }, { "name": "奚丹", "names": "奚丹", "label": [{"text":"集團高級副總裁"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2002年加入騰訊,自2008年5月起全面負責集團人才發展與管理領域的各項管理職能。加入騰訊之前,曾于中興通訊股份公司從事人力資源管理工作,至今在IT及互聯網領域積累逾18年專業人力資源管理從業經驗。"},{"txt":"1996年,奚丹畢業於深圳大學計算機應用專業,並於2005年獲得清華大學MBA學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/14.jpg" }, { "name": "楊國安", "names": "杨国安", "label": [{"text":"高級管理顧問"}], "desc": [{"txt":"2008年加入騰訊,協助公司人力資源體系建設、高管領導力提升、組織創新變革、和戰略夥伴的組織能力打造。加入騰訊之前,他先後任教於美國密歇西根大學商學院和中歐國際工商學院,管理著作超過十本。1998-2002年,出任宏碁集團首席人力資源官,推動宏碁組織變革。楊國安擁有香港大學社會科學學士和碩士學位,以及美國密歇西根商學院博士學位。楊國安兼任騰訊旗下青騰教務長,參與培育逾300名CEO。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/15.jpg" }, { "name": "張志東", "names": "张志东", "label": [{"text":"主要創辦人"},{"text":"終身榮譽顧問"},{"text":"騰訊學堂榮譽院長"}], "desc": [{"txt":"騰訊主要創辦人之一,2014年9月起任騰訊終身榮譽顧問,兼騰訊學堂榮譽院長。張志東於1998年11月參與創立騰訊,出任騰訊首席技術官,負責公司專有技術的研發工作,並組建了業內領先的技術團隊。張志東於1993年獲得深圳大學計算機本科學位,並於1996年獲得華南理工大學計算機應用及系統架構碩士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/16.jpg" }, { "name": "陳一丹", "names": "陈一丹", "label": [{"text":"主要創辦人"},{"text":"終身榮譽顧問"},{"text":"騰訊公益慈善基金會發起人兼榮譽理事長"}], "desc": [{"txt":"騰訊主要創辦人之一,騰訊公益慈善基金會發起人兼榮譽理事長。2013年3月起任騰訊終身榮譽顧問。陳一丹於1998年參與創立騰訊,出任騰訊首席行政官,全面負責集團行政、法律、人力資源和公益慈善基金事宜。此外,陳一丹亦負責騰訊的管理機制、知識產權、政府關係。加入騰訊之前,陳一丹曾在深圳出入境檢驗檢疫局工作數年。陳一丹於1993年獲得深圳大學應用化學理學士學位、1996年獲得南京大學經濟法碩士學位,並於2019年獲得新加坡管理大學工商管理博士學位。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/17.jpg" }, { "name": "曾李青", "names": "曾李青", "label": [{"text":"主要創辦人"},{"text":"終身榮譽顧問"}], "desc": [{"txt":"騰訊主要創辦人之一,2007年6月起任騰訊終身榮譽顧問。曾李青於1999年至2007年期間出任騰訊首席運營官,負責公司業務範圍及產品種類管理,同時管理全國各市場推廣工作。加入騰訊之前,曾李青在深圳市數據通信局工作,熟悉中國互聯網及電信行業。"}] , "src": "img/team-pic/18.jpg" } ],"en-us":[ { "name": "MA Huateng (Pony Ma)", "names": "马化腾", "label": [{"text":"Co-Founder"},{"text":"Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Co-founded Tencent in 1998, Pony has been leading the strategic development, overall direction, and management of Tencent. Before that, Pony led research and development for the internet paging system at China Motion Telecom Development Limited, a telecommunications services and products provider in China."},{"txt":"Pony received his Bachelor of Science degree specializing in Computer and Applied Engineering from Shenzhen University."}], "src": "img/team-pic/1.jpg" }, { "name": "LAU Chi Ping (Martin Lau)", "names": "刘炽平", "label": [{"text":"President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Martin joined the Company in 2005 as Chief Strategy and Investment Officer and was responsible for corporate strategies, investments, mergers and acquisitions and investor relations. In 2006, Martin was promoted to President of the Company to manage day-to-day operations."},{"txt": "Prior to Tencent, Martin was an executive director at Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C.’s investment banking division and the Chief Operating Officer of its Telecom, Media and Technology Group."}, {"txt":"Previously, he has worked at Mckinsey & Company, Inc. as a management consultant. Martin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and an MBA degree from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/2.jpg" }, { "name": "XU Chenye (Daniel Xu)", "names": "许晨晔", "label": [{"text":"Co-Founder"},{"text":"Chief Information Officer"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Co-founded Tencent in 1998, Daniel has been serving as Chief Information Officer. He oversees strategic planning and development of Tencent’s website properties and communities and customer relations. Previously, Daniel worked at Shenzhen Data Telecommunications Bureau where he gained management experience in software system design, Internet management, sales and marketing."},{"txt":"Daniel received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Shenzhen University and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/3.jpg" }, { "name": "REN Yuxin (Mark Ren)", "names": "任宇昕", "label": [{"text":"Chief Operating Officer"},{"text":"President of Interactive Entertainment Group"},{"text":"President of Platform & Content Group"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Mark was promoted to Chief Operating Officer of Tencent in May 2012, and currently leads the development of both Interactive Entertainment Group and Platform & Content Group. Mark joined Tencent in 2000, and was promoted in 2005 to oversee research and development, operations, marketing and sales of gaming products for the Interactive Entertainment Business division. He has led the Platform and Content Group since 2018."},{"txt":"Mark received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and an EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/4.jpg" }, { "name": "ZHANG Xiaolong (Allen Zhang)", "names": "张小龙", "label": [{"text":"Senior Executive Vice President"},{"text":"President of Weixin Group"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Allen joined Tencent in March 2005, initially as General Manager of the Guangzhou R&D division. He led the QQ Mail team to grow into the largest email service provider in China. In 2011, Weixin was launched, and he was regarded as the Founding Father of Weixin. In September 2012, he was promoted to Senior Vice President in charge of product and team management of Weixin/WeChat and QQ Mail. In May 2014, Allen was promoted to Senior Executive Vice President, overseeing the development of Weixin Group."},{"txt":"Allen is among the first generation of internet software developers in China. Prior to joining Tencent, Allen independently developed Foxmail in 1997 and served as Corporate Vice President of Boda China, where he was responsible for corporate email development and accumulated substantial experience in internet products. Allen received his Master’s degree in Telecommunications from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1994."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/5.jpg" }, { "name": "James Mitchell", "names": "James Mitchell", "label": [{"text":"Chief Strategy Officer"},{"text":"Senior Executive Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"James joined Tencent in 2011. He is responsible for strategic planning and implementation, mergers and acquisitions, investment activities and investor relations. Prior to joining Tencent, James was a managing director at Goldman Sachs in New York, leading the bank’s communications, media and entertainment research team, which analyzed internet, entertainment and media companies globally."},{"txt":"James is a CFA<sup style='font-size: 12px;'>®</sup> charterholder and received a degree from Oxford University."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/6.jpg" }, { "name": "TONG Taosang (Dowson Tong)", "names": "汤道生", "label": [{"text":"Senior Executive Vice President"},{"text":"President of Cloud and Smart Industries Group"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Dowson leads Tencent's efforts to serve industries pursuing digital transformation since October 2018. He is responsible for cloud business and enterprise-facing services, as well as co-leads social advertising business. Previously, Dowson was the president of Social Network Group (SNG), and responsible for the development strategy of QQ communication, social networking platforms, value-added services, and open platforms. Before joining Tencent, he worked at Sendmail Inc., where he led the development of operator-scale email and messaging systems. He also worked at Oracle, where he managed the development and testing of its servers and applications."},{"txt":"Dowson earned a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/7.jpg" }, { "name": "LU Shan", "names": "卢山", "label": [{"text":"Senior Executive Vice President"},{"text":"President of Technology and Engineering Group"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Shan joined Tencent in 2000 and currently serves as Senior Executive Vice President of Tencent and President of the Technology and Engineering Group. Previously, Shan served as General Manager of the IM Product Division, Vice President of the Platform Research and Development System and Senior Vice President of the Operations Platform System. Since March 2008, he has been responsible for managing the group’s operating system. Since May 2012, he has been leading the Technology and Engineering Group. He has many years’ experience in Internet technology. Prior to joining Tencent, he worked for Shenzhen Liming Network Systems Limited."},{"txt":"Shan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Technology from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/8.jpg" }, { "name": "David Wallerstein", "names": "网大为", "label": [{"text":"Chief eXploration Officer"},{"text":"Senior Executive Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"David drives Tencent’s participation in new technologies, business areas, research collaborations and ideas. He has worked on building Tencent's international footprint and entrance into new business areas since 2001. Prior to Tencent, David worked for Naspers in China."},{"txt":"David received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington and a Master’s degree from UC Berkeley."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/10.jpg" }, { "name": "MA Xiaoyi (Steven Ma)", "names": "马晓轶", "label": [{"text":"Senior Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Steven joined Tencent in 2007 and was promoted to Senior Vice President in 2013, currently responsible for the international distribution of Tencent Games, establishing and maintaining long-term business partnerships and cooperation for Tencent. Prior to joining Tencent, Steven served as the General Manager of the games division of OPTIC Communications Co.,Ltd., gaining multiple years of experience in network communication and gaming industries."},{"txt":"Steven graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, majoring in computer and application, and received an EMBA degree from Fudan University."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/11.jpg" }, { "name": "Davis Lin", "names": "林璟骅", "label": [{"text":"Senior Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Davis joined Tencent in 2013 and was promoted to Senior Vice President in 2020, currently responsible for the exploration and development of Tencent’s Advertising and Smart Retail businesses. He also oversees strategic development of Tencent and drives the Group’s strategic upgrade and business collaboration. Davis has many years of experience in strategy consulting and management. Prior to joining Tencent, he was a partner at McKinsey & Company and the managing partner of its Taiwan office. "},{"txt":"Davis graduated from National Taiwan University with a Bachelor of Sociology degree and received a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard University."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/19.jpg" }, { "name": "John Lo", "names": "罗硕瀚", "label": [{"text":"Chief Financial Officer"},{"text":"Senior Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"John joined Tencent in 2004 as Financial Controller. In 2008, he was promoted to Deputy Chief Financial Officer. He was appointed as Chief Financial Officer in May 2012. Prior to joining Tencent, John worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers."},{"txt":"He received a Bachelor of Business degree in Accounting from Curtin University and an EMBA degree from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is a Fellow of the CPA Australia, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/12.jpg" }, { "name": "GUO Kaitian (Leon Guo)", "names": "郭凯天", "label": [{"text":"Senior Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Leon also serves as Chairman of Tencent Foundation and Chairman of Tencent Research Institute. He joined Tencent in 2002 and has been overseeing public policies, legal affairs, information security, marketing and public relations, administration, infrastructure projects and procurement since September 2007. He was responsible for the establishment of Tencent Charity Foundation and led the formation of Tencent Research Institute. "},{"txt":"Leon received a Bachelor of Law degree from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and subsequently acquired the legal qualification."}], "src": "img/team-pic/13.jpg" }, { "name": "XI Dan", "names": "奚丹", "label": [{"text":"Senior Vice President"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Dan joined Tencent in 2002 and has been overseeing talent development and functional management since May 2008. Prior to joining Tencent, Dan was responsible for HR management at ZTE Corporation. He has accumulated more than 18 years of experience in IT and internet industries."},{"txt":"Dan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Computer Science from Shenzhen University in 1996 and an MBA degree from Tsinghua University in 2005."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/14.jpg" }, { "name": "YEUNG Kwok On (Arthur Yeung)", "names": "杨国安", "label": [{"text":"Senior Management Adviser"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Arthur is a hybrid professor, intertwining his career between academic and corporate worlds. As a professor, he had taught at the University of Michigan and China Europe International Business School. As a corporate executive, he served as Chief HR Officer of Acer Group from 1998 to 2002. Since 2008, he takes on the role as Senior Management Advisor of Tencent Holdings and sits on the Executive Leadership Committee. In this capacity, he supports and facilitates organizational innovation and leadership development within Tencent and its key strategic partners such as, DiDi, Meituan Dianping, and He also serves as Dean of Tencent X, a learning platform that has approximately 300 CEO alumni."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/15.jpg" }, { "name": "ZHANG Zhidong (Tony Zhang)", "names": "张志东", "label": [{"text":"Co-Founder"},{"text":"Advisor Emeritus"},{"text":"Honorary Dean of Tencent Academy"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Co-founded Tencent in 1998, Tony served as Chief Technology Officer until 2014. He currently serves as Advisor Emeritus and Honorary Dean of the Tencent Academy. Previously, he oversaw the development of Tencent's proprietary technologies, and built and led an industry-leading technical team. Tony received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Shenzhen University in 1993 and a Master of Science degree in Computer Application and System Structure from South China University of Technology in 1996."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/16.jpg" }, { "name": "CHEN Yidan (Charles Chen)", "names": "陈一丹", "label": [{"text":"Co-Founder"},{"text":"Advisor Emeritus"},{"text":"Founder and Honorary Chairman of Tencent Charity Foundation"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Co-founded Tencent in 1998, Charles has served as Chief Administration Officer until 2013. He currently serves as Founder and Honorary Chairman of Tencent Charity Foundation, and Advisor Emeritus. Previously, he oversaw administration, legal affairs, human resources and the charity fund. He was also responsible for Tencent’s management system, intellectual property rights and government relations. Prior to Tencent, he worked in the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. Charles received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Chemistry from Shenzhen University in 1993, a Master of Law Degree in Economic Law from Nanjing University in 1996 and a Doctor of Business Administration Degree from the Singapore Management University in 2019."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/17.jpg" }, { "name": "ZENG Liqing (Jason Zeng)", "names": "曾李青", "label": [{"text":"Co-Founder"},{"text":"Advisor Emeritus"}], "desc": [{"txt":"Co-founded Tencent in 1998, Jason has served as Chief Operating Officer from 1999 to 2007. He was responsible for Tencent's business lines and product portfolios, as well as sales and marketing activities across China. Prior to Tencent, Jason worked at Shenzhen Data Telecommunications Bureau and was familiar with China’s Internet and telecommunications industries. Jason currently serves as Advisor Emeritus of Tencent."}] , "src": "img/team-pic/18.jpg" } ]} var data = teamData[lang]; for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ if(data[i].names == boxName){ $('.team-pop .pop-box .team-pic img').attr('src','/'+data[i].src); $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .name').text(data[i].name); for(var o = 0;o<data[i].label.length;o++){ label_p += '<p class="label">'+data[i].label[o].text+'</p>'; } for(var t = 0;t<data[i].desc.length;t++){ desc_p += '<p>'+data[i].desc[t].txt+'</p>'; } $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .ms').html(label_p); $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').html(desc_p); if(window_h <=768){ setTimeout(function(){ var l = $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .ms .label').length; if(l == 1){ $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').css('height','200px') }else if(l == 2){ $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').css('height','180px') }else if(l == 3){ $('.team-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').css('height','150px') } },50) } } } }) // 原来写的办公地点切换 function workAddressToggle1() { var window_w = $(window).width(); var bj = false; // 标记:是否为移动端,默认为false if(window_w <=768){ // 移动端 bj = true; $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul li').removeClass('active-li'); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul li').on('click',function(){ if(bj == true){ $(this).find('.box').slideToggle(); } }) $('.business-architecture-ul .li').on('click',function(){ $(this).find('.content').slideToggle(); }) }else{ bj = false; $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul li').on('click',function(){ $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul li').removeClass('active-li'); $(this).addClass('active-li'); }) } $(window).resize(function(){ window_w = $(window).width(); if(window_w <=768){ bj = false; $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul li').removeClass('active-li'); $('.business-architecture-ul .li').on('click',function(){ $(this).find('.content').slideToggle(); }) $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').hide(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').hide(); }else{ bj = true; $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul li').removeClass('active-li'); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').css('right', 'auto'); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').css('left', 0); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').show(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').hide(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul .li-1').addClass('active-li') } }) } // 控制PC端 办公地点tab条切换 $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').on('click',function(){ var box_w= $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box').width(); var tabul_w= $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').width(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').css('left', 'auto'); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').css('right', 0); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').hide(); if($(window).width() >768){ $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').show(); }else{ $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').hide(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').hide(); } }) // 控制PC端 办公地点tab条切换 $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').on('click',function(){ var box_w= $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box').width(); var tabul_w= $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').width(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').css('right', 'auto'); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul').css('left', 0); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').hide(); if($(window).width() >768){ $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').show(); }else{ $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-right').hide(); $('.address-box .address-tab .tab-ul-box .mc-left').hide(); } }) // 办公地点选择 workPlaceToggle() function workPlaceToggle() { var deviceWidth = $(window).width() // 设备屏幕宽度 var isMobel = deviceWidth <= 768? 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